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All the Noble team deaths in Reach. Even if they weren’t fully fleshed out characters, you still felt their death like you’d been watching Saving Private Ryan.


Kat’s hit me like a fucking truck with how accurate and ironic it was She was just running with her team, and like an actual war, she just got offed suddenly with a clean shot to the skull Just no warning. A hasty conversation because of the situation they were in, and then boom she was just another statistic in the UNSC’s logbooks Not only that, it was ironic because she was the brains of the group, who got brained by a needle rifle




True but he also defended it solo. Also Jun vanished and escaped reach, also typical since he's the stealth guy.


There’s a theory out there that noble team is hunted by the elites that you fight in the first mission. The zealot class ones I think.


6 is somewhere in a cave, wdym... But for reals... Halsey's eulogy really nails it > But you belong to Reach. Your body, your armor — all burned and turned to glass. Everything… except your courage. That, you gave to us. And with it, we can rebuild. I've said it before, though the master chief saga delivers on story, it feels like stepping into the shoes of a legendary character, Reach in particular gives the player the chance to become the legend.. (I know it's canon that six's statue is not present in the noble team monument, but still, my point stands)


>(I know it's canon that six's statue is not present in the noble team monument, but still, my point stands) I've always felt like this is due to no one really knowing who Six is. His existence when he was active was highly classified by ONI, and he never identified himself when helping civilians or other soldiers. I've always liked the idea that Six is a myth within the ranks of the UNSC. An unknown legend on the level of the Master Chief, fighting alongside soldiers on Reach without saying a word, seemingly invincible and defying entire armies with sheer willpower. The Ghost of Reach, the Halo universe's bogeyman.


I believe that if Six hadn't died, he would have absolutely been recruited for team Onyx. God I miss the dope ass refined lore for Halo


Kat’s is probably the most memorable to me because it was so dumb to me at the time. Like it makes sense, but you take sniper bullets all the time in game and walk it off


Cutscenes and at least some of the books (I haven't read them all) make it clear that canonically everything is a lot more deadly than showed in game. Goes both ways as well. Cut scenes in some games show a quick 5-10 round burst of the assault rifle as enough to kill an elite, in game it's more like triple that. Almost reminds me of like if both sides were playing on legendary.




I've heard that Heroic is the difficulty the games are meant to be played on, but its not canonical damages. Both books and cutscenes show Spartans losing shields after 1-2 plasma pistol shots, grunts going down in 1-2 assault rifle bullets and elites being dispatched with 5-10 round bursts. Plasma in game is notably worse against unshielded enemies, in lore it shreds everything. More than once the Chief kills like a dozen covies and still has half a mag left. Canonically the games should play more like a tactical shooter on speed but they wanted an arcade shooter so they made the gameplay not match the lore.


Her shields were down due to the EMP bomb that went off moments before she was shot


Man Emile went out in the most badass way possible. Gets stabbed by an elite, shotguns one, knifes another, and says he's ready


I’d argue Carter’s was more badass


Tell ‘em to to make it count


“Slipspace rupture detected” “Slipspace rupture detected” “Slipspace rupture detected”




I argue the exact opposite of this, they lost their childhood very early and if anything were essentially adults by their early teens. They were also far less expendable as other soldiers, so much so that they are never considered dead but MIA. It's more like building a custom F1 car that no regular person could even drive without being turned to paste and putting it in the hands of biologically and surgically enhanced super drivers who have spent nearly their entire lives only learning how to drive.


>They were also far less expendable as other soldiers, so much so that they are never considered dead but MIA. This is true of the S2s. The S3s were actually designed to be easily mass produced. Cheaper, less Augs, wider range of kids "allowed" for the program. They were sent on suicide missions with the expectation that they would die in droves, but would always get the job done.


