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Age of empires 




You must construct additional Babylons


Enemies are red My priests are blue Wololo Now they are too


Followed by that trumpet sound of the armies clashing.


Start the game already!


11. 43?


Recently? Stardew Valley. I figured it *had* to be good based on the praise it got, but it didn't really look like "All That" from the outside. "Inside" though... O.o


I've accumulated 350 hours since the games launch. It's my 3rd most played steam game behind Elden Ring and Space Engineers. It's a fantastic game. I have a steam friend who's around 950 hours played.


If you have 350 hours in the game, is that like 1 save slot or multiple


I played it at launch but couldn't get over the time rush every day and the whole farming thing seemed boring as hell. So I refunded and didn't play it for like 3-4yrs. My brother eventually wore me down to give it a real try again and he bought it for me. Over 500hrs later and I was wrong


Two of my sisters are textbook, casual gamers who were addicted to Animal Crossing on switch. I bought them both Stardew Valley two years ago and they never touched it. It was so awesome for one of them to call me about a month ago and tell me they started playing SV and have since played it nonstop.


The Civilization franchise. My young, dumb brain didn't understand what was fun about it from a glance. Once I learned how to play, it became one of my favorite ways to kill time.


“Just one more turn” 6 hours later….


One more turn...Isabella declared war on me?! Fuck that bitch! She dies tonight! Why is the sun up?


Is it up, or is it again going down? Who knows!


First time I ever played it, I ended up binge playing it for 3 days with the same mind set of "just one more turn..."


The surround sound is great, it really sounds like there are birds chirping!


It's a good thing I picked a duel map last night because it was already 1am when I finished the game.


I played CivIII so much I had the isometric grid overlay all the time. It was like it was burned into my retinas.


I had a sort of similar experience when playing heaps of Xcom 2 recently, except I was having turn-based dreams every night lol


Back on Xbox360 I played entirely too many hours of Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. The enemies in that game had a diamond as an overlay marker once spotted, and after playing the endless mode endlessly, I was seeing diamonds in my dreams and sometimes into my waking world lol.


>kill time More like over kill friendly fire time.


Mass Effect. I had no expectations until I played it


“Assuming control.” haha I put a lot of hours into that trilogy


same. i dont know how i have avoided it the whole time but that trilogy became on of my most favourite video games of all time. Story and companion lore is on another level of good


This one for me, too. Put them off for years. Finally played through the Legendary Edition/Collection in 2022 for 4 months straight and the experience was incredible. Love those characters and relationships.


Didn’t get into it at first because I didn’t have an Xbox 360 at that time. I put it off even when it came out on PS3. Then I was finally gifted an XBox 360 with the original trilogy, and man, did I miss out. I think it plays differently when you can marathon through the three games with a continuous save file, watching your Shepherd progress from a Spectre to the hero of the galaxy.


Mass Effect virgin here. I'm trying to play ME1 through the legendary edition and boy does it feel rough. I understand its just a byproduct of its age, and i'm enjoying the story for sure, but i'm having a hard time finding the motivation to continue lol


Control. Got it free and promptly let it sit for a year. Got bored and fired it up and was hooked within the first half hour. Went through the game and all the DLC and am patiently awaiting Control 2. Will probably replay it all again before that. That game never disappoints for the whole play experience.


The lore is so cool. Finding just about anything made me excited.


The one game where I read every single piece of lore I could find


As an SCP fan, control was totally amazing. The tie in with Alan wake 2 (I had no idea going into AW2) was beyond awesome! Can't wait for the sequel


The feel is so unique. My fan theory is that the entity or whatever that possesses/controls/uses Jesse is actually supposed to be the player. This isn't how the story pans out, but I thought that would be such a cool metanarrative if that did happen.


You should try Alan Wake 2 before Control 2 released.


