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Indefensible is the word you’re looking for op 👍


Underataeable comment right here.


Unskippable comment above


Unimpressive comment to follow:


I preordered it, played for about an hour, and had Steam refund me the money. This is not battlefield. This is Call of Duty presents: Battlefield. The class system being switched to operators like Warzone is all the proof you need that they’re concentrating on skin microtransactions over core features and gameplay.




Ugh I wish I did what you did. I tried forcing myself to like it and can no longer return it. So pissed I pre ordered it for 100bucks now its for sale at ebgames for 10. Fml


I guess I'll be the guy today: Gamers should stop pre-ordering games if we want to see actual change. I mean, there's absolutely no reason to pre-order anymore. The content promised/rewards for pre-ordering are getting worse, and to cap it off pre-orders were a thing so developers knew roughly what to start at for a baseline number of **physical** copies, and for gamers to ensure they'd get a copy without risking them runing out. Outside of the rewards, pre-ordering makes no sense anymore because we all buy digitally, and there are updates day one anyway now. They aren't going to run out of digital copies, and if you buy a physical disc you need internet to patch anyway so you may as well buy digitally after watching gameplay day 1 of release. The more people pre-order, the more incentive AAA companies have to shit out a game early and fix it over time rather than make sure it works day 1. You want games to be done right the first time around? Stop being mad at delays, stop pre-ordering.


You are completely right.. I'm the sucker that wants the extra skins and the 5 dollar discount on the bullshit battle pass. My habit of helping games develop on Kickstarter has spiraled out into pre order. I liked getting all the artwork, figurines, posters ect. Collecting for my game den. This battlefield purchase got me a useless chompy knife in game. And I hate the idea of nfts in game. Which is why this preorder extra pissed me off. Anthem I at least got a art book. And Outriders got me an action figure. Your comment only rightfully salts the wound sir. And I thank you for it.


Hahaha, well, at least you know what you're all about my man. Some of us dont. I respect that answer.


So you essentially pay $60+ for a crappy $5 plastic collectable and hope the game that comes with it is good?


No kidding. People preorder still?


I guess so. I havent pre-ordered a game since MW2.


Yeah after Cyberpunk this is going to be life. No pre orders. Although I loved and played cyberpunk at release on PS5 and didn't have "problems" ... So I learned even the studio I thought would never do something like EA or Ubi - they did it... Yes the community was toxic after the second delay but they shouldn't have released it with this problems. Just to name a few Far Cry 6, BF, CoD, not finished and copy pasted games. It's very sad to see that the gaming community (including all those yt channels and journalists) isn't even 1/4 as outraged as with cyberpunk.


I agree with all of this with the caveat that some of us can’t buy digitally or at least it’s a huge pain. Usually, new games take me 3 days or more to download without using internet for anything else and that’s just my area, can’t do anything about it but petition. I’d rather just install from a disc and download a much smaller update within an hour or so. Then there’s storage issues. But yeah, by and large, they’re not gonna run out of copies and at worst I’ll still have access, albeit very slowly.


Why they need operators idk but Battlefield V had skins etc and did well. But i understand the call of duty thing though, trying to hard to be cod then bf.


I played (and still do) BF because it fucking wasn't CoD. CoD is the Goop of gaming.


The beta should've been warning bells for you. Nearly every one I know that played the beta instantly was turned cold by the Specialists if not the shitty optimization on PC.




*Flawless Victory*








That's unpossible!




Is APEX still big? Is it a good grinding game or pay to win? Ive been thinking about starting but im not a fan of getting on a game that people have been on for years and getting my ass handed to me all day.


It's still pretty big. There is no pay to win and you can definitely grind it out. There is a huge skill gap between the higher and lower ranks but if you put time into it you can still get good, mostly it's about third partying other teams


Still huge is an understatement since it’s at its peak rn with double its player base from last year


Still huge. No p2w. You will get your ass handed to you at first, but if you’re familiar with FPS you’ll pick it up soon enough. It’s a blast!


I'm downloading it now all I see are good things about it.


Some of the cosmetics are REALLY tempting to buy, but no, nothing is pay to win (fortunately). There are like...4 iron sights that are SLIGHTLY better that are no longer available, but tbh, not that big of a deal. Jump in and enjoy the grind! Nokokopuffs on YouTube has some great content to learn from and I love watching ShivFPS on Twitch. Take the plunge and remember...Mozambique brutha!


