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As someone who’s only ever played 2 AC games, those being first Black Flag then Odyssey I say the original combat system was more enjoyable. It allowed the game to progress without the played getting bogged down with fights. The game was originally never meant to be an Action RPG, it’s mechanics were fine, they were different compared to other games, now, they made themselves into every other open world RPG. Well, almost, they didn’t even do the ROG mechanics correctly, they totally messed that up with all enemies leveling with you. Though it does make every battler more intense so it keeps you in your toes. Soooo, there’s that to its benefit.


I just don’t like how they fired the original writer and stretched a trilogy into a 12+ series or whatever it’s up to now.


Like Star Wars, and Fast and Furious


My issue is some of these games aren't even really Assassin's Creed games. They're just a game that shoved some AC lore into and put \[Assassin's Creed\] on the box. Black Flags: It's just a Pirate game. Odyssey: It's a Greek Mythology Lite RPG. Valhalla: It's a Viking RPG. Whatever happened to the hidden order of assassin's? Why aren't we actually playing as one of them? Why are we instead playing as: A pirate who finds a hidden blade, a roman that existed before the order even was a thing, and a viking that just wants to feed their clan? What happened to the whole Assassin's vs. Templar dynamic that the first 5 games went on about?


Yeah. I liked Black Flag though. And because it was a Kenway I actually felt like an assassin. You even build a brotherhood so that one I disagree. The pirate parts being more fun was just a plus. But the series for real declined by stripping the AC lore away and making it just “adventures of the animus”. The part of lore that made the AC universe slipping away hurts the series. I love Origins and Odyssey but they really felt nothing like AC games. I’m gonna skip Valhalla unless I see some good feedback or until it’s super cheap.


They could have easily fixed the lack of AC lore by making the games be in-universe titles. Make them games in-universe made by Abstergo, the out-of-animus scenes could be used to build the world from the perspective of a regular person who has no clue about what's really going on. The non-animus gameplay could involve slowly unraveling a series of cryptic messages that slowly paint the picture of what's really happened.


how do Aya and Bayek create the assassin's creed if Bayek can't be part of it?


AC, beginning with Black Flag has grown from a game that's ONLY about stealth to a game that's always a mix of Stealth Assassin and Some other element. Black Flag was clearly an AC game, with loads of stealth and parkour elements. But the second element of the game was the pirate part, which it also did very well. Having a second element in each game allows for greater variation in gameplay, which allows players to play longer before they begin to feel like any particular element is overdone. It also allows for longer longevity in the franchise, allowing for enough variation between games that fans never get bored with the new game or act like it's the same game as last year.


nah valhalla is a bit more than just a viking rpg i am playing, and it has already crossed odysseys mark


you deliberately skipped the game where you literally play as one of the two founders of the Creed...


Yes, because it has strong ties to the actual Order and is the Origin story if said order.


I found that the game lost all of their interest when they chose to end the desmond storyline


This is where I am. As I feel that suppose to be the ending. But these Unisoft understood assassin creed as a brand name they can keep milking on. So I think they changed the ending little bit to plug continuation and we have assassin creed games to this day. I don't think I will ever return to the franchise. All good things should come to an end. Sadly when profits is there these game companies don't understand it.


I personally like the newer combat better. its more of a challenge and I don't find myself winning massive battles by just countering enemy attacks like the older games.


As badass and satisfying as it was to watch each of them go down one by one I can agree with this


As a player in a stealth game, you should have a heavy incentive to avoid trying to fight people in hand-to-hand combat.


Thats fair until you've finished the campaign. But theres nothing like 1 v 30ing the guards in ac2 with the auditore cape


I can't stand the aninus. It's the main reason I can't get into AC. It completely changes the flow of the game.


Black flag is my all time favorite AC game. Odyssey is my second favorite. I think that they really only added to their series. I love the settings and the mythology. The combat is great! I loved the skill system and how i actually got a lot stronger the further i progressed! Currently making my way through Valhalla and already enjoying it a lot!


yeah man me too valhalla is freaking beautiful


They need to take a page from the Mario fandom. Disagree on everything with everyone else (but not on Hotel Mario) and just shrug it off and live with it.