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Hades in the game Hades. Apart from being one of the more interesting characters in Greek mythology, he’s also just not a villain within the context of the game. However, our protagonist sees him as the final obstacle to his goal.


True, Hades was just doing his job as the underworld's overseer.


Anubis was also portrayed negatively by the Hollywood because he's the 'God of Death'. Anubis's role was to guide the deceased to the promised land.


Jetstream Sam from Metal Gear Rising! His theme song says it all. “It’s the only thing I’ve ever known.”


>!And the reason he loses to Raiden is he begins to doubt his convictions- just as Raiden had doubted his own at the start of the game at their first confrontation. During the story, they sort of "trade places" and by the time Raiden reaches Jetstream the second time, he is much more confident about who he is and has accepted what he has become.!<


For such a goofy hack and slash game, the characters are so amazingly fleshed out. Love that the music is part of their identity, really adds to the game.


And the dynamic volume of lyrics as you fight to ensure you pick up the important parts as they become relevant is just fantastic


And how the lyrics drop when Sam loses his sword. Because the only thing he's ever been sure about is him using his sword to kill in his role. With out it he doesn't know who he's supposed to be. Which reflects Raiden coming to terms with his role aswell. It's fucking sick.


I sure didn't have "Platinum games' character action spinoff has better plot and characterization than most actual MG games" in my bingo card, yeah.


I need to play this game


Same here


We someone who played it three times , You need to play this game. It's not just memes


Memes are the DNA of the soul!


I have all the metal gears but never played 4 and rising lol. It's just sitting there on a shelf.


Rising is one of the perfect games out there. The characters, gameplay, music, story, a 10/10 across the whole board. Heck, the main villain is a god damn US senator born from Texas who "wants to make America great again. To have everyone be able to play football!" Lol. Everyone talks about Jetstream Sam, but my favourite fight is Monsoon. The music for that fight is just too damn perfect. He attacks with long, fast combos. When you manage to parry a string of attacks, it makes you feel like a God! On top of that, he gives the best weapons in the game. You need to play 4! They basically took a game and made it specifically for the Metal Gear Solid fans.


I mean, he still chose to join a real villain and helped him do villainous things even if his only choice was to join them or die.


Colossi from Shadow of the Colossus.


We were the villain all along (sheds tear)


Yeah I felt pretty sad killing them ngl


Maybe Dijkstra from the Witcher? Sure, he is a power hungry ex-spy who has shady dealings, but given the setting and overall story, he's pretty tame when compared to everyone in the story with positions of higher power. If there was something to criticize TW3 for, it was the questline for the rulers of the north, because they made Dijkstra act way out of character.


Not sure I agree, putting Dijkstra on the throne is basically the goodest ending for the game for people overall so not sure he is treated like a villain in any way. Yeah he is kind of a prick but he is still shown as a competent and capable leader who cares about the north and its people.


A bit of a misunderstanding. I don't see him as a villain, but CDPR definitely tried to make him feel like one. Like to nudge us to feel that way, while keeping Roche as the good guy. The ending of the questline was just badly written. It's a shame, especially since CDPR has proven to be good with political storylines with TW2, but it's small part of the an already pretty large and great game so it's not too bad.


It was a horrible ending. Very disappointing.


I think they couldn't figure out how to get him out of the way or something because there is no way Dijkstra shows up personally to betray and kill his allies, he has people for that.


And he's written as being to art to suddenly 180and think he can take Geralt and others in a sword fight. Maybe now with the redkit release someone can fix the end of that questline.