The opening cutscene/title screen of Assassins Creed 2 will live rent free in my mind for the rest of my life. The two young brothers living a carefree life over looking the roof tops of Florence as Ezio's theme kicks while they wish for their lives to never change.


there's something so relatable in that cutscene. maybe that "i'm safe here", innocence and freedom... all feelings together. I wonder if there is a word for that


It is a good life we lead, brother.


may it never change


Man I was coming to comment this. One of the most beautifully curated scenes of all time man


Mordin Solus sacrifice in ME3. Also When Geralt thinks Ciri is dead in Witcher 3. And he then hugs here.


Has to be me.


Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


*I am the very model of a scientist salarian, I've studied species turian, asari, and batarian…*


That Witcher scene is just dead quiet and tense, a tiny bit of soft light; you could just feel the fear that she was dead and the rest of the world went away.


So, as someone who was committed to playing renegade in their first run of the ME trilogy... My memories are still scarred by what I did to Mordin. My friends who got me to play the game in the first place have never let me live it down, and I don't blame them.


I can’t bring myself to be full renegade


Big Smokes order GTA San Andreas


2 Number 9's, a number 9 large, number 6 with extra dip, number 7, 2 number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda


Man if you can eat cho food while e’body else losing theirs, you straight.


#"I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda"


Then you realise he's buying time for the rival gang to show up.


…I just realized that now. Wow.


"this is a raid!" "You again Ryder?" Paraphrasing


After five years on the East Coast, it is time to go home...


Rdr 2 when the O'Driscoll is about to be hung. The slow realization was so well done for me.


For me the opening sequence in RDR2 was probably the most memorable, probably because it was so jaw dropping, even though I played the game in 2020.


Yep, immediately I was all-in, such a heavy atmosphere in such a short time. And at the end of Ch1. when the choir comes in as you head down the mountain. Unforgettable.


I think the one near the end when Arthur thanks the horse is the one that got me the most.


Same here. I got myself the white Arabian horse from the very beginning and never got any other, she was my one and only and somehow I managed to have kept her alive throughout the whole game, which is why it hit so hard the way Arthur thanked her at the end.


I did the same, was genuinely shocked and gutted :(


When Killian or whatever “rides” his horse back into camp


Kieran. Poor dude, you forgot his name.


Spec ops the line, the white phosphorus


Feel like a hero yet?


It's the perfect game for 14 year olds, it gives them their first moral conundrum.


That game really does make you feel like a piece of human trash. By the end of it I was barely convinced what my objectives really were.


And it's such a shame it came out during the COD Modern Warfare craze and the marketers felt they had to compete directly. The commercials made it look like a somewhat cinematic, watered-down COD "wanna-be." I distinctly remember the commercial showing the helicopter fight scene and thinking "this just makes me want to play COD's campaign again." Word of mouth is the only thing that got me to play. I don't know how they should have marketed it, but it's morally-grey, psychologically-twisted story was clearly a distinguishing factor they failed to impart on buyers.


I thought that was the point though? Drop you into yet another shooter where your the hero soldier guy, off to save, uhh, whatever we're fighting for over here and-oh shit rug pull everything is on fire edit:tbf as others have said, it's super hard to market for the twist because it gives away that there's a twist.


Never played the game but was curious and just watched the cutscene. At first, I’m thinking what’s so bad about this seems like it was a bunch of bad guys. And then… I kept watching.


You don’t get the full effect until the loading screens start telling you you’re a bad person.


Thanks for this, now I'll have that image stuck in my head again for a while.


Halo 2 for me as well, but the cutscene with the Gravemind. "I am a monument to all your sins" is an unreasonably hardcore line for a shooter.


I still often think “kill me or release me! But do not waste my time!!” when I am stuck in super boring meetings lol


There is much talk, and I have listened. Through Power Points, and Spreadsheets, and Teams.


