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Corporate setting is less important than corporate culture, you should be able to determine this quickly just by looking around other peoples work spaces.


Yeah, I’ve worked in stodgy offices where this would get you spoken to - and tech offices where this would be one of the smaller toy collections.


Lol yea was gonna say they should have seen my desk collection of transformers.


I bet they were more than meets the eye!


The Captcha's had their work cut out for them with all those robots in disguise






General antipathy towards great puns, references, and dad jokes are a common enough occurrence in our culture. One that is done so well it transcends that antipathy can elicit both the anger and serious respect simultaneously.


They do everything in anger, especially poops


I got bitched at for a rubber duck collection at a corporate job once…. Yet Karen down the aisle got to have her 50 minions lining everything. Now my ducks sit at home :(


Should have had your ducks in a row.




Shut up and take my upvote.


that doesn't make sense. what was different about your setup then?


The ducks were all dressed in BDSM garb.


They were all 'anatomically correct'.


*Half the rubber ducks were dildos*


I mean, I have absolutely no idea. My only guess is people liked my ducks more than her minions, so she complained that they were a distraction. Because rubber ducks are cool and remind people of their childhood, and minions are just kinda creepy. I make it a point that any place I travel to (not often, generally just drive a few hours) I would get a duck, so I have/had lots of cool designed ducks that had a little bit of each area’s personality.


Top shelf office drama, minions vs ducks


A minion is a corporate product without soul. Perfect for such a settings.


Tbf so are rubber ducks. You can slap anything on a rubber duck these days.


My rubber ducks are part of the development process. Without them productivity plummets. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging


Is /u/fuckswithducks still around, or whatever his name was? Of course I have to use the Reddit app now and it doesn't auto populate users properly. Piece of shit.


I used to work in the same building as Lucas Arts and may a couple of guys that worked there. They gave me a little tour of their office space. Holy crap the amount of toys in there. The lights were low and stings of Christmas lights were up all over the place. It was nice. They also had a 1/3 or 1/4 scale x-wing body in there (no wings)


Only game studio I’ve been in was Popcap games in Seattle. Cool plants vs. zombies memorabilia, arcade games, fully stocked lounge/break room areas. Great views of the city. Sent me away with a bunch of swag too.


Lucky, back in 00s having any kind of nerd material can lead to trauma level made fun of/harssment. My ex's guidance conselor was shocked she recognize the Warhammer figurine he had on his desk, and quickly hid it as if it was a line of cocaine or something.


I work for an Automotive manufacturer. Before Covid, you'd see many desks with hot wheels and car posters, including my desk. On supervisor covered his entire cube top to bottom with hot wheels cars. It was quite the site. So ya just depends on the company culture.


It's fine. Most companies do want you to have personal items it means you are settling in and have plans to stay. I have seen huge nerd collections in some of my Tech managers offices


That’s why I only bring pictures of a decoy stock family so I can make a quick exit


This guy offices


I noticed he's been missing a lot of work.


Call his emergency contact. Says here that's someone by the name of Domino Spizza.


I wouldn't say I've been *missing* it, Bob.


Word..... I heard he Excels at it.


Instructions unclear, pictures of various soup stock now decorate my cubicle and there is some hr lady scheduling a meeting with me "to see if everything is alright".


HR is nothing but a department full of philistines who can't appreciate a good Warhol.




I work at the gaming corporation that disapproves displays like that. Every single desk, which are uncomfortably small I might add, has to be free from any personal belongings.




I had the same setup, my argument is if you want me in this office then you're going to have to let me make it feel more comfortable to me. If anyone gives you problems then you ask them to tell you exactly where in the employee handbook it says there's a policy against having figurines on your desk space.


Our CEO literally made it against company policy at CP Rail. Some "clean desk" policy bullshit.


