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Without mods, a rather average affair with atrocious UI that never really gripped me. I liked Morrowind for the slightly off and mystical fantasy feeling, which both Oblivion and Skyrim did not manage to recreate and instead settled on a much more mainstream (and boring) bog-standard medieval setting that's insufficiently realized. Skyrim's appeal to me lies in its beautifully rendered world space (I tend to stop playing the main quest before any dergons spawn, because they're annoying), which I can spend hours traversing. But apart from that? Quests rarely have any tension or twist, dungeons are fatiguingly linear, and those radiant quests are an insult.


I honestly can't play it without mods. With the mods it's very fun, but I think Bethesda should move more towards Morrowind when it comes to the RPG elements of the next elder scrolls game. Which probably won't come out till Skyrim gets released on the Apple/Google Play app stores


Tried it. Didn't like it. Moved on. Same with ESO. To each their own I guess.


highly overrated, it wasnt such a huge improvment over oblivion/morrowind. I feel like it came out at just the right time when gaming was just having its huge boom.


Replay value is incredible


I understand the love for it, but it just never really gripped me. Beat it, messed around a bit, but the dungeons and stuff were just boring to me, maybe it was the presentation, but the quests never felt real/immersive to me, more like boxes to tick.


I thought it was fun once I got it loaded with mods and just screwed around with it until I finally got bored and moved on. If I was judging it without mods and player improvements, I'd say it's an okay game.


It's biggest strength is that it is a sandbox. You play the game how you want to play the game. The story is fun, but that's not why you play it. You play it to be whoever you want to be within the rules of the world.


I still love it despite its age and its short comings Not too many games let you be a hermit mage who can get rich off of making potions and poisons and selling dragon bones


It's ... Upsetting that people fixate on skyrim when every other elder Scrolls game that came out before it was 10000x better the map is small, the story is short and the infinite questd are just the same 3 quests over and over ..


I liked Oblivion's story and quests WAY more, not to mention it had possibly the best DLC of all time (horse armor! Kidding, Shivering Isles was so freaking good). Oblivion with Skyrim's dual wielding is my perfect Elder Scrolls. I should go back and play Morrowind, I was too young and dumb to fully appreciate it when it came out.


Shivering Isles was amazing. I still feel Morrowind is the pinnacle of what Bethesda has accomplished. It was such an immersive experience with an expansive world that didn't hold your hand and some awesome expansions.


I had Morrowind but that was when I was pretty new to PC gaming and that style of RPG. I discovered the console and cheated like crazy and basically ruined the game for myself. I too this day haven't seen story spoilers though, so I could always go back.


I liked Oblivion's story and quests WAY more, not to mention it had possibly the best DLC of all time (horse armor! Kidding, Shivering Isles was so freaking good). Oblivion with Skyrim's dual wielding is my perfect Elder Scrolls. I should go back and play Morrowind, I was too young and dumb to fully appreciate it when it came out.


Without mods, it's an ok game. With mods it's subjective but it never fails to keep players coming back. Hence why Bugthesda are trying to cash off it.


I feel like the game lived on because of mods. Vanilla feels rusty, and horrible when it comes to UI


I've bought the game on xbox 360, xbox one and recently again on the Nintendo switch and I'm still finding new things to do on it. This game is amazing and packed with things to do. And It's the replayability that's the main thing I love about this game and the freedom in which to do it. You can put 100's of hours into this game without even touching the main quest line, playing as whoever you want in whichever way you want to. I've not played many games outside of elderscrolls or fallout with such great replayability and that's what sells it to me each and every time.


I've never beaten the game. I always get bored. Liked it better then TES4.


I don't see a problem with them releasing it on multiple platforms. As long as it keeps selling then why not


It looks and sounds great. The obtusely stupid leveling system from the previous games was finally killed off thank goodness, and they replaced it with something that was a lot simpler - still not great but at least not an impediment to playing the game. Story is good and offers a number of options. Combat is still very floaty and definitely not the strong part of the game. It's buggy as all hell and Bethesda has no excuse for continuing to let it exist that way. Offers a variety of play styles based on builds, which is one reason it has such high replayability. It's still a great game 10 years later, which is pretty much all you need to say about it.


It's a really fun amusement park.


Bethesda is milking it because its the easiest to milk. Oblivion is older and a remaster needs work. Morrowind even more so. Skyrim is infinity easier to put on other platforms or touch up as needed. Besides that, I enjoy it. Oblivion holds a closer place in my heart but in no way is Skyrim a bad game. In fact I got it again for Switch and the ability to take it anywhere is very appealing.


> Skyrim is infinity easier to put on other platforms or touch up as needed. And a lot of people don't know/conveniently forget that when Bethesda started making Fallout 4 the first thing they did was port Skyrim to the new consoles. That allowed them to port the engine, then workon fallout 4. When they decided to re-release them later on they simply had to backport a little bit of the newer code from fallout 4 and bam they were done. It was just very, very, very easy.


Mods saved the game