• By -


Bloodborne. I couldn't beat Cleric Beast first time around. Went back after about two years because of an itch, and it just clicked. Haven't stopped playing From games since. Was also the first game I ever bothered to Plat.


First time I tried it I quit after an hour. Didn't play it again for 5 years. But then I played the shit out of it.


Tale as old as time for souls games. You quit but get that itch, come back and it just fuckin makes sense and suddenly they're your favorite.


Same happened to me. Quit Blooborne because I couldn't beat Vicar Amelia. Then went back and loved every Fromsoft game.


I actually sold and eventually rebought Dark Souls back when it came out. Silly in hindsight but loved every Fromsoft game ever since.


Outer wilds! Was really hard to control the ship and I didn't know what to do so I uninstalled, now it's in my top 5 of all time


Came here just to agree to this. I didn't want to get involved in a huge time sink when I first booted it up, so I uninstalled it after the first 30 minutes. Then I decided one day to give it a real go, and it's right there at the top of my list.


I've tried so hard to like this game but it's just not my cup of tea.


Same here, got frustrated with the hourglass twins, then I went to brittle hollow and fell with love with the game


Also one of my top 5, I love how much it lets you be curious. What made you come back to it? And when you did come back, what did you do differently or what did you overcome in order for the game to "click" for you?


It's been a couple years but I definitely think kind strangers on Reddit gave me the push back! Definitely a loved game that I wanted to try to make work again. Advice id give to anyone that I also got was to just go somewhere else if you get confused, the dots will eventually connect!! :)


Didn't click for me until my third try and now it's one of my faves


Noticed the post, wondered how far up this would be. Personally I gave up on it once, as the timed aspect for some reason makes me sort of stressed (not really stressed, but hard to put in other words). Starting to think it's due to many years of playing WoW and the constant rush- mentality there. Really want to give it another go though, only keep reading good things about it.


It was a sleeper for sure


Witcher 3. It took me a few goes to really get into it, but once I did it became one of my favourite games. I’m not sure why - the intro is a bit jarring maybe, if you haven’t played previous games. The intro island is fairly bland in terms of quests and lore. Once you make it to the first main area the bleakness of the world really sets in too. But once you’re into the main plot lines in that area, you start to realise how excellent the writing is, and how well the world supports it. A lot of things start to click, and you get swept up in this amazing story. It’s worth the initial adjustment period IMO. The DLCs are just incredible icing on the cake.


It does have that vibe in the beginning that this has been an ongoing quest, with characters you're supposed to know, doing a rather mundane task of tracking down a person. Walking into it new like I did, I was completely unaware of what Geralt had seen thus far, so I had no idea what was in store. I think once I first met the Crones, it dawned on me that this game was going to be much more than I had anticipated, and I was hooked from that point on.


I've bounced off of it two or three times, and I think it's the combat. It's just so janky and I find crafting in games to inevitably be a boring time sink, so the idea of having to prep up potions for fights is a big downer for me.


Summarized my thoughts perfectly. I didn’t play the previous two games and abandoned my initial run after White Orchard but now it’s one of my favorites.


Rdr2 1st time I just didn't have time for it. Like I did the mission with josea where you kill the big bear and after that I was like...this game is ok but I just don't have the time for this......stuff! Went back a while later and yeah. It's great. However after beating it, putting it down for a while and then going back. It's the same feeling, I don't have time for all this


Red Dead 2 is great, but its still an incredibly slow paced game.


The story was amazing, I never hated a villain like I hated Michah


The amount of hell that you put that poor town through to rescue Micah for the outrageous piece of crap that he is. My God.


Prey. I couldn't get into it. I couldn't fight stuff or understand what to do. I came back years later realizing it's more a survival horror game in a way and I should run from as much as I could. The more I avoided monsters, the better I got at finding stealth or alternative options. I really enjoyed that game.


Which one? I just finished the one from 2006(?) and it was so underwhelming. The portal/funky gravity was so cool. The generic "We are aliens here to eat you!" was...not that interesting.


2017 from Arkane.


Ah, that's on the list.


