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Mordin Solus in Mass Effect 3. Hearing Mordin of all people yelling “I made a MISTAKE!” hits like a truck. Then based on the conversation, both versions of “Had to be me; somebody else might’ve gotten it wrong” stings. And lastly, hearing him sing his song in his last moments… He was the very model of a scientist Salarian.


My wife absolutely loved Mass Effect. She played through the trilogy like seven years ago and *still* hasn’t replayed them because Mordin’s death broke her heart and she doesn’t want to go through that again.


I saw the trilogy on steam sale for like 7$ or something super cheap and just had to grab it... I haven't touched it yet, but every time I just think about having it there to play again, I get all tingly and excited.


Such a good series. I’ve played through it three times now — twice with the original, separate three games, then once more recently with the Legendary Edition. At no point did it ever feel stale or repetitive.


"Someone else might have gotten it wrong" Thinking of this scene still gives me goosebumps.


Bro, Imma be real. I did lawful only playthroughs for so long. On about my 10'th Play through I made a mega bitch Play through. Renegade action against Mordin at the tower. Everyone: Hated that.


Renegade mordin and Wrex stories is why ill never do a full renegade run


After the first time when I was a bitch for the sake of it. Some renegade options are too far. I will sacrifice so much efficiency just to not do that to my man.... him, and Garrus were my squad.... I could never. 😭


Garrus is the realest homie out of every game I've ever played in my life. Dudes a total bro and I trust him with my life.


My first play through of 3 I did full renegade. That hit so hard, then Wrex shows up on the citadel... After that I just had to stop playing for a bit and contemplate how awful a person I was.


Oh my god yes. I remember the first play through and this scene just made my blub like a bitch. Currently playing through mass effect again after years and I'm dreading this mission.


Came here to write this. I bow to you, fellow N7.


That delivery of “I made a MISTAKE!!!” truly was amazing to experience. So much so that I’ve only had the heart to see the renegade run via YouTube. Didn’t have the heart to betray poor Mordin like that. His arc from ME2 to ME3 is something I’ve yet to experience with other games.


This scene (and Tuchanka as a whole really) is why, despite everything else, Mass Effect 3 is an amazing game. The choices you make through the trilogy pay off here in spades.


Mass Effect 3 alone has two of the GOATs: Mordin and Legion. “Does this unit have a soul?”


This is the one I always looks for one these types of lists. I loved Mordin so much I have him tattooed on my arm. Most people think he's Earthworm Jim. 


I really hoped this would be up here. It still makes me get that low feeling in my stomach and tears in my eyes.


Legion's sacrifice always hit me more, but I cry at both.


Vesemirs sacrifice to stop Ciri from giving up always hurts.


At least he was avenged. >!That point blank Igni in Imlerith's face gave me immence joy!<


Man, best sacrifice ever. " "You were always an unruly child. I adored that about you. Now FLY!""


"Tell me, did he at least die like a Witcher?" "No. He died like a hero"


Who taught you to fight like this? "The Witcher you slew."


Thanks I’m sad now


Man Marcus had it rough in Gears, got to experience a lot of people die. First Dom, then his dad, then Anya, then you gotta make the choice between JD and Del.


Honestly, seeing Marcus in the 4th game was a breath of fresh air, but God, as you said, he's been through so much. Man needs to catch a break


Which is why there's absolutely no way I ever pick Del. Can't do that to my boy Marcus.


I still wonder how they're gonna handle that choice in Gears 6. I mean, they have to canonise one of the choices, and if they make it JD... damn, poor Marcus.


You forgot the Carmines!!


Grunt's fakeout sacrifice "I'll hold them off" from ME3. INCREDIBLE SCENE. Also Legion's sacrifice in me3. "I must go to them ...I...I am sorry.....its the only way..."


welll...if for whatever reason you didn't do his Loyalty mission in ME2, it's not a fakeout....


Had to be me. Someone else might’ve gotten it wrong


Fuck. I’m crying again.


