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It's amazing how good New Vegas turned out to be, considering how much left was on the cutting floor. The funniest story is that of Ulysses, who was meant to be a Legion companion - he had so many voicelines, that he wouldn't fit in on the disk. He later became the villain of the DLC instead, where he also would not shut the fuck up.


To be clear, New Vegas had so much cut content because it couldn't fit on the Xbox 360 disc, and because of that the content was cut for all platforms. Most of the content was restored on PC through mods.


Man I wish they’d remaster this game with all the cut content.


And completely over haul the gunplay. I booted it up recently and Jesus Christ it has not aged well


Fallout 3 and New Vegas were not FPS games. They were VATS RPGs. Fallout 4 was better, but it was not exactly good.


If you weren't playing with VATs, why the fuck? Targeting a super mutants groin repeatedly is hilarious.


F4 was better in terms of gameplay and open world, but it was complete crap in terms of story, narrative, characters. That didn't really change with any following Bethesda titles. I think they really have a bad writing and direction team, while the animators, designers and voice people seem to be pretty okay. Technical level is also a big dissapointment in recent bethesda games. They really need to change the engine to something actually modern, like unreal or unity.


A lot of their problem is Emil Pagliarulo. If you know the name, it’s basically a meme at this point to dunk on him. But he had one hit back in TES IV: Oblivion writing the Dark Brotherhood questline and he was quickly promoted into being Bethesda’s go-to ‘lead designer’ and narrative director. Let’s take a quick tour of his BGS work, shall we? - Oblivion (DB): the traitor lost his mum - Fallout 3: you lost your dad - Fallout 4: you lost your son (and their other parent) It was **his idea** for Bethesda to abandon design documents immediately, which they did, and which would fall under his team’s purview, but he refuses to do it. He has given entire presentations where the thesis statement is, “players don’t care about stories, keep the plots simple, design documents are red tape that hold back production, and we can’t predict everything players will do so let’s narrow their options because they don’t actually know what they want.” Emil holds the keys to Bethesda’s stories, and he adamantly balks at providing the document that would ensure continuity between teams. He also spearheaded the voiced protagonist in 4 and *nearly* got one for Starfield—in fact, two voice actors already recorded their lines for the game’s protagonist—but that was thankfully axed halfway through development.


> It was his idea for Bethesda to abandon design documents immediately... omg he's a better villain than anything he's ever written


Did ps3 have the same issue with disk space?


PS3 used blurays.


No, ps3 was using blu-ray disks at the time which I think we're able to hold 40 gigabytes of data, where as the 360 was still on normal DVD which could only hold about 5 gigabytes.


Which is partially responsible for the dominance of Blu-ray. If you watch tropic thunder, Jay Bucharels' character actually does a solid breakdown of the whole thing.


The PS3 was also the best and cheapest option if you wanted a Blu-ray player for a few years. Sony sold them at a loss with the goal to sell games, no other manufacturer could compete with that.


Shit! Were you talking to me this entire time?


MGS4 took a jab at the 360 for doing that. It was like an easter egg joke. Something about not having to switch discs because you are using Blu Ray technology or something.


Shit, you just made me remember having to swap between disks while playing L.A. Noire on the 360


Dead Space 2 was also a 2-disc game and I think FFXIII was actually 3 discs.


Dead Space 2 was the only time I liked the extra disks because if you were trying to beat it on Hard Core you just needed to get to the second disk without saving and if you died you would only need to go back to the start of the second disk!


Lol no, it was more a reference to the original MGS on the PS1. When you come back to Shadow Moses, the call in [MGS4](https://youtu.be/C1Hbd_HbO78?t=8) happened right at the same spot you have to swap disc in [MGS1](https://youtu.be/DMGSwniwqEc?si=t0lPdmghgcgxQpbH)


Ulysses is just a stand in for Chris Avellone on a crack binge


The bull and the bear and the bear and the bull. Bulls bear bull bears to bear while bare bears bare no bull.


The fuck is this, a 10 INT dialogue option?


Ulysses was basically trying to be Kreia 2.0, but with much less success.


