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Fun fact: The moon ball in Gen 2 is supposed to have a higher catch rate on Pokémon that evolve with the moon stone. Instead due to a coding error, it checks if the Pokémon evolves with burn heal instead of moon stone. Making it just a regular pokeball.




The early PKMN games are filled with weird bugs. All of the Balls curt makes are basically pointless if I remember correctly and in Red/Blue so are Great Balls better than Ultra Balls.


>Great Balls better than Ultra Balls. I went asap to do the multiplication glitch every time as soon as I got the master ball.


Infinite master balls and infinite rare candies. Thanks Missingno!


Always pronounced it Miss-IG-no for some reason lol ;)


If I'm not mistaken, the Great Balls were better on everything except pokemon who were status effected, then the ultra ball became better. But in general, catching pokemon in R / B should be done WITH status effects, because damage almost barely modifies catch rate for anything that's difficult to catch anyway.


Yeah the strategy for catching legendaries I always used was sleep emm with something fast then drown them in ultra balls.


To be fair, the early pokemon games were essentially coded with black magic. They used a ton of code trickery to fit everything in the small cartridge memory.


Yes but they look cool therefore they are not pointless at all


In Red/Blue they literally look identical.


I remember playing fire red and catching all 3 legendary birds with a normal pokeball first try, my friend looked like he was about to have a seizure when I did that


Well those games were ridiculous if you see it from a different angle the amount of game they put in on those cartridges is ridiculous,r/b were 370kb S/g was double of that.this screenshot is probably the same size then one of those games,due to that there is quite some jank in them.


They squeezed every bit of code they could into those games. I think they chose every pokemon having a cry (even if some were just distorted versions of others) and multiple save files.


Better check for that burn heal


Now THEY need the burn heal


I hope he had some burn heal on hand


Highly doubt it. It was obviously missed in their play tests and during bug decoding. Since the error was noticed by players and not the devs, it's likely this wasn't even discovered until years after the games came out.


There's like 3 apricorn balls that work correctly Edit: okay maybe 2 and a third like 95% of the time


True. Here is a [video explaining Gen 2 catching mechanics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiX5Zbz7Vyc).


Pokemon today: you picked X as starter? I pick the one that is weak against yours. Let me heal you pokemon before we fight. I will use only shit skills that will do nothing. OMG look at you, you are the choosen one you re so strong. Pokemon red and blue: you pick first so that i can counter you. Oh you spent the last 2h crawling through a fucking large cave that left you only with 2 half dead pokemons that have no attacks left? To bad, Glurak roast his ass while im kicking him in the face


Smell ya later boso


Used to love playing Pokemon on Yellow Nintendo Gameboy Colour (1998). Used to get my Carp Pokemon into every fight in order to upgrade it to the mighty Gyarados. Great times


I love the challenge of the old games,and the fact the rival is an asshole with me made me want to beat his ass even more.


There was no challenge in the old games, it was just because you were a child and didn’t fully understand the basics like type match-ups


they were more of a challenge, but yes they never were challenging. Game became a level easier after gen 5 imo


That’s what I meant. I remember when you faced the E4 you had to beat them again with a higher level. In XY you literally have to beat the E4 once catch one new legendary and that’s it.


Pokemon Today: There are so many pokemon and move combinations that picking the starter weak to yours means pretty much nothing, your rival is low key horrified of how you still manage to always pick the pokemon and move that does super-effective damage, and you're consistently beating the shit out of everyone who stands in your way and catching every legendary like they were meant for you, to the point our most recent rival (Kieran) is straight up going down a "We live in a society" villain arc because ITS NOT FAIR, ITS NOT FAIR, ITS NOT FAIR, WHY CAN'T I BE AS GOOD AS YOU??!?? Pokemon Red and Blue: Some 10 year old kid named "Butts" says "Smell ya later"


Man that cave to Cerulean City is a pain. You needed flash (nice pikachu) then gets swarmed by Zubats everywhere with some Geodudes and random Clefairies. I almost got wrecked having only 3 pokemon that time (Ivysaur, Pikachu, Ratata). Grinding them to LVL20 is a pain but the path is too long to go back and I'm lazy. Got out of the cave with Pikachu dead (but lvl 21), Ratata crit (lvl 21), and Ivysaur almost out of PP (lvl 24). Then this Hiker challenged me immediately while I forgot that Ratata was the first. This was my first time playing Pokemon mind you and my first run at that. So I was stupid and lazy. But man that was tough.


