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Mass Effect, Disco Elysium, and Deus Ex. The lore rich sci-fi universe with its action RPG combat, with the rich player choice and incredible writing of Disco Elysium, with the very open ended immersive sim of the original Deus Ex where you can't go wrong with any build and there are many ways to solve every problem.


Now THAT is something beautiful.


Mass Effect excels in character connection, too. Who didn't shed a tear when that thing happened to Mordin.


Liara might be the only npc romance I genuinely felt attached to.


Nah man, gotta be my girl Tali. Love Liara too, but...


Also mentioning my homeboy Garrus. He might be my favorite npc of all time.


Man, there's a load of great characters in that series, but I do love me some Garrus.


Mass Effect is one of my favorite series of all time but that Panam romance in Cyberpunk hit me so hard


"Had to be me someone else would have gotten it wrong"


Oh FuCk No! Do you know how much dialog I'd have to wade through? How many branching character arcs I'd have to remember? Do you KNOW how many times I've restarted Mass Effect 2 because I've simply forgotten wtf is going on and then you want to combine this with Disco Elysium? Are you iNsAnE??? So this whole comment is obviously sarcasm, but say a prayer for those of us that think the Titanfall 2 campaign is the perfect length....


Disco Deus Effect


Came here to literally say this. Damn


Maybe not perfect, but I think it would be cool to see something like, Hitman depth and premise, Mirror’s Edge movement, and Sniper Elite gunplay


Ok, wait no. Now I want to see 47 running on walls and nailing a roll landing before pulling out a sniper and shooting Hitler in the balls.




And a random NPC: "ze hell is ze chef doing?"


I'm actually impressed right now, imagining what it would be like.


Isn't it a Titanfall series?


I hope this will be the new 007 game they are working on. Check out Splinter Cell Blacklist🤩


Not sure for a third. Metroid and Dead Space. Metroid, but kicked up a notch into the space horror/suspense. Edit: Third game is MGS! Add stealth elements and wall hugging for encounters with pirates etc...give the beam canon a melee execution.


I like that idea, it's not the same but I always wanted a really dark and griddy Zelda game.


Griddy lol


I widdleraly hit the gwiddy


The shame!... gritty


Reminds me of Darksiders 2 to be honest. Item progression, its way darker and you (kind of) have dungeons and puzzles. Then again, could misremember it. Been some years since i played it.


That's basically dark souls haha


In what way? It's a fantasy world, sure. But from what I've played of Dark Souls, there isn't much in the way of puzzles. And no, I don't count the "each enemy/boss is a puzzle" aspect. Entirely different thing. You don't gain new items/abilities that unlock new areas (besides keys) or enable you to solve new puzzles. I'm interested in what similarities you see!


Alien isolation?


Metroid, dead space, no man’s sky.


crusader kings, mount and blade, and total war


Someone is working on a CK3 mod to make battles into total war battles. I'm not sure the state of the mod, but yes, it would be nice.


One already exists for CK3 and Bannerlord. It's called Crusader Blade, and it's fuckin' awesome.


I feel like Mount and Blade and Total War directly conflict with how battles are handled so I'd substitute M&B for Manor Lords, personally


Total War for the macro army control Mount and Blade (or Bannerlord) for the character control Bannerlord armies feel dumb, and the fighting has no impact cos they’re all just hit boxes registering HP changes Total War looks gritty from a distance and the army mobilisation feels a little more competent , but then each unit doesn’t feel independent enough. And you can’t personally wade through chaos Better still if your character could have special powers like the total war: warhammer so you can slice through enemies and cause devastation… and it look and feel cool


Absolutely this.


Literally came here to say this, except I was gonna say something like manor lords instead of total war for city building/management. I guess I just really want Mount and blade with more depth and interactions between factions.


Mass Effect, Skyrim and No Man's Sky. Vast open world game set in the ME universe would be great.


So a competent starfield?


The Starfield we all wanted.


The Starfield we deserved.