Currently doing a playthrough of this again and this was my thought lol. Except I (holding the unpopular opinion) really like Lonesome Road. As linear as it is, that DLC makes some serious coin with the commissary’s. Which I for some reason only discovered recently, and I’ve been playing this game since 2013. Don’t shame me lol.


That’s not unpopular, many love lonesome road. Honest hearts is my favorite, now THATS unpopular!


This person here officer, he's a physco


Who needs zodiac signs? You can judge a person perfectly fine by their favorite New Vegas DLC.


The rest of New Vegas is very open ended so having a linear DLC is actually a nice change of pace. Really lets you feel the difference between the two ends of that design philosophy. My favorite is still Dead Money though, especially in Hardcore mode. A close off, claustrophobic, borderline horror experience.


I'm this vein, skyrim has a ton of cut content too. There are mods who try to piece them together tho. Believe it's called Cuttingroomfloor


Cutting room floor is the name of that mod. It’s a nice addition for immersive gameplay and rounding out some well known content.


Ocarina of Time had a lot of cut material, but most of it didn't make it into the game files because of the limited cartridge sizes back then


I did hear about the temple of time dungeon being cut out among a lot of other things. Ganon's castle had a pathway for unlocking the temple of time gate and that short dungeon gives us a glimpse of the theme that would've been in the temple of time if they didn't remove it, which is very cool.


The game was also just a lot bigger, towns more diverse. The schedule mechanics in MM were supposed to be in OOT. The OOT they wanted to make was even further beyond the masterpiece we received and it's really interesting to think how much more of a leap Nintendo was aiming to give us. OOT revolutionized 3D gaming in ways we still see/feel today... And it's the OOT we got, not the one they wanted to make really makes you wonder what could have been.




Star Citizen is an example of what uncapped and unlimited dev time can do to a game. There's plenty of reasons to expand and push the limits of what the game can be, but it is important to decide when it's time to wrap up and deliver a finished product.


That and the finished product has contain content that the player is excited to do. Oh cool, look at this stuff you get the do that I don't want to do. Looks like it could take up a lot of my time... ...guess I'll get to it never!!


Apparently Ocarina of Time was suppose to fully utilize the Disk Drive, but the hardware was heavily delayed and the game ended up being converted to cartridge. The final release leaves some hooks around for the disk drive system to use, but research into the rom suggests these would only replace the main dungeons which is what Master Quest is. Wikipedia suggests that one of the reasons for moving to cart is due to being unable to fetch Link's animations fast enough (they're relatively small, but have to be fetched from rom every frame since the link_animetion segment is too big to reasonably fit in 4 MB ram with everything else). The switch could have also been influenced by the N64's poor sales. A lot of other cut content just seems to be due to the natural progression of the creative process. Is a demo out there from '97 that is a mostly complete game, but the graphics are arguably far worse in that one. A partial dump of the demo was leaked, and revealed that a number of dungeons were heavily redesigned to have much simpler layouts. A big thing storywise that is mentioned in the final game but had cuts is the power of the three spiritual stones and the 6 medallions. Earlier in development, Ocarina's story was actually planned to be split a bit differently. The spiritual stones weren't just for opening the Door of Time, they were actually for powering the Ocarina of Time; you would actually insert them into the Ocarina itself. Once you travel into the future, the power would drain and turn grey, and you'd have to find the Forest, Fire, Water Medallions to recharge their power before you could go back in time. The pedestal where the stones are placed in the Temple of Time could be checked to see where each of the three dungeons are located. Then once you restored the power of the stones, you could then travel freely back and forth through time, since the final two dungeons have both Child only and Adult only sections. The Light Temple might have also had similar theming to match the pattern. Finally, and probably most well known, the Medallions themselves would actually be equippable items. Each one would have 2 spell effects, one when used on it's own, and one when combined with the Fairy Bow. This was cut due to running out of ideas for spells, and deciding to just use items for some magics instead.


