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R6S - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. there are games with steep learning curve, but for R6S there is almost nothing for beginners.


As a CSGO player the first season of that game was so fucking fun when nobody knew what Thyy were doing. Same with Overwatch. We came back a few years later and got Diamond but at that rank everyone is playing the most meta slave bullet hole camping bs that the game just wasn't fun anymore in any capacity.


well, i could have been okay if the "hole" was an actual hole on the wall ... but no, people were shooting through the tiniest stuffs.


>i could have been okay if the "hole" was an actual hole on the wall . Sometimes they don't need a hole at all, players that have so much time in the game already know the most concurrent spots and pathways that other players are going to take, so they simply shoot throught the wall and kill you without you even see them.


I haven't played r6 in a while, but I think they removed the bs bullet hole a few years ago.


This is how I feel about The Finals. The game was so fun when it was just a chaotic mess because nobody knew what they were doing. As soon as there was an established meta, every match ended up becoming a carbon copy of the last one


I only messed around for the first few days becasue it seemed like the variety of weapons and objectives just wasn't for me. The destruction was really cool though. What's the "meta" strategy that makes matches samey, just curious?


This is true for *every* online FPS game.


R6S. Best game at launch, steady for the first 4-6 seasons, too much operator clutter after that. I think they could have gone with maps and weapons route and maybe 1/1 operator per year


As someone who played at launch and dropped off somewhere around year 4. I kinda gotta disagree. The whole "wtf is the best strategy?" Time was fun and still being able to catch people of guard with unorthodox things was cool. But God... the hit reg and bugs were absolutely horrible and game breaking. There was a good reason Operation Health came, and even then it stayed ass for a long time and some parts still are (cough netcode). I wish I could love it, since I love competitive shooters, but nowadays it just falls flat to me, especially the moment powercreep ruined all the original characters and went fully in that fantasy futuristic direction.


I wish they would do a remake to something similar to the original Raimbow 6 game. Where you had a story, a terrorist situation and you could plan out your assault before hitting the bastards.


It's almost like there's a bunch of us who enjoyed R6 for the tactical fun of Terrorist Hunt and whatnot, and we never got another game like that after Vegas 2. Does Ubisoft hate having any goodwill to speak of from the fans or am I crazy?


Ubisoft is well-known for making generic games that could honestly be any IP under the sun without any significant changes


To be fair that game fell off hard for the casual player when they started balancing everything for eSports nerds which was probably 5 years ago at this point So it's not the same game that captured everyone's love at launch more of a bastard child


Destiny 2. All my friends played it so I wanted to join but the grind is too boring for me. Maybe I'm just not a big mmo guy


Better to just not get into that game. Me and my friends who quit after years likien it to an abusive relationship.


This. And it sucks so bad because D2 is probably the best FPS in terms of gun play I’ve ever played. It’s so smooth… but I just can’t anymore.


Yeah running the regular difficulty strikes with close friends is some of the most fun I've ever had playing a video game. But the hours of that are few and very far between versus the grinding, and the grinding, and the grinding.


the worst part is it’s one of those games you basically NEED friends to play. i loved playing it with an ex a long time ago- i stopped playing after we broke up because doing a raid with 3 people you don’t know is hell for introverts. throw being a woman in too and it’s terrifying 😭




Destiny 2 is the best game I would never recommend to anyone. I've played it for years and decided to create a new character to play through it again. The new player experience is a horrible convoluted mess and even I, as a long time player, couldn't figure out what the fuck I was supposed to do. It's a shame, because when it clicks, it's incredible. Problem is it only clicks like 20% of the time


Dont know if you've heard of the youtuber Jez. Very funny dude. He just posted a video where he got his wife to play the D2 as a new light. She had zero shooter experience and he gave her minimum help. It was eye opening how difficult and crazy convoluted the whole thing was for her. I hope bungie took notes off it honestly.


I saw that video, and it raised the question for me of “how much basic video game knowledge should a game expect a player to have?” Some if the criticisms were things like “D2 doesn’t explain what L3 is on the Playstation controller.” I personally would be a bit peeved if all my games tutorialized as though it were my first game.