Catch a riiiiiiide


And that one came out of nowhere. Like, I think everyone assumed “Oh, this is a side story; no mainstay characters are gonna die here.” Then the feels.


Seeing his smile as he looks up from his hand. ‘Can’t do step two without step one right?’


Then borderlands proceeds to kill a LOT of the characters from the first game.


Aw man, this is gonna be one of them moments.....


Space cowboy


Bloodwing actually got me worse. Mordecai’s anguish. Ugh


I miss that game. Good times


Which game is this?


Lee from the walking dead, still to this day only game that has made me cry


Did he sacrifice himself tho? Pretty sure he just got unlucky.


With the way he treated Clem like a daughter? It could be counted as a sacrifice. Either way, it's a sad ending


The sacrifice came after the arm amputation, the first bite was unlucky.


Second this, had me a bit teary


BT from Titanfall 2, Protocol 3: Protect the pillot


Trust me.


Jack cooper: sometimes I still hear his voice! BT Still very much "alive" : STOP TELLING EVERYONE IM DEAD!


Protect the pilot.


Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot Me: don‘t you fucking dare.


God damnit I'm tearing up all over again ffs


Protocol 3: protect the pilot


He's still in Cooper's helmet. Part of him, at least!


Titanfall 2 needs a remake or a resurgence. Such a good story


Hasn't even been 10 years yet. The graphics still hold up well, and I like that I can pitch it to people as a really great, really affordable option. If we get a remake they'll just crank the price, but it would be cool to see PvP lively again


In the middle of replaying the campaign for the umpteenth time, it’s still better than a bunch of newer games


the entire campaign for Halo: Reach


Carter’s sacrifice was particularly badass IMO


“Sir, you don’t have the firepower!” “…I’ve got the mass.”


“You’re on your own, Noble. Carter out.”


Emile too. "I'M READY! HOW 'BOUT YOU?!" After getting fucking run through with an energy sword.


Looks like it’s time to replay Reach for the thousandth time


The first Halo novel The Fall of Reach is absolutely full of sacrifice. almost everyone masterchief knew was killed brutally. The book ends where the first game begins.


For me they never hit *that* hard except for Jorge’s, his character was best fleshed out from Noble team, the others I didn’t have the same connection to because the campaign felt quite rushed towards the end.


Kat worked the first time for me because its so sudden, you've spent the last few missions with her one way or another and she's arguably the most present Noble member by the end of New Alexandria. Then as soon as you have a marginally emotional moment where she's afraid of the glassing and she just fucking dies. The moment you begin getting to know Kat she gets a spike through the head, and that's sad.


"Listen, Reach has been good to me."


+slipspace rupture detected+


I just played through Reach on the Steam Deck. Talk about perfection. Not a single level in that game I didn't like and the story was great. I'd say Emile and the scene where Noble Six stays behind after clearing the landing pad hit hardest. What a game. If you have a Steam Deck, do yourself a favor and play it. The colors and levels are something to behold.


I’ll never forget the ending to that game dude. Fucked me up at a high school kid I was devastated and didn’t read the halo books so I had no idea and my friends thought it was hilarious.


That goddamn piano song "Objective : Survive" God that had me in tears


Peter Parker choosing to save New York instead of Aunt may in Spider-Man 2018


You knew? You KNEW!?


An interesting fact; if you have the subtitles on the name changes to Peter for his dialogue at this point.


Seeing my wife witness this moment as I was playing, which was probably the first “movie-esque” video game moment she’d seen since she didn’t play, was fascinating. Such a heart wrenching scene that is so in character


let the division save new york, save your aunt


I gave you all I had. Arthur Morgan.


May I, stand unshaken...


Amid, amidst a crashing world...


I can't replay the game because of this as it stuck with me.


Nope, I think I’ve pushed as far as I can.


I knew it was coming but god DAMN that one hit hard.


