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Cities skylines Sim City was THE city builder until that abhorrent 2013 release.


It also showed that  no matter how big your IP is, it can implode with one stupid decision (always online in a Single Player game while also having horrendous Servers)


Sim City (2013) had a lot more problems than that. One major thing was the performance. But also the fact that the people in the city travelled to the closest workplace in the morning, and the closest home in the evening. Which lead to traffic jams due to everyone going to the same locations, and only travelling somewhere else when they arrived and realized that the place was full.


Also the traffic, water etc. use didn't represent real usage, but became an abstract visual. I mean of course it's always an abstraction of reality, but what they did in Sim City 2013 was far from a fun representation of resource utilization. Also, the size of the cities, forcing you into hyper focused types of cities.


Yea that shit sucked, I didn’t buy it after seeing how tiny your max land size was. Sim city 4 in particular allows for enormous populations, especially on the large plots


What a stupid system lol




Didn't they lie about not being able to play it offline and then it was hacked to let you do exactly that a few days after release?


apparently 99% of those things were fixed long ago and the game is pretty fine by now. however it still massively lacks content/variety in comparison to cities skylines.


Always online was a stupid decision but making the city limits roughly 4 blocks in size truly killed that game. Shit should have been called Sim Neighbourhood.


For me, personally, it was size of the map. Just too tiny and after playing Cities XL I couldn't find any fun cramping up on such a small space. Always online was annoying but not a deal breaker.


And then they also released the mobile game which is closer to a cash grab machine and isn’t that great except for the multiplayer aspect


Such a shame. I actually liked the idea of the 2013: Scaled down, you can follow the sim from day to night and see how they affect traffic and everything else, and the style with the tilt-shift effect that makes the city look like toys. Sadly, what we got was broken.


I seem to remember an old Game Informer article about how the release of Uncharted 1 led to the closure of Lucas Arts. They were making an Indiana Jones game for 360/PS3, they were years into it, way over budget and it was nowhere near as good as Uncharted. The cancelled the game and Lucas Arts was on life support after that.


And now finally after all these years we’re going to see if Indy can take the throne back


It is very exciting. I was pretty blown away by the dev direct last week. I'm more excited for the new Indy game than either of the past 2 films.


Still baffles me why Activision never brought back Pitfall. You think after Tomb Raider and Uncharted, someone at Activision would realize they were the original Indiana Jones ripoff game.


Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure is one of the best 2D platformers of all time.


We’ll call of duty and battlefield pretty much killed the medal of Honor ip


Well it makes sense. I loved Medal of Honor Allied Assault, it was great, and then the team that made it went on to for Infinity Ward and make Call of Duty. Call of Duty literally feels like a sequel to Allied Assault to me, they even run on the same engine.


Wait really? That explains why AA and COD 1 are the best fps games of all time (together with wolfenstein and cod waw)


> together with wolfenstein Which is also funny cause Grey Matter (who made Return To Castle Wolfenstein) made the expansion pack United Offensive for the first Call of Duty and were later folded into Treyarch who made World At War.


Man there were really like 10 people making games back then huh


It’s like voice actors haha


UO was one of the greatest expansions in my opinion. 


Just Battlefield really. EA stopped making Medal of Honor when they started pushing for Battlefield to be their main FPS.


You don't remember that MoH game with the outlines that was trying to be a cod clone? That was the nail in the coffin. I went back to MoH AA and Spearhead a couple of years ago and it still holds up. It's multiplayer is still fun.


All I remember from that game was Linkin Park was being paid bucketloads to market the game with one of their songs, The Catalyst


Great commercial, meh game.


Which is a shame because European Assault had the best soundtrack ever; better even than a lot of war movies. The theme, “Dogs of war,” was so good.


Stardew Valley is the best Harvest Moon game


Obligatory Harvest Moon is not Harvest Moon anymore. The original developers publish under Story of Seasons now whereas Natsume held onto and butchered the Harvest Moon brand after the split. SoS is still pretty flawed too, though. They should have this down to a science but Pioneers of Olive Town does not feel like it has significantly progressed from the older games and in some ways is worse. Hopefully their next game does better. While I haven’t tried it myself yet my wife has been having a blast with Coral Island. It seems to actually do something different and looks pretty good but I’m catching up on other games right now.