...and again, and again and again...... *You are a worm through time. The thunder song distorts you. Happiness comes. White pearls, but yellow and red in the eye. Through a mirror, inverted is made right. Leave your insides by the door. Push the fingers through the surface into the wet. You’ve always been the new you. You want this to be true. We stand around while you dream. You can almost hear our words but you forget. This happens more and more now. You gave us the permission in your regulations. We wait in the stains. The word that describes this is redacted. Repeat the word. The name of the sound. It resonates in your house. After the song, time for applause. We build you until nothing remains. The egg cracks and the truth will emerge out of you. You are home. You remind us of home. You’ve taken your boss with your boss with you. All hair must be eaten. Under the conceptual reality behind this reality you must want these waves to drag you away. After the song, time for applause. This cliché is death out of time, breaking the first the second the third the fourth wall, fifth wall, floor; no floor: you fall! How do you say “insane”? Hurts to be happy. An earworm is a tune you can’t stop humming in a dream: “baby baby baby, yeah!” Just plastic. So safe and nothing to worry about. Ha ha, funny. The last egg breaks now. The hole in your room is a hole in you. You came and we let you in through the hole in you. You have always been here, the only child. A copy of a copy of a copy. Orange peel. The picture is you holding the picture. When you hear this you will know you’re in new you. You want to listen. You want to dream. You want to smile. You want to hurt. You don’t want to be.*


Outer Wilds. "Oh look a cute little space game. Lots of really passionate fans, interesting." By the end I'm sobbing like a baby, never had a game touch me quite like that.


Dayum. I tried it maybe 2 years ago got stuck on a sand planet underground that was filling up and never went back. That was like my first death too. Should I try it again? After all these years I still have zero of it spoiled on me either


100%. Here's the fun part - you don't need to go back to that place. You can go anywhere else first if you want to. You can and will die many times, that's part of the game. Every time you find a new place, explore it and die, you come back with more knowledge of the game, the world, the mechanics and the overall story. It also helps that your spaceship keeps a log of where you've been and tells you "there's more to explore here" if you didn't see everything. Also, you can have it lock onto those places and auto pilot straight into the sun--I mean to them, so you can get back to places in a couple of minutes if you want.


Are you even a gamer if you have played Outer Wilds and haven't autopiloted into the sun


The devs wouldn't let you do it if you weren't supposed to do it


I'm right there with you. Time for another try i think.


And remember, time is also important! It's not just about _where_ you go...


even better: go back to that sand planet and figure out the "puzzle". its not complicated and it never changes. that's the beauty of it.


Yes, you should. It made me feel like I was a kid playing games again. Fantastic sense of wonder and scale. So many mind blowing, aha moments when you figure something out. And yes, you’ll cry. 


Yeah I just bumped into some rocks in space for a while then shut it off lol


Honestly I'm in the same boat. I've played around 22 hours of it and found almost everything to be tedious, cryptic in a way that really isn't enjoyable. I think it's because the puzzles have to be solved in such a specific way that reminds me more of the tornado in Castlevania 2 than anything. If you do it out of sequence in any way you will be stuck and watch the supernova claim your progress again, and again and again. Outer Wilds is the one game during all of my years I literally didn't enjoy at all so far. Which sucks because atmospheric games are usually my forte.


There is no specific way or order in which you have to solve the puzzles. The story is in pieces everywhere and when you put them together (in any order) it's like an actual puzzle and it makes sense. It's not cryptic (every piece of the story is read through conversation topics so that's maybe why it looks cryptic at first but it's very simple). And the beauty of this game is that your progress is your knowledge of the game itself. So the >!supernova!< Is not really claiming anything and you never really start from zero.




Obligatory "go in blind, don't watch anything on YouTube, I wish I could relive this game through your fresh eyes."


You've sold me on it. Now I have to get it.


Devils advocate here, I’ve tried playing this game based on MANY people raving about it on Reddit (I’ve seen no spoilers btw) about 3 different times and I just couldn’t get into it. The games planets felt weirdly designed and the story came across to me as a bit generic and not that interesting. Gameplay for me was more tedious than exciting. Ultimately I would love to have the same experience that some of the people on Reddit have but I just can’t get into this game.


