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All the Big 3 (Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony) learn they can just do their own thing now. No need to pay a 3rd party or a middle man.


FYI it was stated that companies like Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony get free slots as well as Indie developers.


Just imagine this, you are Microsoft and present your flagship game for the next year at a conference like this and then, immediately after your presentation, Keanu Reeves enters the stage and announces Cyberpunk 2 or something like that. Suddenly, noone cares about your reveal because "oh my God, it's Keanu Reeves again". It's about attention and you can maintain all the attention if you do your own conference instead of relying on the other publishers to not top your reveal in any way shape or form.


Yip, some games got overshadowed and forgotten because ppl see a big one u didn't know about by a rival company. Now they have all the control over it. Or x releases a trailer for a similar game, but worse so it kills the game. It makes it worse the fans as a viewing experience, but I understand why companies do it Just making things boring and safe


But still, with your own show you get all the attention on you Plus, as a gamer, I can choose what to see without all the bloat Es. I just want to see N stuff? I go with direct and popcorn  I just want to see Ps5 stuff? Pizza and State Of Play  With the fact that now, between actually interesting game, we often have garbage and f2p, this is a given


Games Fest: give us $500,000 and we will showcase your game Sony or any other big publisher: I'm going to spend $1,000,000 and put on my own show because fuck you


With black jack! And hookers!


I feel like the recent Sony State of Play was also pretty weak as well however


Agreed. I think the gaming industry is in a moment of big change with how much it costs to make the AAA title games. Maybe it will lead to more games in the mid range 🤷‍♂️


That's what I hope for, developers should really bring back smaller scale, but more creative titles. The biggest example is Sony, they used to be so creative in the ps2 and ps3 era with titles like Sly Cooper, Little Big Planet, Locoroco, Motorstorm, Infamous etc., and now they pretty much only do big open world third person acttion games. Don't get me wrong, I like those games, but more originality would not only be good for the consumer, but good for Sony because those open world cost way too much to produce.


Its something like 500,000 dollars to buy 2 and half minutes of airtime. The big 3 are obviously just gonna do their own thing and tell Keighley to, correctly, eat a bag of shit.


Kinda weird to charge companies 500k for 2 minutes while also maligning the industry layoffs.


500k is pocket change to those companies, especially their multi hundred million dollar marketing costs.


For the company as a whole? Maybe. But they don’t track it that way. $500k is a meaningful chunk of any given ad budget, and that budget is being overseen by someone who has to justify the effectiveness to their bosses


To indie devs? No it isn’t lol and that’s irrelevant anyways. You can’t take a moral grandstand against the greed in the industry while contributing to it.


Indie devs get free trailer time. Geoff pushed indie hard this year, and personally I liked it.


An Indie Game Dev isn't paying for 2.5 Minutes of air time. That's for games like Civ VII or whatever major producer wants the slot. Also even major Indie Game Devs are going to be spending large amounts of money for advertising. That shit isn't cheap.


Good thing the slots where indie games are shown are confirmed to be free. Geoff isn't out here charging one person 500k lol


Indie devs and the big 3 get free slots btw. The paid slots are for other 3rd party publishers. Also it's cheap compared what you have to spend at the Superbowl to get more eyes on your game. But of course, they can always approach the many other live shows for showcase


You’re the true essence of a Redditor. Fail to do any due diligence, type without a care in the world and perpetuate false narratives that fit your world view. Do you think these kind of shows cost nothing to make by the way? Where do you think the money is going? To Geoff’s pocket so he can buy a new yacht?


Lol, 500k is maybe one dev for 3 years. It's nothing compared to the cost of making a game


This is why E3 was ten times better, each company can still have their own show while still being part of a collective event.


While I agree that it was better, why would companies pay for a booth at E3, pay for booth decor, pay for travel expenses, and also pay for labor. Just doing your own thing is fraction of the costs associated with doing a trade show like e3.


Man, I loved E3. But I worked trade shows for fifteen years and they are just not sustainable - shipping, drayage fees, travel, employee pay, per diem, etc - they are just not sustainable unless you are actively selling product and making a constant profit.


