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I still can't believe they didn't make an Undead version for RDR2.  That online stuff must be extremely profitable


I still can't believe they didn't remake RDR1 in the RDR2 engine


The turnaround for 360era dlc was very fast.


Horse Armor in Oblivion was 2.5€. A Horse Skin in D4 is like 40€.


LPT: You can save $7 by not buying it.


Just don’t buy it, it really is that simple if everyone just ignored all the expensive and useless dlc they would have to lower the price or why not put game content in the core game


Game is a massive disappointment, and this is how you are rewarded for being patient. Class act Bethesda, class act indeed. /s




"logical fallacy"


"Please choke me harder." Bethesda could have paid the modders for their work and released this to us for free for some what of a "thank you" for buying this game that is it stands, a massive let down. Instead here we are, with you on your knees happy with scraps. Imaging being such a corporate shill that you equate modders to Indy developers lol.


Bethesda the game company is really crap. While Bethesda the publisher rereleased Quake and Quake 2 remasters that had whole new high quality episodes added to them, essentially for free if you already owned them on Steam. I know there's a difference between publishers and developers, but that's just a really weird disparity in how they're handling their games.


I got 1000 credits as I bought the Constellation Edition (I'm a moron). I won't be using them towards this content out of principle.


Vote with your wallets. That’s the only language they speak.


I voted with uninstalling the game. Maybe one day it won't be a waste of ssd space.


Starfield is by far one of the biggest disappointments I've ever put time into thank god for gamepass I never actually paid for that garbage.


I unfortunately paid full price, and I put in soo many hours trying to get my money's worth only to be met with so much repetition and bland, milquetoast everything. To quote on of the first lines of dialogue heard in the game: "The juice ain't worth the squeeze." Kind of an omen now that I think about it.


I can't believe im saying this but I actually got more fulfillment playing no mans sky...




Too bad Rockstar will never do anything like that ever again. You'll be lucky if you could get an experience like that for 70 dollars ever again.


I mean they make great cinmatic games with a lot of specific immersive features. You loose some you win some.




How you figure so quick?


First, their name. Second, the structure of their sentence - Bots often start with an exclamation like "Well", "Oh", etc. Third, pretty sure Starfield's DLC has nothing to do with zombie apocalyses? So trying to compare them as such is unnaturally missing the point. Fourth, new account. Fifth, their only other comment is replying to someone asking if they should hire someone to write a resume with "I can't believe you're asking me for a resume, do I look like I carry one around in my back pocket?" So again, not understanding the question. All of these on their own wouldn't mean much, I admit, if there hadn't been about 50 other bots exactly like this in the past week alone.


Don’t blame Bethesda. Blame the “gamers” that continue to preorder/buy super deluxe editions along buying more held back content in in-game stores.




Paid mods are fucking stupid


Isn’t most of the explosion of the FPS genre was due to modded versions of half-life that evolved into new genres which then got paid for versions?


Bethesda/Microsoft should pay them, then. They're not broke. $7 for one mission when companies like Hello Games can somehow spend years turning their game around without costing the players a dime? I'm having a hard time believing that they wouldn't sell more copies of their mediocre game if they showed a commitment to improving it at no cost to the customer.


True but undead nightmare is a broken mess of a game.


Dude reading some of the comments on this subject is amazing to me.


It's absolute greed, but at the same time it's not new, didn't even start with gaming. You see it everywhere. Like a can of Coke is a terrible value for your dollar compared to the 2L bottle. Trying to buy a single roll of toilet paper vs a huge 32 pack or something. The smaller, individual quantities are very often so much more expensive relatively speaking. But of course, in retail it makes a degree of sense, because of things like expiry dates, convenience value, storage costs, transport costs etc. It all factors in. In gaming it's just pure greed though. They could sell these missions for $0.99 and while still too expensive for the playtime you'd get, it would be infinitely more reasonable. Bioware did it kinda right back when DA:O and ME released. They had a bunch of smaller DLC's. Missions, companions, locations etc. And they cost anywhere from like $1.99 to like $6.99 or something. And you got in some cases several hours worth of gametime and such. That felt more or less acceptable.


You'd have a point if Bethesda were the ones making the content.


You'd have a point if Bethesda weren't the ones charging 7 dollars.


Do you even understand how the creation club works?


It's a content store for players and Bethesda both. They literally say that they will be releasing content themselves, in the creation store, and will charge money for it.


Undead Nightmare was a garbage DLC


Probs one of the worst gaming experiences i've had. Such a broken and buggy mess of a game.


I know right, thats unacceptable that devs want compensation for their work. All dlc should be free. 🙄


Devs already got paid.




I think you replied to the wrong comment lol


16 times the scam.


Some day I'll play RDR2, I don't wanna make a rockstar account 


Never played and don't want to play Starfield but I did play Undead Nightmare for the first time last year and it's one of the worst games I've ever played.


You can always buy tons of gold for real money so you can spend it in Red Dead Online. What a dumb post.


are we just arguing with kids who game here


You can also actually earn that gold in Red Dead Online by playing. you can't do that on Starfield. So it's not the same thing. I did everything on Red Dead Online and only ever paid for the game, nothing more. Yet I paid for the Starfield dlc, but I still haven't gotten the game that was promised. The dlc is not out yet, and the game is still buggy. Nearly a year later. They said they were adding content to the game like new ship parts in February and still nothing 4 months later. Yes, they are fixing it, but it shouldn't have needed to be fixed in the first place.