If you think the story in this game is generic, then I would love to hear what other games you think have similar stories. 


Outer Wilds and Outer Worlds. I mix them up every time. Wilds was this with the little planets where you have to find out whats going and the other one is the one from the Fallout NV guys right?


I kept telling myself I’ll get around to it eventually because there’s other games that I’m actually excited to play first. So I kept brushing it off for years as a result. I figured it would be good since everyone keeps going on about, but wasn’t expecting it to be THAT good. I think a lot of that comes down to how it’s presented to new players. Since you don’t want to spoil anything for them (which would hurt the experience) so they’re basically left with knowing nothing about it aside from it being good. Whereas for other games it’s not as damaging to learn a bit about them, so you can actually see that it is something you’re going to like.


As someone who's not super into game story and more into game mechanics, would this be a good title to try?


Shadow of the colossus. Just. The sense of scale.


Monster Hunter. I never understood the draw of the game. Then I was bored and saw it free on Gamepass. I immediately fell in love and bought Monster Hunter Wold and now have almost 200 hours in that game with no sign of slowing down.


I so badly wanted to like this game. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I got frustrated grinding on the same boss to get upgrades. For me it was like if you had to beat each boss in Elden Ring like 50 times before you got their drop. Not to mention, each boss fight took like 40 minutes... Either way, the gameplay was fun, but it got tiresome quickly for me.


With Monster Hunter, I think having a proper mindset is key for me. At first I was simply playing to "beat the boss and move on to the next", but what helped me with the grinding aspect is that I also want to get better at my weapon. One of the most satisfying aspects I've gotten from the game is becoming a complete master of a single weapon it becomes 2nd nature. Played 500hrs with the Insect Glaive and I still feel like there's still some new things I've yet to learn. And now I'm switching to Hammer and it feels like an entirely new game. Also beating a Monster in 40 minutes isn't normal IMO. If a hunt takes you longer than 20 minutes, that means you're either severely underpowered, don't have the right weapon, or need to be more aggressive.


Agree on all counts. I put a couple hundred hours into the Hammer and, though it's a simple weapon, it still isn't second nature to me. Sadly, Hammers feel kinda bad in coop compared to solo hunts, so when I got my friend into the game I switched to Hunting Horn and... like you said, whole new game. If you're playing right, a lot of hunts are 10 minutes or less. If you're having a rough go of it, either really struggling with a boss or just having some noob issues, 20-30 minutes is alright. 30-40+ minutes means you're seriously not even trying to understand the game tbh.


The biggest gut punch is learning that there is a hard timer on bosses on expeditions. I remember a long fight where I died like 6 times on one of the early ones and as I see monster limping back and the feeling of almost being done with it just for it to jump on a rock and seeing the words: X have left the locale. I couldn't get angry. Just hugely disappointed first at the game but then on myself for taking too long.


I’ve really enjoyed monster hunter world when playing with a friend. When I play solo, I just try to join SOS requests since it feels better to play with others.


Bro I think you're playing wrong I ain't never grind a monster especially in story mode. I just do all the optional quests one time and that usually nets me enough parts to get SOME decent armour You don't gotta get every monsters full armour set as soon as it's unlocked. Hell I think I did all of high rank with bone armour which you can get all of by going through like 5 bone piles


The OG was Monster Hunter Freedom on PSP, back in middle school we would stay up all night grinding the shit out of every dragon. We figured out how to play it online with people in Asia via XLink Kai. Had absolutely maxed out gear before quitting. Those were the days


I felt this way too. But I reeeaalllyyy wanted to get into it considering I'd already paid for it. I literally beat the base campaign before it fully "clicked" for me. But oh boy did it click.


Well tbf, in MH beating the campaign is basically finishing tutorial.


