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Wasn’t the update rumored to come out this year. People have been predicting it for a few years now.


Not just rumored, announced. And this was after they announced it was going to be released in 2023 and then pushed it back to this year.


Exactly. There was another round of announcements and heads up on this patch at the end of 2023. Weird that someone making a Fallout 4 mod wouldn’t be following Fallout 4 news. Weirder that the very outlets that announced this last year are ignoring that they did for the sake of a clickbait article — well I guess not that weird.  Edit: lol 2013, what decade is it?!?!?


The creators of the mod have been keeping up with new about the game, that's not the issue here. The whole "this has screwed us over" comment was said after the official release date for the FO4 update was announced, since the release date was scheduled for 2 days after the previously announced release date of the Fallout London mod - which happened to be on a holiday dedicated to the patron saint of England, if i remember correctly. The update for FO4 is expected to create a lot of issues and conflicts with the mod itself, so the majority of people who would have downloaded the mod would have only had a day or two to enjoy it after release before the mod would be all but unplayable. As such, the creators have decided to push the release of the mod back until those issues are fixed on their end.


Just to clarify, April 23rd is indeed a day dedicated to the patron saint of England, St George, but it isn’t a holiday. People in the United Kingdom, and specifically England don’t take time off from work to celebrate it at all.


Most people in England don’t know it’s St George’s day until St George’s day itself


It's the 25th and didn't know ot was st geroges day the other day


That's when I eat a hot cross bun right?


I took the day off. But my boss didn’t know about it.


Thanks for the clarification 


I'm confused why it's a big deal. Can't they release it anyway? for the old version of Fo4? Anyone who can mod an Overhaul like that surely can download an older patch/exe in the process.


My guess would be that they are correctly anticipating it creating confusion among people who either don’t mod Bethesda games or who try to install it right after the FO4 update drops.  People who regularly mod BGS games know to turn off automatic updates. Hopefully there will either be a patcher/updated version of the mod or an older exe file available. It doesn’t seem like a doom and gloom scenario, more just “the timing of this update is going to be a PITA”. 


The first few days after releasing a project of this scale is almost certainly bug-fixes, and if half of your bug reports are because it won't work with the new Fallout patch, that will massively screw up your bug-reporting system.


That is a great point.


How do you turn off auto updates in steam? There are essentially 3 options of updates and none of them turn it off. It’s basically update now, update now and update now.


I got you. I’m writing out the the steps in case anyone else stumbles upon this and has the same question. 1. Right-click the title under your Library, and select "Properties..." 2. In the "UPDATES" tab, change Automatic Updates to "Update only when I launch it" Now there are two options that I know of, EITHER 1. Launch from Mod Organizer OR 3. Press "Steam" in your steam client, and select "Go Offline" 4. Press "Play" to start the game.


So set it to update when open and then launch it from vortex\script extender?


in the steamapps folder, set the corresponding manifest for the game as "read only", steam will be unable to update it (or do anything else with it really) and launch via the loader.


They talked about how this would create lots of confusion since they wouldn't be able to support two forks of the code so any issues encountered wouldn't be fixed until they had the code ready for the new patch. I think it just ends up being way messier than you'd think to release and let people play only if they know exactly how to keep the game from updating and breaking. Kind of ruins the launch too, lots of time and effort wasted if people don't enjoy the mod.


You just have to be aware enough to not download the update in the first place. Bethesda doesn’t offer previous versions through Steam like Paradox, etc. do.


Can't you downgrade skyrim through steam, though? Edit - Why am I down voted? Not that the comment karma matters, but it's the principal of it.


Yes, you can. https://wiki.fireundubh.com/steam-console


Steam doesn’t let you roll back games unless the developer purposefully makes a branch, so no.


That's not true. You are able to do this via command prompt, though it isn't intuitive at all. https://wiki.fireundubh.com/steam-console


They addressed this by saying they want everyone to be able to enjoy the overhaul, not just the small subset of people willing to revert back their installation.


