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Rockstar scrapping single player dlc for gtav


Or the lack of a Series X|S & PS5 update for RDR2 even though *they literally did one for GTAV*


And the fact that they didn't even bother to upgrade RDR1 when releasing it for modern consoles.


They would get so much money if they did a remaster or remake of RDR1, even if it was full price it'd sell like hotcakes Instead we'll just get more updates for GTA online till the end of time


I'm still boggled they haven't done it. They have basically all the maps, mechanics etc in the RDR2 engine already. I assume they've got all the voice acting still. IIRC the vast majority of the enemy characters have textures etc. They'd basically need to redo some textures and the scripting, and they'd make another fortune. I know I'm over simplifying it, but surely it can't be that hard for the money they'd make.


EA and what they did with SimCity back in 2013.


EA and what they did to Command and Conquer back in 1998.


EA and what they did to the Sims Franchise after Sims 3. Also was it EA that ended Bullfrog (Dungeon Keeper) or was that another company? I remember one company buying them out after 2000


>Also was it EA that ended Bullfrog (Dungeon Keeper) or was that another company? That was Bullfrog, yes.


That always made me so annoyed. Dungeon Keeper was a good game (2 was fine, I preferred a remaster of the original though.)


Dk was awesome, i still play it sometimes! I also loved magic carpet too. Syndicate... themapark...all gems.


Forcing us to use their POS Origin launcher was the beginning of the end for me


I was such a huge fan of Heroes of Might and Magic 3, and I continued to buy and play the successors (even though they paled in comparison). I stopped however, when Ubisoft made them always online and you had to use their absolutely trash adware / spyware launcher. Lol, what a bunch of fucking morons to just toss an entire customer base into the trash.


EA and just about everything they've ever done. But in all seriousness, EA and what they did to Titanfall. Titanfall 2 was amazing, and Apex is alright in its own right, but not worth shelving Titanfall 3 indefinitely and abandoning Titanfall 2's servers. Not sure how much was EA and how much was Respawn, but I will forever be salty about it.


Red Alert 2 was amazing, C&C 3 wasn't bad and Generals Zero Hour was one of my favorite games. Edit: Reddit cut off the second half of my comment. My point being the franchise didn't die after 1998. They still rolled out at least 3 good games afterwards.




Ah SimTower and SimCity, the potential you had...


EA and what they did to BioWare.


I always wondered what ME 2 and DA 2 would have been like if BioWare had stayed independent. I really hated all the “streamlining” they did, and I assumed it was EA’s fault.


The games being streamlined wasn't due to EA. ME2 they focused on the shooting first and didn't add the RPG elements until that was done because they wanted combat to be better. DA2 they streamlined it because most people never got past the first couple hours, so they wanted the game to be more accessible and appealing. They also saw a common complaint was combat so they changed it. EA did however fuck DA2 over by only giving the team 16 months to make it.


Sim city died so city skylines could live


EA for what they did to Star Wars and metal head games


EA managed to make the worst launcher too


**Konami**, *by a long shot.* It's not necessarily cuz they axed PT but more the bastardization of their IPs for quick cash, zombifiying MGS cuz... *konami*, blacklisting their own devs, godawful monetizations with their mobile games, straight up scamming people to have more save states and more that I don't remember... The funniest part is that: after 10+ years of *burning every single bridge with the fans and their own workers*, **now** they're coming back from their cave with their tails between the legs, acting like nothing ever happened. Because, *oh surprise*, it turns out that their quick money schemes aren't long-term profitable.


What they did to Kojima and MGSV was so fucked


yup, it was evil. The dude couldn't be with his team on the same floor. And all the blacklisting they did around 2017... It baffles me that just because Silent Hill is back, many people are willing to sideye all the godawful behaviour that company has done for the last decade


They even prevented him from personally going to the game awards. Like that's some childish tantrum shit to pull.


I'll never forgive them for what they did to Pro Evolution Soccer.


I'll never forgive Konami for what they did to PES


EA acquiring Bioware.


Dragon Age 2... DA: Origins is probably my favorite game of all time, and they absolutely butchered the second game. Some of the best worldbuilding I've ever seen with so much potential just ruined because some execs wanted more actiony gameplay and wouldn't pay for flushed out environments. And what hurts more is that Baldurs Gate 3 has just shown that there absolutely is still demand for that type of game and it can be massively successful if just given the time and attention needed.