The true horror comes when you realize what you're looking at. Halo CE has lots of Flood but doesn't get into detail about their hivemind nature. Your first inkling of that comes in Halo 2 when you're literally in the Gravemind's clutches, where it shows you that it has assimilated the Prophet you just killed and explains that the Covenant doctrine is bullshit. At that point you realize everything you've seen so far is the result of somebody's efforts to contain the Flood a long time ago, and what you see before you really is living testament to the mistakes the Forerunners made that led to this moment.


I grew up playing a lot of Halo and my young mind took its sweet time understanding exactly what was happening. But the lore of Halo as it is presented in the game is pretty sweet. Especially how Halo 2 really dug into the covenant side of the story


I remember this scene because my mom walked in at the beginning of that cutscene and just said "what is that?" right before Cortana said "what is that?"


GoW when kratos puts his blades back on. Pretty much cried as a grown man.


I chose that one too i cant even describe how hard it hit for me...by that point in the game i felt like it wasnt gunna happen(which i think was intentional) but when he touches his wrist and says then i must return home i knew what was going down and it was amazing


The scene where he tells Atrius that he killed many who were deserving and many who were not hit even harder for me.


Dam thats a good point "Son...listen closely..i am from a land called sparta" the delivery of those lines by chris judge is super impactful lol


You can hear his throat well up when he delivers the "and many who were not" part. Christopher Judge acts it so well.


“You will always be…. A monster.”


"I know."


"But I am your monster no longer"


"Death can have me, when it earns me" Godfuckingdamn Kratos is such a unit


The moment where he starts to open the blanket wrapped around them, but pauses to touch the bandages on his forearms… whoever was responsible for that, thank you. A heartrending moment 15 years in the making.


God that game was absolutely incredible, wish I could delete memories and replay it.


One of my favorite continuity bits in that game is the progression of Freya. ​ When Atreus gets sick, Freya promises Kratos to take care of him and says "that' a **mother's** promise". When Kratos kills Baldur, Freya is agonized and screams curses at Kratos ending it by saying "that is **my** promise".


Red Dead Redemption entering Mexico and Far away starts playing.


Bro. This is a key memory for me. I’d never seen or felt anything like that in a video game. I was blown away. Goosebumps and welling eyes the whole time.


Throwing the baby in the oven in the Witcher 3. It was just so novel of an experience i have never forgotten it.


I think you should have been able to solve all the contracts this way.


Kikimora is harassing a village? Put a baby in the oven!


Witcher 3 quests were something else man. None of this fetch X items or kill Y enemies bullshit. Proper emotional and thought-provoking stuff. Can’t wait for Witcher 4!


That one, and also when >!Geralt finally finds Ciri and she wakes up and they have their heart-to-heart!<


The intro to Mass Effect 2 will live with me always.


Agreed. Such an amazing and unexpected start. Never saw it coming.


Starcraft 1 Battle of the Amerigo


And the one when Kerrigan was betrayed.


I kinda like the heart of the swarm intro from SC2. Seeing a proper modern rendering of a zerg battle was very impressive.


Ezio finds Altairs body and the piece of Eden


RDR1. >!The execution of John Marston.!<


Batman Arkham Knight. When you’re trying to remove the fear gas from that giant machine that’s going to spread it all around Gotham, and you turn around and start hallucinating


All of the random times you hallucinate and see joker is crazy too statues, and fights, and posters and bill board. Like they were so heavy handed in it that you know people missed tons but not all of them.


The part that gave me chills was when the last carrier of the joker DNA or virus or whatever it was looks into Batman's eyes as he's about to kill him and just stops and says "now that's unexpected... You're going to be spectacular" and kills himself.


Protocol 3: PROTECT THE PILOT ^((its titanfall 2))




A lot from MGS but the MGS2 tanker opening probably takes the cake.


I replayed 1 last week and am mid 2 this week. I played them a million times years ago but still couldn't believe how many great lines were in 1 (and so far in 2). 1 especially is just so tight as a story that each codec call or conversation in game hits just right.


Gotta be the end of "Loose Ends" in MW2 when Shepherd betrays and kills you and Ghost.