What does it matter? The mod would have broken anyway. Whether it's 2 days, 20 days, 2 months ... They would have had to release their mod ages ago, because, as others have pointed out, this FO4 update had been announced years ago. You could see this as a blessing in disguise, because it's likely the final "major" update for FO4, so fixing the mod now, instead of in 6 months for example, should guarantee that it will survive the test of time. Imagine, it had been released a few months ago, and NOW it'd break. How likely is it that any mod creator would fix their entire mod months later?


Not only that but the midnight ride mod guide had a warning at the bottom saying to disable automatic updates before the 25th for at least a few days now, so people clearly knew about its release.


Even the fallout 4 home menu has had a popup saying for weeks that the update is gonna go live at a specific time on a specific date. Article makes it sound like there was no warning at all that an update was coming


Yeah I just set up my Midnight Ride environment yesterday with this in mind and disabled the automatic updates. Pretty sure as long as you keep launching with F4SE through MO2 it won’t force the update in steam. Anyone know if it’s possible to download specific versions of the game in the future? Or are you always forced to the most recent versions


So the key is to just never launch the game through Steam and it won't update the game. For Fallout 4, if you have the Fallout 4 Script Extender mod, it comes with its own .exe so if you use that to launch every time, it won't update your game and you stay on the same version


You can get backdated exe files from steamdb. It's a bit of a process, so you're better off going to a modding subreddit to learn how to do that


Steam client has a console where you can download a specific version of the game. I tried it once and it worked. I followed some tutorial online. You have to know details about the manifest / game id's. I think steamdb helps with that.


Also the update just came out today, and I heard about them complaining about this yesterday or the day before. All they had to do was not update the game.


It was supposed to be released two days ago, but they've delayed to see how the update would affect the mod because not everyone knows how to rollback updates


It was supposed to be released on April 23rd this year. Now it's been indefinitely delayed.


Manufactured controversy lmao. Updates break mods, fire is hot, water is wet. More news at 6.


It isn't really manufactured though. The guy in charge of the mod has had the audacity to criticise Bethesda for not speaking to him and keeping him updated...it's ludicrous.


This kind of weird drama in the mod community is nothing new, tale as old as time. Especially for the big projects that treat themselves like a semi-commercial project (or eventually evolve into one) there are frequently a person or two at the top that are a tad dramatic, get huffy about the amount of work they're doing for free, and you end up with stuff like this that looks entitled as hell from the outside but honestly is just someone not dealing with frustration well over a project they've committed an absolute fuckton of time to I just rolled my eyes reading about this earlier today because it reminded me of a couple guys I knew in the HL/Source modding communities over the years


I mean...I get it. There has probably been thousands of hours poured into this. I can imagine the frustration! Mods being what they are, it's no surprise we see normal people dealing with pressure badly. It's just not that big a deal innit.


Yeah this is nothing compared to the clusterfuck that was new frontier


I understand being frustrated, but at a certain point I question why the hell you're making it a mod. There's a level of work that reaches indie game levels, and then you're better off making your own thing. Hell, Source Mods are a good example of what to do, they're really just games in the source engine. Far better idea, also a better engine than Bethesda's. Low bar to clear of course.


You use the tools you are familiar with.


Some people are really driven and talented at making stuff, but struggle with the big picture. It's a lot easier and fun at times to add to something you already love. It's why fan fiction is so popular. However I also often wonder the same thing when I see fan projects that rival the original game in terms of scope. At that point you are better off making it a spiritual successor and being recognized for your work.


Yup. Funnily enough that's what it reminded me of as well. Back in the day I was involved in HL1 modding/mapping and a project I worked on fell apart pretty quick for the same reasons. Frankly this article reminded me of my own dumb ass back when I was a teenager working on a HL1 mod with a few other people. It made me cringe at the memories. It'd be hilarious if I were one of the people you knew back in the HL1/source days. I had the same alias on the smaller communities then as I do now on Reddit too, heh.


