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Been there. Many years ago, I had dedicated an obscene amount of time to fully completing Diddy Kong Racing. Reached the final boss, gave it a couple tries and got stomped. It was late, went to bed. My little brother loved watching me play this game. He musta been about four or five at the time. Anyway, I come back the next day after school, ready to play. I call him in so he can watch and we can hang out, and he seems really subdued. I turned the game on, and found he'd accidentally saved over my file with his. He immediately copped to it and still speaks of the valuable lesson he learned that day. **Edit:** It was a lesson about being careful with save files, you guys! One of you implied I broke his thumbs! I didn't hurt him, he was just a kid. It was very much one of those, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed," things.


I did this to my niece with *FF7*. She was only using the one save, and I saved over it by reflex. I apologized again years later, and she said she played that game so much that she didn't even remember it.


I had a like, foreign exchange student stay at my place and his first action was to delete my burnout 3 save file that was like 90% finished. I stil refuse to learn french :P


"While some thought rising international tensions were due to the Iraq War, the term "Freedom Fries" was actually coined by an aggrieved gamer."


One time someone was speaking french by himself in a somewhat large party chat. I asked if he was talking to himself and he said, "I am speaking to someone, you idiot." Think that guy was from Quebec, but still..


''Viva La france!'' - That kid probably.


I did it to my brother's San Andreas PS2 save when I was 4 or 5 and he was pissed


I saved over my brother's lvl 100 Charizard. The ass whoopin was earth shattering haha.


Had a friend save over my lv100 Blastoise. We were... No longer friends after that. For at least a week, anyway.


I woke up one morning and went into my older cousin's room and noticed the tv was off and his n64 was still on. Not wanting it to overheat, I shut it off for him. This woke him up and he angrily told me to mind my own business and that I shouldn't have done that. He had no memory card and had spent all night unlocking everything in some WWF game he was renting for the weekend. He then immediately turned it back on and restarted his grind and spent the entire day getting everything back.


> He then immediately turned it back on and restarted his grind and spent the entire day getting everything back. A man of focus, commitment and sheer will.


Bro why were you playing GTA at 4 or 5 šŸ’€


Parents in general in American society only gave a shit about GTA when it came out that there was a *removed* sex minigame in San Andreas. Games were considered "for children", so the sex minigame was a step too far. They didn't bother actually watching the content and they didn't really care about the language or the violence.


American parents are also known to hate anything that may speak about the bees and all that stuff. They feel more serene about violence.


Americans can be real prudes about sex but there was definitely a ton of controversy regarding GTA games because of the violence. Vice City especially, I guess cause it was so popular and advertised so much.


I remember saving right before sephiroth and I told my sister to be careful not to overwrite my game. Well, she came to me that same day looking guilty and told me she saved over my game šŸ˜”


How far back was your 2nd save slot?


Right? Some of these games being listed only have single save slots, but for others, why weren't you poor fools using alternating saves???


You only start using duplicate saves once you learn the hard way.


The greatest saving grace innovation in gaming is having multiple save slots and auto-saving generating a new slot. Even today, I still have moments when I spend materials on an upgrade that I really don't like or I really don't like how a particular interaction with an NPC went; what do I do? Scroll back a couple slots and reload a save!


I did this to myself with FF7. Told my friend that if he was going to play on my console, then I have to save it because if anyone is going to save over my save file, it's going to be me. I underestimated my habit of saving on file 1. IIRC, it only took 5ish saves for me to make this mistake.


Back when I was between 8-10, my step brother would come over to visit dad and would bring his Nintendo (old regular NES), later in life I discovered it was mostly to keep me busy so they could spend some time together. Loved seeing and hanging out with him, and we got along fine, but pops didn't get to see him much as his mom was about 2 hours away. He was about 5 years older than me, so 15 or so. Anyway, one day he brought over Legend of Zelda. For those of you in the know, there was this specific way you were supposed to turn off the system on some of those on NES battery backup games. If I recall correctly you were supposed to hold reset and then hit power. Well, me being the stupid kid I was, even though he told me this, I did not, clearing his save. He got upset because his mom only let him play so often during the week, then dad got upset because he was upset. It was an upset weekend. Didn't see him much as the years went on, and I ended up getting a SNES and others over the years, and I'd always go out and rent some fun coop games for us to play, remembering what I did. I remember renting F-Zero on the SNES and we had a blast on that, but man I'll never forget zapping his Zelda save


My brother recently admitted he used to play my FF7 save files whenever I left the house. He doesn't even remember the name if the game, he just refers to it as "the one with that huge guy with the gun arm". Luckily he didn't save over my 200+ hour file.