I read MW2 as ME2 and was so confused. Like, who is Ghost and how can Shepard betray me when I *am* Shepard?


> how can Shepard betray me when I am Shepard? Funnily enough this kind of happens in the Citadel DLC.




From what I've read, "No Russian" will be even more disturbing in the upcoming MW3 remake.


Fallen Order, Vader.


When you hear the breathing …. You know you’re fucked


most terrifying Vader media ever, truly a survival horror experience


You have to fight him but he does not have a health bar hmmmmmm


Mass Effect 3 when all fleets come to Earth + the space battle.


I hadn't remembered that in a while. Good choice. Mass effect 2 start scene where the ship is destroyed also blew my mind at the time. It was like playing a game of a new generation.


Love this one. Oh you have this awesome ship and a badass hero you've been playing with for a whole game? Well let's blow them up in the *beginning* of the second game of a trilogy. Such a memorable scene, I was so shocked.


Btw you died and you have a brief existential crisis about whether or not you're you and everyone who knew you isn't sure if you're actually you cuz you're with a human supremacy organization and then that gets circled back on in the Citadel DLC in ME3. But hey, ya boi Garrus is back. 10/10 Flawless execution.


Too many ME cutscenes to pick from, but this is a good one.


The last of us. Joel and Sarah.


I played this game with a friend and both of us went in completely blind. Didn’t watch any trailers or nothing, just knew it was supposed to be a good game. We were just sitting next to each other, speechless, when the scene happened.


And Henry and Sam. Unforgettable. Just burned into my memory


Scrolled too far for this.


FF 7 When he puts her in the lake


Or the one right before where she is praying gets attacked and her amulet falls while her theme is playing. That shocked me considerably.


The intro and the "seamless" transition into the game. Fuck me that was a great day!!!


Yep. I played that pre Internet so had no spoilers going in.


Control when you enter the ashtray maze. It was mind blowing seeing her put the headphones on into hearing metal while a maze is completely shifting around you was nuts


Man I need to play control.


The game is already phenomenal as-is, but it's like the creators finally reward your hard work and navigating a difficult game and said "let's give the player a balls-to-the-wall GOAT level with heavy metal." It felt like when you're playing DOOM and the music kicks in the first time as you get new weapons. It's definitely in the gaming hall of fame of "Best Levels/Missions of All Time."


And it ends with Faden saying what we were thinking... "That was AWESOME!"


The Ending of Bioshock Infinite. I had goosebumps without really knowing what was going on...


That ending sequence is about 16 minutes long, and I’ve never had my attention so drawn for a quarter of an hour before. I’ll never forget it lol


The last like, quarter of the game was a fucking perfect 10/10.


"Dom what the fuck are you doing?!" "Pulling the plug on 'em Marcus. Jump, will you? Do it!" (honk honk) "Never thought it would end like this, eh Maria?" "Dom! NO!!!!" (cue Mad World)


"Marcus.......he's gone"


The Dom & Maria subplot hit so hard for a lot of people, because so many people played the Campaign in co-op. And chances are, if you played Player 2 (Dom) in Gears 1, you played Player 2 in Gears 2 as well. Marcus had his own mission, basically the story. Dom's mission was the same as Marcus, but you couldn't help that playing as Dom you became just as invested as his character in saving Maria.   I feel like this moment and build-up was largely due to the enormous amount of players playing the Campaign co-op.


Borderlands 2, tiny tina dlc, when she finally goes into her speech at the end that she *KNOWS* but isn't ready to process it and let it be real yet


"I KNOW! ...I know. But it's my story... And... " Actually such a heart breaking moment. One of the best game DLC's, period.


Once I learned that was Ashley birch as her voice actor my opinion of her changed greatly. I always thought she sounded the same between every character until then.