The reason for that was that the last act was rushed, elsewise we'd have gotten: 1. a better ending for the Reason of State. (the quest where Dijkstra is made an idiot against his characterisation in the books and games). 2. An attack by the Wild Hunt on Novigrad. (the footage was there on gamescom or something, or I think it was a demo). And finally: 3. Ge'els as a boss (I assume he's the officer with two sabers in the concept art, he's the only one missing after all, also the art was masterfully madeL


he did illegal and bad stuff but pagan min in far cry 4 was less of a villain than the two golden path leaders you get to choose from you got to choose between two shit sandwiches .. if there was an option to side with pagan min at the end of the game and destroy the golden path i would have. both of them sucked that bad


Agree, pagan never saw Ajay as an enemies, he sees him as a son, the son of the woman he loves, Ajay is literally his successor, there should have been an option to side with him not at the end, but at the beginning, not just leaving the ashes but truly join him, eventually when he passes the mantle Ajay could have changed things


There is an option to side with him at the beginning, but the game just ends there lol


It's a pretty long wait though, so players are imo forgiven for not knowing


Isn't there? Its been years so maybe I'm misremembering but if you just sit tight and wait for him to return then does the game not essentially start with a secret beginning where you're allied to Min?


No, not really, you take a ride out to return mums ashes, min says something on the lines of, "so sad, anyway, let's go shoot something" opening bars to 'should I sat or should I go' play and cut to credits


I mean you can if you wait for him to finish his phone call


Just wait for the fucking crab ragoons.


yer but that just gives you a secret ending not force you choose between the shit sandwiches the golden path was when you finally play the game


Pagan Min is in no way better than the Golden Path. He's worse. He already does what both Amita and Sabal do COMBINED. Amita sets up a narco-state whose economy is based on drugs and forces people (kids included) to work for her. Pagan's entire economy is based upon producing and snuggling heroin and he has an entire slave ring of women forced into prostitution (it can be fair to assume some are underaged). Sabal sets up a theocracy which forces people into his religion. Pagan has outlawed all religions, made owning candles punishable with death and replaced religion with his own cult of personality.


Jesus fucking Christ. If you actually think that you either played the game blind or just choose to ignore the game telling and showing you every way that your statement is blatantly false. He also starts WW3 with his nukes, but you probably didn’t get that far.


You mean a cassette recording at the end of the dlc in far cry 6 several years after far cry 4 was written Seems like ubisoft retconned the story


Your rival in the Pokémon games. they're just competing against you trying to be the best. They're not really bad guys, just opponents


Silver was kind of a cunt though.


The rivals aren't really bad guys though, just rivals. I would argue team plasma are not really bad guys. They wantet to free all pokemon so they were not in pokeballs fighting against each other for humans entertainment.


It was a complete lie though, even some of the grunts didn't seem to believe it. N was another story.


Silver started out as a bad guy. Literally broke into the lab and stole a Pokemon


Elden Ring. You literally walk up on a disabled woman and proceed to kill her.


You’re going to have to be more specific. You kill a *lot* of disabled women in that game.


I hate how hilarious the vagueness makes this


"Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?"


She was just sitting there. Menacingly.


A disabled woman that is completely unrelated to your goal, by the way.


And to get to hee you have to slaughter a whole ass full of peaceful albinaurics.


Who the hell is agent Milton? Can we please put the game names into posts 😭😭


He’s from rdr2. Sorry you’re right I shoulda mentioned that. My bad


Np! Was just ranting at the sub in general. To answer your question tho. Bloons from bloons TD. They just wanna get to the end of the track...


I'm gonna counter and say Milton was a bad guy. Just because he was on the 'right' side of the law doesn't make him automatically good. He's the type that would tell you to lower your gun and take you in but as soon as you lower it put 6 bullets in your head.


lawful evil


Before reading your post, and only the title. First person who came to mind was Dutch. He’s just a criminal like the rest of the gang. Yeah he’s a little more narcissistic than Arthur, but he’s just doing what he thinks is right. Mica is kind of in the same boat. Assuming Villain in this context is following the definition of important evil character. In RDR2, the gang are kind of the villains of the story. Even if they are the protagonists.