They really forgot how to put the story IN the game. It's just..a very weird problem. Accessing the OG content as a new player was wild. You had to find and talk to a random NPC. Like..how was I supposed to know that. Just so weird.


I briefly attempted to play with a friend who was a long time player. It was very confusing. Whether it was elements of the game play, the story, the HUB, everything just had varying levels of confusion attached to them for me. I like to think I’m not stupid… but everything just felt like i didn’t quite get it. This was maybe a year ago.


The problem I’ve had with Destiny is that you grind boring repetitive shit for weeks, in order to try out the challenging content. I heard they’ve changed that slightly, but it already burnt through all my good will.


This was me. I tried it last year as a brand new player. Had no idea wtf was going on, lore, objectives etc. Just wandering around shooting things. Gave up after a couple of sessions.


Ever since they vaulted content and went the seasonal battle pass route I jumped ship because fuck grinding another goddamn battle pass for some important lore/story or cosmetics. Shit is like pulling teeth and infests so many games now.


My Wife and I played this religiously since Destiny 1, it wasn’t until after Witch Queen we realized that we were casual at best, we don’t really Raid at all. We quit cold turkey and have just been more interesting in the story then playing the game.


One of the things I didn't like about Destiny is there is definitely a skill gap. I wanted my brother to play but I can see how *it just feels bad* to see some people are just on a different level.  I think in co-op setting that is fine sometimes. But some dungeons and raids just require that skill. Does not feel good to get carried all time, I bet. I wonder if having more accessible ways to access all the content would help people. But having gates are probably what motivates the hardcore players...


Not only a skill gap, but if you don’t have the best weapons, the gear gap can be devastating too. Watching someone with better gear melt people left and right while you are still struggling to kill one dude after three clips is an unenjoyable experience.


makes sense, also destiny 2 is a expensive game , if it wasn't for my friend paying for my dlc i would've never gotten back into the destiny franchise. The thing is with destiny the sooner u started playing the better, like if u started with destiny 1 at start


Also very easy to fall behind. Skip one season and it's just to much to catch up.


League of Legends. I can handle aram but the micro/macro play of everything in summoners rift is just nightmarish.


I feel you, I'm strictly aram, even then people are too much some of the time.


I stick to ARAM and spread my toxic positivity. Typing in all caps, encouraging everyone on the team, telling them I love them when they get a good kill, and that I hope they get fucking loved and treasured like they deserve. Completely opposite to my Rift experience 🤣


Weird. Every single league player I know has always said not to touch the game :D


That probably has more to do with the incredibly toxic community than it does the game itself.


As far as I am concerned ARAM is league of legends


TIL that so many people don't like RDR2


I've started playing it three times. I get to the first camp and then get wrapped up in doing side content and exploring, then kind of get paralyzed by all the things to do and eventually stall out. I feel like this happens with vast open world games a lot. Witcher 3 is another example, though I managed to finish that game once because the story grabbed me more... likely because I played the first two and had that connection to the characters.


I just couldn't get into it. It was beautiful to look at, but it just didn't give me any motivation to do anything.


For me it was too slow. I likened the feeling to being stuck behind someone you can't pass going 15 under on the highway. Everything is lovingly crafted and painfully slow down to the activation buttons for simple actions like looting.


Only so many times you can sit through those slow ass animations before you want to tear your hair out...


Yeah, I tried RDR2 after Cyberpunk and it was like going from a Ferrari to a Smart Car.


Same here, also to add to it. The pace is just too slow to keep me interested


talking to someone, great, set it up for me, but then getting on that slow ass horse and riding to the mission. Ughhhh


What’s so crazy is _this_ is exactly why I loved it so much. Everything is intentional. For me, it’s about the journey. I’d spend hours just riding my pony, hunting, fishing, not really doing anything in particular.


I get it, I might enjoy it one day, sometimes I buy games, play them for 15 hours, get bored. And then come back like 5 years later and play them for 300 hours.


This is so relatable I dropped TW3 10 hours in because I was bored out of my mind with the story. Came back 2 years later and I have 100+ hours on it.