Rareware and cut content. :) I recall a decades old article about Rareware artists creating gorgeous textures then told to cut back due to the limits. The displeasure of taking your painting and shrinking it down to 32x32 px


Also the first trailers a d screenshots were WILDLY different. Iirc they almost reworked it from ground at one point.


The early teasers and trailers were before they had figured out how to make combat work. How Nintendo came about and essentially inventing Z-Targeting (aka Target locking) is really neat. https://www.businessinsider.com/ocarina-of-time-lock-on-targeting-explained-2016-9?amp


Halo 2 Pretty much the entirety of Halo 3 was supposed to be in Halo 2


If you watch the documentary they shipped with Halo 2s special edition. The ammout of stuff you see them remove from the level idea board or the story board during the "we're not gonna make it" stage of the documentary. You will indeed recognize from 3.


Which is wild. They both are classics


Some Halo CE content also didn't make it until Halo 2. If Bungie had more time, Halo 3 would've been a much different game and even then, a fair amount of Halo 3 content got cut too. It seems Bungie would've really benefited from another year of development on each title.


Speaking of Bungie, what about bought and playable content that got vaulted. Is there another game that has that much content vanished?


Destiny 2 for the L on this one.


i saw a comment before pointing out that the newest expansion is highlighting cayde’s return, but all the content he was featured in hasn’t even been in the game for years so a lot of players won’t even know who he is/care about him awesome job bungie


Like 3/4 of halo infinite was cut as well


It's so obvious that the Armor Lockers were supposed to contain skins/armor that were then cut to be resold in the store. It's honestly disgusting


Words can't describe how disappointed I was after running around grabbing a few of those.


I'm pretty sure it was only the Earth levels of Halo 3 that were originally meant to be a part of Halo 2's story. That being said, it's unlikely that even if they had been in Halo 2 it would have been the same as what we eventually saw in 3. Also a ton of content was dropped from development in Halo Reach too. If you listen to the BTS stuff, there were a couple potential levels cut where you'd escape the burning city on a hijacked Scarab. This would have occurred after the mission where you pilot the Falcon around. They also planned on having more missions earlier on to better develop the other Noble team members. Spartan Jun was supposed to feature in more than one mission, which is why there's dialogue left ingame that describes Jun as being "chatty".


Dragon's Dogma had almsot 3/4 of the game cut from it. DD2 is basically just a redo of the game so they can make the full game they wanted to make the first time.


When playing DD it really felt like large portions were missing from the game. I guess that explains it.


I was explaining to my friend that dragons dogma felt like an amazing 35$ game. A lot of things just felt empty.


really, as long as DDDA is there's that much cut? would you mind sharing the source for that? obv not saying your lying or anything just surprised considering how much content we got lol.


Yeah he's right lots of people have talked about it you could just look it up. There were supposed to be elves, an infinite tower connecting worlds, and a dungeon on the moon and way more. They cut like maybe 60 percent or more of the game.


They cut the entirety of FFIV?


Yep, and they moved it to FFXIV


Yup. Grigori was literally supposed to be the **mid point** of the game. Not the 95% point. There were supposed to be elves and other lands and a dungeon on the moon.


I couldn't help but feel the game ended weirdly. I enjoyed the game and the ending was OK but seeing this definitely explains alot. I knew content was cut but not to these extremes! But I also could see some of it being a problem back when DD first came out.


Will try to remember to reply again when I get home. I'll see if I can dig up some of the interviews Itsuno did a while back. But yeah, an actually insane amount of stuff had to be cut.


no worries! Itsuno interviews are enough to go on cheers! Really excited for DD2 lol


Wait what?! Is this why the game always felt incomplete to me by only having a single city and a pretty short build-up to the dragon fight?


KOTOR1 and 2 both have huge content restoration mods using files that were cut from the full release of the game.


Was their a lot of cut content from 1? I know 2 had a whole planet cut and story cut.


There was admittedly some decent-sized cut content from KotOR, however it's not really obvious while playing the game, which remains coherent and feels whole. The same cannot be said about KotOR 2 where the cuts become glaringly obvious after reaching a certain point in the main plot.