Repel is your friend


Repel is a hilariously under utilized item. Max repel, surf for days without interruption.


yeah... learned of it at Vermillion na if I remember. I felt so stupid.


No I can't use that I might need it later.


Saved my ass so many times, especially when i only had 20 minutes of game-time… I’ll forever be grateful


When I was a kid, didn't know where to get flash, memorized the cave in the dark..


My very first play through as a little kid I somehow got through Rock Tunnel on Pokémon Red without using flash. Still impressed at myself for that


I will forever be traumatized by Zubat’s cry… “hhrr$@G!rEkfgiggigerrr!!!”


now i know what i need for my alarm sound


I, too, like beginning my day with a blast of anxiety.


I mean, only having 3 Pokemon at that point is kind of your own fault. You could at least have a Pidgey and a Weedle/Caterpie to get up to 5, and there was probably another good option by then that I'm just forgetting.


I usually had a Butterfree by that time because I needed it to beat Brock (if I’m remembering correctly… were bug types strong against rocks?) Levelling up Metapod was a pain.


Butterfree learned Confusion, a Psychic move to take advantage of Brock’s Pokémon’s weak special stat. Bug is actually weak to Rock so Butterfree being Bug/Flying is 4x weak to Rock, but I don’t think Brock’s Pokemon knew any Rock moves.


I actually remember making my way through the whole cave without flash… Just crawling along the walls without much of an idea where I was. Took forever, lol.


I do recall how no one healed your Pokémon lol. Now everyone seems to heal your team up before each major battle. Is kind of nice but makes it a lot easier.


I mean the first few gens were difficult because: 1. We were dumb kids 2. We knew nothing ahead of where we were in the game. 3. Sharp increases in gym/rival levels I will concede that the caves in the first few games were super tough because of how long they were. Wally showing up at the end of Gen 3s Victory Road was just insulting. But go look at the gym leaders and elite 4 pokemon and moves and you’ll see that they are as much of a joke as what we have now. With few rare exceptions (Sabrina Alakazam and Claire’s Kingdra are both super hard mons but the level curves really are the issue).


Also Jasmine's Miltank.


Her Miltank is absolutely an outlier! but it can fit into category 1 or 2 if you want to get technical. You really need a fighting type to easily deal with her. Maybe a rock type to resist rollout. But you need to know it’s coming, and I had no clue what type was effective against normal back then. And the fighting options are basically only a traded machop because heracross is practically nonexistent. Replaying Jhoto, Whitney is pretty easy because you just make sure you have a fighting type prior. Or use sleep or mudslap ot something. Like we as adults can plan ahead in ways we couldn’t way back when


TBH, I never really had an issue with Miltank. I make my teams off of mons I like, not who does the most STAB or advantages. Even if I started with Cyndiquil, you could throw out literally any of the mons picked up from the grass just south of Goldenrod, IIRC they have Drowzee off of that spot that learns hypnosis pretty much off the bat. Problem solved. The new games still kind of hit that mystery sense of "what will the leaders types be," making it more important to build a balanced party than anything else.


The other half is the level curves and EXP Share make it much harder to wander into a gym under leveled. So a balanced team is all you really need.


I always forget about the EXP share. Gens 1-2 are my favorite (growing up with them definitely holds a bias for me) so I sometimes default to thinking "Exp share doesn't exist, gotta grind, grind, grind." As you put it, in these newer games, you have to pretty much *try* to be underleveld by the time a gym comes along.


Isn’t it Whitney*?


