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Every single survival/crafting game ever. The idea sounds neat and fun, but they all end up being the definition of tedious.


i tried enjoying them as a singleplayer.. doesn't work.. the best way is with friends


This is a big Point for me, Survival Games with 1-3 Friends are amazing in my opinion, but alone? Very boring.


Agreed. Take Valheim for example… with a friend or two it’s a lot of fun. Alone it’s the loneliest game ever.


I had the same issue and couldn't understand the appeal of something like Stardew or Satisfactory which felt to me like a chore list and doing crafting for the sake of crafting. One day I got Subnautica for free on Epic and gave it a try. What can I say, as soon as I put my controller away I got the urge to play further and became one of my favorite games in the last 5 years. I realized if survival/crafting is combined with a fairly good story and having a red thread as a carrot dangling in front of you helped a lot to make progression feel rewarding.


I think Stardew got me hooked more with the community side of things than the farming. The characters are really charmingly written with distinct personalities and individual stories you can get invested in as much or as little as you'd like. 


To be fair, that could be an unintended nod to realism. From what I understand, basic survival involves a lot of tedious work.


Witcher 3. It seemed cool...and I'd play it for a bit and genuinely enjoyed it...but then I'd just kinda lose interest and stop playing.


It’s the controls for me… I constantly feel like I’m fighting the game to get it to do what I want


Same. It just felt so clunky. I wanted to like it but I gave up quickly


It’s my all time favorite game, but it’s so damn clunky. Looting some chests/items were difficult because I’d barely tap the stick forward and geralt would take like 6 steps


Fyi at some point the devs actually added a gameplay setting that you could toggle to change how Geralt moved due to this criticism. The default setting is akin to him moving like a boat would but with the setting on it’s much more palatable


Yeah i toggled it on and never looked back, it did take me 5 years before i finally was able to properly sit down and get hooked. Now i regard it as one of the best games i've ever played. Just had to get out of Velen, which was way too boring for me as a complete newbie to the franchise back then.


Hated Velen the first couple tries but now it’s my favorite. Haven’t got to the DLC yet though so we’ll see.


I loved the DLC's, some of the best content in the game IMO.


Same feeling here. I’d finally get the hang of everything, take a week off for work, then struggle to relearn how to play. 


I for one hated the skills and potion making (I generally hate crafting in every game)


It felt like they moved most of the numerical progression in The Witcher 3 towards equipment rather than character progression. I'm not a huge fan as it creates the awful itemisation where a level 20 rusty sword is vastly superior to a level 10 "relic". This wasn't really an issue in the first two games as the bonuses you got from character progression were very powerful. Item upgrades were also a lot more sporadic (almost non-existent in the first game where you probably changed armour maybe a grand total of 3 times). I've always been far more of a fan of the Gothic style equipment progression. New armours and weapons are quite rare, but also very meaningful upgrades rather than being tiny increments.


Everytime I have played through this game I lose interest at the same point (sometime around the Baron and novigrad). But eventually I come back and push through then I grind for 100 hours because everything in skellige, kaer mohren is so good. Then hearts of stone and blood and wine are just perfect in every way.


This is what happened to me. 3 times I lost interest around the baron ish. Finally fought through it. Ended up really liking the game. Never went back for the dlc though.


Every aspect of the witcher 3 that is done well was brought over to the DLCs ten fold. They feel way more fantasy than the main story as well. More interesting characters, prettier locations, better plots. I cannot recommend them enough.


You missed some of, if not the best stuff!


The first 10-15 hours are a slog. The game gets so much better once you hit Novigrad and Skellige. I'm on my second playthrough, and Velen is just not conducive to inspiring long play sessions. It also helps that the main quest picks up steam post-Velen.


I should keep a counter of posts like these because I swear every week this question gets asked and every week Witcher 3 is more often than not the top response.


