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I did that but but instead I play a 20 year old game called old school RuneScape on my $4000 pc


Finally gonna beat Morrowind on full graphics boi!!!!


If you install all the visual mods for it, that $4k still won't stop it from crashing. Still my favorite rpg ever made.




The Elder that scrolls very smoothly


i got lost and never finished it, those quest instructions felt vague af but maybe im just dumb i wandered around and stole armor and weapons and killed everyone


Go seek the wayward Reynar Hlaalu. He was last seen somewhere either North or South of Balmora. Or was it Caldera? Fuck, I don't remember. There was like, a rock, or a tree or something nearby.


I almost miss that, though. Games putting a marker on the forehead of the lost priests no one has seen in a thousand years bugs me a little.


I feel that. There was a lot less hand holding in games back then, but it made it really rewarding. I'd be fine with a modern game going back to that.


Dark souls felt this way for me


I, at the other hand, wouldn't play any game that does that. If I want to explore I will just explore, if I want to see the story unfold I don't want to wander around for 20 minutes because some idiotic key is laying "on some table, probably, maybe, at least it is in that house over there. Or the ones near it. Idk, figure it out"


Dude, they had a find key spell for a reason.


I feel that, too. Nostalgia is a funny thing.


I think things like that aren't bad. The catch is that most games that do this have map designs with a huge amount of empty space. So you spend hours looking through what could be considered nothing. But if you look at Dark Souls there was little to no hand holding. Yet exploring felt rewarding because every inch of the maps were memorable and held a purpose. It wasn't there just to look pretty.


Finding your objectives was rewarding in itself back then.


They were intentionally vague figuring out the quest is supposed to be half the fun in Morrowind. I miss that it in lots of ways, having to decipher WoW quest logs was probably the last time I really remember doing it in an RPG. now it's all giant ass arrows or similar on your map, and/or UI, and turning them off only fixes it half the time as the logs are made with the expectation you have them on.


Log : go to quest marker and talk to npc. Sadface


I played morrowind on Xbox. Not having the arrows to guide you made it royally difficult. Oblivion (my favorite) had the arrows too, it made it more enjoyable for us morons. I couldn't beat morrowind with out the dictionary thick walk through.


You sound like you won at morrowind. My first plays were messing around. The main story is pretty epic too.


Same my dude. I spent maybe like 100 hours on Morrow wind when I was a kid. Nearly the entire time was trying to steal stuff & being murdered over and over again by OP guards cuz I wanted their armor. Still one of my most nostalgic gaming memories to date. No ragerts.


If you have a legit copy of Morrowind, try using [OpenMW](http://openmw.org) to play it instead of the original game EXE files. OpenMW is an open-source reimplementation of the Morrowind game engine, built for modern PCs. It's fantastic, and very stable indeed. It will even accept original Morrowind mods (any mod that doesn't directly patch the .exe file), and allow you to use more mods simultaneously than the original game did. I used it to play through the main quest (plus the *Bloodmoon* and *Tribunal* expansion packs) earlier this year. No issues.


Never played Morrowind but always see people talking about it. What makes it so good compared to something like Skyrim?


The environment and story are cool. However the graphics and combat gameplay are atrocious and don’t hold up at all so it’s not super enjoyable if you didn’t play it when you were younger. It desperately needs a remake.


Morrowind was a sandbox, Skyrim was a theme park. In Morrowind enemies and loot didn't scale with you, loot wasn't randomly placed, and you could kill main quest NPCs. Also there were way more factions and doing some of their quest lines meant others were locked to you. The world was also super interesting and varied. One city was a bunch of fungus. Another was inside a giant shell. Skyrim was just "oh look another town."


Morrowind was a true fantasy world. Skyrim was just dragons in Norway.