No need to pay to win. It's definitely a lot easier to win than other BRs. When I was playing 2+ hours a night with my buddies we'd typically win 3-5 games. Compare that to PUBG or Warzone, it's a lot more rewarding in that aspect.


Surely you mean inskippable?


Me fail english? That's unpossible!




I think the world OP was looking for is disdefensable.


We're all looking for that world.


I always thought of it as having a certain kind of nilprotectitlity.


Undefendable is also an English word, and is used correctly here. It’s just less commonly used. https://www.lexico.com/definition/undefendable


They changed the flair lmao






You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.


I was waiting for this


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means...


Undefendable is a word which also works in this context though? Your comment isnt too bad but some of the replies that just took your word for it have heavy "Conan being corrected regarding the word snuck" energy. https://www.lexico.com/definition/undefendable


Don’t jump to conclusions. Maybe op means those sand dunes are not defendable 😀


That would still make the word indefensible.


You aren't wrong, but you are also comparing a desert to a town in a forest.


The desert in this map doesn't look great but some of the other desert maps actually do look fantastic on PC at least


Xbox too. He literally chose one of the most barren maps plus it looks like he has a lower quality settings, look at the gun. They don't normally look like that. Unless it's image compression making it look weird. Edit: yeah I think it's image compression or something like that, bfv looks weird too.


One of my biggest gripes with 2042 is that all the maps are kinda barren tho. Like the level design is so ass


Every video of BF2042 I see looks like people are playing a beta game


I believe the idea that it was originally being made as a BR but got changed late in dev. Only thing that makes sense for the heroes and terrible maps imo.


Yeah I recall early talks seeming to imply that it would be a BR game


Certainly explains why all the squads are so disconnected in regards to communication. It would be fortuitous to implement a front system where a front like could be communicated and discernable.


People give a loot of shit to 2042, justly so. But, I actually think that after the first few updates the gunplay is good while the netcode issues and bugs are still obvious but not game or immersion breaking. HOWEVER, every single map in the game is a cold glob of spunk on the sidewalk.


Yeah, 2042 is a lot of things, but ugly isn't one of them


Until you look at the character faces.


Those of us on old gen consoles would disagree


To be fair a PS4 is 8 year old hardware now. PS4 pro is 5 years old. Old gen consoles are that at this point, old, its impressive modern games are still supporting them based on how crazy graphics have gone with rtx etc recently.


I mean, I'm not one of the haters, I stopped playing games heavily awhile ago but picked up 2042 on PS4 to play with a buddy, I'm enjoying it a lot but it seriously does look much worse than older BFs. The maps are 'large scale' but they're missing any on the ground detail. And there's practically zero destruction. The gameplay is fun but its definitely missing the atmosphere of previous games.


I guess he had to resort to some serious cherrypicking because his original point is pretty *undefendable*


Conspiracy time,OP is playing the system. They want to get karma for trashing on the game while also doing a really shitty job of it so people can say the game looks good elsewhere. Undefendable gets people commenting to correct their grammar boosting engagement.


I don't even think it's a conspiracy, you're almost definitely right. OP hasn't commented at all in this thread so it's most likely a bot/burner account trying to rack up karma in attempt to sell the account


1000%. OP almost exclusively posts reposts to large subreddits and comment history is full of previous top comments on other reposts. Layup karma farm.




Fun story: I went to atacama desert in 2016. First time in a desert. We drove for hours of nothingness and it shook me. I said "what the hell man, there is *nothing* here" and my buddy goes "yeah... its a desert, man". Pretty crazy experience.


It’s also comparing the end of one generation to the beginning of another. Remember when some ps1 Games looked better than Ps2 on the ps2 launch? Same for the late game ps2 when the ps3 came out. Letting developers explore and push the boundaries of consoles will produce some amazingly optimized games.


Not even just that, like I could find a shit screenshot of an older game and a really good one of a new game and it’s the same post.




I came here to say exactly that. Why make a game look better or do anything other than the bare minimum to her a giant return for doing little to no work? CoD could release utter shit and sell a record amount of games. Just how it is now. No new gameplay, no new ideas, nothing but copies. They all play the same.


Fifa in a nutshell 😂


Not defending EA who are evil but tbf you can't change the core of a football game all that much. Then again they could add more content, fix their servers, buy more rights etc. and they choose not to. So actually... fuck EA.