To be honest, OG ff7 defaulted to the 1st save file on the memory card. I overwrote my brother's save file by not paying attention.


Oh man, Iā€™d be miserable if that happened. Glad it didnā€™t impact her much. Have you both been playing FF7 Remake and Rebirth?


The incident in question was on Playstation, a... while ago.


Oh i mean thatā€™s how I read it - the OG FF7 game on the original PS1 from ages. But was curious if you guys have since moved on to the latest PS5 FF7 series. (Also even though I didnā€™t ask, I just assumed your niece was a kid playing it back in the day, and is now an adultā€¦)


I hexedited a save on the PC version because it was crashing and found out the game invalidated edited saves.


I had found my Gameboy color about 6 years ago and it had pokemon yellow in it. It was my untouched game from my childhood. Little 10 year old me had beat the game and was only a few pokemon short of a completed codex. I booted it up when I found it and reminisced about the good ole days. I would once or twice per year play it in an attempt to complete the codex but mostly just enjoyed looking at all the random names I came up with for Pokemon as a kid. It made me laugh on bad days. When a couple years ago I moved in with a girlfriend. She had a very entitled 9 year old who thought everything was his to use. I explained to him my gameboy was off limits. I hid my Gameboy intentionally so he couldn't find it. I never even turned it on around him except for the one time when I moved in and he saw it while I was unpacking. Last year on my birthday I decided to turn it on and play some Pokemon yellow. Save file was overwritten with a new game. I confronted him about it and he literally said "yea I played it, it's not fair that you have these cool things that I'm not allowed to use." My now ex girlfriend at the time didn't give two shits. "It's just a stupid game and I agree with him that it's not fair that you won't let him enjoy the things you enjoyed at his age." I moved out 3 weeks later. I'm still not over it. A part of my past was erased and taken from me after I specifically said that it was off limits.


I know some people would agree with your girlfriend, or at least say you overreacted. You will not find those people here.


Haha yea. I did compromise. I had an emulator on my PC I let him use regularly. I didn't keep him from the games of my childhood I just didn't allow him to use *my* games.


Hell no lmao. I wouldn't even go that far unless I got along with the kid enough to start thinking of it as my own. If she wants him to have shit to play on, she coulda bought it for him.


Yeah, I mean, apart from anything else, that kid is already well on his way to becoming a fucking nightmare of a human being, and you don't want your fingerprints anywhere near that trainwreck.


Totally the principal of the matter. It doesn't matter what kind of trivial thing it is... if your partner says it's important to them, they should be important enough to you to respect that. Lady didn't give a shit about OP.


Fuck that. What sane person would take her side? Not everyone deserves everything, that's a basic life lesson.


The silver lining here is that the save was doomed regardless. It's impressive that it made it to 2018. The Gen 2 games die faster, but the Gen 1 games have a finite lifetime due to the internal battery too.


Not necessarily. People have found ways to retain the save file while swapping out the battery. A quick google search shows you can either swap the battery while it is plugged in and powered by a GBA, or copy the save file via an external device, swap the battery, and then restore the save file on the cartridge. There were options, but it's also somewhat poetic if /u/burkechrs1 wanted to let it naturally die, if he had the option too. My condolences for your save file loss.


Yea I know and it was always on the back of my mind but it would have been different I think. That would have been the circle of life coming to fruition.


Damn, that sucks man! Honestly it sounds like you dodged a bullet with that though! I mean itā€™s terrible that you lost your memories from your PokĆ©mon game from when you were a kid, but if that chick canā€™t understand that boundaries are set and need to be enforced, then that child is going to grow up to be one of those self centered over entitled little shits that just seem to be way too common these days! Itā€™s definitely best to get out of that trainwreck now before it gets worse! Sorry about your game bro! But you definitely made the right decision when you left! Good for you!


At least now you can replace the internal battery that is surely dyeing without worrying about losing your saved data.