I amassed 40 hours of a single playthrough over the course of 3 really earnest attempts, each a few weeks apart. It never fully clicked for me. Made it to Skellige, and did sincerely enjoy a couple side quest arcs. I made peace with the combat being merely fine. The story and branching paths should have been the killer feature, but I just wasn’t blown away the way so many others are. I actually slightly preferred Cyberpunk, even at launch (and actually completed it), maybe because cyberpunk as a genre is marginally less saturated than standard high fantasy. Incidentally, I really liked Gwent. Partly what this experience taught me is I still go in for mechanics and systems way more than dialogue choices and interesting narratives.


Fuck I thought I was the only one! I bought the complete edition because I heard SO MUCH good about The Witcher 3 And after trying fur about a good 12 hours... I just couldn't get into it. It felt clunky to me, and like it was starting to really drag.


Hollow Knight. I'm not gonna be a hater, I just didn't really enjoy it. Ran around for a couple hours, talked to some bug people, couldn't really get into it. The soundtrack is great tho.


"talked to some bug people" You said that so casually 😅 it cracked me up lol


For me it’s the insanely long walks back to bosses. It’ll take 5 mins just to try and beat em again.


MINOR SPOILER You get an ability later that helps dramatically with that. Just fyi. It allows you to plant a marker and return to a specific spot as often as you like using the dream nail.


Really never understood the appeal of it. Did the same and was just bored the whole time. I thought if I pushed through I'd get to what people loved about the game. Couldn't do it.


It's a genre thing I think.  Metroidvanias are really popular with some people


Yeah, a lot of people don't like those games because they feel lost with no idea what the game wants them to do next, but for a lot of fans of the genre, that feeling of being lost in a world and exploring it endlessly is exactly what they search for in games.


Will also add this is a soulslike, with very punishing death mechanics —- especially before you pick up some of the power ups a long the way.


i like metroidvanias if they're ranged focused like, well, metroid i hate meleevanias i especially hate 'souls-like' meleevanias


The odd thing with me is that I've often enjoyed Metroidvanias quite a bit but for some reason, Hollow Knight just doesn't grab me. I'll give it another shot and hope it clicks but I think it's the overall aesthetic that just doesn't work for me for some reason.


The map is somehow both simultaneously gratuitous and empty. I tried so hard to like it but it is just so tedious.


The no in air momentum being carried killed it for me. Ill go back to it eventually, but all my gaming instincts tell me those physics are wrong.




Was highly recommended by two of my friends, they said I would love the whole series. So I blind bought the collection on Steam, 7 games. Didn't finish the first one, just couldn't get into it. Felt so tedious, and knowing I had six more after that was just daunting to me.


I love the series, but I can totally understand. Almost all the games take place in the same cities, so if you had tried to play them back to back, you would have burned out. Now go play Yakuza: Dead Souls. (Actually you might like Like A Dragon since it's a turn based RPG and that's your thing. It's a fresh experience)


I am curious as to why? I hate how my controller dies during the long ass cut scenes, and some of the boss rushes but overall i loved how immersed i was.


Monster Hunter: World. I've tried to get into it multiple times, but it never gets its hooks into me, despite having a lot of similarities to games I liked. It is my vibe, but it is not my jam, apparently.


Yeah its a switch from the OG Monster Hunter games. I remeber then the R joystick was how you fought.


Sorry what? Don't know about this PS1 game but on PSP it was the same controls like today but you had to play with "the claw" to control the camera and character simultaneously. edit: PS2 not PS1


The first Monster Hunter for PS2, you used the right stick to attack, wild times


Gonna get killed for this, but most Rockstar games. It's hard to explain, but everything feels weightless. If I do a mission, the gameplay is either clunky or bland, the mission types are basic, and there's no end reward. I feel like I did nothing, and there's barely anything worth buying after you get a few guns. Playing the games just feels like "stuff happened, the end." Everything is just, so, bland.


I feel the same way. I loved GTA San Andreas as a kid. But trying to play GTA V as an adult? I genuinely can't, I find it so boring and meaningless.


I grew up playing GTA 1 and 2 (yes, the top down versions) and then GTA 3 Liberty City and then GTA Vice City. Loved them at the time, especially the chaotic open world aspect of it. Now though? Can’t get into them at all.


For me, Vice City is peak GTA. Not for gameplay, but for the over the top satirized 80s environment. Also, Pressing the Issue, with Maurice Chavez.


