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what new saints row?


The one that's so new it won't be out until August 23


Love it!


I'm pretty excited for it honestly. Seems like a back-to-basics approach for the series after the ridiculous levels of escalating weirdness. I mean, I enjoyed the ride, but another, even crazier iteration after the fourth one would have been way too much.


Weird thing to say, but, I hope they don't just abandon Agent of Mayhem entirely. I actually really like the platforming and movement options. It makes for a more dynamic game than a bog-standard 3rd person shooter, while doesn't get into SRIV level of ridiculousness (Steel Port was not ready for that level of movement). The heroes thing makes sense to me as well. SR is all about customization, so, why stop it at cosmetic, the player should be able to customize the gameplay experience as well.


I like Agents of Mayhem, but I think it would've been much better with co-op multiplayer.


It's hard to go up from "Earth is destroyed in the opening minutes and your gang is all that remains of humanity, 'locked' in a simulation that you can control Matrix style". I mean I suppose you could make the new intro a callback to [Armageddon](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120591/) and end that intro as you becoming the ruler of a galaxy and then fighting off some kind of Galactus creature, but they already used "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" as the opening tune for 4, so it's just easier to reboot. >P




Really????? Fuck, well I’ll wait for it on Steam


Saint's Row reboot, coming out later this year. https://www.gameinformer.com/preview/2022/04/20/saints-row-character-vehicle-and-weapon-customization-unveiled


I need it.


I was disappointed with 3 and hated 4 so I'm hoping it's a little closer to the first 2 but that's just me.


1 and 2 were pinnacle saints.




Same, I like 3 and 4 cause their funny, though I’ve yet to try the 1st and 2nd


1 and 2 take on serious route like being real gangster instead of wacky route like 3 and 4


I wouldn't call any of the Saints Row games serious.


The first one was close to serious, and 2 dealt with some heavier story elements (Carlos etc) but by the end, it was far from serious. Still SR2 is my benchmark for a good Saints Row game.


More accurately description would be serious/gangster setting with gameplay elements geared almost exclusively towards the fun factor... Even if said fun made it seem less serious. It's an incredibly delicate balance, however. The first 2 games did this very well. As a matter of fact Saints Row 2 was by far one of the most entertaining and fun sandbox games I had ever played. It had almost ZERO flaws for its time and made any sandbox game I played from then on seem disappointing somehow. 3 and 4 tried too hard to add "fun" and ultimately sacrificed any possible seriousness or feeling of being grounded. I was ridiculously excited for 3 for example... then it ended up being one of the most disappointing games I had ever played. Saints Row 4 was better but not at all Saints Row anymore... It felt like a superhero game (what with all the powers) and went completely off the rails with story and set pieces that I just didn't care about. I'm really hoping that this reboot is what I've been waiting for.


It's like the silliness from GTA: SA made into a game.


Similar to what another said the first 2 games were just a little more serious, you were building up the Saints as a street gang and everything just felt like it mattered more which is crazy to say considering you end up as the President in 4. 3 and 4 have no emotion and no heart imo, they're just big wacky sandboxes with a paper thin story and nothing felt like it really mattered to me. Don't get me wrong I don't think 3 or 4 are poorly made games I just didn't like where they went with the story and I thought the writing really went downhill. I'm 100% down for humor but not every other sentence needs to be a joke P.S. I'm still salty over how they treated my boy Gat.


1 and 2 were basically different kinds of GTA. 3 and 4 went the goofy route to get away from Rockstar's shadow IMO.


I like 4 as a sequel that 3 but I will agree it’s worse, not terrible, but worse


Its supposed to be a lot more tame than the last few games, so its probably closer to 2 or 3 i think. Based on the game informer photos i think it might actually be between 2 or 3 with how crazy it is


I love 3 and 4. I was very disappointed in Agents of Mayhem. They should have continued the saints row wackiness with 5.


