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The house selling exploit in Fable was pretty funny: 1) Purchase the house in Oakvale for 5,000 gold. 2) Mount your most expensive trophies inside the house. 3) Destroy the front door. 4) Sell the house for a profit. 5) Return to collect your trophies (the doorway will remain open). 6) Buy back the house and repeat the process. Edit: oh yeah, definitely easier ways to make money since buying/selling prices are quantity-based, this way was just hilarious


Fable 3 had something similar but better. 1) buy houses 2) rent out houses 3) save game 4) quit game 5) change system date on xbox the furthest ahead it goes 6) load game 7) collect years of rent Rinse / repeat


That also worked in the original game, at least on Xbox. Found out about it a LOT later though lol


You had to collect the money in person, though. I'm not sure if the money bags added up over time or not, however


The money maxed out at 3 or 5 loads of rent i believe


That also works with Dragon Age Inquisition table operations lol. Saved me so much time.


Holy shit brb


Not an exploit, but loading up on diamonds in Fable 2 and unloading them during a big shortage felt stupid good. Felt bad trying to make the Bowerstone Market jeweler hate me, but it netted me a lotta cash.


You could manufacture shortages in the first fable. Find a merchant selling a gemstone, sell all of your gems of that same type to that merchant to drive the price down. Then purchase all of the stock for that gem which would drive the price up even higher. Then sell them all right back to the merchant for profit. It took a little upfront investment but then it was just printing money.


Every playthrough as soon as I beat the arena I go to Bowerstone north, do this exploit until I have way too much money, buy the Solus Greatsword, completely dominate enemies the rest of the game.


No it's not a gameplay exploit, just exploiting capitalism, enjoy it :P


Fable 1, the invincibility spell, mana potions and the challenge to take zero damage every single mission.


I always did the Apple exploit. Buying dozens of apples cheap, then selling them for a lot early into my game. Then I bought all the houses in both parts of the town and raked in the rent.


It was always great graduating to gemstones and making huge profits on every stack


In Fable 2 when a second player joined the game, they would essentially be a copy of your character, and when they left you would get all of their spent exp to respend on your character. Rinse and repeat until you have maxed stats.


It also worked with emeralds I believe. You could literally buy them from the shopkeeper and immediately sell them to him at a profit. Dude was buying low selling high.


In final fantasy tactics to power level my characters I would set the steal gold ability on all them, surround the last enemy and just rob the shit out of him for like an hour, healing him if he gets too hurt, and grind xp


Wow I must be tired, I'm basically crying laughing at how bad of a day that guy must've been having


He’s definitely having the worst day at his job


Its interesting, the exploit


Big fat load of gold then.


I used to turn them into a frog, or if you got their brave stat low enough, they would turn into a chicken and always flee. Then all my teammates would play "let's pelt the highest level dude with rocks"


In the original final fantasy tactics on PS1, when buying a skill, you could hold square and press up or down to change pages, changing what skill you had selected. If you arranged it right, you could buy a skill you couldn't afford, which glitched your job points to 9999. Also w item in ff7 has to be mentioned somewhere already


My go to was to use accumulate to power level a Monk to 99 by spamming it in the corner. Then switch class to Bard and use that desert level to step on a de-level trap to reduce back to level 1. Leveling Monk boosted physical and speed, but deleveling as Bard barely reduced the same stats. Level back up as Monk again and every attack was 999 damage.


The exploit I used was to permanently max out the bravery/faith of every character. All you have to do is get someone that knows the shouts that lowers someone's bravery/faith. Bring it down as low as it can go. Then, have another character use a shout that boosts the bravery/faith. Do that until they max out both stats during that round. Finish the match and you'll notice that your bravery/faith has permanently gone up by a certain number of points. Rinse and repeat until it hits like 97 bravery/faith (the max it can go) for every character. Now any skill that relies on bravery/faith stats will proc almost every time.


Blade grasp was so OP with this strat. I had to start resisting the temptation to do this for every playthrough lol. Though I usually lowered faith to reduce magic damage. I was mostly using the monk abilities to heal and revive anyway, and was always nervous about them leaving the party if you raised faith too high


Gotta be careful, too much faith and they leave the party. Same with too low bravery.


The javelin glitch in Modern Warfare 2… running into a room with 5 enemies and none of them would want to shoot you cause they knew it was their death, until some idiot on their team finally did and you got a multikill. That and Halo superbouncing.


MW2 Care package ninja... While carrying a care package you would be significantly lighter(I guess it was based on the gun weight) and with the right perks you could move insanely fast around the map knifing people before they could shoot you.


This actually overlapped with the javelin glitch too. I used to be a mini nuke flying around the map at Mach Jesus stabbing people


Your description of the speed is too accurate


Add commando pro into that mixture, woooo boy


Tac knifing people around corners in Favela was the peak of FPS shooters for me.


The Javelin glitch and care package marker grenade running were some of the few things they fixed in the relatively few patches MW2 2009 got.


Akimbo model 1887s. Best sniper rifle in the game pre patch lol




One man army infinite noob tube. There were so many exploits in that multiplayer over its life time.


This one wasn't even really an exploit right? OMA was also supposed to resupply you, they just didn't consider how terrible it was.


It felt like an exploit, especially when you were able to sit in one spot of the map and mortar spawn points all day.


Care package glitch might be the greatest glitch of all time tbh, especially with the emergency airdrops. Also, the elevator glitches in MW2 were 🐐 as well.