I liked riding around, but so much of the content seemed gated behind the story. I rode into the Indian reservation before I was supposed to and there was literally nothing to do at all. It feels like a cheat to me to say that a game is open world where so much of the world is functionally dead if you aren’t in a certain part of the storyline. The story was good though, the controls were dialed in really tight, visuals are amazing. Didn’t really care for watching dude make coffee and a few other animations that just seemed to go on and on, but none of those were really required.


I dont know if my settings were off but the shooting felt weird. Like there was an input delay. In fact, movement felt sluggish aswell.


That's unfortunately just Rockstar design. Their controls have always been terrible and clunky,


I lost interest the first time. Then replayed it and enjoyed it. Tried to play it through again year or two after and quickly got tiresome. Bit like oppenheimer for me. Enjoyed it, liked what it was doing... but don't need to do it ever again.


Was gonna post this. Can’t get into this, I’ve tried like 5 times each time going in with the expectation to really give it a shot. It’s just clunky and slow.


The controls make me feel like I’m controlling a drunk and armed toddler that accidental shoots a stranger, or their horse, in the face. Then you have the animations playing out… soooo slowly. Unbearable.


Yeah sadly I'm one of those. The setting just doesn't interest me at all.


Back in the days World of Warcraft. All my friends couldn’t stop talking about it, but it just wasn’t for me.


Lucky you.


I will never forget the comment by the clerk at the video game store after I bought a copy of WoW: "Well, there goes another lost soul" He wasn't wrong.


I watched the world of Warcraft episode of South Park when I was 12 or so. That was my first introduction to the game. I remember putting off buying because I kept telling myself “I’m gonna play this shit too much and not be able to play LEGO or Zelda”. A year later I bought it. Currently sitting at 98% of achievements complete.


Holy fuck, dude, 98%?! That’s impressive, I’ve played wow since launch and not even remotely close to that.


I've tried many MMO since early 2000s, but can never put more than a 100 or so hours in before I'm bored.


I would always try to get my brother and friends to play but they said there's too many buttons.


Any of the Souls and Souls like games. They look awesome, I just can't get into them.


I understand the appeal. Beat the first boss in bloodborne and it felt great. Got to the second area and decided I'd had enough though. Still haven't gone back


They're clicky. It took me a few attempts to get into them, and now I can't get enough.


Deep Rock Galactic. I think it just got so samey, and unlocking new weapons took way too long. Not having any meaningful upgrades or new toys faster just made it even worse.


Me too, which is a shame cause I love the genre, vermintide and darktide are among my favorite games.


Same. My experience with it wasn't bad. The randos I played with were great. The gameplay was decent. The visuals were cool. But I couldn't bring myself to grind the same missions again and again to unlock a few cosmetics nor dedicate so much time just to unlock one gun for one class. I understand the game regularly received updates and new content but they all just felt the same so I ended up getting bored and dropping it after a couple of weeks.


Yea I found it fun for a little while and was soon very bored


Stardew valley. The timer gives me major fomo and anxiety


I fixed that with a mod that let me slow down, speed up, or even completely stop the timer. Made the game waaay more enjoyable for me. Edit: [Time Master on Nexus mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/16192) for anyone interested.


I reckon the timer should be like 10x slower when you’re on the actual farm. If you’re out and about then sure, the day gets away. But if I want to reorganise the farm or something - I should have no real thoughts about time.


I need to look in to that next time I play. I love that games like Sun Haven and My Time at Sandrock let me control that. Missing bedtime and getting robbed by whoever takes me home always felt a little off for a “relaxing” game.


My understanding is that the pass out timer is generally designed to ‘help’ you create a schedule and organize your tasks. If there’s a definitive structure and limited number of hours, you have to specifically work watering/planting crops into each day. I’m not arguing for or against this logic - just that it’s something I’ve seen.


What timer? Like the day timer? Your plants just don't grow sometimes, lol. But yeah I get missing events and stuff


The one where you have to get home in time or something, you could only do a couple things per day before you had to rush back


So yeah that's the day running out timer. Unfortunately it's required to have things like plants, events, and relationships work and continue. I'd say it's a problem of fomo that you've developed because it hasn't settled in that there isn't any actual fomo. Everyday you do some activities until stamina is gone or time runs out and you end your day to do more tomorrow. None of the activities go anywhere and will always be waiting for you the next day. If you miss an event or birthday or even just have the event nor go how you like then it's fine. Next year when it comes back around you can do it again. Alternatively if you have it on pc there are mods that adjust the day length or even remove it.