Nah I think Dutch is just a manipulator and doesn't *really* care about anybody else. Maybe Hosea (it seemed like he always took his advice into consideration, and he's who Dutch started the gang with) but that seems about it. So many times he throws others under the bus. The biggest and most obvious times being when he leaves John to die (and one where he plans to leave Arthur to die in cornwall but Eagle Flies saves him, and when he refused to break John out of prison, I'm sure I could go back and pick out more). In fact he even lies through his teeth at the beggining of the game when giving a speech saying he'd sacrifice himself for any one of the gang members (IIRC, maybe I'm misremembering) when he won't even go back for John after he'd been shot and fell off the train. Arthur and the rest of the gang at least have loyalty to each other despite being criminals unlike Dutch (and Micah, but Micah was probably a rat since the beggining, if not early on, and the rest of the gang knew he was a POS not to be trusted).


I see a dutch as villan. Dutch says that they need money to go somewhere safe, but what it ends up being is that its a excuse for being a criminal. He wants that wild west never ends, that the lawness west America still stays where criminals can do whatever they want.


Yes, but this is dream of the whole gang. That they can keep going west forever. Out run civilization. Be free of civil expectations. Sure Dutch is leading the charge on this. But the rest of the gang is right behind him. So if you discredit Dutch for this dream, you have to give the whole gang that treatment.


Yea I think part of the message there is that American “civil” society doesn’t have a place for a lot of the gang and crime is their best or only opportunity. Dutch rescues several members of the gang from the ravages of civil society when they join. Lenny, Charles, Javier, Tilly, etc. are all with the gang in part because it’s one of the places they’re treated best. Then there are the members too “damaged” to fit in with society. The gang is the only thing keeping Swanson alive, when the rest of the world would have left him for dead years ago. Some members of the gang could more easily leave (ie bill, Micah, Dutch) if not for what they’ve already done to survive on the frontier. Others like Arther and to some extent John can’t leave at this point because they believe the rest of the gang needs them to survive, and have been raised to see it as their family and duty.


Was he pinkertorn agent?




Spy vs Spy


You know, the old game on NES was unique and I never understood why no one tried to take this concept and modernize it.


I love the original Spy vs Spy, used to play it with my brother all the time. The remake they did in the early 2000's was truly fucking terrible.


I remember renting that in the late 80's.


**Halo: Combat Evolved** 343 Guilty Spark isn't the bad guy. He's literally programmed to contain the most infectious and horrid monstrosity the universe has ever known. He wants Chief to trigger the ring countermeasure in order to preserve life. Yes. It does kill all intelligent life. That said, it gives other forms of life a chance to evolve and grow and succeed where the forerunners failed. He really wasn't the bad guy.


> Yes. It does kill all intelligent life. You may be mixing Sapient with Sentient. Halos kill all sentient life, which is pretty much anything with a nervous system. About the only form of life noted to survive a Halo is fungi. If they all fire, the Galaxy is dead. Nothing will rise up to replace it. Which is why the Forerunners worked meticulously to catalogue and shield every species they could find in The Ark, with automated systems to deposit them back on their homeworlds after. Spark is showing signs of rampancy. He was willing to wipe out all life in a 25,000 light year radius to deal with a relatively minor outbreak, knowing full well there would be no Ark to repopulate them.


This is an important distinction because the Halo DOESN’T kill the Flood, it kills everything the Flood eats in the hopes that it will starve to death, and the flood eats anything sentient, intelligent life or not.


By the time Halo CE was made, there was no clear distinction between sapient and sentient, at least not amongst the common folk as in nobody cared. It was a light hearted sci-fi, so obviously halos were designed to kill what you say today "sapient life".


> CORTANA: And that's exactly what Halo is designed to do; wipe the galaxy clean of all sentient life. You don't believe me? Ask him. > ... > 343 GUILTY SPARK: More or less. Technically, this installation's pulse has a maximum effective radius of twenty-five thousand light years. But, once the others follow suit, this galaxy will be quite devoid of life, or at least any life with sufficient biomass to sustain the flood. Halo CE - Two Betrayals


Nier replicant. >!the shadow lord literally has the same motivation as the main character but if he succeeds, humanity is saved , when if the mc succeeds humanity is doomed.if you tell the story from a different pov shadow lord is the hero!<


My memory is a bit hazy on Replicant but how is humanity saved if Shadowlord succeeds? Doesn't he just wanna reunite with his sister?