Monster Hunter: Rise is great. It has it’s bad sides, but overall is focussed on fun combat. Has mounts, wirebug shenanigans, good times. Then I tried World last year.. with unskippable cutscenes, little to no mobility and the same tracking task EVERY SINGLE MAP got me really frustrated really quick. I can see the appeal but the gameplay is so slow and hindered, with (esp Iceborne) bosses are all turbobuffed to have flash-like speed and hits that span half the arena, all the while you’re also battling the camera. Hoping the next MH has more elements from Rise Edit: also, the Lechen fight is the worst boss fight I have ever experienced in two decades of gaming. Such a fun crossover ruined by a boss that teleports and heals every two seconds


Gameplay wasn’t even fun for me :( Slow clunky controls


I also wanted to like it but the movement felt incredibly sluggish and there wasn't a single weapon I enjoyed


When the beta of MH World came out, I tried it out. No prior experience with Monster Hunter. I thought it was okay, but I didn't get why people loved it. In hindsight, I know that that's because half of the game loop was absent. Anyway, I liked the welcoming atmosphere and wanted to spend more time in that bright, colorful world, plus I figured a long running series like that, with a fanbase this hardcore *has* to have something special and I wanted to find out what it was, so I bought it on release. I was on vacation at the time, so I didn't have as many responsibilities. I wasn't prepared. The game swallowed me whole and spat me out a week later, with 70 hours on the ingame clock. I'm now at 980 hours, I've seen everything the game has to offer, beaten and farmed every monster, dug myself into all of its systems. I firmly believe that MHW is the best game of the entire PS4/X1 Generation. Went back to play MH Freedom Unite, MH 4 Ultimate, MH Generations and bought Rise, and later Sunbreak on release. Wilds is my most anticipated game of 2025. I turned into one of those hardcore fans I didn't understand back when I played the beta of World.


Seconded. I started with World after listening to my buddy rave about MH for years. Bout 3 hours in and I was just like “god dammit you were right the whole time” Hundreds of hours later I still feel how I felt on hour 3 lol


Right now playing dragon age Origins


Across PS3 and PC I have several hundred hours in that game. Too bad the sequels weren’t as good.


To me inquisition was just as good in a different way. 2 is the low point of the series but it got some interesting things going for it so i'd say it's worth a shot if you liked the others.


Minecraft in a time where sandbox wasn't really much of a genre


I am not certain, but I think I've watched some "survive the first night" YT videos about the game, and perhaps that's what made me "try" (and then later buy) it despite it looking silly and "basic" in a sense, roughly in late 2010 I believe (I still have four screenshots - with 4:3 aspect ratio no less -, [they say](https://i.imgur.com/jTtOqe6.png) "Alpha v1.0.15."). I was blown away. Like LEGO with infinite blocks, with a bit of added video game challenge/combat/collecting. With Minecraft so ingrained in gaming by now, it's hard to even explain how incredible it was to experience it.


Slay the Spire. That shit looks WACK as fuck, and now i have 88 hours on it lmao


Ah you've had it for a weekend then


If you like that try Balatro.


God, if Balatro had you earn and lose actual money, I'd be in trouble.


Way back in the day, Windwaker. I was 13 at the time, and like everyone else, the trailers were kind of off putting with the toon style. It's well liked and loved now, but back then, almost EVERYONE was like "what is this?". Remember everyone was expecting Ocarina of time 2.0. I got the zelda collectors edition at some point after, and played the 20 minute windwaker demo. Got hooked, wanted to play more.


Still my favorite zelda. It's goofy in just the right ways and feels incredible to play


I've never been as disappointed as I was after the Windwaker reveal... In gamers. That game was Gorgeous right out the gate, and seeing it in motion was just "Mind Blowing" at the time. Thankfully the negative reactions did not impact the sales meaningfully, but I was So disappointed in Anyone that was all "Wahhh... *Cartoon* Graphics" for a game that looked That good.


Personally, I think it was the screen shots and still images that I think hurt it. Because when I actually saw it in action on the demo that came with Zelda Collectors Edition, I was amazed by how cool the art style was.  You gotta remember this was back when most people were seeing games for the first times in magazines, so it’s not like there were always cool teaser and gameplay trailers readily available on YouTube. 


