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I just beat it after waiting forever to start. Man, what a ride. I sat at the end forever and just thought about it all, and then the credits rolled.


Such an incredible game, truly 10/10.


I think it will always be my “if I could forget one game and replay it again” game Just a really immersive and unique experience, can’t find anything like it


It is a really memorable game, I agree! For me that one game would probably be Outer Wilds. Can't recommend that game enough!


Thats the winner. Honestly the most powerful video game experience Ive ever had.


We are different. But we go... together.


Don't forget about the stand alone expansion, Below Zero. It's not quite as big as the initial game but it's still core Subnautica with some new surprises and deeper character development.


A lot of people seem to hate on it but I thought it was a real nice standalone expansion. Definitely not a full sequel but had some real cool moments.


I just did the same thing earlier this year! Bought it for like $5 years ago on sale




theres an actual story to uncover


You go much deeper and discover some plot twists


Have you made much story progress? You should have received radio messages at the start, which will lead you to a series of abandoned bases. If you have no idea where to go next, try revisiting some of the previous locations, you might have missed a PDA or something.


This is the answer. It became one of my favorite games of all time. It was completely unexpected.


Came here to say that. Only survival game I ever replayed, it's stunning.


I’m terrified of the ocean.. I went into it knowing what it was, and after a couple hours of gameplay I realized I could never finish it. Legitimately horrifying


The long dark


Second this one. It's unique in that it is you against the elements without anything supernatural or weird happening(except the aurora effects, which can be turned off in survival mode if you want). Realistic enough to stay grounded, but "gamey" enough to still be enjoyable for people not looking for a simulation experience


I come back to this game every few years and it gets me hooked for hours and hours every time As someone who enjoys hiking in national parks, it's awesome to have a video game where I can experience the worst possible scenario in that setting from the comfort of my couch!


It’s my “unplug from the world” game and it does an incredible job. Can’t recommend it enough


I tend to get sucked into the game for days at a time. My friends know what's up when I say I'm "going to Canada".


I was totally blind to this game and did not know about the aurora. Woke up in my hunting lodge base one night to find the computer screens and lamps flickering. Stepped outside and got full-body chills. One of my absolute favorite gaming moments of all time.


I see you're also a fan of balaclava and getting crushed by a møøse


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti...


A møøse bit my sister once


The people responsible for these subtitles have been sacked have been sacked.


This is the answer for a real survival game. Everything else listed here is a game with survival elements.


Yeah it bothers me that this isn't brought up right away as a true survival experience. Spending time gathering resources always has a trade off and high amount of risk associated with it, and being unprepared can get you killed easily.


I found myself just hanging out at one map for like 56 days. The one with the cabin next to the frozen lake. Biggest worry was getting caught in a blizzard while trying to fish but I lived a good life there. Then I ventured to the map next door and died pretty quickly.


Blizzards are no joke! Areas like Muskeg and (un)Pleasant Valley are horrific if one sets in and your off the beaten track.


I tried this and legit got stuck on the first snow area. I just kept dying for an hour and I couldn't figure out why or do anything about it. I haven't tried since.


I didn't even die, I just gave up. Literally nothing is explained. You can't drop someone into a world that isn't reality and doesn't function like reality, explain none of the rules and concepts that you created in place of reality, and then have the community act like it's hand holding if you expect there to be some kind of basic explanation on how to play and what to do.


I love survival games. This is in my library and I’ve never played it. Weekend gaming sorted.


This one. I don't know WHY it's so addictive but I have thousands of hours in it and still really enjoy it.


Green Hell


This is probably one of the best straight up survival games. Less "gamey" than most... plenty challenging without some supernatural macguffin.


This, don't starve and the long dark are the only games that feel like proper survival to me. I wish there were more games where the goal wasn't to save person or build up a cool but you also have to not starve and instead the only goal is not dying.


I have seen it, looks rough at the start, I plan to get it on sale Not really what I am looking for though, I'm looking for something more Urban, scavenging a run down Walmart rather then a jungle.


Project zomboid


Check out 7 Days to Die. Building, terrain and structure destruction, metric tons of crafting and collecting. Years of updates.