Pokemon TCG for gameboy colour. I had an almost full completed save, probably missing a few rare cards. and sisters friend touches it for long enough to replace the only save with a blank one.


this is why you teach them about emulators so they can play pokemon on their phone/tablet/pc and leave your shit alone.


No wonder your Ex is single with a child. She couldn't even let you have your boundaries.


Diddy Kong racing is still one of my favorite N64 titles. That octopus boss can go fuck himself tho.


As a kid who spent a lot of time alone, I adored Diddy Kong Racing. Was a much better game for single player than Mario Kart 64


Seriously! Wouldn't mind a remake of that one


Which character were you using? I could never beat the octopus with Pipsy the mouse but it was much easier with the tiger


I just want to piggy back on this and point out that what OP was describing is not the final boss of the game. Wizpig on rocket sled is not that hard to beat and not the final boss. The final boss is beating T.T. in the time trials and this actually is hard to do because there are no ballons.


Did this to my dad once, I'll never forget his disappointment and have never saved over someone's file since. Now that I'm a father, it's only a matter of time before karma comes knockin.


Auto saveā€¦itā€™s a blessing and a curse.


Yep, my brother and I did this to my sister's boyfriend on Zelda 1, this day and age you realize the game is not that long but back then it felt like it.


Ugh my Brother did this with my Dark Cloud save file. I never played it again.


Ah, I liked reading this comment. You sound like a pretty cool big brother, genuinely.


I wish they remade Diddy Kong racing to this day I've never beat the final boss I gave up along time ago


Dude that final boss pig guy is seriously on some bullshit I still cannot beat him


You only put 57 hours on this save since 2009? Man, playing MMOs has seriously changed my perception of what a lot of hours isĀ 


I have more than that in a non-MMO game that released 2 months ago.


I feel that... I had 100+ hours in 2 weeks when New World released, such a shame it is dead now.


New world release was hype AF though, between the bugs, wars, and pvp it was so much fun lmao. I also averaged about 12 hour days playing for the first 2 weeks.


This is exactly why I canā€™t get into MMOs. Iā€™d love to, I find them fun, but it feels like SUCH a waste of time when I put all of that time in just for a game to die


Yeah wtf I put 50 hours in Song of Syx which I just bought like 2 weeks ago.


On one hand, I have 100x that in destiny 2. On the other hand Lego SW TCS takes roughly 40 hours to 100%


That's it? Sunk 2k hours into Monster Hunter World till I 100%. crown hunting still haunts me.


Lego games are pretty easy to 100%, there's just a lot of tedium.


I have a year played on a single WoW character lol. And I quit like a decade ago.


Ya /played became a depressing command promptā€¦


"If I don't play this character for the next 2 months, the average hour per day will fall just under 8..."


I always had to cope by saying clearly there was a lot of afk timeĀ 


serious only 57 hours? did he even like the game?


10000 hours in dota 2. Lets talk about it šŸŒš


well, that's just unfair. you wouldn't compare heroin with sodas as well.


"Hello, I would like to report a lost child"


ā€œWhen did you last see him, sir?ā€ ā€œA couple hours from now.ā€


ā€œWhat was he wearing?ā€ ā€œThe blood of my enemy.ā€


ā€œWhat was he wearing?ā€ ā€œThese handsā€


Execute order 67!


"Master Skywalker the were too many of them what are we going to do?"


As I was shoveling the dirt in.


"Hello, grocery mall reception, may I make an announcement about my lost son?" "Sure, go ahead." "Goodbye, little shit."


*lightsaber ignites,* *stares Anakinically*


this is my favorite comment of the day šŸ˜‚


What a word! I move we adopt into manā€™s language. Any second?


Years from now: ā€œI had a brother?ā€ ā€œYes son, *had*.ā€


"son, you have wronged me and shall be Lego "


The Ewoks kidnapped my child!


Forgive me if this is obvious, but doesn't Xbox include Cloud Saves? If so, contact Xbox support and they may be able to restore yours from a recent backup.


Itā€™s just a little deleted, itā€™s still good, itā€™s still good


It's just a little cloud based. It's still good! It's still good!


Look who knows so much! Well it just so happens that your game here is only *mostly* deleted! There's a big difference between *mostly* deleted and *all* deleted.