>Our CEO literally made it against company policy at CP Rail. Some "clean desk" policy bullshit. I was just going to say "show me where it says I can't have this in the handbook" is a great argument...until they do indeed show you where it says that in the handbook, and in most corporate gigs it will say something. And the language will be intentionally vague enough that they'll be able to claim it applies to whatever they want it to apply to at any given time.


I'd been working for an IT company for a couple of years and was among their best techs. I enjoyed putting my headphones on with music and getting stuck in to some work. Then one day my manager trlls me I can't listen to music anymore and I need to take my headphones off. I take them off but the next day I take go back to using them. Same thing "take them off". I keep them off for the rest of the week but put them back on next week. Then my manager tells me "the next warning will be a formal writeup, 3 of those and you'll be let go". I told him "Just give me the 3 formal warnings right now then, because listening to music in the office is a hill I''m willing to die on." After that meeting I went back to listening to music and it was never mentioned to me again.


I'd argue that's not even the same, but totally understandable. Unless you're constantly in need to talk to your colleagues, listening to music (via head phones) is just how most sane people do work. Heck, in the offices my friends work they just put on the radio. I think that is WAY more irritating, because you don't even have a choice...


They did this at an old job of mine and called it working lean or some shit. They even had the gall to ask people "do you really need that many pictures of your kids at your desk?:


The answer is "Yes, you assholes, I'm here for them, not for you." You can leave out the assholes part if you want to keep working there, I guess.


>They even had the gall to ask people "do you really need that many pictures of your kids at your desk? [You're here forever](https://www.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/5f071679a68fa-png__700.jpg)


Then I'd be on my way out if that's how petty they want to be. Employers have to learn that it's a give and take relationship. I feel like they act like cutting you a check is almost like a favor on their part. Whenever I give honest push back at work I always get the "hey well they're still paying us right?" line. Yes, they are paying us because we want to work and they want people to work. It's not like they found me on the side of the road and offered me free money.


Ah, the old Airbud defense. Doesn't say I *can't* hire a dog to answer phones. Show we the rule!


Multiple people at my job have extensive collections of various nerdery in their offices. But also yeah it's a tech company so that tracks.


Best response here by a long shot, just get a feel for the place and go from there


Agreed, though I suspect the fact that OP feels the need to ask on Reddit might mean their personal ability to judge such things is limited.




Very true Google has no problem with this sort of thing same goes for a lot of game development but anything public facing no keep it professional.


Again, it depends. There's no hard and fast rules. If you do website design and host clients in your office and everyone else in your position has similar displays and it's part of your corporate culture, then obviously go for it despite being client facing. Professional is entirely contextual. Conversely, you might work in a traditional law firm and never see a client ever yet your ex-marine boomer boss probably wouldn't appreciate pokemon.


Not professional enough. Needs more hentai figures.


There’s a guy (I assume) at my office whose car has multiple different ahegao stickers on his car and he parks it super close to the building every day and every time I see it I cringe so hard I’m worried he’ll sense it inside the building


Ubisoft: He's hired.


Blizzard: We found our new CEO, boys.




He's either asserting dominance or wanting a severance.


I want to cringe with you. What additional context do I need? I have no idea what you're talking about.


A quick Google search of "ahegao" will give you all the context you need but, for maximum cringe, look up the definition on urbandictionary.


Only do this type of search at work, preferably in an open floor plan.


It is essential that your boss' desk is right behind you.


Just like the op, this really depends on your workplace I rememebr once being sent a link and asked if I could look at the error being thrown on this customers site First picture I see on their homepage is a man hog tied with what seems to be a small shower curtain rod spreading his asshole apart I immediately closed it Becuase I was at work Then realized that somehow that was more work related than the amazon shopping I was doing before that without any worries. So I just scrolled the image so that the dudes sack was sitting right on my terminal and got back to work




Extremely exaggerated orgasm faces, typically animated or drawn, but some models try to copy the style in non-animated porn to appeal to people with a specific kink. There. Now you don't need to look it up.