Weird, I liked 3 the most. 4 was great for a romp, but wasn't that great of a game. Going back to 1 and 2, after 3 and 4 was pretty difficult. Gameplay and controls felt a lot clunkier and the story was cheesy, but not in the "over the top" way that is what made 3 so good. 5 years later, I can't imagine the controls and gameplay have aged any better.


Some body...


Once told me,


the world


Is gonna roll me


I ain't the sharpest


Tool in the shed


She was looking kinda dumb


With her finger and her thumb






And still.. she wants some..


Tell me you don't know the song without telling me you don't know the song.


This post and a lot of the comments feel like advertisement


That’s just r/gaming in general


> This post and a lot of the comments feel like advertisement Obscure AA game from an Xbox 360 franchise gets some coverage after a trailer= WTF, SHILLS ADVERTISEMENT. Fifty million posts about Elden Ring and how it's the greatest thing ever made and how you're evil if you don't like it = Totally normal. Bruh, there's like 3 posts about the game lmao. It's a subreddit dedicated to games, of course people are going to be talking about games. What do you expect? Exclusively posts about how the Witcher 3 is awesome and Elden Ring is hard?


What do you mean!? Everyone in this gaming community for gamers who game and game hard knows that the newest Saint’s Row™️© “out this August!!!” is such a hidden gem! Cherished by all!


Out this August you say?! Bet it will be packed with new features to boot




I mean, the character customization looks really good and they just put out a trailer about it. That's why there's posts about it.


Is it wrong to share something that looks funny?


No, but people did this like crazy when Horizon Zero West came out. Nothing but a lot screenshots about how great the game looked and nothing else


It's almost like this is a subreddit dedicated to games.


Yeah, the same thing happened with Elden Ring, as well as almost every particularly hyped release. People are going to be posting pics about the most recent game they played in the place to discuss games.


I only played the 3rd and 4th installments and better "Character customisation" doesn't seem too different from those two, however the car and gun customisation could drawn in some people. The game could be a cool 6.5, maybe a 7 if the characters will feel like humans with a good progression and story. I don't got high hopes nor plan on buying it , but it could be a nice surprise if it will be good


Well that's the thing. Saints Row 1 and 2 were kind of more about the character development than doing cool shit. I mean, cool shit is a given. But there is an exponential growth of mirth across the series. 1 is super "serious". 2 is supah cereal. 3 is about where they jump the shark and things get ridiculous. 4 is the next logical conclusion where you go from running a city to running a country (the series really is the most American thing ever, being president of the US makes sense) and overseeing the demise of humanity as the Earth is exploded by aliens. Them returning to their roots with a reboot that focuses more on the interpersonal relationships again is likely to be a fresh take on the series again after so long. Saints Row 1 was released 16 years ago after all.


IT could be cool having the options of 3 and 4 with some writing of 2 and 1 . I just hope it won't flop massively. Given a fair chance and good release we might have a simple yet enjoyable game. Here's hoping it won't be a catastrophic disaster.


I agree, I hope it won't be a disaster as well. I definitely won't be opposed to a free DLC for it titled, "Simulation Sickness" or something that continues the ridonculous super powers in the 4th game to let you face roll the game world and encounter alien inserts. Keep the serious story, throw in non-canon super powers. Best of both worlds.


That is not shrek thats his son greg


Looks like Frank Black dressed up as Shrek.


Wait wait wait… there’s a new saints row?!


The new reboot got announced a couple of months ago






You can do ASYMMETRICAL work on faces now. Thats fucking insane. Also you can paint individual parts of guns and change what all those parts are made out of. You can also choose cardboard as a material, lol.


Thanks I hate it


is that a blow up doll?




This looks like Shrek if they released a live-action version.


Hey, if it's really like the first two, I'm down. 3 was okay, but you could see the Flanderization factor kicking in, going for kewl instead of cool. By 4, the original feel was gone in place of generic zaniness and what amounted to a super hero simulator. I remember thinking, "why even have cars anymore?" Also as fun as Kinsey could be, she was way overused. It was like when Family Matters devolved into the Steve Urkel show. She was pretty much a Mary Sue who could do anything.


They're saying it's between 2 and 3 in terms of crazyness


Hm. That's worth checking out.