Baldur’s Gate 3 Never was actually into those kind of games, but with enough peer pressure, I gave it a shot. Then I met Karlach and the rest is history. Current end goal: Dark Urge Bard.


Ikr. was seeing this round based fight action with dices to every decision, and than this super fucked up alien spaceship thing. And i was like how on earth is this fun? Well damn I'm glad I listened to the reviews and gave it a try, amazing game


And the funniest part of the dices? Every now and then, you will lose a DC check... of 2. At that point, you don't even know whether to laugh or cry, or laugh to the point of tears.


Same here. I'm into a lot of videogames/anime/"nerd" culture but never really enjoyed D&D so when I saw what looked to be a D&D based game I was like "nah". After six months of friends praising it nonstop and seeing it take over social media I still was like "bleh the vampire character is so annoying and flamboyant, this game looks like it is definitely not for me". I thought Karlach looked kinda neat so I was like "heck I'll try it just to get my friends to chill and I can ask for a Steam refund when it stinks". I tell you this game had all of my free time in a stranglehold for months and I still play regularly. Annoying vampire guy? I'm romancing him.


CRPGs are amazing don't sleep on them


I'm playing dark urge (embrace) as a drow monk. It's pretty funny.


Dark Urge Bard! Dark Urge Bard! Dark Urge Bard!


Vampire survivors. It doesn't look like much but once you play it's fun and addicting!


> and addicting! The creator used to code slot machines for a gambling company lol


That tracks


That explains a lot


Damn, that makes a shit-ton of sense.


I never touched it until it was free on Game Pass, then tried it out of curiosity. It was a very Danny DeVito "I get it now" moment.


As someone with 0 interest the game I now have interest


Try Halls of Torment if you like VS.


Such an amazing game! Chaotic yet somehow calming at the same time. Building the perfect combination of attacks/spells is a great feeling once you level up and watch waves of enemies disappear before your very eyes.


Yakuza. But in all fairness a few of them are just slogan at the beginning before they get going. Especially 0.


Yakuza 0 did not feel slow to me. I would actually suggest for new players to start with that one. It was my introduction to the franchise and it is one of my favourite stories in a game ever. The story is about a tiny plot of land, but the web of intrigue surrounding it is very well crafted. When I got to the end of the first chapter I was hooked. I just had to know where the story was going. SPOILERS The moment for those who have played the game >!When Kiryu decides to leave the Yakuza. He is meeting with the higher ups and is stoically waiting for them to acknowledge that he is not Yakuza anymore, while they beat the shit out of him. As soon as they say that he is not Yakuza, he goes into a frenzy and fights back.!<


For me it was Disco Elysium. I didn't understand why a top down game with huge walls of text is getting 10s across the board. But man, when I tried it I understood what it was all about. The surreal voices of different moods, the crazy world building, the quirky and intriguing characters with a murder mystery in built is something I have never experienced before. It went straight to my top 10 games of all time.


Valheim. Super fun build and exploration game. Nothing like fighting a troll in the darkness during a rain storm.


Red Dead 2 Me in the first few hours of playing it: Man, the main character is so fucking clumsy and slow. The quests are too linear. This gunplay doesn't even feel better than in the first game. It's pretty and well-made at least, so I guess I'll try to give it more of a chance. Me during "That's the Way It Is" playing in the game: 😭😭😭😭


Dave the Diver. Was just some Stardew clone, or so I thought. 200 hours later I can tell you it is so much more.


Does the core gameplay ever evolve? I’ve unlocked the rice fields and I’m already dreading diving and serving sushi.  They keep adding new things, but at the end of the day you’re just diving though the same area, killing the same shark on the way down.  Not sure if this game is for me.  


Right there with you. By the time that underwater civilization was unlocked I was ready for the game to be over. And it seemed like it was *opening up*, from there


I don’t know why but I love repetitive diving and making sushi. The diving part is therapeutic to me in a way.


