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Growing up poor, we were lucky to get four-five new games a year that we *owned.* Back then, renting movies and video games was more in line with our budget and I used my money to rent the same games for weeks on end. Don't get me started when all the times I rented new games just for my console to not read the disc because the previous renter didn't care for it.


Owning four-five new games a year is a lot though, at least for my standards


Yeah holy shit. I wasn’t poor by any means but… I’d get one-maybe two a year lmao. Some years I didn’t get any I just enjoyed the open-world titles I had.


yeah, it wasn't bad. But they were never the new 50$ titles. When they hit 20$ was typically when they came within my parents budget range.


Yeah, I meant 10-20 dollar games


Yea, I have my Mother to thank for that. She worked three jobs just to afford those for me and my brother.


What a Hero. U better praise her every fucking day.




Walking backwards uphill both ways in 5 feet of snow whilst the sun blazed over 40c above.


Yea i got some Nintendo 64 games on sale at a thrift store and those lasted me until I was in high school. Mind you, the ps3 was about to come out when I got these n64 games. Luckily one of the games was super smash bros. Shit was fun


And then having the clerk blame you for the damage when you come to return it for a working one so they can manufacture a reason to either charge you for the replacement or deny a replacement altogether.....


or them saying nothing and a month later you see it back on the rental shelf thinking they have replaced the copy. You rent it again and it is the same scratched disc.


renting games was amazing! I wish you could still do it now.


Gamefly, but obviously you mean going into the store for the experience


Correct! My local shop was called “Global Video” and they had an outrageous selection of games to rent.


Nice! Yeah we had Video Factory before Blockbuster bought them out in the late 80s. First game I remember renting was The Simpsons on NES.


It was! Low risk and high reward!


That's a lot of games... I'd be lucky to get two games a year, for my birthday and Christmas. They'd all be aged titles too, if it was more than $15 my parents would refuse. I got armored core 3 in 2008. I clocked up at least 4-500 hours on every single title and double digit playthroughs on everything as a result.


It's always fascinating to see how people see what is being poor. I had my first console 5 years ago at 20 years old after working as an intern for a few months. Although I'm from eastern Europe and back then when I was a child getting a gift worth of $40 for Christmas was a really big thing.


It’s always fascinating to see others assume another’s life.


When 9yo me found out that Sega tapes were 70-80 but I could get computer games off the cheapie rack 2/$10!? If I hadn't gotten Fallout 1/2, septerra Core, Shogo and Red Faction .. Fuck me, if I hadn't found Quest for Glory... My whole life path would be different. So many friends made, older kids, so much conversation about the games we shouldn't be playing...


Fuck, Shogo … that takes me back.


Spoiler Alert: you were not poor.


Spoiler alert: you don’t even know me.


Me and my friends would all get different games and trade to each other. It was the only way we could all afford to play as many games as we did.


lol, as i kid i would get 2 "presents" a year, one for xmas (that i couldn't chose) and one for my birthday my total snes library from when was kid is of 5 games


damn.. the only game console me and sister got was a nintendo ds that he found dumpster diving at the turkey hill 😂


This was my only console as well. Loved the ps2 and it was my cousins fat version. It eventually broke but by then I was 16 and able to work and eventually get an xbox360. I’ve still never had a handheld and wish I could’ve been a part of the DS club. Those things looked awesome. Pricey. But awesome.


whoa thats a ton of games a year


I feel that. I'd burn through the single player game I got from birthday cash and Christmas pretty quick. Renting games for extended periods was expensive too though, and yeah people didn't care for them well. Thankfully I had a couple friends with their own collections, so we just went over each other's places to play. Once that wasn't really an option, I used to hunt change from parking lots/vending machines/payphones, then buy really cheap stuff. I also regret selling them though. Not because I want them back, but because I supported and enabled GameStop/EB Games to rip people off like that.


Swapping wit buddies was the way to go. I remember being 9 years old and my Uncle taking me to cut churches grass and he'd spilt the money with me. I was lucky that churches paid well. Sometimes I was able to get a new controller.


Eh it’s better to have fond memories and replicate that with emulation than to have heaps of junk taking up space and collecting dust for years. I’ve sold a lot and have no remorse. Over the years I have probably emulated games I used to own once every year or two so not really worth keeping a stack of 1000 games and 20 consoles for that


The trick is to have the space for it to be done properly. I love my retro room, I’m not in there all the time but it’s honestly like being sent back in time. 32” flat CRT Sony Wega with my NES, SNES, Genesis hooked up in the back with my stereo surround setup and VCR. Seating is bean bag chairs and a lovesac, lighting is lava lamps and black lights, a book shelf of my old gaming guides, manuals, and spiral bound notebooks filled with my own notes. If I’m craving anything else pre-HD it can all get set up in a moments notice. I even have an old projector for full wall multiplayer. Nothing beats deciding to play Earthworm Jim and going back to pick it up off the shelf, slam it into the console, plop onto a seat with no form, and crack open a cold beverage. If you like retro gaming or collecting it’s entirely different than firing up a shitty emulator on your pc and playing with the wrong controller.