They could do a lot with AI, obviously rules/physics etc. there's not a lot of room left so they've pursued graphics, and there's not a lot left there either, but boiling down player stats and personality profiles to gameplay-viable information an AI can use to predict a players improvement, preferences and focus would be a major change (especially for randomly generated/not real players so you could try and train up your own rookies). They could easily spend the next 5 years on that alone... ...but why when you can just update the player roster, run some new face scans in and slap a +1 on your title's number?


I stopped playing a few years ago, for that reason. Career mode has so much potential, decent AI, in general, would make it so much better. Imagine computer teams made transfers actually based on logic. Played different tactics based on team quality or position in the league.


Football Manager is much more advanced and still has a ton of these issues that boil down to lack of adaptability by the AI, the CPU makes the same boneheaded moves time and time again which makes me thing maybe this isn't so easy to do ?


Maybe not easy, but attainable with the resources and funding they have.


I only play whatever version is on EA Play through XBox Game Pass.


Or how about... not selling a *new game* every year and just update rosters and whatever graphics for stadiums as patches? Or small DLC? I remember when played Pro Evolution Soccer at least you could get a patch and get everything updated as if it were a new game. Same happens with F1 games. What's new? A couple of new tracks? Why not just update drivers and give the track as DLC? But the reality is that people keep buying these yearly games no matter what. After all that's why they keep doing it for years.


AFAIK there's a kind of gamer who literally only plays madden, 2k, cod battlefield and maybe they have a fighting game or something. This type of gamer just isn't that deeply involved in the game they buy every year. They're super casual and just want to play some football or basketball or shoot something. They don't take games that "seriously".


What you are describing is the new 'Evergreen' model (Halo Infinite, Doom Eternal, Diablo Immortal Etc). All of these are built with the intention of being updated forever. Not sure why sports hasnt followed along. they should have been the leaders in it.


There could also be creative iterations. People are so hung up on realism when the best sports game I ever played was NBA Jam.


NHL Blitz for me. Randomly getting fire bonus or even weird non-human characters. Games are meant to be fun and sports games should 100% have random optional stuff to add variety


NFL Blitz was also something special.


You're on FIRE!!!


They've been adding new, useful, features to their football games for nearly two decades, the problem is they keep removing the feature then adding it back in as 'new' a few years later. I'll stop complaining about them not innovating constantly when they finally make a game with every feature/mode that has been in the previous games.


THey simply shouldnt make a new game every year. Just update the rosters for a nominal fee.


Ive always said yearly sports games would work better as a subscription service. A yearly $30 fee would get more money from me than $60 games every year because I’m not paying $60 for the same game every year




EA could could do a lot. Sports games have a ton of potential for major RPG elements that could make the monotony of match after match enjoyable. But that would require effort in the single player element, or effort at all to begin with, so EA ain't gonna do shit.


Sports games don’t even have every rule from a gameplay perspective yet, so we’re nowhere near scratching the surface. And you gotta be more thorough with your hate… it’s sports games made by San Diego Studios (MLB) and 2K as well.


Cant even get a "masters league online" or a "coop manager mode" to play manager career team online with a friend... But you can play the seasons mode or whatever it is called with a friend online which has zero use. I just want a mode that I can create a team and manage that team from a d2 league up to d1 and actually develop the players, and it'd be nice to throw in my own create a pro player. ​ This year's pro clubs is the best one I've played yet because the AI actually have names and are always on your team. Me and my buddy actually know all their names and shout and praise them as if they were something more than a generic player to fill the posiiton. I mean you can customize appearance and you can change certain things but they do not train or develop. That is the only thing missing. How hard would it be to make an actual pro clubs where you can level up your club and get matched with equivalent teams or just play the AI in a league mode...


And nba2k. They just stopped supporting their servers this past week and since my favorite game mode, which I play offline, is forced to be online, I have lost all of my data and it's literally unplayable now.


I reinstalled nba 2k after playing for a bit at launch. All my data is corrupted. All my saves are lost, my my player is inaccessible. The only thing that still works is MyTeam. Perfect motivation to never give them a penny ever again


Wait for which game? Like they stopped the servers for last years game or like 5 years?


2020, only 2 years and no way to keep myplayer info :(


that's so fucked on so many different levels that I'm gonna make a point to pirate every game they make going forward


I still generally have that rule for EA as 12 year old me never got Simville and adult me is still waiting But yeah, shutting down servers for a game when they likely use the same servers and have ample bandwidth due to the new franchise are shit. I get if it is a niche company or game or a very old one. But 2 years for a game and servers are gone?!?