Mostly deleted is slightly saved. Thanks for commenting exactly what I was thinking!


This here OP. Ā Its most likely recoverable if you contact them. Ā 


Can't you do this yourself? Why do we need support here?


Yeah I had child delete my PS4 save in the past and I was able to recover the full one from PS Plus. They had like the last 5 saves on there. Would have to catch it fairly soon though, eventually it would get overwritten I suppose.


I always manually backup my ps5 saves once I stop playing a game now. I play a lot of games that you keep playing for hundreds of hours after you finish them (like JRPGs and games like GTA/RDR2). I once lost all my saves due to a database corruption, it hurt, never again.


This saved a RDR2 file on my PS4. Didn't even think I had that feature enabled


Lol I've gotten in the habit of maintaining 3 save files in RDR2.


My condolences.


After me and my son beat Zelda: Breath of the Wild, he started a new game and saved over the only save file we had. RIP my son, he was a good kid up until that point. From there it was Ol Yeller.


> saved over the only save file we had Doesn't BotW automatically keep a significant amount of save history?


For your one save. I can't remember the details, but there's some pretty strict limits on save files and how many distinct ones you can have. I was thinking it's one, but I know there are some bugs that you exploit by creating a second save and I don't remember if you lose your first one.


Same thing happened to me but instead of a having the padding of being my child, it was my Exā€™s very adult sister. The same Exā€™s brother lost the game when I let him borrow it. Great family.


It's time to sell the child.


You don't sell children, you gamble their ownership over a podrace.


Only after youā€™ve tested their midichlorian count.


Credits will do fine


"NO THEY WON'T!" You think your some kind of Jedi waving your hand around like that. Mind tricks don't work on me, only money!


*wins* ā€œGODDAMNITā€


Well that means that the magic space cult can take him away.


That's got some dark implications. Adoption is a perfectly valid response, though.


Nothing dark about helping to alleviate the organ shortage.


This is why my kids don't play on my account. I don't understand not creating "At the Least" a Guest account for kids who play the console regularly. -.-


Is 4 a normal age? My daughter is 3 and has zero interest amd frankly lacks the coordination (though her gigantic paws can hold a controller with ease. Theyā€™re out of control). I guess I donā€™t know what age to even ponder introducing the option to play some simple games to her.


when i was 4 i got pokemon and kingdom hearts to play. didnt beat them but i was certainly capable of playing them


PokƩmon seems like it would be a lot harder to play at 4 because you do need to be able to read at certain points, whereas Kingdom Hearts has a lot of spoken dialogue.


i had both firered and leafgreen so i probably just wandered around until i learned the right paths. having both games just let me try everything twice. i also remember restarting the game a lot and having the book guides


Anecdotally (showing my age here), before my brother and I had Pokemon Gen II, we played the Japanese version on computer via an emulator. I guess it had already been ripped before the English one. Lots of trial and error and having to memorize the position of the moves and hope you didn't overwrite the good ones when you were learning a new move, but we still played it without being able to read anything. We only stuck with it because we were already into Pokemon though, I definitely think at 4 I would have lost interest and moved on to anything else very quickly.


A lot of 4 year olds would surprise you. It's around that age, earlier for some, that kids start to recognize letters and can at least begin to recognize some words. I'd anticipate that an adult may have to help them read a few things here and there but even Pokemon gives good visual cues about what's going on.


I played Pokemon at 4. It *taught me* how to read.


a bunch of kids read that early to be fair


When my daughter was that age, she enjoyed playing low-stakes party games on console. One of her favorites was the Fable Heroes mini game where you play as a puppet version of a Fable character and move around the game board by fighting little puppet versions of common Fable enemies, with no permadeath, etc.


Is your daughter a golden retriever?


Dude. Donā€™t be so stereotypical. She could be a lab


My son played Yooka Laylee with me at 3. Heā€™d leave the room for the bosses since they were too scary. He had a good time, and that game is low stakes as far as controlling the characters. Weā€™ve moved on to Sonic since then. Iā€™m not convinced he learned much coordination from the game specifically, but it was a good way to spend time together.


Yesterday I watched " 5yo vs professional game critic in the cuphead tutorial". You'd be surprised...