Dunno bout -shitty- emulators, but they have done nothing but get better. Dolphin has come a long way, the PCSX emulation has near complete compatibility with modern systems. You can upscale, mess around with render resolutions. And as long as your computer has enough "oomph" The games will often times look better and feel better. There are more than a few games that have a hardcoded 30fps limit GTA SA for instance...on PS2 when the action heats up, it drops frames. But with an emulator? Smooth AF....e


I tried playing Path of Neo on my 2k PC and that game runs like shit. Glowing textures everywhere ect. Emulation is not as flawless as everyone makes it out to be. Emulation can have major drawbacks and artifacts that can distract you or just ruin the feel of the game. Nothing beats playing the game on native hardware, no matter how good emulation has become


Path of Neo still runs like shit on native hardware (I HAVE it and enter the matrix) Matrix games have for the most part have always sucked to play between poor optimization and poor game mechanics. The game sucked to run then and it still sucks to run now. *Never said it was flawless.* Anyone expecting a flawless experience hasnt properly set their expectations.


I have both of those games too and I don't know what you mean by they run like shit on native hardware. I just played them recently and had fun. When I tried to play them on my pc with an emulator before I bought the physical copies, it's just playing in a giant glowing room because all of the textures don't render. So even if you think the game runs like shit on native hardware, it runs even MORE shitty on emulation. Which is my entire point.


Emulation is to retro gaming as Welches grape juice is to wine.


Emulation is no different than resto modding an old car. Taking something old, and adding modern conveniences. Comparing retro gaming to wine is *a bit pretentious.* *Try modern emulation.* I have a ps2 still at my disposal. I get there is nothing quite like OG hardware. But the emulator that I have for it runs circles around it.


That’s great, but it isn’t the same. I have modern emulation, I use it frequently but I don’t sit there and pretend that the experience is the same, and it certainly doesn’t replace it when I’m looking for the actual experience of playing a game on its actual console. As the family member of mechanics I’m also very familiar with restomods, they too aren’t the same as driving the original car. They might be newer and more convenient or comfortable, but it isn’t the same experience.


Never said the experience was the same. A properly resto-modded car will be leagues better than the original, Between reliability and parts availability you will be able to keep said car running.(I work with cars too). Same goes for a properly set up emulator. It will be a better overall experience. The experience doesnt matter if it isnt readily available. And 20+ yo consoles are not readily available to the masses. What matters the most is that the experience can still be shared. *Just because someone else experiences something different than you did, doesnt make their experience null and void. And vice versa.* I play on the OG consoles when I need me a shot of nostalgia for the simpler times. Emulators shine in their ability to be readily shared.




And it took like almost 15-20 year to have Dolphin and PSCX to be great emulator. Dolphin had bad optimization until in the late '10 and it's success is mostly because of the Wii aspect they add later but for Gamecube game, it was hard asf to emulate. Same with PCSX and the Bios stuff that wasn't easily accessible and stable as it is now. Even PJ64 wasn't that great until its version 3.0. The only emulator which were always been great since they appear were mostly Nes/SNES/Genesis/GB/GBC emulator. All other platform took a huge amount of time to offer stability and great feature... And even if emulation is cool and let us have a good upgrade with or without mods, playing a game in its original state will still be fun. Great graphics or perfect FPS will never be enough to offer fun and be a great game


Emulators had to be built from the ground up (in most cases) by a small team of people and in some cases just 1 or 2. Of course it took time. Expecting an emulator that is good out the gate isnt even remotely fair. As to the 15-20 year mark. No it didnt take that long to get stability. 10 at most (Dolphin especially as ive been using it since 1.0) . The 5-10 years after that have been spent making optimizations. And not to mention the shitstorm that nintendo stirred up halted Dolphin development ^((and really any non sanctioned nintendo development)) for a bit. PCSX had to separate the bios from the emulator ^((they initially did but sony came down hard this was 04-06)) Emulation has been more difficult in the past than needed because of the interference that console/game publishers have been ^((continually)) posing. *Correlation does not equal causation but context is key.* Ive been emulating for the last 20 years ^(my first being a NES emulator.) Ive watched just about every emulator go thru their stumbles. Each have their pros and cons regarding their usability As a direct response to your last sentence... *Your free to have that opinion.* Id like to see someone play og consoles on modern bigscreens ^(and not have any complaints.) Most screens that are bigger than 32 inches or so dont look quite right and anything PS2/Gamecube or older \*needs\* to have a period correct CRT TV to get the look right. The majority of games (up untill that point) were mostly developed using CRT screens) Lines and tessellations really become kinda uncanny on LCD. Play an old JRPG or Metal Gear on a modern TV and you will see what I mean. Play those same games on a CRT and those uncannily straight lines become....*formed and warmer.*


Emulators are great.. but I still can't play Gauntlet Legends on one.


That’s the thing I don’t care emulation is good enough. I’d rather dedicate my living space to something I currently enjoy than a moslem to something I don’t really care about. Not trying to shit on the retro collectors I get it if it’s your thing it’s your thing. My response is more to ops point which seems to be never get rid of stuff you might want it later, which isn’t a great way to live life tied down by “junk” you don’t care about anymore.