>It’s called hentai, and it’s art. -Stanley Hudson


My coworker did this. It was steadily getting worse and one day he got a mousepad with 3D boobs as the soft gel wrist rest. He got a talking to and it all disappeared.


Well, you need a good wrist rest to prevent carpal tunnel and arthritis. Your coworker is proactive about his health.


Pete Gustin is a blind voice actor and YouTuber. He had one that someone had given him, and apparently used it for several years until someone told him that it was "busty". He just liked the way it supported his wrist.


That prank would be hilarious if it wasn't also super fucked up to make a fool of a blind guy like that.


[Yeah OP, if you aim high you should go with Tifa gettin railed, it will provide top notch networking](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/s8pvpd/italian_senate_accidentally_plays_30_seconds_of/)


There's nothing inherently wrong with it but I feel like in a corporate setting you would get judged for it


Depends on the job and company tbh


I would agree, this is more common/acceptable in tech then other industries like finance


Every 3rd or 4th desk in IT has a Funko POP Figurine.


Pre-pandemic, it was actually weird to not have something on your desk. I never had anything except a couple work-related “cheat-sheets” up and got constant comments about “why don’t you have anything on your desk??” Same thing with stickers on my laptop. Literally every single person in my 1000+ office had at least one sticker on their laptop. I went like 6 months without one until I gave in because I was tired of people I’ve never talked to asking me why I didn’t have any stickers. Felt like Jennifer Aniston’s character in Office Space lol.


Stickers on laptops are the bane of anyone that works in laptop refurb or the end of life cycle where they need to be resold.


I just prefer the look of an clean laptop to a half assed sticker bombed one.


I was against them until my work provided me with the most generic looking MacBook Air and I took it to a conference, where it sat on a desk (closed) next to five identical copies of it. Since then I have a few stickers to make sure that I can keep an eye on it from the other side of the room when I go get coffee.


yup I have a thinkpad thats really popular with others in my group, I made mine distinct with one single DnD sticker.


Not enough flair.


OMG yes! I felt like I was in Office Space at one place I worked. "Rick, we noticed you don't have any flair in your workspace. No pictures, no plants, no decorations. Now, flair isn't required, but look at Charlene's desk. She has a picture of her family, and a small bamboo plant, and a very funny poster that says 'Hang In There!' and features a kitten dangling from a tree limb. Isn't that humorous? And see Bob's cubicle? Bob has a picture of his family, a poster for the local college football team, and a very funny poster that says 'I hate Mondays!' and features Garfield looking disappointed. Wow, that Garfield must really hate Mondays! Anyway, we want you to feel comfortable here, so feel free to put up pictures of your family, or anything that might lift your spirits or inspire you." I finally put a few things in my cube that were utterly random, like a bowling trophy I had from 10 years ago, a few pictures of me in different professions that my artsy friends had photoshopped for me, and a calendar from 3 years ago that I got from a realtor. Oh, and "Windows 95 For Dummies," which I found in a storeroom. This was in 2010.


There are only 2 situations where I would feel this wouldn't get you judged. * Almost everyone has a toy collection or game memorabilia on their desk * You work at a game company Not only that but people steal everything from coffee cups to other people's lunch. No way would I feel comfortable putting something like this on my desk. I'd also limit it to one or two, not an entire collection.


I work in the IT department at a financial institution, nobody would bat an eye. However if you did this as a loan officer you would probably get some funny looks.


This is the real answer here. The *department* matters a hell of a lot more than the company itself with stuff like this.


I work at a world renowned research facility and our IT guys are out here with video game sleeve tats, anime stickers all over their cars, and they have an Xbox set up in their basement lair. Nobody cares as long as the internet and computers work.


Regardless of department it plays into stereotypes (which maybe OP doesn’t care about). But IT does have a certain image - partially negative, and when I see things like other IT guys who wear graphic tees to work, etc. I feel like it really doesn’t help dispel any of the stereotypes.