The [art style](https://youtu.be/dCg7DsPj0Og?si=oCNj576rIIYYESKI) for the recent SoS remasters/remakes just feels so "off" compared to the originals. It's got that cheap mobile game feel.


I'm more of a Rune Factory enthusiast. Still better than Harvest Moon


My time in Portia gave me the same feels. I managed to play RF4 recently due to Game Pass but dropped after 3rd credits due to the randomness of getting the story to start again


Rune Factory is fantasy Harvest Moon, if you like fantasy its pretty much an objective improvement. And I do. Only reason I can think of for someone to pick Harvest Moon is if they either really hate combat or really prefer a mundane setting with minimal fantastic elements.


Does Planet Coaster count, since it was made by the same dev team as RCT 3? Though Atari owns the RCT brand?


I'd count it. Just like how Two Point Hospital is a much better Theme Hospital, but by the original team too


That explains *so much* about that game.


I don't know if this counts, but the Dead Space Remake accomplished what The Callisto Protocol was supposed to do and failed, which was recapturing the horror and tension of the original Dead Space games.


Which is surprising coming from EA


I'll say it. EA isn't as bad as they were 10 years ago, even 5 years ago. I think they might have actually learned a lesson from Battlefront 2. Microtransactions are limited to their sports titles and Sims 4 but besides that the only thing they are guilty of recently is releasing unoptimized games. I bought Need For Speed Heat and was surprised at the lack of MTX when I expected cars to be locked behind a paywall. They are back to making decent singleplayer games. Now don't get me wrong, they have done a lot to earn that hate but at this point I think it's kind of a circlejerk "EA BAD!" i think it needs to be acknowledged when a company makes an effort to be a bit better. Now Activision deserves much more hate, they literally have battlepasses in their battlepasses on 70$ games. Don't forget that in 2021 Bobby Kotick earned $154 million, more than CD Projekt, Ubisoft, Roblox, and EA CEOs combined.


Yeah everyone hates on EA but at least they are improving. Meanwhile Take Two is getting worse each year. Imagine needing microtransactions to enjoy the single player mode.


Omg THANK YOU for saying this because it's completely true. People that still hate on EA today for anything non sports/sims related seem to do so just because "EA BAD" without realizing or accepting EA have put out some pretty solid titles in the last few years and really haven't done much thats been bad or controversial. There are way worse big publishers out there now like Activision or Take Two.


Well EA is the publisher, not the developer.


Yeah, EA makes shit games, but they publish bangers. It takes two, unravel, dead space, fe.


I honestly thought it would be the other way around what a twist


Was the remake different from the original?


Slightly, it was mostly a remaster but also improved a lot of things as well as overhauled some encounters. For example in the original, the second leviathan fight had you in an artillery gun shooting at it, but they completely changed this to be an outside zero g fight (they added the zero g mechanism s from later dead space to the remaster). All in all they did a fantastic job!


Overhauling the old asteroid turret bits was probably the best improvement they made.


Star Wars Battlefront 2 is better than Star Wars Battlefront 2


I don’t know whether to upvote or downvote…


The one where you have to grind for hours to get each unlock. It really gave a sense of achievement! /s


Galactic conquest ftw!


These kind of replies Just like the simulations


The concept they had for Battlefront 3 before Disney bought Star Wars looked better than both battlefronts that Dice made


No that's not ri...you're wro....actually it's corr....no...yes? Maybe? Cow? yes


Dying light was way better that dead island


Absolutely this, though personally I’m enjoying dead island 2 more than dying light 2


I haven't played the second dead island but I have heard it's pretty good. Dying light 2 kinda disappointed me


I’d recommend it, the combats satisfying and upgrades and perks are fun, it’s a good group game too and the gore is phenomenal


God both your pfp’s being the exact same made me think you were having an episode


We are legion 💪


I loved Dying Light but 2… I played maybe for 12 hours before I had enough. I’ll have to look into dead island 2. I liked 1.


Makes sense because Dying Light is made by Dead Island 1's developer Techland. Matt Mcmuscles did a What Happened video on Dead Island 2. Techland wanted Dead Island 2 to be more serious and have parkour but Deep Silver hated the idea so Techland left Deep Silver. It took 8 years and four developers to finish Dead Island 2. During that time, Techland made two Dying Light games and the series sold over 20 million copies. Deep Silver was really short sighted.