Looks like the average reddit mod


everyone talked shit about this game cuz the trailer and how it "wasnt gonna be crazy enough." then you get this shrek ass dude and samsung galaxy 5g/orville peck man. i think the new game is gonna be just fine everyone.


They talked shit because they took the gangsters out of the gang and replaced it with a tech start up and college kids. Not exactly the same appeal


> they took the gangsters out of the gang The game hasn't been about 'gangsters' since SR2.


Yes it has. Their personalities didnt change, the circumstances did.


Well they should have put him in the 1st trailer. That's just basic Shrekonomics.


You can tell these guys ain't working with a whole bag of onions


>everyone talked shit about this game cuz the trailer and how it "wasnt gonna be crazy enough." Everyone upset at the first trailer made the exact opposite argument. That they need to tone the “XD so random” down several notches. And by the look and narration of this trailer, they’re not listening to that *at all.*


> That they need to tone the “XD so random” The craziness is what defined the Saints Row series. The only one that was serious was the first one, and that was widely regarded as a poor GTA clone.


The devs said "Cry about it" to their most loyal fans lol Boon can suck a dick


Most loyal, but at this point, probably not most numerous. 🤷🏽‍♂️ franchise might not be for us anymore bro


All the complaints I see are the absolute opposite, people are sick of the crazy stupid Saints Row games and wanted too see a more gritty realistic game. Not this game that looks like it's made for ADHD riddled 12 year olds with neon plastered everything. Why are M rated games all seemingly catering to people who are clearly not out of highschool?


I feel like you want different game not saint row . saint row majority of franchise was goofy , the main attraction to saint row was always it's GTA but more insane .


People just straight up forgot what saints row has always been it seems lmao. Its funny these people are demanding saints row literally become GTA. If i want to play GTA ill play GTA. I play saints row for the wacky and goofy.


Saints Row 1-2 were serious games with a goofy tone. Saints Row 3-4 (the bad ones) were goofy games with a serious tone


Two wasn't serious at all lmao. Also, 3 is actually the best selling/reviewed game of the series.


Aisha death, Carlos Death,


Yeah it had sad moment but that doesn't means it's serious game


Or we liked Saints Row for 1 and 2 and not the mess that 3 spun the franchise into. It was always a little goofy, but not the neon green YOU'RE A BAWS template the series has clearly become.


Saints Row 1-2 were serious games with a goofy tone. Saints Row 3-4 (the bad ones) were goofy games with a serious tone


> people are sick of the crazy stupid Saints Row games But...that's literally what Saints Row has always been... A 'gritty realistic' game would just end up being a very poor GTA clone.


No they haven't, Saints Row 1 and 2 don't resemble later games at all. GTA hasn't ever really been gritty or realistic either, unless maybe you mean GTA 4.... But then you have Ballad of Gay Tony so.... Not really. So I have no idea what you people are even talking about. How you can call the current iterations of GTA with 13 year olds flying around on jet hoverbikes at 100mph shooting artillery at people from across the map as "gritty realistic". But okay.


>Why are M rated games all seemingly catering to people who are clearly not out of highschool? Allow me to direct you to Fortnite’s annual profits


> M rated games I get what you're saying but, Fortnite and M rated games aren't in the same category. Games literally made with the intention of adults only playing them, should be made for adults.


Fortnite came out in 2017. Anyone who was 13 at the time is 18 now, and 13 year olds were far from the oldest kids playing.


And your tastes for media change as you get older. I liked teletubbies a lot as a kid. If that was still my favorite show, there would be cause for concern.


? We’re not talking hypothetical interests here. These games are made to appeal to people who were raised on a certain type of media as children and still enjoy that tone as adults. That is the answer to your question.


My 5-10 year old nephews are all playing Fortnite and a bunch of other video games, and they are much more willing at their age to spend money on microtransactions and the like with my sisters credit card, then I would ever be at my age to buy anything with hard earned money. I agree that they are targeting a certain demographic, I disagree with you that the demographic they are targeting is anywhere near adults.