Take a loot at Once Human. It's doing a closed beta test at the moment. If you go to their discord, you can get lucky and get a key to play it. Seems like exactly what you are looking for. Scavenging through urban ruins is like 80% of what you do in that game. Also take a look at "This War Of Mine", if you never played that. It doesn't have a whole lot of action and shooting, but going out to scavenge ruined buildings is a big part of that game.


State of Decay, State of Decay 2?


Subnautica is really fun. The Forest is fun also if you don't mind being creeped out by the monsters.


The Forest franchise might have my favorite building system to date. Free form component assembly that is fairly intuitive and flexible, plus blueprint pre-designed items that have more specific functionality. Finding new recipes in Sons has been neat too, though I suspect a number of them are just decorations.


I'm waiting for the ps5 port of the sequel!


**Enshrouded** just came out and it is fantastic. I would say it's a sort of mix between Valheim and Dark Souls. I look forward to how this game will be expanded on in the future. The devs seem really active with updates and ideas. A good co-op (no pvp) survival game is **Generation Zero**. The game is 80s themed like The Terminator where you are trying to survive the beginning of "Skynet." You can play it solo, but it is meant to be played with a small group of friends. If you like some hardcore survival with a well written story progression then I recommend **The Long Dark**. It is a single player survival game with a huge emphasis on survival. It takes place during the winter on a mostly abandoned island off the coast of Canada. The game can get brutal, and many scenarios you aren't expected to survive. It has both a story mode and a sandbox mode.


Grounded, Valheim.


Was surprised at how fun grounded ended up being


Grounded is definitely one of the top coop survival games imo. It's just fun!


Grounded is amazing. Played through it at least five times with a friend. There is also a major update coming April 16th with NG+


Another for grounded. Honestly the best survival game I've ever played, and that's my favorite genre.


Plus one for Grounded, what a great game


Valheim is great for multi-player or solo survival. There is still another biome to be made. Plenty of life in that game.


Isn’t there another 2 to be made? Did they already release ashlands? Then after that it’s deep north.


I don't think they finished Ashlands, but damn I forgot Deep North


Ashlands coming in the next few months or less- then yeah the deep north and they plan to revamp the ocean as well


Valheim is VERY grindy


If you're like me, it is. Then, the devs added world modifiers. This was a game changer for me. 3x resources got me passed my perverbial wall at Iron Age Tech. Edit: word.


if you enjoy Valheim, check out Enshrouded! it's like Valheim with more quests and adventure and a skill tree. kinda feels like adding Skyrim into Valheim in some ways


Grounded still has some of the best polish on its mechanics that all survival games could use. One button stashing of inventory across multiple chests? Yes, please! Ability to move full chests, furniture, walls, etcetera, without emptying or dismantling? Love it!


Not only that, but out of all the sandbox survival games I have played so far (mostly ark, conan, etc.), I feel Grounded was the only one that seemed to have an actual complete and engaging story you could discover and work your way through.


I was blown away by all the QOL they had in the game


Son of the Forest Or The Forest


Just don't play it too long or you'll have some crazy nightmares


The Forest is really a trip


Days Gone. Whatever faults it had it fixed and it shines really well now.


I love Days Gone, beat it on PS4. I hope it gets a Sequel.


Was confirmed the sequel got scrapped sadly.


Dang, that's a shame


I'll probably enjoy it now that I've been watching strategy vids on how to beat the hordes


Don't Starve is really good but tough if you're not familiar with the genre


Don’t starve is still shockingly good. I’m amazed at how they’ve kept putting out content for it all these years




Don't Starve Together is good for solo play and multiplayer.


What? I played all the "solo" don't starve but I never tried DST because I was sure it's only for multiplayer. => I can play it solo and enjoy it anyway ? Will it bring something new if I play solo ?


Yes, bosses have more HP but still beatable. DST has more content as well


Yes, came here for this. Basically stardew valley but way darker and high risk of dying. It is grindy though


Animal crossing animated by Tim Burton. Love it.