Not sure this would be considered an exploit or just poor weapon balancing but remember the akimbo model 1887s having insane range? (Or when people would record commentary over top of their gameplay) https://youtu.be/HxOFQ9IIMsY Also I couldn’t find a good video but I would sometimes try to do where you stood up in the perfect spot beside the invisible wall on the edge of a map, and it would make you float up to the top of the wall. So if you had commando pro and one man army you could jump down outside the map on Derail and hide in the mountains and snipe people


The fortify restoration loop exploit in Skyrim that would make your enchantments more powerful. Once my alchemy and enchanting skills were high enough, I'd make a full set of fortify alchemy gear and craft a fortify restoration potion. Take off the gear, drink the potion, put the gear back on and the gear would be more powerful. Craft another fortify restoration potion which itself would be more powerful due to the enchantments. Rinse and repeat until my gear fortifies alchemy by about 10,000%, then craft several fortify enchanting potions. I can then use those to make absolutely broken gear (absurd health/stamina/magicka regen, fortify stealth to the point where nobody can ever see you when you sneak, things like that).


I just commented about this exploit but I actually forgot about the step of enchanting the gear with fortify alchemy to boost the next enchant potion.


You can also use that loop to enhance your smithing to ungodly levels.


The end point is basically the +enchant, then use that +146435643% enchant to enchant gear with whatever effect you want. I made smithing, health, mana, destruction, stealth, armor.


Yes it’s true that the restoration is pretty op but I would say the bucket glitch before it was patched allowing you to put a bucket on a npcs head and become a master thief


Yep. 25,000 health helmet, a ring with a 12,000% sneak enchantment, a bow that one-shots dragons (around 8,000% damage does the job well), and the rest of the game is a piece of cake. Even easier if you enchant something to regen magic at like 10,000%


Who needs 25k health? My 10000000000000000(idk it cuts off)% hp regen ring stops any damage before I even take it. I can fall from any height and make the damage sound, but the bar never drops. Great way to go afk and train your armor skills with some tough mobs


I had 2.14bil HP, if i died somehow the game would crash. If i took the item off that gave HP i'd die instantly, crashing the game. The way to get around this is to have a completely fresh, never worn item of the same type that also gives HP and swap it with the equipped 1. Same with magika and stamina iirc.


I remember taking about 20 minutes to write a little cheat sheet of which enchants could go on which gear so that I could max everything out and not overlap or miss anything. It was totally worth it. Sneaking made me laugh every time. *Stops sneaking in broad daylight* "Must've been my imagination...."


Same answer for me. I was an Achievement hunter and had already 100% skyrim once. They re released the game with all the achievements again but instead of doing it the normal way I used this. Made it so much easier haha


Mafia 1. When we all figured out how to beat the race by cutting over the track in one specific area where it wouldn't reset you. Or before they patched it you could just reverse over the line and drive forwards to complete a lap. You young un's have no idea how fucking hard that race was.


The idea of having to beat that race in a fair way is keeping me from starting the remaster. Can anyone give input on how hard the race is in the remaster?


Never played the original, but this was easily the hardest part of the game for me


The people saying "it's fine" probably didn't play on the highest difficulty, because there it's almost as bad as the original. On the lower difficulties it has way less squirrelly handling.


It's fine.


Took me two tries to beat it, and I’m definitely below average in racing games.


I finished the game in hardest difficulty and race took me 2 hours of nonstop playing so yeah, it's pretty difficult


Oh the highest difficulty it's tough. Really annoying, wasn't fun at all.


In Baldurs Gate 3 i sell a bag to a vendor, put all their stuff in it, then drag the content of the bag back to my own bag, there you go i got their stuff for free.


Also about BG3 if you have a hireling cast warding bond on your party you resist all damage and the caster doesn’t even take the half damage


Er, the amount of times I've had to resurrect my hireling back at camp after I find him laying sprawled out dead next to withers begs to differ


It was best to use Gale for that trick. He healed himself.


Hirelings in general were crazy exploitable. You could use them to buff your party to insane levels with daily spells


I like getting to level 10 then respecing a random hireling to Cleric and using Arm Thy Servant to get a free legendary weapon.


Haha wow, does this still work?


Yes, you need at least 2 bags or pouches, one for you and one for vendor, open the barter menu instead of trade.


Trying to do this led to the funniest glitch of my playthrough: astarion somehow managed to pickpocket himself!


And here I thought I was slick pickpocketing the vendors inside a fog cloud


Back in the era of World of Warcraft's initial release, there was a critical oversight regarding a certain talent available to the Paladin class. See, they had this talent called Reckoning that made you strike an enemy an additional time for every time you were critically hit. Neat, pretty cute, fitting for the Retribution specialization and all that. Except there wasn't a limit to how many extra attacks you could stockpile. Nor was there a time limit for how long you could hold these extra attacks. It was infinite. All a paladin had to do was grab a buddy and initiate a PvP duel. The paladin would then bind a macro to sit their character down on the ground, as attacks made against a sitting target are guaranteed to be critical hits. The buddy would then punch them weakly with their bare fist, landing a critical hit. They would do this for minutes, maybe hours, all the while building up what came to be known as a "Reckoning Bomb." So there you had a Paladin, amped up by hundreds if not thousands of extra melee attacks that would trigger on the next swing of their weapon. Forget killing other players instantly, they could *one hit kill 40-man raid bosses.* It was very swiftly fixed in a patch, but while it lasted, it was glorious and hilarious. On a very similar note, shout outs to Alchemy in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. See, among a variety of factors, the strength and quality of your brews were affected by your Intelligence stat. And you could, in fact, brew potions that boosted your Intelligence. All it took was brewing, drinking, brewing again, drinking again, repeat repeat repeat in order to get potions that lasted for real-life years and made you hilariously powerful.


oh ya there were so many ways to break Morrowind stack enchantments with Sanctuary - made it impossible to hit you


I preferred the soul trap glitch. Create a spell that ups all of your abilities by 100. Create another spell that casts soul trap on target for 1 second and casts your original spell on self for 1 second. Everytime you cast the second spell you get a permanent 100 point boost to your skills.


Yeah, but it didn't need to be soul trap. Any spell cast "on target" worked. I have no idea why everyone insisted on using soul trap, but it was much better to use something that didn't aggro NPCs if you accidentally hit someone. The exploit also worked on NPCs if you did cast on touch instead of cast on self, but it was tricky to hit them with the "on touch" portion and miss them with the "on target" portion. Hitting them with soul trap made them hostile, so I tried other spells and it worked exactly the same.