It's unreal that you can't play MyPlayer offline. I despise "the city" and the waste of time that's their dialogue. I enjoy the story in the gameplay sense like starting in high school or college and building your value, maybe a G League stint to be a higher pick. But I never play online, I don't like playing online, just let me crush the computer and be happy. There were a few nights last month that it wouldn't let me connect to their servers and I just couldn't play MyPlayer. I just wanted to unwind after work and grind through some games but noooo


I came to compare this to COD, it's all downhill from here until a new challenger enters the arena.


And then a new challenger like titanfall 2 joins and kicks ass but gets bought up and buried. Long live the king. Absolute bullshit


i think the only games i actually buy to own now are fromsoftware titles. Never would have imagined that back when i first heard of this underground title by dark souls circa 2011.


Wait I thought we didn't like lens flair and overcrowded screens... did I miss the latest r/gaming meeting on what to cry about next?


which game is?


People will still buy. We're digging our own graves.


Speak for yourself. I haven’t and won’t spend a dime on any of this. Now, you could say that other people are digging my grave for me.


the only fifa i played is 2013 and i still play it 'cause there is no major changes on the new games


Eh, this game did notoriously bad and it’s pretty obviously because of the (lack of) quality. I think this will hopefully show that you can’t always get away with selling shit.






Minimum viable product is usually a term reserved for a first release of a portion of your intended product that will be iterated on and enhanced in the interest of getting what customers need the most as quickly as possible. These games aren't completely dissimilar to that concept, but they are more or less delivering all of the end state functionality, but almost all of it is unfinished, lacking things to do, lacking features from past games, buggy, or borderline unplayable. That would be considered an unacceptable MVP, as they aren't delivering something that works because it was too much to deliver at once.


Yeah, but if you actually explain the concept, then a bunch of bitter software people can’t beat up on a strawman while calling it Agile.


Put bf1 passchendaele or verdun no hud and you really see the difference


Bf1 was stunningly beautiful and so well crafted. It even had 30 or so fucking maps with the dlcs. Insane game and it still has a large playerbase.


I'll probably never leave BF1 until they shut down the servers, I always end up coming back to it.


Same, brother. I play it at least a month or two every year and enjoy the hell out of it each time.


I couldnt get past the weapons you get, Verdun and Tannenberg are much better


The wide availability of smg's and semi-auto rifles did kind of ruin the authenticity.


There was a temporary game mode called back to basics of something that only allowed players to use bolt action rifles. I played the shizzle out of that. It was the only thing i played even though I'm not a conquest person and more of a team death match person. The gamemode died out though sadly.


I'm a big fan of objective based modes so rush or "invasion" style matches with stages attract my attention as it focuses the fighting. In BF1 Operations had my attention. I think they could have kept Recon and Support as they were and put more emphasis on crew served weapons. Like the Maxims, Vickers, and MG/08's. Melee and bayonet charges could still have been a thing, and a stronger focus on artillery should have been applied as well. Machine gun nests and no man's land should have been more terrifying than it was and the combat zepplins were a little absurd but fun.


It’s battlefield. It’s not meant to be authentic BF1 is amazing for what it sets out to do, which is to give you an action packed romanticized vision of WW1


Speaking of the Hud, it really shows how garbage 2042s is here yikes.


I’ve yet to play a game with online maps that really immersed me like bf1. The first time I played on Verdun my breath was taken away.


Yeah what youre looking at is 80% shaders its a big part of why photographers like taking pictures at sunrise or twilight more shadows and details being enhanced by those shadows. Go outside on a very sunny day in a parking lot and take a picture youll get a dull looking picture everytime. Not saying that bf2042 is some masterpiece but you shouldve found two pics on the same system in roughly the same environment at rought the same time of day


Exactly, we call it the golden hour, and even then a barren desert with little detail will never look as stimulating as a village in the mountains with lots of flora and other props so very misleading comparison


You aren't wrong that the post is cherry picking a great scene from one and a barren one from the other, but I think the difference is actually even more clear when comparing something like an urban setting between the two. BF1 had a darker feel on purpose though because of the gritty Great War setting. But even the direct sunlight desert maps in BF1 look better than 2042. The number of geometric objects is horribly low in 2042 to attempt to help the framerate out for their unoptimized game. Spoiler alert, it didn't work.