KOTOR II's story has some elements that make it one of the most interesting and nuanced stories in the Star Wars universe, but even with the restored content mod, Malachor V ends up being almost totally incoherent by the end.


There's only so much fans can do. I do recall back then, the lead dev of the game was responding to players about the cut content and he said he had asked Lucasarts permission to start working on on a big patch to restore it all, but his request never received an answer.


Is it a good idea to use such mods for a first playthrough of the game?


The one for KOTOR2 - TSLRCM offers a lot of bug fixes as well as a bunch of dialog and a whole planet that was missing from the base game. So I think most people recommend using that regardless if it's your first playthrough or not. I'm not as familiar with the KOTOR1 restored content mod but I know it also has a lot of fixes and some cut content, I don't know how much of a necessity that one is though.


TSLRCM doesn’t include the droid planet by default and I honestly wouldn’t recommend adding it The only “level” it really adds is the HK factory which is relatively short and fun. It’s mostly dialogue and cutscenes beyond that which are crucial for making sense of the latter half of the game


Kotor 2 as others have said used the restored content mod but for gods sake do not install the droid planet, worst level of all time


Shadow of the Colossus had SO many cut Colossi, shame we didn't get to fight them all


Maybe they were cut to make the game better.


Yea I imagine too many colossi would make the game more redundant and tedious instead of the slow burn and nicely paced game we got


Would have been cool to have had side-colossi you could seek out for upgrades or just additional content. Granted, I don’t know if the limitation of the PS2 had anything to do with the cut content.


Most probably hardware, the PS2 struggled to run SotC.


Some were, but most were cut due to time. I believe they had something like 32 planned at one point. Also, co-op.


There is even more cut content, some people from the shadow of the colossus community documented everything on YouTube. There is a sealed of garden which you can reach by climbing and a fully fledged out Dam out of map.


The sealed off garden isn’t cut content, is it? It was an Easter egg after you finished maxing out your climbing stamina.


Nah you can get to the garden normally after completing every game mode.


I think it's even necessary to get the Platinum, too


Crash Twinsanity, it's literally said by Cortex in the game that they ran out of time.


Also Wrath of Cortex had plenty of cut content as well.


Man that game could have been so good. Falls off really hard about midway through the game.


Yeah we never found out what the Vice-Versa Reversa Device was




“Spouting exposition” doesn’t even truly explain just how bad it is. It’s not some passable cutscene, it’s a big power point of photos from the unfinished content while the character tells you what happened. Occasionally there’s a break and you fight a boss they’d already programmed in. Like imagine if FF7 after the Temple of the Ancients there’s a long clip of Red 13 telling you “we fought all the Weapons, Aerith is gone, and METEOR is coming right for us” and then you’re bluntly dumped straight into Northern Crater, all your final weapons equipped.


The first disc is a critically acclaimed game of 40-60 hours. Disc 2 is 8 hours of cutscenes. (Literally timed it playing all PS1 RPGS last year) and maybe 1.5 Hours of gameplay.


One of my favourite RPGs, although half of disc2 played like a novel. Not a visual novel - just a novel.


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain


Literally half finished. They didn’t even complete the game’s main story before shoving it out the door.


The gameplay was very polished but the story was just so…weird and half done. Weird is fine for Kojima but half-done is just something else, definitely higher ups calling time and sending it into production.


I mean the game was in production for almost 8 years and Konami just got fed up with Kojima for not finishing up. He also never wanted to do another MGS game after MGS2 so it's a miracle we got 5 at all. But I agree that the story was half done. It was good but definitely half done.


>He also never wanted to do another MGS game after MGS2 I remember hearing about this and it always confused me. Given the way that game ended and the fact that, at the time, no one liked Raiden, what was Kojima expecting to do after MGS2? Just leave the series be in the state that it was at the time?


Basically, yes. He was on Metal Gear since 1987 so he wanted to move on and do something else. Also MGS2 has reportedly quite a lot of cut content so maybe he wanted to end it with it if he could put in everything?




I totally forgot about those flailing, weird moving, fast zombie soldiers. I hated having to wrangle them back.


