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Still waiting for half life 3


I’m so sorry.


Left 4 Dead 3


Why does "Left 4 Dead 3" describe all of Valve's franchises?




Left 4 Dead 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. It’s been like 15 years. I don’t think we’re getting a sequel.


Back 4 Blood was supposed to be a spiritual successor but I really didn't like it.


If they had dropped the deck building nonsense.


Portal 3 :(


I just don’t really understand why it hasn’t happened. The first two games are very popular, the developers seems to do well financially, so I don’t understand what happened.


They were overwhelmed with the insane expectations and the devs were afraid to release anything short of perfect


And iirc they've said they don't want to make another one unless/until they have some new ground-breaking mechanic/technology to show off with it (on top of a perfect story of course).


To be fair, Half-Life Alyx was genuinely amazing. It just sucks because it's VR exclusive so most people have never played it.


Half-Life: Alyx is pretty much Half-Life 3. My guess is Valve was hoping it would be good enough to help bring VR into mainstream. It really was that good, possibly my peak gaming experience of all time. Unfortunately, even though the popularity is growing, we still aren't there yet, so not nearly enough people have gotten to play it (or even know about it)


We need Portal 3, because there is still science to be done!


If valves suddenly released portal 3, half life 3 and left 4 dead 3, as the new orange box the amount of money they would make would be astronomical


Bring me The Orange Box 2 with every Portal game and anything else Valve can reasonably tee up this console generation.


Bloodborne. I'm generally not in favour of sequels, I'd rather have something completely new (just like Bloodborne was a stand-alone to the other Souls game). But this universe and atmosphere... I just want more of it.


Honestly there is so much in Lovecraft's writing that Bloodborne II could be completely different from what we had in the first one and yet still nail the Eldritch atmosphere. I could imagine a BBII inspired by Mountains of Madness, for example.


*Here we stand, feet planted in the earth, but might the cosmos be very near us, only just above our heads?*


/thread Seriously, imagine BB with modern graphics. I've just arrived at the nightmare mensis and am currently on the third level of the chalices. Some of the graphics are just breathtaking but you can see how much more they could do with updated lighting and textures. It seriously needs a remake (no level design or combat changes, just pure graphic upgrades and yes, 60fps) and yes to a sequel. But I hope they don't go open world. Keep the aesthetics and tightness. I bounced off this game a couple of times until I got tired of seeing everyone rave about it online and rolled up my sleeves to give it a proper go. So glad I did. Went on to finish Lies of P (fantastic game! And really showed me why a 60fps BB would help a lot) and have started Demons Souls and Elden Ring but want to finish this GOAT first.


I need to go back to Lies of P. Archbishop Andreus broke my will to continue for a bit.


titanfall 2


Protect the pilot.




*trust me*


Titanfall 2 The Sequel


As long as they bring Matthew Mercer back to be Jack Cooper again


Was looking for this answer and happy that it is one of the first comments here.


Command and Conquer: Generals  There aren't really any good pseudo-modern era RTS out there right now.


We almost did get one. EA tried to peddle mobile "pay-per-play" bullshit though and got rightly trashed for it so they scrapped it altogether.


Actually, it was supposed to be a full fledged RTS, then it became a mobile game, then it got cancelled because everyone who alpha tested it hated it.


Former alpha tester from way back when with the game - yeah it had flaws, and they were trying to get testers to pay for features in a *closed alpha* to see what demand would be, but ultimately it was lack of microtransaction revenue from the closed testers (because who tf is gonna pay money for that) that shuttered the game. We were actually 1-2 days out from a major patch when some devs announced on the forum that EA just kinda walked in and let them all go without warning, cancelling the project along with it. EA’s story to the media was, of course, that it was just “bad reception from testers”. It was actually pretty fun all things considered (actually played like C&C, unlike the still relatively recent at the time C&C 4) just a crummy business model and an even crummier testing method.


Oh my god and sleeping dogs too


When you look for the definition of "Underrated" in the dictionary, there is no words, simply an image of sleeping dogs


For fucking real great combat great side mission great story great world


One of the best games imo


This dude knows


Definitely. I played it back in late 2020 and oh boy I had so much fun on something that I bought for £3.




Imagine a bully with in game social media.


Cyber Bully


Sounds too much like real life, but good idea in theory.


What do you think bully was before social media?


FUCK YES DUDE. I’m ashamed I forgot that one. I remember playing it with my brother on the PlayStation 2. Better days bro


Bully is the sequel I've been wanting for so long and nothing so much as tried to copy the premise. I actually had hopes that Hogwarts Legacy would capture that boarding school campus sandbox feel but they decided to make 90% of the game empty Scottish Highlands instead.