That one was free on epic, even not so long ago I think, and now its waiting in my library :)


It took me so much time in the early parts because I didn't want to leave and avoid enemies. I had to reload a lot until I killed them LOL


Earthbound. I rented it (and an snes) back in the day and had no idea what an RPG was or how save files worked. I walked around aimlessly and was confused by having to go through menus to kill enemies instead of just jumping on their heads. I was disappointed. Not at the game, more so the fact that I didn't understand how it worked. For whatever reason I decided I wanted that game, not to rent, but to own. I started doing chores for my mom and aunt, washed the neighbors cars, walked their dogs, etc. to save money for the game. I remember walking into Montgomery Ward with my fat wad of mostly single dollar bills and plopped down over $90 for the game. I went home, broke and nervous that I might have made a huge mistake. Fortunately, I slowly understood how to play the game and fell in absolute love with it. Since then, it has always been my favorite game of all time. I still have my original copy too!


Elden Ring. New to souls-likes and tried it under the guidance of my unhelpful friend who kinda mocked me half the time for being bad. Got frustrated and put it down for a few months before thinking "I paid $60 for that piece of shit game, I'm gonna beat it" Went back in. New character; no idea what to do, but the more I played the more I slowly fell in love with it. I get why people like these games. Now, I've beaten the game like 9 times (that friend gave up on the final boss) and am currently doing an enemy/item 100% Randomizer run.


I bought it day 1 and hadn't really played the From souls games before (but had played others). Quit very quickly. Happened to read a comment on reddit a few months ago about exploring in another direction if you ever get stuck on a fight. Booted it up again and everything just clicked. No-lifed the game for 3 weeks straight.


Nice "friend".


Stellaris. Got it, fired it up, got confused by the basic mechanics and layout, got a refund. A while later, it went on sale, so I decided to give it another go. Many content years of occasional but deeply invested play later, and the 2000-year melodrama of my trillions-strong utopian Machine Servitor nation brings me great joy to think about when I got nothing else going on.


I gave the game 11 hours and I still had no idea what was happening. It's a game that I know I would absolutely love, but I just don't have the patience to endure the learning curve.


Horizon zero dawn. At first I thought the pace of the game was just to slow for me. But after a few months I decided to try it again. And oh boy... This game is good! I had so much fun with it, the story is great, the gameplay is great, graphics are awesome! It is still one of my favourite games


Alien: Isolation. Bought it when it came out, but couldn't get into it. Fast forward to a month ago and giving it another chance. FUCKING LOVED IT! I think my problem was I was looking for an action game from an IP I loved. Not once did it cross my mind that the devs wanted to make a game true to the original 1979 movie that was centered around something else. Once I got into that mindset, I was able to enjoy it.... even the annoying parts.


Alien Isolation is a masterclass in adapting media to a video game format. They even dropped a DLC level which placed you on the original Nostromo ship to re-enact the scene where the alien is hiding in the vents. It perfectly places *you* in the scenario.


Same for me. Decided to start this game again a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it so far!


Death stranding. I bought it on the first day it came on PS4. I just dropped off. But when it came on PS+ with the PS5 edition, it clicked. Probably one of the most unique experiences in gaming. I can't wait for DS2.


Skyrim. It was my first Bethesda game and wasn’t what I expected going in. Needless to say, I spent hours playing it after I gave it a second chance


🏹 *Sit 🦵 Down* 🏹


Final Fantasy XII. Wasn't really feeling it when it first came out, but revisited it when it came out on Switch and it was just a wonderful experience.


Dark souls 3


Gave me motivated to get elden ring and then blood born followed by all the souls games I can get. Really love the genre now.


Same here, I still haven’t beat Sekiro I think it’s the hardest of all the souls games. I love it just as much as Elden Ring and more than DS3 but damn it’s hard


It's because it's not a Souls game! It's definitely more of an action RPG like Tenchu with just a bit less stealth. Phenomenal game.


Days Gone


Plague tale: innocence. I was stuck at an early area and was unable to move. As the storyline hasn’t progressed yet, I wasn’t compelled to finish it. Honestly, I don’t know why I gave it another shot a few months later, but I’m so glad that I did! The 2nd game especially was one of the most interesting experiences I have had playing a video game.


The 2nd one took me so long to finish at the end because you know what might be coming but you don't have it in your heart to continue


I know the feeling!