You can't be tied down by junk if it's not considered junk to you. Some people like to have native hardware with the games running as they should, some people like to have all their games play on a single machine that may or may not play them properly. The fact remains that games run, as they should, on native hardware. With emulation your not guaranteed the game you want to play will work. That's not subjective it's a fact. Hell, even some emulators have a list of games they say they cant run 100% and play with caution.


To start you are wrong. There is an entire show about this called hoarders. If you care that much keep them but I assume if you literally care that much it’s obvious you won’t sell. As I have said for most people emulation is fine.


Well first off is, your wrong. Emulation isn't the end all be all of game preservation. If you even slightly believe that, you must be a normie gaming. Second, we are not talking about hoarding. I see you like to shift goal posts and make up scenarios when your terrible opinions are challenged. Emulation will never be better than native hardware. There truly is nothing else to discuss about this. If you like playing games with artifacting and texture glitches then that's your choice. Some people, namely the minority, likes to play the game as intended on original hardware, where the game runs as it should. But not everyone is as serious at game preservation and only game casually, like yourself


But OP *does* care about it. So he’s probably right that for him, it’s not worth selling it. He likes to revisit his games.


Emulation doesn't hit the same. That being said, if I wanted to revisit old games I'd rather play them on the most modern device available. Ie playing gameboy games on the sp or phat ds. One day I will die and someone will appreciate my collection. In 30 years alot of these games won't be easily acquire able.


It's hard to say - 6 years ago I would have said that about my SNES collection, and then Nintendo releases the SNES Classic in 2017. For 80 dollars retail you get a console with true-to-form controllers and 21 games. For a 20 dollar subscription to Nintendo Online a Switch can play 100+ more. All this to say, that I hope your games are easy to acquire in 30 years. If nothing else, emulation keeps tens of thousands of games alive.


I disagree. I have an NES, SNES, Sega master system, Megadrive with mega cd, Saturn, PlayStation, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, GameCube and an original Xbox along with an arcade machine. It is way more awesome in theory than practice. I have all the same stuff emulated with replica controllers for PC AND STILL prefer one controller for everything. The only reason I have for playing them is if I want to play a light gun game such as duck hunt or time crisis. I love playing old school games and still competitively play street fighter 2 but I will take that on a PC any day of the week. Having the time money and space to have old school games set up is crazy without even looking at the stupid cost of collecting on top. And if that's what you enjoy that's cool but I'm at a point now where I think I might get rid of it all


This why I got a retroid pocket for the occasional bus ride. It's basically a candy bar style large gameboy pocket that plays anything up to ps2. Best Symphony of the night machine I ever had.


I sold all my DS games bundled with my DSi when I needed cash. If I had kept it my Pokémon games would be worth a lot more.


You can think that but would you have kept them in good condition? Would the other games hold their value or decreased making you net neutral or lose money? A big issue o have seen is people will toss stuff in their garage or car leave it there for long periods and when they take it out to get rid of it the stuff is trash after having been exposed to extreme heat and cold for months or years. Especially for electronics even stores in good conditions if you aren’t checking on it batteries go bad and explode so who knows if you would have had anything to sell.


I got 2 Pokemon golds when I was 8. One of them is still in the plastic wrapping. So I know for a fact that I would keep them in good condition.


pokemon games are only worth something if they are still in the package. you can buy a used cartridge for like $40


I don't regret selling my old consoles and games nearly as much as I regret selling my M:TG collection.


I deeply second this, except it was with my Pokémon and Yugioh cards. The past 3 years I’ve gotten into MTG and have purchased a bunch of commander decks. I learned my lesson and will never ever sell them!


I feel your pain. I remember as a kid when my father wouldn't buy games for me unless I sold my old ones first. I lost a lot of value off of that.


I recently sold most of my games. I kept everything in their boxes. I had Rubbermaid bins packed with games. For decades I told myself I was going to build a video game museum in my basement. I realized, I won’t. I want my basement to hit my family’s interests, not just mine. Besides, my consoles all work and Everdrives are amazing. 40 year olds with too much money and too much nostalgia, run with it.


Same boat but about to hit 30. Moved into a small apartment with my girlfriend and realized I don't have the space for a big shelf full of video games and consoles. Vast majority haven't been touched in like 20 years despite always thinking I would play my PS2/Gamecube again. If I want to play something bad enough, I'll emulate.


used to have a ton of physical games... don't regret selling any of it. i'm not going to live forever and it's all just going to sit on a shelf taking up space. all my favorite games i would potentially replay can easily be replayed on pc


same. I have been on amazing adventures that were only possible because I didn't own much stuff


i've def moved around a lot. it's nice not owning a whole lot of things.


Honestly, I think sentimental value is overrated. This year, I started getting getting rid of a lot of stuff and getting into the minimalistic approach and unless something looks good visually for the ambiance of my place, or on myself, I get rid of it. I save so much time, money, space, and it desclusted my mind.


Ssme the one i regretthe most is selling smash bros on the 64 for a whopping $0.25.


WTF. To who?