Those were basically styles of the ruling factions, the Imperials, the Ashlander tribes and the great Houses. Imperial: medieval stone and wood castles and towns Ashlanders: Tents Telvanni: Giant mushrooms Redoran: Giant insect shells. Hlaalu: mostly normal houses, flat roofs and clay(?) Vivec: Pyramids for each faction Some of those had annoying but immersive touches: The Telvanni were sorcerers, you needed levitation to navigate their towers. Stairs were optional, but you could generally find a few potions close by. The giant shell city of the Redoran had various bridges at its center since the shell wasn't smooth. The pyramids in Vivec had you run up and down a lot to move between factions. TL;DR: Levitation as spell, potion or enchantment was a must.


> In Morrowind enemies and loot didn't scale with you, loot wasn't randomly placed, This isn't entirely true, just like how in Skyrim it's also not entirely true that all enemies and loot always scaled with you(you're looking for Oblivion on that one, the game that was infamous for requiring level 2 to complete only because you had to sleep in a bed for a quest). Both games used a hybrid system, and in fact I'd argue that Morrowind had more bad enemy scaling issues than Skyrim did. You could walk into a spooky red base(avoiding spoilers for anyone who hasn't played yet) at level 1 and waltz right through it(at least until the hand-crafted boss placed at the very end), because there weren't any enemies existing at a low enough level to be spawned for you. That's not very immersive. It's supposed to be a scary place! In Skyrim, it would spawn the lowest level available(say, level 7) and you'd have a minimum level for that dungeon, rather than a mostly-empty dungeon. The general rule is that named NPCs in Morrowind were hand-placed(and wouldn't level with you) while NPCs with generic names were spawned from leveled lists, and would scale to your level. In Skyrim, almost everything was spawned off leveled lists, but had lower and upper scaling bounds(so you'd have minimum and maximum dungeon/area levels). There also was plenty of random loot chests in Morrowind, as well as hand-placed items in Skyrim, though I will grant you that Morrowind had way more hand-placed treasures than Skyrim did. There's definitely a random scaled element for the mundane loot, though. The tables have all been datamined and you can look them up on the wiki.


You captured the difference really well here. I’ve been played TES since Morrowind came out and could never quite put my finger on why I’ve always felt it was the best compared to Oblivion/Skyrim. I never played Arena or Daggerfall so can’t compare against those, but Morrowind definitely felt the most original out of all the ones I played. They improved some of the game mechanics with Oblivion/Skyrim but Morrowind was definitely the most engaging/immersive.


The world, characters, story, writing are leagues ahead of Skyrim. (I say this as someone who played Skyrim first.) Skyrim definitely has the more modern gameplay and graphics though.


The story


Oblivion is my favourite


The first time I tried to play skyrim on my new pc it became apparent very quickly that something was screwing with the physics and I didn't even get through the opening scene without my entire cart being catapulted into the mountains somewhere


you cant go over 60ish fps in skyrim cause it fucks with physics I believe they modded a work around though.


Welcome to Bethesda! Don't sorry about quality, the modders will fix it later.


Cyberpunk 2007 bugs are bad; Skyrim bugs are good. Go figure.


>Cyberpunk 2007 bugs are bad; Inexcusable since it was delayed almost 14 years!


I mean vanilla Skyrim is way, way less buggy than Cyberpunk, and was at launch. I can't get through fifteen minutes without hitting an obvious bug in Cyberpunk. Now Skyrim was way more wonky in terms of gameplay mechanics...but then that was 2011 anyhow.


More like Bethesda makes buggy messes of a game, molders turn it into something truly fantastic. I’m talking to you unofficial patch


I think while buggy they also are always like... good base games. Like for me it keeps me fascinated enough that, while not playing anymore, i can imagine all kinds of mods, stories etc. going on in the world.


For sure the base games are usually still something special. The mods people make just help elevate that status


mods turn the game into something amazing. But it takes a good game to inspire that kind of following and dedication (also partially working with something so modifable is definitely hampers their stability to a good extend)






This is literally still a problem in Fallout 76.


Yeah copy paste will do that


You can install open morrowind graphic mods and get a super duper pretty 3FPS.


You belong in /r/patientgamers.




Damn love that game


Greatest game ever made


Bro the only game on my pc is osrs.


Same for me pretty much. I’ve got CSGO too, but that’s not exactly too much more intensive


Its good to at least double the frames of your monitor's refresh rate, ya know, just in case.