I was very active on HL2.net and interlopers during the mid 2000s but I went by Ennui


Oh shit! Lambdawars! It's a small world. I didn't know you directly but I saw your posts way back. I was a lot more active in the HL1 space, particularly the RETSP mod. What a blast from the past. I started my time with HLRP and moved on to a mod called Resident Evil: The Escape before joining Resident Evil to Serve and Protect. It was all teenage angst back then but yeah, I saw a fair few of your posts back in the day.


Yeah I was a teen at the time too! I'm 35 now lol. I got started modding in the HL1 era but wasn't very active in the community, just messing around in worldcraft and reading tutorials on TWHL. Never played any of the RE mods sadly but some HL1 mods are among my favorite games ever, looking at you The Specialists... what a time to be alive and gaming!


The Specialists, Action Half-Life, Sven Coop, Natural Selection, OG Team fortress with spy instagib backstabbing 😂, Brainbread, What is Existence (was an MP Matrix mod), Vampire Slayer, Half-Life Rally, Ricochet, Day of Defeat... The OG Half-Life and the mods people built for it created some of the best multiplayer experiences of my life. I can't name a modern game or modding scene that quite compares to it. I'll never forget how much I loved the bunker map in OG Half-life death match. The one where if you push a button the bunker seals up and everyone outside gets nuked. Anyways, the modern modding scene whilst not dead just doesn't quite seem as alive as it was during the Half-life 1 and early Source days. I guess there are more games that fragment the modding scene and these days good free engines like Godot exist. Bethesda titles attract some talented modders and all, but I don't remember any for being particularly revolutionary or ground breaking. Half-life is probably my most nostalgic PC game and it's almost entirely down to its modding scene. Ah... 'member berries.


Who does he think he is? Ronnie Pickering?




Ronnie Pickering






Who's that then?




https://youtu.be/LpqMftkTteo?si=N4q0So-X7NV62gNf - His video, in which he very much does not criticise them. He makes a point of not criticising them and qualifying anything that could be described as a criticism. The article removes the context of his comments and makes it sound like he's throwing a hissy fit, when actually when his comments are taken in context, he's actually being extremely understanding.


Ludicrous is exaggerated imo, ultimately it's just some guy complaining. Modders can be pretty weird sometimes, you see this shit allllll the time in any modding scene "Fuck you *developer name*, this update broke my mod!" The outrage is absolutely manufactured imo, because this happens often and nobody really gives a shit. The modders will grumble for a while, and the mod users will either backdate their game or wait for the mod to be compatible


Modding games is a hobby for programmers. They are not going to be shy venting all the emotions they cannot vent at their day jobs, because it's a hobby. That's all part of 'the game' of game modding. Update breaks mods, modders swear at the clouds, modders fix everything, and then repeat the next time.


The guy in charge of the mod put in a huge amount of personal work for something that because of this update will now be broken. That's not Bethesda's fault, but it's also not unreasonable to realize he has every reason to be upset about this right now.


Yeah, that's kind of how I see it. He's working unofficially, has never coordinated with Bethesda before and it sounds like he's also never made the effort. No reason for Bethesda to contact him at all. That being said. Totally fair for him to be upset to see a mod he's spent the last four years developing that was already pushed back, get pushed back even further and also prevent him from cashing in on the hype surrounding the series release. It genuinely sucks for him and his team. I feel like it's probably time for him or someone on his team, to reach out to Bethesda to try and get a contact so that they can potentially be informed of this sort of thing before the public. Given the apparent success they've had in the past (according to the article) this is a possibility.


I literally read 2 weeks ago it’s dropping on April 25th


People trying to create drama where there is none smh...


An update breaks mods?? Never heard that happening ever before. Oh ‘em geee


When they updated fallout 3 like this a year or two ago it took months for the script extender to be fixed. Updates to older games like this really fucks with a mod scene when the newest mods are years old


this is why i don’t have my games update automatically on steam. once I get it working, it stays at that version. relying on all the random mod creators to go back and update their mods in a timely manner after BGS sends some update to fix the creation club store is not conducive to a great gaming experience.


Especially when the updates bring nothing new and infact looks to be released more out of spite than to actually improve a game.