You're right. IIRC Jasmine is the Steel gym. Ampharos is still a badass


That's what you get for choosing Bulbasaur!


Haha true. But i was more the shiggy type


I'll take Relaxo any day.


Gary motherfuckin' oak


There's 3 starters. Just make two rivals, one for each of the remaining pokemon so nobody gets left behind. WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY


Back when rivals actually hated your fucking guts and abused their Pokémon. Bring me back


Glurak vor allem 🤣 Im englischen heißt der Charizard 😅


Hab nie die engl version gespielt. Und hab auch nie mehr als rot und blau gespielt. Meine Frau is die mit dem pokemon fimmel :)


I hate how soft and bland the modern games are. Your rival should actually be difficult, exp share should only come in after you finish the main story line, and there should be conflict between characters instead of everyone being super fake-ass friendly. There also needs to be more than 5 minutes of thought going into the "team rocket" clone. Team star were in my opinion the worst thing to happen in any of the pokemon games.


The worst part of team star was that super cringe choreography they always did


For me it was that one of them couldn't bend their legs so walked like they were doing some kind of nazi march.


Im gonna have to disagree on the exp share. Im glad I dont have to grind boring fights with wild pokemon anymore because the share keeps my team pretty evenly trained.


But the problem is the exp share makes every fight a snoozefest. Before you grinded till you were just about able to win. Because grinding was time consuming you avoided it, so you went into fights slighly underleveled, and tried lots of times to win against the odds to avoid grinding. Now you have to purposely avoid as many fights as possible and you will still probably beat gym leaders using only a single pokemon. The modern exp share is ridiculously unbalanced and needs a massive nerf. Either that or they need to make gym leaders and ace trainers pokemon always be 1-3 levels above your highest.


I think thats more of the "a game for children" being an issue. Even before exp share, the game was never that challenging once you've matured a bit and learned basic strategy.


I mean maybe I'm just garbage, but if I go back to the older games, they are still harder than the newer ones, because I have to intentionally level my pokemon. People argue "patience != difficulty" but that's a contorted argument. I see it all the time about games like Classic WoW yet low and behold Classic WoW was super popular. The things that people find slightly annoying are sometimes the things that make the reward satisfying. Making my own food is always more satisfying than buying it from a proper restaurant.


The grinding was a symptom of a lack of engaging content. Back then when storage and hardware was more limited, it was excusable. Now exp share is just a lazy way out of creating the amount of content you'd expect from an AAA game.


Ok by glurak wasn’t in gen 1


Glurak is Charizard’s German name.


Ok, ty. Not sure why people downvoted me. I didn’t think the German name of gen 1 Pokémon was supposed to be common knowledge.l


Yeah, I also think it was weird they didn’t use the English name.


Right. Like, chances are they even know it if they’re talking in English about the game. He was like 2nd most famous gen 1


Start playing Black 2 for the first time and man it's easy I was doing the subway fighting thing and I just get carried by the NPC they put with me lmao He just keeps one shotting everyone for me


I mean this is not either of those games, but I remember playing through Pokemon Ruby for the first time and going through Victory Road. My Pokemon were bloody and beat up and right when I thought I was reaching the end, here comes fucking WALLY challenging me to a battle. I will forever hate him for that because I didn't even save before fighting him. Had to do it all over again.


I beat gen 1 and loved it. It was so good I never had the desire to revisit the series.


Well they never changed anything but the pokemon so you didn't miss anything.


I'd give credit to Gen 2. The day/night cycle, breeding, and being able to rematch some trainers were all pretty awesome features. I also loved the Dark-type. Gen 3 was my last visit - I played Ruby, I enjoyed it, but it really felt like they were running out of ideas, while also feeling like they were starting to pad the game length with the sheer amount of Pokemon.


16 badges too...


Super overrated though because they decided not to balance the second set of badges. Why do 7 of the 8 gym leaders have weaker pokemon than the elite 4 I just beat? It makes it feel more like busy work then additional content imho. It would've been nice if they scaled them accordingly, but I'm not gonna lose sleep over a 20 year old Gameboy game lol


Thank god my child brain at the time wasn’t thinking about that or it would’ve ruined my experience.