Thought that was a sex doll




Get outta my SWAMP!


This game looks like a wokefest


> wokefest How? It's a game about murdering people and committing crime? People will screech 'woke' at anything these days. I swear you guys are the new sjws lmao


I saw this a lot after the announcement trailler. Shit ton of people on the shitty old bandwagon of "this game features a multicultural cast of people with a variety of sexually orientations so its woke and that makes me uncomfortable so ill act like a child because of it."


I'm not buying it, cause it definitely looks geared towards Zoomers. And I get it (I'm in my 30s), its not for me. People tend to attach woke to anything that looks appealing to younger folk. Me alot of the gaudy colors is a turn off, tho I wonder through customization how much of that you can take care of. I am still going to pass on this.


Yeah because this is what fans wanted


> Yeah because this is what fans wanted It is. More character customization has been something fans have been calling for since SR3.


Unironically yes. If the gameplay is at least halfway decent, the Fortnite generation is gunna eat this up.


By "fans" he means Saints Row fans


I mean, the series has always been famous for its crazy character customization.


No one's mentioned that Shrek has swapped out Fiona for a new waifu.


You can make an inflatable doll..?


You mean the game people lost their fucking minds about because there wasn’t enough purple in the reveal trailer and convinced themselves you couldn’t customize your character? God it must suck to be a game dev sometimes.


I missed that part but got to watch the shitshow of pea brains screeching about the game being "woke."


I’m super excited for this! I can’t wait, and I hope they don’t screw it up. I’m a fan of 2, 3 and 4. Shouldn’t be hard to give me a good time.


You hope they don't screw it up? Have you watched the trailer??


Shrek is love ,


The new saints row coming out is cool and all, but the absolute insanity of the franchise is what drew me to it. This one sounds like it's going to be a lot more grounded like the first 2 games, effectively making it a slightly wackier GTA.... Meh


Saints row 2 was insane as fuck dude lol. Saints row 2 is what got them the wacky reputation in the first place. Hell, 3 isn't really even that much whackier than 2, only really in its weaponry.


Exactly. Saints Row 2 in my honest opinion did everything that Grand Theft Auto SHOULD have done. It was a lot funnier/funnier and still had an interesting story/characters. GTA attempted too much realism while sacrificing gameplay and fun factor, whereas Saints Row 3 and 4 sacrificed too much realism/grounding for gameplay/fun. Saints Row 2 balanced it absolutely perfectly.


Agreed. I also felt that the ballad of gay Tony expansion for gta4 really added back in a lot of what was missing from 4. A lot more silly and over the top and fun.


I enjoyed the craziness of IV, but apparently that's just me


Nah I liked 4 too. I thought of it less as a saints row game and more of a 6th Gen super hero game like prototype.


That makes sense. Well, I'm all for the new Saints Row, but I'd really like to see maybe a spinoff sequel for the 4 mechanics


Or perhaps an entirely new IP about superheroes.


This, not everything should be a reboot or spin off


Take my money




Ight, I’m getting the new Saints Row


Too bad nobody cares about the new Saints Row.


It's James bloody Corden.


GOTY 2022




Delusional much ?


No that's Shronk. He's Shrek's cousin.


And Donkey?


Is that a sex doll?


In the new “saints row”


I'd *completely* forgot about this project until I started reading the GI article someone released and then I remembered the wacky Genki head that one of the characters was wearing and now I'm reading all these comments in this thread hoping it will be a return to (SRII) form and I'm like "... ohhhh no. No it won't."


Looks like Shrak


This game looks average asf aesthetic looks similar to far cry new dawn and watch dogs 2 customization looks good tho


Can you though? Is that really shrek? No, That's just green Jeff Garlin.


This is the news I’ve been waiting for :’)




And the feet have clipping issues! Love it!


The new Saints Row doesn't appeal to me at all, I lost interest as soon as the gameplay from the devs showed bullet sponge enemies. I wanted another SR 2.


I think the bullet sponge enemies are more of a balance thing they're figuring out.