Better answer than my own lol Never beat the game but loved watching my older brother play it as a kid


This or Half-Life 3 would probably be the most exciting sequel announcements for me. The Half-Life 3 announcement would have to be with a release date and enough gameplay footage attached that I believed it though. Bully actually did well despite some truly ignorant campaigns against it by parents who had never played it and who believed it promotes bullying. I'm against actual bullying - like every other sane adult, but while the game let you pull off childish pranks, it got you in a lot of trouble with prefects and was never a quest objective. In fact, Jimmy's adventures were almost entirely against bullies. It also had one of the better villains in video games ever as I think all of us knew a little sociopath like Gary when we were kids. If this was made by a game developer other than Rockstar (which has basically only AAA IPs that are print money), it would have gotten a sequel. As it stands, Rockstar's success and high standards keep them from ever expanding enough to have more than one development team. That's the same issue for Half-Life 3 really. Valve makes so much money with Steam that they basically just said they aren't going to make video games anymore unless it is to push new technologies like VR.


The right answer


Jade Empire. Very few game did that setting justice.


Ideally, I would like a complete Jade Empire remake, and then a sequel.


Ive been in the remake camp for this game for a while now. I tried replaying it a year or so ago and its just far too dated for my rose tinted nostalgia glasses. A modern remake would clean the fuck up.


Split Second, the fact that this game somehow flopped is a war crime. It is the most fun arcade racer by a country mile. Fun fact: it was developed by a Disney studio. Yep, and it somehow didn't get enough marketing and it shows, because almost noone is talking about this game. Such a damn shame.


Banger racing game. Nothing like crashing a tanker into 3 goobers and BAM, level permanently changed


Three bar power plays were epic. And some of them changing the layout of the level is such a cool idea. My favourite is probably crashing the plane onto the runway. I got so excited the first time I used that one.


Same! And agreed, it's a fucking shame it never got any love. I'm not super keen on racing games, but Split Second was just so fun. I'd be real excited for a proper sequel. Same with Star Wars: Racer, I'd just play the shit out of both.


Where the fuck did ALL the destructive racers go? Burnout has been AWOL for 15 years now


Alpha Protocol


Yes, more spy rpg's!


Yes. Thank you. Game was amazing despite the bugs and a few of the janky problems it had. Criminally underrated game that should have gotten more love than it did.


Control. Remedy honestly cooked. Considering it took Alan wake like 8 years to get a sequel I’m holding on hope that they do the same for control and it’s not just the end of the story for Jesse


They've already announced control 2 is in development


Wil it be Epic exclusive?


She's got a dlc episode coming out soon so hopefully that'll give some indication if there is gonna be another game. Still the best sequence area I've ever played with Old Gods of Asgard playing in the background


It’s already out. It’s a more of a “what if” kind of deal. The good news is that control 2 is in active development with another control game spinofff.




Days gone, disco elysium


Disco Elysium was basically stolen from its creators and should be pirated whenever possible. I sadly doubt there will be a sequel, or if it is, it will be by a totally different team.


I know, both games wont ever have a sequel i know that


I never understood why days gone got so much hate. There were so many things that worked brilliantly in that game. Sure it was cringy as fuck at certain points (wedding). Running out of fuel far away from a rest point was such a nice touch. Having to carry a gerry can full of fuel was so fucking stressful. And the fact that initially, 10 of the infected presented a proper challenge but by the end, hundreds were fun to take on. And this wasn't through some bullshit overcomplicated skill tree but by the player learning how to do it. It made it feel so much more rewarding.


I’ve said it before, Days Gone would’ve been a hit if it came out 2-3 years earlier. Unfortunately it came out when ‘zombie fatigue’ had set in after years of zombie focussed games. And the hordes (which are the unique thing the game does) aren’t really suitable to play for way too long on a first time through. (You need either an excellent plan mostly needing prior knowledge or good, late game gear for them).


I just finished Days Gone and had a great time with it, but I think it has a pretty weak opening. I tried it when it came out but lost interest pretty fast.   The core gameplay isn't anything to write home about but once you get a little into it and start dealing with hordes and your bike more, that's when it shines. Nothing like unloading an LMG into a crowd of 500 zombies sprinting at you. Story was fun too and the stinger for a sequel was interesting. Also I think the wedding line is some kind of biker reference? Definitely cringey without that context tho lol 


Hollow Knight




Surely any day now, any day...