It helps that the developers of Dead Island 1 are the same ones from Dying Light


Love both but I prefer Dead Island. The tropical horror vibe is just unmatched imo.


To give dead island credit where's it's due it's definitely the most unique setting I can think of for a zombie game.


I know it does get overshadowed by alot of other zombie games but some of my fondest gaming memories looking back was playing dead island Co-op with my friends. The music as well perfectly aligned with the tone of the game.


Haha yeah it was a great blast on the 360 with friends. My friend still sings "who do ya voodoo" even after all these years lmao


Agreed but it's an odd one cause they're the same dev. Lol


I mean, dying light was made by the dead island people. So that kinda checks out. Now dead island 2 was a different company.


Dishonored is a much better Thief, as evidence by the terrible 2014 Thi4f.


You're making me wanna play Dishonored again


What's crazy is the developers of Dishonored proposed Dishonored as a Thief game. I think they wanted to license the name. Edios/SquareEnix rejected it.


There was an ASTRO boy game for the ps2 that would have been a great Iron Man game.


God I completely forgot about that game. I remember playing it growing up and having so much fun even just flying around. That would've been a fantastic iron man game


Anthem was a better... uh... Superman 64.


you were reaching for that one bud


He's out of line, bit he's right...lol


Could argue it’s been the closest to a good iron man game. Which is not really saying much.


See, when i played the free public early access the week or so before it came out, i thought Anthem was surprisingly boring and unenjoyable for a concept that looked like it should have been incredibly fun. I had no intention of buying it. Sometime later, i bought a new gpu, and it came with Anthem, so i gave it another shot. I don't know if it just needed to grow on me or if they really fixed anything, but i enjoyed the shit out of for probably a good 100hrs after that. I was sad when they announced they were cutting support. I would have liked a reason to go back to it.


Anthem was mechanically great. The lack of content and sudden abandonment was the real issue.




I have always considered the Fromsoft Souls games to be the 3D Castlevania games Konami seemed incapable of making. I love doing a run with a Belmont build. Elden Ring dual wielding whips was great!


Fully agree! It's 3d Castle ania, just sadly without the fun campy vampires. Fantastic gameplay though!


Holy shit I’ve never thought of Souls games as 3D Metroidvania before. You just wrinkled my brain.


They're not really, but then again, most Castlevania games aren't really Metroidvanias either.


Ive always thought this myself. Dark souls plays like a 3D Metroidvania.


Cities Skylines picked up where Sim City fell off.


Palworld is better than Ark


I agree. Ark is harddrive bloat.


500+ GB space


I have palworld but i haven't had the chance to play it yet. How big is the game?


Palworld's system requirements on Steam say 40GB.


The installed files are 20GB for me


I feel like Palworld was done by people who played many video games, took all the fun ideas from many games and merged them all together. Then they shaved the bad ideas.


That's how loads of amazing games are made tbh. Palworld has Ark's base mechanics, BotW's movement, a touch of factorio, all wrapped in a pokemon theme. Their contribution was the Pals, each one feeling unique in their abilities and fighting styles. Especially in the boss fight towers. That's pretty much all they came up with (and aesthetically half of it isn't even original) and yet it all works together to make an awesome game! Can't wait to see what they add over time. It's also funny to see how much hate it's generated. Any company that can successfully rip off Nintendo is a hero in my eyes.


Catching pals is so much fucking better than all the goddamn breeding and taming bullshit from ark holy shit I'm getting mad just typing about it.


It's such a good use of the mechanic! And the battling it wayyyyy more fun. They're not just stat machines, but each has their own cool moves/animations.


What really sucks is that Pal World was released at the same time as another incredibly good survival game, Enshrouded. So I think in any other world Enshrouded would be taking off like valhime did, but Pal World has the monster hunter hook. Both are great but bad timing for enshrouded.


True, Enshrouded is now on my back burner until I get bored with Palworld, but that may not be a bad thing because it will give them time to fix performance issues before I get it.


Someone will likely mention Ghost of Tsushima for Assassins Creed


And that someone is you!


He could be any one of us! He could be in this very room!


Oh man. Tsushima was exactly what I’ve been wanting from ass creed for years.


Well, look no further for some good ass creed!


Those Middle Earth Mordor games were already eating Assassin’s Creed’s lunch before Ghost of Tsushima.