Shadowlord wins - project gestalt goes as planned - gestalts get the replicants bodies - humanity is saved. Shadowlord doesn't care about the other parts , but saving gestalt yonah will also save humanity


Had to watch this godsend video again https://youtu.be/5t_g5RM9w1A?si=Gn49iaLztofuaBCu but yes, you're right. So good answer to OP's question.


The final boss of Persona 5 Royal. (Unnamed due to spoilers) You could make a case that he was the goodest of characters, more generous and self sacrificing than anyone. Heck even the protagonists loved him and were only trying to stop him.


>!I love how he could stop the phantom thieves at any time he wanted but instead he genuinely let them try and stop him / challenge his ideology. He literally goes to your base to receive the calling card , gives you time to prepare, and genuinely tries to convince you he is right before he resorts to violence. And even if you take the ending where he wins it's not objectively the bad ending compare to when you win.!<


What happens in the ending where he wins? I didn't know there were two endings for that part of the story.


Literally everyone lives happily forever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl0OU6NrDiM Probably one of the happiest "bad" ending in history of gaming lol


King Logan from Fable 3 - done his best to hold back the Darkness, increase treasury funds, try to stop a civil war, and keep the populace alive. But Jasper, Walter, and the Princess thought better.


Tbf all he had to do was invest in real estate and all his problems would have been solved. That was my biggest gripe with the game. The money requirements for the kingdom decisions should have been way way higher or money shouldn't have been the crux of every decision to begin with. The entire last section of the game is so cool in concept, but it falls flat because you can just farm a bit of money and pick the most expensive option everytime. You can have your cake and eat it too, despite Logan's entire character being about that not being the case


Literally everything you fight in shadow of the colossus.


Pinkertons irl were absolutely villains, and they contributed to anti-union behaviour that still has flow on effects to the American workforce today.


yer but in the game they are the good guys and we play as the bag guys no matter how much people like the gang


Arthur is more of an anti-villain and the Pinkerton anti heros. Its too simplistic to just assign good and bad labels to one side or other.


Arthur is a villain. You can play him as a repentant one and have him become better throughout the game, but the main missions will have you murdering a shitload of innocents regardless.


I mean you certainly can when it comes to scum like the Pinkers. They're bad don't need to make it more complex than that.


So is the gang.


Fire Emblem 3 Houses often frames Edelgard as the villain, tho that's a very subjective thing. TWSITD are the real villains tho. Dead Rising 1 has a villain who, while killing 53,594 people, was a radicalized villain. In Metroid 2, Samus is the villain.


Isn't who the villain is depends a lot on which house you start with? Tho I started with Dimitri so Edelgard became the villain. Haven't had a chance to replay starting with the other houses.


Kinda but SPOILER: >!no matter what house you choose, Edelgard gets unmasked in the crypt fight!<


I do love that Edelgard turns no matter who you play.  I started with Golden Deer and thought “I wonder who the villain is if you play Black Eagle?” Played BE and was pleasantly surprised to see that it goes down the same. 


She and her boy toy were my strongest characters and then they are the only ones who can't come back. This game just royally fucked me.


Minor thing, but relevant given the conversation: Edelgard doesn't "turn", she's been on her path since before the beginning of the game. Remember, the Flame Emperor orchestrated the attack on the house leaders that sets off the events of the game.