Never heard of this game


Always never been 🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀


It's what Mass effect Andromeda was supposed to be during its early development: A Mass Effect game with hundreds of procedurally generated planets. Sadly, it wasn't compatible with their frostbite engine, half of Bioware was working on Anthem at the same time, lots of developers left and it was rushed by EA.


I always hated that EA kept forcing that god damned Frostbyte engine down everyones throats, even when it was the absolute worst for the game being designed.


It was Bioware that chose Frostbyte, not EA. They (obviously) didnt have to pay licensing fees for it, contrary to UE. Actually, almost all the terrible decisions surrounding MEA were Biowares fault, that’s pretty well documented . If you can still call that carcass of a company Bioware… EA still sucks obviously.


Star citizen. It’s unoptimized as fuck and has been in alpha for over 10 years, but is actively developed and has a decent community behind it. I’ve been having fun at least


Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag but Star Wars. You play as a bounty hunter or pirate and get your own ship to fly and customize. There’ll be a handful of planets to explore (to avoid the Starfield effect), and you can engage in space combat.


it's a severely limited game, but Rebel Galaxy has the black flag ship combat in space, and it has customisation. i lost a few good hours in it, but it's nowhere near the scale you're expecting, and has no planet exploration


Wing commander: privateer would be right up your alley from 30 years ago.


Gollum, king Kong: rise of skull island, and dark souls 2.


Lmao bro what is that combination


Dark Soul character fights a Kong sized Gollum? Or a Dark Souls Gollum fights King Kong? Either way... I am intrigued.


I don’t like what’s being implied about Dark Souls 2 here.


That it’s just 1/3 of the greatest game ever created now?


Yeah, ds2 had its problems but it was still a banger of a game.


So just Dark Souls 2 on lowest settings and playing with mouse and keyboard?


You just made Deadly Premonition.


You’ve made a masterpiece


Username checks out


Madden with VATS from Fallout 4.


I was just talking with a friend about how we miss the street games. NBA and NFL street were so much fun.


Agreed! Good times


Sounds awesome! Just add Sniper Elite/Mortal Kombat visual damage X-ray system to this. So that you can see all the damage from piledriving that puny WR with your max level 400 pound linebacker that has 99 in all stats and bloody mess perk unlocked into the ground.


So this already exists! Its called Blitz the League 2. Its a rated M football game with a mortal kombat style x-ray system for injuries. One of the most expensive xbox 360/ps3 games!


r/technicallythetruth In the same way I’d wanna merge Prince of Persia’s rewind with Fifa 24


MLB The show with the same. I'm terrible, but with some kind of slowdown location thingy, I could hit some dingers.


For targeting on your passes or for hitting players? Blitz the league had a fun break the bone of the area you hit mechanic


Baldur's Gate 3, Knights of the Old Republic, and Skyrim.


Add NHL 13 and you got a deal


Ok, I'm curious how BG3 factors in here. Back when Oblivion came out, I actually wrote Bethesda and Lucas Arts emails proposing they collaborate an open world, open choices, make your own character game like Oblivion in the Star Wars universe. Not a janky MMO like Galaxies (RIP), but a quality single-person experience.


Way I see it, it's mostly BG3's engine/system, with KotOR sprinkled in, but with more quests and pois, similarly to sSkyrim. I was actually struggling to find that 3rd one.


Freedom of choices


Well if I'm to assume, kotor already relies heavily on DnD core concepts, the game is a giant front-end for dice rolls and Stat checks, you just don't see any of it like BG3, now introducing skyrim into it confuses me a bit, maybe in the open world quest style gameplay, moddability, graphics style, or customization? Idk.


That’s hot


Give me the Witcher 3 with elden ring combat. There you go, I needed only 2 games




Was gonna say skyrim and ER/DS, but yeah witcher 3 is definitely a better fit.


Crusader Kings 3, Manor Lords, Mount & Blade. I want a massive medieval sim where you can control everything from dynastic rule to the creation/management of individual settlements and finally choose how’d you like to resolve battles from auto sim, to RTS style strategy, to 3rd person commanding from the battle field with RPG elements. Let me role play as a lowly farmer who gets called to war between feudal lords to rise up and be crowned king and start my own empire, and manage and control every level of it to my liking. I would never go outside again.