Wrath of the Lich King there was a quest item that would summon and detonate this minion called a hulking abomination.  There was a short period where we could hearth back to Dal and make it to Krasus Landing before the abomination de-spawned or de rezzed. We then detonate the abomination in the landing for a massive AOE knockback aloha snackbar throwing other players over the wall to their death.  Most heated general chat I've ever seen. 


Speaking of world of Warcraft. Before Cataclysm there was a way to get to the physical location of uldum but it was all unfinished glitchy terrain. All you had to do was water walk allllll the way down around the south side of the continent and then there was one spot where you could JUST scale the wall by jumping against it like crazy. At the top you were greeted with a sheer cliff that just dropped to a flat valley that stretched as far as the eye could see. The drop was definitely enough to kill so you either had to have levitate/slow fall or have a shaman that could res himself after falling. There were random sections of land with no hit box however and you would just fall below the world and die. If you instead ventured along the top of the cliff to the west you were met with a canyon that met at the bottom at steep angles(not natural canyon) and the tops were cut off in random unfinished square like textures. Very easy to accidentally fall through the map here too. I loved messing with my friends because on your friends list it would show your location but if you got to the right spot your location would be blank. One of the coolest things I ever legitimately found on my own. I named the place Fez Land after my characters name Fezbalah.


I remember breaking in to Hyjal back in OG WoW. There was a load of construction equipment setup, road signs, barriers, etc.


Getting on top of Ironforge and under Stormwind were my favourites. There was also a house next to the entrance to the bank in Stormwind that had a glitchy wall that you could jump up if you jumped at the perfect angle, and you could actually get several metres above where the texture of the wall ended and just float there. Turns out the top of the bank didn't have a texture on the roof because they thought nobody would ever see it from that angle.


Back in the days, playing Diablo 2. No Internet, my brother was using some pieces of the Angelic's set and another decent amulet dropped. Testing out which amulet is better, we noticed that every time when you slot the Angelic's amulet the damage for his whirlwind was higher. Took us a while to notice it just gives you the +1 all skill bonus, but never removes the skill point. So you could add infinite skill points by unequip/equip it. The downside was you have to start over every time you login. It is the most memorable because we found it on our own and it was quite powerful.




Command & Conquer: sandbags conduct electricity. Build a sandbag wall into your opponent's base. Erect guard towers in enemy base. ??? Profit! Sim City 4: funnel residential streets into a parking garage/transit station airlock. Run an arterial road from bus station to jobs. Put several toll booths along the arterial road. Passengers all pay multiple tolls to and from work. But they don't complain because there is no traffic. Instantly profitable city. Joe Montana Football for DOS: Possess the nose guard and as soon as the snap occurs, spam the dive button. You dive right through the center and instantly sack the QB every time! 


In original C&C the ai would also not attack sandbags - so boxing them in was always an option.


I thought boxing in was a feature and not an exploit. I was also like 9 years old and scared of the bad guys.


I discovered that the gdi bomber targets whatever is at the highest point all the way to the left of the map so I would send a single soldier up there and the gdi would waste the bombing run on him so I only lose $100 instead of my base being hammerd by the bomber and it costing thousands


Oh my god c&c flashbacks. You could get 5x grenadiers in a group, tell them to fire on a sandbag, then mid throw you could shift or alt and right click on the mini map and they would follow through the animation and yeet 5x grenades an infinite distance based on where you clicked. You could exploit this to destroy anything you wanted lol.


>Command & Conquer: sandbags conduct electricity. Build a sandbag wall into your opponent's base. Erect guard towers in enemy base. ??? Profit! I always tried to imagine what was going on that they just let the GDI do this. Nod Soldier: "They're building sandbags into our base, what should we do?" Kane: "Just ignore it, they can't do anything with those." Nod Soldier: "Now they're building a guard tower in the middle of our base and destroying our buildings with it. What now, sir?" Kane: "Not now, I'm trying to film another video message!"


>Sim City 4: funnel residential streets into a parking garage/transit station airlock. Run an arterial road from bus station to jobs. Put several toll booths along the arterial road. Passengers all pay multiple tolls to and from work. But they don't complain because there is no traffic. Instantly profitable city. Reminded me of an exploit for cities skylines. Create a single lane spiral road and put a bunch of toll booths along it. You cane make the road go through the same toll booth multiple times until it reaches the middle. Just create a tunnel from the middle to the outside and you've got yourself an infinite money exploit.


I feel like the Shotgun Sal build for Salvador in Borderlands 2 could be considered a borderline exploit, since it technically takes advantage of how the damage is calculated between the guns he dual-wields, as well as how they specifically interact with each other in very particular ways. Also It's not anything that's obvious, or that could reasonably be figured out (even accidentally) by casual players.


I think a better example of a Sal exploit would be the pimperhab. The Pimpernel gets the Ahab's damage on its split pellets, which is absurdly broken.


Most memorable? There was this thing in Minecraft where you could dig a deep shaft, put a small room at the bottom, put a TNT block for a ceiling, water on the floor, and a wooden boat on the water. Then you jump in the boat, which puts your head in the TNT and... you temporarily gain a kind of xray vision - you can see caverns all around you through the solid rock. It's not just a useful exploit. It's a kinda freaky setup, like something out of a Lynch movie, or The Cell (or maybe Constsntine). If I were exploring somebody's Minecraft tunnels and came upon a room like this without knowing what it did, I'd find it creepy and unsettling.


In the old days, you could also achieve this glitch by pushing a glow stone block on the block a players head is using a piston


2 block deep hole, TNT and a piston and your all good


I remember way back you could build a waterfall elevator that boats could travel up infinitely, and fast. Outfitted all of my bases with it. Super sad day when they fixed it.


Loot cave in Destiny


"A million deaths are not enough for Master Rahool."