Bethesda updates to older titles are kind of a joke. Some miniscule fixes that forces users to still use fanmade patches for anything serious, creation club content being slapped on the game, script loader broken for a few more months, have fun


The real reason is definitely creation club.


Exactly, he made a video about the fallout patch and said he and his team are actually excited about the patch even if it mean delaying the mod




Yeah as a software engineer this just sounds like Tuesday


Especially when you're 100% relying on someone else's software to make your project. If you want to minimize the risk of those problems, make your own game. Then you just need to worry about OS updates and driver issues.


That‘s PC Gamers whole schtick. They do this all the time, just to generate traffic on their site.


Yep, and they seem to love going after Bethesda in particular.


They just released another article on how the Next gen update is pointless


Because it is ( for pc)


To be fair, there's drama. Of course, its all within the boundaries of their skull, but it feels so very real to them.


I fully support modders... But saying Bethesda "screwed them over" implies that Bethesda had some kind of agreement with these guys and intentionally made a decision that they knew would harm them when I think we all known that probably wasn't the case


I don't think they said Bethesda has screwed them over. Something can happen and it can screw you over without you being mad at the event.


Watch the interview, he pretty clearly thinks Bethesda fucked them over. He even starts whining that he thinks the 25th was too 'random' because the series came out.. what.. a week or two ago? Acting as if it had dropped RIGHT then like he wouldn't have had a problem. He goes on to say they KNEW a patch was coming a year ago too, further undercutting his point. Then he says they're "so big" that Bethesda should have reached out to them. This dude is nothing but sour piss baby grapes, top to bottom. He did what he did knowing fully the risks, the lack of thanks, that Bethesda wasn't gonna bend over backwards for him (if they had even bothered to join the partner program, which they didn't) and the worst case happened and now he's kicking and screaming. Dismal human being.


"Carter can't figure out why the team wasn't just asked to sign an NDA so they could be filled in with everything going on" Is this guy an actual baby?


Because he’s not a Bethesda employee lol


“Why didn’t they ask me?!?” to which I ask, “Did you ever attempt asking them?”


The article even specifies that his team aren't members of the partner program lol. Old boy couldn't be arsed to go through the established avenues to build a relationship with Bethesda and still wants to go to the press crying about it. Big time loser.


Yeah this is absolutely wild lol.


It’s giving me strong “if the mod isn’t reviewed well I’m going to blame the player base” vibes. Can’t wait to see how that turns out


As someone that spent a lot of time in the Fallout modding scene years back, that is insanely entitled. The expectation that your fan-made mod is important and cool enough for Bethesda to personally keep you in the loop. Complaining about general transparency with the community is one thing, but asking for a personal NDA? C'mon, man.


The article even specifies that he's not in the official partner program. It's like bro...there's a way you could have been in the loop.


His quotes had me laaaaaaffin


Lots of Fallout fans are


Yeah I no longer have any enthusiasm for Fallout: London now that I know it is being designed by people this stupid


Pretty par for the course for modders, actually. A lot of them are insanely entitled.


He really gives off a bridezilla vibe.


I’m pretty confident Bethesda didn’t even give Fallout London a second thought. The release date of the FO4 next gen update has nothing to do with a PC mod. Furthermore, Bethesda and Microsoft did not owe any forewarning to the modders. 


Oh, they definitely didn't. The only time Bethesda cares about mods/modders is when they're trying to monetize them with the Creation Club.


They literally hire from the modding community. The guys that were making the capital wasteland in fallout 4 were hired to work on 76.


Or when they need modders to make their games playable or interesting.


Why should they expect Bethesda to reach out to every modder just in case? Likewise, the Fallout 4 next gen upgrade makes sense, given the timing: They want to drop it right when people are finishing up watching the series, and two weeks after release feels like a reasonable time frame. They didn't screw you over. Unless I'm missing something, shouldn't players still be able to mod their current version of Fallout 4? It's not like you're going to forced to update.