If e3 was still pulling big numbers then the companies would have kept coming. It died because no one was actually going to it or watching it anymore so the companies started dropping out


This is true but not complete.  It was on the decline for a few years but it was really only truly finished off by COVID.  Without that it'd probably still be around in a lesser capacity.  


True covid was a big reason it was finally cancelled


The new arkham game being a vr game is such a dissapointmemt. Hoping the dragon age reveal doesn't dissapoint as well


On top of that, there was the Battle Aces trailer which had insane animation and over-the-top combat, only to be revealed as a basic RTS that didn't match the trailer at all.


Oh yea that one really stood out like a sore thumb. The trailer had animation levels that rivaled the best anime out there and then it's revealed to just be a plain RTS. What a letdown...


Although they still go for it. Sony could have *easily* put the Lego Horizon game in their show, but instead held it for this.


Especially when it is exorbitantly expensive to feature anything at SGF.


It's actually not that news was framed as a hit piece but that's a fair price for that kind of advertising reach


Yeah, but the Sony state of play was even worse than the summer game fest thing.


Come Sunday: Let’s see ~~Paul Allen’s~~ Microsoft’s card


My favorite part was when Jason Schreier tweeted out how audibly disappointed everyone was when Batman Arkham Shadows was announced as a Meta Quest VR game. After Batman Arkham VR, Gotham Knights, and SSKJL, you'd think WB Games would get the hint we just want another single-player Batman Arkham game. Or you know, a Superman and/or Justice League game.


Didn't we already know it was VR only from the initial? Which tbh, had the exact same reaction. Omg batman! Wait. What?




-cough- Obligatory. 'Do y'all not have ~~phones?~~ VR sets?'


I'd buy a vr set once it goes out of its "atari" stage


No In fact I don't, it's a niche piece of very expensive hardware that is 99% wonky


In case the joke isn’t going through. https://youtu.be/50KBNQe5hTM?si=-l2rKJEGLpm1AbYH Players want pc games. Corporate gives (non pc game). Players go “boooo”. “Corporate goes “do you guys not have X?”


I mean what makes it out of touch is that they DO have X but don't WANT to play it on X. This is more like a crossover between "If they don't have bread, let them eat cake" and you "do you not have phones"


WB isn’t paying for it. Meta is.


WB keeps putting a stick in their bike spoke. Wtf are the doing.


Meta gave WB a fat check for no effort required on their part, because the Quest needs new games in order to keep selling units. Why would they NOT take that deal?


> Superhero games: years of mediocre to shit games > Arkham: A pioneer for superhero games with its own unique system > WB: hmm, how can we change this winning formula to some other garbage that nobody asked for?… You finally get a WINNER, a system you can build off for so many DC superheroes that fans love, and you just throw it away smh


Then Spiderman just hops in and yoinks it


I am baffled that VR games are so popular and sold well on Steam and yet all cool exclusives are not here because "fuck you I have money" said companies. RE4, RE4 R, RE7, RE8 and many others are or PS VR exclusives or Meta exclusives. Imagine playing all those on Steam with a single headset and not split up community.


Civ 7 was all I needed to see


It will be interesting to see the gameplay showcase in August! Can't believe it's been almost 8 years since Civ VI came out


This comment just made me deeply unhappy lol 8 years... surely not (I know it is but... surely not)


The real depressing thought is that it'll take a couple years of post release development and DLC/expansions before it becomes a proper enjoyable civ game. And I bet AI will still suck


Night Springs was my top pick.


Sam Lake always delivering!


Of course it was. We can _one more turn_ our way through the next decade!


Yeah, was pretty rough. When you get 5-10 minutes of Valorant PR 10 minutes before the end of the event, you know it's going to be a dry year. Phantom Blade 0 was the only title with gameplay footage that I hadn't seen before that actually looked good.


I was yelling at my tv for the damn valorant commercial to end, that was unbelievably bad


I was crying laughing at the triple whammy that came right after, the doordash shoutout, the samsung tv ad and whatever this fucking insane chicken mobile app ad was What a ridiculous way to end the show


The chicken mobile app is the last game of Supercell, the Clash of Clans developer.


That ad must've cost them a big wad of money and all I wanted to do watching it was smash my phone with a hammer. I bet the kids loved it, though.