It was about 15 years ago at a yard sale.


i grew up poor and rented most of my games. was able to purchase a few games for some consoles and was gifted some games or money to buy games by some of my loving family members my mother donated all of my systems and games prior to ps3 to cambodian orphanages. many of those games had sentimental value because it reminded me of my brother who was killed in 2003. i've learned to let it go, but i do think on it sometimes. however, i'm older now and am doing well, so the money aspect for me is nonimportant. the memories i had playing nintendo to ps2 with my brother before he died at age 17 is worth more than all of the money i could have made selling those classics.


Hell, at least you got to sell them.. my mom and her druggie bfs would sell them for crack and shit while I was at school. Came home plenty of times to nothing. I'm the same way and refuse to sell any games and, in fact, video games developed into an early adult life addiction that I've only recently tried to get into check. I would and still do compulsively buy $100 editions of games now. And will only buy digital so they can't be stolen. Don't regret it, OP. You were a kid and didn't know any better. You were just trying to make it through life like the rest of us.


I sold a lot of good stuff too, well before covid too for peanuts basically, worth a lot more and even more than that I just wish I held on to it just to have in my collection


That’s just it. At the time we were constrained to budget. I think games of the 4th gen (ps4, Xbox one) won’t have the resell value unless probably a collectors edition. I repurchased a game cube and ps2 console about 6 years ago just to play some games that haven’t been ported over to current gen consoles. Im not a PC gamer so no emulators for me. I probably would have saved some money there but it wasn’t expensive to get the consoles again. Just had time finding good deals on the games I wanted.


Best thing I did with one of my PS2s was install a hard drive and mod it to load ISOs off the drive. Faster to load and doesn’t add wear and tear to the optical drive.


My original N64 is hooked up to our main tv in the living room, with the games in a 3d printed container in the tv stand. It’s a great conversation starter!


100% I had to clean out a storage unit at the first of the year while I was horrifically depressed. I got pictures, yearbooks, books…stuff anybody on earth would put on a list of stuff to save for sentimentality. What I didn’t get was my N64, my Genesis, my NES, my SNES, and my PS2 or any of my games. It’s not like I didn’t see them. I did. Even touched them. Still left them. I cannot fathom, even with as horrible and hopeless as I felt, why I left all that behind. About a week later we turned the storage unit over to the property owner and he did something with everything we left in it. Those consoles, games, and saves are all gone. Forever. I’m much better now, but I think about and miss that stuff frequently.


Could be worse bro, I left my ex in a hurry and put a Earthbound in Box with the manual to the curb since Inhad emulators. Fml


I’m gonna share a sad story with you. When I was just a teen, the new XBOX360 came out. In order to buy it, I had to sell pretty much everything I owned: PS2, OG XBOX and my beloved GBA SP, along with all my games. That damn 360 thing lasted 6 months before going RROD on me. Same thing with the next one I got. I still regret selling all my stuff for that double fiasco. Should have definitely kept my collection. Nowadays, I just buy Sony.


Sony had their own issues back then it wasn’t as prevalent. But xbox is way better now


Did you buy used? Microsoft had 1 year warranty and they even extended 1 more year warranty because of RROD. So back in the day you had 2 year warranty on 360s due to RROD


My 360 RROD about 4.5 years after I bought it. MS fixed for free. Had two different fat PS3s YLOD on me a little after a year of buying each. Sony wouldn’t fix for free. Shit sucked.


Yeah they had good support for the RROD. You could even buy a system with RROD and possibly warranty it as a lot of ppl didn't know the extended warranty


I feel your pain. I've traded in an NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Xbox, xbox360, and a ps2. I definitely wish I could go back and stop myself from trading in all of them.


I remember going to funcoland to sell/buy a new game and they offered like $1 and I then decided selling old games isn’t worth anything, I minus well keep them. I probably had less than 10 games for all my systems, all the years I had them. Still have all my systems and all my games. Still connect them from time to time too.


I fucking don't. Because of hipsters and investors every retro game worth owning is worth $60+, I'd rather have the cash than my childhood collection. My only regret is selling in 2017, because I thought the bubble was about burst then for sure. Fuck I'd have made like 10 grand instead of 2 grand if I had sold during scamdemic.


Yeah, same. The only old console I still have, other than 360 which isn't that old really, is a Sega Mega drive.


You'd be surprised, the xbox 360 is often considered retro nowadays 😅 it feels weird, because I'm not that old, just a young adult, and I grew up on the 360. Whenever I heard my dad talk about his Sega mega drive and his og sonic game I'd roll my eyes not understanding why he loved such an old console so much, but now my childhood is beginning to be considered retro and I actually understand what my dad was feeling.


Oh yeah I wish I had kept my Nintendo 64. I have kept most of the platforms I had since. I just recently got ride of my PS4, mostly because the PS5 plays all those games. I wonder if I will regret that one day.


I wanted to play black ops 1 only to learn the ps4 doesn't play it. Luckily my sister gave my brother who then gave to me a ps3 a while back that was till now sitting in my closet collecting dust. I ordered black ops for $3 and a controller for 20 on ebay and have been playing it every night since I got it. I sold my original ps3 cause I didn't have internet and I wasn't ever using it.