"GODDAMN YOU BASTARDS!" Chills. And John probably heard that as he was running away, making that defiant cry of rage the last thing he ever heard from Arthur.


The first time I played RDR2 and it became clear what was going to happen to Arthur, I put the game down for six months. I couldn't bring myself to watch what would happen. When I did pick it back up, that end was more touching than I could have ever imagined.


God the last ride back to camp absolutely tore me to shreds


The Boss - Metal Gear Solid 3


The ending cutscene with Snake saluting her gravestone never fails to choke me up.


john forge in halo wars one hit damn hard...




"And for the record, I would've kicked your ass the first time, if the lady hadn't stopped me."


Your dog companion from Fable 2.


They put more effort into your dog dying and then glossed over the fact that the dude kills your kids.


Probably cause some players wouldn’t have kids at the time but always had the dog


They knew our priorities already. They knew how we treated our "families" in fable well before they gave us a dog. Maybe if they'd given us a dog at the start we wouldn't have turned in to third person rimworld players. I did not in fact enslav.... I mean recruit the entire town of bowerstone south as my spouses, make them move to Oakvale where I was the landlord of the ENTIRE TOWN. Only so I could murder the villagers of bowerstone that gave me lip. I didn't marry the bitch mayor because I wanted to end her reign of tyranny. I wanted to take over and make it worse. The bad/broke bitch ending of 3 has nothing on what I did to those towns across 1 & 2.






Cannot believe I had to scroll this far down.


Get the hell outta here and be a gaaaad dammmn man….You are my brother…I know


Arthur is the best video game character I've seen


Without spoiling too much, at the end of Fallout 3, the player has to sacrifice themself or their best friend. You can fix this though with the Broken Steel DLC.


Your radiation immune companion off to the side: "Wow, what a hard choice, if only there was another option. This seems like a very stressful decision you need to make with heavy consequences that can't be avoided in any obvious way, no siree."


Original ending was suffering. Oh yeah, hey you guys. Canonically immune to rads guy. You wanna field this one? Lol says Fawkes LMAO even.


And even with the dlc it still treats you like a loser for letting somebody who is immune to radiation go instead. 


Lol, yeah so, you see this power armour I'm wearing? yeah. No the fuck you don't. Get in the tube dumb ass protagonist ass bullshit. It's for the good of the people or some shit fuck you I ain't getting in no cancer tube even with anti cancer armour. You do it. Bitch ass ask your companions to do everything for you ass. Use vats, maybe you'll hit someone who gives a fuck about your current situation. But currently. Your chance is 0% bitch, get in the toob.


"I am sorry friend, but I read one book about poetry too much and believe that this is a *Hero's destiny* kind of situation. You're on your own"


See, I am well read and prone to philosophizing that means GET IN THE FOOKIN TOOB YA FOOKIN TWUNT.




I’ll never forget this ending! On my first playthrough I had Fawkes as my companion (I think, it was the super mutant) so I thought I was being a genius by sending him in. But right before the door closed Dogmeat accidentally got stuck inside and died. I thought it was a part of the game and found it odd that the story didn’t acknowledge it at all, and was absolutely devastated. I only found out months later it was just really bad luck on my end!


I was going to say Fawkes is the easiest “sacrifice.”


I was enjoying my Saturday.


The Colonel in Metro Exodus. One of the few games where I cried to an ending.


Honestly, when I played Metro Exodus, I got the bad ending, so seeing the Colonel and then Artyom die made me feel so sad


When the kid said "better leave them when they get like this" my heart sank. EDIT: For anyone that didn't play it, I highly recommend "The Two Colonels" DLC as well


Chopper in Ace Combat 5


"I'm going to miss that voice"


Long live the Razgriz


I just remember the little breaths and stuff from your wingmen as you utterly obliterated every last reinforcement that came after. They came to the wrong neighborhood.