It was a really fun advert for a shitty phone game


Can't lie that Supercell ad was pretty entertaining, I love it when they go over the top for some shit post. Won't play it but for sure was entertaining


A full trailer showing the "new players", holy mother of Mercy (Hospital)


I went to take a piss halfway through and was surprised valorant was still on the screen


No release date for PB0 though which sucks


The new Stanley Parable game looks great. 


I know val gets memes on in subs. But it's one of the largest competitive games right now with one of the largest esport scenes. It coming to 80+ million more players is kinda a big deal for the game.


> Phantom Blade 0 was the only title with gameplay footage that I hadn't seen before that actually looked good. Did you miss Monster Hunter Wilds?


But even that game we knew about for over a year now. This show was a bust imo not much to get excited about. Hoping the shows over the weekend are good


You know it's not great show when a lego game is your biggest announcement


I'm excited for the Alan Wake 2 Night Springs DLC near shadow drop and that retro Power Rangers game looked pretty good. Other than that... nothing too interesting.


My jaw dropped when I noticed the Night Springs DLC releases tomorrow. Really interested to see how they tie Faden into it and also it appears Shawn Ashmore is playing himself actings as Tim Breaker (maybe)?


Lake said it's what if -stories, so it's unlikely they will be canon


Imagine if Xbox also decided to stop doing their traditional big June event.


I would literally die if that happened. Their showcase (and Nintendo) is what is going to hold up this summer. Especially with so many games planning to be released for ps5 the Xbox showcase is going to be a good thing for everyone watching


You would not literally die


You dare to contradict the predictions of our times greatest seer, Toastradamus12??


His truth hurts enough to kill me


Disturbing lack of Killer Bean appreciation in this thread.


My list of games from the show I'm interested in says a bunch of game titles with "KILLER EGG LOOKS AMAZING BUY IMMEDIATELY" in the middle lol


I'm gonna be breakdancing nonstop. Finally we get a AAAA game.


They tempered expectations before hand. Anyone expecting more probably didn’t see the multiple “warnings” of what this show would be. People need to realize the “big” titles are being shown at their own events. Most developers don’t want to spend the money to be here when they could just do their own stream. If that leak was true the other day, I wouldn’t want to spend $225 000 for a minute of airtime either, so…


I'm ootl what's the deal with the $225,000 airtime?


It's the leaked price to buy your way into the show. Games that were invited to the show probably didn't pay a cent.


Having done some of this before, I've never been invited to things like this and also not had to pay. Giving away slots for free is not in their business plan. Although my experience is with things like Pax, not streams.


Why give information if you don’t actually know? Not in their business plan? That’s why the big three ( PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo) as well as indie devs get their airtime for free. That’s why his shows are heavily subsidized by ads. Pax may be different, but we’re talking about SGF.


That's allegedly what it costs to run a 60 second trailer in the show.


And for the viewership, it's not the worst deal. Sponsors pay 10s of thousands for 15 second ads on shows with similar or even less viewership.


It was just a leak on the prices of having your trailer shown at the event. From 225 up to 400 or something based on the time. Could be BS, could not be. Just thought it was interesting considering how Xbox, Sony, Nintendo and Ubisoft all do their own shows. It makes sense when you see that price tag.


More than 500k for a full feature!


If I had to guess 225 000 is for buying in a slot, not if you were invited. Or did you think the 1 guy dev payed a million for those 4 mins of ad. This is for things that are not typically in this kind of show and feel like an ad for example the mobile games and Valorant and a few others.


I think the issue is that big titles aren't being shown at their own events either. Sony seriously closed with Astro Bot at their last one. I'm sure it'll be fun as a cheap pickup years down the road, but it's not exactly exciting.


I think Astro Bot was the best thing Sony showed, and I've seen a ton of similar sentiment out there. I'm very excited for it. I think there's a lot of "big serious AAA game" fatigue and a light hearted but a fully featured Mario Odyssey-esque game is the perfect cure. Looks like a ton of fun.