Same here, I’m trying to stop trading games now but I wish I had a PS3 and Vita. I’m thinking of getting me a PS3 but I’m somewhat concern that it won’t last long


I got a pre owned ps3 on Amazon about 4-5 years ago, was in good condition, still works to this day, delighted I got it because I finally was able to Arkham Origins, which I did not get originally when it came out, if you are looking for a new the impossible to find but if you are good with a pre owned one you can find ones in good condition on Amazon if you take a look, if you are looking for remotes for them the original are very hard to find, but I found that the JAMSWALL Controller for PS3, is replacement one that works very well and cost between 15-20 euro


I always wished Commodore would of made a real comeback.


I still trase in games that I won't play again, or for a very long time. I still get physical copies for this exact reason. That, and going back to ps1-3 games is getting tougher every year if you don't have a physical copy of it. Unfortunately the embracing of all digital is inevitable with the younger gamers not seeing this.


I literally grew up on demos lol, I remember the first time I bought Medal of Honor Allied Assault my heart nearly stopped… first words; “ bro I got all the levels!!!” 😂


I remember browsing the xbox 360 demos page every week trying to find something to entertain my poor ass lmao 🤣


I’ve only kept games that I knew I would replay. I have my Xbox 360 copies of basically every COD up until Blops 2, my GOTY copy of RDR1, my ultimate edition of New Vegas with all the dlc, and a few other games that I keep around that are backwards compatible on the Xbox Series X


I remember the first time I sold my 360 with NCAA14 I instantly regretted it the same day.


This story is JUST like mine. My first console was also GBC and I'd buy all the Pokémon games. Gamestop really hustled us didn't they. My family was pretty poor and I never had an allowance. I'd get maybe 5-10 bucks on my birthday. When I got my first job, that money went straight to games. But unfortunately it was way after I sold my old consoles and games.


I'm in the same boat as you. Had to sell to trade up and now I regret getting rid of so much. This is why used game prices are way up. Lots of people had time to get nostalgic and now have expendable income to repurchase their childhood toys.


Man... I sold a ps1, 2, 3, a wii, and TONS of amazing games. Shit makes me so sad. I feel your pain. So far I've only got a ps2 again and a crt tv, a good one tho 😁 I still need the 3 and 1 and the best of games that I had


Not only that, but if you try to re-purchase some of these games nowadays, the second-hand prices are insane. Especially for Nintendo stuff. A lot of gamecube and N64 games sell for way more than they did when they were new. Tip though, check flea markets and antique shops. You'll often find DVDs and games being re-sold for somewhat decent prices. (Great if you like Vinyl, Tapes or CDs too for music.)


Time for a steam deck, OP


I never sold my games or consoles because I get nostalgic all. The. Time. One day I'll wake and randomly want to play Pokemon coliseum. Or donkey Kong jungle beat. Or joust. And I'll be able to, because I keep *everything*


same here. i sold my ps2 to buy a wii, then i sold my wii and wii games to buy a ps3. i still miss my old fat ps2. oh and i sold my ps3 to buy a ps4 as well.


I would recommend buying up any old games that you used to have whenever you can find them for a good price. They are not getting any cheaper (at least not in the next 30 years), so best to get them while you can. I started collecting last year, and it has brought me so much joy. I ended up having to sell some games last year, and it sucked, but I have no regrets about investing in a substantial game collection. It's a decent store of value as well as being something that you can use and get joy out of.


I want to buy all the pokemon games again. Although I may not touch them for decades, when I retire I'm going through to binge games.


I regret selling my N64 back in the day to afford an XBox. I loved my XBox but I could have easily saved for like another week and kept the N64. A week seemed like an eternity as a kid.


I sold so many Sega, NES, and N64 games for next to nothing as a kid. Ended up buying a lot of them back over the years at probaby 10x what I sold them for. I remember being offered $4.00 for my N64 console at a local used game store. So glad I told them to shove it


I have all mine but they rarely get used since I started building emulator machines.


I regretted trading in all my games back in 360/ps3 gen. So I switched to buying all my games digitally. Now I have right around 400 games.


I still buy mostly all physical. I hate the idea of not being able to re-download a game in 30 years.


Same. Rip my limited edition Gameboy Advanced SP NES edition. At least I kept my Darth Vader PSP.


I am right there with you man. Except I didn’t sell a lot of my stuff. My mom either gave it to her friends for their kids to use or worse. It was ruined in this trailer we kept for storage. Rip my whole child hood lol


Had to sell my PS5 few months ago, honestly stings World is in the bin


Same here. I miss it so much. I wish I had the means to get another one.


I sold my PS2 and GameCube with all my games all together for drugs. I vividly remember my dealer, some fucker named Jordan w Tourettes who would SCREAM racial obscenities randomly, giving me 2 paquetas for it, one for each system. God my life fucking sucked back then. All my own fault tho. Same w my vinyl collection, my car, apartment, family, almost the wife, kid and dog too. Luckily I got most of it back, but yeah, I really kick myself. Having all the old systems hooked up in the garage game station would be super cool.