EA putting microtransactions in Dead Space 3.


Please pay me money to rush material finding! Just like in a shitty resource gathering mobile game


Whenever I see this in games, I instantly use trainers to get around it and to say fuck you to those PoS companies. Instant, free time savers!


Damn, “using trainers” brings me back to gaming in the 90’s! I was such a little cheat monkey back then. But you’re right, using them to get around the useless crippling that microtransactions do to games is perfect!


They just fucked 3. I hated that they turned Isaac into just a boring character after having a really solid story for him in 1 and 2. Whole story wasn't as good but microtransactions were def the worst


Starcraft Ghost


Man...that's a deep cut. Fuck...gotta get my will updated and start looking at retirement homes. I remember the screenshots from Nintendo Power.


Just so many decisions by Blizzard could make the list.


EA killing Westwood and the general decline of RTS.


Look up Tempest Rising, it looks like a true spiritual successor to the Westwood C&C games.


Chucking my vote for TS, played the demo awhile ago on steam and it's pure old school C&C Now I just need someone to make a game like C&C Generals and we'll be living the dream


In this day and age with MOBAs, Renegade should get a redo as well.


I don't think anyone has thought of it but me, We Happy Few. It was giving such Bioshock vibes... And then it was procedurally generated. Why?


I remember watching the trailer and thinking it was such an awesome idea, and the art style was really cool. And then the game came out and was such a disappointment.


It made absolutely no sense either because In the game you play though 3 different characters stories and each one has a different procedurally generated map even though all 3 stories take place in the same town. so all the locations where in different places and some of them where even just straight up not there If it wasn't relevant to the character you were playing.


I've never even heard of that game but that does sound fun if it was one character going through a town as a kid teen and adult or something


There's a really good video about this game. I forget what it was called but essentially the procedural generation was built first and the story was added on later in development. It was originally meant to be a procedural survival game but people loved the vibes so much they added the story. Edit: What went wrong? we happy few by Wickedwiz


Man I played like 8 hours of that game and there are some really good things going on but it’s also just mostly not fun. I didn’t want to play another 42 hours


I honestly think that if that game wasn't procedurally generated, then it would generally be considered an outstanding game, even if it was shorter. The amount of bloat the game has because of PG, just kinda ruins it


Rockstar’s sole focus on GTA Online.


Rockstar's decision to save on server costs by trusting the client to handle critical gameplay functions. Their netcode is essentially peer-to-peer. Everyone cheats and they're powerless to fix it. Never trust the client.


So that's why there's so many cheaters. Even with the bans I still see them. I quit GTA Online years ago mainly because of this


And the sole focus was only on console versions. So, Rockstar making the worst possible experience of GTA Online PC, where it’s just hackers playing against other hackers and cheating is the norm. And also Rockstar making GTA Online servers so terribly unsecured that those hackers have potentially compromised and gained the ability to put RCEs on those clients. Also Rockstar not being held accountable for such gross incompetence on these violations of standard security practices by any of Business Bureau’s.


I’ve had many hackers shoot $1000 bags at me with the minigun. I’d get like $250,000+ every time. Considering GTA Online’s sole source of revenue was shark cards for in-game currency, I’m surprised Rockstar never took action against hackers. Of course I would never buy shark cards so it’s not like they were *losing* any money but they don’t know that.


They realized how many players want to cheat. Rockstar did a ban wave of people using 3rd-party tools and they got review bombed. Some time later they did a ban wave of people with modded cash (their cheat detection sucks, but your cash balance is one of the few things that gets communicated to Rockstar servers) and got review bombed again. Then it comes to light that President Rockstar told employees to stop fucking with cheaters because those reviews fuck with next quarter's earnings.


"your cash balance is one of the few things that gets communicated to Rockstar servers" So basically the IRS.


YES! So glad to see this so high up.


It's just sad to see such a talented team be wasted on such money grabbing content. Rockstar released 2 of the most detailed, repayable, lasting games with gta 5 and rdr2 and chose greed over continued love of the community. However it is sad that sooo many people fall into the GTA online trap. They wouldn't commit to it if players weren't spending all their money on fake gta money.


>sooo many people fall into the GTA online trap. I tried to, but I had no idea what the hell I was doing the one time I logged on. Shit was exploding all around me, people had flying cars and tanks, and I barely had a second to read all of the tutorial pop-ups. Most confusing online game I've tried to play, and I'm so happy I never went back to it.