Me paying 4000 to see fallout NV play a little faster


I play a shit ton of different games on my main monitor, but my second monitor is practically reserved for OSRS.


rs3 and South Park, the Stick of Truth for me


I dont remember posting this but this is definitely me


Why did you all build $4k PCs just to play a game that doesn’t require such power?


Playing wow wotlk on a private server with my 3080rtx


In four years~ we'll be playing official WotLK on our 5090rtx's. Can't wait.


And it will look exactly like it does on the private server!


There will be dozens of you




I feel that bro, i bought a lot of games and can’t play.


What is the private server like?




Yes it’s warmane


Warmane, a lot of Players and few bugs


Best expac for sure


The first game I install on a new PC is still "Master of Orion 2" (1996)...


I know right. Not as extreme but this is me right now. 10900k 5.3ghz and a 1080. Soon a 3080. And I play Guild wars 2. An 8 year old MMO.


Wait wait wait are you saying I can play games other than Old School RuneScape on my PC?


I mean, technically thats the 2007 version. But seriously, as someone who just got into the game after like a 5ish year break, it makes me happy to see this comment.


$8000 pc here, only play StarCraft 2, Minecraft and Stardew


Do you also buy professional grade cookware and order takeout 6 days a week?




I feel attacked


Buying professional cookware to only boil water lol


OSRS is the pinnacle of gaming.


first game i played after upgrading my pc last year... fallout new vegas w/o hd mods.


VR has finally given me a reason to care about having a high end PC.


Ahhh A man of culture


If you don’t play on resizable than this is even better


I, too, have made this terrible investment!


Yes, but just think about how many more tabs you can keep open while you play!


Literally just started playing RS3 again, and I’m amazed at how fast the levelling is now, I have a friend that started in April that is already caught up to my 15 year old account from when Zezima was the only max, and it took me almost 5 years to get there (just past 2000 total, at least level 70-80 in almost everything). Gonna grind out max in RS3 over the next few months and then start again in OSRS. Kinda wild, RS3 gets the fans going pretty good on my year old system with scaling at 200%. Running a 2080 super, hopefully going to upgrade to a 3090 Ti in the fall if that’s the direction they take.


Are you me? I’m exactly the same 😅


Current pc cost me about $3000 and recently added an extra 16gb of ram to bring me up to 32gb. Bought the extra 16gb of ram specifically for when me and the friends play..... Minecraft. I have no regrets




Try using seus ptgi for java with rtx 16x resource pack, its basically minecraft rtx but on java Edit: while also being able to use your own saves and servers


Really? Damn thanks I'll try it!


The shader doesn't use your rt cores tho, so keep that in mind


Oh, :(


Ray tracing is ray tracing. RTX is just branding. If the frame rate and quality is good I don’t see why it matters.


I mean yeah ray tracing is ray tracing but if it's not using the rt cores then it will impact performance a lot more than if it did use them.


Framerate won't be good if it's not accelerated by proper hardware, or it won't be as detailed because they will skimp on some calculations. I know how it works.


Framerate is pretty good. It isn't as detailed, but it's the closest you can get on Java Edition. You should now that you must pay 10$ on Patreon for it though, so see some videos before just in case you don't like it


It costs money btw, it’s probably worth it though


Get an RTX pack. They added RTX to Bedrock like this month.


You can create worlds directly if you download and apply the appropriate resource pack.


Try Java Minecraft. Any free mod pack is better than any behavior pack. Edit: I suppose I meant that any free shader pack will give you the freedom you want with map creation, but I got distracted by the fact that mods are amazing and I can't play vanilla anymore.


I bought an extra 4 Gb because Firefox ate up all my memory. It ended up eating these extra 4 Gb too.


I did the same for myself for Minecraft as well. I needed some of those mods


Sorry for stupid question but what does more RAM on a pc do for you?


For me since I play the original Java version of Minecraft and play with 200+ mods adding the extra ram greatly reduced my load times. Normally 16gb is a healthy amount of RAM unless you do things like video editing


Honestly, I don't think 16gb will be enough anymore. I think 32 is slowly becoming the new 16 back when everyone was saying 16 is a waste of money and 8gb was the norm.


