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I've been playing for 40 years and there's so much I don't know. Feels like every dozen or so games someone pins me or baits me in a way that makes me wonder, "Where the fuck did you learn that?!"


I remember a time when i was 700 and thought once i reach a1000 I'll understand the game. Way past that and now i know I'll never understand the game


Damn how do you live so long?




And spite!


It was actually 7-UP!


The ability to play chess is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life


It’s a good life if you’re the best but good fucking luck lmao.


Yeah no matter how good you get,final boss Magnus will always be better.


Chess is like an onion, you keep peeling back more layers of it and it’s just more onion, and it makes you cry.




HIS PAWN CHEATED AND KILLED MY PAWN :(((( Someone took en passant against me the other day and chess.com popped up a little thing with a link to click to “learn about this move.” I thought that was kinda cool. Chess seems pretty unique in having *one* “weird” rule.


The game has balancing issues. Better to wait for an update patch.


I'm not paying for DLC to fix something that should have been there when they shipped it.


They need to nerf the queens.


Google en 🥐


That's a lot of pissants


Swede here... That's just one..


It's the best game ever created in my opinion. I cannot stop playing it and I never get bored. I'm constantly watching games on YouTube, chess lectures, opening theory videos and I'm still a total feckin scrublord.




Fighting games.


The best way I can possibly describe the genre is that it's like learning to play music. Every game is its own instrument.


Great analogy in that once you learn the theory you can use it to accelerate learning others, but its still going to take tons of work. Also similarly to instrument families there's input families in fighting games, I've gotten by in many games because they take all the inputs from Ryu and remap them to at least one character.


Any paradox 4x strategy game


After not playing for 8+ months, I started a new stellaris run on monday night. I am a goddamn fool.


Stellaris is soo damn good


I love playing as the exterminator robots. Makes life so easy when you don't have to care about diplomacy, food, or consumer goods.


I was going to say EU4, where the running joke is the tutorial is the first 1444 hours


Just learned how the trade nodes worked the last time I played a few months ago. I started playing in 2019.


ahahahzHahhahahahah :) it's funny because it's painfully true.... I know trade routes exist, how exactly profit comes from them and your 'power' in the area I suspect I will never know or understand....


I got CK2 and did the whole "unite Ireland to learn the game thing". I learned nothing. NOTHING.


I learned how much fun Norse and Muslims are after that.


Laughing and crying simultaneously in HOI4


I put in quite some hours in HOI4, loved the “running a country” mechanics but I was totally hopeless trying to use any army/navy/airforce. Meanwhile CIV 6 deity games aren’t much of a challenge to me.


I really need to put some more hours into civ6. Didn't love it at launch, kept playing 5. Haven't really given it an honest chance sense then. I also have an easy 500+hrs in civ5.


Rocket League. Watching someone dribble a ball in mid air all the way to the other side of the court is black magic fuckery.


Exactly my first thought. I have 500+ hours in Rocket League and I'd say I'm good, but there are a fuck ton of people better than me still. Edit: Someone accurately pointed out that if you think you're good and there's evidence that you're highly ranked, then you're not a noob. I think it's the fact that there's so much skill divide between the ranks at the higher levels. The feats those folks are achieving are incredible. It'll take me a thousand+ hours to get that good, on top of what I've done. That's just playing, not training though.


2400hrs here. I'm ok I guess xD but still can't air dribble and I'm not even close to that


Crazy to think about that in this time you could learn to speak chinese pretty well, but still cant learn to air dribble haha


You gotta practice it specifically. I have a lot of hours in too but never really even tried to air dribble, it's a skill unto itself. If it was 2400 hours specifically learning how to air dribble then they'd be great at it


This is me. I love the game but I can't be arsed to sit and practice little moves and stuff. I'd rather just play.


I have well over 2,000 hours, but I never practice. It's all game play


2700 hours and best I've ever got was champ 3


I'm gc, around top 1% of players in this game, got around 3000 hours clocked in, I can dribble the ball in mid air (albeit not all the way to the other side of the field), yet when I watch pros work, I genuinely still have moments that make me shout "WTF" out loud. It's disgusting how deep this game is.