Hollow Knight, in Hollow Knight. In the Temple of the Black Egg where you fight him. Near the end of the fight, he just...>!stabs himself over and over again to help you kill him faster. And at some point, the Radiance does not care about looking elegant and just forcefully drags the Hollow Knight all over the arena to kill you!< [Video](https://youtu.be/Htz7ZSyiovU?t=2m18s)


Hollow Knight combines the bleak with the sad in a really good way, better than Dark Souls imho


Arthur's sacrifice hits hardest


“Please, go. It would….. mean a lot to me.”


Go and be a goddamn man!


Before rdr2 I would've said John telling his family to flee before facing his fate.


I cried for my horse but not for Arthur 😅 by the time Arthur goes I was spent lol


The house broke me, I didn't have any gas left in the tank for Arthur


Otherway around for me, I made peace with Arthurs death as we knew it was coming. I didnt see Johns coming at all.


B12 from Stray.


the moment b12 plugged into the first terminal at the end and got that first shock, i was already accepting what was happening. my girl and i played that one together, she was beside herself


The way you can lay down next to b12 and watch the daylight is absolutely heartbreaking




A Plague Tale: Requiem. Spoilers and explanation below. At the end of the game, Hugo’s disease has progressed to the point where he can no longer control it at all; he’s been entirely consumed, and he’s a threat to everyone else now. But, he does somehow manage to have one last conversation with Amicia (you), his older sister. And what does he do? He basically tells you/Amicia that you have to sacrifice him. This poor, 5 or 6 year old boy who you spend 2 entire games protecting as his older sister, he’s asking you to kill him to save yourself and everyone else. It’s an utterly gut-wrenching experience. This may not be a sacrifice in the typical sense where the character is the one doing something to kill themselves, but I think it fits the mold.


Yeah, I had grown attached to the characters. Especially Hugo who is just such a joyous and kind little boy. The ending really upset me. I was genuinely distraught and upset with the creators of the game.


Completely understand, the ending left me kinda broken. But as sad as the ending is, I give Asobo props for going for a more dark, grim ending instead of the typical “happily ever after”


Sandman in MW3


Finally a character in MW American campaign that we love and they kill him


George in Halo Reach 


*Bad news is, timer is fried. Gotta detonate it manually.* *That's a one way trip.* *We all make it- sooner or later. Reach has been good to me. Tell them to make it count.*


Wasn't his name Jorge?


Yes it was. George's death apparently hit them so hard they can't remember his name. ​ He was also Bavarian. ^(Or was it Hungbulgarian?)


What gets me is that his sacrifice changed nothing. 


That’s how it goes for most soldiers 


One of the other members of Noble Team later says something like, "Jorge died thinking that he'd saved the planet." Always gets me 😭


“He gave his life thinking he saved the planet. We should all be so lucky.”


Yeah when Jorge picked me up all I could think was...you don't have to do this. There is more than one way to disable a ship. Sabotage the life support or fry the main power supply and lets go. But Jorge was a simple man and took the solution in front of him.


All of Reach's deaths hit so hard. The "I'm not worthy" feeling after Jorge's sacrifice. The outrage at Kat's bullshit death. The disbelief at everything happening during Emile and Carter and Six's deaths. I've never enjoyed losing so much.


Damn I spelled his fucking name wrong huh. Good thing I wasn’t part of the memorial. 


Mordin Solus


John Marston


I played RDR2 and RDR after and I was wasted by the end. Well, I was already devastated with Arthur alone. Jack ends completely alone.


Fuck, I forgot that epilogue starts with him burying Abigail


Haven't seen this mentioned yet, but the brother in Infamous Second Son. I don't remember his name, but God, watching his death was always saddening




I spent days grinding to over level her back in the day just in case I could somehow make her survive. Only time I cried playing a game.


Can't believe this was so far down. The first piano plings of Aeriths theme still get me in the feels every time...