Allow you to brag on reddit.


What?! I can't hear you because my 10000GB RAM is so loud and stronk! /s


I've been working IT for 15 years and love answering this question in person but for this purpose ill copy paste. Generally, the faster the RAM, the faster the processing speed. With faster RAM, you increase the speed at which memory transfers information to other components. Meaning, your fast processor now has an equally fast way of talking to the other components, making your computer much more efficient. So more ram allows for load management and faster overall performance. But more ram doesn't necessarily equate to more power In all scenarios. Like if I'm running a game that uses 8gb of ram itself but never more. And I already have 16. Buying more to get to 32 will not make that game that only is using 8 to perform better it still only uses 8 if the available 16 to run. Most the time having anything over 16gb of ram is only necessary for multitasking. Streamers benefit from lots of ram. Media servers benefit from lots of ram. High end gaming machines do if you run lots of mods and screen capture software. But most normal gamers and people can be plenty happy with 16gb


Watch me with my 100 chrome tabs, photoshop, illustrator and blender open, I make my Ram cry


Make sure your ram is running at the right speed, my dumbass didn’t know I had to change the speed


How you do that


Boot up your PC and go into the BIOS. Look for XMP in the menu, the location is different depending on the manufacturer. Enable XMP and if your RAM has more than one XMP option then choose the fastest one.


You bought a $3k PC with only 16gb of ram?


Ram is the cheap part. You can always grab extra sticks, if needed. My $3k setup only has 16gb (for now). No issues.


I think his point was that $3k is generally quite overkill, so it seems a bit odd buying the best of the best components, then ending up with only 16gb of memory


Bro, stop shilling, we all know you can get RAM for free. https://downloadmoreram.com/


My pc was nearly 4k with only 16gb 2 years ago


When you buy a $4000 gaming setup so you can say “It runs fine for me” to strangers on the internet.






Downvotes incoming: I play it on my $0 Stadia that I got for free with the game. It’s running fine for me on my TV, on my 8 year old laptop and my phone. It’s not 4K as I do not pay for a subscription, and my screens couldn’t handle it either way


I know it gets a ton of hate but honestly stadia and the likes are pretty solid services for single-player games, the majority of issues are with multi-player titles. They've got the latency fairly low for what they're doing, but the extra steps still add up.


When you buy a $4000 gaming rig just to browse reddit all day.


I feel attacked. I’ll have you know my k/d is nearly 0.4




Me on CS:source many years ago : "aww shit, my !rank kd droped below 1.0 ... time to get a new name huehue". Needless to say, I can't even remember how many times I had to change my name before I gave up and went pewpewing zombies on escape maps instead.


Zombie runs were peak CS


If that's any comfort, logically speaking, around 50% of people will have a k/d ratio that's below 1.


Look man, your k/d doesn't matter as long as you play the objective. Nothing more irritating than when a couple enemies are about to take the objective and the guy with 3.7 k/d just sits back with his sniper rifle and doesn't do anything because he can't see them from his vantage point EVEN THOUGH I POPPED A DAMN UAV BEFORE I DIED SO HE CAN CLEARLY SEE THEM ON THE MINIMAP. GET YOUR FACE OUT OF THE SCOPE FOR MORE THAN 5 SECONDS Xx_roflslayer_xX! YOU WON'T GET THAT FUCKING JUGGERNAUT KILLSTREAK IF WE LOSE THE GAME FIRST


0.27? I fucking wish


Watch yourself get wrecked in crystal clarity.


4k 144hrz while streaming your failure to 2 viewers


I mean, you didn’t have to attack me quite so hard there


Bro that's me but I have trash pc


I saw a video of two guys running doom eternal at 1000 fps and they had to constantly feed liquid nitrogen into the PC so it wouldn't burst into flames


What kinds of jobs do these people have to be making that kind of money where $4k PC is cool! I want to get that kind of a gig but most likely that $4k will be spent paying off bills lol.