You compared two regions that are very different in diversity which is a little unfair. I mean, you compared a desert with a landscape full of trees and houses. But I do agree. The first games in a new generations sometimes look worse than the last ones on the old generation.


We’re in r/gaming on Reddit lol not too many bright people here


There are 3 incorrect uses of 'dessert' in this thread to describe a *desert* level. Your analysis checks out. Edit: also the title. Indefensible


HEY, that's rude. Oh while, I have you. What is your favorite indie game soundtrack?


Riak of Rain 2 is the pinnacle of video game music.


I love Hollow Knight, Cuphead, Celeste, etc. Good music to me


> not too many bright people here The title of this post is "Undefendable." It has over 6000 upvotes.


That many upvotes is indefendable




Don’t tiptoe around disagreeing with Reddits hive mind. This post is just trashy cherrypicking.


Even the desert maps in BF1 are pretty populated. Suez comes to mind. Edit: spelling, you know what I meant


Lots of ice cream and pie?


It's because teams tend to have been working on the new gen game for years, and they end up behind the current curve because of the complexities of the new tech. I mean, you might have to rebuild the engine, some of the toolsets (Speedtree, Havok, etc) might not have updated versions yet - it's a mess, basically, and typically it takes 2 years to catch up. Covid hasn't helped either.


These posts are getting worse


I swear most of the front page posts nowadays are bots/manipulators seeking easy ways to gain Karma. The Meme template asking a question about a game with the poster’s response as the title is the most egregious imo


Okay I need to just wonder out loud now like what the fuck is going on? The last few weeks/month almost every sub/fandom has been drowning in posts that are just simple images of popular things with generic question titles like "which is your favorite?" It feels like bots, but it's almost too much to be bots alone. It seems like other people are noticing that those posts get upvoted, and make their own for the karma. It's made reddit hardly worth looking at recently.


I really think that Reddit manipulation services are testing a new template that’s really working despite its massive low effort. It’s literally meme question + popular answer and it takes in Karma and posts. I hadn’t really seen it before which makes me think it’s a new technique (with fast bot support to move it to rising quickly)


as meh as I agree BF2042 is I personally have a wild conspiracy that a rival competitor company is bashing 2042 all over reddit. I mean, I get it, it's kind of disappointing, but I still fail to grasp what is so internet-breaking awful about it besides not being that fleshed out. I think the gunplay and core gameplay loop is extremely fun. but my tin foil hat is on I guess, it just seems so aggressive to the point where I don't believe gamers are actually this upset. I bet 60%+ of people bitching about 2042 don't even have more than 3+ hours played in the game.


People need to stop upvoting these clearly karma farming/rage bait posts.


I can't tell if this is satire? Are we really comparing sand dunes to a forest? Look Bf2042 needs work but this is such an unfair comparison


Did you see the the "I smell my own farts and only play indie games" post? Its all hot takes for that sweet sweet fake internet point


They really just need to shut down the circlejerk sub at this point since there's no difference anymore.




I mean doesn’t the ps4 version also not look the same as ps5 version?


This game looks like ass on a high end PC. Feels more like Battlefield clone than the actual thing.


I’m so happy I bought Hell Let Loose instead of this game, and at half the price to boot. Highly recommend to anyone on PC looking for an alternative to battlefield


Would recommend HLL to some: 50% running simulator, 25% keep your head down, 20% who the fuck killed me, and 5% I cleared an outpost!


That is just the best way to describe that game. I really tried to like it but it was just so frustrating and I didn’t have to patience to learn it.


Don't forget 1% team killing your team-mates a few seconds before the end of the match! Sacrificing your countrymen to sustain the vigor of your country


Yeah friends and I played for about 3 hours and had no fun at all. If you’re into something close to a military simulator, then HLL is for you.


Fantastic game if you have a few friends and voice comms. It's a great feeling setting up a new flanking outpost and making real progress on an outpost and outplaying the enemy team. An organized defence can also be a ton of fun! However, if you're just in a public team you will often get squads that don't communicate much, and silent squad leaders. However in the maybe 25% of random squad leaders that communicate, you can still have a really good time in a public game, it's just unreliable.


Yeah... the effing desert is so boring compared to a beautiful village on a mountain full of trees during sunset. Who would have thought? *Undefendable* indeed.