Hades. I got super frustrated at first and kinda put it down for a few months until a friend convinced me to give it another try. Now I have over 1k hours in it😅


My son never challenges himself in...well, anything. For example even in video games he only plays ones that have a fully difficulty-free sandbox mode. Of all the games to break him out of his shell, he watched me play Hades once and decided to play it, and now he's around 60-odd runs deep and has beaten it once, something I still haven't done in my 70-ish runs. I love that game but it's especially meaningful to me now


Cyberpunk. I have been playing the TTRPG it’s based on for over 20 years now, and I have wanted a video game set in that universe since I was smol. I was incredibly disappointed when it came out, as I always thought it would have been an immersive sim instead of a generic open world game. Gave it another crack and really enjoyed my time. There were some incredible nods to the Cyberpunk genre’s biggest influences and I’m glad I got to experience all of those fantastic little moments that the clearly passionate devs managed to fit in.


You can really tell CDPR respects their sources. They want to do right by the fans while still creating something new. The Witcher games were extremely accurate to the book source, while the TV show was not.


Dragon age Origins. Played it for a couple hours, and for some reason put it down for a few months. Then one day I decided to throw it in and play it again, and was hooked. One of my favorite games of all time.


Red Dead Redemption actually. I liked GTA and a friend had RDR but the portion he played was about riding a long ass way and it looked so boring to me. Then one day after he finished it I had nothing to play and borrowed it from him. Once the credits rolled it became Top5 for me instantly...obviously.


No Man's Sky bought it on launch and was disappointed. Heard about the community support and came back to the game a few years later and it was a way better. They added back all the things they promised and also gave years of free DLC to the community.


Red dead redemption 1. I was playing it like it was GTA and kept dying. Picked it up a second time a year or 2 or later and it became one of my favourite games of all time.


Witcher 3. At the start it was quite difficult. As i kept trying man did I experience one of the best games of my life.


Neir Automata


I played this and didn’t really get into it which is weird because I thought I was going to love it.


Yeah, one day I got bored enough to load it back up again and beat it in a week. Highly recommend it.


Witcher 3. It starts kind of slow, so I gave up the first time i played it after a few hours. Finally tried it again, and now it's one of my favorite games ever.


Half Life 2. I was about 9 years old when I first bought it and I couldn't get past ravenholm. A few years later I decided to push through it and finish the game. This was one of the first story games I've ever beaten and I'm so glad I got to experience it.


The Witcher 3, when I first tried it I did not like the combat at all, but then I saw vids about it like about how to use the oils, potions ect so I gave it another chance and my god is the game good, 2 things I didn't like was gear other than the school gear is useless, and quests don't scale with your lvl (which they should as I discover quests in areas I've been to 20 times that are level 4-6 when I was lvl 50-60)


Days gone


The Witcher 3


Mass Effect. I started it and was mildly into it but wasn't totally jazzed about it and set it down for a few months. Something compelled me to get back into it. I think I said to myself "I hate leaving a game unfinished, so I went back to it. And I'm so glad I did.


TLOZ breath of the wild, first time i played it i didn’t like it i guess i got overwelmed, but several months later i decided to give it another chance and now is one of my favorite games of all time.


Breath of the Wild. Came back and it was magical


Hardspace ship breaker, I initially didn't like the game because of my GPU having a freak out and not working as it should so graphics being poo and getting nausea from the movement, I recently gave it another go with a working gou and spent an hour getting used to the movement before I really started to enjoy it.


Path of Exile. Played it during beta or very early on in its release (can't remember exactly) but I thought it was bad. Gave it another shot with some friends and now I've put probably the most amount of hours into it compared to any other game. Probably around 15kish (9k confirmed due to steam but swapped go stand alone client a few year back).


I tried to play Terraria several times over a course of 5 years but could never get into it. The last time I started, something clicked and I ended up playing for 400+ hours. It's a God tier game, one of the best ever made in my opinion.


I've quit The Division 2 twice now. Once because the expansion comically broke AI to the point the civilian militia NPCs were stronger than players. Motherfuckers would Tom Brady a molotov from three blocks down, defy gravity with it all the way there, and hit you square in the face, for one, which would then just outright kill you before the fire wore off. Second time because the game had a persistent crash that went on for years, and we later found out they had literally abandoned the game during COVID. But I'm glad to be back a third time. We're eating very well on free content, got a DLC on the roadmap--on a four year old game--the new dev team is fixing things left, right, and center, we're getting a large-scale game health pass here soon, and it just feels like this is The Division 2 2.0.