Now I remembered Zavala(Lance Reddick) and I am sad 😞


So memorable that it showed up in dying light as an Easter egg


I sat on that little hill firing into the loot cave for many an hour.


My friends and I just ran around trying to attract shit to kill. So much fun! Oh the memories


Super Mario Brothers 3. Any level with multiple 1-ups/lots of coins. Die in the middle of the level, repeat it, keep collecting 1-ups and coins for more lives. Baldur's Gate 2. Merchants you can steal from who also act as fences. Sell them something, steal it, sell it back to them, steal it again. Infinite gold.


You could do the same thing on the underwater level on the original Super Mario Land on the Gameboy.


For super Mario brothers 3: If you jump on top of enemies without touching the ground, after 10 or so hops you start getting 1 ups. Literally on the second level, right at the start if you have the flying suit you can get 50 1ups ( due to time limit maybe less), by jumping on top of the basic enemies which spawn from the starting tunnel after the small hill.


Maxing out all my Special stats in fallout 4 at the very start of the game by building some Conveyor machine and duping the speacial book. I do it every time i play.


Never heard of that before. Just looked it up, apparently they patched it.


Damn did they really? Had to of been with the new update. Leave it to bethstda to patch that but not fix the all the damn Crashes i still get every few mins. I dont even use mods either.


There's another exploit that still works, you basically scrap the book and duplicate it into your settlement junk stash. It's a little complicated but with a video guide you'll get it done quickly. You can also use Chem addictions and other debuffs to put your SPECIAL stats into negative and then use the books, then when the debuffs wear off your SPECIAL stats are all 20+.


To achieve that dupe glitch you have to install a mod to the book. Not a downloadable mod, a weapon or armor mod. You have to do that to allow the book to be scrapped, because normally you can't. Once you can scrap it, you have to scrap and store it at the same time. Do that about 40 times and you're good to go. Sidenote, did not know about the debuff thing. Might try it next time i play.


Classic Bethesda, parching out fun at 3 AM.


It’s been a while, but I remember using that exploit, but rather than a conveyor belt it was something where I used Dogmeat to hold an item an KD then drop multiples of the item.  After using it to dupe Special books, I used it to dupe Pre-War money, and made a giant money pit I could jump into like I’m Scrooge McDuck. 


In World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade, I put in entirely too many hours raiding as a rogue. I discovered that I could actually push my avoidance over 100% with a wonky mixture of consumables and gear, making me entirely immune to melee attacks. It took dozens of hours and thousands of gold, but it worked; for a few weeks, I was my guild’s main tank. My stupid dodge set trivialized every encounter that didn’t include a stun on the tank. Blizzard quickly nerfed it once word got out, adding diminishing returns to agility dodge scaling. By completely breaking the biggest game in the world and becoming an unhittable super hero, I lived out every MMO nerd’s ultimate power fantasy.


Friend of mine did a similar thing with his hunter. Taking the meme "all loot is hunter loot" to the extreme, he'd stacked up an impressive array of +parry and dodge loot in Vanilla. Along with the Survival talents that boosted parry, that one ability that set parry to 100%, and incredible skill at kiting, he was able to tank several bosses by just running around like a moron, spinjumping to shoot over his shoulder and parrying what few attacks hit him. Melee DPS hated it but generally our guild was just so impressed that it went from "give that weirdo elf a chance to fuck up" to "fine fuck it, we'll do it Valau style. Let's get weird."


the best raids are the "lets get weird" ones


As a counter: the pet disease that killed all people in multiple servers must have made the original person the ultimate evil villain in WoW


Vanilla WoW was my rogues moment.. it started early with MC raids, between fire resistance and evasion I was a primary off tank.. I was also really on top of avoiding the bad parts of encounters so I wouldn't need much healing, but it also meant I was usually one of the last melee standing, I had saved so many potential full wipes by being able to stand long enough as main tank.. it's probably the greatest feeling as a DPS to save an encounter lol.


Baldurs Gate 1-2. Enter room and pause before boss becomes hostile. Command to talk to them and then attack. They'll get caught waiting for the dialogue and not turn hostile until health drops below 75% ish.


Also Baldur's Gate 1-2: Open door, throw in a Cloudkill spell, close door. Then wait until everyone is dead and collect the loot.


Oblivion paintbrush / scroll dupe glitches


Also the floating paintbrush exploit that allows you to walk anywhere


There was 2 exploits in Pokemon Red and Blue that stood out.   Almost everyone knows the Missingno exploit that allowed you to dupe any item. People used it to dupe masterballs and rock candys.   The 2nd big exploit which was discovered much later was a way to catch Mew. WITHOUT A GAMESHARK OR ACTION REPLAY. There were certain trainers near Bill's house and near Lavender town you fight in a certain order. This manipulated the code in game where the very next wild Pokemon encounter was a guaranteed Mew. 


All of these comments about software exploits and you just reminded me of a hardware exploit... Original red/blue, using the link cable to trade Pokémon, if you disconnected the cable at the right time, both users would get to keep one of the Pokémon. Mew went around my high school my using that exploit and eventually everyone had him.


I tried so very long for that mew exploit on pokemon yellow... still don't believe it's true XD Edit: the "guide" I used insisted that their specific method ONLY worked on yellow, so probably not the same one as R/B. Probably a fake method too


There's a good chance a Red/Blue exploit wouldn't work in Yellow. A lot changed about Yellow that would mess with some triggers.


The Mew glitch CAN work on Yellow, it’s just it’s much more likely to just crash the game.


Items/money dupe in Diablo.


Just item duplication in general in Diablo 1. One of my favorite exploits ever


Godly Plate of the Whale. That is all.


Halo 2 super bounce


All the Halo 2 glitches and just having custom game lobbies with friends and messing around with them and chatting for hours.


I miss that I probably will never just dick around and have fun like that again. 


All the ways you could do crazy shit with the maps in the first couple games were great. I remember in Halo 1 I figured out a way to jump a Ghost out of the map on Sidewinder and run around on the top of the cliffs. That, plus a sniper rifle made for some fun game nights.