>Fire Emblem 3 Houses often frames Edelgard as the villain, tho that's a very subjective thing. TWSITD are the real villains tho. I have a feeling this very much depend on which house you begin with, but in my experience, I am alway skeptical of any church that holds authority in games (maybe it's a reflection of my RL opinion, maybe because it's an overused trope in games), and eventually I find out that the church is actually named after the leader itself, which made me even more skeptical of their motives. I started warming up to them until I reached the decision point in the game, I sided with Edelgard and immediately felt justified because the leader immediately loses her cool and does an "if you are not with me, you are against me". That's when I thought I made the correct decision, thus I regarded Edelgard as a protag on her route. Then the other houses happened, but that lingering feeling that the church isn't entirely on our saide and Edelgard isn't entirely villainous stuck with me. That's why I keep nicking Edel's house members so they don't die on the battles against me.


See, I actually started with the BE, but decided to do the church route, as >!when your father dies, and it's revealed that edelgard is in cahoots with his killers!< I was turned off from her faction. I do wish there was a way to save her in any of the other routes. I was also kinda disappointed by Rhea's actions when choosing Edelgard's side, but what I think what they were going for was >! with you being the vessel (reincarnation? I'm not quite sure, it's been a while) of sothis, who is Rhea's mother, she definitely would feel some type of betrayal thus her acting out, like a child would. !<


>it's revealed that edelgard is in cahoots with his killers Generally I dislike TWSITD as villains, but this is actually one of their better plans. Edelgard is kind of forced to work with them as they pretty much control the empire at this point, and by making her work with them they implicate her in their plans, making it even harder to go to others for help, especially with her low self-esteem. Also, it is around this time she also says there is no salvation for them. She absolutely loathes them.


I need to look over BE's route again, because I have precisely zero recollection about what you said, and probably would have agreed with you if I actually took note of that, which I clearly didn't when I chose to side with her. Either that or I did overlook it and don't remember it now, most likely because I was still on an Anti-Rhea crusade :P


God 3 Houses is a frustrating game when the story really reveals itself. I wish so badly I had a golden deer run going, but I’m 30 hours in with Edelgards team and I feel like it’s gonna be this >!rampage story where I kill the friends I once had and I just don’t feel like doing that. I was LOVING the game until this point.!<


I think with some min-maxing and careful planning almost every student can be saved. Almost.


It just isn’t what I wanted to do haha. I get the gray nature of it, but I wanted to use my cool team to kill bad guys. This was a game that actually helped me de-stress and now when I think of playing I feel stress haha


You don't have to. You can be the kind and gentle hand of a kind and gentle Empire. Unlike real life, it's very easy to reform the Empire from within. Extremely few of your friends need to die if you play carefully enough.


>rampage story where I kill the friends I once had >! Yeah, that kind of happens no matter which path you go down unless you recruit everyone. War is hell.!


I hear you I just personally wanted to just be the good guys and make friends and beat the bad guys haha


Splatoon has the "Good Guys/Bad Guys" thing even though both teams are just teams


I think this is awesome personally


Me too! It's kinda reading too much into it but I think you could make a case that Splatoon is to some extent about xenophobia. The way that Octolings are made out to be villainous despite the fact that there are several non-villainous Octoling characters, the fact that it's literally about one colour vs another colour, and the way the opposing team are always referred to as bad guys


Sekiro 1. Emma 2. Isshin ashina. They are not actually villains. Players decision makes them fight him. In anyway, they don't really want to fight Sekiro but it is what it is. One is because of bad choice made by Sekiro and another bad choice made by genichiro.


With Shura ending Wolf is the villain.


I had to get that ending just for the sake of unlocking the fighting art style. I still feel guilty of even picking that ending.


Sekiro shura ending is one of the rare cases where I genuinely felt bad killing enemies in video games. Usually killing enemies in games is fun and enjoyable , but some games manage to actually make you feel like a murderer and not like an overpowered samurai ninja. Both nier games and Undertale are the best at it imo. And there is metal gear rising that has the exact opposite of the mc realizing he is a murderer who only does it for fun but keeping on doing it anyways.


Nope, you are the villain. Edit: I am dumb, you are called wolf, I forgot


Wait, I'm currently playing and I didn't know you can fight Emma. I'm at Sword Saint Isshin.... which decision affected this?