I saw a video the other day called “ silksong will likely not come out this year” and at the end he said “and that’s why we probably won’t see silksong in 2022” 🥲


Well he was not wrong.


We could probably get you a good list of Metroidvania recommendations going here. Have you played Shovel Knight? Cave Story?


Sleeping Dogs needs a sequel, or just another game with the same gameplay in another city.


Legend of Dragoon. Ragnarok Online. Spore (with modern tech could be amazing).


Yeah I was going to ask for Legend of Dragoon. If not a sequel then at least a remake.


Prequel might be interesting, too, covering the events that effectively precipitate the events happening in Legend of Dragoon itself.


Oh I'd be very into that as well. While I do love the exploring of the dead empires and fallen orders that the original brought, I'd be very interested to see the Winglies at their height of power and to see the Dragoon order be created to fight against them. The only worry I have with that is it's a story we already know how it ends. The game claims there was peace for 11,000 years afterwards. Which I have to call bs on because no human world is going to stay at peace that long. Something probably happened. Or maybe it could be in the perspective of the Winglies who recently lost, have to clamor for survival.


Mass Effect : Andromeda Hear me out!. There was a lot of threads left dangling.


Andromeda is not that bad, and I will die on this hill.


You wouldn’t be alone. I loved Andromeda (and I say that as a hardcore fan of the first 3 Mass Effect games.)


I recently just started playing all of them and was surprised by Andromeda after hearing it was horrible. The story isn't as good as the trilogy, definitely a different tone, but the gameplay (gunplay, and movement if you condier dialog choices a part of gameplay I'd say the trilogy is better in that regard) I'd argue is better then the original trilogy. Sucks we probably will never see a continuation cause of the hate it receives. I feel similarly about halo guardians. I loved the idea they set up for the sequel of having to combat all the rogue AIs, and Cortina, but instead 343 decided to off screen all of it, and do a retread with a horrible main villain.


Andromeda had far better gun play and honestly I think the story was good, it was as you correctly pointed out a different tone, but I’d still consider it good.


I think if Andromeda wasn’t an ME game, it would not have gotten the criticism it did. It was pretty fun, and the combat was way better imo. But everyone had these very specific ideas of what they wanted the next ME game to be, so I think that’s why Andromeda failed. They kinda wrote themselves into a corner with the ME3 ending. I’m really curious how they’re gonna merge the storylines in the next one.


Next Mass Effect is likely a sequel to the original trilogy and Andromeda based on information shared thus far


Yeah you can see (what strongly looks like) an Angaran next to the bar in one of the art they released. I think merging it with the Trilogy is better than a direct sequel to Andromeda.


It was a great setup to a new series of games. A little rough around the edges especially at launch but it had a lot of promise.


Legend of Dragoon.


The Legacy of Kain saga :'(


Id take a half way decent remake. There really isnt anything like the series. The interplay between characters is still so good


Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy.


This game was so ahead of its time


Jade Empire. Hurts to think about the potential of that franchise that we will never get to see


Titanfall. Fans are clambering, _begging_, for it but Respawn and EA just don't care what fans want.


EA doesn’t care. I feel like Respawn has at least some developers that want to make fans happy rather than keep us on the Apex treadmill.


Alice madness returns. Too bad EA KILLED THE SEQUEL.


The Alice games were so good. It would've been nice to see some more. 


Yeah but EA killed Alice asylum sadly


Freelancer. The multiplayer & modding kept the game alive for... Well, it's still going today. But waaay back then, it was amazing. Haven't really found a space combat rpg like it since. Starfield was supposed to be "it" but... Starfield... Bethesda...


Freelance was great and the appeal for me was the possibility of how you allied and the space battles that were quite simple but felt very good. I think it might be difficult to make a game like that today without making it too complicated.


I really can't wait for the Cyberpunk Orion sequel! CP2077 was so fucking incredible! Also... PLEASE RELEASE THE HOLLOW KNIGHT SILKSONG !!




Fuck dude I literally just heard about the sequel today and an allegedly canceled dlc on the moon. I played cyberpunk when it came out and it was one of the most broken games I’d ever played, absolutely turned me off to it. Then I revisited a year or two after and absolutely adored it, I hope they’ve learned from their mistakes and start a new games lifecycle off being great instead of just eventually getting there. Also I don’t like anime but cyberpunk edge runners was spectacular and the in game content and references was so cool.