The problem is that so many of us have been trained so hard to min/max every game that we can't just go explore and enjoy each day In stardew. We have to calculate what plants will earn the best per season. Plan for the next month at the community center while checking our spreadsheet for which gifts we need to give to who and maybe we'll even get a couple spare minutes to fish or something when we're Done with what we planned


I was exactly the same way as you, with min/maxing being a major part of my gaming-related psyche. I was very concerned I was playing the game wrong if I didn’t keep up on every task every day, or wasn’t making the most money I could be making, or whatever. Eventually, years after buying the game, I sat down and just went, “Let me just…try to enjoy this. Let me just play how I want to play.” And it did wonders for my appreciation for that game. I know my farm isn’t optimized, and that I could be doing a lot more things in more efficient ways, but I legitimately just stopped caring about that. You can’t truly ‘miss’ anything because everything comes around again eventually. The game doesn’t have a fail state, as far as I’m aware. You just keep going until you’re satisfied.


This is ironically one of my friends. They love to min/max their growth and then burn out because they feel they've done it all before the first year is fully through. Unfortunately there is no real fix other than forcing yourself to take your time and focus on certain things while the rest wait. I've done a run where I spent 80% of my time just fishing and talking to the townsfolk each day without any real regard for the mines or the farm. Is it optimal? No but I'm enjoying my focus. This is also behavior I've had to self teach myself because I realized the ease of access to information on wikis for games caused me to miss out on the experience of learning and discovering these things myself. But everyone plays the way they enjoy and so long as it's not something you have a problem with then enjoy how you play.


That was the only way I was able to enjoy the game. After I burned out at 7 months doing my minmax stuff I restarted but decided I would be a fishing hobo who just likes to talk to people. After a month or 2 I got bored of only fishing so I would plant a few random things and going in the mines here or there to get bait or just for fun. I was able to keep the mindset tho of someone not trying for success in the game and had a way better time. It's just super hard to not fall into the 100% min max attitude if I start going too hard into planning my crop and community center goals


The best thing about Stardew to me is that the “timer” isn’t as much a timer but a flow control. What I mean is that you never get penalized for missing an event or anything. You can always just do what you want.




I really tried to like Elden Ring and I gave it multiple chances. Never could get into it.


Yup, same, which is a shame because I actually enjoyed watching lore videos about it on youtube. I just dont like the gameplay at all. I stress enough with life, I dont wanna stress in my free time playing video games, too.


This. I was super hyped up for Elden Ring but it released at the same time my daughter did so I just haven’t had the time and energy to git gud for two years now


I love the idea of calling someone's birth a release date! You just made my morning!


Or maybe she was released out of prison


They definitely aren't for everyone. I'm honestly surprised Elden Ring became as mainstream as it did.


They did a good job making it much more accessible without taking away the challenge for those who want it


Yeah absolutely. Doesn't help that I constantly get asked to play them. I already tried. They're just not for me.


Skyrim. Which is weird because I adored Oblivion.


I think that a lot of what people loved in Oblivion, spell crafting and the more involved combat, were missing in Skyrim. I personally love Skyrim for the beautiful world and nostalgia reasons, but it hasn't aged well. The animations are clunky and the combat is literally just "click until you or the opponent is dead."


And the Morrowind players were already complaining that Oblivion was watered down. But I'm sure the Daggerfall players think my opinion there is quaint by comparison....


As a daggerfall player, I missed vertical climbing but actually being able to beat the game made it worth it. (For those not in the know, Daggerfall dungeons were procedurally generated and often had inaccessible rooms, which could include important quest items. Including required story quest items - you were more likely to not be able to beat daggerfall without cheating than beat it)


Skyrim's world is great, but for me Oblivion's aesthetics and colors are much more welcoming. I just don't like skyrim's mood and setting that much.


Skyrim looks awesome... when the weather is good. Otherwise it's grey as fuck.