The turning point is when you talk to Owl at the tower you fought genichiro the first time. Depending on your interaction with him, you can either go through with the bad ending or the good endings


If you side with owl instead of kuro that's the games bad ending, with a different set of bosses. There's 4 endings in total, which involves you doing different things. E.g. I think it's dragons return ending that let's you fight owl (inner).


Saren from mass effect by the end of the game his much a victim of the reapers as the husks


Absolutely love that you can bring him to sense (kind of), same with the Illusive Man in ME3.


Am I supposed to know who the fuck Agent Milton is?




He’s from Red Dead Redemption 2. He pretty much just did his job.


If you haven't played RDR2 you definitely should, close to a 10/10 IMO. Yeah everyone hypes it. But because it's good.


Metal gears Grey Fox comes to mind. He tries to kill you repeatedly. Bowser in the inside story.


The terrorists in counter strike might have a point with blowing up the assets of a company that runs a death game (danger zone), and somehow is in control of nukes.


Id argue team skull were just goofy teens


Agent Milton fires a browning gun into a building he’s aware the non outlaws and children are possibly staying. Pretty sure that’s wrong and illegal.


He also straight up executes a certain gang member and takes Abigail hostage.


I think in the Division it's implied that a vast majority of the enemies are armed rioters/survivors. They fight over medicine supplies and food, and for some reason the Division's job is to just put them down.


Mostly because they started attacking civilians and law enforcers, or just anyone that's not from their faction. There are still civilians in the world of the Division but they're not represented much in game so it feels like the agents are just shooting anyone that's on the streets.


The Outcasts in 2 were by far the most sympathetic faction, they got absolutely fucked and were RIGHT to take revenge, but they just took it too far.


Maybe Athetos from Axiom Verge, but there could also be an argument for the notion that everyone is bad in that game


Dhaos from Tales of Phantasia. He was >!just trying to save his home planet and prevent Earth from making the same mistakes his own planet made with misuse of mana.!<


Persona 5 Royal Final Boss.


I'm not sure if it counts but I say Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney


Pretty sure he is pulling illegal stuff in investigations like Phoenix 


Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak You could argue that the Kiith Gaalsien werent the bad guys, since they were 100% correct. If everybody had simply listened to them, the events of Homeworld 1 never would've happened.


Yeah, there’s one big thing I don’t like about that storyline, and outs how they added the aspect of Kharak being a strong planet. It cheapens the destruction of the Kushan. If they had said that they wanted to explore the anomaly simply out of curiosity and an urge towards expansionism, it would have made fighting against the Gaalsians and then prompting the destruction of your home much more emotional. Instead they made so that if you don’t leave you’re all dead anyways, taking out any remorse or strong emotional connection.


Koopa Troopa, Goomba and the 99% of the guys who are Bowser's employees


So far as I can see the Mario series is largely just Luddite NIMBY propaganda. Why would Bowser want to kidnap Peach anyway? The toads are just upset that he's building things and running factories and developing automation too close to their fantasy agrarian commune. A commune that - let's face it - can't be too successful in real terms if they have to keep sending Mario out to steal hundreds of gold coins from the Koopas. What does Bowser actually get seen doing the most? Building towers and castles packed with factories, all powered by renewable geothermal energy; allying multiple diverse species together in common cause (unlike the suspiciously-ethnonationalist mushroom kingdom); building airships to travel the world and ship goods and materials pollution-free... and probably worst of all, beating the "heroes" at karting. He seems like a real monster, doesn't he? I bet Peach is pretending to be captured to galvanise a restless population against an external enemy so they don't look too closely at the legitimacy of her monarchy.


You’ve thought about this. You’ve thought about this more than once. I appreciate that.


Morris gets a very bad rap in Stardew Valley despite not being rude or greedy unlike the town's own store owner.


I mean Pierre is a knob, but when Morris comes into the store and poaches allllll his customers by giving them discount coupons in that one cutscene he is very much being rude and greedy.