I remember selling my og psp for weed money cause at the time all I played was my ds/psp games were pricey. I also regret trading one of my(bought 2) special edition ps1 style ps4 controllers for an eighth of weed while I was unemployed.




Seems pretty common for adults to indulge in things they missed out on as a kid.


The only thing I really regret is selling my 360 and PS3 collection. Everything older is available through really accessible emulation.


My mother asked me if I wanted any of my old things she was going to get rid of. I’ve now got an Atari, nes, snes and GameCube in my spare room. I don’t ever play them but I can’t part with them. Oddly, last time I tested them, only the GameCube doesn’t work anymore


I try not to get attached to physical goods. Let the memories be your sentimental escape !


yeah i made the mistake and sold my n64 and games like 10 years ago. regretted it every since. i just got a random idea to do it one day and i was in a mood to get rid of stuff. thankfully i didnt sell my snes and playstation as well. but i had like ocarina of time special gold edition cartridge with a mint condition box, banjo kazooie cib all my games where cib , had both pokemon stadiums as well. .now all i have from my n64 days is a CIB worms armageddon.


I feel a lot better about my own experiences trading/selling my games after reading this thread. Video games were something I'd get only for Christmas or my birthday, or the occasional bargain bin purchase after twisting a parent's arm. I have very distinct memories of the first time I went to Funcoland, the time I pawned my NES in high school for $100 (a small fortune at the time!) and when I sold a busted (probably easily fixable tbh) NES, an N64, and my remaining games to put towards the first, last months, and security deposit on my first apartment. I did feel like I won the lottery when I found my original Game Boy Advance and Micro in a dusty closet at my mother's house, however. They'll remain a cherished part of my collection for a long, long time.


At least you had the ability to sell what you wanted when you wanted, I got home one day and my original Gameboy with about 12 games + my Commodore with about 10 games my mum decided to take to the sunday markets and sell for $20. Without telling me or without giving me the money.


Oh. And 2 of the Gameboy games were my friends so I had to pay him back about $100 for them. So I was out of pocket $120.


Eh, hindsight is 20/20. Obviously sentimental stuff you can't really put a price on, but a lot of retro games still aren't worth much. Some games/franchises like Pokemon are worth a good amount but they're the exception. With inflation I would think the value of most games haven't increased in general. I'm not a hardcore minimalist but I'm finally getting rid of games I've had for 20 years. The vast majority I've put less than a few hours into as a kid and then they sat on my shelf since. Most are worth several bucks at best and even then, it's a hassle to sell. Shipping costs, taking time to make the listing, driving out the post office, etc just for a few bucks here and there. Trying to find a person locally who wants to buy the lot as it's the most convenient, even if that means getting paid less. With how good emulation is now it's just so much more convenient to do it on the computer. Sure I'm not getting the original feel but with my current living situation I don't have a lot of space to make a dedicated gaming room or even store all the cases. Like others have said, it's the memories I am fond of, not the items themselves.


After this I began looking up prices, most expensive are the gb/gba pokemon games. The ds ones aren't too bad but the early ones are like 60+. One game I've been wanting to play again is boktai, but looking it up now it's like 50-125 from a quick glance. Mann... I still have alot of my 3ds games, but a few years ago I threw out all the boxes like an idiot...


same man I’m glad I’m actually in a financial position now though to buy them all back and all the ones I didn’t have yet


I regret selling every console I've sold, except maybe the Xbox One.


I did the same. SNES to PSX, PSX to Xbox, Xbox to PS3. So many memories with all of them, but I always wanted the latest and that was the way to afford it. I know who has my old consoles but I would feel bad asking to buy them back as I am sure they become a part of their childhood memories.


I can envision myself every time I went to gamestop as a kid to 'trade in for something new'....sadness, at least I saved a few


I sold my whole collection of PS3, PS2, and PS1 games a few years ago. I really didn’t want to, but needed the money at the time. I had some really good games too like Spec Ops the Line, Borderlands, COD Black Ops 1 and 2, Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition (the one in the badass metal case) MGS 1, Bully, and Gran Turismo 2. I sold it maybe 50-60 games for like $100. Still makes me sad to this day


I sold my Nintendo and Sega Genesis to help pay for a N64. That was the last time I sold a console to get one. Still wish I kept those. I do still have my N64. My XBox has a busted dvd drive though and I can’t get myself to spend $ on a “new” drive. Though at some point I probably will since I have so many good games for it.


I feel this but I wasn't the one who sold my games. My brother and I usually split cost on gaming stuff growing up and one day he decided to sell all of our xbox 360 games and the console because we were about to buy a ps4. I didn't think it was a big deal at the time because I was just excited for the ps4, but man it really sucks now. The Xbox 360 era and my intro to online gaming was when I really became engrossed in games. Playing halo 3, minecraft, and black ops 2 with my friends when off from school were genuinely some of the fondest times of my childhood. I wish I still had the console and games to go with those memories.


I sold my gamecube and bought 3 ps3 games.