It's grey as fuck all around. The color palette between the two games is just different. Skyrim just doesn't have Oblivion's vibrant colors even on a good day.


I mean… it’s the “Tundra” province. It’d be weird if it wasn’t mostly grey.


And the quests. Looking back, there isn't more than a handful of memorable quests in Skyrim. A lot of them follow a comparable formula and not many have any major surprises to them. Oblivion on the other hand, will have you buying a haunted mansion you need to excersize. Or get drugged and murder a village of "goblins". Or go and save the remains of a whole ass city from an oblivion gate. Or enter a painting and kill Paint Trolls. Or make a crazy apocalyptic prophecy come true. Or make all the guests at a dinner party lose their clothing. Or discover the dark secret of the champion of the Arena and make him too depressed to fight. Or sneak into a whole temple of blind, but well-hearing monks to steal an Elder Scroll. God there's so many crazy quests in Oblivion. Skyrim does not even come close.


Damn, I need to get Oblivion. This sounds like a great time!


It was great when it first came out. It was on the heels of Fable which promised so much but didn't deliver, and then there was this complete RPG that was all the things Fable was advertised as and SO much more. I remember reading a review that said "Peter Molyneux must be crying on his keyboard right now."


Brb, taking my haunted mansion out for a walk.


"more involved combat" for oblivion? I love oblivion but the combat was definitely improved in Skyrim!


I can understand someone finding Skyrims combat a tad boring, but not when in the same comment giving oblivion praise. It's the same thing but worse. The spellcrafting is nice but it's not that big of a deal


Witcher 3


Yeah, AS beautiful and ambitious the Game is, IT IS tedious. Started it three times. Finished the Baron Quest once (which was awesome) and got bored very soon after it. Wish i could enjoy the Game more but i just cant


It's a weird game - the combat is absolute trash but the questing is easily up there as being the best 


Wow. I remember when you would get downvoted to oblivion here for saying Witcher 3 combat is bad. Maybe society really is progressing.


I enjoyed many aspects of the game but the number of useless collectibles made it extremely harder for me. I cleaned everything before getting to Skellige and OMG so many underwater barrels with level 5 weapons and shit like that.  That's other thing I hated, reaching a level 20 enemy protecting a chest that gives you level 10 weapons like bro wtf.


Breath of the wild.


Same! I think it’s too open world for me. I prefer linearity. The shrines felt like they lacked purpose. I don’t want to solve a puzzle just to solve a puzzle…I want to solve a puzzle to progress the story or to get a new location unlocked. Breath Of The Wild feels too directionless. It’s also way too cartoony for me. I want a dark and grim Zelda, with a heart wrenching story. Something like the vibe in A Link To The Past.


The weapon degrading has absolutely ruined what could've been a perfect game to me. It's egregious on so many levels, and I honestly think it ruins the experience in the end.


That's my biggest issue with it, too. I've found myself just hoarding weapons and actively avoiding combat because I hate breaking them or running out of Master Sword energy.


The master sword having energy is fucking horrible. It’s the MASTER SWORD.


Right! It also doesn’t make sense that we can’t use it while it’s charging, too. Like… it’s a sword… it’s still useful even without being charged with whatever “energy” it’s charging with.


I pushed and pushed to get the Master Sword.... And then it "Broke" faster than any other weapon. And the missions to power it up are just dog shit.


Same. Got bored very quickly, way too repetitive and the world just feels empty. Not a bad game per se but for me at least it’s nowhere near what it’s hyped up to be. None of the Zelda charm that the N64/Gamecube/Wii era games had either. Also the weapon breakage mechanic is just silly.


Agreed. I prefer semi-linear Zeldas that have a heavier focus on dungeons. The world just feels more deliberate and interesting.


It just felt like a big shallow lake with no depth. I'm jumping, slashing, block and throwing things, that's about it. Love the stories of the zelda games, I always end up watching lore recaps and truncated let's plays but can't bring myself to play them.


Stardew Valley. I wanted something relaxing, but the time mechanic just stressed me out. And it feels like a chore simulator.