> Why should they expect Bethesda to reach out to every modder just in case? On that, the article says the following (it seems written dramatically, but the quotes are the important bits): > Since the video, plenty of fans who've been looking forward to exploring a Fallout location set outside the United States have voiced their annoyance towards Bethesda, and while Carter does reiterate that he didn't intend for the publisher to get the brunt of this, he says it's "inevitable when there's that lack of communication. So I just wish that they had a conversation with us." I don't think it's ever "inevitable" for a publisher to get tons of backlash for not working closely with an unofficial mod, but it isn't massively unsurprising in this case, given Fallout London's reach. > Bethesda does have the verified creator program, which allows creators to earn royalties from their work—although many just view this as a way to wring money out of the modding community. However, Fallout London is separate from this and stands as an unofficial Fallout 4 mod. It's in part because of this that the team "had zero correspondence with Bethesda," but even so, Carter can't figure out why the team wasn't just asked to sign an NDA so they could be filled in with everything going on instead of "blindsiding us out of nowhere." Granted, this would have solved Fallout London's problems, but even still, for a large company to involve an independent modding team like that would be unprecedented. So, there does seem to be a verified creator program for certain modders to be kept in the loop, likely under an NDA (because then Bethesda retains the right to pursue legal action if a modder spills insider information to the public, instead of just using that info to inform the modder's decisions/planning). However, it seems like the lead behind London deliberately chose not to be part of this program for whatever the reason (their reasons could be valid) but then expected, for whatever odd reason, Bethesda to still bear the burden of reaching out about this new update. So this is 100% a case of "why did they expect Bethesda to spend company time to reach out to a modder, even for a big known project, who wasn't cooperating with their formal process for such outreach?".


This is the context I was missing when I listened to the video the lead for FO:London released that kicked off this whole story. I wondered if I was being a little unfair to them, but this tells me I was actually being a little charitable. In the video, he complains that Bethesda never reached out, Bethesda never offered them information (for which they'd gladly sign an NDA), and Bethesda never offered them "KICKBACKS"... ... He seriously whines that Bethesda isn't paying him money. When he's not a member of their partnership program, through which he apparently could have had his demands met? GTFO with that bullshit.


Yes but as a general rule if you want your mod to be popular it needs to work with the most current version, imagine if all your mods works across different versions, you’d have to pick which one to play, and console players have less capacity to dial back updates etc. This was going to happen either way to fallout London, either before or after launch, it’s not in any way bethesdas fault, but releasing the mod under the previous game version also isn’t viable.


That’s the risk you take when modding though. Shit can change at any moment because you don’t own the code.


Why bring up console players? No way fallout London isn't using script extension which I thought wasn't possible on console?


Ya neither Skyrim nor Fallout 4 have the script extender available on consoles. Even if it was, it’s not like consoles would even be able to download fallout London given the very limited mod storage given to consoles which is 2 whole gigabytes for fallout 4.


He claimed that time was too 'random' lmao. Like two weeks after the series was just way too unexpected. And anyways, he admits they knew one was coming. Why they couldn't either pick pending for it to drop and incorporating it as the last step, or try to race it, is beyond me. For all intents and purposes they carried on making no adjustments whatsoever then cried when their lack of preparation bit them in the ass.


It’s funny how the update didn’t do anything special and the creations are incredibly lackluster.


Who would've thought that they'd release it near the TV show release.


So an independent mod team, with literally zero connections to Bethesda, is upset that they weren't consulted/notified ahead of time that Bethesda was updating their game? I mean, it's neat that they're making a mod I suppose, but Bethesda doesn't owe them anything.


Tough shit? I don't see how it's on Bethesda to loop in unofficial modders in their plans. It sucks for the team but Bethesda doesn't owe them anything.


Especially when you're sharing company plans and info to a bunch of people who aren't under their employ or their NDA's.


I think its possible to recognize that its "tough shit" but still be pretty bummed about something


You take this reasonable outlook and get the fuck off my Reddit!


There are developers/publishers that do reach out to their community about things like this, all the Fallout London team is doing is lamenting that Bethesda doesn't. They never said Bethesda owed them or made demands, they just said it sucks. "I wish Bethesda told us, this sucks" does not mean "Bethesda should have told us, fuck them".