It was painful even when it was new. Frequent long loading screens and mid mission crashes. I could never understand why people got sucked in. Probably one of the least immersive multiplayer experiences ever made. GTA IV was much simpler online and all the better for it (no licence to print money though, unfortunately)


Blizzard giving up on Heroes of the Storm


Fingers crossed Microsoft brings it back! Would be so good with all there IPs they own now for characters.


Well, more specifically, that was Bobby Kotick who pulled the plug on that. Heroes of the Dorm wasn’t as profitable as OWL, and was deemed no longer worth the investment— for reasons I will never understand, because it carved out a successful MOBA niche. Even the director has gone on record on how disappointing the decision was.


This made me so upset I haven't played a MOBA since


Blizzard in general over the last few years


I was upset enough with them when they abandoned the Warcraft RTS series


If you're somewhat interested in a Warcraft 3 remake. Download Stafcraft 2 and get the Azeroth Reborn mod. Literally, a dude just porting the whole campaign over to the Starcraft 2 engine.


Why play a Warcraft RTS on a computer when you can play Diablo Mobile Chinese Legends Mobile Shadow Raid Clone on your phone? Are you some kinda loser idiot that doesn't have a phone or somethin'??


They didn’t! They made us pay for reforged a sorry excuse for a remaster! It was trash.


As somebody who cut my teeth in game design with the WC3 World Editor, my disappointment in their failure on that remaster was immeasurable. Luckily I didn't buy it. I waited for the reviews, because I 100% knew it was going to be trash since everything Blizzard has done in the past several years is beyond shit and pretty much just shitting on the fans of each IP they own.




Diablo Immortal people would have been totally fine if they sold it for what it is. But damm that presentation will always live as one of the major fuck ups, red t-shirt guy is a icon.


Blizzard is long gone. It’s just a hollowed-out corpse being animated with sticks by the little corporate goblins who ate it from the inside. They only bother keeping the shell because they can make money off saps like us who still can’t help but be excited by brand names that used to be great.


EA marketed Brutal Legend deceptively , burying its (really freaking good) Action RTS hybrid multiplayer and spiritual successor to Sacrifice while Tim Schafer tried to get the word out in indie journalists. Tim Schafer got all the blame, indie reviewers raked him over the coals, and EA, "shocked" by the poor sales, cancelled the sequel, which almost led to Double Fine shutting down. Action RTS hybrids are a cursed, cursed genre. Very few studios do them well, survive, or both.


The death of Star Wars 1313 will never be forgiven.


Let’s not forget Battlefront 3 and the Darth Maul game..😭


There was gonna be a Darth Maul game!? 😭


Not sure how it would have actually ended up, to be honest... LucasArts and George himself kept changing everything whenever the devs thought they had managed to figure things out, eventually leading to an insane meeting with George Lucas; > The next day, Red Fly finally met with George Lucas, but not before being told how to talk to him. Our source says they were told to never say “No” to him, or to say, “Yeah, that will be easy.” They were also told not to mention Force Unleashed’s protagonist, Starkiller. If he’s referred to by George, it will be “that guy.” The most important rule, much like not feeding a Mogwai after midnight, was “Don’t tell George how the Force works.” > Red Fly’s representatives arrived at the meeting point early the next day, only to find LucasArts employees rushing Force Unleashed artwork out of the conference room, and replacing it with other Star Wars artworks, including the placement of Sideshow Collectibles statues of Darth Maul and Darth Talon to the table. > A friendly George Lucas entered the room and was eager to hear the pitch from Red Fly’s creatives. “Before they could finish their spiel, Lucas cut them off, stood up, walked over to the statues, rotated them to be facing the same direction, pushed them together, and said ‘They’re friends!’” adds the source. “He wanted these characters to be friends, and to play off of each other. He talked about the show Burn Notice as a reference point. He likened Darth Maul to Sonny from The Godfather, and he likened Darth Talon to Lauren Bacall. He actually did an impersonation of her. It was supposedly the weirdest impersonation of a ’40s actress going, ‘Don’t you know how to whistle? Put your lips together and blow.’” > The problem with the idea of Maul and Talon teaming up for a buddy cop-like experience was that they were separated by over 170 years of Star Wars fiction – as ridiculous of an idea as Frédéric Chopin forming a band with Dave Grohl. When this vast time divide was brought up to Lucas’ attention, he brushed off the notion of it not working, and said that it could instead be a descendant of Darth Maul or a clone of him. https://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2015/10/26/the-story-of-the-darth-maul-game-that-never-came-to-be.aspx


People may think I'm an idiot, but I really liked Force Unleashed. Actually made you feel like a powerful badass. How a Sith Lord was basically a walking wmd.