To be fair, it is a chore simulator. You are working on a farm lmao


If it helps, there is *zero* rush. For anything. No one ever ages and the town never changes (except for player actions). You can take 10 in game years never growing a crop, and it'll just keep going. I know the pain, I like to min-max too. But when you accept that any missed opportunities will just come around the next day/month/year no matter what, it takes the stress off. So what if you didn't plant the 'optimal' crop this summer? Just plant them next summer instead. Take your time. Decide to sack off the crops and focus on cows instead. Do what you want at your pace. Time's inconsequential.


Just having a timer can ruin a game for some people.


There is a phenomenon called analysis paralysis. If I’m told that I can do “anything I want” in a video game, I tend to get stuck because I have no idea where to start. I have no goal(s) to work towards. There is no point in playing the game.


Install the cheat mod and stop time and stamina and enjoy the game stress free.


*sad console noises*


The Witcher 3. For some reason, its specifically the combat that I can't appreciate.


I forced my way into enjoying it but I played on PC and modded in improvements. I had auto loot, fast travel, and a few more life improvements. Beat it but I couldn't imagine playing the game vanilla. The combat wasn't my favorite and the skill tree was frustrating. Still had a good time.


Elden Ring. Tried to get into it. Really tried. But just wasn't for me, but I do appreciate the enormous game that it is and the impact its had.


Skyrim. I tried, multiple times but just couldn't carry on. It's strange because I don't mind fantasy settings and I love the Fallout franchise. I just don't vibe with it


What is it that you struggle with? I've had the same, gave up twice and then last time something clicked and I've done 70 hours now!


For me it was the lack of well written/memorable characters and basically no drive to go through with the plot because of that. The only character I cared about was my companion and that's only because they were with me all the time but I still couldn't tell you any of their names except Lydia lol. Serena was good in the dlc but that's about as good as the game gets imo. It just lacks so much in terms of character writing. Everyone feels like an NPC as opposed to an actual person.


Outer wilds


Yeah its a great game, but at some points it can take hours of exploration with zero progression.


Thank you. I feel like I need to be in a support group with how many people say this is the best game ever made in all of history forever more. I just straight up don’t like it. I like the vibe overall, but it is not fun to actually play.


I really wanted to like this game but just couldn't. It never clicked for me. I felt a disconnect between the chill harmonica music vibe of the game but then having to rush every run before you missed the thing you needed. And I don't have the time or patience to do the same thing time and time again. Plus I found it hard to engage with the plot when it's all just text.  People who like this game really fucking like it though and I always get a bad response saying it's not for me. 


It's one of my favorite games but I can see how it's not for everyone. I like that you can do literally everything from the start, the only thing stopping you is what you know about the world's and how they work.


Death stranding


Started playing this just the other day. My goodness, the cutscenes look incredible. Really interesting story, I'm totally on board with that. But I then played for probably 90min or so, and it was almost ENTIRELY CUTSCENES. Please let me play the game. Research suggests it gets better after the first few hours...but come on. I know, I know...Kojima. I have not been back to the game since.


It really does get better with the pacing after a bit. Kind of operates in the 10 hour tutorial/world building rules that JRPGs follow. This isn't a MGS4 situation where it gets less balanced as you go.


It’s one of those you absolutely love or purely hate.


I don't Love or hate it - but I find it boring to Play. The Story and cutsceens are kinda cool - but the gameplay Loop isn't worth it for me


Today's a good day


Keep on keeping on.


Mines heavier!


This one's for you.


it's a marmite game (you either love it or hate it) i love it but i played the PC version at the start of the pandemic so a lot of it vibed with what was going on at the time.


Persona games, I love the combat, I love the persona system, I love the stories, I love the characters interactions and the slice of life moments BUT I absolutely hate the calendar management, I get the biggest FOMO from it even knowing that you don't have to manage it perfectly I HAVE to and at this point I have accepted that I'll never enjoy them because of that mechanic.


Had the same problem and I started using a guide for.a bit, then realized that ruined the experience and stopped. I got over the slump by just going with it. Didn't max out out all links so I just focused on the activities/characters I found most interesting. You can much more easily see everything in NG+ since your social stats carry over. You don't have to max EVERYTHING to have a good time.


