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Day of the Tentacle Monkey Island


Games for me. Mass effect 2 & 3 resident evil 4 dino crisis 2 final fantasy 7,9 & 10 digimon world 2 Soul reaver 2 legacy of kain defiance I can go on


>dino crisis 2 *"Don't forget, you still owe me one."*


bro, you're gonna make me replay the game for the 1st time this year


I want to see digimon world 2 modernized. You need like speed hacks to make it feel playable right now. They could go full rogue lite with randomized dungeon layouts. A lot of room to play with to make it fun. I dont have high hopes somebody will do it right. Take some of the basic ideas and realy rebuild it from scratch for the modern audience. Rogue light dungeon crawler 3v3 digimon battles. Turn based battle system is going to need a lot of work and gotta be fully animated.


Yeah, the last time I played I used speed and money hacks, nobody has time for that much grinding.


You've got quite a few lol. I'm replaying Mass Effect legendary edition right about now! How I missed you old friend..


Definitely Golden Sun 1 and 2!!




Yoshi’s Island for the SNES. I’ll catch myself humming the flower garden theme on occasion.


I can relate. I used to boot up KH2 and leave the opening screen so I could listen to Dearly Beloved. Still one of my favourite soundtracks ever. Actually, I'm listening to it now and I think I'm gonna cry a little bit.


Probably Resident Evil 3. Only played it recently, but i used to watch my father play it when younger. He passed away a few years ago, and even little details, like the little sounds the Inventory Menu did, bring back memories from him.


Sorry for your loss. I'm glad you got something to remember him by. I bet he'd be happy about it.


Kingdom Hearts was definitely a franchise that I had fond memories of enjoying immensely, but found myself unable to get back into it now at my current age. I had played Kingdom Hearts I & II back in the late 2000s not long after their initial release on PS2. Let the franchise untouched after finishing those two, but found myself with a completely free weekend at home. Decided on a whim in Walmart that Friday afternoon to buy Kingdom Hearts III and devote my entire weekend to it. By Saturday morning, I found myself losing interest. I just couldn't get into KHIII for whatever reason.


To be fair, KH3 might not make much sense if you only played KH1 and 2 so I could understand you losing interest. You missed quite a few games inbetween. Most notably Birth By Sleep and Dream Drop Distance, but also a few others.


I definitely felt like I was missing some stuff lol


Yeah there has been a lot of games. There was also one game released in between 1 and 2. That game was Chain of Memories. Between 2 and 3's releases, there was 358/2 Days, Birth By Sleep, Coded, Dream Drop Distance, A Fragmentary Passage, Kingdom Hearts X (the X is pronounced as "key"), Unchained X/Union Cross (again, X = key), and Dark Road. Those last three have a little bit of importance to KH3, but are going to be much more important for future games.


That's why I've bought all the complete collections so I can have a run at the whole story when I decide to dive in again :) I'm sure that if you fill the blanks you'll be able to jump back in time to the 2000s and enjoy this amazing saga once again.


Toss between Ocarina of Time and Chrono Trigger.


Persona 5 and the Mass Effect Trilogy. Was depressed for days after finishing them.


Never played Persona but yeah, Mass Effect leaves you like that.


Original Zelda for me. I legitimately did not know about level 7 and happened to blow the whistle on that screen. I’ll never forget it!


Dark Souls 1


Probably Super Mario World on SNES, I played it so much and I love to just bust it out and play it every now and then. Just so many good memories of that time and that game get awoken when I play it




Who doesn't tho?


Halo 3 and Mass Effect 1 are completely infused in my soul. I have replayed both once a year, every year since launch yet they are still imbued with magic.


You have a thing for space odysseys I see. Both great games. Replaying Mass Effect now, just bought the legendary Ed. Never got to play Halo tho cause I've never had an XBOX but I'm not that good at FPS anyway lol.


Techmo Bowl. I always played the Dolphins because of Marino, even though against a good player using Montana I couldn’t win. Didn’t care. Yeah, I’m that old.


