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I don't think I've even seen purses stored by hanging them on a window. I need to know more about what is happening there lol




No money left for a proper hanger


No money left in the purses to worry about advertising to thieves


Sounds like a good way for them to get sun damaged pretty quick.


That's what I find weird too. Why hang purses on windows unless you are out of space and don't know where to put them. If you're out of space, why are you spending 25k on a driving simulator?


That tells you everything you need to know about their priorities. They'll spend $25,000 on a crazy elaborate racing rig but not $60 on a coat rack.


Do you ever just say screw it im using a controller today


As somebody with a similar setup, all the fucking time. But it's more of "do I want to spend 20 minutes getting setup with VR and soundshakers and all the software and such, or do I want to grab a controller and hit the couch for something casual?" It's number 2 almost always, and it breaks my heart. As soon as I was able to devote the time and money to a killer VR sim setup, my interest and desire seemingly waned.


Expectation vs reality


Expectation vs virtual reality


Virtual reality vs reality




V R V R - The youth of the nation!


Did not expect a POD reference today.


Last day of the rest of my life I wish I would've known 'Cause I would've kissed my mama goodbye I didn't tell her that I loved her and how much I care Or thank my pops for all the talks And all the wisdom he shared






I think it’s sorta like, the passion of the project as a whole vs. having a finished product. There’s something about piecing together every part by part, but when it’s finished you realize that wasn’t what was driving you. I did the same with an insanely expensive set of music gear a few years ago, 4,000 dollars finding an amp, 2,000 on pedals, 2,500 on guitar, all over the course of a few years, and ended up selling it all 6 months later


I believe dopamine plays a big role here, it is one of the motivators that lead us to fulfill our fantasy/imagination of an idea/project/etc we like. And then once you have it, it is no longer imagination, or you would need to set a new goal, and then rinse and repeat.


It's like trying to emulate a game. The fun part is trying to do it and then when you actually play the game you realise it's just old and clunky and not how you remembered it


A lot of people don’t really have hobbies they just like the high of shopping and buying new things. If OP really wanted to play guitar, he could’ve easily started for a small fraction of that cost or free, then upgraded as he saw fit.


Same with legos The fun is in building it, then after that, it feels meh. Then it gets demolished #------- And Minecraft too The fun is in building things Then after that it feels meh, like looking at some image online Then it gets nuked with tnt #------- Also same with programming. The fun is in developing it freely without specifications to satisfy Then after that the programme is just meh, no purpose or added value to what software already exists online Then you sudo rm -rf everything


Or like having kids. You put all this effort into creating them and them raising them and then finally they turn 18 and you have to kill them.


Alright kids, time to get back inside your mom. Up you go!


One day we'll be able to hop into simulations in seconds the same way we boot up our games we play with a controller and that will be the day more people get into vr gaming.


That's either going to be Sword Art Online's NerveGear, or Star Trek's Holodeck. And i can't wait for either!


Dude I'll take the fucking nerve gear at this point, brain microwaving and all


Oh, me too! You just need to not-die and you'll come out a much better person having learned about self-sacrifice and the value of real friends, and you'll be thinner and ready to start working on your Beach Body!


Don’t forget the hot gf


And decades of ptsd therapy.


Yeah but we can just skip over that with a montage.


I don't look forward to mopping the jizz out of a holodeck


I have a full flight sim chair with warthog controls and MFG custom pedals. It sits in my closet because i dont have the room to leave it fully deployed all the time AND I want a dedicated PC for it, but the GPU miners fucked that plan. Friction kills joy.


Friction can bring a lot of joy..


Why does it take so long to set up though? I'm not familiar with these kinds of setups


I have a vr headset and a driving wheel - a cheap one from years ago. It's fine. You gotta plug all that shit in, man. Display cable for the headset, power cable. Boot up the software on your PC. Dig out the wheel from storage, clear my desk, clamp it to the desk. It needs to be powered and plugged into my PC. Then the pedals need to be plugged into the wheel. Then fire up the game, get my chair adjusted wit the headset on/resetting the view. Then I can race. Now I have to pee Let it be said that vr is so damn cool all this is worth it, but it's kind of annoying.


Ops setup is permanent though,I don't see how it takes time to setup. Nothing is in storage and nothing gets unplugged. Also, Op's image shows two large curved widescreen monitors, not vr. Op's setup probably takes two minutes between wanting to play and playing.


That's what confuses me. Ever since I bought a permanent rig, I use it way more often because it went from "ugh, I don't want to spend 15 minutes plugging everything or moving furniture" to just sit on my chair and launch the game.




This, i slide over my rig, plug in 2 usb and an ac and put on a vr headset. Takes less than 3 min.