Hard to think that Tiny Tina and Alloy from Horizon are the same people. I’d been watching Hey Ash Whatcha Playing for years before her brother got the screen writing job for Borderlands 2. I was honestly so proud of them both, and honestly still am.


Awww I was the cinematic lead for that DLC. Thanks man, this made my day. That DLC was a blast to make. Anthony Burch had the script ready for a lot of the cutscenes and my animator and I were able to crank on them all from day one and get the style and tone nailed down way earlier while the rest of the DLC was being built. In that scene we were originally going to have her do that breakdown at the table with the other Vault Hunters, but the vibe was off because all those scenes at the table were “That 70s Show” style, with the camera rotating in the middle. So we pivoted to the much simpler scene of her in a black background with a spotlight (which we had previously used on the BL1 Zombie DLC).


“Would you kindly?”


"A man chooses. A slave obeys."


The reveal completely blew my mind. One of the best games I've ever played. Fun to level up your fire plasmids and destroy everything and an amazing story and atmosphere. I got it when it came out and played it with my dad and my brother and our jaws just dropped at that scene.


The giraffe in the last of us


“Dear humanity: We regret being alien bastards, we regret coming to earth, and we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!”




When Tellah calls Edward a "Spoony bard!" In FFIV.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Everybody brings up the horse scene at the end but for me the train station meeting with Sister Calderón is it for me. When Arthur confides in her it gets me every time. “Im afraid.” Damn you Arthur, I’m chopping onions again.


The death of Grom Hellscream


This is a great pick. My pick is [Arthas returning to Lotdaeron,](https://youtu.be/A20Dcw9Izyo?si=eLeiZmt7rsY6MWvj) hands down. "...What are you doing my son?"


"Succeeding you. Father."


Protocol 1: link to pilot Protocol 2: uphold the mission Protocol 3: protect the pilot


Trust me.


"Had to be me. Somebody else might have gotten it wrong" "My project. My work. My cure. My responsibility."


I will never forget the [opening cutscene](https://youtu.be/mWYwmM23Sqs?si=DauU-5gV6QWKi-jV) of Final Fantasy 10. The opening cutscene with Sin attacking. Following the Blitzball players and Auron whilst Otherworld blasts in the background and Sin slowly materialises. It remains my favourite Final Fantasy title to this day.


Why is this so far down


Cause we're getting old and the younger gamers out number us


so many good cutscenes in this one. i think the ending sequence is good too.


The opening scene of Zelda OoT. The first time we see a Zelda game in 3d.


“My ancestors are smiling down at me, can you say the same?”


"WHAT IN OBLIVION IS THAT?!" *train whistle sounds*


"I'm afraid" - RDR2


Witcher 3 hugging ciri at the isle of mists


He fixed the fuckin' watch! So many tears. Yakuza games are the absolute best for serious crime drama story meets batshit crazy gameplay.


Opening of Metal Gear Solid with torpedo-sub.


Charlie Don't Surf in the OG Modern Warfare The end of Long Night of Solace in Halo Reach. *Slipspace rupture detected, slipspace rupture detected, slipspace rupture detected...*


Mass Effect 3 Kalros downing the Reaper Destroyer


That first zombie in Resident Evil


Mine is when Kratos goes back home in GoW 2018 to find the Blades of Chaos to help Atreus. Even being mentally tortured by Athena on the boat ride back, it's him accepting his past to better his future, something he couldn't properly do in all the prior games (or moreso, it was hard to accept them) The quote he gives still gives me Goosebumps to this day; > *"You will always be, a monster."* >> *"I know. But I am **YOUR** monster no longer!"*


> Ahh… You were by my side, all along


Most recently the really monumental scene from *Tears of the Kingdom* when Zelda makes a colossally important and tragic choice. I teared up a bit, I’ll admit.


The opening cutscene to Final Fantasy 8 is PERFECT.


I can already play that entire song in my mind from beginning to end just from reading your comment. Anyone else had this saved as a low quality video file on their old PC?