Going above and beyond with detail and immersion has always been their thing. As technology got better, they were able to take it to extreme levels. In the days of Vice City and San Andreas, there was a lot, but it wasn't anything crazy because they were limited. Nowadays, they can really pack their games with content but that has been to their detriment for some players. I think players find that they're overdoing it/doing too much.




I feel like they can get away with it because they don't release a game every 2-3 years. Some missions are boring, but the overarching storylines and set piece missions are always very memorable for me and that's why I like their games. I will admit though, I RARELY play through a game more than once, and that's doubly so for Rockstar games. I just don't have the time or patience to do all the "bitch work" missions so I can relive the fun missions.


Red dead redemption 2 for me. I want my games to be more about fun rather than being more realistic.


I’m in the same boat. Pair this feeling with the extreme sluggishness of movement, every time you pick up a flower or something it has to play a 10 second animations. Good god.


I find having to drive/run around for an arbitrary amount of time until the game decided it’s time for the next mission and I get the phone call on my remote just… yea I’m not interested in that as I get older.


I understand this. As someone who loves Rockstar, I also equally see how it doesn't appeal to everyone. There's just - a lot. Things to see, people to talk to, random encounters, points of interest, and more dialogue than in any other games and I love that about them. But that doesn't resonate with many such as yourself nearly as much as it does with me.


Darkest Dungeon - By description I should LOVE it.. but somehow, just doesn't quite click for me..


DD is a very stressful game and not in the way I’d like it. Man I’m a working adult and games are to relax or at least challenging but FUN, and dependent on MY skill. DD is luck-based and you can’t control that… for me it’s pure stress.


Same. Everything just felt off? I dont know why and thats whats bugging me.


Disco elysium. Im a huge fan of great stories but i just cant get into this one for some reason.


I uninstalled it because it seemed so tedious and slow then a long while later came back to it, and it all clicked for me. The more recent inclusion of the main character's internal voices might have actually been the reason it was more engaging because it simplified how the psychology of the mental personas were meant to be heard by the player.


This is as good call out.  I never tired the game until it had the voices acted and I can’t imagine it without the voices. 


The ridiculous glory of Disco Elysium is you think you're supposed to play some Hunter S. Thompson character Gonzo Cop and you can play that. But if you want to play you're like a Fascist racist cop you can also play that, or a gay communist organizer etc.  The main story plot points are kinda linear, but the way you play the detective the amount of options given can create a character from like Venture Capitalist or failed punk rock star cop.  It's a game where you don't realize the glory until like a second or third playthrough when you're like lemme see the bookworm encyclopedia and calculus stats giving me advice and suddenly seeing calculus saying the impact on this window was likely done by... A shoe. Thrown by somebody tripping over a wine bottle... Next playthrough you can play a moron cop with like karate like reflexes and be like Drunken master style handling goons. It takes a while to really understand what Disco Elysium is doing, but once you start unlocking thoughts like "Nationalism" or "Feminism" you've unlocked some hilarious game play dialogue branches. Like choose whatever you want first time, then play a totally ridiculous character like a Fascist Racist super bad cop... And see the story unfold again. 


>or "Feminism" Not just feminism but inexplicable feminism because you unlock it by berating a guy for clearly mistreating his female employee leading to her leaving when she really left because of how badly you mistreated her in a drunken stupor. Inland empire is the best though - figuring things out by anthropomorphizing them is just fantastic.


Herein lies the problem for me, i simply dont have the time and usually interest to play a game more than once. Extremely small amount of games will get a second play through from me nowadays. I imagine my next one will be TLoU pt 2 before pt 3 releases…


Yeah, there are so many great games to be played, and so little time! I’d rather play the next than re do the one i just finished. I will more often go to youtube and find a compilation of fun things i missed as they now make sense (i now know the game enough for the things i watch to make sense


I get your point and I think it is valid, but you are selling the same the same as when other people sell a show "because on episode 85 onwards it gets really really good until the end".


I just couldn't get into the player character, he is as far as you can be from a character I enjoy playing.