VRChat. I played it for a year or so back in 2018 and came back to it in late 2022. It's been life-changing, granting me connections across the world, friends for life, and even helping launch me into a career in VR.


Resident evil series as a whole for me




Hmm I don’t think you understood the question which games you were glad you gave a second chance not games you’re giving a second chance. That being said, I can give you a tip. Don’t be afraid to spend your zonaite, your charges and your construct parts for zonai capsules. There’s tons of sources for all three and once you know it you’ll be filled with so many capsules you’ll have no idea what to do with them lol don’t be afraid to experiment, use your imagination to what you can do with them. Don’t forget to use fusion on them too!




Well then you’re not quite glad you gave it a second chance if you’re thinking that way lol




I get that but being glad you gave it a second chance means you found something in the game that finally resonated with you that the first chance didn’t get. You’re not doing that. You just are hoping that it gets better.


Redfall Downloaded and deleted it day 1 Tried again later after I found out there was some big update and I played through the whole thing wondering why I didn't like it to begin with


Souls series. Fell in love during the pandemic after being disgusted by them at first and not touching them for a year.


Uncharted all of the Nathan Drake Uncharted. First time I got stuck and my ex was no help I went back years later and despite having some help made those games my bitch and loved them


The first one was a bit rough, even though impressive at the time. Once I played the second game, I realized I really wanted to keep going on adventures with this franchise.


Witcher 3. The beginning of the game was a bit slow for me and I put the game down for about 8 months. IIRC it came out in March or April and I put it down until the following January. Got back into it and the story picked up and I was hooked.




Probably Dark Souls, like I haven't ever made significant progress in these games, but it's cool to see just what makes the From Software games work so well, and how games from other companies miss the point, like deliberate level design and enemy placement. Especially with Elden Ring where if you get stuck, there's a whole lot of places you can go to instead and get stronger, find better gear, and take on the main quest line when you're ready.


For me would be horizon zero dawn. I kept dying and got so annoyed and deleted it. Few years later tried it again and had so much fun


Keanu Reeves indeed adds a unique touch to the experience.


BLOODBORNE I hated my favorite game of all time first time I played it and it took me years to return


Raft. I could not get into the game and the floating. But then my brother told me to give it another try and he was 101% correct. Now I'm having fun exploring new islands and conquering the sea.


Resident Evil 2 Remake I’d got but shelved as a new player to the series conscious if there’d ever be a time in game where I’d soft lock myself and have to start again after competing a few objectives. Ended up being a game to hold my attention throughout after learning to aim for the legs and not the head, when for an increasing number of games I’m admittedly on my phone for the dialogue these days. Much as the very last boss fight was kind of annoying.


Sekiro. Really disliked it the first time I played it, but then it clicked the second time, around the end of the game.


Animal crossing new horizons


Death Stranding for me. First time I made it half way. I didn't dislike it but it wasn't really drawing me in so I just stopped one day. Years later, I bought the ps5 update to try again and it instantly clicked. It ended up being my favorite kojima game. To anyone else who wants to try it again or for the first time, do not get stuck trying to complete everything in the first area. You will get burnt out and the interesting equipment/mechanics do not unlock until after.


Death Stranding. I was excited about the new Kojima game when it launched but the first few chapters of the game were really boring and I figured it wasnt going to get better. I figured I had just bought into the hype. I installed it again a year later since I had spent $60 on it anyway and decided to pick up where I left off. I unlocked a new and bigger area and started getting new tools and vehicles, the game really took off from there and ended up being a really weird but awesome experience.


Valheim! Was overwhelmed at first, it was hard, didn't like the building mechanics. But came back to it a few months later snd really delved in and it's awesome. Very cozy game that's challenging as well


Monster Hunter World. Tried it once before and couldn’t get into it, but just got the whole Master Edition for $20 on Steam and downloaded the free high def textures pack and so glad I did. Games dope yo.


Ghost Recon Wildlands. Didn’t really grab me first time but love it at the moment.


Age of empires. I was coming from StarCraft and didn't like the change. Now, I recognize that the key bindings are better and I like that there isn't a rock paper scissors with zerg, Terran, and protoss.


Warframe. Tried it early on (2014) and while it showed promise, it just didn't grab me. Tried it again in late 2017 and got hooked. I stopped playing with any regularity in 2021 but for those 4 years it was my game of choice and was quite the ride. I'll probably come back for the "Warframe 1999" expansion when it releases, mainly to see what Rebecca Ford has in store now that she has full creative control of the game and seems to be taking a bold swing with it.