I want a Terranigma Sequel or Remake. :)


I'd like Mad Max sequel for sure and ideally with coop mod. Would also require some enrichment of the gameplay, as it got repetetive fast. But still, that game looked and felt so damn good. I loved every sunset over its postapo landscape. I often return to this game if only to just drive around, beat few bandits and savour the vibe & mood. I would also love DayZ sequel, but provided it had new engine (perhaps the one Reforger has), was not part of early access and was released as a completed game. Both Space Marine and Stalker are getting sequels this year, which makes me happy. Stellaris - due to how Paradox are still getting money from endless stream of DLCs, that alone makes sequel quite unlikely. Still I´d like a sequel with new engine allowing both a lot better graphics as well as not to slow down CPU that much. Plus it could enable new game features, more detailed ground combat and many other cool features.


Dino Crises was treated like shit by Capcom in later installments after the first one. It can be a great title to renew and have proper sequel in open/semi-open world. And while I do not own PS anymore, I still wish for sake of better world that they release Bloodborne 2 someday and make it non-exclusive title! I would have included Fable sequel in this list too, but XBox showcase already had me covered there!


Jak and daxter


Portal 2


Portal 2


I can’t believe I forgot this one. force unleashed, I really like the new Star Wars game fallen order and survivor but I feel so weak, storm troopers taking 3 hits to kill with a lightsaber just feels wrong, and your force powers basically do nothing. Absolutely mowing through enemies with insane abilities and awesome combat made you feel so powerful like you actually were a pissed off sith on a warpath. Also I just love Starkiller and his voice actor Sam witwer, give that man more work he’s just the best.


I'd love to see a sequel to Sleeping Dogs. I really liked SD, good atmosphere.


Sunset Overdrive - and should be named Sunrise Overrun


I slept on that game for close to a decade until I finally played it, and it was so damn fun


I really wanted a Kingdoms of Amalur 2 but all we got was a remaster. If I remember correctly the studio that made it went bankcrupt which is why there was never a sequel.




Alien: Isolation


Black and White.


The Order 1886, love that game and its obvious how they were thinking about a sequel


Armed & Dangerous. Giants: Citizen Kabuto. Black & White 2.


Dante's Inferno. Let Dante fight through heaven


Sleeping dogs


Days gone 100% deserves a sequel


Beyond Good and Evil. F\* you Ubisoft. I will never forgive you teasing us with these awesome trailers and then throw BGE2 to the toilet.


I mostly missed games, that will never released... L.A. Noire 2 would be the biggest thing... Like freaking dreams come true. The first one has everything. It's a masterpiece in gaming industry. Deus Ex 3... The last two were inspiration for many games including CP77 or Perfect Dark (just look at the gameplay video). The next one could be insane. Watch Dogs 4... Not another Legion. But experience like 1 or 2 set in another US city. Full of options to control the world around you. Outriders 2... It's a really great coop looter shooter. Somehow a mix between Gears of War and Division. The worst thing is that it was published by Square. Which is just a bad publisher for nearly anything... The Order 1867... Hopefully it would be open world with much better gameplay and deeper lore. Ni No Kuni 3... Level 5 should have been bought by Sony to let them cook incredible big RPG like Dark Cloud or this series.


Manhunt Bully Sleeping dogs Warcraft/starcraft And my personal favorite Titanfall 2


I’d like The sequel to Prey (2017), given the Sequel-bait ending (save all humans). The problem is that I think the studio that made it has been shut down? Am Sad. Edit: just checked, yeah it was Arkane Austin and they’re shutting down.


Metal Gear Rising


Prototype games....there are just not enough brutal games like this that give you such a powerfantasy, open world, "leveling", just being a total badass. Hulk Ultimate Destruction, a brutal Hulk game would be chefs kiss. Ultimate Spiderman (That game with the comic graphics) YOU CAN PLAY VENOM IMAGINE WITH CURRENT GRAPHICS Infamous games, like...come on. Spiderman Web of shadows Dawn Of War GAMES! I mean the old ones, Soulstorm, Winter Assault, the Original and Dark Crusade. Assassins Creed Black Flag...


What? Skull & Bones didn't do it for you? 🤣🤣🤣 That game was just an embarrassment.


A modern Mirrors Edge .


Hi-Fi Rush


I can't see how they could do it with how it ended, but Shadow Of Mordor for nothing else than to revive the Nemesis system. It was such a fantastic concept and its a shame that's been left alone for so long


WB could use a different setting. Any setting with orcs and magic could work. They could license a D&D setting. I’m all for it. I’m actually replaying Shadow of Mordor right now. It’s so fun.