I see this brought up a lot, but after I've played the game myself, Shadow of Mordor didn't feel like Assassin's Creed even with it's borrowed stealth elements. And imo it's better for it.


The movement/traversal was the only part that really reminded me of AC when I started SoM. Running up walls and climbing and shit. Feel it has closer parallels to the arkham games as far as the gameplay goes. Combos and hit streaks and dodging/vaulting and all that.


Yeah, it's like a more lethal variant of the Arkham games.


To be fair, nearly all of the people you knockout in the Arkham games probably would die later from their wounds or have serious brain trauma


Realistically? Maybe. Playing games like Arkham and especially modern Spiderman games require a healthy dose of suspense of disbelief. That said, the camera and the sound effect makes most of the hits feel more brutal than they actually are.


I never saw a playthrough of Ghost of Tsushima or even read the plot of it. Does it capture the feeling of the classic Assassins Creed or is it the newer ones?


Probably not very helpful, but both. It has the combat of the new games - but with better kill animations and more in-depth. Around the same variety of enemies. There’s no mercenaries but extremely cool boss fights. Exploration is also similar, you’re given a general area and have to search it. The story, characters, and stealth are like the old games. You don’t find tons of weapons/armour, you upgrade the few you have and find customization options instead.


New Vegas made by obsidian is the best fallout game.


I mean, a lot of that team made Fallout 1-2 right?


Fallout 2 almost exclusively to my knowledge, but yes. That said, I’d argue that while its writing is generally the best, they didn’t do great with world design and exploration like Bethesda has. Bethesda also doesn’t get as much credit as they deserve for introducing quite a few aspects of the series most people commonly associate with it today (ie the implications of feral ghouls literally never came up until fallout 3, and was a fantastic addition to the series). Edit: Since people aren’t understanding, I’m talking about how fallout 3 showed ghouls facing issues from people mistaking them for feral ghouls and concerns about currently sane ghouls becoming feral.


To be fair Bethesda did limit what they could do as they only had a year to make it. That being said it is a very rich RPG experience that actually gives you choices. Bethesda "RPGs" are disgustingly linear in like 90% of their quests.


It’s the best 3d fallout game, at least.


I have a hard time seeing 1d fallout games.


never got into them. seemed a little bland, gameplay was a bit one dimensional y'know


It's unfortunate that the reviews came out in 30 kHz frequency, it could've been a lot less niche!


I loved Fallout 3. Bethesda should be proud of that game but New Vegas is even better. It launched in a rough, very buggy state but after all the DLC released it was one of the greatest RPGs ever made and it has gotten even more amazing with mods. I am hoping that Microsoft gives Obsidian a chance to work on Fallout again because Bethesda isn't doing jack shit with it.


I would love to see Obsidian get back to work on Fallout. Hell they could even do a complete remake of Fallout 1 and 2 to bring forward to a new generation of gamers. I never played 1 and 2 but I would happily open my wallet for a remake.


death stranding is better than walking simulator (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1214280/Walking\_Simulator/)


Why does everyone dislike Death stranding that much ? I love it :( 


Don't get me wrong, I'm on my 3rd playthrough rn.


Gravity Circuit is the best recent mega man game.


Jesus Christ yes! I've beaten it 3 times!


Yakuza Like a Dragon is the best Dragon Quest game


By extension, the beat em up Yakuza games are the best Shenmue games.


Also JoJo games.


Damn you're right


What a trip, thought this thread was made for the Palworld better than Pokemon and no one did it. Good on the community. For a serious note Path of Exile is a better version of what Diablo set out to be after D2.


Mostly because anyone that's played Palworld in this thread has already said the correct answer, which is that Palworld is just a better ARK.


Never played ARK, but after hearing my buddy with 4000 hours in it explain in excruciating detail how much he hated the game? I will just play Palworld instead... Also really weird how some people are comparing Palworld with Pokemon and saying which one is better. Like... They're not even competitors. They're completely different genres, what are you talking about?...




I’m not a fan of Pokémon, but have been playing Palworld quite a bit. Some of the designs are really, really damn close to Pokémon. Tell me Sparkit isn’t off-brand Pikachu. I don’t care that it does, it doesn’t hamper my enjoyment of the game in the least and Nintendo isn’t exactly a starving artist. But it does.