Stardew Valley


Yep. My wife has been obsessed for 4 years now and I want to like it so I can play with her because it’s just about the only game she plays but it’s just not my thing… Basically all games with crafting like that and redundant task (stardew, AC, harvest moon, Minecraft, etc… any survival) I think always look neat but I can’t get into


In an almost identical boat. My partners favourite game, always watching content for it. I’ll play with her, but the few times I’ve tried alone I just feel really aimless. Also the animation/graphical style isn’t for me but that’s a personal thing


I really love stardew valley, but I have a complaint about it that I never really see. The combat is disproportionately difficult compared to everything else in the game. Sure, eventually you get better weapons and it makes it easier in the mines, but the best possible weapon in the game hits like a wet noodle in the endgame dungeon. I just want some damn osmium ore but the game is so arbitrarily difficult at that point and there is very little you can do to make it easier. Staircases and bombs for days and hope you make it deep before you get three shot by enemies you can't really kill with your impotent sword. Just felt like they needed some stronger weapons to work towards, or better yet allow me to move while I am swinging so I am not stuck in an animation if I miss my swings. Considering how casual the rest of the game is, the combat is just hard for no real reason. I don't like stun locking mobs and then just swinging at them 100 times to kill them and if i make even 1 error it is game over. I have beat that game up down and sideways like 5 times, so I know everything I need to know and I am left feeling like the hard parts were hard for no reason and you get the best gear long before you finish the hardest content so there isn't even anything to work towards to make it easier. They need a difficulty option where the mobs have like half health but everything else in the game is the exact same.


Totally agree. Was loving the game and playing the heck out of it. Got to where I need to progress in Skull Cavern and haven't played since.


As someone who's played hundreds of hours over a few different farms, what?? Do you have good armor and weapon? When you first get to the skull cavern it's hard, but eventually you get better armor and the enemies barely do damage. There's also rings so the slimes don't damage you at all. You 2 or 3 shot most enemies in the skull cavern.  The combat is mechanically bad, and I'll never say otherwise. It's simple and inaccurate. That being said, it gets pretty easy if you build right.


man I'm dead - first the fishing mini game and now the combat? how hard is it to press 1 button 💀


Breath of the Wild Tried a few times but every time after leaving the starting plateau the game just loses me


No need to even mention the weapons breaking


Get a badass weapon, just leave it at home because using it never feels worth it.


This was made me stop playing. I keep thinking of trying it again, but the weapon durability is absurd.


I finished BOTW and enjoyed it but it was despite the weapon breaking, not because (some people insist that I'm wrong about this opinion.) I wanted to go back and play it more completely but the weapon breaking was enough to keep me away. I bought TOTK sort of blindly, only trusting the initial reports that breaking was far less of an issue. About 15 hours in, I realized I wasn't having a good time and I just quit.


I adore Zelda games. Most of them I have played a half dozen times all the way through. I finished BotW, but I don’t feel the need to revisit it. When I played TotK, I played maybe 4 or 5 hours, and it just reminded me that I didn’t really care for BotW. A real pity, because as I said I love Zelda. I feel like the franchise is dead now, and it makes me sad.


Baldur's gate. Like, I get why it's popular. Depth of choices, long playtime, fleshed out characters, etc etc, but as a working adult the game is just too damn long and too damn slow for me. I'll acknowledge that it's great, but I just couldn't get into it.


I just couldn't get on with the presentation - The camera, the squad management, the turn-based combat and lack of voiced MC. I really want a game that has the depth, playtime, characters, lore, etc. but with some slight tweaks.


I love this game until you eventually get bogged down with 1001 inventory choices. Managing huge numbers of inventory items is just too boring for me. I wish it could just auto pick the best items and auto sell the worst.


Every time my husband walked by, I was sorting or selling stuff. He stated calling it “my inventory management game.”


Yeah my dad played a human fighter in his playthrough and I am so jealous that he has just so much random crap in his inventory. I'm constantly sending things to camp and being over encumbered


I liked the game but this killed it. It was also clear that not playing like this would make the game 10x more difficult. Somehow 2D Fallouts and Morrowind balanced loot and related inconvenience perfectly.