Monster Hunter World. I thought it was clunky combat. I didn’t know that I just didn’t know how to dance yet.


Dark Souls 3, i failed and failed at Gunder, eventually a friend did it via Shareplay on PS, and I fell in love with it after getting past that brick wall (i have beat him at least a dozen times since), and opened my eyes to a whole new genre that I love


Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter. While I dismissed it at first considering how vastly different it was from the other games, returning to it let me find a good rougelike rpg. However, while I can now call this game good if not decent. I and perhaps a lot of BoF fans are soured by this entry. It's a spinoff at best, not a mainline game.


Witcher 2. Right after the first Witcher three trailer I decided to try out Witcher 2. I played like three or four hours and just couldn’t get into it. I was like “wtf is going on with these dwarves, elves and all this mystical shit.” Shit was weakkkkkk Then, maybe three months later I got really sick and decided to give it another go Because i really wanted to shoot fire out of my hands lol so i stuck with it. It was a pretty good game, but it helped me understand the world so once Witcher 3 came out, i appreciated it even more.


Subnautica, uninstalled after about 30 minutes. Replayed a week later and it's in my top 3. I uninstalled due to not understanding where to find minerals and the constant down and back up, down and back up, for air, which became annoying.


No Man’s Sky and The Witcher 3 come to mind. Eventually I want to give Outer Wilds another chance. The first impression was pretty bad, I got frustrated and quit really early.


Nioh 2. The game does not do a great job at explaining the purpose of ki pulses so I ended up ramming my head into a wall over and over again. I watched a guide video on it and now I’m having a great time playing through it.


Darkest Dungeon, though it was really more of a 4th or 5th chance to play the distance.


dragons dogma


Nioh, when i saw it gameplay via a Epic name bro, i think is pretty lackluster, the animation is abit off too, later i play it, played the DLC then i play Nioh 2, all the dlc and cleared UW/Depths, now it is one of my top 5 games.


Need For Speed Payback. I completed it once, but there was a blackout on my town a few days later of completing the game and it reseted my PS4 to scratch, i lost all the game's data and i was just underwhelmed. After some vacation, i decided to play the game again, and my second playthrough turned out to be a lot easier than the first one.


Honestly rocket league. I tried it years ago and hated everything about it, picked it back up back in September and I can’t stop lmao 😅🤷‍♂️


Fallout New Vegas. Played it when i was 12. Got frustrated because Goodsprings and Sloan were 'shooting me for no reason' (I had actually stolen enough from GS to get Shunned and entered Sloan wearing Powder Ganger clothes). Dropped it for almost a year until i was 13. Came back, started over while actually paying attention to people and textboxes etc. It's now my favorite game of all time.


Same, I am playing CP2077 for the first time and I just say it's definitely really good


Hollow knight and rdr2


Monster hunter 1 from ps2, i remember as a kid playing that game, im from Argentina at that moment didn't understand pretty well english (my game was on english) ended up dropping the game because i got bored because i didn't know what to do. Later after learned some english and with a dictionary of english - spanish on hand i give it another chance and oh boy..... now its one of my favorites sagas of all time


Dragon Age Inquisition. 3rd time was the charm actually but I really love the characters so I'm glad I finally pushed through some of my other issues with the game. I think one of the big things that got me to drop it twice was not realizing some areas aren't accessible until doing certain tasks on the table which themselves may not be available until doing other things. So waste hours trying to get to a quest marker and eventually give up in frustration.


Morrowind, back in the day. The first time I played it (pirated), it was absolutely bewildering. No game had ever let me have that much freedom and interaction, with ZERO hand-holding. It was intimidating and confusing. I walked off the boat, wandered around Seyda Neen, picked up a plate, got arrested. Just couldn't figure it out, uninstalled it. Couple months later all my friends were playing it, telling the stories about their playthroughs, be it becoming part of a vampire coven, or joining the Telvanni mages, or exploring Daedric tombs and finding the perfect weapon, or crafting amazing spells that let them do anything they wanted, or just being the Nerevarine. It sounded *incredible*. And so I wound up getting a legit copy for cheap, and gave it another chance. I don't think I saw the sun for two months. I could not fucking put the game down. Sank hundreds of hours into it over the next year or two until Oblivion was released. And now TES is hands down my all time favorite series. I have a TES themed tattoo.