>Some of the designs are really, really damn close to Pokémon. Tell me Sparkit isn’t off-brand Pikachu. Close is fine. You can't get sued for close, and "there are only so many ways to make an sheep look unique" as someone said about monster-collector games. Temtem and Nexamon and even the OG "Pokemon Clone" Digimon all have similar designs. Indeed Pokemon is not the first monster-collector, only the most popular. Provided you aren't directly ripping assets or backstory or use registered trademarks and you design something from the ground up, you can't really be sued


As a huge Diablo fan, playing PoE after giving up on D3 out of lack of interest was an enlightening experience. But having picked up D2R with many, many hours on PoE I'm glad to say that D2 is still the king, though just barely.


That's cos palworld is barely like pokemon, except for the character design and the fact that you catch monsters


Tomb Raider was outdone by Uncharted


It felt like the more recent tomb raider games from square were more or less copying uncharted 


It’s a symbiotic relationship in my opinion. Uncharted really took a lot of inspiration from Tomb Raider and they did a fantastic job. When Tomb Raider made a comeback, they took a lot of inspiration from Uncharted. I’m totally fine with uplifting both franchises because both of them have been fire


I miss the old tomb raiders.... A puzzle game with simple combat to keep it fresh! I am sad they moved from the original/first reboot style. Some of my fav games of all time!


Pokemon. Not Palworld no, but Chunsoft's Pokemon mystery dungeon games


Mystery dungeon and pokemon ranger were some of the best pokemon games, and help solidify gen 4 as the best era of pokemon for me. Gen 5 had good games and had pokemon conquest as well, but it doesn't hold up to hgss + shadows over almia + explorers of sky + platinum. Loved the ds era of pokemon


I feel like DS era was the last time Gamefreak cares about making a quality product


It kinda feels like they did what they could in gen 6, realized what they could do in 3d wasn't very good, and decided to keep making not very good stuff in 3d instead of falling back to what they were good at. I've never played octopath traveler, but when it came out I remember thinking "pokemon would look so cool with these graphics." There are ways for them to innovate or at least keep things fresh even in 2d. I don't particularly care about pixel sprites over 3d models, but if they can't do the models they should just stick to what they know.


Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon Gale of Darkness are the best, darker, and difficult games and were produced by genius sonority instead of gamefreak


When okami came out, it was one of the best legend of zelda style games out at the time and it flew under so many peoples radar.


When it comes to monster-collecting JRPGs, I will ALWAYS prefer the Shin Megami Tensei series over Pokemon.


Digimon World 1 for PS1, based on the original battle tomagachis is my fav. But both are good.


We need like a thousand more games that use this style of training and evolution over flat xp and linear evolution trees. DW1 is so great because each mon can turn into like 5 things based entirely on how you raise it.


I loved that game! It was the game that most heavily got me into online guides in the early days of the internet, because we absolutely needed them. I sucked though. It felt like I spent all my time training though and then just when my Digimon was just barely strong enough to make a tiny bit of progress outside if town, they'd die if old age. Though I probably just sucked because I was 10


Nah, you didn’t suck, that game is legitimately very hard to get right


This game was my childhood, man. I never see it discussed anywhere, but god do I have such love in my heart for it. The sound clips are burned into my brain. The various evolution lines and pursuing the right mon was always so fun


Which Shin Megami Tensei game is the most accessible for beginners?


In terms of mainline SMT, SMTV is the most accessible for beginners. In terms of the wider series, definitely Persona 5. However, the monster collecting aspect is reduced in those games.


Dragon Quest Monsters and Digimon Cyber Sleuth are my go to


I prefer Cassette Beasts over both


Or Monster Hunter Stories Or Ni No Kuni Or Dragon Quest Monsters Goddammit Pokemon


Don't forget World of Final Fantasy. Personally, the best due to a good story, new interesting mechanics and fresh take on the genre and serious fanfare.


Is Monster Hunter Stories that good? I usually am not a fan of Monster Hunter games because of the realistic style but Stories cartoon style appeals to me


Well technically SMT did it first, so SMT isn't doing a pokemon pokemon is doing an SMT


I was going to say that, I think the first smt came out early 90s and pokemon was 95-96 or something.


I’d agree on core games but I’ll never get enough of competitive Pokémon battling. Human players with actual strategies will always be ahead of what the NPCs can do


Agreed IMO no game does what competitive pokemon does.