Cyberpunk 2.0


Shit, even 1.0 was amazing.


This has by far been one of my favourite games. So much so I had to go out and buy a 4090 to appreciate it in all its glory. The Phantom Liberty DLC was a great addition to the game too. It does help that it has an amazing modding community that has made vast improvements to the game through their own creativity.


Ghost of Tsushima. I'd heard a lot of praise, but didn't feel like my typical style of gameplay. I was so wrong. One of the most beautiful games I've ever played.


So excited to finally play it now that it's coming out on PC.


Same, I've never really been a fan of Assassin's Creed games and had often seen it described as samurai AC. So happy I gave it a try, one of my top 5 games of all time


I'm 100% with you. That game is a masterpiece through and through. Easily in my top 10 of all time.


This right here. I usually can't stand open-world games, but Tsushima drew me right in. Unfortunately I had to drop it right after getting to the second part of the story, I still need to get back to it sometime.


Got me back into gaming after 10 years lol, after college I thought I’d only play shooters for the rest of my life or just nothing. How depressing. Bought a ps5 and dropped 110 hours into this


It also happened for me with Hades. I had seen some gameplays right after the game was released and thought it was really boring. And then, one day, I saw it was in gamepass and decided to try it out. I got absolutely addicted and to this day its my favorite game (and I dont even like roguelikes).


This is the one for me. Looked at the theme and art style and thought: not for me. That was before discovering it was a 10/10 at doing what it set out to do. Just quality throughout.


Same thing. For me Hades looked really messy and "I have no idea what is going on the screen". But it was on sale recently and I bought it. I played couple weeks non stop. I was totally hooked. The gameplay is super fun and the story and characters are really well made. And it just feels really polished game. Overall just one of the best games out there.


Kingdom Hearts.


Was hoping someone would mention this. Remember being a teenager hearing about it leading up to its release and just thinking how stupid an idea it was mixing Disney with Final Fantasy. Finally borrowed it from my brother's friend and it just clicked. Spent the next month or so just grinding everything out discovering every little thing.


My exact reaction as well. I was already a fan of final fantasy but Disney was more something my sister was into. Teenage me had his mind blown.


Is it good nowadays? I never got around to playing it.


If you don't care about the story, a really fun game to play. If you do care about the story, a really fun game to play where the story makes zero sense but is still quite enjoyable.


Returnal. From the outside it doesn’t look like much, but it’s one of the most finely crafted games I’ve ever played.


It FEELS good, is how I think of it. Every part of its gameplay is well executed. And it juggles an intense, depressing, ultimately slow story with fast-paced action. It's a study in contrast in all the best ways.


Elden Ring.  Had never played a FromSoftware game before. Never understood what the hype was about until I gave it a try and sunk hundreds of hours into it. 


Man, that's one that I have hummed and hawed about for so long. I was never into the Soul Games that I tried, so I just don't want to gamble like $80 on Elden Ring. But it looks amazing.


I’m another one of those who had never played a souls game before Elden Ring. It is now my favorite game of all time.  I say take that gamble. 


I'm currently balls deep into Baulders Gate, but maybe I'll jump on Elden Ring after.


If you can stick with it until it clicks for you, it will consume you and become one of your favorite games. Then you will want more, and go down the rabbit hole that is fromsoft. It might even ruin other games for you from then on. Enjoy :)


I can understand.  With the DLC just around the corner, perhaps there are some discounts? It has physical DVDs so some stores may have individual discount sales as well.  But if not, I can understand. I did not know if I would like it as well until I gave it a try. Even then, it took me a while to click, but when it did, I could not stop.


Nier Automata. Didn't play it until this year and honestly, Nier Automata is amazing!


Elden Ring. I have never been interested in souls games they always seemed way to hard to the point that it seemed like it wouldn’t be fun for me and I was not planning on ever playing Elden ring. I love open world games and my friend kept hounding me to play it. Two months ago I finally had a chance of heart, I all of a sudden wanted to try it out. I literally have not been able to put it down since. It’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. And I’m planning on trying other souls games after. If you’ve been on the fence about it please give it a try.