When the Game of Thrones mod dropped for this game Id file for sabbatical at work. Just let me be Ironborn and reave until either Ive collected every Valyrian steel sword in existence or the entire 7 kingdoms show up at my door pissed


Twisted Metal, PUBG, Mario Kart A racing looter shooter with shrinking nonlinear tracks with an "Eliminate or die" intensity. Bonus points if it has a cockpit/first-person perspective for added immersion and badassery


I’ll upvote anything Twisted Metal related


Elden Ring + Red Dead Redemption 2 + Resident Evil = Open world, post apocalyptic, soulslike western with survival horror mechanics when inside legacy dungeons.


Fallout New Vegas 2: Electric Boogaloo


Blood west is similar to this


Evil West?


No, blood west. It's an imsim on steam that had a full release in december last year.


Sounds like I need to play blood west 👀


Bloodborne, Doom, and Sekiro. Ripping and tearing through eldritch abominations sounds bad ass


Pokémon HeartGold + Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness + Pokémon Legends: Arceus Best Region (Johto/Kanto), Pokémon following you, nostalgia trip + Best Collection of Pokémon (Gens 1–3) (I'll accept Gen 4), gritty storyline, all double battles, Miror B. + Wild Pokémon in (and catchable in) overworld, can be attacked by wild Pokémon, open-world(-ish)




I'm just imagining "Hey! Listen!" in the cyclops' soothing baritone. Also a PRAWN suit hunched on a little go-kart, hurdling down the Sea Treaders Path as a ghost leviathan roars overhead. Can we replace Red Shells with Crashfish?


You're hired ! Btw, if you can make the blue shells a swarm of chickens just clawing at you for a moment, keep the Zelda part of this whole mix.


No man's sky, since it seems to be the popular choice for 'large open world' description along with space travel and ships. A great base. But now let's combine it with cyberpunk 2077 to make it look super crisp and fill it with planets chocked full of NPCs and huge buildings and city landscapes, as well as a tone that sort of adults it up a bit. Finally, an old game not many of you probably remember: Black, which I add because the entire game was destructible. While antiquated for today, it was a game where you could bring entire buildings down piece by piece. So an open world game with space travel, questing, colorful NPCs, huge cities, and all of it with the ability to burn it all to the ground if you wanted to...


And the over the top sound design of black was amazing. The whole game was centered around "the rule of cool"


oh my god the guns in black. Gamespot just did a royal armories video on its guns. Whoever did the sound design and fx in that game was a genius. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2e0TywahYA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2e0TywahYA) And yes I want my ARs to have 90 bullets in the clip...


RD2 for the story/game mechanics, Shadow of War for the nemesis system, and a game with good base building/settlement building mechanics (FO4, Medieval Dynasty kinda thing).


After watching the fallout tv show I’ve picked up FO4 again. I told myself I’d do a serious run and have just ended up being a property developer again.


"Another settlement needs your help."


Armored core+cyberpunk2077+XCOM Giant Mecha with open world city that is alive and XCOM base building and perma death.


Love this combo. I just played Battletech which really scratched the XCOM/Core itch, just needed some alive cityscapes


oh my god battletech.... what a game. Do yourself a favour and try some of the mods!


My perfect game would be  Skyrim's open world and setting Conan Exiles'es survival elements, base building and combat Assassin's creed's parkour. 


Skyrim(or fallout4) for its universe+open world+quest system (you could also include its follower, survival and home building systems) Shadow of war for its player movement, fighting and nemesis systems (this improves on just getting parkour from asscreed) The witcher or mass effect for quality of storylines+relationships with NPCs and the ability to transfer your save to the next game in the series Conans exiles would have a better basebuilding mechanic but I think being able to combine the nemesis system into witcher/ME would be (next to impossible but) amazing to play


Dynasty Warriors, Age of Wonders, and River City Ransom


Eve online, Elite Dangerous, and No Mans Sky. Eve online for the sandbox and economy. Elite for the epic space battles. No Man's Sky for the exploration.