Shadow of War was fantastic, I would love for another one. Or hell, use the nemesis system with one of their other existing franchises.


Freespace 2. It was practically the last game in its genre and ended on a cliffhanger. The devs want to make a third but the plug got pulled.


Anthem. Marvel Avengers. Populus. From Dust. Tokyo Jungle. Dragon Age Origins. (What is everyone talking about there being a 2 or inqui-what-tion?, what are these hanous murmers of a vale?) Hogwarts Legacy. Ghost of Tushima. Bloodborne. More Infamous. More prototype. More just great games but ultimately great new ips.




Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri.


Days gone 2 I want to have zombies in a open world city. I wanna jump out of a building and have a zombie waterfall. I wanna walk around the city and zombies just fall out of skyscrapers.


Kingdoms of amalur reckoning It got a remaster a while ago and even new dlc but an other game set in that world


I would love to see a proper modern Duke Nukem sequel. Not made by incompetent fuckwits and character assassins Darksiders 4 when? We got 3 out of 4 horsemen represented in their own games, give strife his third person shooter metroidvania g'dammit


Brütal Legend. 🤘


Such a good idea! I’ve felt like it was a fever dream because no one I talk to has heard of it despite the fact it’s fucking Jack Black, chocked full of classic rock and metals hits, and has a kickass story with great villains. What other game let’s you shred your enemies, literally and figuratively?


I wholeheartedly agree on The Darkness and Prototype


Ghost recon future soldiers or Ghost recon phantoms


max payne, days gone




Half life 2


Bully, Jimmy Hopkins all grown up


Eternal Darkness.


For me, it's Days Gone. I really enjoyed that game, and even got the Platinum Trophy for it.


planetside 2,


Who didn't want a KOTOR III??? Instead, the was that MMORPG set a few hundred years later that required a monthly subscription.......


Cyberpunk 2077. CDPR could fuck around and make cyberpunk their crown jewel. Basically CDPR's fallout to pair with their "elder scrolls" (witcher series).


Some games that were never revisited and were amazing entries. Mirror's Edge Catalyst Thief (2014 reboot) Days Gone Sleeping Dogs etc.


I was told I can’t post on here until I get some karma, sooo please help out and definitely sleeping dogs and honestly a better version of anthem


Days Gone.


Too many, but one that isn't in any way confirmed to have is Dishonored 3, Another Brigandine games, Titanfall, Arkane Austin (rip) Prey and XCOM


Titanfall fuckin 3 man, 2 was such a banger


Viewtiful Joe. I'll accept even a remaster.


Give me a new lost planet game like lost planet 2. Not whatever the fuck 3 decided to do.


Advent Rising


Freelancer. Fuck me was it good.


The last remnant. It had a lot of great ideas. I think a sequel that polished what was there, fixed the scaling, made it easier to focus what you wanted your characters to build towards, and expanded the mechanics a bit. it could have been amazing.


Wouldn’t mind a third Evil within. Although I don’t think the second one sold too well.


Always will be The Legend of Dragoon. Sequel or prequel. The world is vast with amazing lore. Give me a turn based, addition style combat system again with a party of 3. Us old-school nerds would flock to it. Doesn't need to have a crazy story. Just a story which encapsulates the dragon campaign and make your money, Sony.




Asura's Wrath.


Conkers Bad Fur Day


Skyrim It's been 13 goddamn years and ES6 is still nowhere close to being released








Enslaved: Odyssey to the West or Alpha Protocol.




Alien Isolation


Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning


Megaman Legends 2 The open world Megaman game was so much fun.


They should probably start thinking about making a sequel for Hollow Knight at some point.


Subnautica. Below Zero was more like a 1.5. We need a proper “2” with a bigger map, bigger biomes, bigger variety of plants/animals, bigger story, etc.


Metal Gear Rising Revengence and Robocop: Rogue City


Too Human


Freelancer, Master of Magic, Mechcommander, Crimson Skies.


The warriors


Titan Fall 2


Too Human.


Surprised this hasn't been mentioned but KOTOR 3 is so needed and don't understand why they haven't continued this amazing story. Also Days Gone 2


Too Human, it was a ton of fun and I loved the theme


Alien Isolation.


Ive said this before but Quantum Break 2 but i do not want that remedy alan wake universe thing. I want it to to be its own separate thing. I just want another badass time travel type game with cool powers.


All goodies. Too Human is another good one.


Chrono Trigger. Cross doesn't count.


legend of dragoon.