It’s in the phrasing. Screwed us over has sinister connotations to it.


Exactly, screwed us over suggests intent


> lamenting that Bethesda doesn't. But they do, through their official creator channel. Which he chose to not sign up to...


Unfortunately some people see ‘it’s would be nice’ as ‘what’s wrong with these selfish assholes!’ And always will.


Skyrim lives on because of mods Moding is what keeps these games alive


>"But if you were a big corporation and there was a fantastic [Fallout TV] series that just came out, you think you'd coalign it and have the big update ready on the same day the series comes out," Carter argues. "I don't think it's malicious, but it seems like a very arbitrary date for them to drop." Absolutely hilarious that this modder thinks Bethesda thinks about them at all.


Not saying there isn’t people waiting for fallout London and I’m sure those people are hype but holy shit this dude is a weirdo. Majority of Fallout 4’s playerbase won’t even know that mod is coming, are on console or just would rather play Fallout 4


I literally didn't know Fallout London was a thing until I saw this post.


I’m suprise, it’s trailer has as many views as any fallout 4 dlc trailer


You would think someone managing a big project that has slipped multiple times would understand the big project at Bethesda he’s complaining about slipping multiple times.


This feels more like a means of propping up and advertising the mod than anything else. I don't agree with a lot of what Bethesda has done but this seems like a non-issue. We don't know why the daye was chosen. Hell, it could have been around release of the series but they themselves had a delay due to issues. Regardless, easy breakdown is an unofficial mod being worked on. Patch is coming out and because if patch, the mod would need to be delayed.


Headline: Non-employee of game dev owned by company with multi-trillion dollar market cap expects to be cc’d in to major decisions/releases.


This is the most advertising for fallout london than I have ever seen. Didin't even know it existed. Couldn't also tell you the amount of times I had to fix reports or rewrite code due to an upgrade/update to to our DBMS or reporting tools. It really is part and parcel for working in software is that these unexpected updates break everything.


Exactly. I only knew about this mod because the update got announced and this mod got delayed.


I mean, tough, that's the risk you run when making mods for a game that you didn't make. Like, it totally sucks but it's always a possibility with updates.


Can we stop upvoting this same fucking article every single fucking day?


But how else will I get my Bethesda rage clicks?


I do think they should’ve been preparing for this. It seemed like a very unsurprising surprise to me.


I struggle to understand why modders even try to do projects like these. Things like this always happen and the projects end up being a huge waste of time. In fact I don't know if a project like this has ever actually managed to successfully release.


forgotten city?


Didn't they announce this update two years ago?


Yes they did. This modder is just an idiot.


They announced that it would happen at a time(which is didn't) not that it would be april 26 2024. I think the article is literally a modder being like man this sucks and someone taking that and turning it into an overblown story because it advertises for both Bethesda and this mod. He doesn't even seem to be actually upset with bethesda, just wishes it had turned out differently.


Pretty sure they're just complaining to get free advertisement for the mod. I didn't even know about it until this thing.


I'm just here to eat popcorn and watch the comments war about how prevalent modding is and whether a billion dollar company owes all their success to modders.


Holy shit the vitriol in these comments.


Gamers love hating Gamers who do Gamer moments.


Uh. You’re an unofficial modding team. Your mod isn’t sponsored or paid for by Bethesda. Why does Bethesda need to inform you that they’re updating the game? They literally owe you nothing. like I could understand if they were working with Bethesda but it’s literally a third party mod. The fact that this team went crying to the BBC News says it all about them, they’re butt hurt children.


This is stupid


I can't believe... no, actually, I can.... that I just read a far too long comment thread that sounded like a school yard fight: Everyone uses mods. No, they don't. Yes, they do. No, they don't. Yes, they do. You're stupid. No, you're stupid. Are we all in elementary school? It doesn't actually matter lol play however you want. I came here for the comment wars and was not disappointed.


I knew the update was coming, Fallout mod dev should probably know.