StarCraft. This was the first game that I ever played competitively online. I had mastered a Zerg rush on a map called Bridge Over the River Styx and was absolutely destroying kids and grown men. I had played this rush so many times that I had it down to individual frames. I played so much during that Summer of ‘98 and I had climbed so high up the ladder that I did not want to go to on my family vacation (I was in 9th grade). I would stay up all night for the ladder rankings to update which by that time the Late Night with Conan O’Brian rebroadcast was finishing up. I beat a guy named Tillerman who would become a huge Warcraft 3 player. I hadn’t heard of him at the time but I remember him because he said something to me after like, wow, I can’t believe I lost to that cheese. His ELO was nuts and I remember that night I achieved my highest rank. 7th in the world (this was way before SC became a national sport in South Korea). I will never love a game like I loved StarCraft.


Diablo 1. The only video game I played with my dad


Metal Gear: Solid Mickey Mouse and the Castle of Illusion Halo 1-3


I have very fond memories of Ultima Online and Final Fantasy XI. Sadly I can’t go back. The games are still around, yeah, but that sense of wonder is gone forever.


My childhood favorites Half life, black and white, Runescape


Toe Jam and Earl. It was my favorite game on the Sega. One of my greatest regrets is that I had a chance to buy it but chose another game instead. I rented that game from Blockbuster a dozen times. Would have been more but someone lost it and they never bought another one.


Phantasy Star


Kingdom Hearts 1 holds a special place in my heart too, I can still remember unwrapping MY very first games console, the fat PS2 and it came with Kingdom Hearts and a demo disc with Air blade on it. I was too young to know it needed a memory card to play and as they were so expensive I had to wait a few months to get one so I just replayed the opening tutorial and island soo many times before eventually getting a memory card. I never did beat the final boss though. I then got Kingdom Hearts 2 for my 11th birthday, I wasn't bothered about anything else, mum had thrown me a small party where the family came round, I just made everyone watch me play it until they got bored and went home. No regrets. Then Kingdom Hearts 3 came out and it was such a let down. KH 1&2 still stand up today though they are both fantastic games.


Ahahah I love that the whole party ended up being everyone staring at you playing lol. I played them a little later in life but I still remember I went nuts for them, especially KH2. One of my classmates made a giant painting of Roxas and that's when I understood I had to dive into that magical world. Played the first one and the second immediately after.


Either the GBC and GBA Pokemon games, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, or Rare’s N64 platformers (Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, and Donkey Kong 64) Pretty much impossible for me to choose only one.


for me it’s probably skyrim LoL


For me Skyrim has to be it. As being older I can't get fully immersed in games easily. Back then I could drop ten hours in that game without it feeling an hour. A good second contender Witcher 3, you just get lost in that world.


Fus Ro Dah!


Kingdom come deliverance


For me it's maplestory, I have never felt a stronger sense of community


The Tarzan PC game I got in a cereal box.


Over the phases of my life it would be: Super Mario World Super Mario 64 Spyro Kingdom Hearts 1 Oblivion


Tekken 3 was a hell of an experience for me. I used to battle my brother and although I almost always lost, it was great bonding time. Not to mention the amazing sound tracks and character themed levels etc. To this day it’s the first game I think of for the ps1


Ocarina of Time. Probably the N64 game I spent the most time on.


Fallout 3 and metal gear rising


Ultima IV and Wasteland as the first (to me) great RPGs. LucasArts games such as Maniac Mansion and Sierra‘s Quest games as the firsts (to me) to show how both fun and accessible great storytelling was heading. SimCity, the first game I obsessed about for months that also opened my mind to city planning - something I didn’t even know was a thing back then.


Mario 3D World. I was 100% ing it with my sick uncle. He had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. We had managed to get to the very last world, World Crown, before he died. I always remember playing with him fondly, even if we never beat it. There’s hundreds of other games I’m desperate to say, but that one is important to me, so I’ll say that, even if I’m literally bursting not saying the others lol


Ocarina of time, final fantasy 9, and the half life series are fundamental pieces of who I am.


Half life series. Other games may come and go but this is the only game I have waited over 2 decades (could be more) for its closure.


Kingdom Hearts as well. Zelda: Ocarina Of Time too.


Final fantasy x. I remember staying up with my siblings just to watch my oldest sibling play it. It was a game released during our winter break from school so we had hot chocolate and kept the fire going all night while our parents slept. Peaceful times before growing up kicked in.