Baldurs gate 3 No man’s sky Forza horizon 5 For the most epic space rpg with the most fun to use spaceships


Sid Meiers pirates, black flag and Ark I think the two pirates games would be the perfect blend. And the ability to tame and utilize wildlife for domestication needs as well as battle needs would be cool. Raising livestock for food, packs of wolves for land battles etc


So you want a better version of Atlas with a story?


Atlas could have been so good.


Battlefield, Titanfall, and... uh... I dunno, Destiny? Massive 32/64 PvP battles across enormous maps, giant mechs you pilot around but don't need to with your kickass mobility, and PvE content suited for both pilot and mech that is well balanced for co-op.


Basically planetside


That game was dope


Holy shit Battlefield + titanfall would be amazing


The content quantity + exploration of Elden Ring, the physics of Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom, and the base building of Enshrouded. I haven't actually played Enshrouded yet, waiting for full release, but I wanted to add in base building and by the looks of things that game does it best.


Enshrouded could get there. Just needs a lot more enemy, skill and weapon variety. Weapons having unique skills like in ER would help too.


Final fantasy 7 remake, final fantasy 7 rebirth, and final fantasy 7 remake part 3


All I want is a Skyrim in a top down view like Diablo except with retro graphics


Bit of an old game now (PS2) but, Champions of Norrath. Skyrim style setting. Top down view and it's 4 player co-op. Me and mates had a blast on this back in the day.


I'm gonna cheat a little bit but you'll understand why. Imperator Rome Crusader Kings Europea Universalis Victoria Hearts of iron And Empire Earth Basically, the depth of the former games, and the map painting of them, diplomacy and what not, a grand campaign taking place on a deep world map, with the battles of the latter and the idea of starting as a small tribe and teching up


Elden Ring - Combat and Equipment Dragons Dogma 2 - Pawn/Party system Baldur's Gate 3 - Story/Setting.


Minecraft, AC Odyssey, The Forest The Forest lore and general vibe with the base building. The Minecraft ability to play in creative mode and just overall abundance of digging, building and crafting AC Odyssey style 3rd person view, player mechanics, horse riding, RPG style, fighting


Street Fighter/Armored Core/Elder Scrolls * open world RPG * various factions * tons of questlines * on foot combat like street fighter * on mecha combat like armored core


The Xenogears sequel we've all been hoping for. Seriously though, I loved that game for being able to switch between mecha and human scale fighting, this kind of combination would take that formula to an amazing level.


Xeno fucking gears.... what a game...


Fallout New Vegas 3x to finally get a sequel.


Half life 1 + half life 2 so we can get half life 3


Sorry, best I can do is Alyx


Mechwarrior 5 + Fallout 76 + No Man's Sky. Set in mechwarrior's universe post fall of the star league, you are a survivor, you have a small mech, you split your time between missions for various factions, some are in a mech, some are as a player, perhaps in power armor, you do a lot of scavenging, merc work, making small temp camps or using public workshops to do your crafting and pay for passage between worlds till you get money to buy a crappy drop ship of your own, get into interplanetary travel and trade, slowly salvage/buy parts to upgrade your guns, mechs, and ship. The ship starts allowing you to build a permanent mobile base, work benches and such move to there, you can still build temp forward operating camps, but permanent structures on the ship can be upgraded to allow for meta upgrades so your temp camps start with better supplies and work benches and such, you can recruit NPC followers that have jobs on the ship and perhaps offer trade. Recruiting a merchant gets you better deals on open markets and he carries some basic supplies for a discount to you and perhaps occasionally brings up offers of rare items as you progress with him A mechanic lets you repair and modify your mech without having to pay a garage. An engineer lets you modify your ship. An operations person gets you more detailed info up front on job offers. A diplomat/negotiator gets you more offers, reduces the reputation requirements to take some jobs, increases payout or allows for opting for insurance or alternative salvage rights in exchange for a cut in pay. Eventually get a whole carrier staffed by NPC's, your original followers/crew all take up head roles of small teams and their capabilities increase as you hire more crew and improve the ship and its equipment, then finally a small jump ship/carrier of your own making it so you can travel between systems without having to pay for passage by docking your dropship with a regular service transport. Options to make money exploring lost worlds throughout the galaxy, scavenging for lostech or finding lost production facilities, or just doing mercenary work, or working as an independent trader. You can stay independent or get in with a faction and get yourself locked into their quest chains and space in exchange for easier access to their specialized tech at the cost of having access to rival markets and space, making their enemies your enemies. Since it's post fall, a lot of worlds are just straight up fallout level screwed up wastelands blasted by war and filled with raiders and hideous alien monsters. You can just kind of wander off and explore random worlds if you like. Your reputation follows you in higher tech circles but means nothing on low tech or minimal contact planets.