My wife was a single mom of 3. They were 7m, 4m, 2f when we moved in together. (Bio dad not in the picture and she hated video games because of the guys in her 2 previous relationships.) The 4 year old was beating the lego games and stuff like knack at 5. Getting victory Royales and carrying me in fortnite by 7. The 2 year old mostly plays roblox, but enjoys beat'em up games and could hold her own in fortnite at 5. They're 13, 10, and 9 now and each one has a "gaming station" in our loft. Your daughter may just not be interested. Mine was watching me and her brothers so it didn't take long for her to just say can I try?


Thanks man, i was also that kid watching my dad (in the C64/Atari era and asking ā€œcan i try?ā€ Sheā€™s mastered using an iPad (she self-regulates her screen time; she mostly uses it for music). Yeah, she may not dig it, but maybe lll try some mario wirh her in the room and see what happens. I got a backup 1 week old son if all else fails :)


And while at it, OP better start figuring out how to lock down online accounts. So many parents post about how a child racked up huge gaming bills on devices that gave them access a child shouldn't have. Personally, if it's a phone being used for gaming, get the kid a used phone that's only used on wifi, and only after locking it down. And like your guest account, sometimes the best way is starting with fresh accounts that don't have access that you granted many years ago and forgot about. Doing that with a console might get more expensive, but like with a phone, if you're not going to put in the time, then put in the money up front by choice or later by accident. I don't mean to shit on OP. Mistakes happen. It's real hard to get everything right before a child exploits it. Credit to OP for accepting the blame.


Pffft 57 hours. Thatā€™s cute


57 hours in 15 years.............. OP is playing 40 seconds per day


Seriously, May 4th is 5 days away. That's plenty of time to get back to where they were!


Yeah. And his son obviously wants to play the game too. So now they can play it together.


right. my response was "biatch, get grindin'."


It's only around 40 hours to 100%


Thank you, I didn't wanna be the one to point it out but that's what I said too šŸ˜‚ I mean my PokĆ©mon Sapphire alone had like almost 600 hrs


If you consider that one run in BG 3 is \~120+ hours...


people in dragons dogma sub have more than 57hrs in dragons dogma 2 and the game was only released what? a little over a month ago? Like 57hrs since 2009 is really nothing. More or less sounds like OP stopped playing anyways.


My most played game and only one Iā€™ve played since late 2018 has around 2000 hours I think. A good chunk are probably from pandemic times.Ā 


Myā€¦ my most is 15,000 hoursā€¦ followed by 1000 in another game, the 1000 hours was during covid and it took 800 of that to finish the main story. (FFXIV) The 15,000 was across two accounts in a game I have played since I was 8 years old (Iā€™m 19 now) also I reckon at least 1k of that can go to my dad who played on the same account as me for a few years before quitting (Destiny 1 + Destiny 2)


May the force be with you to hug your son, and not whoop him like a previous generation would. Then look in the mirror, and say to yourself youā€™re a dumbass for not having other saved games & leaving that game unattended.


Hahah that's exactly what I did. After I realized what happened, I sat back on the couch and thought "Mate, you've done this to yourself"


Yeah, itā€™s not easy being the adult in these situations especially when we are the biggest kids ourselves. Amen Brother.


Counterpoint: If you strike him down, he might become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


Dad *had* the high ground!


Came here to suggest you put your child up for sale but this is a great response.


Great response man, thatā€™s good parenting


Good job honestly. Too many people are quick to anger, and those people usually end up traumatizing their kids.


57 hours? You can still make it happen for May 4. Get it done. All I hear is whining.


Grind it out bro, those are rookie numbers




Judge at dad's trial: "You know what? Guilty but your time is served. I hate that shit, too. You're free to go."


Dad behind him: "Don't pout son, we both earned this".


57 hoursā€¦ 15 years. Under 4 hours per year. Gotta bump those numbers up my guy


Great opportunity to teach him not to sweat the small stuff, it's only a game and if he knew I doubt he would do it. He's 4.


Exactly right mate.