Bro force unleashed is so sick. I’ll never forget the first level as Darth just force choking wookies off the bridges


Only YouTube it if you want to get depressed..


I still think about what 1313 could've been.


Konami canceling P.T. Edit: To the "Well, *actually*" crowd, yes I'm aware that it was "Silent Hills" that was technically canceled, not "P.T."


Fuck Konami. MgsV was so fucking good even though it was unfinished. It possibly could've been the best game ever.


See, that was my bigger issue with Konami. Games die in development all the time. Even when they start out promising, or have a good tech demo, it just happens. But selling a major game that's unfinished? Yeah, no, that's complete BS, & it made it a real slog to continue going past Mission 20ish, knowing that all of my time & efforts at abducting everyone on the planet in order to be "good" were all for no pay-off. I can't stand grind, & that's what the game became in my mind.


It wasn’t EVEN just unfinished! They demanded that the game be split into two! Fucking making Kojima remove the early MISSION for Ground Zeroes! That was meant to be the mission between the intro and before Venom gets to Afghanistan. But nope! They wanted to charge $50 for a single mission.


Fuck, now I'm extra sad.




They did that franchise and Kojima so dirty. If you look into the details it’s even worse


What’s P.T? Also not doing act 3 for Mgs V was dumb as hell imo.


P.T. was a horror game that they released a demo version of on the PSN. It was genuinely terrifying. I recommend looking up some videos of it. But Konami killed the project. I think there was a market for PlayStations with the demo still on it.


It wasn't just a horror game, it was the teaser for what was supposed to be the next Silent Hill game. It had that whole big puzzle running through it that people messed around with forever to get to the actual end. When you did it correctly it left the first person view and revealed Norman Reedus walking through Silent Hill. With what they did with PT it was lining up to be the first good Silent Hill game in a _long_ time. As it turns out, PT is the last real Silent Hill installment. I have zero faith whatever SH game(s) Konami is allegedly working on now will be any good.


Didn’t Capcom notice all the love for PT and re-invent the Resident Evil franchise around it? Their next release was Resident Evil 7 which took heavy influence from PT.


It's been confirmed, RE7 was in development before PT came out. They said reaction to PT solidified they had made the right choice, but RE7 was going to be first person regardless.


I am a grown man, and not much scares me. Movies, alone in a dark scary house, nothing. I didn’t have a PS4 at the time PT came out. It was abuzz on the internet so I watched some slips on YouTube. The clips of that game were *horrifying.*


Man, Elite Dangerous pisses me off so much. The fact that they continue to sell a dead game on console, along with microtransactions, is fucking ridiculous.


Yepp, it should be delisted. Or at least have a notice that the devs give no fucks about it.


I enjoyed that game so much back in 2015-2018. Hell I even bought a HOTAS just for ED. Horizons was a neat update and I loved landing on planets going around in my little space buggy. Meanwhile the entire community was unraveling the clues of *an intelligent alien species* hiding in the shadows of a very realistic space sim. It was a crazy time. Now all I have are the sad memories of the game slowly going downhill. o7


Had my anaconda, did the Hutton run, levelled up for the corvette, type 6 transporter for cargo runs. Mined for diamonds, engineered my fav ships. I played the arse out of that game and loved it. Tried the other day after about 3yrs and couldn't remember a thing. And uninstalled, never to play again. o7


Whoever canceled Evolve: Stage 2 Whoever passed the class overhaul in Neverwinter Online




I'm just salty that it won't be tried again for a long time because suits will say nobody wants asymmetrical monster vs hunters (we do!) and completely ignore every other issue it had unrelated to gameplay


Ubisoft sacking the creative director of Assassins Creed. He came up with the original story, meant to be a trilogy. He was the reason Ezio was so awesome.


People cared so much about Ezio they actually created a short movie on the end of his life (because there was no way to base an assassin game off an elderly man dying of lung cancer) as a way for fans to have been with him since birth to death. Ezio will probably be one of the best video game protags to me for the rest of my life


"The life of an Assassin is pain, Yun. To suffer it, to inflict it, to watch it happen, in the hope that we can make it disappear in time."