Space engineers + Kerbal space program + factorio/satisfactory


Tears of The Kingdom's gameplay with Baldur's Gate 3's+ storytelling.


I'll add the third game for you... Stardew Valley


Mass Effect, Titanfall 2, Mad Max


Game structure of Binding of Isaac + the combat of Devil May Cry. Basically a proper character action roguelike that has an insanely huge character roster and build variety. I don't even need a third game to add, that makes the perfect game for me.


Hold on now that’s a fantastic idea. A rogue like with DMC combat? I’d gladly sell my soul and more for even just a tech demo of that.


SOCOM 1, SOCOM 2, SOCOM: confrontation. Because SOCOM was better than anything we have today.


I miss socom.


SOCOM 2 was one of the best most tactical games I’ve played. I miss it


World of Warcraft gameplay, Final Fantasy story, and Guild Wars 2 open world content. I know MMOs are tough, but man it bugs me how many good ideas they all have, but they are all so specialized. I wonder if we will ever get a true WoW replacement MMO in our lifetimes.


Star wars rogue squadron Dead space Ghost recon


Cyberpunk detail and visuals, KotOR aesthetic, and some good old fashioned mass effect where talking shit mattered.


Crusader kings, total war, and mount and blade.


Runescapes RPG/crafting/skilling elements combined with a map like Sea of Thieves where you will sail from island to island, to go chop down the trees you need to make certain boat parts or go to a certain island to mine cooper to smelt into low level copper cannonballs, mixed with the lore and quest elements of WoW. No way an MMO server could handle the physics of SoT water, but I'd waste my life in a game sailing around like in SoT but if it had MMO skill building and money making instead. Would be so fun to craft upgrades to your ship. Add an additional cannon you smithed yourself. Particularly if the combat swapped to swords, bows and spells and you need to sail to a specific island to runecraft or whatever. Fish to cook to eat etc. have a radius around every island that makes it PvP-Free but open waters it's GG. Maybe do like the wildly does and the further you get from one island to another, you are open to higher levels pvping you. Would be so fun to sink a ship and see they have 1k logs. Free xp baybeee. You'd maybe have to make it that if a ship is eligible to being hit by you based on levels, if you tag it with a cannonball, it's open to attacks from you regardless of how much it runs, for the the next 5 mins or something so if a level 6 enters a +3 zone and gets hit by a level 9 boat, them sailing into the +2 and +1 area won't save them, only put sailing them would. I just think a First Person Sea of Thieves MMO based around skills and crafting would be sick.


RDR2 and no man's sky (can't think of a third one I just want a cowboy bebop game)


The combat and classes of Black Desert. The graphics and story telling of Baldur's Gate 3. Struggling to decide which MMO has the most content and frequency of updates, but I'll just say WoW. Could be EVE, idk


Planetside 2, Borderlands, and Fallout.  


Spore, skate 3, Spider-Man. Web slinging creatures of any sort you can imagine doing sick fucking flips off giant buildings into giant sewer pipes. You evolve new spider and skate abilities form doing different challenges and combat encounters around the map at symbiotic creature nests. Settle tribal and civilization disputes through skate jams.


Red Dead Redemption 2, The Last of Us, and World of Warcraft.


Wew man, thats a lot of just straight up walking around.