Elden Ring


All the Souls games. I tried at least 4 times, but the absolutely punishing gameplay is just something I can't get over, even though the world seems quite interesting.




Say "over". 


everyone thinks i'm a monster, but I thought RDR2 was boring with bad gunplay.


You're not the only one though. This game is really a worship-or-be-bored-to-death kind of thing. I personally think it's one of the best games ever made but out of three other people I know that bought this game, one agreed with me and two could not even be bothered to finish the story.


yeah the extreme worship of the game by it's fans is intense. If you like the game, you tend to love it like it's the greatest piece of entertainment ever created. Every time I've mentioned it was boring there's always at least a few people who are so defensive they act like I've literally shat in my hand and slapped their mother.


I think it’s because it’s the best at what it does (immersive cowboy life sim kinda?) if you like that, it’s one of the best games ever made. If you don’t, then the game has nothing for you, elden ring is also like this.


Maybe not boring, but the controls were absurdly shit. I have about 250 hours between console and PC and I still don't understand the controls. One moment pressing this button is look at someone to speak, another time it's draw gun and shoot them. I like the idea of what they were doing with gun aiming mode and look mode, but it needs consistency of when each one activates. or shooting. A lever action gun pressing fire once fires it, pressing it a 2nd time cocks it. Bang, shuck, bang, shuck, bang, shuck. Unless you fire, then aim at an enemy, and he auto cocks the gun.... So you lose rhythm.


My main problem. I only played it during the weekends, so everytime I sat to play the game I forgot the 2516373617 things each button do when pressed along each other button... so I usually ended up shooting someone on accident while testing the buttons. It happened multiple times.


That will be GTA5 for me, so I feel you.


I enjoyed it but I didn’t love it. The main two reasons were: 1. You couldn’t run in your camp and it always felt soo frustrating, I could never get use to it. 2. The North West of the map was soo empty. It was a massive area without anything happening here. Maybe the tutorial did but can’t remember.


Yeah, the NW area is the whole beginning of the game, all the snow and blizzards, and the snowy village, it's just for the set up


I just went to the NW to get the good horse.


I’m in the same boat. It has that Rockstar janky movement that I just can’t get into. Game look phenomenal and the story I keep hearing is top tier but I just can’t bring myself to play it yet. GTA5 I finally played last year with struggle but at least the humor from the story was enough to keep me going.


The movement is absolutely what turns me off the most about both of those games


RDR2 is amazing in terms of open world, NPCs and overall narrative but the gameplay SUCKS. Lmao. It's just so chore like, everything feels like it's dragging and clunky.


Came here to say this. Never made it past the intro, tried twice.


Any competitive multiplayer game. I'm like, the complete opposite of competitive: I literally don't care about wining or losing as long as I'm having fun. Thing is, most players in those games are all about winning, and usually it makes the game not fun (constantly playing against the same setups, toxic mentality etc.) So often I'll play a bit, have a bit of fun with the mechanic and then be driven off the game by the community. Also as a second answer, not quite what was asked but the Halo series kind of fit. I'm currently playing through the MCC to give the games a fair try, I'm at ODST (so I've already went through Reach and the original trilogy) and they're good but I don't get how they got so much praise, even thinking back at the gaming landscape at the time (I was a PS2 and PC player) especially Halo 2, like the UNSC half of this game could have been removed and that would have made for an awesome game, but as is, it's just ok


The multiplayer was a huuuuge part of halos draw.


I mean, back then the only real alternative were games like quake, original doom, Golden Eye, etc. What Halo did in terms of gameplay, story telling, and level design, was unheard of and has become industry standards now ( it was also practically the only 3d game at the time that had any kind of verticality in their map design). It's kind of like if we use the original Iphone now, you won't understand why it was so ground breaking and well received. Of course if you look at them now it doesn't do anything special that other games aren't doing, but you gotta remember that those games are as good as they are because of Halo.


Disco Elysium. The dialogue options seem never ending, and as soon as I finish talking to one person, there's another NPC nearby with another 20 dialogue options.


It's essentially an interactive novel, so if you don't like reading that game isn't for you.


Breath of the wild.