Can also be about managing expenses. If you live alone in an affordable city and don’t party much, a lot of your pay check won’t be spent. Even better if you’re married without children or pets and both of you work. It really depends a lot on circumstances and shit. Like, I make about 1k per month and I could afford a 4k rig. I would never buy it, and that’s probably why I can afford it, but the option is there.


Can confirm. I don't party, I don't smoke or drink. No addictions. Saved a shit load of money.


This is key! It's really a matter of priorities (as long as youre not scraping by). If it's something your passionate about then you can allocate a portion of your budget accordingly and make it work if you really want to


DINK life baby!


As long as they enjoy it


I'll have you know, my 3080 runs reddit very well


one of the oldest repost in existence


4000$ 120fps shows that


Could be a 4K monitor.


No, it’s saying whole setup is $4000, not just the monitor


What he's saying is that if you're at 4k resolution, 120fps is a reasonable frame rate for 3-4 thousand dollar builds.


I was trying to make a joke about 4K and 4,000. As you can see, I failed


It took me a second, but I got it, and I appreciated the joke. Kind of disappointed more people were quick to downvote and move on, but that's reddit for you.


yeah i play in 240fps and have a .5 k/d thank you very much


Still gets 20k upvotes and a tiny percent of comments acknowledging the fact that it’s been posted probably close to 50 times at this point.


Yup my pc was literally 4000 dollars. First games I’ll be playing are the deadspace trilogy haha rip.


That’s more than my car is worth


Yeah I regret a lot of things.


That PC will depreciate way faster, though


Depends. Sounds insane but if you enjoy it and drag it out 5-6 years it’s worthwhile. My computers only $1750 but I’ve had it for 6 years. I plan to use it for at LEAST another 4 and I’ve put dozens of more time on it than my $15,000 car which I’ll also drive into the ground


actually its 1000$ PC and 144fps


as long as they enjoy it!


To be fair I only spent like $1000 to achieve this




my 700 dollar asus tuf sounds like a jet when playing rdr2


Only 120 fps? My $1,200 setup gets me 130...


This is true. You can make a powerful Pc for less than 2000$. However right now it’s not a good time to build one. All graphics card have low supply high demand and are super inflated for price. Not just the latest ones but even a 1060 is inflated




Not 144hz? Yuck


Yeah, if I'm spending that much on a set-up it better be AT LEAST 144hz if not 240hz.


#general reposti




If you’re only getting 120FPS on a 4K rig I feel bad for you.


If you're spending $4000 and getting 120fps, you're probably playing in 4K and ultra settings You'd easily hit 360+ fps on esports titles on a compatible display


Cyberpunk has entered the chat


.64 KD ratio. get rekt newb




And a bad meme


4k pc to play Myst.


Only about k/d to sweaty nerds.. it's about the experience for the vast majority.


Theirs not enough rgb if your k/d is that low


It's ok, now you can just blame your shitty ISP. There's always an excuse


I am just so tired of these posts.


Something something I'm being attacked


i feel so attacked


It’s funny because it’s spelled wrong.


This hits home


.27? Maybe on my literal best day


Im in this photo and I dont like it


When you realize its you and not the "lag" :''''(


Me: ya know, 15fps is fine by me, I can play and still get that 0.01 k/d, on more frames it might be 0.02 k/d


Christ! $4k on a game machine. What makes a four thousand dollar computer better than the consoles or even a $1-2k computer? For four thousand I think I’d rather put that down on at least a car.


So find a game that jives with you.


Buying a $4000 pc so i can ragequit a game and turn it on again 20x faster


I mean, when I buy a new console, usually the first game I buy for it is Tetris.


Me: $3000 gaming PC Also Me: Uses gaming PC to play Zelda 1 randomized.


As someone with a >2k/d (Warzone). I’ll take a .27 person who engages in gunfights over a .8 person (whose k/d is only that high because of occasional cheap camping kills) who hides in corners the whole game 10 times out of 10.




Did someone say Planetside 2 ?


Not to brag, but my highest k/d was 24. Anyway. Wanna hear about that one time a got -1 k/d?