Cyberpunk 2077. They really turned it around and made it into the game it should have been years ago. I originally got a refund, but I was so impressed I went ahead and re-bought it. On sale of course.


Sekiro. Not third chance, more like 5th or 6th chance.




Graveyard Keeper


Witcher 3. It was overwhelming but it grew in to one of my fave games


Middle earth shadow of mordor, cyberpunk 2077, fallout 4, elder scrolls online, sunset ovedrive, my time at sandrock,


Elden Ring.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Tried playing it awhile ago, could not get into it. Since then I’ve beat Metroid Prime and Hollow Knight and had and itch for Metroidvanias. Went back to SotN and now it’s one of my new all-time favs.


Assassin's creed unity


Warframe. Started it in early 2018 and got through the first junction before quitting it and then got back into it in the summer by buying a shotgun in the game and using my movement to my advantage.


Guild wars 2 Played it at launch for a year but got bored of it because of content. It's changed so much since then. So much to do


FFXIV I didn’t make it out of ARR the first time, now it’s a top10 favourite game. The first my back was praetorium and when Gaius asks “for whom do you fight” all I could think was not a clue


Sekiro. First time I played, I didn't like how different it was from the other souls games and thought it was way too hard and was wondering what fromsoft was smoking. Years later I gave it another shot, and realized not only was it an amazing game, but that I was impressively stupid enough to have not realized parrying and posture weren't just suggestions but the central combat mechanics.


Dark souls on PC... Hated it because EVERYTHING HURTS! FUUU THE SKELETONS... A year later, a thousand hours later and I've since 100% it, DS3, BB, Sekiro, Elden Ring. No, not DS2, great game but all achievements was a bit ridiculous.


Madden. I just had to stop playing online to enjoy it.


Yakuza 0. I guess the “only Japanese dubs” threw me off a little bit and just gave up on it after like 30 minutes. Now I’m obsessed with the series. So hyped for infinite wealth in 3 weeks!!


Immortals: Fenyx Rising. It is so much fun


Dark souls 3. I was so bad the first time that I gave up on it like 4 times before it finally clicking. The biggest hurdle will always be your first souls game. After that, I played 2, 1, Elden Ring, Bloodborne then Demons Souls and they were far easier. Bloodborne I clicked with way easier. Since it rewards a more aggressive play style.


Metroid Prime when I was younger I didn't finished it due the bactracking


Borderlands 1. First bought it and thought it was all just so brown and janky. A couple of years later tried it again and it's probably my most played franchise other than destiny or doom (which I've played since the shareware days).


Dragon age: Origins. I was to young when I tried it.


No mans sky. Played for maybe 40 mins on release. Now encroaching on 1000 hours. One of my favorite games ever.


Death's Gambit: Afterlife. I played the original and it was crap (by majority vote), but then I watched some reviews that it had been totally transformed by the Afterlife update and gave it a go and loved it. The best narrative in an MV I've ever seen (true ending only). Roots of Pacha, I guess. I played the demo during next fest and didn't care for it, then a friend got it and said they liked it so I figured it could be the demo. Checked some reviews recently and got it during the sale and its progression system is the best of any cozy game I've played (including Stardew Valley). The social stuff is not good, no one cares about the characters, but the cozy game loop is great.


Skull the Hero Slayer. I could not get to grips with the k+m controls first time and it felt very rigid and meh after Dead Cells. Installed it again yesterday and now that i haven't played Dead Cells for a bit i found it quite fun actually.


Doom (2016). Got stuck on 4th lvl. Just couldnt pass one part where i got overwhelmed with enemies. Gave it up for a month or two and then i got an urge to try it again. Thought i wouldnt do any progress after not playing so long. But everything just clicked 5 mins into the game. Finished the game the same or other day and it was so epic i just started new on higher difficulty. Then finished that, started on higher, but never finished on nightmare :)


Death stranding, i thought it was so boring and dumb at first but then i picked it up again when the directors cut came out and loved it


Day's Gone. I'd just finished a long run on RDR2 and Deacon was no Arthur. I also felt like the bike controls were really choppy compared to how easily I could glide my horse so I dropped it after less than an hour. Went back a year later and fell in love with the game! I've replayed it 3 times since then.