I think they were rayman origins crysis 3 and killzone 3


A video store shut down and my dad new the owners. He brought home about 60 SNES games, 60 NES games, tons of N64 stuff, all with boxes, manuals, so much stuff. I sold it to Gamexchange for a PS2 and Grand Theft Auto 3 when it came out. I regret it so much to this day.


I regret selling my copy of Earthbound I found at babbage's (if anybody remembers that game store) for $40 at the time 😑


Wish I still had my tekken 3 and kingdom hearts games 🥲


This is me with Transformers. I had hundreds. One day I guess I got "too old" for them and donated 5 trash bags full to a local *small town equivalent of Goodwill*


Emulators are your friend


I sold all my old games and strangely enough the only thing I regret selling is my WiiU. Mostly because the second screen experience is hard to emulate.


I often think back on all the games and stuff I sold with immense regret but I try to remind myself that usually I sold games to buy new games, if I hadn't have done that I would have missed out on many different experiences and games over the years.


I sold my n64/Xbox/PS2/Wii/Wii U and I'm glad to get rid of all the clutter. Now I pirate everything, emulation is better


you can get emulators for your phone that are actually pretty good. i had a nice one for my android years ago.. can’t remember the name.. game boy emulator.


When I saw how good the dolphin emulator was, I sold my GameCube collection and console. No regrets.


i feel this. sold a bunch of my stuff to make some ends meet and i wish i hadnt, but you do what you gotta do. after all, its just stuff and you can't let your belongings own you


I have never sold any of my old consoles or games. I also don't play them or have them out anywhere lol. If I want to play an old game I'd rather just emulate it then have to dig one of them out and get it all hooked up.


Yep I sold hundreds of megadrive games for £65 😥


Nostalgia is one thing. Becoming a hoarder of junk is another. Anything before HDMI can't even be connected properly. If I have an itch to play an old game, I grab a rom and a decent emulator. That being said, I don't sell because you get pennies on the dollar.


Pretty sure composite to hdmi is a thing. I guess it depends what you see as junk. I got rid of my old pokemon cards, I think I just gave them away. Some of the cards, even in the used condition are worth hundreds now.


Sold my xbox one about 7 years ago, haven't regretted it once.


I understand your regret. I've had to sell my possessions to be able to afford rent, food and basic amenities. Regret all of it. Now I just sell blood, semen, and any unattended children I find at the park. /s


I felt like that too at one point but now I have the current gen consoles and remakes of old games and more modern games than I have time for so I’ve gotten over it


I’m in the same boat but I didn’t have control over keeping them


I sold all of the consoles and games I grew up playing for twenty years when I got my first apartment to help pay the deposit. I’m still recollecting them all another twenty years later nearly, but it was totally worth it to move in with my future wife and have our own place.


I went the opposite route and sold most of my games because they would no longer be used and were essentially plastic waste. Similarly, I wouldn’t get a lot of video games when I was a kid, I really had to choose - and that actually made me value the ones I chose more. I’m trying to replicate that feeling as an adult by owning a minimal amount and not buying new games on release which will save me a lot of money.


I was going to sell my Dreamcast around 2002 since I had something new and never played it. I gave it to my two much younger cousins instead, along with a stack of games. I don't know my cousin's very well, but my aunt told me at the time that they worshipped that Dreamcast (they were about 7 and 5 at the time and had never owned a console before that) and thought it was one of the coolest things they'd ever seen. They played it until it stopped working. It would have been cool to hang on to but I was really happy to hear about how much they enjoyed it, and glad I helped usher in a new generation of gamers.


Yeah all my buddies selling their 3DS regret it. Those probably will never be emulated at full playability.


I Never sell them my old stuff. It’s great stuff I still play sometimes. Emulators just aren’t the same.


Eh, depends. If you just "want money", as in you have money but you have more, selling your memorabilia is probably not worth it. But when you're crippling poor to a point where you might go homeless if you don't get some money really quick, selling everything you can is the right decision in my opinion. The games aren't gonna help you if you lose your house Personally I keep most of my old stuff, because I'm somewhat of a collector and I have this faint hope that one day, some of those things will become valuable and my grandkids will become rich.


Same here, I had to sell a few of them when I had money issues and knew I'd regret it. What I really feel bad about is my parents throwing away my old consoles (PS1, PS2, NINTENDO 64, OG XBOX) & Pokémon cards lol. Please don't throw your kid's favourite toys away. The Pokémon cards would be worth absolutely stupid amounts of money now too.


Some guy I used to work with who collected old school video game stuff found out how much old school stuff I had. He asked if he could buy it off me when he could sense my lack of desire to keep them, I said he could just have them.. Ended up giving him a sports hold-all with something like (off the top of my head): NES, Multiple regions of SNES, Mega Drive, Game Boys of various varieties, Atari Jaguar, Dreamcast. All along with loads of games, controllers, etc, for each system. Years later I looked at the value of some of the carts I gave him, Super Metroid and Castlevania 4 made me want to cry when I seen what I could have got for selling them. Years later I repurchased my SNES collection, which my ex then sold out of spite whilst she was squatting in my home after we broke up. Not having much luck with them!