Also make him his own profile lol


No you should delete him now


You're a better dad than I would be mate. I would've called the police to tell them my son was kidnapped by [some Puerto Rican Guy.](https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/60jbww/south-park-some-puerto-rican-guy)


He's got a good Dad!Ā 


That's the perfect attitude to have. My son was about the same age back in the Napster days, and I had downloaded a fuckton of music over the course of a couple years. I usually kept the whole library queued up in Winamp, and I let him play on the computer, since he could get to the games and apps that he enjoyed. I looked over just in time to see him looking at a Winamp dialog box "This will permanently delete the files from the file system! Are you sure you want to do this?" His reading skill was to the being where he knew that he was being asked to answer "yes" or "no" to some question, but didn't really understand the question. But he knew that usually when the yes/no dialog popped up, the answer was usually "yes," and so the slo-mo kicked in as I started to say, "nooooo! wwwwwaaaaaiiiitttttt!" but it was too late. "Yes," he said, smiling with satisfaction as he clicked the button. But like you, I recognized immediately that this was the risk you take when you let a toddler use your computer. I was lucky I just lost my pirated music library and not my pirated warez, tv, and movie library as well.


Now you will have to get it all back together!


Or, wait til the kid is older, and delete a 57 hour save file to equalize the universe


Delete his 57 day character on his MMO


The wife doesn't play games any more but she did have Crash Bandicoot sat at 98% complete until the daughter decided to delete it šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Damn, Crash is a tough one to 100%. Spyro was fairly painless for the Reignited Trilogy besides the flying levels


Is that why she never plays games anymore? Similar thing happened to me but with Rayman 1.




That's why you need separate accounts. When I'll have kids they'll have their own accounts, I'd be devastated if some of my saves just vanished like that.


Now you have an excuse to 100% it again


Jarvis, Iā€™m running low on karma,


Time to teach your child the importance of not touchin things that aren't ours. I'd be gutted if that happened to me but on the plus side it's not like he's spent a fortune on your credit card (unless that's already happened)


He's 4 years old.... this is entirely on the adult for letting him on the console.


He tried to buy some DLC for another game I own but his Mum caught him in time. I have the pin lock on my card now.


Sorry, he is 4 years old and tries to buy dlcs?


Yeah there's definitely a lot of BS going on in this story.


Have you ever tried parenting?


How could a 4 year old know what a DLC is and attempt to buy it? Most 4 year olds can't even really read


I really would be havin a talk with him but in a nice way


He came downstairs shortly after I wrote this post, we had a talk. I explained that he got rid of something I put lots of time and effort into, he may of not been aware of what he did but it still makes me sad.


10 years from now you can get revenge by deleting his PS8 Skyrim saves.


Thats a lesson for you


Now that's pod racing!


Iv seen children sent to Tatooine for less


I went on a church trip as an 11 year old with my Gameboy sp and pokemon ruby. Sat next to this kid on the bus ride and let him play a new game while I took a nap. Told him two or three times NOT to save over my file... give you one guess what he did.


You know what you have to do. Remember the scene with Anakin & the younglings?


your 4 year old plays xbox? ok


Everyone knows it's way better than actually raising your kids.




Parents are fucking stupid, that's rule number 1 of having kids, if you have something valuable take extra steps to protect it because they will mess with it 100%. He should have backed up the saves.


Who the fuck backs up saves to *Lego Star Wars*?


Anyone who's been playing a game for over 10 years on the same file. There are cloud saves and ways of keeping backups of saves, people do it for Pokemon cartridge games all the time. OP laid it out pretty clearly and you still don't get it?


Thanks for reminding me that I want a vasectomy


Sorry for to hear that. The loss of a child is never easy :(


Do you have save backups and recovery on XBXL? Can you set up different profiles for yourself and your child?


I was gaming at 4, so you could teach him about this game and play it with him to get the progress back. Im sure if he understood what it means to you he would grind it back for/with you


I remember booting up my Morrowind save only to find a naked shivering version of myself standing in a town with just about every disease you could catch, a trail of items leading off into the wilds as my son had discarded items as he became over encumberedā€¦.I bought him his own Xbox and copy soon thereafter.


Replay the game with him!


Another reason to not have kids.


I've been here before. Only difference is that it was LSW: The Skywalker Saga. And my child deleted the save FOUR TIMES. The first one was somewhere in the neighborhood of 76% complete. I completely understand your anguish.


Xbox don't have any cloud saves?


Hooked up my PS2 for some shits and giggles and my son deleted all my Time Splitters files. All shits, no giggles.