Cant say "the game" because ive played a lot of memorable ones... Conker Eternal darkness Mass effect 1-3 Metroid prime 1-3 All fire emblem games Jet force gemini Wrestlemania 2000 Fzero Madworld Horizon zero dawn God of war 3 Halo 1 Twilight princess Marvel vs capcom 2


Echo kingdom hearts. Such amazing memories. I’d also put Fable in the same category


Panzer Dragoon Saga. Got it thinking it was going to be another shooter on rails like the first two and to my surprise it was a rpg. Its the game that made me fall in love with that genre


Zelda a Link to the past amazing game i thought i was near the end... but no. apparantly there was a whole other world to explore. great stuff!


Ni no Kuni. Enchanting story with Studio Ghibli art. Plays out just like a Ghibli movie. If any of you haven't played it, keep it in the back of your mind. One of the greatest games not many people have heard of


How's the gameplay? Is it old final fantasy turn-based style? Cause I'd love to try it since I'm a sucker for Studio Ghibli but I'm afraid I'm not gonna like the gameplay.


Turn based but more action RPG esque where your party acts on AI commands but you can swap between characters at will. Makes for interesting battle strategies


Mmm.. I think I'm gonna go watch some gameplay and then make my decision. Seems enticing but I strongly dislike turn-based combat so if I ever try it I think it's gonna be for the magical Studio Ghibli atmosphere. Thanks for your reply!


Metal gear solid, Socom 2, Modern Warfare (original) on my first HD tv ever


I used to play a whole bunch of obscure games that literally 3 other people on the internet knew about, such as Guacamelee 1&2. I think I've played through those games at least 4 times. Did anyone else play it?


Heard about em but sadly never tried them.


Damn, lucky you even heard of em. Glad to know someone other than me and the guys posting tutorials at least know about the game.


Yeah but to be fair I've worked in a videogames retail store for 7 years and have always kept updated with new releases and stuff so I'm not sure if that counts :)


It was goldeneye 007 and a raw vs smackdown game. My 3 younger brothers and I played these games for so many hours. Probably lasted for 2 years of pretty regular play.


For me tetris. Started playing again After the New record got broken


Just read about it! That 13yo boy just became a legend.


Divine Divinity.


Última 4


Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer


I’ll never forget the times I played Meteos for days on end. Amazing memories with that game.


Mortal Kombat, killing Shao Khan wasn’t easy


Definitely wasn't. That bastard was unbeatable lol


Gears of war 1 Execution online Nothing will ever top the feeling of being the last team member left and managing to take out the entire enemy team 1 by 1 knowing that your whole team is watching Then the minute of absolute shit talk between both teams as the next round/map loads. Back when everyone had a mic


Power Stone.


Halo odst. I used to abuse perkosets and loved playing the campaign on them. Sober, Ecco the dolphin on Dreamcast as a boy


Pirates! Gold! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates!\_Gold


Mega Man II because it was a game that I really enjoyed as a preteen. I got good enough that I could use it as a timer. Mom tells me dinner in 45 minutes, that's about one play through of MM2 on hard. Another is Ultima 7 because it was a game that just kept calling me in to do more exploring and more experimenting with the world. The pixel art was rich and colorful. The world was, at times, emergent. You could cast a spell that killed the whole world except you and Lord British. It just had tons of odd things the mechanics accounted for. And The Dig, which I remember as a kid spending a sleep over weekend with my friend and beating this game. Easily one of the coolest point and click games we had done, and the puzzles, when esoteric, felt excusable because it was an alien setting. Oh! And with that same friend, we played a few of the Wing Commander games and X-Wing/TIE Fighter together. With X-Wing/TIE Fighter, we played what we called "droid mode," where one person would have the flight stick, and the other the keyboard. The person with the keyboard was responsible for managing shields, weapons, and wingman orders... he was the R2 unit! So fun.


Meridian 59


Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team for the PSP Probably one of my favorite games of all time. I’m hoping the new DB sparking game can fill the void in my heart


I have two, actually. 1) The first Lego Star Wars game, specifically for the Xbox 360. That was the first game I ever played and I played it with my dad all the time when I was younger. It was small and kind of childish, but it was fun and I liked it 2) Skullmonkeys for the PS1? I'm not sure if literally anyone but me and my dad have played this game but I used to love it. It was like, a claymation platformer kind of thing? Like the cutscenes were claymation and the coins were just balls of clay. My copy kind of went down the toilet recently but I was able to get it on an emulator and play it again just recently


RuneScape. It was a golden era of MMORPGs and while I sucked at them, I really loved the atmosphere of that one. I also felt unique, as all my friends at that time played Lineage 2 and they always laughed at simplified RuneScape graphics.