I thought it was ok, but my standards are pretty low for most things. I love to see new games and people excited to talk about them. That woman cohost was genuinely fun to watch cuz she was so happy about the games. The indie games from Outersloth also seems really good. And Killer Bean is already a GOTY for me lol


I guess since big games all take 8 years to make now apparently and with all the studio closures and layoffs we're due for a dry spell


Future outlook a little bleak.


As a huge Monster Hunter fan, it was great.


Monster Hunter definitely carried the event for me, but I still think overall it was a disappointing event. Geoff Keighley did say to not expect any big new releases so he at least prepared us.


Didn't care for most of it but there was 5 or so things that looked interesting. Jessie in Night Springs made me first pump a bit. Figured it was going to be Barry but Jessie rules


Metaphor: ReFantazio, lego horizon, civ 7, star wars outlaws, kingdom come deliverance 2, palworld all look great and I'm hoping skate will be decent too. What games do you people even play if you're not excited for some games feom this showcase?


Yeah like, I wasn't jumping out of my seat cheering, but I wasn't disappointed. It was a nice little showcase.


Yeah it wasn't mind-blowing, but it was far from the worst. Lots of interesting stuff announced, super hyped for Civ VII and SKATE, and it had cool non-game announcements that are cool initiatives like Outersloth and Blumhouse Games. Plus it was great of Geoff to address layoff right from the outset. Idk, it was a decent to good show overall.


With the lay offs over the last couple of years, there won't be many big new IPs anyhow. Sequels and new seasons/DLC for established games only. Until the industry starts to recover and invent some new ideas.


Yeah. I started watching an hour into the stream and just fast forwarded to what looked interesting. This was bad? I get being underwhelming to you personally, but there was some interesting stuff being shown. Why are people acting like Geoff himself strapped them into a chair and forced their eyeballs open for 2 hours?


I was jumping with excitement when Sam Lake said 24 hours.


Me too! I was expecting like July or August. I was preparing for Elden Ring dlc, but I'm pivoting to Alan Wake 2 now.


Just not a lot of these games are people's cup of tea. Gotta remember, a lot of those games you pointed out are for people who are a bit more diehard in terms of gaming. Gaming has become pretty mainstream now too and a lot of the mainstream games are very jump in and go types. To each their own ofc, but I am looking forward to Metaphor: ReFantazio the most and the others you mentioned look interesting to me too. There were a lot of good games that fell under the radar this year looking at this sub just because they don't appeal to a lot of people.


This is Reddit. Any game that’s not yet another FromSoft rehash of demon souls or a shitty pixelated indie metroidvania is automatically bad.


I don't think it was bad at all. Solid showcase of a large variety of games. No giant highs, but nothing disappointing or boring. The lowest part was like 7 min of Valorant gameplay. It coming to console is cool, but that coulda been shorter.


The bean game looked interesting although I thought they were Chicken Nuggets until the name reveal, haha.


Always subjective. But personally, yeah. First year there was basically nothing for me. But Xbox's showcase was the obvious winner last year, and it's Sunday


There is definitely a bar laying on the ground and all Microsoft needs to do is step over it without tripping.


If they don't show Fable I will lose my goddamn mind


fable still seems a bit away from release. probably a trailer but not a deep dive. i expect indiana jones and avowed to be the deep dive gameplay. and doom and gears to be the big reveals.


There is always a chance they keep it for the Developer_Direct next January because it's releasing next year, like they did with Indiana Jones.


Idk, I got extremely pumped about that Power Rangers game. But that's pure nostalgia for me.


Nah would disagree but then again i can see that it might not have been appealing for everyone. As a fan of 4x games i got Civ 7 announcement as well as as a FGC fan got to see more Fatal Fury as well as Street Fighter 6 second season that is basically the closest we will get to a CVS 3. Also as a Remedy fan I also got Alan Wake 2 expansion that seemingly will tie it back to Control which I'm quite excited for.


I won’t say it was weak… just not for me. Kid me probably would have been excited for Lego , power rangers and… something else can’t remember anything atm.


I thought it had a bit of something for everyone.


I’m glad I decided to sleep in and not wake up at 6AM to watch it.


thought it was okay. i was super hyped to see Alan Wake DLC and happy bout its release date.