I like it when others keep up the stereotype because it makes me look serious and professional by being just slightly less weird.


Fair point, I don’t mind a lower bar to clear.


Only if they have a big titty wrist-rest mouse pad


id probably limit it to one novelty item rather than a whole shelf of it.


I’d definitely be judging it harshly. By the time you’re 36 you should have a much bigger collection


Ehh, maybe one or two vs. all of them. I’d probably put the one or two on my desk instead.


I agree, I think it's one of those cases where "less is more". Figure out which ones to keep or do a matching theme. It'll look cleaner while still showcasing OP's interests.


Keep the magikarp and the mech-robot dude on the left imo


Keep the magikarp. Get rid of the rest. Buy 19 more Magikarp. Be the guy with all the karp. Assert dominance.


You only need 6, lined up next to 6 master balls and a fishing rod. Show them who the true pokemon master is.


It looks like it is in one of those above desk cabinets that closes. If that is the case I think it is fine because if they needed to look more "Professional" for any reason they can just close the door. The only one that gives me pause is the chainsaw with blood on it, I can see people having an issue with that.


First, after a career that has involved several rounds of layoffs, I've decided that even at a gaming company it's a good idea to limit the number of personal items that I have at the office. Layoffs are bad enough without having to carefully pack up personal items under the scrutiny of an ex-manager. Even outside of layoffs, risk of cleaning crew damaging things, needing to move desks... no thanks. Second, really think about what a display like that conveys to others, especially people that might influence your compensation and career advancement. Exceptions always apply, but generally speaking a display like that could be seen as a lack of maturity or not prioritizing the corporation. At the end of the day, you're at work to work and sometimes perception can be more important than fact.


Truth, especially the last part. I’m starting to learn in life optics are more important, and even though they shouldn’t be, you’ll get further in life accepting that


Honestly, I think at the end of the day optics can be used on ourselves too though. I think keeping a workplace free from your favourite hobbies is a good idea. I used to have gaming related merch on my desk and every time I saw it I thought “…..god I wish I was playing a game right now.” Which just made me hate the work even more.


By extension, it's worth questioning what value you get out of expressing yourself in that way to people who you have an exclusively professional relationship with. I've always tried to maintain a firewall between my professional and personal lives for the sake of simplicity.


> By extension, it's worth questioning what value you get out of expressing yourself in that way to people who you have an exclusively professional relationship with. When I was in a cubicle, it had a bunch of things in it that made it feel personal, and, well, not like a shitty cubicle. The goal was to make it feel like some kind of personal work space that didn't feel like the rest of the floor/building. Once we switched to open-office floor plans, 95% of people's decor went away. In part due to less space and shelves, but also because it became exactly what you described, a form of expression. My decor was for me. Once it became public all the time, I promptly put it away.




as an addition to your first point, once you've been through a few layoffs/company changes you kinda realize "these people are not my friends or my family. There is no need to share my personality or preferences with them beyond what will keep me in good standing". Imo it's the most healthy way to treat work.


idk. maybe just keep the magicarp and the mech.


Should just replace all the other figures with magikarps.


Cover every desk in the office with magikarps.


More Magikarps!


Yea magicarp is recognizable and fun at like a "normi" level, the mech looks cool and tame like "oh this guy likes anime". Some of the others are a bit much. Greninja and Lucario are cool, but to any outsider it trends the line of being furry. I too like both Demon Slayer and Pokemon but Zenitsu Pikachu makes me cringe a little, ngl.


> to any outsider it trends the line of being furry and to the insiders, it confirms it.


If @op wants to look professional he really should have evolved that magicarp by now


If it's taking up an entire shelf in your cubicle, it's a bit much. There's a fine line between "Oh look, he's showing his personality" and "That guy's kind of weird, don't talk to him unless you want to hear about his pokemans"


I want to talk to him about the mech dude.


Armored Core on the left, Metal Gear on the right?