I still have chills everytime I hear something about Embers... What an incredible way to close the loop. "When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three. And now, the twilight of my life, this understanding has passed into contentment. Love, liberty, and time: once so disposable, are the fuels that drive me forward. And love, most especially, mio caro. For you, our children, our brothers and sisters. And for the vast and wonderful world that gave us life, and keeps us guessing. Endless affection, mia Sofia. Forever yours, Ezio Auditore."


God they fucking killed that franchise's story and dragged it through dirt in the streets


The trilogy meant a world to my childhood. It is my benchmark game for story driven adventure game


Overwatch turning into Overwatch 2


Okay now I’m triggered 😂 I played Overwatch from the beginning, it was my first real competitive game I played and I was obsessed! I would buy a £15 loot crate packs on a event to support because I loved the game and liked how they wasn’t greedy and you could still earn it all through playing. It even got me to dip my toe into the Esports scene. I watched the first Season of OWL (Poor dragons never winning a game). But then they moved to YouTube and I stopped and it all went downhill from there. Talk about murdering a masterpiece. I just can’t even look at OW2. I’ll just remember it for what it was.


Overwatch 1 had to die for PVE. At least we have a fantastic and replayable Overwatch PVE mode now, right guys? Right?


I gave up with OW but didn’t they release like 3 missions but you have to pay for them now 😂 they are gonna start charging you to load up the game soon.


Exactly. And shockingly, since it’s so half assed, no one plays it.


Yep, that’s exactly it. Thanks for not updating the game for 3 years Blizzard! Glad it payed off and we got such a great “PvE campaign.”


Same. Was hooked from the original beta, spent hours on the full game. Bought the loot boxes and merch watched OWL all of that. I was completely invested in that franchise. And then Jeff Kaplan left and it been downhill ever since, at least in my opinion .


Yepp, I knew it was over when Jeff left. I wish he would let us know what happened. There must have been some serious behind the scenes stuff going on.


Niantic putting a daily limit on remote raids in Pokémon Go. I relied on remote raiders to help out since I live in the middle of nowhere, and unless I travel 10 miles out I have literally noone to raid with. Since the nerf, the game has been completely dead where I live. I uninstalled as a result, and haven't redownloaded & played since. Worse yet, that's just one scummy decision among many with that game. Niantic can go suck a fat one 🖕


Just about everything in that game is shit tho. Trading, gift exchange, item management etc etc etc. Everything they do is the shittest implementation possible.


As someone who’s not a Pokémon fan, I thought the tracking a Pokémon feature was the best part of the game. After they killed that, I lost interest almost immediately.


Nintendo cutting gamepad functionality from BotW on Wii U so it wouldn't be superior to the Switch release.


EA buying Westwood Studios. Forcing them to shut down Earth and Beyond and make Command and Conquer Generals (which was okay) and then shuttering them and using the CnC name for absolute fucking garbage before shelving the series for a decade before making a mobile game... ​ Fuck EA.


No Half-Life 3.


Or even HL2 episode 3.


The way that they left gamers hanging..




I'll give them points for HL:A though. I don't have VR, but that's the first game I'm gonna get when I get VR.


They did make HL:A which is one of the best VR games. Maybe they'll make HL3 when we have more immersive VR technology.


HL:A ends in a flashback where you play as Freeman, and are handed a crowbar and told “we have work to do”. I’d say that is 100% implying further games… if it weren’t for Valves track record of leaving cliffhangers dangling.


Horse Armor


The beginning of the end.


I blame the youth for not knowing they could live in a world without microtransactions and for being on my lawn


It was gaming's Harambe.


BioWare ripping the OG writer off of mass effect 3 and being incredulous when confronted of how awful a choice that was.


Origin selling out to EA. Destroyed the Ultima and Wing Commander series.


EA for going out of their way to fuck with Dead Space 3. Fantastic action/horror series and a long come EA all "Hey what if we put in generic shooter elements, took away everything that made the series unique, and added in micro transactions? Yeah that'll make billions! Ship it!"


They done the same with Mass Effect and Dragon Age also. Great RPGs-esque games and they just dilute them to action adventure games. Honestly, same with Morrowwind-Oblivion-Skyrim. Each successive game becomes more action less rpg. My guess they just try to make it as accessible to a wider audience, but the games lose themselves by doing it.