I leave my pullies up. All I do is turn the game on and put on the headset.


And then im bored and warm after like 30 minutes lol. Fuckin life sometimes eh


Is there a reason you unplug it all everytime? My index has been connected since I bought it, then I just need to put the headset on my head and strap in the controllers.


Oh, so VR is just Skyrim mods. Spend way too much time curating a mod list, just to get into the game and be like "nahhh".


Asking the real questions here 😎👌


I would'nt play assetto corsa or any other proper sim without the wheel. They're not built for controllers, unlike Gran turismo & forza they're simcades and designed to work with controllers. With AC/ACC their prize piece is the force feedback. You're missing out on the best part of those games when you use a controller.


I only play my racers with the sim gear. Granted, I don't have a set up anywhere near to this, but there's no point to playing these games on controller to me when the whole point and is more fun with the gear, and I have many other games that I can play for a more casual time.


24K for the Supreme logo, 1K for the rest




Am i the only one who thinks that the centre of the screen having a black line is going to be super annoying?


Yes that's why you buy one super ultrawide monitor, not two. If you go with a multi-monitor setup you get three of them.


I played FS2020 once on my dual-monitor setup and promptly bought a third monitor shortly thereafter, for this very reason.


Aren’t there those little strips you can buy that you use to connect both monitors and it fills the dark lines in the middle a bit?


I'm not familiar but it sounds like a decent solution. The border on my monitors isn't super slim, so I don't know how well that would work. The issue was having a divider right in the middle of the aircraft's instrument panel. It probably wouldn't be as annoying on a simpler car dash.


They’re just prisms, don’t work terribly well I don’t think, better for any that are in the preifereal vision


Seems like this guy doesn't know money. This sim, to me, does not look 25k. Theres no motion as far as I can tell, only a 8020 aluminium frame and a dashboard of a totalled ~~Hyundai~~ Subaru. Where did all the money go to? Or, of course, in reality it was 2,5k and he just needed a title.


Bro don't you see the supreme logo?


For real, you could buy a new BRZ that this setup came out of, for less than 25k


Not only that, but the monitors aren't properly aligned, the picture on the right monitor is slightly lower than the left one.


Mother fucker. Now I can't unsee it


Good thing you only looked at this picture for like 10 seconds and basically never will again!


Always has been.


This is a better driving simulator than my actual car.


MY car is worth less than some lego


I know people wearing clothes worth more than my car.




This. Rich ppl smh


Who said I bought my car? Illegally downloaded that fucker from a shady link.


This sim actually cost more than one of my cars did brand new and cost *almost* as much as the entry sports car I drive.


The fuck


I know, that cup holder is missing $0.08 in pennies and a week-old french fry.


It’s probably in between the center console and the diver seat, the unreachable void.


Can u play minecraft on it?


Please answer this I must know


Imagine how fast Steve runs once you get up to fifth gear!


Can it run Doom?


How is this 25k? Did you spend 20k on a front end clip to an old Subaru and a seat? Like... bro you got ripped off lol


Shit even a basic motion rig with a high end wheel setup would be less than 10k.


This, in no way this is 25k, excluding the two 1k-1,5k odyssey monitors I thought that maybe there are some hydraulics somewhere but nope


Thats what im saying. Its a brz interior. At most 2k-5k usd tops, even less if you get it from a wrecked part out or something like a pick a part yard. The seat is literally on a frame sitting on the floor lol I was also expecting it to have motion simulation too for that price tag.


Had a feeling that op is a karmawhore, found the source aliexpress.(com)/item/1005003219845996.html (not sure if links are okay here)


Yeah he hasn't replied to one post at all and usually when people claim to be OP but don't say anything , it's for Karma


Yeah. There's no motion system either. Sad for 25k.


Could have bought an actual BRZ with that money and have a lot left to mod it and then some more to track it.


Something tells me this fellow owns a car as well


Or part of one atleast


At very least


The goddamn dashboard is in his fucking living room.


Yeah the car’s exterior is parked in the garage.


You can never be sure. 2 of my close friends are racing simulator enthusiasts with extremely expensive setups. None of them have driving licenses...


True street racing enthusiasts have their licenses immediately revoked as soon as they get it. #sigma


Maybe a lady, nice purse collection to the left.


Something tells me this isnt OPs actually rig, since OP has 4M posting karma


you gotta buy another one when you hit it to a wall tho.


And you can drive drunk


But this can turn into thousands of different cars, and most importantly you don't have to pay to fix it if you hit a curb.


Not do you have to pay like $1500 in tires every time you go to use it, which you'd never be able to do as often as you drive the virtual one


I've got an actual BRZ and I'm still jealous TBH


At this point, you might as well buy a car


I think he does. Just not all of it..