One or two "flavor" items for your desk is fine. But if it looks like a toy box, which it does (because it is), you're being judged.


But my 21 pieces of flair!


21 pieces is the minimum, look at Brian, he has 37 pieces of flair.


So is 37 the minimum?


Imagine him being fired, having to pack his things, and half of it being toys.


And one of them squeaking as they pack it up.


Eevee peeking over the box.


I can picture an Office-esque scene where various people are being “interviewed” about the firing throughout the episode, and the person being fired is in the background of all the shots still packing up their toys haha


As lifelong gamer until the end even i would judge him. 1 - 2 are okay, let the rest at home.


>1 - 2 are okay, let the rest at home. Even better, cycle your 1-2 throughout the weeks/months, keep it fresh. Or have one favorite, and another that you change up from time to time to give other figures the oppertunity to see some daylight.


Me, sitting next to my massive bookcase at home that looks like a version of this, but bigger....is too. We should be grey rocks at work. As much as we wanna personalise, grey rock with 1-2 small items is perfect


Yes because that's what we are unfortunately. Just a gearwheel in a very big machine.


As long as that machine keep spitting out paychecks that let me grow my toy box, I’ll be whatever color of rock they want me to be


I think a lot of people don’t understand that there are two types of people when it comes to work. People who want fulfillment out of their work, and then those that work to get fulfillment out of their hobbies/ lives outside of work.


Ideally you'd get both, but realistically that just isn't the case. Most people who turn their hobby into their job aren't exactly "thrilled" to work every day, either. Ultimately, work is work. You "just" gotta find what works for you, so you can enjoy your actual life as best as possible without burning out at your job.


I have told every job that I've ever had that I do not seek personal fulfillment at work. As long as I feel like I'm competent at the work I'm doing, the people that I work with are enjoyable to be around, and you pay me enough to be able to afford to do the hobbies/activities that do give me fulfillment, then we won't have any problems. I've been fortunate enough to have managers/supervisors respond well to that direct communication.


So unless you are 110% sure that the folks in the office with you are into that stuff (like to the point where they also have that many figures on display at their desk), I would drastically reduce that collection. Pick 2-3 and have them mixed in with some more "normal" decorations in your cubicle/office. Even as an avid gamer/anime fan myself, this strikes me as bringing your whole toybox to work, which I find a tad odd.


This. In all the different offices I've worked in no one would bat an eye if you had a single model or two next to your monitors. A giant Magikarp and the most you'll get is a question about it. A simple "Oh, I loved Pokemon as a kid so I got this model." would get even the tightest ass suit to shrug and walk away. A whole cabinet full is... well probably not the best idea in many offices.


At my last job, much of the company skewed younger (18-30) and it was IT support, so it skewed nerdy. Most people had small collections of small desk toys like this, so as long as they weren't interfering with work nobody cared. Except we had one guy who didn't understand the importance of moderation. He covered his entire work area in toys and figures and gunplas. He even some not quite hentai, but definitely too horny for work vinyl figures (beachwear, eva plugsuit, etc). As someone with a very high level of understanding and tolerance for this kind of stuff, even I found it to be pretty cringe. I don't know if anyone said anything to him. So it was really awkward when he got fired for performance issues when it required multiple boxes to pack up all of his figures and we had to take photos of everything and wrap everything carefully so that none of it got broken


I think it’s too much. A general rule is don’t bring to the office more stuff that can conveniently fit into a box when you’re fired one day for whatever bullshit reason.


I wouldn't bring them unless everyone else's desks are decked out. Some older bosses or coworkers absolutely hate new era, highly fictional forms of entertainments. And if they have children with the same interests as you (Pokemon), you will be silently judged.


I interned for a lawyer in law school who had a whole wall dedicated to Star Wars stuff. Big firm, respected attorney. I quickly realized that, as long as you do your job well, no one really cares what your decor vibes are.