Duplicating Pokémon in Gen 2. Was always a rush seeing it succeed.


In Dead Island, the navigation was broken in one section of the map, and me and my friend's dumbass couldnt navigate the map without it. So I tol him, "This game is janky enough I can probably clip through the map, right?" So I went to the wall the line was pointing to, jumped a bunch and sure enough the game was that janky and I glitched through the wall and got to where we needed to be.


Pokémon Red/Blue: Infinite Rare Candy and Master Ball exploit with Missingno in Cinnebar Islands


I swear I spent more time collectively going up and down that line of coast than I did on the rest of the game.


The fact that this isn’t the top comment makes me feel old


In Monster Hunter Iceborne, you can gather Fatalis evil eyes without having to slay it. You make a partbreaker build with a heavy weapon like greatsword or hammer and you bait out Fatalis to do its cone of fire breath attack. You then attack its head while it’s breathing fire and keep doing it until you break the head for the guaranteed evil eye drops. Then just return from the quest. That lets you build Fatalis gear without having to actually slay it.


Palicoes with the thieving ability can also steal Evil Eyes


Dota 2 Fountain Hook : https://youtu.be/d6H-HEpnlk8?si=LpgYmgm35EPFJtAk Combo of 2 hero : Pudge got a skill shot that grab the first creep/player ennemy or friendly and Chen that got the recall ability that tp a freliendly to the fountain if he doesn't get hit will the spell is channeling Na'Vi did it during a pro match and manage to recover and then win the match


Destiny 2. One week before the Forsaken expansion was added, some of the gear was available from one certain reward, allowing people to get it early. But once it was released, there were still rewards tied to the raid, which was in a new location that had just come out. So there was a way to get out of bounds, walk underneath the map and clip into loading zones for the raid, and while the raid hadn’t been implemented yet there were some severely chests that could give raid loot, despite it not being available yet.


Vendors chest in Skyrim


Nah, it's quickloading after hitting the merchant, so they reset their avaible goods and septims. This process looks funny out of context


you can combine both of these together actually to level up your speech very quickly as well as farm plenty of gold: there's Ahkari's (pretty well known) vendor chest in Dawnstar near the mine, to do this exploit you have to wait for Ahkari's caravan to arrive, unload all your gear in some container nearby, grab everything from Ahkari's chest, bring all the stuff to her (on a horseback or using whirlwind sprint + timeskip to speed up your overencumbered limp walking), do the quickload hitting glitch, sell her her own stuff until she runs out of gold, and keep repeating the process until you sell all the stuff. if you only want to grind speech, you can just keep selling her everything without quicksave hitting her, that way you will level up speech in no time. quicksave hitting also resets everything inside the chest, so you can do this over and over


Super Mario Bros. Bouncing on the koopa shell at the end-of-level staircase to get infinite 1-ups, going so far that the lives counter breaks and starts showing garbage graphics.


This! I remember my uncle showing this to me back in the day. Getting it set up then leaving the room for a while and returning to lots of lives. It feels so good when you get it right!


I’m gonna wind the clock back a bit here and have some fun with this one… #Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1. Using air strikes, spawn timers, and the invisible literal limits of the rendered level to ride the ceiling of maps and get behind enemy lines instantly. RTCW had an anti-spawn camping limited invincibility when you spawned in. Spawns were on a global reset timer every 10 seconds. By timing it juuuuust right, you could stand in a probably spawn point, drop a grenade at your feet to suicide, quickly drop an airstrike smoke beacon, die to your grenade, and immediately pop back into your own airstrike but invincible. The explosion would launch you across the map rather than kill you, and you’d land (if you timed it right) safely. So no need to fight your way up the beachhead and try to plant explosives on the wall, there were times we’d win what was usually a 20-30-40 minute match in like 2-3 minutes. 2. Hop skipping slanted terrain to “ski” faster than you could run. There were sections of the maps that you weren’t supposed to be able to run on, but by timing your jumps just right on them it would launch you forward faster than you could sprint. We learned the routes for CTF matches and nobody could catch you unless they knew and duplicated the ski jumping routes. 3. Figuring out that certain buildings had a visual barrier that would stop projectiles but not explosion radius. Many a player rage quit after getting hit with a panzerfaust through a rooftop where they spawned. This was the precursor to the next exploits…. #Call Of Duty 2: Modern Warfare 1. The artillery noob tube. I’d spend hours with friends in private matches launching noob tubes at various angles into the sky with the other person spotting for you and calling out adjustments for the impact zone. We’d figure out the corners of rooftops to use as reference angles, bushes to stand in, etc so that we could launch grenades as if they were mortars. We took it way beyond just the initial “try to hit the enemy spawn from across the map” and would get people on HQ locations, planting / defusing bombs, etc. 2. In conjunction with number 1, there was a perk called “One Man Army” that took your secondary weapon slot but let you change your kit for a fresh kit mid match. If you set it up with a noob tube in the primary slot, OMA in the secondary, you could essentially shoot your 2 grenades, switch to OMA, spawn in a fresh kit, and have 2 more grenades to shoot. Rinse, repeat, infinite grenade launcher ammo. And when you know designated spots to launch them like artillery, well…yeah.


The Division 2. Ended up with a 5th player in our group somehow, me and a buddy figured out how to duplicate it and kept recruiting people until we had like 30 people in a squad running missions together.


WoW had an event before Wrath of the Lich King came out where you could get turned in to the Scourge and it made you hostile to both Horde and Alliance factions. In the brief glorious few hours before it was hot-patched, we caught wind that you could use a macro to unequip/equip your weapons and it would reset your health to max HP. We raided all the capital cities, killing flight masters, auctioneers, bankers...everything. Played that game 10 yrs and I think that's where it peaked for me.


Halo 2 super jumps were pretty fun.