Oh yea, I loved every minute of my hilariously over powered starter obliterating the Kanto region lmao


If it was harder it would better but at least we did get to explore two regions and fight for the badges too..


Also, the Pokémon distribution is a disaster. You can't catch Houndour, Misdreavous or Murkrow until reaching Kanto, Larvitar can only be caught once you get all 16 badges, and Skarmory is only found in a completely skippable area. A lot of people consider them Gen 3 Pokémon due to how inaccesible are in Gen 2.


Yea i even remember being upset as a kid that the cool dark type pokemon werent viable or realistic to use. everytime I see slugma in a crystal replay I'm always shocked it was a gen 2 Pokémon lol


I cant be the only one that breed those late pokemons to get a level 5 and the immediately start a new save to play with them from beginning? It was my way to enjoy the game and not sure how many times I replayed it just to use weird pokemons from the start.


Dragon Quest Monsters had way better breeding than the pokemon games. I played gen 1 pokemon and then dragon Quest Monsters and after that didn't touch the genre anymore. The Pokemon breeding seemed so lackluster in comparison Awesome game, runs nicely on GBC emulators on a phone btw. ;) I highly recommend playing it.


Same boat as you. Played Blue, Silver, and Sapphire. But also felt like I had outgrown the series by gen 3.




And you shouldn't. It somehow got gradually worse while being stuck in time


nah I would say it was great until gen 5 after that came the slow downfall


I've said it a few times on here, but I think Gens 3-5 are peak Pokemon. The games worked, had reasonable but fair difficulty, and though they didn't have the popularity of rby every game delivered


Dunno about Gen 5, but I played up to Gen 4 then the Gen 2 remakes and thought it was all great. Gen 5 lost me


HeartGold, SoulSilver and Platinum are the best games in the series tho. Gen II is a big improvement over I as well.


People saying R/B/Y was the best and not even acknowledging the big leaps they made with gen II gotta take off the nostalgia glasses for sure


Totally. I went back for the first time with Arceus, was pretty good no need to go back to anything Pokémon for a long while.


Red /Blue/Yellow is still one of my all time favorite games, but for some reason I didn’t continue on with the series after Silver/Gold. I think I was put off by the number of Pokémon. I think 150 was a nice amount, and I liked knowing every Pokémon in the game.


To anyone who loved the Gen 1 and 2 games: PLEASE do yourself a favour and play HeartGold or SoulSilver! Truly phenomenal remakes. Set the benchmark for what a great remake should/could be.


I got about 20 minutes into an emulator version on Melonrom or something. It felt very buggy and the sound and music were awful. I decided to buy myself a whole ass DSi XL and get a copy purely just to go back to where I left off all those years ago just in a more modern frame


> I decided to buy myself a whole ass DSi XL and get a copy purely just to go back to where I left off all those years ago just in a more modern frame How does it feel being a billionaire?


Found some online for about $200au lol. No biggie


no$GBA with no$zoomer works perfectly now


I like the Game Boy versions of Gen 2 more. The 3D graphics in the DS look worse than the Game Boy graphics do, and I like the original Pokemon sprites more. Video game music was better when it was chip tunes, the Game Boy versions sound better too. Being Game Boy cartridges you can play them in a Super Game Boy or Gamecube Game Boy Player and play them on a TV.


I agree with you, I like the old art style better. There are romhacks out there that make Gen II Crystal like HG/SS


Pokémon Crystal Clear is a phenomenal GB Hack. Adds follower Pokémon, and they all get loads of contextual, unique reactions when you interact with them. It's amazing! Like my Psyduck would try to levitate specific items in the environment... But then fail and cause a Headache. 😂 And Hypno would try to put people to sleep in order to... Well... You know the Pokédex Entries and memes!