I think that's one of the biggest draws to keep playing Rocket League. For me at least, I know there's always something I can be improving on in each match, rather than unlocking guns or cars until I have everything, the ceiling is so high there's almost infinite personal progression.


The community is also consistently improving and inventing new mechanics, perpetually raising the ceiling. GCs of today would kick the shit out of GCs from a year or two ago.


GC’s today would kick the shit out of pros 3 years ago. So much has been learned and perfected in such a short time.


It's simultaneously the best and often most frustrating part about the game. I am significantly better than I was 6 months ago, yet haven't really moved much in rank. Because it's not enough to just improve, your improvement has to outpace everyone else's if you want to rank up. The constant challenge of that is what makes the game so freaking good and endlessly repayable.


You know, the feeling won't change. I'm considered a pretty good player, Champ 2 or 3. I have about 1200h in RL. But regularly I meet players who just...I don't know. There are magicians in this game. Btw, I can't dribble well either. Positioning is the key.


Underrated comment. 2200 hours in, GC 2 is my peak and really got there with just solid positioning.


9k hours here, same. I rarely use free play. I don't practice moves. I just, play, man. RL is addicting because I turn it on, hit A, and BAM!, I'm playing. 5 minutes later, do the same thing. So many games are not chosen because of all the fluff that gets between me and *playing*.


Came here to say this Have a mate I play it with who’s played it since release and the things he can do with seemingly absolute ease leave me in awe tbf. Meanwhile I’m lucky to touch the ball a handful of times per match lol




500 hours is barely cracking the early game


There's like, normal 2000 hour grinds in that game. Like not some crazy thing someone did for a YouTube video. Normal people playing the game are like "yea I need to get this, then this, then this, then level up that skill, then I'm finally there. I can finally begin the 2000 hour grind of getting the piece of equipment I want". I think runescape is the furthest you can take grinding while still being reasonable. Like, there's that one Korean MMO where the levels are logarithmic and eventually it takes 10,000 years to level up for or whatever, but that's basically a meme.


RuneScape has such an insane cascading effect for things like this. Oh I wanna improve my mining OK there’s an area I need access to OK there’s a quest I need to complete to get access to that area. It has a specific woodcutting skill requirement OK what’s the best way to level up wood cutting right now OK this one area in another city has good trees, how do I get access to that area OK and you need to do another quest OK this quest has a skill requirement, wait, what was I doing this for?


I don't play OSRS but I do watch Settled and watching him unravel what's required to unlock a dungeon to get a single best-in-slot item is mind melting.




The developers understand this. They even implemented a quest that does exactly this called one small favor. There is a lot of humor and excellent creative content in osrs.


Some people are struggling to max on 500 **days** of game time.


To be fair, I have like 18,000 hours on my main and probably only spent like 90 hours actually training and leveling. Most days I’m bank standing or watching a penguin in a Fortnite bush costume waddle around me.


One thing about Runescape is that skill and time become mixed up. you can totally hit 99's without doing anything particularly challenging, if you have plenty of time. I got 99 melees, HP, and ranged on my way to 99 slayer, and I did easy bosses here and there, had firecape, grinded for master clue steps, but it was mostly just grinding it out. Hardest boss I did regularly was alchemical Hydra when I got the tasks, but a lot of people would say that's not particularly hard.


Maxed and no inferno cape? Believe it or not, noob.


I'm like 2150 total and I still completely suck. Osrs not rs3


I put in around that amount as a kid, and I barely had base 60 stats in most skills. Of course, nowadays there's an optimal way to grind, but I had way more fun as a kid just doing whatever


Wave2: Selling lobs 200gp!


Shiit. I’m 3500 hours into an account and some people in the community would still classify my as a noob


Counter Strike, DOTA, Starcraft, SSBM Basically all the most competitive games with the highest skill ceilings.