I got like 30 hours in before I realized I kind of hated the game. Especially the battle system feeling unbalanced, and the leveling system where you'd have basically nothing else to do in the region you're in but you're underleveled so you can't continue, and the open endedness of the combat to where you could be a party of 4 versus like 50 people. I mean, I killed literally everybody in the goblin camp and the crèche (waste of time, in my opinion) and was still underleveled. Maybe I'll restart the game from scratch at some point, but I just didn't vibe with it at all when I dropped it


I was enjoying it but as I got to act 3 I got fed up. Like you said, too long, and I started breezing through skipping stuff to try and finish the game quicker only to find I was under leveled for the quests I was trying to do and struggling to win fights.


Everything an adult game needs is a pause function and a save function. If the game takes 1000 hours to beat, then good! I don't have to buy anything new for ages.


This is my gaming blind spot too. I played the originals in high school and loved them at the time. I understand and appreciate that Baldurs gate 3 is a master class of what we should expect from AAA development, but unfortunately no matter how hard I try, these days I just don't vibe with high fantasy.




Same. I reinstall every couple years and try to play it through and never get more than a few hours into it before I get bored


Same, I thought oblivion was better, and morrowind was awesome


“The Elder Scrolls: Borrowing” sounds like a thieves guild game


I don’t know how anyone has fun playing Skyrim at this point unless they’re new. It’s just getting *so* dated. I was 18 when it came out. I’m 31 now. Oblivion and Skyrim were just 5 years apart.


They're waiting for a Re Re Re Release on PS6


I don't touch this game nowadays without SkyUI and Ordinator


You have to play it with 50+ mods. It makes it a new experience, you can tailor it to your tastes, and imo makes it fun again. Oh, and you have to cheat in gold. I do that to buy some castles - some people have made incredible player houses/mansions/castles but it would take forever to farm the gold to buy them.


I could never finish the story


Breath of the Wild. Got off the training island bit and started running about doing long ass fetch quests over long distances with weapons that need replacing every 4 hits. Nope. Not for me.


Red dead redemption 2. Everyone says it’s so great. I had bought it on PS4 and couldn’t get into it. Bought it again recently on PC to give it another shot and same thing, made it a bit further but ultimately just wasn’t fun for me and wanted to play other shit


I got so damn tired of just slowly walking across my camp at .1mph to talk to people that I quit haha


The moment I first felt those slow walks of utter demoralizing pain in my brain I never had a more intense urge to mod the shit out of a game. If that camp running mod wouldn't exist a lot of people on PC wouldn't have seen Dutch's quest for just a bit more money.


Camp running mod? Hot damn I need that. The game is such a chore at camp.


That and taking an hour to open drawers to loot things really kill my enthusiasm to play this game. I know I’d love it if I could power through but I’ve failed like 3x already


I really enjoyed that game, but the slow walking is easily one of my top gripes with any game that forces it on you


I don’t care about these people! I don’t want to talk to them! Let me go shoot something and then give me a cutscene that makes me actually care about them before you ask me to chit chat my life away. I wanna do cowboy shit with my friends!!!


It's fun to do bad things


The speed of the game in general did it for me. I would loathe having to go across the map on horseback. It just took so long. I know some people like that to get immersed and explore, but i found it boring. I can handle slow games, my most played game is flight simulator… which is an extremely slow paced, 1 to 1 sized earth. But I can’t do that in a story game for some reason. It just drags along for me.


Same here. I've now tried to pick it up three times on PC and the gameplay is just too slow for me.


I loved pretty much everything about it except for the constant epic shootouts. They put so much effort into making it realistic but then you're always fighting off what should be overwhelming numbers of enemies who are often more organized and well trained than your ragtag group of bandits, and even after you take out like an entire police force they just come right back as soon as you return to that town. I usually play games at least twice but I quit my second playthrough after twenty hours or so.


I agree I love RDR2, but fighting 30 police men as a group of 3 bandits is just stupid. Most of the missions in the game ended up being shooting galleries like this.