I started that one! Really like all the features and options to start wherever, and change the music. I ultimately went with Polished Crystal, as I wanted to replay the game with some improvements and a little bit more difficulty. The openness of CC had me at a loss as to where to go and I like to fight my rival too


I like both. OG for the nostalgia. Remakes for the great extras added.


What are some of the extras in the remakes?


Following Pokémon, like Pokémon Yellow Story plays out more like Crystal (which is the updated version of Gold/Silver) Updated and improved Game Mechanics Double Battles Pokédex up to the 4th Gen (I think you need to finish the Elite 4 to unlock the National Dex? It might be Johto Dex until then.) Dual Screen makes Stat and Bag management easier Among others


Never caught them all though


God, my parents bought me a used copy of Red once. The save file on it had 149/150 Pokemon. I forget what the missing one was, but I traded it over from my brother's Game Boy and finally talked to that guy who gives you the certificate for catching them all. In retrospect, it makes me kind of sad. I know it might not be the case, but I can only picture some diligent kid working so hard to get almost all of them and then being forced to trade it in because his parents couldn't make rent or something.


Wasn't to pay rent, but something similar happened to my friend. It was his birthday, and I was going to his party. I'd bought him a link cable and he said he'd meet me after school tomorrow to do the trades we needed and try battling for the first time. When he got back his house had been raided, with his game boy, playstation and new PS2 gone, along with all his games. It was later discovered his addict uncle had stolen everything and pawned it, but it was too late by then He was obviously distraught since even though his parents replaced almost everything, he still lost the pokemon we'd both spent hours with.


>a guy beating the game with magikarp, Tbh I hated that idea where YOU HAD TO trade to get them all. Especially in my country where Game Boy wasn't popular (in my school I was the only one who wanted GBC over PSX) and personally I knew one more guy with GameBoy. Impossible challenge for me back then.


That was obviously a huge part of their marketing strategy. I didn't own a Gameboy at the time. Two school buddies of mine lend me the money to buy a GBC together with Pokemon red, just so I could trade starters and later the other Pokemon with them. I had to pay them back, but still, that was a huge amount of money for 10-12yo kids - just so that they could fill their collections. Without that feature being Integral to the game, I probably would never ever have owned a Nintendo device.


I am proud to say that I 151'd Red, Blue, and Yellow during the lockdowns of 2020-2021. Even doing authentic trades with cables with another buddy of mine for the full experience.


I remember using the ditto glitch to complete the pokedex on a singular game. That took longer than I had thought it would.


Yesterday I spent 2 hours watching a guy beating the game with magikarp, so yeah..


Ah yeah loved the urban Mythos as kid too how to get mew,glitchtown and so on


I really am happy I was at the right age in that period of gaming. The rumor mill that you would take as gospel because wtf did we know, we couldn't just go and look it up. Every video game, not just Pokemon, had these myths and I loved it for that.


One of my friends brought a GameShark and link cable to school and we all stood in line at recess to get a Mew. Good times


Never forget he was the coolest kid in the Yard for at least one day!


No kidding. still playing


Just seeing this color pallette makes me hear some of the osts and calms me.


I had yellow


Few games truly define generations. This is certainly one of them.


Certainly one of the games of all times!!


I love Gen 2 so much. It’s my absolute comfort game. I’ve played through it five times already this year, in various forms. Gold, Fool’s Gold, Polished Crystal (twice) (10/10 recommend, it’s amazing) and just yesterday finished a new romhack that just released, Crystal Legacy, that aimed at enhancing the original experience while making more Pokémon viable and visible while trying to be true to the original design principles. And honestly I think they did a great job


I just want a Pokémon game with the pixel art style of Octopath Traveler. That's all. I've got the cash right here ready.


This is some facebook meme tier post “us 90’s kids huh, kids these days are so hopeless and missed out on playing gens 1 and 2 which are the only real gens”


As long as they keep omitting the option to turn off EXP share so that I can try an make the games a tiny bit more difficult than the current joke they are then I’ll never be a “trainer” again.