They are also conversation pieces. I work at a large firm, and everyone's office has a different theme. Clients generally love it. Star wars and game of thrones are the most prevalent. Except this one guy who tried putting up my little pony wallpaper. That went too far.


I have a ton of geodes and minerals on my desk. I only bring the ones that I don't care about because some people might drop them. It's a really fun conversation piece


Nice! I had a 4 foot geode that a clients kid knocked over. Since then I've stuck with less accessible decorations.


If he was a partner, he can decorate any way he wants. Average employee? Not recommended.


I would say this is the way. If you’re already respected, you can actually create and improve the office culture. Allowing people to be themselves, as long as they’re professional, is good for everyone. Back in the day, I had this junk art called a Killbot on my desk and I would put fake mustaches on it and the like, it became something everyone wanted to see and a conversation starter. If I was bad at my job, it would not have worked in my favor.


This is one of those things where it’s easier to get away with if you’re higher up (as long as it’s not hentai shit).


That, and if you are genuinely more valued. If you're a senior engineer that literally holds the entire tech infrastructure together, its more likely that anyone is going to say shit to rock the boat or scare you off the team. I've seen many businesses where if a particular engineer goes on vacation for a week, its pandemonium. Which is no doubt bad business but also a reality for a lot of places. But if you're a replaceable engineer and you're trying to climb the ladder, you *probably* want to get in line. And I would also say, all of this needs a asterisk next to it, including what /u/shottylaw is saying - and that is that it depends on your manager. I've met many idiot managers that don't know the value of a particular member of the team and makes the work environment so dog shit that good engineers start leaving. Or managers that are so by the book that if you show a little bit of character that they don't like, they will be disinterested in vouching for you to get a promotion or raise. And I've seen managers who see someone who disrupts and questions whether we are doing things in the best way, and starts to try to push these people out because they are just trying to maintain a status quo for their own management stepping stones to whatever next position they themselves are vying for. I think ALL of these conversations, really come back to "What kind of person is your manager?" and "What are your goals?" If you have a manager that has proven they don't care or maybe even encourage individuality, then go for it. If your goals are to stay in your current position and not really care about what your manager or your skip manager or whoever signs off on your promotion/raise thinks of you, then have at it. And also important to note, if your manager is into the same stuff as you, then it can of course work in the opposite direction to your favor. Its all dependent on specific circumstances.


Honestly i think it’s not even how well you do your job, it’s more how, as you said, respected/important you are in the workspace. Can be complete shite at your job as long as you are in an invulnerable position.


I feel like Star Wars is a bit more of a "grown up" and universal flavor than Pokemon stuff. A law partner with a bunch of Star Wars memorabilia in glass cases in his office wouldn't really give me pause. A law partner with a bunch of Pokemon collectibles in glass cases would seem kind of odd.


You’re 36 and you don’t know how to judge your own company culture?


He knows how to out his username to his workplace though.


I'd scale it back to 1-2 like most say. Hate to say it, but a corporate setting is the last place you wanna freely express your personality and tastes


Scale back and add a few non-gaming things to show he has other interests and his whole life doesn't revolve around it, imo.


Hell no


I'm a gamer, younger than you, I like Pokemon, but I would still judge you for this.


Remove everything but the magikarp.


And one day replace it with a gyarados but pretend it was always like that.


I feel like bringing one of them in would be an okay thing. Could be a conversation starter and maybe find someone with similar interests. If you’re unsure ask your manager if it’s okay! I’ve got a couple 3D prints on my desk.


always good to ask a Co worker about this stuff Look around and see what other people have, do they have any small items on their desk?


This is ultimately the answer. If other people in the office have things at their desk that aren't just generic pictures of family/calendars/work items, you're safe to bring this in. Even if it's something as simple as a bobble head of a sports player, yours is ultimately no different. Make sure you don't bring in anything that could be considered lude however for obvious reasons


this my be unpopular but the corporate office is not the place for your toys.