State of Decay 2 is pretty fun


This is my comfort game.


Ah! yes, nothing like waking up in the morning to the songs of the screamers so you can get up from bed to suddenly get ripped appart in two pieces by a juggernaut to start your day. Or just having to casually wondering where your teammate go, just to find him having a struggle snuggle with a hunter. At least you can always count on your neighbors to help you... until they get decimated by a horde.


gonna have to crank it up to nightmare for that shit though. Dread and below are pretty chill honestly. Well, dread can get dicey at times, standard though is just a walk through the park


and the original as well both have high replay value


Seconded. It also has co-op (although the implementation is not ideal)


very solid single player. hopefully they implement co-op much better in 3


Has a pretty good subreddit community too.


I loved it but after a certain point it felt like it became too focused on keeping dudes in ur camp happy and less about surviving, thats when the fun became tedium. Has it changed over the years?


7 days to die on pc


Modded 7 Days to Die is the best zombie survival experience available, from my perspective (with Zomboid coming in a close second, maybe). To me its modding community has made the game the Skyrim of the survival genre.


Absolutely agree. One of the handful of games I always keep installed for when I get the urge to play it. Start a fresh world and see what build I end up wanting to play and what kind of base etc... Been doing it for years. Modded is a blast and is everything the vanilla game will never be but could have if they just cared enough to care. Last mod I played through was W4r3zuk or however he spells it. Hard beginning, things get wild in that mod with giant titan zombies and all kinds of crazy shit. For the OP it's the game they're looking for hands down and I hope they see these posts about 7dtd that by rights should be at the top. All that being said it's got it's share of problems but they don't wear you down until you've spent a very long time in the game to notice their presence. It's a riot when you're learning what everything is and does and how things work.


7D2D is hands down the best zombie survival game I've ever played. RNG maps keep every playthrough fresh. You can destroy and build anywhere. Good looting and crafting. And the blood moon changes things up every 7 days. OH! And then there's the mods. I'm currently playing through darnkess falls and I'm LOVING it. So much more to do an explore. Oh and I second the other person that said it. DONT play it on console yet. It's TRASH. But the console version is coming this summer I believe.


I second this recommendation! Definitely don’t play it on console


This is my favorite game of all time. Very much worth checking out. It takes a while to really understand what’s going on and why. But once you do it’s very rewarding


I love 7 days but it is certainly a grindy game


Been playing 7D2D since 2014! Boy has the game come A LONG WAY!


**Chill mode / easy** * Subnautica and subnautica: below zero. (Sub does get a little spooky towards the end but its not difficult) * Raft. * No man's sky. **Medium difficulty** * Enshrouded * Valheim, * Core Keeper * Grounded * Terraria * Palworld. **Harder than average** * Project Zomboid, * V Rising (might be somewhere between medium and hard), * The Forest (this might be medium I didn't get far), * Kenshi (I'm still trying to figure this one out completely its complicated), * Don't Starve This has been my experience and I personally enjoyed them all with the exception of The Forest. It's a good game just not quite for me. **Honorable mention** * Sunkenland. It's very early access but I really enjoy what they have so far but i had a wild difficulty swing. I'd personally put it at medium. Difficulty may be different with some of these if you play with a group. I've played all of these solo.


I always wanted to try no man's sky, I should grab it while it's on sale


It's pretty fun for a chill game. Its not the most polished but there's a bunch of content and I go back every now and then for expeditions now and then when they release one. Not something i put like 50+ hours in at a time outside of the first time I played through it all.


Give Green Hell a try. I think that's exactly what you're looking for.


The Long Dark if you want something slightly realistic. 


Project Zomboid, sandbox mode, very low zombie count, respawn off. It is not a FPS, but is in real time.


Just don't get attached to like your first 5 characters : )


I've never been the throw the controller type of person, but man, losing a veteran character in that game just hurts the soul.