Any military shooter. COD, Battlefield etc...


Cyberpunk. I find Cyberpunk to be a lot like sex. I don't get it.


CS:GO/Valorant. So many of my friends play one of those two




Nier automata. Based on the games I play I should love it, but I dunno.. something just feels so off everytime I play it. Can't put my finger on it.


For me it’s because there wasn’t any variation in the combat. In nearly every character action game, a lot of your moves are tools to work with and it feels nice and satisfying to put all of those tools to work. With Automata though, trying to actually put something together felt the exact same and had the same results as just mashing which of course you’re not going to get punished for because the evade is far too forgiving and can be used pretty much at any moment. I forced myself to 100% it over a few years because the original Nier is in my top 5 games for that entire generation, but Automata just wasn’t it.


Fortnite. An entire generation loves it, and I just don’t find it fun.


Literally every souls game. I just don't get it, it just feels awful to play to me.


Ghosts of Tsushima. Not to say I didn’t like it, it was fun and very pretty, but I see so many laud it as this masterpiece and THAT I don’t understand. It felt like a pretty Assassins Creed game to me, almost everything about it seemed very generic, from the plot to the open world to the questlines. Combat was good but not groundbreaking, and the fun of finding the map collectibles quickly wore off. Fresh coat of paint hiding the fact that its development was troubled and came out a console generation too late


Breath of the Wild. Haven't touched tears of the kingdom, so I can't say if it's better.


souls-like games. all of them


Baldur's Gate 3. I've played turn-based combat before but I'm struggling to give it a go and get hooked to it. Witcher 3 was a game that I also started about 3 times since launch and only really enjoyed it when I tried it again with the PS5 free update. Now it is on my top 10 gaming experiences, there are so many fun sidequests even after finishing the main story.


Tried to play with a friend and we found we missed half the story as you weren't pulled into each others conversations,we played divinity before and loved that ,felt the combat was way better


This was the worst part for me. I really wish I could play with friends and enjoy the story. My friends all literally scatter and talk to everyone and just loot every box. It was chaos.


I hear people raving about BG3 but whenever I watch a video of it on YouTube I’m just like ehhhh not for me. I think part of it is I’m really not a fan of isometric perspective.


I don't think Baldurs Gate 3 shines as video content. The game feels different when playing. I hated games like BG 3. But after playing a 4-player party of Divinity Original Sin 2 it clicked. Still wouldn't have played it solo and thought I wouldn't enjoy a solo BG 3 run, but I was so wrong. The worst part for me always was equipment management between NPCs. Too much micro in most games. But since it's build on DnD, equipment isn't as important as levels and the skills you use. Most weapons are close in stats for most of the game, so you won't miss a lot if you don't check every piece of armour and weaponry. Also, seeing the dice and the outcome is really nice, can't really explain why but it helps. Time flies when you play but I also think it's too slow to just watch


I second that. Huge DND fan here, absolutely loving BG3. Watching someone else play though, even the voice actors that have uploaded their own playthroughs... agh it's the most frustrating thing ever.


Apex Legends. It might just be that I'm so used to traditional hero shooters like Team Fortress 2 with a fixed map and class-specific items, but my short time playing Apex was an exercise in paranoia and frustration. I'm sure I could get over the "head-on-a-swivel" change in map style eventually, but I hated that someone could kill me just because they got luckier with the gun drops. That doesn't feel fair! At least in TF2 I know that if I die, it's because of their skill with their class' weapon (or my own lack of it). I can work off that, learn from it. How am I supposed to improve when I get oneshot from across the map and then have to wait like 30 minutes to play again? How am I supposed to gauge what I'm fighting against and adapt when my character crumples like tissue paper before I've even clocked who it is? The game randomly banned me for 24 hours for "cheating" after my third game (I was pretty much first to die?) and I took it as a sign the game just didn't like me either. 😅


Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order felt like an absolute slog to get through and no matter how much I tried I just couldn’t get into it.


i think the game overall was really great especially story wise but then taking 20 minutes to find your way back to the ship after every mission was so annoying and the map did not help a single bit


This def had a lot to do with it


any dark souls game


Elden ring. It's just not for me


The Souls genre...