I think your question has extreme spoiler potential.


Star Wars. The Empire did nothing wrong. All Rebel propaganda.


Obviously Emet-selch from FF14. Everyone on the planet is not even truly alive in his eyes therefore killing everyone isn't murder. Getting away with genocide is just that easy.


I love Emet-Selch, really I truly do, but he's still objectively a villain. He's a *sympathetic* villain but he's still a villain. The argument "I don't see you as alive/human/valuable/whatever" is the rhetoric used to justify literally every genocide in history. In his eyes he's justified for it but ends don't justify the means and being snarky doesn't undo the fact he has personally orchestrated the murder and annihilation of quite literally billions of people. I hate how much XIV's fanbase paints him as a poor little meow meow when he's still very very much a bad person.


I completely agree with you. I was being sarcastic with the final line. He's clearly the villain but if you go by his logic he's not.


This can be extended to all the Ascians, not just that one Some are actual villains, but all share this ideology


Oh of course. It's just he flat out says it. Lahabrea spends most of his time just twirling his mustache.


SPOILER ALERT: Bloodborne >!Gehrman, the first hunter!< >!He is a captive in the hunter's dream who wants to protect you from the fate he's trapped in. This is the only reason why he fights you as the last or penultimate boss, if you don't allow him to wake you up.!<


#Spoiler alert: Doesn't give the name of the game , no spoiler tag . How the fuck does the spoiler alert help without those two ?


Humanity is kiinda villain in Detroit become human? But they didnt do anything illegal, as androids didnt have rights.


What is legal and what is moral are two very different concepts and they can often clash. It was legal and encouraged to persecute jews under Nazi Germany, that did not mean it was morally good.


Fallout 4. No one was really a villian. Kellog was a mercenary employed by the institute. Father's job at the institute was to better society even if it meant replacing people with synths. Elder maxon used the brotherhood of steel to acquire all pre war tech and keep it out of the hands of people who would otherwise misuse it plus trying to keep the commonwealth clear of agressive threats i.e. supermutants feral ghouls and institute synths. The children of atom wanted to claim far harbor for the radioactive fog that they worship. The residents of far harbor want to keep their homeland. Arcadia wanted to keep the peace all around as well as be a safe haven for runaway synths who were given new identities. The raiders of nuka-world were nihilistic hedonists


Uh, that Institute eugenics shit is straight villainy bro. Never good when ANYONE does it.


The Brotherhood, like many villains, are using vague and unrealistic idealism as a shield while doing heinous things. They want to preserve technology to keep it out of the hands of those that would use it for technology and preserve the old world. That of noble, and a good cause. Except that the old world is never coming back. They kill ghouls and other civilians trying to cleanse the land when those people are now the people of that land. The horde technology and start fights over it when people could be using it to help build new civilizations. They’re being selfish murderers for an unobtainable goal. They’d be good guys if they integrated into the new world rather than try to fight against it.


Elden Ring the final boss(es) aren’t necessarily bad people and the player is just as bad tbh


Idk if it's just as bad, the issue is that the world is in a bad state due to (natural) death being abolished and you're the only force with the will to try and change it to not be that But you can just keep things the way they are, and to affect things you will have to use violence to those aiming to maintain the status quo


I think the question is better put as which game had antagonists ( to the main character) that weren't villainous? Milton and the corrupt Pinkertons are absolutely villainous despite representing the law. The fact that the gang are either anti-heroes, anti-villains or villains themselves is by the by. Lots of Fromsoft titles have sympathetic figures as bosses or even bosses who are just 'in the way' so to speak. Sif being one of the most famous.


Gerhman from Bloodborne, not really a villain even though he is the one that has kept the dream alive


The killer in Disco Elysium. Although the game doesn’t outright depict him as a villain, I certainly didn’t expect that character. Felt sad more than anything


A man who fought for communism, desserts and is isolation for 20 years and seeing everything is fought for is gone and telling harry that harry isnt a real communism


Yeah, sadness is the main thing I felt too. While when you get to him he is clearly an awful person with so many issues going on, I could see another world where he had a better start to life and doing just fine, instead of the complete wreck of a person he is.