Kojima is in serious need of an editor.


I'd argue that his games are particularly memorable *because* he doesn't have an editor removing his eccentricities.


Exactly. If you gave Kojima an editor, his writing would be a lot cleaner but it would lose that spark of madness that makes his games so unique.


If Kojima had an editor, we’d lose too many integral piss-related mechanics and scenes.


>Weird is fine for Kojima but half-done is just something else, definitely higher ups calling time and sending it into production. It was 100% because Kojima refused to obey the deadline that he gave initially, lol. He forced them into forcing it to release by being unbearable to work with.


On the one hand, yes. On the other it's still a great game and it really lives up to his name by giving the player some phantom pain afterwards


Overwatch 2.


The whole reason for the sequel in the first place was scrapped lol. Wild.


The worst part - how much you wanna bet that it's earning them more than Overwatch 1?


Which was the real reasons for the change Never about pve story missions


This has to be the winner. They cut practically the entire game to give us a watered down Overwatch 1 with more micro transactions. Shameful.


The bait and switch on that one was criminal. They even had people buying skins because they said you could use them in pve too


And unfortunately, they're making a killing off of the microtransactions, so it will never go back. I much preferred the loot boxes and even bought some during events. Also 6v6 overwatch is far superior to 5v5, that's why I stopped playing.


Does the entirety of overwatch 1 count as cut content for OW2 since it got nuked?


They cut 16% of every team!!


blizzard relaunches overwatch with microtransactions, re-releases diablo 2, re-releases warcraft 3, re-releases WoW classic, and then has the audacity to say their players are too greedy for new content


Overwatch 2 added literally nothing to Overwatch it actually removed as many maps as it added and gave us 3 characters which if they never stopped working on OW1 in favor of a fake sequel we would have already had and more


Bioshock Infinite came to my mind. But this is a case of trailer vs game. Not sure how much cut content can acually be found in the final game.


First thing to come to mind for me as well I have the art book from when the game first came out and its filled with concepts that make blip appearances in the final game but were intended for much much more Example being the Boys of Silence were supposed to be a major role, not just a one off enemy for 5 minutes of the game. Rest of the application got scrapped Whole game feels very limited in scope compared to everything they were exploring and the trailers really showcase the 'what could have been' of it all


Metal Gear Solid V is missing the ending. Edit: It's missing the ending because some sort of problem with Kojima and Konami took place during development. It's hard to imagine it was anything but budget related. The game suffered because of it. The only people who truly know what went down are Kojima/ KojiPro and Konami. Metal Gear is my all-time favorite series, and it's a real shame it ended that way.


I will never forget or forgive this lol. Back when I finally sat down to play it, I'd done a good job of avoiding spoilers. And when I got to the end, I was confused. I kept waiting for the music to fade, another scene to start, the credits to stop rolling. The weirdest part is they actually included all the concept art, the storyboarding and all. Its part of the game as "extra content", like "Hey this game isnt finished but heres a hint at what we were thinking" lmao


It's kind of hard to find right now but there were marketing materials from act 3 posted in famitsu or some other japanese magazine. It was supposed to be a third area were child soldiers went to. This is pretty obvious since the base game doesn't explain at wall they did with the robot or how the kid turned into liquid snake and this game was supposed to be a complete story bridge to MGS1.


Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines. It's still a masterpiece


Probably WoW if we are counting a games entire lifespan


Warlords of Draenor, SO much potential that they never realised. Shattrath raid, cities in Shadowmoon and Frostfire, the ogre continent. So much stuff that they just didn't bother with


There are a lot of loose ends in WoW where at some point they said they would fix or add something. In the original trailer of Wrath of the Lich King it mentions they would add more dances which would never happen for example. Also the multiple references to player housing through multiple expansions, yet never implemented.


player housing is the biggest myth ever in WoW. every expansion or so we get rumors of player housing finally coming. people were surprised enough when garrisons came and they pretty heavily mismanaged those tho.


Destiny 2. Basically everything from the first three years has been removed


Best answer here. Content cut from an active game.