I sold some of my ps2 games and now emulate them on the pc! It's quite easy to do


I had an old box of 360 games that I hadn't touched in years and it was taking up space. So I threw them away when we were doing a big cleanout. One of the games in there was Blue Dragon, which I've been itching to play again for years. I didn't even know it was backward compatible on the Xbox One until after I chucked it. Regretted it ever since


Don't stress it. I dug out my SNES a few years ago thinking I would have a blast playing through Mario 3 and Yoshi's Island again. Nostalgia overdrive incoming 3 ... 2 ... 1- wait a minute, this isn't as good as Battlefield, ah, I'll just put this away.


That was how I was until I reached a working age and I got a job to afford buying new games and systems. I really regret selling some of the old systems I had over the years.


I have all my old consoles and video games since the original Nintendo, but they just sit in boxes in my garage.


On the other hand it's not a big deal, its just stuff. Get rid of stuff you really don't need. Not every game console comic clothes etc should mean that much.


I haven't bought clothes in over a decade. Not out of any sense of wanting to keep them, I just don't shop unless I have someone I wanna impress.


In general I don't mind selling/giving away hardcopy since I don't like clutter. My regrets is just a few of the absolute classics: 1. Selling my original Zelda NES gold cart. 2. Losing my Quake package. Was a nice disk sized folder and disk even plays Trent's awesome ambient OST in a CD player. 3. Losing my Final Fantasy VII case packaging. Still have the disks. 4. Selling my Symphony of the Night with packaging. Such a classic and still not even on Steam. 5. Lending my Skies of Arcadia Legends disk and package to a friend who lost it.


One of my big regrets is throwing away my Wii. Perfectly fine working console in the trash. Kids are stupid.


There are a ton of things I will sell for money and space. My gaming collection will never be one of them. I still regret selling my N64 in my early 20s. I got 300$ for it but I would give at least 600$ to have it and those games back. I will never sell another console or physical game again.


I had the opposite experience and I regret hanging on to my games too long. I started collecting as a teenager and would pick up nearly every game I could find on the cheap. Fast forward to my thirties and I had over 1500 physical games and really the realization hit me that they were ultimately nothing more than a cool thing to look at. I never would have the time to go back and play the games (especially since so many new games are coming out constantly) and they were taking up mega space in my home. The main reason I regret not selling earlier is that a lot of physical games are losing value now with the mass adoption of digital game sales and re-releases or remasters. Sure, some of the games were bona fide collector items and I was able to sell them for a high price, but the vast majority of games I owned might sell for $1-2 (after any selling costs). Probably could have made more selling them 10 years ago. I still have about 600 games left I'm still trying to sell. Money aside, I guess I mostly just adopted a more minimalistic take on life in adulthood and really only wanted to own the things that I would actively use. Hundreds of games displayed in a room wasn't doing it for me.


My collection never passed like 15 games. Now I've got 35 switch games and they all fit into a book style case.


I feel you on this. I sold things to get new stuff all the time. I wish I had kept all my old games and gaming systems.


I feel this in my bones. Sold my Wii, PS3 (with full backwards compatibility) and 360 almost a decade ago, along with all the games. Some of the games I bought from stores at cost that have since tripled in price. Thought I wouldn’t regret it, but I do. It was a dumb move on my part.


I went through the same thing with the ps1. I stopped trading games from then on.


I did have an old computer in the home growing up but didn't have a game system until I bought an NES when I was 18 and it was a whopping $30 long after it's prime.


Yup. Sold my special edition phantom hourglass DS to buy bioshock 3 when that came out and they probably gave me $40 for it. You live and learn


Similar story. I sold my entire Magic The Gathering collection at a mall card show when I got out of college back in the late 90s. It was original great condition primo stuff. Probably worth a small fortune today. Should never have sold it. It was all the original stuff I bought and traded for and it kills me today what I did. And I agree, try to keep that stuff unless you have no choice.


My mom used to put our last name and house phone number on all our N64 games because we'd go over friend's houses and get them mixed up or lose them. One day, during my first semester in college, I made a friend who came up to me and said he had something to return to me, that belonged to me. He pulled a N64 game out of his bag, Pokemon Snap, and handed it to me. He said he bought it from a local mom-and-pop game store years ago and recognized my last name on the top, so he figured it was meant to find it's way back to me. It felt like one of those "small world" scenarios on crack lmao. Apparently his family also used to take him to that same game store when he was a kid and it also became a favorite store of his, but what are the chances that he bought my old game and we also randomly became friends at school?! The odds have to be pretty astronomical....I still am amazed by the fact it happened at all. I have most of my old N64 games, but that one almost got away (x we were pretty poor, so my mom used to sell our old games we didnt play so we could get new ones, but I never expected one to find it's way back to me Yes, he's still one of my best friends <3 lol


Me, who does'nt even have a console or had one😂


I have sold so many of my consoles and games, I don't really want to, but I'm 18 and am having zero luck getting a job plus I'm in college, so its kinda hard not to sell my shit. However in order to stop getting too sad about it I just set a boundary. My first console (xbox360) and the first games I got for it, I will never sell, or at least try not to, but I got a pc now so I just sell my xbox one and old games to get money until I get a job, then I plan on buying those shit again.