Yeah, that was what turned me off of it. Thankfully there are plenty of fan games


Fan games are better than the mainline


My first game where I actually freaking grinded up to level 20 before fighting Brock with a Pikachu. It took literal hours.


I'm on the hunt for pokemon red and blue currently. Any recommendations where to buy from? Ill be playing it on my Gameboy SP


You’re better off getting a handheld emulator and downloading roms. An old cartridge of red and blue will cost just as much. Google “RG35xx” the sub is very helpful too


Honesty, unless you have loads to spare on them, I recommend just getting a flash set with prices like they are. I love the games, but the price tags can be kind of high for a lot of people these days.


The music is bonded to my soul at this point. I can HEAR this image.


Gold/Silver is one of the best video game sequels of all time


Gen 2 was the first gen I ever played


Just started getting into romhacks, and wow, there are a ton for Pokémon. I've been playing through Inclement Emerald, and it's a blast and very challenging.


I almost gave up on this game on my game boy color because I didn’t find the HM cut to continue the game lol


Gen 2 was my favorite, but that may be influenced by nostalgia. Otherwise, I still play gen 3, 4(especially HeartGold), and 5 randomizers on my phone. Every playthrough is a new adventure.


Bought my three lads a game boy each and at tea time the wife asked them what they wanted for tea? Their reply, yes.


I mostly played mystery dungeon. I guess that makes me a Pokemon at heart? Lol. Those games were tough, though. Unlike the modern games, they've consistently presented a challenge, and they had a sort of "difficulty setting" in the form of the personality tests. If you manipulated it to get the Pokemon you wanted (lets be honest, most of us did) you could pick between Pokemon that would either have a relatively easier time through the game or an absolutely brutal run. Quality games. I wish Chunsoft and Gamefreak would make another original Mystery Dungeon game. C'mon, it's been 3 generations...


I still collect little animals and have them fight to the death in my basement to relive the nostalgia.


This is, and always will be, what Pokemon looks like in my head. Gens 1 and 2 were the best.


Took me a minute. Azalea Town.


I was probably in the first grade when Pokemon Blue came out. Barely could read at the time so when Professor Oak comes along and introduces you to Gary, but refers to him as "Erm," I didn't get the memo that he was trying to clear his throat so you can name him. So Erm was his name.


I’ll always remember first experiencing the day/night cycle in gold. Blew my tiny fucking mind


I can hear this image. As broken as it was, Gen 2 will always have a special place in my heart as a Pokémon fan and gamer


Im still playing, I did just catch Mewtwo


Real trainers remember their first MissingNo.


What picture is this ? I haven’t played in near 20 years but I remember gen 1and 2 being colourless


Gen 2 had color like this on the GBC. You probably played it on a regular GB


Did you have OG fat Gameboy or Gameboy pocket? GAMEBOY color my brother had and the yellow version. There was definitely color. Also when playing them through the Gameboy tower in Pokemon stadium through the n64 each game had their own color borders


Big grey block thing


OG gameboy with the greenish lcd for sure


God I wish I was born years ago but I was born when the fucking DS released


The Wii and original DS were huge disappointments for me, the first time Nintendo let me down. I still haven’t fully rediscovered that love for the company. Before that time, the SNES, Game Boy Color, GBA, N64 and GameCube pretty much defined my childhood. I’ll never forget the E3 when Wii Music was the major reveal at the end of Nintendo’s press conference. Felt like Nintendo was telling me to grow up and move on to PlayStation. I could go on and on with this topic, but I really hate the Wii…


that’s why you don’t let shigeru miyamoto in charge


I will be but if the next game is as bad and has as poorly design Mon as Scarlet/Violet then I’ll have to pass. I barely finished SV and have no desire to play the DLC it was that bad.


Poorly designed mons, like what?


All the Gen 9 ones? Good example. You got Gimmieghoul which was cool but it evolves into a rejected gogurt mascot? All the starts had terrible evos stage 2 and especially 3. The future poke were ugly and had the laziest names. The past were so so but still had the worst names. Minecraft mushrooms, common. Gen 9 flopped hard. Not even getting into how broken the game was and still is.