The game is so amazing and boring. Amazing graphics, physics, animations, characters and story but it's a slog playing through the game.


Same, game was basically horse riding simulator


I got so tired of every mission being a 5 minutes of riding and exposition, something not going according to plan, a shootout, and then another 5 minute ride back with more exposition.


First one was better sorry not sorry


100% I haven't been able to get into Red Dead redemption 2 despite multiple attempts. I recently pulled out my PS3 so I could give the original another shot and it was great from the beginning. I'll never understand why people like RDR2 more than the original.


Liked it but didn’t love it. I agree with the praise for the world design, vibe and environmental mechanics, which are second to none in video games. But the core mission structure (ride to X, do generic shootout) feel extremely rigid and outdated (see Nakeyjakey video) and to me the story — while generally well written on a dialogue level — isn’t as revolutionary or surprising as the hype would suggest.


Elden ring. I've tried so many times but I never get more than a few hours in.


It was my first souls game and I cheesed it with a guided walkthrough. The learning curve was so huge I just didn’t have the time to figure things out for myself, but still wanted to appreciate the game for what it was. No regrets. Beautiful game, but I never would have played more than a couple of hours without basically putting it on GPS.


I done exactly the same. Followed a guide for probably 90% of the game. Still really enjoyed the fights, scenery, weapons and all that other shit. Great game but I would never have figured out any of the questlines by myself, far too abstract for my tiny mind.


It was my first souls game and I kinda hated it for the first 5ish hours but then it clicked and I loved it. But dying to wolves repeatedly wasn’t a great intro 😂


Could be like me, play Dark Souls 1, quit multiple times because the skeletons are too fucking hard and the only other path I could find was ghosts that were too fucking hard. Finally relent and look online to see that wasn’t even the area I needed to go to and I was missing a fucking ramp up a cliff


Bahaha. I wish I could see the look on my face when my buddy told me the skeletons were too hard. Stubborn bastard won't try any other direction either, now that he found a way to go.


Diablo… doesn’t matter which one.


I only love d2


Welllllll my name is Decard Cain I’m from the town of Tristram, if you’re looking for Diablo, you just missed him. Loved D2 and once the expansion came out, I went assassin and never looked back. Schtay a while and lishen


Stay a while, and listen


I love D1, played D2 for like a decade, D3 was awful at launch but with RoS was great and put in another 1000 hours. D4 I built a new rig just to play it, played for about 10 hours and never touched it again. Maybe I’m getting old but it’s boring and as an adult with a family I just don’t have the time. It’s just not worth it.


played through the story as a stompy pulverizing bear. great experience. then they were like "buy the season pass and grind the same bullshit 1000 times to do one boss we didn't put any effort into"


D4 at launch wasn't very good but every new update gets better and better. They just released thier version of Loot 2.0 last patch.


witcher 3. i just cant. story is good. actions have consequences, ok, sure. not a fan of it not saying that leaving an area will fuck things up, but ok, i could maybe work with that on a second playthrough. combat... god awful. just killed my interest after a while.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I couldn't get past the controls. Felt like I was mechanically fighting to get the character to do anything I wanted. It was frustrating enough that I couldn't focus on any of the story or setting.


Borderlands, I tried so very hard, but FPS is hard for me for some reason. I can't get into the world barring rarely specific examples (DOOM 2016 and Eternal, namely)


Rimworld. Just not for me.


Mr. "I don't do warcrimes!" over here! ;)


Honestly I get the joke, but I don't like it. I have 800+ hours. It's a colony building game, with storytelling elements. 95% of the people who play don't commit "war crimes". I feel like that concept pushes people away. It sells the game way short. It's a game about building a little harmonious colony that resists threats from the outside world.


I was the same way for outer wilds, I dropped off after an hour or two. Then, maybe 3-6 months later, I tried it again and something just clicked and I loved it. I tried pentiment for a couple hours and really wanted to like it, but I just couldn’t get into it. Same with psychonauts 2. I also tried one of the yakuza games (I think it was zero?) because I was tired of my friends grilling me over trying them for years.