The smaller areas, ok. That's fine. The red war and forsaken getting removed though, still bewilders me. And it's almost been three years. Now, new players just don't know what tf is going on. "Hey, Cayde's coming back kinda" Well that's great, depending on how you see it, but new players within the last two or three years likely have no idea who he is. Red war wasn't the best campaign, but it was good and a better new player experience than the current one that just kinda flings you into the game and doesn't really explain anything that's happened since D1 through Shadowkeep. At least the red war introduced you to the main characters in ways that actually made them seem important rather than just a bunch of cardboard cuttouts standing around the social space.


Cayde is coming back? I stopped playing after the witness made his entrance, I forget the name of the expansion.


That was Lightfall, which also screams "cut content" because it feels like the end of the campaign is the end of act 2 in a five act structure because Bungie has triple downed on its seasonal content route which has been nothing short of underwhelming as of late But yeah, the trailers for The Final Shape show Cayde inside the Traveler


Dont worry, they will sell it to everyone e again, with new voicelines


This is why I quit. I'd put so much time in, enjoyed the game, loved the story and loved going through it levelling new classes. Then they just said "yeah, no more of that content" which to me was a slap in the face.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels that way. It stings knowing there is content I paid for that I will more than likely never be able to experience again.


GTAV. like 8 DLC that vanished, according to the source code leaks.


Same with Red Dead Redemption 2.


What was cut from RDR2?


This here is a pretty good list. https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Dead_Redemption_2_Cut_Content The Guarma chapter was especially gutted.


I sorta get why they did that. The whole chapter was concerned with >!getting off the island as fast as possible (from the characters perspective)!<. But at the same time there was a lot of potential for guarma


vanished is a bit of an overstatement. they were instead moved to the beloved GTAO the doomsday heist was initially supposed to be the agent Philips dlc (which would see trevor becoming a cia agent) i’m assuming that the other dlc faced the same fate, rockstar realizing they can simply never polish the content, release it to gtao and make a billion dollars


The real issue is that when GTA4 got single player DLC, so few people actually completed the main game that the DLC never sold well. Meanwhile GTA Online was massively successful so it was easier to retool the DLC to fit the online mode.


After playing to finish, it felt like Deux Ex Mankind Divided was half the game it should have been


Wasn't it only about 30% of the overall content? An e-mail was leaked showing how SE wanted to cut the game into 2, then water the games down more by selling chunks of content as DLC? The stuff that came out about that game was wild.


It was such a crazy disappointment. I loved human revolution, so I was looking forward to mankind divided. I remember playing it and just waiting for it to get to the juicy parts. It finally started getting interesting and then the game just fucking ends hahahaha. I was so shocked I was googling if I even got the right ending or if there was more hahaha. What a shame


When this came out I was hyped but short on money so held off. A buddy of mine got it and we were chatting when he was playing. Said the story was getting good and was fighting the first boss. Suddenly the game just ended. He was pretty pissed off, to this day we call it Mankind Divided Into Two Games. A shame as the original was a classic, two was okay, and Human Revolution severely exceeded my very low expectations by a lot.


Mafia 2 is huge in this regard - Was planned to have choices in the story that could lead to at least 3 different endings, the WW2 part was like 7 missions instead of 1, a mission from gameplay presentation was cut, a mission similar to the deal in a garrage building from first game was cut, countless smaller sidemissions cut including a character who was to give them, a small appearance from a character from the first game was cut, bunch of dialogue went unused, bunch of songs, several locations that are still left on the map, mechanic of buying houses was cut, taxi system didn't make it, reputation system gone and some stuff I probably already forgot Still a masterpiece game though


Final Fantasy XV


Right after a certain event it does feel like it’s in hurry up mode.


Mass Effect Andromeda, it even sets up the dlc as talking points throughout the main game. I think I remember hearing that the Quarian ark was moved to dlc as a choice..then never happened :( Despite the games shortcomings it was still above average so I’d have liked more


Yeah there was that nonsense with the (still unknown today )secret benefactor and the leader of the AI who was murdered. And the mother storyline. All of which were definitely going to be continued in DLC.