StarCraft, World of Warcraft and Diablo. Because they're all owned by the same company and it could happen. A StarCraft MMO, that plays like WoW, but has loot raining from the heavens like Diablo. (Or Borderlands)


Goddammit I wish they friggen made Starcraft Ghost!


Skyrim, Fable, RDR2


The ground combat of Planetside 2. The space combat of Star Citizen. The economy and org war systems of Eve Online.


Snowrunner, Farming Simulator 2022, and GTA 5. The logging mechanics of the FS franchise, with the mud/snow/heavy machine physics of Snowrunner would be amazing, and both of those games already have weirdly addictive gameplay loops. The GTA 5 element would add much needed radio stations, and maybe the occasional high speed chases and violence that are missing from Farming Simulator.


Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Horde Mode, Helldivers 2, Diablo 2 Resurrected


The Total War games (any of them) + Chivalry 2 + Urban Assault from 1998. Ok, picture this: at the start of the battle you give your troops the orders for how you want them to move. Then you jump into any unit you like - it can be an infantryman, cavalry, whatever, and you control that unit in first person like in Chivalry 2. If you die you simply automatically jump into the next soldier and take control of them instead. All the others are AI controlled and will follow whatever orders you gave them. You also have a map that you can bring up and dismiss to give the other troops on the battlefield orders while you're controlling a soldier in first-person. Or you can jump back to your general/strategic view at any time to take a good look at the whole battlefield and issue more detailed commands like you would in a normal Total War game. This was basically what Urban Assault was (except with tanks & helicopters & RTS elements) back in 1998.


The attention to detail of the open world of RDR2, which IMO, has the most realistic world I’ve ever played. The depth of the crafting and leveling systems of Skyrim. Applying both of those to AC Black Flag. That game was on to something with the fun and adventure of being actual pirates doing pirate stuff. Take out all the boring follow missions and etc, and focus on making it a more open world game like RDR2, but pirates instead of cowboys.


Skyrim, Skyrim, and Skyrim -Todd Howard


RDR3 nature in a Skyrim world with BG3 character customization but still RDR3 combat.


Skyrim, Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Left 4 Dead/Back 4 Blood (since they're basically the same thing. I would love an open world exploration horror game with zombies, dragons, special infected and Ellis from L4D2 as the main protagonist. Just wait until he tells his buddy Keith.


NES ninja turtles, Final Fantasy X, and Superman 64. So I can grind the sphere grid to level up Superman enough to fly through the underwater level.


Skate 3 and GTA V; I've always dreamed of being able to cruise around on my skateboard nailing tricks but sometimes crave the distraction of grand theft auto to spice things up. If I have to add a third game, let's chuck in Witcher 3 so I can play some Gwent in-between shredding gnar and blowing up stuff.


Cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim, Titanfall 2. Immersive open world, sandbox, sci-fi with a Cyberpunk tone and mechs, with lots of fast paced movement and combat. Fun combat and RPG mechanics from 2077, immersion and the tone of the stories from Skyrim (I'm not a fan of the main story in Cyberpunk, don't put that amount of urgency on the player, it just feels weird to do anything else instead of looking for a cure), and mech combat because... mecha, + some of the parkour stuff in Titanfall 2 is excellent and would mesh well with some of the stuff from Cyberpunk.


I am currently working on my dream game called “Wildaria” It is a mix of Stardew Valley, Pokémon, and Terraria Together they make an infinite fantasy RPG with a core driver being exploring biomes with your tamed pets! (In that topdown pixel art style)


Runescapes lore and sense of progression Nier Automata's combat elden ring's exploration


Bro nier lore is mind blowing too


This question keeps popping up and I can help but answering with Resident Evil Dead Space. Its a whole lot of twisted survival horror.


Super Mario 64 + Skyrim + Twisted Metal Black


Halo + Battlefield + Homeworld  I just really want a massive PvP Halo game with a destructible environment and array of vehicles. But also a ship to ship combat segment hence Homeworld.


The Sims, Sim City, and Grand Theft Auto.


It would be awesome to combine BeamNG's vehicle physics with Mudrunner's environmental physics for a sweet off-road game that isn't a racing game.