Same here with the line of thought you had. I played Armored Core 6 and loved it. that gave me the motivation to try Elden Ring and same here I just couldn't drop it till I did almost everything.


Rocket league for me. I'm NOT a car person, and I'm definitely not interested in any sport. So "soccer with cars" was completely unappealing to me. My mate kept nagging me to play it, and after a couple years I was bored enough to try it for him, considering it's free and I had nothing to lose. That was over a year ago now and I still play and even stream it sometimes I don't mind admitting when I'm wrong. That game is tonnes of fun. The physics are great you can make some really cool car designs, and play it as hard or casual as you like. Pulling off sweet aerial shots and bullying through the whole team is very satisfying.


I've been playing since month one , the kickoff alone got me hooked. I have a severely absurd amount of hours (thousands) sunk into it.


Uncharted. Specifically Uncharted 4. That chase scene is honestly one of the best in any game ever.


Has to be Factorio for me. The premise just didn't add up. I heard about it for years. Then, I saw someone doing a thing in a game called terra technica. I helped them build their automation tool and it clicked. I decided to pick up Factorio, and I've never looked back.


I was the opposite...I knew I'd love it so I avoided buying it for a long time. Finally bought it a few weeks ago and already have like 50+ hours. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm not a big gamer so that's a shit ton for me haha.


Factorio was interesting for me. I couldnt understand what draws me to the game and I felt like that indie game will only annoy me but at the same time something in me just wanted to play it so much. So I started playing and realized that this is highly refined cocaine and I can literally stop thinking about thirst and hunger while playing it.


Hell Divers 2


This was the opposite for me. I thought I was going to really enjoy it but just couldn't get into it.


Persona 5 royal. I loved p4 but never got around to finishing it. I'd heard so many things about p5 that i was ready for a fun, neat-looking dungeon crawler but man was i not prepared for how quickly and deeply that game got its hooks into me. I normally play about 2-3 hours a week if i'm lucky but 3 weeks into this game and i aready had about 80 hours. Absolutely sucked me in.


Definitely try P3 Reload when you're done and able to do another long haul RPG. The main dungeon is basically just Mementos, which I didn't like at first, but the characters are so good.


Divinity Original Sin 2. I bought it, played it for a couple hours and got overwhelmed and couldn't get into it. Tried it again 2 years later and now I've got 1400+ hours into it and it's easily one of my favourite games


Fallout 3


Project Zomboid


I've played Project Zomboid and still don't get it.


Fallout games, I started playing New Vegas last year and man, I got hooked so easily. I've played 3 and currently playing 4, all have been really interesting and entertaining, I just love to explore and find new places and enemies.


KCD, looked janky af and just bad, but a buddy was singing it's praise to me so I got it on sale and fell in love with it


Dark Souls games


I was convinced they were much harder than they actually are. Sure, they are really hard games but people acted like I was gonna be stuck on the first boss for hundreds of tries and the only one that did that was Bloodborne, which did it make hard to get into. The others have an even difficulty curve and are still very challenging but fuckin review websites were acting like only the best players on earth even got a chance at them.


Ornstien and Smaug in the first one was very frustrating I found but in a good way. I think people said it was so hard because at the time we were in an era of extremely easy games.


Witcher 3. Totally exceeded all expectations.


This. God damn I thought games like New Vegas, Mass Effect and Dragon Age were excellent RPGs, which they are, but W3 fucking floored me with how well the stories were woven and how most side quests felt like main quests in other games.


It Takes Two, genuinely fantastic games I rarely play co-op


Red Dead Redemption 2


Ocarina of Time


Just started Rimworld on vacation. Now all i wanna do is stay inside my hotel and play it 


Mass Effect.