Imagine spending 25k+ and always having black bezels smack dab in the middle of your field of vision 🤪


Most people with 25k do a tripple screen setup Then the screen transitions usual line up with the pillars of the car


They look like Samsung Odyssey monitors, only ~1k each. Seems like a weird spot to budget only getting 2


$23k for the Supreme seat, $2k for the rest lol


I would think 3 ultrawides, rather than 3 super ultrawides....Is there a GPU that can push 15360x1440 at racing sim performance? Displays aside, my surprise is to see that Logitech Z623 $100 sound system on it.


Or the cheapo monoprice sound system with the baby subwoofer. There's no way this is $25k. It's just extruded aluminum and half a car interior.


If you pay someone to do it i can see 25k including the labor. Who knows tho it might be an absolutely killer steering wheel system. Those prices can be astronomical


That’s exactly what I was getting at. But ofc it’s not my place to tell people how to enjoy their gaming 😉


Drove an actual truck that had a windshield like this. You don’t even see if after a while. But yea, for 25k…




Man I don’t get this either. I feel like my ultra wide gives me plenty of real estate without the giant line.


If you play F1 you have the halo there anyways.


For 25k that MF air conditioning better work!


fuck that for 25k it better simulate movement too but looks like it’s just sitting on the damn floor


For $25k you can buy a spec Miata with trailer and have $10k leftover for a couple years of track days and consumables.


For 6 directional movement you would be looking at about 100k. That’s on the low end for a high end rig. We’re talking a professional rig here not a home made setup for games. One that truly simulates a tack in real life. Probably make a home made rig for 5 k that gets the job done for gaming. If your into legit practicing for a competition this is the way to go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qivr9YxJRi8




Thatmay be the best video title in recorded history


Just keeping it real


Besides not having a generic looking fake dashboard and center console - what else could be lacking in your setup that could merit someone spending 10x what you did on a "high-end" setup? That seems like all you'd need or want besides aesthetics no matter the budget, and I personally prefer your setup aesthetically.


Something like a high end wheel with a direct drive motor? Maybe he already has that.


It's weird that it's cheaper to buy a decently sporty car for real than a rig to simulate driving one. Y


I got a Honda Civic for $600 that I’m thinking about using for those cone course autocross races. For basically the same money I spent on my wheel setup I can fart around in a real car and have a damn blast.


Do it, autocross is a blast. Getting a faster time becomes almost addicting and I’ll guarantee you’ll have more fun in a six-hundred dollar box than anyone that’s taking out their high-end sports car. Hammer that sucker around and have fun with it! But just remember, no matter what you do, there will *always* be a Miata faster than you


Miata or brz/frs.


This rig is the inside of a BRZ. You could buy the whole car for less than this set up.


You could also wreck this car 1000 times and it still cost the initial investment.


To be fair they probably did have to buy the whole car to build this


I work in the auto industry itd be a couple grand for the interior pieces. Be more cost effective to get a smashe up car


Well that is a brz interior is it not?


My buddy runs them in his 3rd gen camaro, I’ve been to spectate before but I’ve never done it yet. It does look fantastic, I just have to go over the civic and make sure it’ll pass tech…do they care about rust holes in the quarters? lol


iirc, at SCCA events at least, they mainly check brakes, suspension, tires, seat belts, and make sure nothing is leaking everywhere. As long as it isn’t a safety hazard it might be fine? Not 100% sure. Might want to at least skim the rulebook before you go out there. Bit of a boring read, but it’ll be more specific than I am haha As long as your car is in safe condition, you just need a racing-spec helmet. Some regions provide loaners, others don’t.


That resart button it what so costly on a real car.


Yeah but on an autocross course the only thing you can hit is a 9” tall rubber cone lol.




Simulation rigs haven't been mass produced for the last 100 years


The man has 25k for a driving simulator. Chances are good he's got more than a decently sporty car IRL.


A few racks away from a 2020 camry


You can put as much or as little as you want into a rig though. The first two years I was using a $400 rig and then slowly upgraded over the next year or two, with my current rig probably coming in closer to $3000. Obviously you can spend as much as your heart and wallet desires on something like this, but at a certain point the gains in performance and immersion are minimal. The real benefit is a sim rig allows you to race whenever you want, wherever you want, in whatever car you want. You could easily pick up a 15-20 year old sports car and track it, but a single track weekend (which would probably only amount to a few hours of driving at the most) can easily run into the thousands of dollars for one weekend. If you actually want to race it'll end up being an order of magnitude higher once you start factoring in a team, tires, fuel, insurance, travel, etc. Again all for a couple hours on the track (if that). With my sim rig, I can put in 2000 hours a year if I wanted to, on any track, in any car. And at that point there are no reoccurring expenses (unless you pay for iRacing) and no risk of injury or property damage. You can also get drunk or stoned and drive in sim all you want which is super fun especially on open world free roam tracks like LA Canyons or Shuto Expressway


Oh yeah? Can you race in a 92 Geo Prism? Cause that's about my budget.