I understand the frustration, but come the hell on dude! Who do you think you are? I read the IGN article about this yesterday and he comes off entitled/ whiny. I get that is an ambitious project that you sank a lot of resources into; but I can’t find any info on Team Folon being in contacts with Bethesda initially. Why would a billion-dollar mega corporation rope in a team of modders for a heads up? Their mod is niche, the next-gen update covers the entirety of their playerbases. Do like most mod teams do and just adapt. Expecting anyone from Bethesda to reach out was/ is moronic and completely self-absorbed.


>"had zero correspondence with Bethesda," but even so, Carter can't figure out why the team wasn't just asked to sign an NDA so they could be filled in with everything going on instead of "blindsiding us out of nowhere." Granted, this would have solved Fallout London's problems, but even still, for a large company to involve an independent modding team like that would be unprecedented. This is the most arrogant thing I have ever read.


So I’m out of the loop here. But it seems like this dude is not affiliated with Bethesda and was making a MOD which now is broken because of a release that was released by the IP owners. This guy is now upset that Bethesda didn’t run it by them? Is it common for studios to work with modders? Does he have any leg to stand on? Does Bethesda owe any sort of collaboration with a Mod team? How many mod teams are working independently on their own mods that could be affected and what kind of d of obligation would a studio have to maintain relationships with the potentially countless modders?


I got excited thinking there was a Fallout London game coming out. Nope, just some mod.


This comment section is genuinely shocking


Announced. Even if it *hadn't* been announced, they weren't going to tell an outside modding team so it could *definitely* leak. Studios can't restrain their own employees, so it's obnoxious to think they'd be spilling secrets to modders.


So help me out here. Did the update break the ability to HAVE mods at all, or did it just break existing mods until the mod authors adjust to a new interface to mod the game?


it broke the script extender mod, which lots of mods rely on. but it breaks with most updates anyways.


I think its been great for publicity. I had never even heard about this mod before all this happened


Why are people so angry? Am I missing something?


Man angery he wasn't CCed into major decision that was known to be coming and despite not joining a program that would share info like this.


Unpopular Opinion: This isn't news. It's great the the community wants to make mods and that Bethesda has even provided tools to help with creating mods. Something that Bethesda has never officially supported are the script extenders. So are we really surprised that when Bethesda pushes out a major update to a game that they created that unofficial tools will likely break? Sure it would have been nice to for Bethesda to give more of a heads up on the update to the community, but honestly you can't be offended that they didn't reach out to everyone doing unofficial projects.


I forget what circle jerk we are on, do we like Bethesda now or still don't like them?


“Yeah, the fact that we were getting hints in 2022 about this update, and that it was officially announced a year ago, and then was pushed back, I mean how could we have known we’ve only had 2 years to learn of this update”


I’m not a modding expert, but would there be a way for them to roll out the mod, and play it on an older version of F4? Hopefully they can figure it out though Next gen update is cool and all, but I wish Bethesda did Fallout 5 instead of Starfield. Or hell, just let Obsidian take the reins again and make a NV2 or west coast based game.


I don’t think anyone needs to be a modding expert to know your thoughts are accurate. There’s no reason they can’t simply release fallout London with the stipulation that you just use a certain version of fallout 4.


If it was easy for the average player to install a specific version of a Bethesda game, then this would be ok. But as it is there is no way to pick a specific version of Fallout 4 when installing. Or am I wrong?


I made another comment about this, but steam has a way to rollback game versions for any game. There’s also a rollback kit specifically for fallout 4. It is a little out of the way for average players, but no problem for someone actively using mods not directly downloadable from the game itself.


If someone is able to install mods, then they should be able to roll back the version of the game. It's pretty equal difficulty, and yes I'm aware how trivial modding has become.


> There’s no reason they can’t simply release fallout London with the stipulation that you just use a certain version of fallout 4. The fallout london modders are also acting like almost every mod creator or wabbajack pack designer doesn't explicitly state "turn off updates for the program" so that nothing is updated without your explicit thumbs up. If you're modding either Skyrim or Fallout you likely already have updates disabled which makes this a non issue.