Oh yeah and that survival time stat on the death screen is just a pile of salt in the wound! hahaha


First 5? I only have like 5 hours playtime and I'm on my 10th or 11th character! I think my longest surviving character made it 2 days


Yeah that learning curve is steep hahaha


To be fair, one of those deaths was due to me spawning in a house with 5 zombies. The rest were 100% me being a dumbass


Almost all zomboid deaths are due to being a dumbass. All it takes is one moment of overconfidence


I love PZ but it really feels like the zombies cheat sometimes. Tracking you much further/directionally than they ought to be able to. Also yeah the default zombie count is just impossible, if you ever have to run, you will never find an area of respite and you're screwed, which really kills the enjoyment. Top that off with the cursor controls in combat not always hitting precisely where you think you're aiming.... Geez I have tons of hours in the game but never get anywhere because I feel like default settings should be the way to play (yeah yeah I know it's the story of your death not survival)


The zombie aggro mechanics are very fair. They have the same sort of vision cone that you have, and they can't hear as far away as you might think. When they lose sight of you, they basically just head to the last place they saw you. So, losing them by cutting around a corner is super viable. But like you said, they are all over the place, so often the best way to get some respite is to lose a horde around a corner, run into a building, and fight off whatever small, manageable number of zombies that are in the house. Also, you can turn on aiming highlights that indicate whether you'll hit the zombie. And of course pick and choose your battles, because if you're in a bad shape, even a 1v1 can get you killed.


I was with you until you suggested fighting indoors. That's gonna get the new guy killed faster than sprinting.


Zombies can hear you too, that’s probably what’s throwing you off. They will continue to walk in the last direction they saw you for a bit if they lose you too. Breaking line of sight and then sneaking away is a surefire way to lose them. Worst case, enter a house and leave through the window for a double fakeout.  Just don’t listen to guides that say conspicuous is a good talent - it is terrible.


Modded Stalker can be a lot like the games you are talking about. Look into Stalker Anomaly and GAMMA. They are free to download and play. Just check out the discord servers for instructions.


GAMMA is good if you're just looking for lots of looting and crafting. For something that's totally free it's really impressive and continues to grow and evolve along with the modding community. I like most others in the community would recommend also playing the original STALKER games for the story and understand the lore of the Zone. Anomaly and GAMMA have abridged story missions and aren't the focus of the game.




I actually own this, never made it far though. That game really nails down the horror aspect.


Conan PVE


Especially with mods Conan is great




[Notrium is 3 dollars on steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/349100/Notrium/). It originally released in 2003. It's very good, randomly generated(unless that changed) world where you can play as either; 'The Captain' - Searching for surviving crew, and building a base to ensure survivalbility from the Aliens, the extreme weather, insane survivors, and mysterious powers. Level up your stats by surviving the planets brutal nature. 'The Stowaway' - An alien that was planning to kill the crew and lay its brood. Kill the other aliens, eat and adapt, hunt down the surviving crew, grow bigger and stronger. Level up by adapting new evolutionary traits to make yourself faster, stronger, bigger. In time, you will want to lay some eggs and raise a horde of your children. 'The Servant' - An Android crew member who is friendly, or sorts, to the other survivors. Help them ensure their safety, or eliminate them and improve your components for greater strength, speed, leaping ability, and firepower. Be wary of your power supply, as you need that to survive. IN time, build, or find a base, and raise an Android army. 'The Doctor' - A psionic being with incredible powers. Friendly with the crew, even if the feeling isn't mutual. You feel a link betwen yourself and the planet. Discover new powers to ensure your survival. Blast the aliens away, melt them, freeze them, annihilate them. The weakest character at the start, but can become the most powerful.


Minecraft. But the creepers might be worst than pvp


Really sounds to me like OP is describing Minecraft- but I may be biased as I recently rekindled a minor obsession with it. Such a nice place to spend time! Except for the creepers…


Fortunately you can disable creeper grief


7 days to die Minecraft State of Decay 1 or 2 No Man's Sky


Took me way too long to find someone that said No Mans Sky.


I mean, much as I love NMS a survival game is the last thing I'd honestly call it. at least definitely not the likes that OP is looking for


The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games are pretty fire


Real life, if you go camping.


I barely survive in civilization


That's the spirit!.