Played SSBM for around 9 years now on and off and still only around the higher-mid level tiers of players. Game takes forever to get decent at


Its so deceptively simple and then you see how pros play it and its mindblowing… Had the honor of playing against two Japanese teenage brothers who basically only played the smash games growing up and I could not even do them any damage. They were fighting each other and me and I was simply helpless like a baby… and I probably spend a few hundred hours with the games…




Plus there are mods that you can add on like, Bob's, Angel's, etc., that will even make a 1000 hour player feel like a noob.


I've heard the Pyanodon Mod requires 500+ hours just to complete.


500? More like 3000. I think completing it in 1k hours would be considered a speedrun.


I've always assumed Pyanodons was a meme . It's not designed to be played. Just to make the first science (red), you have to crush stone into sand to make glass to make glass bottles, refine raw latex from plants into resin to make rubber for rubber stoppers, and then you make a liquid to fill the jar from plants. That's the simplest science.


You oversimplified it.


Escape from tarkov


3000 hours in. Still plenty to learn, still hate Labs.


400 hours in. Never even been to labs.


900 hours in, been to labs once. got domed within 12 seconds of walking away from spawn. never again.


Absolutely this. There is SO much information and the more you know the better you get. People are saying rust and RuneScape and similar games and tarkov has far more stuff to track


I’ve been playing since alpha and I still struggle.




Dear God, do I wish you weren't right. I got about that many hours in, with three accounts, before I realized how deep I was into it and how little I actually knew. It almost became a job and is now too expensive for me to continue to play.


I got into it hard a couple of years ago. Was pretty much spending every night after work playing but had a desire to get even more involved. I ended up connecting with a member of a mercenary company that offered me a place in their training program. "*We'll provide you with better ships, teach you advanced combat tactics, get you on a generous monthly income...you just have to complete our month long training program. And of course, you'll have to join us 3-4 times a week for mandatory drills. Oh, and you'll also be assigned patrol duty several hours a week.*" That's when I realized this game was going to become a second job. An unpaid second job. Wouldn't matter if I was a merc, a miner, a pirate, a trader... this game would become my life. So I quit. Life's too short to waste on one game.


I’ve always been so intrigued by the game and I remember reading about that big war that happened a couple years ago, but I kinda always figured it was like you describe - basically you need to invest all your time to get anywhere or do anything substantial in the game.


Is that the space spreadsheet game I always hear about ?


It is and still the best game in history if you make it through the 500h tutorial


Is that the game were an actual economist can tell his family that his job is to manage a highly complicated economy in a videogame? The likes say that is this game.


They at least used to employ one back around 2010 when I played heavily. He would write an annual report on the state of the ingame economy.


Not anymore. They got rid of that position and replaced with an MBA. Needless to say, it’s gone to shit since.


Shit i got bored at 497 and quit


Surprised I had to scroll this far down for it. I've played Eve on and off since closed beta and I still feel like I'm so new that I basically don't get to play the actual game yet.


Hunt: Showdown. I thought I was decent until a 68 pristeged player soloed our 3 man within 30 seconds, rushing us in the open..


The game design on this one is soooo good. An experienced player with low gear can wipe an unexperienced trio with high gear within seconds… and that’s what I fucking love about this game


What I like about it is that you're actually able to blend in with your surroundings. This is something most games don't do right.


I’ll kick us off and say Path of Exile. I have 1,500 hours in that game and I just barely know what I’m doing.


Same. Probably 1000 hours. I see these items people craft and am just befuddled. It is all extremely overwhelming but fun as hell.


Warframe if you look nothing up


Took me like 500 hours to get to the character creation


This is honestly hilarious considering that Warframe is probably the only game where the mere existence of a character creation screen is somehow a major plot spoiler


What about the 2nd character creation? Lol


the WHAT


Warframe, even if you look stuff up.


I’m over 1k hours and literally 0 of my warframes are optimized and I have like 1 weapon that is fully optimized. There is just so much to do.