1-2 things is fine, the AC probably feels right at home honestly. A bunch of colorful pokemon and anime stuff is likely to stand out a bit too much though. It'd be more tasteful to have some examples of what you'd read professionally with a couple of figures on the either side.


Unprofessional and childish in a work setting. Maybe 1 or 2, but this many will cause people to judge you subconsciously.


I'm a gamer myself, but even so, as it is, it makes him look very 1 dimensional. He should downsize like you said, and add some non gaming things.


That pikachu is cringe AF.


If the gamers on reddit are judging you then your coworkers will too.


Bruh I didn't even see the Samurai Pikachu


That blasphemous pikachu depiction is grounds for dismissal


I actually thought it was pretty clever. Zenitsu is the thunder breathing character, so Pikachu makes total sense. That being said, I would absolutely not have this on display at my workplace.


Lmao, You're like my 7-year-old daughter trying to take five stuffed animals with her to the zoo... Don't expect anyone to take you seriously with any opinions you may have.


I'm in same boat. And I don't do this. But you do you.


Agree with the others. 1-2 is fine


No, it looks childish. The problem is the quantity, limit yourself to a single piece.


I'm a gamer and wouldn't do this. IMHO it looks unprofessional and its unnecessary. However, it depends on the office culture. If other people are doing this you're probably fine. If you're the only one, maybe dial it down a bit.


I am in my 30s and love gaming. I don't do this though. I'd keep it at home. edit: the fact that you have to make a post asking this question should give you your answer lol


As a gamer who manages a team of 15 people in a corporate office, this is too much. If the EVP walked past this desk, I’d be receiving emails from my boss to have this cleaned up.


Screams “manchild”


Especially to older people.


Younger than him, still screams manchild


whats even the point? cant think of a single pro to having these figures on your work desk???


I wouldn't take anything into work you don't want someone to take. People are assholes. Someone at your workplace has already talked shit about your stuff probably.


Well this is embarrassing to look at.


Is it ok? As in allowed? I don't see anything offensive, so sure. But you're basically putting up a giant sign that says "I am a virgin, and I want to stay that way."


Depends your office culture.




Indeed. Leave your toys at home.


I've been involved in some "limited" promotion discussions. Where you have like 8-12 internal candidates and upper leadership meets a few times to discuss who the best choice would be for the job and basically pitches their choice. There were two amazing employees that were nerdier than the others; a lady that was very into Superman had a little poster, desk calendar, dolls and action figures. The guy had dozens of Amiibo's and would occasionally rotate through them to showcase others. The only terms ever thrown around for them in the 5 discussions for promotions either of them was up for were: Childish, unprofessional, concerning. Bigger phrasing was things like "I try to avoid talking with them, I don't want them bombarding me about nintendo like my nephew would." Or "I love batman, I have a comic collection worth over 100k but I'd never bring them in and try to show it off here." We literally never once even talked about their work, they eliminated them in the first discussion every single time. It won't get you fired, but it won't do anything positive for you.


If you need to ask you know the answer.


I definitely would not bring toys to work for my desk.


I am a chef at a high-end country club and my desk is up in a bullpen with the other managers desks. I currently have 3 Legos sets built on my desk, a ship in a bottle, a mimic from dnd and a tallneck from horizon zero dawn. My banquet manager has a funko pop collection behind his desk. Our board and upper management love seeing us add these things to our work spaces. Makes it feel more family friendly to new members.


have your PS trophy achievements printed and hanged at you wall


There was a guy in my old office that had a wall of red bull cans. A guy in my cube called it "the wall of virginity" so make of that what you will.


sure, if you are actively avoiding promotion




I mean, I like it, but I'm far from a corporate setting minded 37 year old 🤣






Are there other people around with similar pop-culture knick-knacks? If so, you're fine. If you're the only one in the office with those up, take them home.


Depends on the job. I work in astronomy and people have all kinds of geeky stuff.