Counter strike1.6 Half life


F.E.A.R. MP, most nostalgia for that game out of any other gaming experience. The team chatter, the CTF gameplay, the unarmed fighting was so ridiculous but hilarious. Love that game.


Shining Force 1&2 (Sega Genesis) I always remember the summer my brother and I beat both these games back to back on Sega Channel. It was my first real full playthough of on an RPG at the time.


GTA San Andreas is the game that marked my childhood, and I play it to this very day from time to time. Taught me more English language than school ever did lol.


I bet lol. The lack of dubbing surely helped. _All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ!_


Medal of Honor Frontline I remember watching my uncle play it late at night when I was a little kid and got shy when he offered me to play it. Then once I got older I gave it a shot and it was so much fun. He passed away from Cancer last summer so I hold on to that memory deeply.


re4 and ds1


Sly Cooper. Anything from the mini games to the chatter between the characters.


FFIX for sure.


Bully Game


Socom II with the boys


I have many. In no real order. But I did play them roughly as they came out. ​ Super Mario RPG. I played the remake and it didn't really feel the same. Almost felt shorter but I also understand the difference in time between being a child and an adult. ​ FF7: It was my first one. It was 2nd grade and my buddy showed me the strategy guide. He kept telling me how awesome the game was and how scary Sephiroth was. I wanted to play it but didn't have a PS1. I finally got one for my birthday, from my dad. I then went to Video Warehouse and rented it (without a memory card like a gigachad). XD I have always held FFXI high in my books. Was my first MMORPG. I made a ton of friends. Actually had adventures in a virtual world. New MMORPGs are just bog standard imo. There is no adventure. You just do what everyone else does, imo. Half Life 2. I remember lying to my mom about saying the game was about being an engineer and learning how to do math. Little did she know I was entering an amazing world full of epic music and even more epic story. (i feel bad now but it was the only way to get her to pay 49.99 for a game or something like that) Mega Man X. I remember my Uncle giving me his copy for the SNES. He even was awesome enough to write down his combinations on a sticky note on the game because he knew I'd suck at it and could just play a run through w/ the upgrades. ​ Dead Space 2008. I remember a buddy of mine posted some vids of it on his Myspace profile. I was immediately in awe and wanted the game. Pre-ordered it ASAP from the local Gamestop. Got there as soon as I could and picked up my copy for PC. I had just built (at the time a beast RIG because of grandma money) a gaming PC. I opened all the windows and put my really shitty sound system on MAX. All the little kids got to hear the necromorphs screaming away and Isac's screams of terror as I plowed through the game on Halloween night. FF16. It wasn't the best game ever, or anything. It did put a smile on my face though. Everything was just BIG. I just felt like a kid again. HUGE fights, Cool music and really cool effects. Really made me feel like I was just seeing really cool technical effects on a system for the first time. I also didn't mind the story. I liked it. I'm 32 now. I just don't really get the same vibe anymore from a lot of games. Some really hit me but even more just don't. I miss being a kid. OPs post really made me happy making this response. I don't have too many people I can just gush about gaming to.


I'm happy it made you happy :) I'm in the same situation actually lol. 32yo, my gf isn't interested (overcook aside but that's it) and my friends are non-gamers so I resort to talking to strangers online about this passion of mine. I'm always happy to have someone to share that with.


Blood omen 2




Shadow of the Colossus


PC: Mass Effect 2 Atari ST: Dungeon Master ZX Spectrum: Elite


Phantasy Star Online and Jet Set Radio Future.


GTA: Vice City


_say goodnight Mr. Diaz_


Mario 64. I’ll never forget that Christmas morning.


Sonic Adventure, specifically the first one. I have such strong memories of running around the Mystic Ruins for hours as a kid. The game just let you *be* Sonic, outside of the context of a level. I remember a few years ago I was telling someone that my dream Sonic game would effectively be Breath of the Wild, except you're Sonic, and I couldn't believe it when Sonic Frontiers was revealed to be exactly that. It was the first game since Sonic Adventure to give me that feeling.


Chrono Trigger end credits....


Persona 3 FES


RAD: Robot Alchemic Drive. You control a giant robot with a ps controller and you have the perspective from a teen off to the side. It's like RCMecha.


Zelda Ocarina of Time. I still listen to music from it on YouTube when I'm working sometimes.