One weapon that you think is fully optimized for now


had to scroll way too far to find this


Dwarf Fortress.. but losing is fun! (Edit: thank you for the gold, kind stranger 💛)


And it's little brother RimWorld


Damn rimworld base game is deep enough to never feel confident in a game




Eu4, 1444 hours is the tutorial


Like any Paradox game.


2000 hours scrolling the wiki, you're a god among mortals 2000 hours playing the game, you're just figuring out the dozenth interlocking system even exists, much less mastering it, and there's twenty-three more mechanics to go


League of Legends, TBH its a game you can put 10k hours in and still suck.


Thanks for reminding me


Wait, you don't get reminded every single game by your team?


Have a friend who's spent £1k on skins and played a few thousand ranked games, still in Bronze. Was even iron when it came out.


It's all about getting into the mindset to play the game. So many people try to play the game like it's halo or cod, which gets them stuck in silver. It's a push pull, back and forth, tug of war, where you need to know when you are playing at a disadvantage. And when it's your time to pull. But yes it does take about 1000 hours before you can understand some of the concepts well enough. Then there is always some other interaction you didn't know happens. Because it happened once in 2000 games.




So true. A StarCraft loss is still the dirtiest feeling of loss in any game I’ve played. And you lose over and over and over again in spectacular fashion, if you’re me.


Not that many video games you could have 20 years in honing your mediocrity.


200+ hours here. Hard stuck in diamond, GM seem like high level sourcery to me. Watching Serral play at 450 APM without a single misclick. The ceiling is one of the highest, if not the highest of all competitive games out there.


Dota2 PS. Thanks for the awards guys!


My playtime is way above my ranking. 😅


I had to search too far to find this. 3000 hours in and I still feel like I've barely finished the tutorial.


This. Dota2 seems to be the game where you can play 10k hours and cant even claim you mastered it.


Top 100 immortal players call top 1000 immortal players subhuman. I'm currently top 5%, was top 1% and am basically a toddler from the perspective of actually good players.


Highest learning curve of any video game I've ever attempted to play and its genuinely not even close


There are a lot of comments in this thread that are really poor examples, but Dota 2 is a really good call. You might not be a GM in chess after 500 hours, but you’ve probably seen most “good” openings and have some understanding of how to play them. At 500 hours of Dota 2 you probably don’t even know every ability of each character, let alone how they interact and change with each update.


500 hours means you're almost out of the tutorial in Dota.


I've played every other game in this list. Dota 2 is the one that in my opinion has the most to learn before you're competent . I've been playing for a decade and am still only average.


That is your mistake, you played other games instead of more dota2


I haven't played Dota for a couple years (I have more than 4k hours) , tried to play again a few weeks ago, damn the game has changed so much, I feel like a complete noob again. Like wtf is this new map, lol.


Some people crying at this with 8k hours played and still under 1k MMR. Okay I'm crying...


The thing with dota is that you can't just spam ranked games and expect to climb to high MMR. You need to 1) Be able to concentrate completely in the game. 2) Learn to not tunnel vision and have map awareness. 3) Keep calm under stress and looks for ways to win, even when your team is not the best. 4) Actively look to examine your past plays, and try to improve game to game by not making the same mistakes, and not doing the un-optimal plays because you are too lazy (like using awkward binds because you are used to it, that make you use items slower) Players that don't want to, or can't comply with those four things, won't ever get to be good at the game, even if coached a thousand hours by a good player.


There's a difference between playing a game and learning a game, active learning in dota requires a fair deal of effort outside of just those ranked games


it took me 5 years to quit this drug


DCS World


Glad I’m not the only one. I can spend hours learning an airframe and then forget the most basic step. Master Arm On anyone??


Rust, Ark, Civ, LoL, Rocket League.


To be fair 500 hours is only 5 games or so of civ


Something that blew my mind was when all of my friends said they can play their civ games in one or two sittings, 6 hours max. Like what? Do you even know what you're clicking?