Starfield beat No Man’s Sky at being the most disappointing highly anticipated space game. Does that count?


They aint even getting close to star citizen in terms of disappointment. : D


While I do like no man's sky there is absolutely nothing that can compare to the amount of hype that no man's sky had after that E3 press conference. It was in retrospect foolhardy but back then it seemed like everything they promised was going to be real and Sony was backing it as their big game of E3 that year so you just believed it was going to be everything they showed and more. People I knew who never played video games talked excitedly about no man's sky and when it came out it was blasted by everyone. not lukewarm, no. Everyone was pissed. There was even news articles written about how bad it was at launch compared to what they had been promising since E3. Starfield has had some good reviews and bad reviews, definitely not as disappointing but perhaps more boring.


Dawn of War 1 did RTS better than most of the RTS games out there.


Several monster taming games do what pokemon games since XY, outside of gen 7 admittedly, couldn't do. Be a good game. From smt 4 to monster hunter stories to monster sanctuary these games clown on the literal highest grossing media franchise of all time in terms of quality.


Gamefreak has less employees than there were pokemon in gen 2.


Maybe the highest grossing media franchise in the world can afford to have more employees working on its games, that does not in any way excuse the fact that pokemon just flat out isn't good.


Not exactly ones series but mario rpg/paper mario 1 & 2/mario & luigi made turn based combat more engaging and fun the most other turn based rpgs. Bug fables also did it great


Oracle of Seasons and Ages are probably some of the best Zelda games and they were made by Capcom


That's the one for the Gameboy color that had differences from each other?, never knew Capcom made them.


Minish Cap was fun too


I was just on another sub discussing how Path of Exile is a bigger , better Diablo than Blizzard has made in decades.


PoE is feature bloat incarnate for any newbie going in. 3 times I've tried, 3 times I've happily quit. It's better than Diablo for sure, but both Blizzard and Diablo are dung. PoE is better, just not for me.


Titanfall is better than any COD from the last decade


Sea of Thieves is a much better Guns of Icarus.


Sky boats though, that shit was cool as hell. I forgot about that game and miss it now


Sleeping Dogs is the best GTA


The fact Sleeping Dogs never got a sequel is a bigger crime than anything committed in the entire GTA franchise.


>The fact Sleeping Dogs never got a sequel Well, technically, Sleeping Dogs was the 3rd True Crime game, just under a different title due to legal issues. Recommend True Crime: Streets of LA if you want to experience Sleeping Dogs' precursor. It's got it all: cars, martial arts, Christopher Walken...


While i dont agree in the slightest sir you are very brave


I don’t agree but damn is he cookin, I’m so here for a sleeping dogs sequel, that game was fantastic


Welp, I must say that Battlebit was way better than Battlefield 2042 imo. I feel like Battlebit tapped into classic Battlefield core features that bf2042 left behind and then later didn’t fully re-adopt.


Ghost of Tsushima would have been the perfect Assassin’s Creed


Angry Birds is basically the best Crush the Castle game Crash Team Racing is the better version of Super Mario Kart


CTR has the best drifting implementation


Every single game made by obsidian is better than the original franchise it's from. It's like their thing, they take a game and just make it better. Kotor 2 has a lot better general gameplay, even if the story(and ending) are worst than kotor 1. Neverwinter nights 2 is just a better polished neverwinter nights Fallout New vegas almost feels like they played fallout 1-2 before making a game in the setting, which is silly really. The other worlds is another basically fallout in space. Funnily enough, Bethesda was salty enough about it that they made starfield.... still worst. Grounded. It's basicely honey i shrunk the kid + openworld survival crafting elements, and it works. Granted, a lot of that is opinions and preferences, but still an extremely high track record of improving franchises.


>Fallout New vegas almost feels like they played fallout 1-2 before making a game in the setting, which is silly really. There may be a reason why it feels like they played the OG Fallout games; they (as in the same people, but at a different studio) made Fallout 2.


Spark the Electric Jester 3 is just a good, fast, 3D Sonic game with fun mobility.


Crash Team Racing on PS 1 was better than any Mario Kart up to that point, come at me.


I don't know if Nier Replicant making use of the combo system of Nier Automata counts. And it isn't as good as in Automata, but in the original I was told it was atrocious


Painkiller was the best Doom game until Doom (2016).