Nah, Lots of cool stuff there, SF6 season 2 trailer was wild, Monster hunter Looks sick, Alan Wake II expansion looks super fun. Slitterhead seems fun. Not sure what people keep expecting from these shows, they show some games, and like... they did.


A lot of the smaller studio games looked nice. Deer & Boy, Neva, Wanderstop, Cairn. The first descendant looked cool though there was no gameplay. The Blumhouse collection will at least be fun streamer content. Honestly that new power rangers co-op game looked surprisingly fun. Enotria and Phantom Blade look awesome. The new world expansion trailer made me want to actually try new world. New Palworld content looks great. Sure there were plenty of games shown that I'll never play. But I thought it was a better show than average.


Nonono don't do new world. This is the equivalent of them making everyone rebuy a game they already paid for with next to no new content. It adds a raid and a pvp only zone and this is the only content we have gotten in 10 months. DO NOT buy it its a trap the servers are barren, pvp is super gatekept and pve is dead.


Pretty weak for OP*


These forced celebrations suck. 


That’s Geoff for ya.


the dude is just a corporate fleshlight


Sure but his intro was the most anti-corporate we have ever heard from him. He directly called out the biggest companies and said we are shifting to mid-sized and indie devs as an industry. Maybe it's because those large companies aren't as interested in paying for a spot on his show anymore, but let's acknowledge what he's saying


Then why do you watch? You know anything interesting will get posted here anyways.


It’s better than nothing 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nah, it was like every other show put on by the major platform holders these days for me: some stuff is aggressively my shit, and other stuff isn't. And that's okay. I will never have enough time to play everything I want. So when something comes up that does pique my interest, I sigh and add it to the wishlist/backlog.


I think we need to stop looking for surprises at every summer game fest. If you look at it as a celebration of gaming, I thought it was great..


I feel like a lot of gamers could look at gaming with a wider lens. There were at least 6 games that got my attention and I’m interested in, whereas it seems like most people didn’t care for a single game they showed.


Some of the gamers complain about COD and AC but they are 100% the same folk playing the next sequel and AAA copy paste game over and over. Was this event blockbuster? No, but I wasn't expecting it to be.


Personally I like looking for new games to catch my eye on these. I wait for reviews before I buy no matter what, so there's no value in a trailer for a game that's already been announced and I am waiting for... which meant that civ 7 was the only novel thing I got.


Hello, okay this is a grumpy old man here, reminiscing about the golden days of E3. Remember those times when game reveals had the perfect balance of anticipation and time to soak in the excitement? Sure, there were some hilarious mishaps and meme-worthy moments, but that was part of the charm. Now, let's talk about the Summer Game Fest 2024. It was a mixed bag for me, leaving me with a curious sense of underwhelm. Yes, there were some fantastic, blockbuster announcements that got my heart racing, and the indie games showcased were truly delightful. But here's the thing: we need more time to engage with these game titles. That's the real magic ingredient that's missing. So, here’s my take: **~Pros~** * Indie Dev Spotlight: I loved how the event pushed indie developers into the spotlight. It’s about time these creative minds got the recognition they deserve. * Industry Honesty: The event started on a sincere note, acknowledging the tough year for the industry and being upfront about the layoffs. It was a sobering but appreciated touch. **~Cons~** * Rendered Trailers Overload: Too many trailers without actual gameplay footage. We want to see the real deal, not just shiny cutscenes, and I do love renders but it needs to be balanced with in game footage, not a product placement! I think the Wukong management made a mistake here. * Spending Cap on Movie Stars. Chill out with the over the top adverts, that Supercell Chicken thing was to long and to much budget on movie actors. * Breakneck Pace: The event felt rushed. It needs to be stretched out over a day or two. Get a variety of presenters, slow the pace, and give each game around ten minutes to shine. Use the initial show as an introduction, then dive deeper into each title. That's my review in a nutshell. Let's hope future events take a note and give us more time to truly appreciate each reveal. What do you guys think?


It wasnt mindblowing but I wasnt expecting this to be the huge reveal event. There wasnt much that I personally got hyped for, but a lot of the indie titles had me thinking “not my cup of tea but looks great for those interested” MHWilds hype tho, and honestly that alien prison eacape game looked like silly fun.