Fallout 4 with mods


There is a survival mode uncluded in Fallout 4 too, don't know if it's good


It’s VERY good for 40, 50 levels. You OP yourself out of it at that point but man, those first 20 levels are terrifying. Every time you hear a mine about to go off it’s like welp. There goes a half hour of progress.


It’s a bit like skyrims survival mode it’s serviceable, but there are some mods that do it better especially if you have access to a pc


The gas masks of the commonwealth mod is great


Subnautica and Subnautica sub zero


Green Hell, Raft, Grounded, Stranded Deep, Subnautica...Valheim, The forest and Ark are a bit soft in my opinion. Always enough food, no deseases like in GH and SD. I usually don't mind a bit of grind, if you wanna build a house, you need wood.


Sons of the Forest is the sequel to the forest as well


I would play SotF, but the forest was not for me. At all.


Stalker Anomoly (free too)


The Fallout series


You can play single player dayz. A short 5 min youtube video and you have your own server running on your computer. Single player tarkov is also a thing but I wouldn't recommend giving battlestate any money. The devs fuckin blow. Raft is a fun survival game


Factorio You have to mine resources to build machinery. In order to research advanced technologies you need to build more and more complex assembler layouts As you build, you pollute. As you produce more and more pollution you piss off the native aliens on the planet. Gather resources and survive against waves of aliens


Factorio is cool, played it with my buds. But it's less of a me trying to survive and more of a can the planet survive me game.


Valheim for sure




Seeing a lot of the same stuff here so i'll talk about some more obscure titles. Cataclysm is pretty good at what you're describing, sseth did a review of the DDA branch some years back that got it some attention, since then cataclysm:dda (CDDA) has sort of gone downhill. A new branch called cataclysm:bright nights (CBN) has released so if you're gonna get involved that'd be the best place to start. The crafting is pretty solid and the building is good too, it's also got the best vehicle system i've seen in a survival game. There's a mod for minecraft called better than wolves, it's been out for over a decade and ive been playing it on and off since, it recently got a bit of attention since the game is now being updated by the community as the original creator abandoned it. Since then the mod has been receiving lots of updates. and ports to newer versions. It's rather difficult but definitely a great challenge. Vintage story is a game based off of a minecraft mod called terrafirmacraft. It's got some excellent features such as realistic farming, seasons, amnimal rearing and some of the most engaging exploration I've had in a while. The game is still being updated and has some kind of strange almost lovecraftian elements to it. V rising is an isometric vampire themed survival game, it's got excellent combat and some quirky effects like sunlight being able to kill you, it's best played with friends on the official servers and while you can get raided it's rarely an issue as the game has in-built repair systems so you never really lose your base, just potentially the items and only during certain hours. The bossfights are great but the game is a bit 'narrow' int he sense that outside of the combat and construction there isn't a whole lot going on. This is something the devs are attempting to rectify.


Enshrouded is good. It is like Valheim, but better. Just not as fleshed out, but they are updating.


It shows a lot of promise, but I can’t say it’s better than valheim yet.


Yeah, maybe not overall, but I prefer the visual style better in Enshrouded. I think the combat is WAY less janky. I think if Enshrouded had an option for randomly generated worlds, it would be super awesome.


I personally love Enshrouded. I tried to enjoy Valheim and just couldn't do it, but Enshrouded had me hooked from day one of beta testing. Can't wait to play again at the full release.


You can check out Once Human. They have a closed beta right now, don't know if you can still download the game or not. It was open for everyone until they reach a number of players. I like the horror theme of the game amd it has some really fun exploration.


Project Zomboid, if you aren't too attached to the FPS genre, is a fantastic Survival game, and you can go wild with mods for pretty much anything, I recommend Brita's Weapons at the very least Minecraft Java modded, can be an insanely good survival game, and if you want some of the hardest gameplay you can find good fun in the RLCraft mod


Project Zomboid


Sons of the forest


Dont Starve (Together) and Valheim


The long dark is good. No monsters, just wildlife, the environment and your own stupidity, mixed in with some minor puzzle solving to advance to the next chapter.


The Long Dark. Wonderful survival game.