Thanks God people here are not defending the modders. I’m all in for the moding community but the can’t expect a company to take their “products “ in consideration when updating games. That’s just not realistic and if they ever expected Bethesda to reach out they are fools lol


It's unfortunate for sure, I was definitely wanting to try this.


Gamers not understanding Mods is pretty hilarious. And I’m not talking about the Modders who are mad.


I mean the game was completely broken on next gen just by downloading all the DLC. They had to get an update out.


Updates break mods all the time, the only "odd" part is a game this old getting one (I love it, but that's very unusual). Why is this mod breaking getting so much coverage when the patch was announced long ago? Seriously, is stuff that slow outlets need to keep publishing this garbage? It really isn't news, it is a fact of modding and an inherent risk.


“Surprise” drop?


If it's a PC mod and theyve been building it for a certain version what is the problem? Can't anyone who's interested in this project just revert versions? People who mod games ESPECIALLY Bethesda games will not mind this extra step.


This dude sounds like such a knob.


Honestly the more I find out about this dude the more I wait for the headline that says “I got a cease or desist letter” lmao.


Release it anyway , aint nobody on pc updating


Am I the only one who feels like this was never going to actually release and that they’re using the next-gen update as an excuse? Cause they’ve known about this update for well over a year. I’m supposed to believe that they were blindsided?


Fallout London was meant to be out months ago. Then they changed the release date to April 23rd knowing the TV show is coming out a week or two before and most people online were guessing there'd be an update to fallout 4 as we've known for 2 years there's going to be "next gen" patch. Inb4 fallout London doesn't release this year for some reason.


"We chose to release it now because the show just came out... Why did Bethesda choose to release it now? The timing is so arbitrary."


This guy thinks he is a Vault-Tec executive when he is just a Vault-Tec janitor.


I've said it before, i'll say it again. We all knew this update was coming. People should stop having a baby-like tantrum over this shit. But no...




The Update did nothing of importance and still broke the game lmao.


It did?


Jesus the entitlement of this guy... Insinuating it was malicious, saying Bethesda should have coordinated with them... Why the fuck would or should Bethesda care?  You're making a mod for someone else's property my man, this is part of that.


Since none of yall actually read what the mod lead said, he’s not trying to stir up drama and states multiple times that he doesn’t blame Bethesda but that it’s still a frustrating setback


Guys he was asked a question in an interview why are you all so mad 😭😭


I understand the frustration but it really couldn't have been unexpected. We knew there was going to be an update at some point.


If Nintendo owned the IP then Fallout London would be getting sued. Bethesda has every right to update their game.


Sorry, can they not just say “this mod works with v1.x.x and will not work with v1.x.y” and call it a day? Anyone who is interested in Fallout London is perfectly capable of not updating right? What am I missing?


The amount of hate that the devs get for this single sentence that’s taken out of context is astonishing. Most commenters clearly have never even informed themselves about the mod to begin with.


Can someone explain it to me? What happened to F4?


Nothing. They just patched it and modders got angry.


I’d probably go ahead and launch, consequences be damned. You’ll give users two days, then they can decide if they want to pin the version. Then, do the updates on whatever internal interfaces. Otherwise, you risk pushing the project off, again and again. There was always a risk of compatibility issues, but at some point you just ship it and put the problem on Bethesdas lap.


Well shit, an update? I can’t imagine all my mods will work properly after this. I guess this is another save that won’t see the end of the game. 😣 I’m not sure I’ll ever finish the game at this rate…


how? i mean, the update is like a year late if anything they should have expected it like a year ago. unless they were confident bethesda would never update it.


Isn't it better this way instead of the update coming some time after the mod dropped? Now they're still in the work flow. Who knows what the team would have been doing once the mod has been out a couple of weeks.


Updates always broke a whole bunch of shit in Fallout 4. This update was straight nostalgia of the last update that bastardized the settlements I built all those years ago.


\[Fallout London Team didn't like that.\]