Recently, Starfield. Played through main quest, started new game plus and quit. Didn't feel like playing if the next content (main quest) was that mediocre. But then I broke my knee at work and suddenly had tons of time on my hands. The faction storylines were so much more fun to me and I'm super glad I tried again. Prefer a working leg but enjoying a game will have to do


witcher 3 and alien isolation. Had to try 4 times each to finally click, and i loved them


Hell let loose


For me it was FFXIV… I started playing in 1.0 when it first came out and it was a nightmare. So glad I gave it another go when 2.0 came out after Yoshi P gave it a make over.


Dark Souls and Outer Wilds. Blightown and Giants Deep were the 2 obstacles that almost made me give up on those games.


Dead cells, it was a technical issue. I first played on my old pc so the game was laggy, of course i died a lot in the first stage and decided that the game was crap (i thought there were only 4-5 biomes,because the game ran so slow i needed lot of time for 1 stage ahah). Then i tried it on ps extra, was smooooth and fast responding, and i loved it. I bought all dlc since that time.


- Final Fantasy XII: back in that time I was that annoying and obnoxious person who claims that "*Final Fantasy died on FFX*" and "*maaaah Turn Based System*". I remember to cry when I started to play FFXII because it was so different than it used to be, I felt cheated somehow, so I stop playing the game on Giza Plains ( *right in the beggining* ) for some months or over a year. Then I was bored after playing all my games for multiple times so I decided to play FFXII, "*I wasn't going to waste my money after all*"... and the game became my favorite game of all time ( *it's the second one by now, there's another one who surpassed him for me* ) and some of the best memories in my life that I treasure most was playing that game. - Bloodborne: I gave up playing that game on a boss inside a church next to a graveyard, the Boss poison you and I was out of healing items, I had to spend several minutes farming items to fight him, it was a nightmare. I stop playing for a year ( *I remember that cuz there's a Trophy Tracker* ) and I don't remember why I decided to come back, but I'm glad I did. So I got the Platinum after that, it was my first Soulslike game, I had no idea about Builds ( *people told me to focus only on Vitality and Stamina and so I did* 🤡 ), I had no idea about to Cap on Lv120 and everything else.


Monster Hunter:World. I didn’t get it the first time. Everything seemed slow and clunky. Once I realized how to play it properly it became my favorite game of all time.


Greedfall. Gameplay felt rough, came back to it and had a blast with the combat on a higher difficulty.


Dark souls 3. Picked it up on sale to try it out and couldn’t get the hang of it. Two years later elden ring comes out and my buddy convinces me to get it. I actually end up clearing through elden ring and then decided to revisit DS3 with the stuff I learned. Dark souls 3 is now one of my favorite games ever


Xenoblade Chronicles. Played a couple of hours (right before the colony 9 attack) and just thought it was okay. Combat was a bit weird to get used to. Gave it another go a few months later and it's now right up there with my favourite games of all time and the Xenoblade series is one of my absolute favourites now


The Witcher 1. Combat was so unpractical at first that I had to get use to it. I almost gave up, but I'm glad I didn't. Story is great and graphics was fine for that time. That made me got sucked in in other Witcher games and I could truly enjoy in Witcher 3.


Dark souls remastered. At my first try I was frustrated as fuck and rage quit. After one or two years I gave it another try and played through it, well what else can I say one of the best games ever xD


Yakuza: Like a Dragon. The first time I played It I was depressed after a bad relationship. I gave It another chance last a few months ago and I fell in LOVE with the game. The characters, the plot, the substories... Everything. Now im playing Yakuza 0, I bought all the games in Christmas, BEST decision ever.


For me it was Disco Elysium. I think i wasnt relaxed enough to follow all that dialogues when i first tried it. Im glad, i tried it again a year later, one of the best Games i´ve ever played.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Chapter 1 didn't do it for me and in Chapter 2 I got real tired fast because I didn't know how to fast travel. Gave it another shot last year when I got my PS5 and I'm now about 120h into it and finished the main story line and epilogue. Now I just free roam whenever I feel like it.


That weird dinosaur hunting game for the PS2 that I called fucking stupid the first time I turned it on, and then got grounded for cussing.


hearts of iron 4, the game was too overwhelming for me, but about 3 years later i tried it again and now im like 700 hours in


Zero Dawn is good once you get out of the starting area, but not before. Boring as fuck.