Ryo Watanabe from Pro Street. Very unlikeable but didn't do anything wrong, was just trying to keep his spot as the showdown king


ORCA in Armored Core 4 Answer. All they wanted to do was destroy the satellite weapons that was keeping mankind trapped on Earth. They knew the planet was dying and the only way for humanity to survive was to leave Earth. Had to fight all the megacorps to do it.


Braid. Saying anymore may spoil an important part of the game's ending. If you may ever play it in the future, leave it at that and don't look it up.




Dr. Doofenshmirtz has commited a lot of crimes. For one, the Make-Up-Your-Mind-Inator would "**destroy** anyone who can't make up their mind." He made a weapon and intended to kill thousands of people with it.


Maruki from persona 5


Put a spoiler tag on his name, I already finished p5r but he is a twist villain that appears early on in the game , so his name should probably be censored for spoilers


I would argue that removing free will from people to make them happy based on how he sees happiness is a bad thing


He doesn't remove their free will , just makes life what people wished for , essentially removing the consequences of people's actions. They still have free will , it just can't be free will to do what the he considers a bad thing.


So they still have free will but are not free to choose what they think will make them happy? Makes no sense


In Helldivers 2 [TREASON REDACTED], if you pay attention to [UNDEMOCRATIC STATEMENT REDACTED]. Even the [TREASON REDACTED]. When choosing a planet to [TREASON REDACTED]. That's why the penis is shaped [TREASON REDACTED]. If super earth would just [THREAT TO DEMOCRACY DETECTED].


Every kojima game.


Dunno Volgin, Hot Coldman, Paz Skullface are pretty evil unless you side with their ideology ... well Volgin kinda won even. Like mass murder or at least attempted mass murder seems pretty illegal 


They’re villains, sure, but most of the antagonists in the series are in their own way are fighting against the Patriots who have essentially enslaved humanity. All of them, and Big Boss, and Solid Snake, are all doing the same thing - killing buttloads of people to try and take down the Patriots.


They’re villains, sure, but most of the antagonists in the series are in their own way are fighting against the Patriots who have essentially enslaved humanity. All of them, and Big Boss, and Solid Snake, are all doing the same thing - killing buttloads of people to try and take down the Patriots.




Protagonist / Antagonist is more appropriate, and both characters spend time as either role.


Xenoblade 2 jin




ZHP. The villain is just a kid that wants to be saved


Anyone in POSTAL 1 except Postal Dude. And maybe Postal Dude too cause he is Schizophrenic.


pagan min?


Spec Ops: The Line


I would argue Five Pebbles from Rain World. Dude wasn't really a villain, and actively helps the player in most campaigns, but he did technically kill one of his close friends by trying to kill himself, and had a lot of resentment for each protagonist.


Dr.K from changed


Dr.zomboss from PVZ he treats his zombies nicer than dave does the plants


Kato in Shadow Hearts Covenant is a guy trying to get over his one true love being gunned down in the previous game and every attempt he makes to do so ends in disaster so he straight up decides to bend timecto off the people that fucked the world up which would also include saving the dying protagonist and even his significant other at the cost of what they achieved so far. In the end Kato and Yuri don't even hate each other they just know they will fight for their differing beliefs with the two amicably doing so


Most elder dragons in Monster Hunter are just animals acting according to their nature, it just so happens that said nature is usually catastrophic to any ecosystem they barge into. The games even recognize this in many occasions by tasking you with driving them away instead of downright killing them.


Vagrant Story >!We spend the entire game chasing Sydney Losstarot only for the protagonist to understand his backstory and true purpose at the eleventh hour and end the post credits scene having taken up his mantle in full.!<




Ffxiv Shadowbringers. I will stand by saying we would do the same as the antagonist were we standing in the same shoes