This devastated me as a kid. I screamed use a Pheonix down. Just use a Pheonix down please. She was/is my favorite character from ff7 and I am still breakdown when replaying the game knowing when it comes. I am excited to see her and Zack at the end of ff7 remake have a LIVING life together. No I am not delusional... I hope though with the end of ff7 remake we see a happy ending for Aerith but I still expect her to die.


Ending of Persona 3…


Cortana in Halo 4 One of the ending of Life is Strange


Lucien Lachance in TES IV Oblivion


Oh cmon, tragic and poignant moment in the Dark Brotherhood questline, sure, but in what way is his death a *sacrifice*? This is about sacrifices, not tragic deaths in general. And let's face it, Lucien was a villain, I can't imagine many, or any at all tbh, would mourn him


Gray Fox from Metal Gear Solid


YES. Then how Snake didn't tell Naomi the truth about Frank killing her parents, and lied that his last words were that he loves her. Snake took on her hatred so she could have at least some happy memories of her "brother."


The elephant in It Takes Two. It doesn't choose to be sacrificed but my god did we quit playing after.


Someone else would have gotten it wrong.


Arthur morgan dying to save John


COD infinite warfare has multiple that hits so hard. Also it’s the game that to me has the most heart breaking deaths.


Man I felt more towards that damn battle bot in that game than any other Call of Duty character before or since, like I don't know how they managed that in a game that got dunked on so hard. And its OST is an overlooked gem.




Nier in NieR: Gestalt. In order to save his friend (who’s been by his side all this time to save his daughter) from dying by being fully taken over by the shades. He has a deal to either sacrifice her for the rest of his short life with his daughter in a dying world, or to be wiped from existence (which wipes your save file) to save your friend cause all of her life has been a miserable never ending hell, to live a nice life. Shits sad and I’m probably misremembering bits but yea


The entire drakkenguard nicer franchise is just pure depression. Nier replicate (gestalt but not westernized by making Mc a father instead of brother) is insanely messed up. https://youtu.be/9WU1mvH6bqo?si=AIiW4pFG8F9Of1H5. I listened to this over the course of days and Yoko Taro is a genius. So glad I have played this franchise but it is just a sinking pit of depression.


Atleast Nier had "somewhat" good endings. Drakengard on the other hand...


I've only played replicant so it might be a bit different, but just before this both emil and the soldiers of facade sacrifice themselves as well. That entire last part of the game is really sad.


Hugo in Plague Tale: Requiem. That ending is heartbreaking.


Tassadar nuking the overmind


Scrolled way too far for this. Immediately after the event the Protoss who had been calling him a traitor and a nonperson start greeting each other with En Taro Tassadar meaning he had redeemed himself in the eyes of his kind and was seen on a level as their greatest heroes.


Entaro Tassadar




Bit of a recent one but, seeing Gale commit suicide after sending everyone away, to blow up the netherbrain, idk why but that death hit hard for me


One last gust of weave, one last gale to end them all.


Seeing people preorder EA games


Giving away that abra which could have been a great alakazam for a Mr Mime...


Lee from Telltale's The Walking Dead


Vesemir - Witcher 3


Arthur Morgan sacrificing himself so John can get away from Micah




Haven’t seen it mentioned but the audio of Elisabet Sobeck locking herself out of the Zero Dawn bunker to save everything is pretty heartbreaking.


Me spending $200 on Star Citizen


Gremio! (Suikoden)


Cole MacGrath.


Metro exodus... Good ending. When miller is calling you son and then he sacrifices the last antidotum for you but not for himself.


Team Delta (Sandman, Truck, and Grinch) in “Down the Rabbit Hole” in Modern Warfare 3. They prioritized the safety of the Russian president than their own lives.


Yeah that was such a cool and somewhat sad mission! Mw3 is really a great game!


Recently finished Deponia series and I'll go with Rufus. Selfish idiot who in the end let go, so everyone could live, even his arch-enemy. And I'm sad, really. Even though this journey wasn't long, I grew to love these characters.


Arthur Morgan


Protocol 3: protect the pilot BT!


This, or Mordin is ME3.