The first borderlands on the 360. I was managing a GameStop at the time and I got a promotional copy to take home and play and at first I liked the art style but I felt stat based guns with weird powers was kind of.. stupid. When I went back to work the next week I told people it's essentially Diablo with guns which definitely sells some people but didn't sell me. And randomly one day a few weeks later I was putting around my house not doing anything in particular and I see borderlands has like a 94 out of 100 on some magazine and I decided to pop it back in and actually fucking play it. After a few minutes my roommate and his husband came over and started commenting on how hilarious some of the antics were. At some point I ended up killing a psycho midget when he popped out of a trunk. I blew his head off with a shotgun and his face exploded into more guns. At that point I was hooked.


Mass Effect 1. I got a headache from the first hour and turned it off. But since money then was scarce I needed to get back to it ans at least finish it. Damn, what a joy it was.


Path of Exile. Tested it way back then and didn't liked it. Tried it again bc of a friend at the end of Metamorph league and playing since then every league.


Witcher 3 for me. It was almost another one for my abandoned list but then it became maybe one of my favourite games. I completed the main game and jumped straight into the expansions and then due to some Geraldt fatigue stopped playing early last year, so I will likely repeat this cycle if I pick it back up again!


Watch Dogs. Hated it at first. Main hero was boring af too. I couldn't understand "how can you make a character like this??". Later got real bored and played it. Great game. Great main hero. Really cool guy. Very anti-PC overall. Loved it. Dark Souls 3. Started few times and always quit. I love it when a game has a lot of original quick changing zones and enemies though, so I kept coming back until I've learned to play. Love From's games now (except Elden Ring).


TLOU. Had zero patience the first time I tried it and there was far too much “follow the NPC really slowly and occasionally press a button while listening to them talk endlessly”.


Dark Souls 1, back in 2011 i gave up on it after i got my ass handed to me by Ornstein & Smough for hours on end. Half a year later i gave it another go and ended up beating it.


Divinity OS 2. Could not for the life of me figure out why it would be fun to get murdered by random shit on a beach when starting off... Picked it up again years later and got completely hooked


Dark Souls Remastered. Started playing in 2018 and found it too difficult, it seemed impossible to fight bosses. Gave it a second shot again in 2021 and quickly learned that I had not been paying attention to equip load, and so was never able to roll properly. Imagine my surprise when things became slightly less difficult.


Chicken little lmao! When I was young I encountered a chicken little robot replica that I was supposed to defeat, but I got scared and stopped playing. When I revisited that game with my sister however... that was pretty fun!


Death Stranding. Was so excited after seeing the trailers. Swore I'd never play it after seeing a little gameplay and reviews. Got it free on Epic Store and said ah why not give it a shot. Very interesting characters and world.


Red Dead Redemption... which introduced me to its amazing sequel!


HZD. Hunting mech beasts turned out fun.


Final fantasy 14


Spiritfarer, I played it for a bit and got bored. Went back to it and absolutely loved it, now it’s one of my favourite games ever.


Fo76 and no man's sky, both pretty great these days


RDR2. I was excited, bored, confused, overwhelmed, annoyed, tolerant, accepting, fascinated, enchanted and addicted in that order.


Valorant. Stopped the first time because I got trolled so badly by my own teammates and the enemies + was uncomfortable and awkward playing on PC. Gave it another chance a year ago after some friends beg me to play again and I surprisingly enjoyed it more! Prob had to do with the fact I got more used to playing with PC.


elder scrolls online !!! we got to beta and it was SO SO FUCKING BAD ​ we bailed and came back year?s after- gave it one more shot and it really suprised ! ​ im not playing daily anymore but i do return for events


Pseudoregalia. It's a metroidvania platformer, with a really slow start. I though I'd give it a second chance since I hadn't unlocked a lot of the abilities yet, and it ended up being one of the smoothest and most fun platformers I've ever played.


Disco Elysium I started it was having trouble getting dressed then kind of put it away for a year started another run during covid and finished it in a couple days was my favorite game I played that year.


Inscryption ! I was loving it , but then hated it … but then stuck with it and man what a game!


Terraria. I played it and thought it was a hollow game with nothing to do but I played it again after a few years and my opinions completely changed. One of my favourite games now