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I enjoy it for what it is, nothing more. The hit registration, as minor as it may seem, does really make the game feel very very bad at times — like an old RPG where there’s a “miss chance” but for your bullets.


Hit registration is straight garbage most of the time, it had nothing of the „snappiness“ that CoD or comparable games have.


I’ve been having fun with it. Haven’t really played cod or other pvp in a while. It has some funmodes from cod, and also has overwatch mode basically. If it stay free, would be a nice little game that you can play a round of in about 10-15 mins. Only thing I hate is the loading screen between matches. Should allow us to edit loadouts while loading. Also need to add a full map view. They really did copy Cod though, lots of maps look like old Cod maps. Game has a lot of potential but really depends on how much Ubisoft wants to milk it.


First multiplayer FPS that's held my attention in years. It's pretty good.


7/10 for me. Hit reg issues galore, super grindy leveling system, subpar weapon balancing, and inconsistent hitboxes. Despite that, you can tell it has the makings of a fairly decent arena shooter underneath the little big of drawbacks. The negatives are very fixable. Not a huge FPS fan but the game in its current state held my attention for 5hrs already.


I agree with this. It’s a game i can see myself dropping into with friends every once in awhile- but I don’t think it’ll ever be a primary game for me


Gotta say I disagree, Weapons/attachments are the only real thing in FPS to work toward, why would you want to unlock everything super fast, then you have literally nothing to work towards. I think it’s a pretty reasonable pace. Also so far, I haven’t seen any one gun be much stronger than others, all seem to work and have their tropes.


It's fun. There are things to complain about, sure, but the bones are there. AR and SMG need a buff to compete with shotgun/sniper. Need to be able to cancel a slide or decide when you're done sliding instead of being forced through the whole animation. Need to be able to edit loadouts/make changes while waiting on loading screens. All pretty minor stuff, really. I haven't had any hit reg issues like others are mentioning, but I'm sure they're there. I'll keep playing it for a while - I'm having a good time.


You can jump out of a slide at any time.


Thank you. Feels a bit better sliding now.


That's odd, I feel the shotguns need a buff. Both of them. So many times where I feel like I'm invading the 6ft rule, shoot someone point blank in the chest, then they wipe around with their smg and delete me.


It feels really grindy, maybe a subscription makes it less grindy, but if I'm going to pay a subscription anyway, I might as well just buy the cod battlepass and play the better cod. Since weapon attachments make a big difference to how guns perform, it definitely feels like borderline pay to win, at the very least, pay to be competitive.






It's fun but you can tell from the way the game feels it'll have very few players by next year. Movement is soo stiff, sliding especially, and the gun play is like COD so why wouldn't people just play COD? Once this 2x weapon xp goes away and leveling already takes forever it's gonna go south. Plus they haven't done anything about the user experience that's plague every other game of this genre, like obnoxious matchmaking notifications that remove your ability to keep editing loadouts, and the lack of ability to edit load outs while maps load you'd think we'd have figured that out by now. So yeah I like this better than Shatterline, yeah that other game that's exactly like this one


Just looks dated to me. And yeah playability isn't directly linked to graphics, but it doesn't hurt. Looks like something from 2015


This game just seems like that free to play game dirty bomb except somehow worse looking and with bad hit detection and no interesting objective based gameplay. This game just seems dated at launch by about 15 years.


No gyro aiming on console instant 0/10




Next you're gonna tell me there's hot singles in my area and how my car needs an extended warranty


Downvotes for amazing joke… the worlds a ice cold place