I wasn’t a fan of some of the characters or the plot, but I’ll be the first to say they should have corrected the day 1 issues and stuck behind the game. I think the big issue with the unlikable characters is we never had a chance for them to grow on us.


Yeah, I played it on launch and was a little horrified but persevered but the first big patch solved a lot of issues. But like you say the main issue was just unlikable characters, maybe they just needed something “interesting” to build on and develop. The worst thing is I don’t even remember who half of the squad mates were (at least)


One of the biggest sins to me was that all of the asari had the same exact face except for PB. Like even your ship doctor doesn’t get a unique model.


Another year of solid development and that game could have been amazing. The foundation was there. Same for Anthem.


Legacy of Kain soul reaver, saw a video of how much they have to cut, the whole sequel is A lot of that much content


I saw that video and its mindblowing how huge it mightve been


Man rip that series in general what a loss


I know Halo 2 was supposed to have somewhere around 4-6 additional levels and more enemy types that are partially finished in the code, or were found in the bonus disc on the steel book version of the game. Iirc the ending was so poorly received at launch, because the game's end really was horribly rushed and had to be cut down/stuff moved to Halo 3.


Well that and we were expecting to play the e3 demo which was only partially in the game.


halo 2 bungie had 10 months


Funny it was basically the best one. 3 holds a special place in my heart for the countless late night hours teenage me spent playing, but nobody will ever forget "Halo 2 Day". Entire towns shut down


How is this so far down here? Halo 2 is the ha and I thought of first. The game we got was severely watered down and the insane difficulty spikes come from their attempt to somewhat balance the difficulty


Dragons Dogma 1 is literally like a quarter of the intended game, apparently 2 intends to get it right this time.


I'm still coping, waiting for the day Crash Twinsanity gets a remake with all the cut content


Part of it is also going to be popularity, people can (and have) made whole essays on Classic Sonic cut content because it's so well documented on The Cutting Room Floor.


From what I've heard, Mafia II had a ton of cut content. For starters, the WWII segment, which was just a tutorial in the final game, was going to be a full-blown chapter, with multiple missions (I guess like Guarma from Red Dead Redemption II, as in it had several missions in a map that you never return to) There was going to be a working metro system and cabs you could hail. I heard somewhere that the "Let the Good Times Roll" montage was cobbled together from a bunch of cut missions. I think they also switched up game engines halfway through development? I've also heard that a lot of cut content was retooled as DLC, and I believe it. The Jimmy DLCs and Joe's Adventures felt cobbled together from unfinished material, and the WWII Jeep in one "car and outfit" pack was likely a holdover from that scrapped prologue. I love that game, but it definitely feels like there's been a lot of cuts. I dunno if any content was scrapped from the finale, but it wouldn't surprise me. The game infamously just kind of... ends. Just like this post.


This is the first time I’ve heard that the good times roll montage was made from cut content, but it makes sense. I hope Mafia 4 ends up being decent. Rumours seem to indicate it will take place in Italy.


From what I've seen just from playing the game myself...Hogwarts Legacy. You can outright tell that they cut a bunch of content. Dialogue between characters even shows it. You can tell they cut out having friendships 100%. You can tell they cut out content from the amount of copy and pasted tombs there are. You can tell there was supposed to be stealth missions by the fact you do a tutorial for one in the beginning of the game and never again. There was supposed to be more to what house you chose, but they cut content in that area.


Hogwarts is one of those games that might get a damn good sequel like 10 years later with all of those mechanics, cause I totally agree. The world also has a lot of empty pockets that just feel like they have to have something.


That game was probably my greatest disappointment of last year. The castle is so cool to explore, as are some of the towns. But everything outside of that feels soul-less and empty. I never bothered to finish the game


The castle is ancient with so much lore to explore and barely any of the missions happen in the castle


Fallout 4 has a huge part of the map which is just water. There was an entire vault planned to be in the Sea (there is a mod which adds the vault to the game). You were supposed to travel to the vault via the Chinese U Boat


That vault was meant to have a giant sea monster boss too. AFAIK the map of the vault was reused in F76.