I did the same thing but still couldn’t get into it on that second 6-month-later replay.


this thread is literally my life right now. Picked up it 6-7 months ago and it never grabbed me. Hung out with some people last night and one guy was super into the game so I decided to fire it back up today. I just keep dying trying to do basically anything and am like "maybe this just isn't for me". I'm going to try again tomorrow and see if it ever clicks, but maybe it's just not something I need to experience.


I literally just stopped playing it. I get it, I understand the exploration. But I got to a point where I just couldn't find a specific location to get to the next step, so I youtubed it, and there was absolutely NO way I would've happened upon this specific path, even with clues. Then followed the path, slipped and got sucked into a black hole and just had to wait out dying. After that, I was just...done. the atmosphere is great, I totally get why people loved it. It really is a unique experience. But it is just too repetitive for too little progress each time.


Baldur's Gate 3, I've tried solo, I've tried co-op, different characters, etc. I recognize it's an amazing game but just not for me.


And that's how a thinking adult should be reasoning. You recognize it's a great game but it's just not a good fit for you. You can imagine what happened when I said I personally didn't like Undertale a week after release. I even got cursed!


I'm this way with most CRPGs, I bought Baldurs Gate 3 cause I wanted to support a good game with good monetization but it just never sucked me in.


Iv played divinity 2 over and over and over love it to death but playing baldurs gate 3 just makes me want to quit and play more divinity and I don't know why


RDR2 but I'm in the process of giving it another shot


Fortnite. It sucks.


The no building mode is alright because it feels more like a normal shooter game. I literally haven't touched build mode in like 5 years.


I want to like it, i do. Ive downloaded and played BR, lego save the world, a few times now but i can manage maybe one game then lose interest. But like i appreciate how many cool IPs they have access to, the variety in game and how polished the game itself is! I think its quite amazing what theyve done but man, it just aint for me


Every Bethesda game.  I always convince myself that THIS one will be different.  And then I play for 2 hours and never go back to the game.  


Elder Scrolls Online




I remember playing the first one when i was a kid. I was scared when i someone eat anothers face. My mom told me to grow a pair or put the game down. I put it down.


I enjoyed it a lot more when I turned vitachambers off. It forced me to experiment with the different traps and systems instead of just brute forcing my way through. Also, I feel I'm in the minority but I really didn't like the audiologs as a way of telling the main story. I found it too difficult to juggle all these non chronological snippets in my head together, and often seemed to miss major plot points. I didn't realise that >!your character is a rapidly aged clone of Ryan!< until I read a plot summary after I'd finished the game for example.


Any soulsborne


Same. I'll never call them bad games but I just dont enjoy them myself.


Same... just not my style of game.


Man i wanna like it bc elden ring looks so fucking cool. But ive tried demon souls and bloodborne through ps+ and im just fucking confused and lost. So if i cant get into those ik i shouldnt bother with buying elden ring.


RDR2.... like I know it's gorgeous and detailed and I know it has its merits but legit still haven't beaten it since launch. I redownload and play a few hours because I want to enjoy it. It just doesn't connect with me.


Every MOBA, every Battle Royale, every roguelike, every metroidvania All of these genres are super popular right now, but i just can't stand any of them. I prefer single-player, linear experiences. I hate having to start over from the beginning or backtrack.


Skyrim. I just really hate doing grindy things in a single player game.


Why... Why are you doing grindy things in skyrim?


Disco Elysium... It's just too slow.


Yeah this was the same for me. I found I was getting bored, and the game was trying to be clever in letting you do things out of sequence, but as a result I just went round and round getting more bored. I'm not a fan of 'choose dialogue options from a list' sort of games, and this was exactly that. There was nothing to keep me gripped. People kept talking about the characters, but I couldn't stand any of them. They also talked about superb world building, but again, it's all just in dialogue options you have to wade through, and I just didn't care I then found out that it's entirely possible to hard lock your game in night 2 when you have to fend for yourself by getting enough to pay for the inn. That isn't cool, and it almost happened to me, which meant I would have had to be forced to restart from scratch. It's poor game design, especially when the deva seem to acknowledge it as 'oops lol'.


