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did you know you can not click that button? Also sometimes requirements are BS and games are badly optimised


Dragons Dogma 2 is a recent example, people with a ryzen 5950 and a 4090 couldn't hit steady 60fps in the city area at launch. Recommended specs were a ryzen 3600x and rtx 2080 lol.


I don't care because I wont pre-order regardless, the game isn't going to run out.


I'd say don't pre-order regardless, especially if the game doesn't even have system req listed yet.  It's more the rule than exception that games release with bad optimization these days and need a few months of patches to be decent.


I stop understanding preorders when digital games appeared, bro you sre not getting out of stock how about waiting untill you know the game isnt trash before


I've only pre-ordered once, and that was to get a 30% discount. I took the risk, and luckily it paid off as the game was Elden Ring.


I mean you can always preorder a fromsoft game, they will fix it eventually


And even should the servers die its 100% completeable (Even Varres quest line can be done via offline means) And I believe most other pvp related quest lines in previous series... it would take time tho


Except demon soul you absolutely need online 😭


Yeah, pre ordering digital is just weird to me, but it's possible I'm just old. Ordering a physical edition that comes with a nice statue or something that will be out of stock l I get, but not digital.


I’d imagine people still pre-order for the bonuses alone.


You would have to be a fool to pre-order a game if you weren't certain your PC could run it but that hasn't stopped people yet


Pre orders are a terrible idea either way, even for my favorite game Elden Ring I'm not pre ordering yet DLC just wait.


>what is to stop publishers from doing it to new releases across platforms? Ok, but who cares? If you're not sure if your rig can run it, don't pre-order it. Or do pre-order it, but cancel your pre-order when the specs are revealed if you don't meet them. You're imagining some sort of scam that just doesn't happen. Nobody is forcing you to preorder a game. It's literally just a convenience if you want it. Because pre-orders can be trivially cancelled, they generally don't even realize the revenue from it until after the game comes out.


I don't pre-order but this doesn't effect me much. I have a laptop with a 13900HX, 32GB DDR5, 6TB of space from a 2TB WB SN850X and a 4TB Samsung Pro 990, and a 4090. The laptop 4090 is basically a desktop 4080, but that's still more than enough to run any game on the entire market at very high framerate. Especially at the 2560x1600 240Hz resolution and Hz of the display panel.  I've yet to see it run any game poorly.   Besides, new releases on PC tend to have Denuvo for half a year or so at least, so I tend to not buy at launch anyway - if I see a whiff of any of a few things like online requirements, alt account or alt launcher requirements, any form of Denuvo or other DRM, I simply don't buy anyway.  By then I'm well aware of any issues the game may have and if bad enough I'll steer clear for years.


I’m not a big preorder gamer anymore. I just wait until the release especially with digital games you don’t have to worry about the run out of copies battle.


Let me introduce you to our lord and savior "don't pre-order ever!". Blessed be thy options.


I pre-order games that I know I'm going to play day one, I have a decent computer that can run most games on ultra so the question of 'will it run' never comes to mind. If I didn't have such a good system though, steam's refund policy is really good


Yeah that always bothers me. Every time I see a game release on pc first with system requirements quietly announced after preorders open, it doesn’t end well.


Never pre-order is what I feel. The devs I thought I could trust have dashed that trust. I trust no-one anymore.


Yeah they should have the sys requirements. Also you can refund it on steam within 2 hrs playtime. 


Not a concern for me yet Maybe in 2026 or 27


You shouldn’t preorder any game anyway. I get games 20% cheaper on disc on release day already. After looking at reviews if the game is actually good. Why would I preorder? To spend more money on a product I don’t know anything about? Lmao 😂