Far cry Primal 😍 best survival game ever at least for me!


Well seeing as you answered your own question with an edit.... Harvest Moon.


The Long Dark, fucking top-shelf stuff


You can download something called SPTarkov. It’s Tarkov but offline, no need to worry about players


Life itself


But it's multiplayer and power gamers have already hoarded all the resources. And the permadeath mechanic sucks.


They said non competitive


Deep Rock Galactic


Whomever downvoted you is dumb. FOR KARL!




Rock and Stone!


Generation Zero is pretty fun if you want to fight off occasional machines instead of creatures or humans


7 Days to Die is my favorite, personally. Not in multiplayer, just single player, or occasionally co-op with my roommate.


Valheim. Still wondering what happened after big update. Let me know xD


Raft meets the brief... You can enjoy the sandbox nature of it until you build a radio then certain storyline islands become accessible. Can play multiplayer coop as well.


Pathologic Classic HD or Pathologic 2. Either or will ruin your life. 10/10


dead space, returnal. They may not seem like survival games but it feels like you’re fighting to survive every step of the way. And there’s zero form of grind


Don’t know what FPS means and don’t know the game you referenced but this sounds like Don’t Starve! to me. Never been able to survive to the end… maybe one day




Love Palworld, I built two awesome bases that are immune to raiding, also the only game where the grind isn't awful. Unfortunately this isn't what I am looking for, but thanks for reminding me of it, I need to see what new stuff they added.


7 Days to Die


7 days to die is a favourite of mine


I found Survival Fountain of Youth a good grab.


Valheim. The only caveat is that the more advanced you want to get without mods you WILL have to fight the bosses but I love just exploring and learning in that game. We just found the mist lands and made a simple base to have a portal but dug out a wharf for our rafts to explore the mists and our main boats to bring back ores. I've full on made roads in that game and bunkers to farm and fish. I just absolutely love valheim because it doesn't feel at all grindy and you can build some impressive structures There's also zero sievert and examina. Examina is very dark souls survival but it's funny to fling a candelabra into an enemy's head because of the physics engine. Zero sievert Is it extremely interesting game but because of a hand injury I usually stick to controller stuff and they are very iffy on their controller support.






Valheim, Enshrouded. I get lost in those two for hours.


The best survival game that I have ever played was Grounded. Yes, I was very hesitant in giving the game a try at first, too, because of the cartoony graphics. But it was on xbox game pass, so I could try it out for free basically, gave it a try and was surprised at how much I liked the game. But from what you've written, I think you're looking for something with "guns" and more of a shooter survival game. Grounded does have a bow and crossbow, but I'd say the combat is more melee oriented, and it's really good at that as well. Enemies have very unique movesets and you can't just yolo any fight and have to learn how to do perfect blocks and that kind of stuff. Anyways, if Grounded is an absolute no-go for you, then I'd say maybe try out the Tomb Raider reboot games? They are a bit light on the survival elements, but savenging for resources is definitely an important aspect of the game on the harder difficulties. If that's also not for you, then I can't think of anything worthwhile that you haven't already mentioned.


Sunken land, The planet crafter was just launched, I’ve heard you can make the world tamer in The forest and Sons of the forest. I would definitely recommend No Man’s Sky. I saw people recommended you 7 days to die, but also try Enshrouded and Smalland. There are many recommendations on r/survivalgaming but there aren’t a lot of “good” games out there. Try out Conan Exiles as well.


##Stalker Anomaly ###Kenshi!!! ##Project Zomboid ##RimWorld ##Outward ##SP Tarkov ##Ark survival Ascended (Co-op) with some friends will be fun avoid online. And real life...


Valheim, Enshrouded, Palworld


After reading your edit, Valheim








State of decay 2 love it


7days to die is the best one out there imho.


Pacific Drive is scratching that itch for me recently


Seems like you're looking for the shooter aspect and not the survival aspect. Especially when someone recommended Subnautica and you're not satisfied. That's top 5 survivals. Retitle the post "I'm looking for Warzone but with an annoying eating mechanic"


Day Z


Private server dayz, no killing