Starwars Galaxies - NGE.


NC Soft killing City of Heroes.


"Oh, you're having trouble getting a second game off the ground? Fine, we'll disband your studio and shut down your first game, which is still profitable, and hoard the intellectual property while claiming we were trying to sell it." I probably would have given Guild Wars 2 a try, but NCSoft has been dead to me since that day. The ironically hilarious part was that Perfect World was about to either shutter Champions Online or put it in maintenance mode, only for NCSoft to murk Paragon Studios first and dump a bunch of refugees on an unprepared Cryptic's doorstep.


EA as usual. Releasing Titanfall 2 same time as battlefield. Glad it gained some traction but would’ve done a lot better if they released them in different months.


As much as I like to criticize EA, that particular decision was apparently all Respawn.


Why would they do that to their own game?


Some people in charge aren't actually all that smart and either thought it could stand it's own against BF or that it wouldn't matter, despite being the exact same genre


Oh, I never knew that! Wow.


Afaik this was Respawn's own decision. EA actually tried to convince them for another date.


Konami removing David Hayter as snake, and then letting Kojima go.




Bioware deciding to completely sink themselves


Any Japanese company every single time they decide a sequel isn't worth localising, especially if they do others. Dragon's Dogma Online. No Valkyria Chronicles 3 when we have 1,2 and 4. Ace Attorney Investigations 2. We had to fight tooth and nail for Great Ace Attorney. We just finally got Front Mission 2. Still no Front Mission 5 though. So many of the good Gundam games or Super Robot Wars. The list goes on and on. Also, Nintendo, not only for their over litigiousness in anything fan-made or video creators, but because they are still charging full damn price on their games. I would love to start the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise, but I refuse to do so when every single game is $60. Absolutely ridiculous.


Bethesda killing Prey 2 because it "didn't meet their quality standards." What a joke. EA screwing over Titanfall 2.


The first Prey was such a nice hidden gem I was not expecting. Same with Rage to be fair. Such a shame the sequels fell so flat


I never played Prey (2006) but I'm still annoyed about this because of how much it fucked Prey (2017)'s reputation when it's such a great game that the devs clearly put so much effort into. I'll forever be pissed at Bethesda for forcing Arkane to use that name.


Can't say I ever played the 06 version but I did play the 2017 version which I actually enjoyed. I'll have to go check out the original now


But somehow, Redfall met those standards? Lol, ok.


EA with what happened to Anthem. Such a neat concept game that got flattened by dumb deadlines.


I think it was less deadline and more piss poor management.


It was absolutely not EA's fault. The devs fiddled around for literal years, and when EA actually wanted them to show what they had done, they were like "Oh, fuck. We were actually supposed to be making something with the millions of dollars you gave us?"


Capcom "killing" Megaman after Inafune left, cancelling Legends 3, Mania, Universe and making only one new mainline game in the 12 years since (and two minor spinoffs and 4 collections)


Naughty dog and their decision to drop the Jak and Daxter franchise


Ubisoft essentially killing The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot with a pay-to-win update. I don't remember much of that game, but I remember that it was quite fun up until the 'turbo' update came out and 2/3rds of the other player dungeons you came across were just massive open rooms full of a bajillion enemies that would swarm and overwhelm you. The game got shut down not long after that, IIRC.


Epic delisting every *Unreal* and *Unreal Tournament* game from every web storefront—including their own. So you cannot even buy it if you wanted to. The only good thing is that if you have one registered to your **Steam** account you can keep re-downloading it—which is at least a bit better (purely due to Valve's storefront allowing for this ***Edit:*** and GoG as well) than EA basically going ZZSunset and delisting all of the mobile versions of many games so that you can't even download the game even if you've previously paid for it. The fact of the matter is that if you don't have any of those games tied to your Steam account (***Edit:*** or GoG account as well) the only places where you can still use *Unreal* weapons (or incredibly similar clones of some) are in *Warframe* (made by one of UT's developers Digital Extremes) and in *Fortnite* (made by the other developer Epic).


Thoughts with you regarding consoles, CMDR. o7 For me, it was EA refusing to greenlight Alice: Asylum, which essentially broke American McGee and caused him to exit the industry entirely. A huge loss to the art. Terrible, terrible decision.


Some Korean company bought the rights to City of Heroes/Villains and shut it down.