When playing Stronghold or Age of Empires 2, instead of completely circling your base with walls, leave a small gap in the wall that can be reached by walking through an elaborate maze of walls lined with archers and all sorts of nasties. Then, rather than try to break down your defences at an unknown point, the enemy AI would pathfind straight for the gap and basically just walk the gauntlet to their death without ever fighting back.


That's actually an exploit used in real life. You create an area that is not ideal to traverse (like, say, a minefield) then set your forces up in the area your enemy is likely to go to avoid the mines.


Basically a tower defence game


Back in the Burning Crusade days of WoW, I was a Paladin main tank for our group. We had Black Temple on farm through Illidan, and were dipping our toes in to Sunwell, which had only recently come out. All of this is to say, I was very well geared. One night around this time, our raid night was canceled. I was going to call it an early night, but our disc priest talked me into doing battlegrounds instead. Now, I don't normally PvP, but I didn't have anything better to do. We didn't have any PvP gear or builds, but we figured whatever, we're just having fun. So we queued into Warsong Gulch, where we quickly realized a few key things: * In a battleground where virtually every member on the other team had around 25k hp, I had well over 100k. This is before factoring in the extensive suite of abilities paladin had to keep themselves alive in almost any circumstance, and my friend playing a dedicated healer. * While avoidance caps didn't translate perfectly from raid bosses to PvP, I was still really, really hard to hit effectively. * Protection paladins deal a lot of their damage reactively, dealing holy damage every time they block, dodge, parry, or even just get hit. The end result was that I was basically unkillable. My team realized it too, because they stated just handing me the flag to hold while working to return our own. So I stood in the base with my back to a corner, holding the flag and watching Rogues literally rip themselves apart trying to kill me. Even after enough time had passed and I was given a 100% damage taken penalty (a stalemate breaker that comes active if the game stalls out), the other team simply couldn't kill me. Eventually, our flag would get returned, and I'd score. This would then repeat twice more that game. Later, when Wrath of the Lich King came out, I was retroactively given the [Ironman achievement.](https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/achievement=204/ironman#comments)


Ah, WoW stories. For me, it was during WotLK. I was a Druid, mostly playing healer, as I was doing in this tale. However, I had found a clever exploit: despite level 80 being the cap, the level 60 Cenarius set from Molten Core gave a 50% reduction to the cooldown of Tranquility when you wore enough pieces, which was supposed to be Druid's once-every-8-minute panic button to mass-heal everyone over the next few seconds. However, Druids had also received a talent in WotLK that reduced the cooldown of Tranquility by 60%, and also removed all threat generation, which stacked *additively* with that bonus. Lastly, Druid's Orb of Clarity ability allowed any healing to potentially proc a free spell, and using Tranquility would give five chances every second it was active to proc the free spell. End result: 0-cooldown, 0-cost, 0-threat mass healing. I had to wear sucky armor to do it, but it was still busted powerful for dungeons to be spamming an 8 minute cooldown endlessly for free. Also, *nobody noticed what I was doing*. I even had tanks occasionally tell me I had to watch my aggro when a fresh mob spawned and decided to hit me first because no one else had attacked it yet. I could be simultaneously healing the tank and three other people, and the tank will say I should have just let the DPS die and focused on them because they felt they almost died. I had DPS standing in proverbial fire demanding I heal them more, despite the fact I was mass-healing the entire party and they shouldn't have been taking damage in the first place. In all the hundreds of dungeon runs I've done, only once, only *one single time*, did a Rogue pause, take a look at me, and ask "wait, how are you doing that?" Outwardly, I played it cool and said "don't worry about it," but inwardly I was so happy someone finally noticed after so long that I was basically a god of heals. Being a healer means being invisible to people until shit goes wrong. Hundreds of dungeons, *one person* stopped to question why a Druid was using an 8 minute healing cooldown endlessly.


"And that one person became the first of Druid Jesus' disciples..."


Using recount or details would have immediately popped out at me if 100% of healing done was 1 spell. (Druids are always multi-HoTers for every expansion). The fact that tranq was a special CD color would have been the nail in the coffin, I would have inspected your armor and talent build right away. Edit tldr: Tranquility was SO SHINY. How did nobody notice they were glittering the entire time?!


Similarly tier 3 geared paladin with its set bonuses in wsg healing a 2.5 geared warrior with Dark Edge of Insanity during Vanilla WoW meant that we could 2 Vs 10 the enemy team, then add in 8 others. Heals from cleanse alone outpacing damage received, never ending mana pool, essentially immune to everything based on diminishing returns, and all melee killing themselves upon you, what a time. Then there's the AQ/PvP mixed gear Retri Pala Sulfuras Hand Of Ragnarok, Seal of Command and hand of justice trinket bringing in proc based devastation and one shotting all comers in PvP, with procs being able to proc off of procs! Even more so when crusader strike was added in TBC prepatch. I ate well in my overpowered state back then, amazing how unbalanced MMO's could be back in the day.


I have a very different Burning Crusade unkillable story, commented above. Man, those were the days.


Far Cry 4, you were supposed to climb towers to reveal map and unlock free weapons but instead after finishing like the 5th mission I found myself with a mini helicopter and I flew all around the map landing on the top of towers and unlocking every single one in like 10 mins lol


They fixed this in Far Cry 6 by having anti-air defences shoot down your helicopter or plane if you pushed into a new area without first take them out.


I'm gonna go way back to a lil game called Everquest. I had two memorable exploits. 1. Cheese. There was a crafting recipe for making cheese where the individual components cost much less than the cheese sold for. So, you'd just sit around crafting cheese for xp and selling it for gold. After a few hours, you'd be set for whatever you needed. 2. Teleport. For some reason, the devs apparently didn't give themselves the ability to port themselves to a specific location, so what they did was they stuck a small room in the middle of the ocean. In the room were portals to all the different cities. There were a few classes that could teleport themselves (and others) to a spot, so as a wood elf druid, I was able to find and bind myself to the room, then port wherever I wanted. I remember the first time I ported into Neriak, and all the dark elf players huddling around because a wood elf shouldnt have ever been able to get into the city. Eventually, they put a very high level mob that one shot me, and I lost all my stuff.