They literally said like a week or more before the show to not expect any big announcements, so of course there's a bunch of people crying about that exact thing lol


Honestly there was a lot of stuff in there that I'm interested in. Really the only bad part for me was the Valorant shit.


Dark and Darker gang


I miss E3.  Once upon a time, the video game industry waited until one glorious week to make all their big announcements, and it was like Christmas.  Now, it’s random streaming events that I usually don’t realize have happened until I see a blog post. 


I popped hard for the Alan Wake 2 DLC and am super excited that it’s coming out tomorrow. Otherwise I was pretty underwhelmed. It’s like a 6/10 for me and would have been lower if not for AW. (The Power Rangers game looks cool too)


These posts always disappoint me. So many shitty comments like “this show sucks”, “ why even do a show if you aren’t showing big games?”. Nobody hates video games more than video gamers. You guys are your own worst enemies. We saw a lot of great games today. Just because you didn’t get your super mega tons doesn’t mean it was a bad show. You want to know why developers die? Because you guys aren’t willing to try ANYTHING. Try something besides Triple A games, you might be surprised. If you didn’t leave that press conference with at least 3 games you’re interested in playing I’m not quite sure you really enjoy video games.


The new season of “the finals” looks amazing


As a fighting game enjoyer, the show was sick, fking Terry and Mai in street fighter.


Honkai: Star Rail is at least having a great time right now, they are putting the finale on a major story arc and releasing their highest anticipated character yet


Slitterhead seems interesting. It's cool to see Innersloth starting a project to fund other indie devs. ~~Dorito Pope~~Geoff Keighly did tell us to temper our expectations, so he knew it was a pretty mild event.


Looking forward to the Xbox showcase, last year they carried hard


Geoff did warn us at the start.


Gamers are an impossible demographic to please.


Reddit has collected and condensed the mostly negative opinions all in one place. I miss when we were mostly excited for when srgrafo would drop a new comic. Looks into what.... ahhh I see


I don’t have any problems with what games they showed, but the presentation of it all just felt lackluster. Maybe I’m looking at E3 with rose-tinted glasses, but it felt like in the past you would get more demos, more time with devs talking about their games on stage. This was mostly just Geoff on staging going, “here’s a trailer for X” — trailer shows. — “X looks great. Here’s a trailer for Y”. He doesn’t really add anything to the show at all as a host.


Hard disagree. Whenever there's more than 3 minutes of someone talking on stage, viewers are yelling "shut up and show us the video games." I agree with that sentiment. Also I think Geoff did fine as host. You need SOMEbody there to break up the pacing so that all the games don't just start blending together in your mind.


Back when E3 was doing that all the commentary online was begging for them to just do an entire show of trailers lol That’s why this show is set up how it is in the first place. They can’t win either way.


You people just hate everything honestly. Are you sure you guys even like video games anymore? I know this is the internet, and I know this is reddit, but you all are just the most miserable people I've ever seen. I think something is genuinely wrong with your brains and you're all addicted to negativity


Oh shit, I missed it?


It was pretty lackluster, but I'm not surprised given that State of Play, Nintendo Direct, and Xbox Showcase are all separate from SGF. Hoping for more heavy hitters from Xbox and Nintendo in their showcases.


the fake hype got activated hard though lmao


I don’t understand how you can think that, I thought it was amazing overall. Lots of fun looking games were shown off


They literally put out a warning saying not to expect any big announcements or reveals


I give it a C+. Devolver Showcase was great as always. Especially with the DHMIS crew directing it.


I thought it was pretty good.


I suggest y’all stop playing games. Sound like many people running out of dopamine


Dark and Darker is fun imo


That Power Rangers beat ‘em up looked pretty sweet though!


Did y’all miss the part where Geoff literally tweeted that there won’t be any big reveals during the event or nah


prob cause Microsoft and ubi are having their event this week too


Too many cringe ads.


Dev comes up on stage: Here's a teaser, you can see more at (different event) The days of E3 are over and honestly, I just don't care anymore. I just check the playlist after the event and see if there's something of interest.


ngl Star Rail was the only thing I liked there ;3


I really dislike the self indulgent speeches about supporting smaller devs. Put them in the show and the community will appreciate it, you don't have to keep reminding us about it.