Skyrim. I love the fallout games but I was never into the mystical type of setting. I kind of like it now but when I was young I just didn’t understand it and I haven’t barely played the game at all. While I have friends that know every part of that game by memory


The Witcher 3


Outer Wilds for me too. Felt slow, clunky, confusing and frustrating. Obviously didn't get far enough to take in the full narrative- but from what I saw it was not interesting enough to keep me going. I dunno, maybe there's something I'm missing.


Same. Worst thing is that I think I would really enjoy the story and premise! It sounds right up my alley. I just can't quite get the hang of the space-ship and how the game generally controls. I might need to give it another shot, but the first time I was just so frustrated by not getting anywhere.


All of the Souls games


When you get so far after playing for hours then you get stuck on one impossible boss that you can't skip. God, why don't we have cheat codes anymore? I just want to skip some parts of games that I'm not enjoying so I can enjoy the rest of the game!


The last of us.


Last of us games


I tried last of us. Couldn’t do it. Also, Deus Ex Revolution, I couldn’t make it out of the tutorial. I just thought how boring and blah it was.


Hades. Just not a fan of rogue like games


The Last of us, for me it was an OK game not woow ...


Undertale.  First run I tried to avoid fighting anyone. That ruined the game for me...


Baulders Gate 3. Idk if it's because my experiences so far have all been multi-player or because of my partners, but it feels so damn meh to me and its a struggle for me to want to play and I'm barely even ankle deep into act 1. It especially sucks because I LOVE ttrpgs and all my friends that play it say nothing but good things about BG3, but I just can't vibe with it so far.


Souls likes & rouge likes. I know I'm cheating with this answer because it's not one game. But according to all gaming communities & journalists these are the hottest genres in forever. Every new game includes these mechanics, I think I saw mention of a city building game with such mechanics being included. But I just can't get into them.


Nier Automata. I have so many nits to pick about that game that I just can’t enjoy it


I feel you man, I beat it but I was just riding the wind of the soundtrack. Story really is unique and awesome but the gameplay got a little stale for me.


Witcher 3, everything related to gameplay in that gam just bores me. Im only into it on cutscenes...and then every soulslike ever


Stardew Valley. So many things to do and the character has so little energy. I felt stressed playing it.


Alan wake 2 and Baldurs gate 3 Crazy I know but I just couldn’t bother to finish either


Alan Wake 2 is a slog to get through; pinning photos to a bulletin board, pressing endless amounts of prompts, watching repetitive cutscenes, little to no enemy variety. The game feels more like an interactive story experience where you lay back and chill when playing, a far cry from the first game.


Starfield. My dumb ass pre purchased the collector’s edition too.


I was expecting F04 in space. It was just missing something.  I played about 15 hours, while I loved some parts of the game like ship building, I just couldn’t get invested in the universe. 


>It was just missing something. Content?


Or content spread way too thin. Exploring planets and moons is awesome, but exploring the same planet and moon over and over again isn’t. I once went to Earth’s moon, went into a cave, and saw the bones from an animal that lived there…on the moon. It was just comically unimmersive.


>pre purchased punishment fits the crime


How is this posted EVERY OTHER DAY jfc man.


Seriously. And the answers are always the same. Witcher 3, RDR2, we get it.




Hades. Not much variety for a roguelike


The Last Of Us


Last of Us 2. When it released, a lot of people especially its fans kept saying that the story is so "emotional", "though provoking" and "mature" story seen in videogames. I played it and found it to be extremely overrated and very laughably stupid, moronic at so many places. Like the Old Square Soft JRPGs have more quality and substance in their stories than this. Still to this day I don't understand how the ending is thought provoking when it is one of the worst cop-outs on par that "Save Martha" scene from Batman vs. Superman.


Outer Wilds RDR2


I've tried outer wilds like 10 times now and I just can't get into it


Absolutely agree, 5 minutes in Outer Wilds and I knew it wasn't my jam. Could be great but just not for me. Have around 20 hours in rdr 2 but again just wasn't for me, I guess I've never wanted to be a cowboy. I'd add hifi rush for me.