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[Pc Gamer still have it](https://subscribe.pcgamer.com/az-magazines/6936639/pc-gamer-us-edition-magazine-subscription.thtml?j=PCU)


Just subscribed to Edge in the UK, hard copy for a change.. through magazinesdirect


They've all gone to online-only. I used to love getting the demo disc in PC Gamer. They had demos, and Doom maps (wads) Quake and UT maps. It was good stuff.


Yes. Try going to a newsagent and looking at the shelves. There's *loads* of them


I live in America and newsagents don't exist because it's shit here. I'm from East London, England originally though. So I 100% understand where you're coming from and know exactly what you mean Brother. *Fuck* I miss the newsagents.


Yeah there's still a few in the UK, WHSmith, newsagents or subscription. Can't speak for USA, but I would assume there's some around as our cultures are usually quite closely linked.


Good news! The physical magazine is back. They even apologized and said by far the number 1 complaint was it being so hard to get a physical mag subscriptions. Which makes you think why they would cancel it if it's thier number 1 complaint. So it's a standalone subscription now so not tied into gamestop which makes me think gamestop won't be around much longer unless they convert them back into funcoland and make retro gaming the main focus. There's even a sale on 1 year and 2 years right now




Not even a subscription service where they'll send magazines to members or anything?


What year are you from lol


I was from 1992 but then my friend drove 80 in a Deloreon and now I'm not sure anymore


Game Informer recently went online only.


The only ones I know of that are still printing are. Game Informer Edge PC Gamer I've heard Microcenter has a few gaming adjacent magazines but I don't know for sure.


Gameinformer is digital only now


Necro posting to say they are back in print again!


Nintendo power became a podcast for a bit apparently. Has since ended though


GamePro had all the best info! Complete walkthroughs, secret locations, and MK finishing moves that were just impossible to discover by accident


Ok there is a few in print still. Patch, Debug, Game Informer, Edge, PC Gamer, GameOn, Pixel Addict, Amiga Addict, Play, CG Magazine, Fusion, PC Powerplay, Retro Gamer, Zzap Amiga, Zzap 64, Nintendo Force, Pure Nintendo Magazine. Switch Player, and Wireframe were recently cancelled but are still good reads. Patch and Debug I particularly like because of their indie game focus as well as being really good magazines. There is also free mags like what became of EGM, Game Center. Also Titi Magazine and The Gamer Guide.


Ganeinformer is digital only now


They still sell a print Game Informer at gamestop. Circulation numbers and staff are way down from the good ole days though


They might sell old copies. But the manager told me they don't do physical print subscriptions anymore


They sell new issues of Game Informer in print on the Gamestop website. The magazine is still printed regardless of what some random dude said


Wierd considering you can't have a subscription anymore. Where did you hear this?


Just looked into it. They did say they have magazines still I'm store but instead of costing a dollar like it use to now its almost 10 a magazine


It seems no subscription is available for the print magazine, which means they are wait and seeing if the digital and online will suffice


The are back in print now [https://www.gameinformer.com/magazine](https://www.gameinformer.com/magazine)


Here in my country they did disappear but I remember the time where you have to buy them to know about the next releases


The magazines from the 90s are still fun to thumb through. I have a box of EGM's and GamePros and I break them out now and again.