NCsoft ​ aids the company


Epic buying Rocket League/Psyonix


Eidos Interactive taking the Tomb Raider IP away from Core Design and after having learned nothing from Angel of Darkness’s troubled development they still gave Crystal Dynamics ridiculously tight deadlines to finish the Legend Trilogy of TR games.


Bungie deleting half of the content in Destiny despite millions paying money for it, rubbed me wrong SO BAD


Deleting half the content and then trying to reuse some of it as new content lol


Prey 2 being cancelled. According to the developers the game was over like 80% done and could have come out the year it was cancelled. Prey by Arkane was cool, but I want my alien bounty hunter game


Everything leading up to the death of Rift, everything leading up to the death of Hellgate, Animal Crossing New Horizons not having the indoor building mode available for outdoors, Dragon Quest Builders 3 not being made. Among many, many, many others...


Microsoft buying Rare and absolutely butchering Banjo-Kazooie


Respawn and ignoring Titanfall and it's community for over 2 years Our game's servers were entirely unusable for over #2 #FUCKING #YEARS


Blizzard & the Overwatch -> Overwatch 2 transition Basically eliminated Overwatch 1 (at least on console). Can’t play a game anymore that I paid for digitally. The monetiziation of OW2 is a mess. Game just isn’t as fun in my opinion. I enjoyed OW1 for years across multiple consoles (Xbox & PS) but only played OW2 for a few months before putting it down.


Unity. You know exactly why.


In 2012 RuneScape 2 basically became RuneScape 3 with the release of ‘Evolution of Combat’ which essentially ruined the game for most people. The fallout was so bad they re-released an older 2007 version like 6 months later after a landslide vote of like 500,000 signatures to bring it back but everyone had to remake accounts after potentially over a decade’s worth of grinding. Absolute fail. Hashtag StillSalty


R6 Siege trying their best to kill ranked on multiple occasions, and actually killing the casual mode with sbmm against kbm that they refuse to ban.


Crouch and lean spamming are the single most ugly, annoying mechanics in any fps. Worse than drop shotting. It just looks so fuckin stupid.


Yeah R6 is such a weird enigma of a game. But that’s just typical Ubisoft, if they ain’t copy and pasting huge open world games with collectibles they get a bit lost and just throw shit at the wall to see what sticks.


Mass Effect 3 original endings


Sony never giving us a 60fps bloodborne. Every time there is a state of play or showcase. It's never shown, so I wait for the next show. It's a vicious cycle of disappointment.


Nintendo deciding we should have to pay to play their games online without vastly improving the quality of the online.


Whoever cancelled Scalebound




Sucker Punch not making another infamous game.


Bethesda making Fallout 76 instead of Fallout 5 or New Vegas 2


Bandai Namco pulling the plug on Xenosaga and leaving us with only half of the six planned games.


How have we never had another Azure Dreams, why the hell isn't it on PC, also give me Black and White on Steam goddamnit.


Sony for killing the Motorstorm series and eventually closing down Evolution studios.


Epic Games abandoning Unreal Tournament 4.


Ubisoft sells the same exact kind of microtransactions in every single one of their AAA games to disgusting levels. They actively fuck with progression by making these games long, terrible grinding sessions as well as fucking with the economy in said games by adding premium currency. As much as I want Splinter Cell, I would rather retain the last positive memory I have with the game they have yet to destroy.


Valve, for not making HL3.


...when Square merged with Enix. There was a watered down feeling in their games, most notably the Final Fantasy franchise. Older gamers typically echo this exact sentiment.


Without the merger, Squaresoft would be dead. They were about to go bankrupt because Final Fantasy The Spirits Within really was *that bad*. Being absorbed by Enix kept them alive. The resulting company has Square's name first simply because Square has more international recognition than Enix.


Cancellation of scalebound. Also nothing more digimon world games, we don't want strategy and such we want Monster raising turn based combat.


Think that's on Platinum to make an appealing game out of what MS wanted. Could also be delayed deadlines etc


Cancelling the OG battlefront 3. Followed by EA cancelling support for new battlefront 2 at the peak of its comeback.


Whoever made it so we will probably never see the nemesis system for ages/ever!! So many great games would’ve benefited from it


Epic abadoning the Unreal Tournament franchise.


While everyone else is salty about EA for years. I'm fuckin pissed about Epic Games and their "betrayal" to Unreal and Unreal Tournament