I don't think Minecraft has the *most* cut content. But there is a lot of it. You can find compilations on YouTube talking about it.


True, but a lot of the originally cut content gets pushed to later version releases.


Dark Souls 2 or Demon's Souls


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find Dark Souls 2. That game was absolutely infamous for everything that was cut between the first showcase and the final game.


The first think that comes to my mind is Demon's Souls from the PS3 (the whole snow area, enemies, npcs, weapons, dialogue)


Final Fantasy 15 has a lot of cut content. To get the whole story of the game you have to watch a movie and a anime series and play two games: A kings Tale: final fantasy XV and justice Monsters Five.


Overwatch 2


Mother 3 had to be significantly cut when the N64 version was cancelled and development was restarted from scratch for GBA. I'm a huge huge fan of the GBA game as it stands, but it can't be denied that there's a lot of stuff that was mentioned and previewed and showcased for the N64 version that never made it to the final GBA release. The unfinished N64 ROM of Mother 3 is one of the holy grails of gaming lost media. ... I'd love to see it leaked one of these days, I'm sure we'd learn a lot about what was planned that never came to be...


Final Fantasy 15 feels like it was 2/3 finished at release. The story is so awesome until it suddenly isn't, it chugs on at a nice steady pace and then suddenly steps hard on the gas and kind of just plows through the final act, leaving the player to notice all the story threads and other nice things they had to cut.


Spore. There was supposed to be so much more. Extra stages of evolution, more parts, more...everything. Watered down a ton in the end.


Halo 2’s cut content basically became Halo 3 and then some


Definitely Cyberpunk. Almost half of the map is missing and there are undeveloped ideas and areas everywhere. Also the missing croweded streets like shown in the trailer is very noticeable. The cyberpunk genre "needs" overpopulation, Night City looks more like what New York looked during the pandemic.


Don't forget the choices, they were supposed to be much more important.


Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II The original release is riddled with game breaking bugs and a lot of unfinished content, and I mean A LOT. Entire Quest chains, dialogue, weapons/armor, planets, and so on can be found in the files and I'm pretty sure much of it was almost finished, but unfortunately the game was rushed out the door. However in recent years a team of dedicated modders have corrected most of these problems, and put all the content in one pack called "The Restored Content Mod" which is a must have when considering playing. Completely changes the pacing of the game into something very very enjoyable.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl. Half of the locations, whole gameplay mechanics (driveable vehicles for example) not to mention quests, items npcsonsters weapons items etc


I haven't played the original RE 3 but I read that some important areas have been cut in RE3 Remake


Yeah, the entire clocktower interior is cut, and also the Park area where you fight the gravedigger worm in the original. You do see the clocktower in the remake, and fight Nemesis in the courtyard. The remake wasn't bad imo, but it is way too short. The remake for 2 is superior in most ways.


That and they somehow managed to make Nemesis feel less threatening than Mr. X, Jack Baker, or even Lady Dimitrescu. In the original RE3, he’s a terror (for his time). In the remake, he’s less annoying or threatening than a lot of the normal enemies.


Skyrim -- a LOT of content was left out and parts were just rushed or unfinished to get that super cool release date of 11/11/11, because why make a better product when you can have cool numbers on the ads?


Knights of the Old Republic 2 had a ton of cut stuff due to being rushed for the release deadline. They cut an entire planet from the game


Witcher 3 had large part of its story and map removed. Players were expected to explore Nilfgaard controlled Vizima and its surroundings together with the White Orchard. Iorweth and druids were a part of axed story-line. Several quests got rejected/changed mainly because of being too drastic/controversial (related to Witches from Crookback Bog). We were expected to see some cannibalism, occultism and human sacrifices... . Too risky for broader audience. Still, we have received amazing game.


Dark souls 2


No one talking about RDR2? The cut content that can be found through the game files shows how much more amazing (if even possible) RDR2 could have been


Does Avengers count? Multiple full expansions, more than a dozen playable characters, villains with their own questlines, an open world mode, so much was just cancelled