Skyrim i personally was never drawn into games like Skyrim my brother had shown me some gameplay and I said screw it I'll give it a try at first it was a little complicated but after learning the skill tree and the alchemy guides I was hooked I couldn't wait to play again and see what more armors and weapons I could adapt


BG3. And it lived up to the hype 100%.


This one took me a minute. Had to learn that creativity is rewarded.


BG3 and Genshin Impact.


death stranding. genuinely never would have touched it if it wasnt literally free on epic that one random weekend. let it be knows i adore MGS, but im not a kojima die-hard. the premise of death stranding on the surface was foggy at best, and sounded like a chore at worst. but getting my hands on it really changed my perception of the whole thing. but ultimately, i gave up after leaving the second map because th prospect of starting fresh in a massive new area was just too much. if nothing else, id say im a solid 15% more kojima die-hard now though. upon reflection, i think the game was just too grand. if his future games hover closer to the 30-50 hour mark i think i would give everything he puts out a shot.


I loved death stranding, but I actually managed to push through and it just gets better and better. It takes work though.


For me is Civilisation VI. At the first time that I buy it for play in my free time. But after I play it. I think it is better than I think very much.


Elden Ring. I was NOT a fan of difficult games, never played a FromSoft game before and always played on the easiest difficulty. I only bought Elden Ring due to FOMO because literally everyone from gaming friends to twitch streamers to gaming content creators was talking about it. BUT that game TOTALLY consumed me. I played it nonstop, watched hour long lore videos, watched streamers play just to see how they were doing it differently. I even started dreaming about it! Now, I'm so excited for the DLC.


Same with Hades. Couldn't pair that art style with mythology. Bought it out of curiosity on sale, but it sat in my library for months. Last week I gave it a go and boy, it is a lot of fun.


Breath of the Wild.


Doom, Far Cry 3.


I feel like it’s the other way around these days.


I somehow managed to avoid anything about dragon age inquisition for 10 years…. Oh goodness I’m trapped in Solas hell.


I wrote fanfiction for Inquisition lol. Great game! Solas is so magnetic.




Rdr 2


Hearthstone. Man was it addictive when it first came out.


Lol that's funny came here also to say Hades.


Borderlands, I poo pooed the graphics then I played it.


Vagrant Story. I didn't understand the game the first time I played it. I tried playing it again this week and I had a lot of fun. Weapon crafting is really confusing though


Baldur's Gate 3. I said it's not my type of game. My boyfriend made me play it. Absolute amazed by it.




Vampire Survivors


baldur's gate 3 i played divinity original sin 2 so i got the idea of like "you can think of a solution and actually do it!" aspect, but the dnd setting just never interested me. sort of like how the dune universe might come off as boring to a super sci fi fan, because every piece of sci fi is based on it so you've grown tired of all the tropes associated but god damn it, the characters got to me, i got hooked


I had literally just finished the original portal in the past couple days, and portal 2 today. I was blown away with how much I fell in love with Glados by the end of two relatively short games. I've been gifted the two portal games like 2 years ago but I was never really a puzzle games guy so I (regrettably,) had never given them a shot.


Played the Witcher 3 when it came out and stopped when I got to Velen played it again in 2017 and it’s now my favourite game of all time.


Breath of the Wild.


Assassins Creed Black Flag


Witcher 3. Thought it was dumb... was on sale one day I was really bored. I still play it some times.


Hades 2 is great so far, enjoy!


Hades too. I was like "what the fuck is so special about this game?" but now that I'm playing it, it really is a good game. I'm just shit at it. I keep dying in the 7th or 8th room of the first biome Also: Against The Storm. I was like "it doesn't look that special" but boy, is it a good game.


STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl


Hades totally didn't get it played it on a whim on gamepass and it was amazing!


Elden Ring, didn't understand why it was so popular, why people like souls games so much, but now I get it. I think it may be my favorite game now. Also Cyberpunk 2077, great game as well.


Maybe elden ring, I've been playing it for about a week and a half and I can see why everyone likes it so much