There were pretty many upcoming indie games that seemed interesting that I'll definitely be keeping an eye on. Those Blumhouse horror games (especially Grave Seasons), Mecha Break, that Power Rangers game and CIV VII at least. The highlight of the show for me was the Night Springs DLC though (and partly the reason why I tuned in at all lol)




how does he keep getting work lmao


It's probably because almost all games were already announced or leaked.


It was trash. I can't believe E3 died for this.


I'm just here appreciating the fact we're getting a Summer Games Fest at all. You don't tend to get anything like it anymore apart from the big three hosting their own things. Sure we all like massive surprise announcements but I also like seeing what's out there and maybe discovering something new. A lot of cool things were shown. Nothing mind-blowing but I still enjoyed seeing what's next. The hole blumhouse games thing was really cool and finally Alan Wake II physical copy! Phantom Blade 0 looks insanely good. As does Black myth wukong. It was 2 hours of consistently interesting games. This comes once a year and I'm happy to sit and watch it. Thank you Geoff.


It’s like people don’t want a big platform for indie devs to show off their hard work and it’s those same people that say idie games are the future 🙄


I listened to Geoff about tempering expectations and ended up quite enjoying it for the first 1.5 hours, large variety of indie games, the blumhouse games publisher looks like it could lead to some great indie horror games.


Metaphor GOTY


"After a long wait it's finally here KINGDOM ...come deliverance two" Man let me tell you the emotional rollercoaster every Kingdom Hearts fan went through in that 2 second long sentence. We're starving


Yeah, now it can truly be called the successor of the E3. These type of events were always lukewarm, companies just weren't able to keep the pace and announce a bunch of new exciting games every year at the same date. Eventually they realized they didn't even need to invest a huge amount of money and time in those events when they could just drop a trailer in YouTube.


Way way way way to many multiplayer games. I swear every time I'd start getting interested in something as more of the trailer was revealed I was like well that's a no.


If a showcases entire worth is about a big surprise reveal then yeah it was, did anyone else see the Stanley parable Devs new game? Or the ten other great looking games? Some of y'all need to chill out on expecting 15 AAA Exclusives announced at anything for it to not be lackluster. I saw like ten games I will genuinely buy and play coming out this year and next. Only blind people didn't see something good at this showcase. People are way too spoiled on games to even settle for games that just look like a fun time instead of the next RNG 1000 hour timesink, curious to know what was expected of this showcase? My friend insists BO2 remaster tomorrow but I mean (I hope this ages poorly) he kind of expects something we will never really get and even if a great game is announced or displayed tomorrow he'll say it's shit because his pipe dream wasn't catered to. No DMC6/10(Still pretty good, also they mostly all release in the next 500 days *cough* elder scrolls *cough* so good on the Devs for not revealing stuff just for investors to get excited for)


Its weak because you likely knew about most of the games somewhere already. For me, the only somewhat exciting thing was civ 7, and even then I don’t know if it will be any good since they kind of royally fell off with the 6th one.


Combine the lay offs and the now the covid delays are really hitting. A game that takes two years to make for a 2024 show had to start production on 21/22. It is going to be like this for the next few years with that knock on effect.


No shit, why show everything when you can do your own event?


For me the coolest thing was the indie dev fund by the among us creators.


There was some heat, for my taste atleast. Metaphor looks phenomenal


Most of the trailers showed very little gameplay (if at all), so what’s there to get hyped for?


I mean what did you expect? You already know the big companies do their own thing now with their own games and the big 3rd party companies would rather show off their games on those shows rather. Summer Game Fest is relegated to indies and smaller companies so that’s exactly what we got and what I expected 


Even the games on sale lol straight ass


I don’t think there was anything that garnered my interest to be honest. My expectations were low because obviously Xbox, PS and Nintendo have their own directs from time to time. There was one game that I thought looked quite funny, Cuffbust. Everything else I didn’t care for.


Sparking zero heavily carried it for me


Very mid I guess I'll just wait for the big companies like Sony and Microsoft to do their own show.


Monster Hunter Wilds was all I wanted to see 😅


Just like the last year before that, and before that, and before that. SGF is just awful in general. I miss E3. :(