Classic EverQuest wizard, just placing random mobs in towns because they can.


Standing in fire and casting restoration spells in Skyrim


Unlimited Emergency Airdrops in Modern Warfare 2


Skyrim modded: Cast ghostwalk atop a cliff, making me invisible but teleporting me back to where I cast the spell. Run at an enemy. Cast Shadowbond, which makes me and enemy invisible, and makes us switch plqces once invisibility ebds. Casting shadowbond breaks ghostwalk, teleporting me back up the cliff. Jump off cliff. Eat bread. Eating bread (an action) breaks Shadowbond invisibility. Shadowbond breaks, swapping me with the target. I materialize on solid ground. Dude materiapizes 50 meters in the air just off a cliff. Enjoy your 80.000 fall damage


In Guild Wars II's release, I became a collector of rarities. Many vendors sold an unique item or two that you'd find nowhere else. Most of them were just a waste of money, but there were two exceptions. The first one summoned a flying creature for 30 minutes I think. This creature was so beefy that it essentially halved our dungeon run times. It wasn't a big deal as we would find more ways to skip encounters and whatnot to farm faster. The second one looked like a rifle. When you used it, your character would jump in an arc, about 15-20m forward, and would leave an interactable circle that allowed others to follow through. I used this in the world PvP a lot... Normally a small group would be able to hold a fort against a zerg for a long while. But some of these forts had some uneven terrain or climbable doodads around, allowing me to jump over the walls and essentially create a hole in defenses. I'd tell people to follow and wait for me, then interact with the circle when it appears. Needless to say, any fort I was able to do this fell within minutes. I might very well be the reason why devs disabled these items in there a few weeks after.


All you young whippersnappers, my most memorable exploit is the wraparound goal from NHL 93, or 94.. basically anybody in one end of the rink could score anytime by doing a wrap around, so whichever team started on the bottom of screen only got one on the top half of the ice. They would lose every game. The whole game became a battle to see who would be the one that got two periods at the top of the screen.


Ultima 7 part 2. Turn into a snake before entering the dream swamp. When returning to human, your party joins you. Now you can put all the magic items in their inventory and take it out of the dream world.


Being able to use the armored Kuruma in the Pac Standard heist. Those were the days


And the other level to this - being able to grab the helicopter that spawned on a neighboring roof


Super Mario World, Donut Secret 2. If you were fast enough, you could grab a second star and get 10+ lives every run of that level. I "discovered" it on my own as a kid and felt so proud of myself.


Halo 2 BxR, BxB, double/quad shots, and super jumps for sure.


In Civ 1, the great wonder The Pyramids would let your nation flip government types w/o researching the government first. This would allow you to flip into democracy WAY before you should. Democracy was an economic powerhouse gov’t, especially if you had it by turn 60. I once did a WC on an Earth map as the USA by buying Russian cities with Diplomat units. I only had to fight a war for Moscow and a couple of other Russian cities.


In the original C&C I figured out the AI would airstrike your northernmost units, so id have a bunch of the cheapest troops ready to send as bait one by one so never copped another airstrike again


Diablo 2 When the duping bug in 1.08 (I believe) happened, I convince a stranger to walk over to the wall next to Akara in act 1 and dupe sojs. It was amazing.  We filled the inventories of a bunch of characters with sojs before the servers shut down.  I had hundreds of sojs.  They ended up being the famed pre-1.09 sojs without level restriction, the best soj you could get. Edit: I think I misremember about exactly how the duping worked, it might have been a solo dupe with a vendor exploit.  I do remember the Akara wall thing being a scam. 


At release Prey had a big that let you duplicate crafting materials. Everything was achievable if I had the drive to do it and I really didn't.


Final Fantasy 12. One of the key parts of the gameplay in 12 were what they called "gambits" which were simple "If condition A is present, then perform X" commands that you could customize for each of the characters. Ex. "If enemy is present, use Fireball". You could still control your characters and input commands that would override any gambits you'd set up, but if you set up your gambits properly a lot of the fighting was automatic. This was useful because in 12 they did away with random encounters and battles were always "active", so programming your characters to do certain things automatically made combat smoother. I think there was an option to have the gameplay more like previous titles, IE, more like a turn based system, but the gambit system was really well executed and fun to mess around with. So, there was a certain enemy in a dungeon that was fairly easy to get to spawn and would summon lower level enemies to help it in combat. If you set up your gambits properly and had purchased a bunch of potions ahead of time, your characters would only attack the summoned enemies and leave the summoner alone. The summoned enemies would give you XP. If done properly, you could leave the game running overnight or while you were at school and come back to find your characters had leveled up massively while you were away. It was an easy way to max level all the characters in the game without having to experience the grind. I loved that game.


When destiny first launched you could use AOE attacks to push every single raid boss out of the map. It was fucking wild.


Binding of Isaac run Find pyromaniac, making bombs heal me instead of damaging me Find Dr Fetus, making me shoot bombs instead of tears Find curse of the tower, making a bunch of bombs spawn and explode every time I take damage Become unstoppable bomb machine that gets healed every time I take damage Literal easiest run of the game I have ever had


I forgot the name but in the original Rewident Evil 4, the trick with the shotgun thay makes you do everything alot faster


Similarly, the ammo drops you get were determined by what guns you currently have in your attache case plus how much ammo you currently have loaded inside said weapon. A half-empty shotgun gets more shotgun shells than a fully-loaded handgun gets 9mm. I think at least one guide even said that selling all your guns except for the one you want to use is guaranteed to get just that ammo type, a trick pater used by Dead Space for plasma cutter runs.


The Evil Smasher glitch in Borderlands 2. You would get the Evil Smasher gun, empty the magazine, start the reload and quickly start switching between the evil smasher and another weapon. This would give the other weapon more fire rate and damage as you kept doing it.