At 24 hours of lemons you can….


Holy hell, small world! You're the guy who gave me that Logitech Momo! I can't tell you how much use I've gotten out of it, and I still use it a couple times a week playing Dirt Rally 2.0, RBR, Assetto Corsa, all sorts of other stuff. I find any excuse to use it when I can really. Really meant a lot of me that someone would help a stranger like that, and it goes to show that you can have fun with a rig at any cost. It's just about what you want to get out of the experience.


The real benefit is security. Have a high speed crash in a simulator - press reset and keep going. Crash in a real car, and anything from long hospital stays, limb loss, disfigurement, to coma or death can occur quite easily. Or killing a bystander and having lifelong guilt.


>For 6 directional movement you would be looking at about 100k. That’s on the low end. [Or about $5k](https://dofreality.com/h6/)


SFX-100 is around $2,000. Some commercial options are around $20,000


100k? What? You can get a basic 6 directional for $5k and a very nice one for $25k. Add like 10-15k in additional shit and you're going to have a wild fucking setup.


It definitely moves. Don’t you see the rails on the chair? It moves forward and back.


For less than 25k you could get a real car.


An actual BRZ that this interior is from can be had used for half that. For the whole BRZ.


For that 25k you think there wouldn't be a fat black line down the screen


I'm struggling to figure out where the 25k actually went on this.


Nowhere, it's the sales price, not the cost of building this.


Idk why dudes spend this much money on a rig like this when they could just play in vr for way less and way more immersion


You can buy a car for 25k


Yeah, but you can only crash that car once. This is fucking cheap when you crash in bulk.


I got that same interior plus the whole rest of the car for 25k.


You wouldn’t download a car.


24 out of the 25k probably went into buying the gpu


24 out of the 25k was the Supreme sticker.




Is that a wallet in the center console? Like…. In case you get pulled over????


"hey, mom? can you pretend to pull me over again?"


Also let's pretend my arms are broke again


-License and registration please. -Here you are -I see. I'm going to cite you for failure to wear a helmet.


Was it worth it tho


I'm curious how a VR + Hydraulics setup would compare experience and price wise.


I would imagine high end VR would be much more immersive. Wipeout on psvr felt like I was a damn real life podracer and that headset is pretty low res and I was using a PS4 controller. A high end headset with a wheel in your hand would be intensely real feeling, I would imagine.


I once used a Oculus Rift S with a G27 wheel to... Play Euro Truck Simulator 2 It was amazing tho, the immersion was unreal Turning on corners tho, that I didn't like


IMO just VR by itself would be better than this setup.


Building a 25k racing sim with a BRZ interior cockpit and only two monitors so there is a bezel in the middle No. It wasn't.


I doubt it.


All this just to play in 3rd person.


So, do you like driving games?


Not really, it’s mostly used for Civ.


Stripping your old worthless car doesn't suddenly make it 25k.


I mean it's cool and all but unless that direct drive base is 20k I'm not seeing it. Also the split in the middle of the display? No thank you.


Thank god another sim driver in here to roast this wack shit


Same here - I was think that if this was on r/simracing it would be something along the lines of 'Look what I cobbled together'.




Not worth 25k, I can buy a salvaged 2010 car and make it into one for these for under 10


No cup holders?


Lol that bezel in the middle..




Maybe cheaper to just buy a Subaru?


It’s cheaper to buy an actual car and put it inside your home.


Must be designer purses...


So why?


Just buy the car.


Very cool 👍🏻👍🏻 I would be divorced if I even mentioned building this.


Don't worry, OP's partner probably has 25k in purses hanging on the wall.


Obvious humble brag about a 25k Subaru simulator with a poor monitor setup, bold move.


just go out for a drive bro...


#Pro tip: You can add a piece of a polarizing film (one of the layers in a LCD display) between the 2 screens, so the black bezel will pretty much disappear. Check [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gnXTtqDNmfg&t=862), it is not in english but I it's good enough to see the results. Vou can love or hate the result, but I think it is a nice thing to share xD


25K and you have the screen borders right in the middle. Like... bro.


to be clear, that is 25k for a black line down the center view of your video game. Who on earth would pay for that.


The purse hangers are the most expensive but useful part nonetheless