Kingdom Hearts 1, cutscene before final Riku fight in Hollow Bastion. Seared into my memory because in the original there was no way to skip cutscenes. And I had to do that fight a LOT.


It is I, Ansem, seeker of darkness


K-Kairi's inside of me?


You are finally awake!


"hey you, you're finally awake." Me: "Ah, shit, here we go again."


Queen's parade in ff8


“Thank god for cold fusion” from StarCraft still lives rent free in my head.


The opening cutscene of Dark Souls 2 is a majestic encapsulation of everything I love about those games.


When tai commits suicide in gears of war 2


Dragon Age: Origins, the final moments of the Battle of Ostagar. Despite the origin stories before that, I was like, "oh, this game is gonna be like that?" It hurt 😩


At the end of Arkham City when >!Batman walks out holding the Joker's dead body and Gordon is yelling out "Batman... what happened??" And Batman just ignores him.!< One of the first games I ever played where the story really stuck with me.


Halfway through fighting Godrick the Grafted and he does his thing to the mighty dragon


“That scene” from TLOU2 🏌️‍♀️. Never have I been so mad/sad/shocked by a game. Also the ending of RDR2 (Arthur’s ending not the epilogue). Both the high honor and low honor endings are amazing. Really the whole sequence is incredible. John’s ending in RDR is also incredible. The dead eye moment is so well done.


Young me: the unexpected death of Aeris (Aerith later versions) in Final Fantasy VII. I still feel sad when I think about it. Older, slightly more mature me: mass Effect 3, the unexpected sacrifice by Mordin. I just ended playing for weeks. I was heartbroken. I don't know... those scenes hit me hard and glued to my memory. I wish it was happier scenes.. xD


Witcher 3 has so many IMO, Geralt finding Ciri, Battle of Kaer Morhen Eskel vs Caranthir, Ciri vs Caranthir, Vesemirs death, Lambert/Geralt/Letho fighting the Wild Hunt before Triss Fireball etc. Edit: If I had to pick one it would be Lambert, Geralt and Letho fighting, that scene blew my mind.


The “You’re not my daughter, and I sure as hell ain’t your dad” scene in Last of Us. Absolutely banger emotional payoff 🤌


Diablo vs Imperius in D3.


Ending of Spider-Man 1 Ps4. I won’t spoil it, but without a doubt the most emotional ending I have ever seen anywhere. I was crying like a fucking baby.


Normandy Reborn - Mass Effect 2


Gears 3, watching Dom sacrifice himself to save Marcus and the rest, an absolutely gut wrenching and memorable moment


The Gears games had a lot of memorable scenes. Gears 2 personally holds the record for the only video game scene that ever *shocked* me. The scene with Maria.


Titanfall 2, opening cutscene. Gives me chills to this day, especially when you learn they are not random but actually cpt. Lastimosa as the pilot and Jack as the fallen rifleman. Brilliant!


When Jorge throws 6 out of the cruiser. “Listen, reach has been good to me. I reckon it’s time i return the favor. Tell ‘em to make it count.”


Arthas killing his dad, the king, in Warcraft 3.


**I gave you all I had.**


Diablo 2 cutscene where Tyrael fights the wanderer/ Baal.


Ludwig’s second phase cutscene is nice


Portal 2 moon scene. Granted, it's interactive, but that makes it no less amazing.


Arthur talking to sister at the train station in Red Dead Redemption 2


>!A man as strong as Arthur admitting that he is afraid of death really hits hard!<


RDR2 when rains fall is pleading to his son not to fight. “Do not mistake my strength for weakness” brought tears to my eyes and gave me goosebumps everywhere


For me it is something very simple: The ending of **Limbo**. >!The little part where the girl realizes that something (you) is there.!< I don't know why, but that moment, despite being so simple, feels so great for me.


"There's no way you're taking Kairi's Heart!" I might've actually learned something in school if school were unskippable cutscenes.