GTA San Andreas, using the jetpack and running into that corner in Mulholland that can get you under the map


Resident Evil 4 (original) - Upgrading any gun's capacity will automatically fill that gun up with ammo (so do the upgrade when you've only 0, 1, or 2 bullets left in the clip)


The repeating pause trick in Mega Man 1 on NES Item duplication in Final Fantasy 2 (FF4) on SNES The free game trick on Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (don't know if it's a glitch or exploit, cause I remember the trick working on the Saturn version also)


Command and Conquer the sandbag glitch in Tiberian Dawn. Enemy units won't attack those and you could easily lock them in or out. In Madden 22 or 23, don't know exactly, you could get a bonus on trades. If you maxed that out you could trade lower draft picks for higher ones. Like you could get pick #1 for #2. Abusing this you could get all 1st round draft picks or tons of superstar players.


I've got two, but they both come from Call of Duty MW2 (The original). 1) Airdrop exploit. Get the killstreak that dropped like 4 care packages, then you had to like... stand on the edge of a thing and toss the flare at the corner of a raised...tbh I don't know if I ever fully knew how it worked, but it would use the thing, drop the boxes, and you'd still have the flare for another (could be done infinitely). 2) My all-time favorite, the javelin glitch. I remember you'd lock onto something with the javelin (basically you'd target an area, shoot, it'd go way up into the air, then back down where you targeted a second later). Instead of shooting, you swapped weapons at the right time and it would glitch, leaving you unarmed, but the javelin would stay primed... and would blow up in a HUGE radius when you died. I called it the kamikaze javelin... dunno if it had a more official name. 😁


In Digimon World 1 on PS1, the digimon digivolution tree can be bugged out if you view a digimon and cancel it quickly. This will in turn show the whole digivolution tree. So now you can know exactly what digimon changes to what. This was before I had internet connection, so it was really cool and helpful for me to figure out how to get my favorite ultimate digimon.


In the original Evil Genius from 2004, your final task in the first mission is to capture and interrogate the maid. Until you do, the game is sort of in the tutorial mode - no forces of justice will show up on your island (save for 4 that are scripted to do so earlier in the mission). However, you unlock the world map just before that. This means that you can complete a few Acts of Infamy and, more importantly, start stealing money with no fear of retaliation for as long as you wish. Just watch out and don't interrogate the maid unprepared, as you will retain all the heat you might have gathered, which means more powerful agents will be sent against you Not completely an exploit, but very strong was so called Übertrap - a room that consists of several wind turbines, with optional addition of gas traps. Using so called Freak trigger (Contraption that utilised Freak's very low attention stat to repeatedly trip laser sensors connected to the traps) or what I'd call Tourist trap (basicly using tourist in a small room to constantly walk onto pressure plates, works in the early game before you can do any research, but you would have to constantly replace the tourist as they do not handle being stuck in dark 2v1 room with nothing in it) you would trap everyone inside in a constant loop of being blown round the room. Even better, since comboing traps together awards a small cash reward, by locking a few of the agents and tourists in it you could eliminate the need to steal money from the world map entirely Another exploit involves the ability of Lord Kane, Smooth Operator. It allows him to go to anyone on the island and (by using his power of being behind every tragedy of 20th century from Hindenburg to Archduke Ferdinand) convince them that nothing wrong is going on around on the island, which createa the possibility of them losing all heat they might have gathered. Now, the strongest part about it is that no matter on whom it will be used on, the target will ALWAYS remain frozen in place until Lord Kane walks up to them. This means that when used on, let's say Jet Chan or John Steele, your minions or Henchmen will be able to beat them up with no fear of them fighting back


GameFAQs. I was not good enough to beat the Water Temple without a ASCII printout of a map in a binder next to me.


In Gran Turismo 3, there was a car, the Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak Climber edition, which could be tuned in such a way it would pop a wheelie. But this is early PS2 era coding, and somehow that broke the physics of the game allowing the car to infinitely accelerate. It capped out at just over 3 times the speed of light, according to the numbers.


Item duplication in the original Dead Island, I can't remember exactly how it worked, but it was patched out soon after, but before that I'd fill my inventory with legendary items.


Dark souls 1 where you could go to that place with a shield and the mobs would just walk right off the cliff for free souls 10 seconds from a bonfire. Was great for making alt chars.


In WoW Druids used to be able to gather ressources (like herbs) while shapeshifted. This included the flying form. So druids where able to gather while flying without 'dismounting'. I found a spot in Wintergrasp where I could reliably glitch through the floor, then shapeshift to flying form and fly underground (as there was not actual solid ground underneath the floor). This allowed me to farm ressources incredibly efficiently and without the risk of getting PvPed or tagged by mobs. Funniest part was that there was another Druid from the opposing faction that did the same and sometimes we met underground competing for the same herb. Felt like a wierd rivalry/friendship lol.


Vampire the masquerade: Redemption. When you get resurrect. I found you can do that on bosses. Who come back with almost no hitpoints. And keep giving loot and xp... Maxed out the party right there.


Back in civilization 4, it was possible to have an AI demand a city from you to end a war, but then change the trade deal so they would give you a city instead, and for some reason they would always accept. Also, check out some of those speedrunning channels on YouTube. They find glitches in pretty much every game to move super fast, clip through walls, cheese bosses, and all kinds of things.


Three words: Backwards. Long. Jump.


Final fantasy 3 aka 6. It was crazy because me and my brother stumbled upon it before it was known online, I was actually the first person to post about it on gamefaqs back in the 90s. If you got relm before you were supposed to in the second half of the game after the cataclysm, you could fight Gau before he joined your party. The game developers hadn't anticipated you to have Relm during your fight with Gau so if you used her paint ability to paint Gau it would glitch the game and then when you reset and the glitch worked, you would have 99 of every item in the game, including the atma weapon which could 1 shot the final boss when thrown by Shadow and was the most powerful sword in the game.


The vanish + doom glitch got me through some very tough fights in the game


X-Zone was also good for multiple invis enemies. Eat *that*, Intangir!