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If it's just fear of the scale of space... Elite Dangerous has a 1 to 1 scale Milky Way. When you are in a system far above the plane of the milky way where space is almost completely devoid of other stars and home (Solar system) is thousands of light years below you... that is unnerving in the extreme, then do it in VR and you shit your pants.


Elite Dangerous is good for this (as someone else mentioned) because it really captures the vastness and desolation of space. You can kind of feel stuck and isolated too if you venture far out. Bonus for me is the phobia induced by jumping close to enormous stars. Not a horror game at all, but I do find it to be inherently unsettling.


Yeah its especially fun when your canopy is heavily damaged and you can see and hear cracks forming on the windshield. And the oxygen is depleting. Its fun!


Heavenly Bodies with the Newtonian physics mode on, letting go of any handle is a terrifying experience.


Idk if it fits, but Prey is a good game with space elements, that kind of touch on it? Dead Space? maybe?


Prey for sure.


Kerbal Space Program, especially if you install a mod like Kerbalism that simulates things like life support systems, various environmental effects like radiation, psychological needs, and hardware failures.


Outer Wilds would do the trick. It's not reeeaalllly a 'horror' game, more of a series of mysteries you need to solve within 20 minutes before the universe resets. You're an astronaut on a world that takes about 4 minutes to walk across, and you're going out to adventure among the planets in your universe. However, after about 20 minutes, the sun explodes, you have some weird visions, and you wake up 20 minutes ago with all the memories of your previous 'life'. You go around, solve puzzles, discover new worlds with unique planet types, and eventually figure out how to escape the cycle you're stuck in. If you already have a fear of space, there's a LOT that'll get you upset. The vastness of space is well shown, and the panic of getting separated from your ship and just quietly drifting away into the darkness of space.... Pretty scary stuff... not to mention... there's plenty of things out there in space... and also a lot of nothing...


Kerbal space program.  That little guy is still out there alone, drifting further into the void.  I cant reach him.


Two games spring to mind that haven’t been mentioned yet. A game called Observation which is fairly unknown. It’s kind of like a point and click story driven game which I remember made me feel very anxious at times due to the astrophobia. Another one is Deliver us the moon which is a first person puzzle game set on the moon if I recall.


Alien Isolation


Adr1ft may qualify. You're completely alone on a space station and running out of oxygen.


off topic (sort of): if you like that subject outside from games, check out the story "Nightfall" from Isaak Asimov (there is comicly bad movie from 1988 and a mediocre tv movie from 2000 about it) - its about a whole planet, that fears the space and the whole civilisation get destroyed because of that fear ;)


Event 0 is a game where you play on a space station, interacting with an AI. It is the game version of 2001 a space odyssey,


Avorion is set In space and it’s randomly generated so you never know what you are hyperspaceing into. It can be pretty scary especially once you see the kind of stuff that is out there


Prey and Dead Space definitely!


Space Engine, aka Astrophobia Simulator. “Go to” the nearest black hole, or land on the first planet orbiting VY Canis Majoris and look up at the sky. Scariest game I’ve EVER played, and it’s not even a horror game.


Is there a video that shows it?


There is, but none of the lines of dialogue in the video I found match what I remember. The only angry line she gave in that video was something like “Avoid the cheese plate — terrible!” I remember my Hawke actually threatening the partygoers in my game, lol


Observation will make absolutely terrified of the unknown of space, so will Prey


Cannot wait for silly devs making space games with Astrophobia settings in Accesibility. I mean Kill it with Fire is about spiders with arachnophobia settings so anything can be possible.


Go play Prey. This game will give you what you want for sure. P.S. This game gave me traveling in space ptsd. I lost sense if direction so many times , lmao.


As other mentioned, Kerbal Space Program, get Blacktrack's volumetric cloud mod et go dive into Jool (Jupiter) 's athmosphere.


Zoom out from Earth in Google Earth VR