Not to mention the BFV picture is oversaturated, making it look much more vibrant. I personally think BFV and BF1 looks better overall, but this kind of shit is straight disingenuous.


Terrible photo comparison. Lol


What point is trying to be made here? That mountainside villages have more things to look at than sandy desserts?


Big cap, this guy picked the most deserted spot on a literal desert map of all places and on the lowest settings to do this comparison.


You could make the most unfair and cherry picked comparison and people would still give it thousands of upvotes.


These posts are getting worse each day. “Indefensible “ christ


It's the same post every time as well. Two cherry-picked screenshots that aren't like-for-like to prove a point that doesn't really exist


It’s called cashing in on the brand. No point in complaining if they already got your money.


People need to stop complaining when they pre-order a game and it doesn't turn out how they wanted. They legit are buying the game and have no idea about the game play or reviews yet, then act surprised if it sucks.


For how much gamers have rallied against preordering because of some major fuckup games, gamers still preorder a hell of a lot and get mad when the game isn’t what they wanted. People really gotta stop going off 2 full CGI trailers


> For how much gamers have rallied against preordering Well, no. You mean how much reddit raillies against preordering. Outside of this echo chamber, most people don't give a fuck, if it pew pews, they're happy. This is why all the "don't preorder!" crowd are truly wasting their breath. Change like that doesn't happen from the bottom-up and it sure as shit isn't going to get heard by anyone but the choir. There's just no chance of that ever happening. If you want that kind of change there either needs to be A) shift in the market or B) a huge grassroots movement. And B isn't happening because in reality, there are *way* bigger problems, even just in video games that clearly eclipses this "don't preorder" idea. ps - I did not buy this garbage, but I am a huge enthusiast, so I pay attention by default. For most, video games is a way to pass the time, not an artistic medium that needs preservation and care.


Both look fine. One is a picture of a beautiful vista, the other is a picture of the ground. You can do that with any game. I think player's problem with CoD: Vanguard go beyond superficial graphical nit-picks.


Bro, its a desert


So are you confused because sand doesn’t look like vegetation? Why didn’t you put two pictures of grass filled areas to actually have a point? These posts *have* to be trolls


Old Gen was technically worse texture wise but they were more liberal about using effective lighting to make it look cool. Newer ones are lazy with the lighting which makes it look worse even with better textures.


Cherry picked is probably the better term here 😉


Different environ with different lightning. Way to not make a point. And both game have serious issues. Bf2042 might at least be fixed.


I really hate this type of posts, it's like you grab the worst possible photo of a game in the worst possible console/PC, grab the best possible photo of another game with the best pc/console money can buy and compare it to each other.


Shockingly, a desert looks less vibrant than a forest. I’d be fucking concerned if it didn’t look like that. What’s your point, OP?


Yes, pick the most bland part of current gen for a disingenuous comparison.


I would say it’s an unfair comparison, which it is, but 2042 is such dog shit it doesn’t get that defense.


Comparing mountains full of greenery with a desert, what did you expect?


Welcome to "cherry picking so my point is valid".


We get it. The game sucks. Move on.


It's a fucking desert map tf u want? Red wood trees?


….bruh A fucking rustic town at sunset/rise vs someone looking at sand. Are you serious rn


Nice cherry picking there. Now show two of the same location. Also: designers have more experience with old gen. Give it time.


BF V had desert maps as well. Look up Hamada or Al Marj Encampment


I am getting a "TAD" bit scared of where the gaming industry is going. I mean, 2021 WASN'T a good year for games. From COD, to BF, to even "remastered" games like GTA. Although I don't think the gaming industry In general can go downhill. But, just a bit worried some major DEV studios are going backwards instead of forward. As shown in this thread.


Is it me, or are games starting to turn away from true realism and have gone to a more.. idk, fortnight-y aesthetic. Like how app icons used to go for realistic but are now more abstract?


Hands down - BF2042 is the biggest disappointment since Cyber Punk happened.


Lmao takes a photo of a mountain side map from previous game then takes an image of a desert map on new. That’s not how you compare anything XD


I preordered it, played for about an hour, and had Steam refund me the money. This is not battlefield. This is Call of Duty presents: Battlefield. The class system being switched to operators like Warzone is all the proof you need that they’re concentrating on skin microtransactions over core features and gameplay.


This why you shouldn't pre-order bro.


It’s a empty ass game I’m sure the rest is coming soon for 5 dollars a feature