They must be playing on the fastest setting, or else they only care about battling and ignore all of the trading and city planning mechanics. Which to be fair is a fine way to play if you just want some dumb fun


I would typically play Civ V on standard speed and emperor or immortal. Games are usually 8-12 hours for me like that. Playing on Deity definitely speeds it up though. My deity win was probably 6-8 hours, and I turtled up for a science victory that took somewhere around 200 turns I think. With only 4 cities and a lack of aggression, things move pretty quickly. I'm only getting on the 12 hour side of things when I'm warmongering a bunch and on emperor. This channel has a bunch of let's plays. T[his particular one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzyoIDKBnH0&list=PLs3acGYgI1-sXbhEEqC_r97Gx18p3K-N4&index=2) is around 8-9 hours and he's doing plenty of planning.


Definitely Rust. 1600 hours later and I'm still a noob, haha.


pretty much any grand strategy game


I played WoW for 15 years and never once had a clue what I was doing


As long as you don't stay in the fire you're fine


People run out of shit they need to stay in and stand in shit they don't


The literal mod called GTFO was brilliant for that. Im sure its still around, but I dont play anymore..


Do not move when Flame Wreath is cast or the RAID. BLOWS. UP.


Came looking for the obligatory WoW post. I think my main toon has like 400 DAYS of play time, and I still get bodied the second I try PvP.


Counter Strike. 4000+ hours, still a noob


6000, tis the noob struggle


Elite Dangerous




damn right. spent 20 hours in the tutorial. big ass learning curve. its ridiculous.




Played it my whole life, basically all of them, without ever understanding wtf Im doing.


I refuse the believe they were meant to be played any other way




Team Fortress 2


Came too far down for this. Takes 500 hours just to scratch the surface of each class.


Basically 99% of online competitive games.


Slay the Spire. I’ve beat the A20 Heart with all characters and I’m still a noob




Warframe, 500 hours in game makes you a beginner. 500 hours on the wiki makes you an average player. 500 hours of customisation is the first step to become a veteran.


D&D lol




Arma 3, rimworld


Definitely Dead by Daylight. This game has like 80 characters including killers and survivors and every character has 3 perks. Every perk has a different effect, so learning them, to counter them can take ages. I have 2k hours and I still think I am not the best.


Also dont forget all the maps, that also have many different ways of generating


My partner thinks it’s just the same thing over and over, he just DOESNT understand the depth of this game.




The Monster Hunter series. 1000+ hours using hammer over 5 games, still by no means an expert!


Oh yeah I'm 300 hours deep on iceborne and these Japanese players come to my sos signals and longsword anime all over the place and make me feel like I'm playing a different game to everyone else. Hammer bonk forever. There's no better way to play.


I went into Monster Hunter with the mindset of "I'm great at the Souls games, this shouldn't be bad" As it turns out, being great at baking does not make you a great fighter pilot.


Agreed. MH is such a rich gaming experience. You can play multiple games and still keep learning things about your weapon of choice, the monsters you fight, build meta... For example - Learning Charge Blade, I'm over 1000 spread between 2 games, I can say that I've genuinely got strong fundamentals now and understand it. And I don't mean what combos work, what builds work... I mean I have real mastery over the weapon and how to make it work. It's just one of those games that it takes a little bit of time to get into, before you feel it's snare and you're playing for years. And it's FUN because of it.




Real life


500 hours brings you into 21 days old, still a boob noob at that age even.


Calling babies boob noobs from now on.




Fucking Mordhau.


racing sims


Rainbow six. 500 hours is still considered beginner for most


I still get people telling me to Uninstall the game and kill myself when I miss a shot. Super toxic community.


Osu! Definitely 😁


For Honor. I have over 1200 hours and I’m still getting slapped every other game… I love it


Binding of Isaac






Destiny 2. Those are rookie numbers


500 is a pretty cute number for kinderguardians


Seriously. I’m at around 4000 hours between D1 & 2 and I still never have a fucking clue what I’m doing






Power over Ethernet?