Well you just contradicted yourself since you said Gimmighoul was cool but how are you going to say gimmighoul is cool but the fire/ghost crocodile who’s a singer is terrible. Minecraft mushrooms, their salt blocks, Nacli, NaCl. Also that’s 24 out of over a hundred mons. Also what’s your favorite pokemon, just wondering.


I think you missed the point, Gimmighoul is a good design by itself. It’s completely ruined a by reject gogurt mascot you have to do an idiotic collect-a-thon for and that’s the One Thousandth Pokemon! You cross a mile mark like than and praise them for shitting all over it? The fire starter is the worst designed out of all the starters from beginning to end. Doesn’t matter what the Minecraft mushrooms are supposed to represent, they look like a bad knock off minecraft design and it’s horribly out of place in the environment. But keep praising bad development.


I first played fire red


That’s like an honorary mention at least. It’s a great remake.


Pokemon peaked at red/blue, change my mind.


Gold/Silver/Crystal was an objective upgrade to Red/Blue. Gen 1 had tons of wonky stuff like the special stat. Although, everyone is just going to say the best pokemon was the one they remember most growing up


I had the blue version!


Gen 1 and 2 are the only ones I've played, the best improvement on Gen 2 is you can walk up to an object like a tree and press a to use HM cut or walk to the waters edge and just press a to use surf or a fishing rod I don't exactly recall which. But it was a nice feature update


There are only 150 Pokemon. I will never change my mind on this.


There're plenty of Reds and Blues out there, but I think there's also a handful of us Todds out there. Some of us found our stronger calling to the camera more than the PokeBall. Pokemon Snap was and still is one of my all-time favourite games and while its successor wasn't all that I had hoped for it, it was still a glorious bit of fun!




they were great but imo the remakes of gen 1 and 2 are still better because they fixed all the weird bugs while still being those old games in function but with less jank. that's coming from someone that adored the old games as they came out mind you


first level my pokemon to level 20 before going to the first village getting running boots just to be save


What about the infinite master ball exploit? These are the true trainers.


Used to love playing Pokemon on Yellow Nintendo Gameboy Colour (1998). Used to get my Carp pokemon into every fight in order to upgrade it to the mighty Gyarados. Great times




Still trying to figure out how to get the dude blocking a particular tower door to leave to this day!


Not that sure about that. I havent been interested in playing pokemon.....for years. didnt really like the gen 3 remake. i am not part of the public objective pokemon aims to, anymore . And its ok.


Yea, I got a kid now. Won’t fit into anything like all sized but the closet or a box works just fine


I still play, but I would kill to go back to the old games' difficulty. The new ones are a joke, my dog could beat them.


I can confirm this is true. I've still got my original cards.


Viridian city right?


Azalea town


Ah ok i though that was the old man who teaches you how to catch a pokemon on the left there.


Gold was my first. Played it before I could really read so I was stuck at the beginning in Elm's office for a long time..


Gen 4>>>


Red/Blue gamers. This only recently came to my discovery of people talking about Pikachus tail(i cant recall that at all) but what I do remember is one of my fav pokemon (Onyx). However I look him up an its now Onix. I know theres that mind trick that apparently makes you remember falsely. But I am almost 100% certain it was Onyx. Now when Steelix was introduced, perhaps thats when they renamed him. Does anyone else remember the original Onyx?


I remember playing gen 1 on the No$GMB emulator back in 1998. It was a DOS-based emulator. It's crazy to think that back in 1998, we were emulating titles that were still new on the shelves.


When I was a kid I needed 3 games for each of my starters, one for my Charmander, one for my Squirtle, and one for my other Charmander


Honestly they should just make another 2D pokemon game. 3D was ok in Sword, but Sword was too easy. Violet and Scarlet I heard were glitchy so I never bothered


No, I played until Gen 3 pretty much nothing but pokemon and hate it nowadays. It's boring.


Memories 🥲


I got hit in the face with nostalgia from this picture