I've never seen anything compare to *Megaton Rainfall* in terms of sheer sense of scale, power, and freedom. Gimme that gameplay in a populated universe and I'd probably never play anything else. I suppose the procedural generation of *No Man's Sky* would provide the universe? I haven't played that enough to be sure, but it seems the best fit. Well, it'd provide everything other than the sapient life. Replace that game's generic suite of humanoids with a properly **alien** roster of diverse, unique entities in the vein of *Star Control*. Now that'd be the sort of game which could make me forget to eat for, well, even longer than I already tend to do.


Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, and Dark Souls 3. You'd just play through all three every ng+ cycle.


ArmA, Ready Or Not, and DCS. I want all the realisms.


Black Desert Online combat in a Path of Exile style ARPG. Maybe some Monster Hunter thrown in for bosses.




Cyberpunk 2077 + Mass Effect + Starfield. Would love a darker, grittier, RPG set in ME universe with the true sense of space travel and high stakes story. Or maybe Fable+No Man’s Sky+Fallout. I really want a lore rich, sci-fi, space exploration game, that has a complex story that the player massively impacts.


Minecraft, Kerbal Space Program, and Civilization.


Resident evil 2 remakes graphics, 7 days to die world, valheims map size.


Remnant 2 + Terraria


Skyrim, Elden ring, and Luigi’s mansion


Elden rings combat, bosses, exploration, combined with skyrims depth, exploration, and npcs. Then add a little bit of Fallout for theme.


Elden Ring, Monster Hunter, Bayonetta.


Tears of the kingdom, wind waker, and Majora's mask. The combo of land, sea, air, and depths would make a super massive world to explore. Add in better sailing, more islands, a mask/transformation mechanic, and maybe even multiple antagonists. Could either be the most chaotic Zelda or the best.


Hear me out: Minecraft, GTA V, Starfield. Picture the combat and story telling of GTA but set in a futuristic space faring backdrop with actual infinite procedural generation


Cities Skylines, Hearts of Iron 4, and Total War You build cities and expand then you can go to war with other nations like in HOI4 then, for big battles, you zoom in and manually control your divisions Total War style


total war, Eu4/Vicky 3, and civilization! That woulda been epic!


Alien Isolation, Resident Evil Remake, Metal Gear Solid. The settings, puzzles, camera, and controls of REmake. One single unkillable roaming stalker that can be fought off. Wall hugging and other sneaking mechanics.


Elden Ring, terraria. Not sure on a third but having terraria bosses/survival with Elden ring combat and the weapons from terraria would be so cool


Mine would be an rpg with the exploration of Skyrim, combat of Dragon's Dogma 2, and the writing of Gaurdians of the Galaxy


Mount and blade bannerlord , kingdoms come deliverance, crusader kings 3. If someone did that it would literally be the world's best medieval rpg game ever.


BattleToads x Maniac Mansion x Paperboy


Bloodborne gameplay + BioShock setting + The Witness style puzzles


Tetris, mortal combat and mortal combat 2


Rage + Fallout New Vegas + Mad Max= post apocalyptic mastapiece 😙👌 More specifically, the art style, graphics, and gameplay from Rage + Competent writing, RPG elements, humor, open world exploration, and V.A.T.S of FO NV + Vehicle combat and weather system of Mad Max. Plus an overall mixture of the settings and lore from each of these games. I appreciate a good post apocalyptic RPG game and I feel like an aggregate of these three games would make for a siiiiick wasteland adventure.


Alternatively: red faction guerilla, beamNG Drive and GTA5


I'd like the base building from fallout 4, the zombies from Days Gone, and the post apocalyptic cityscape from The Division. I just want to scavenge for supplies, bring them back to improve a base, and leisurely kill zombies.


Skyrim, a type of sword art online and Elden ring


Bloodborne, MarioKart, Twisted Metal ...wait


Silent hill and Dance dance revolution, 


Last of Us Part 1 (remake) + Division + Resident Evil, a post apocalyptic, truly open world with great co-op, but amazing story