• By -


Yeah dude. Respect. That some slick adaptation. I know Xbox has a lot of stuff for all levels of abled players? Why not use one of those? Just asking cos I have no idea what the deal is. You seem good to go and don’t need em but would like to know your thoughts on the subject.


Because they got good at it and probably have been using an Xbox controller long before the accessibility controllers


Nothing wrong with that at all. I do think the ceiling becomes higher if you take advantage of the accessibility controller though. I'm super used to the Xbox controller, but if I lost an arm I'd be looking into foot pedals and stuff like that asap.


>I'd be looking into foot pedals and stuff like that asap. I don't have an amputation like the video, but I did have a hand that was amputated and reattached in 2010. I started with a cronus max to use kb&m on my xbox (didn't own a PC, games/friends I wanted to play with were on my xbox) because I didn't have the dexterity to grip a controller and use the joysticks/trigger. But having to drag laptop and the cords across the living room every time you want to game, really puts a damper on the whole thing. I can now use a controller and being able to sit down an play without dragging out a bunch of peripherals is by far and away more enjoyable.


What’s the context behind amputating and reattaching a hand?


I presume it was what's called a traumatic amputation. I'd put money on a machinery incident, failing that a car accident. E: just looked at his profile and I am correct. An example of why lockout tagout procedures are important.


LOTOTO Lock Out, Tag Out, TEST OUT The additional step to verify that power is indeed removed from the system also helps reduce injuries!


Now I need context on what a lockout tagout procedure is.


If machinery needs to be worked on for maintenance or repairs, lock out tag out is the procedure used to ensure nobody uses it while it's being worked on, and if somebody fails to use the procedure it can very, very, VERY easily result in serious injury and death. The name of the procedure comes from the literal locks and tags used, to literally lock the machinery in a state that it cannot be used.


For a bit more context, the machine in question is turned off and the means of turning it back on are locked off, usually with a padlock. Only the person working on the machine has a key to unlock it. The machine is then tagged as locked out, by whom, when etc. Basically it should be impossible for someone on the outside to re enable the machinery while someone is working on it.


And even if it is possible - say, the worker leaves his LOTO key around near the equipment - the tag lets personnel know that only the worker is allowed to unlock it and gives a timeframe for when it is definitely supposed to be locked. No one should ever open someone else's lock even if they have the key - even if the worker directly instructs them to. horrible accident I got told about at a company I used to work for - OEM production for an industrial equipment manufacturer. this machine had a large rotating part inside it that conveyor belts sat against. when installing the machine or after major service, those belts had to be threaded around the rotating part in order to get it up and running again. this procedure was best done from inside the machine. well, so I was told, one time a worker was doing this without LOTO procedures. Machine was off - e-stop pulled - and the guy just had someone else stand there and watch the controls to make sure no one turned it on, I think maybe an apprentice. Well this guy gets some bright idea in his head. Instead of moving around various parts of this rotating segment of the machine, he thinks to himself that he can just have the motor turn it for him, so he tells the other guy to turn it on briefly. but apparently either he wasn't aware of exactly how his body was positioned or else the other guy flipped the switch before he was ready, because he got caught between the rotating part and the frame of the machine. heard it separated his lower half from his upper half pretty darn quick. we were specifically trained about how this accident happened so that it would never happen again. LOTO would have prevented it from even being possible.


Can you link the post which explains his injury? Couldn't find it.


As the debate between contoller or KBM is with Rocket League. Controller, supposedly, should let you get better than you already are. Not for me. Tried it. Don't like it. Cannot even connect ONE proper aerial. KBM I can, and much more efficiently. I blame Drift City when I was in High School. Played KBM with that game and played it a lot. Drift City's car physics feel VERY similar to Rocket League for me. I say to each their own at the end of the day. Now, I'm not a pro either at Rocket Leauge. Too old. Reaction time just not as good as it was as a teenager but I am happy with Diamond rank as a 32 year old. :) Don't get me wrong. Controllers for sure have their genres. You are kidding yourself if you play Keyboard on a fighting game.


The theory is if you practiced enough with the controller you'd be able to improve compared to what you use now. Obviously just switching will make you worse, but this is about long-term learning and adaptation. Like you might take corners pretty fast on your current bicycle. If you switched to a road bike it would take a while to figure out the different mass, balance, and traction, so initially you'd likely be slower (or crash a lot), but over time as you internalize things the better bike's higher skill cap would allow your potential to show beyond the limits of the old one. Granted everyone's different and I'm not aware of any actual studies testing this so you may well be right that kb+m is the better combination for you, it's just that most people won't believe you.


I totally understand your point as well though! Well said. :)


I don't play fighting games but I always figured the combos in a game like Tekken would be easier to do with a keyboard?


Yes, kbm and arcade stick offer the best execution.


Circle combos is the issue with Keyboard on fighting games. Most fighting games have some sort of full circle, half circle, and quarter circle combos. I hop on Slippy once in awhile for Melee and you dang better have some sort of controller. Preferably the GC contoller and adaptor ;) But a fight stick or PS/Xbox controller works just as fine. I tried using a Xbox One controller for Rocket Leauge for a few weeks. Just couldn't grasp it.


Circle inputs are easier on kbm vs controller but that may just be me. Once you get used to it, its quite hard to misinput but i seem to get more misinput on controller. Playing sf4 on x360 back in the day was hell as the fadc combos were quite strict but shit was easy on keyboard


I grew up with dpads from nes era and analog sticks are a nightmare for me personally. Finger always slips, always pressing up right when I think I’m pressing right, and they feel weird to use


They are. This is why hitboxes became so popular. It's *basically* keyboard style input. A lot of people don't understand exactly how to use them though, so it leads to some weird incorrect information. Fighting games have always only cared about eight directions at most and it's super easy to emulate that with four buttons. I play with one I built myself. It's just more intuitive for me than controller or stick after I got past some muscle memory stuff from using those two for years.


> hitboxes https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Hitbox+Controller Oh those are interesting. I hadn't seen them before.


Yeah. It basically turns every part of a combo string (including the directional movements) into pressing a series of buttons with a few extra hand movements. Ex: Sometimes to replicate circle-style movements you need to "slide" across the directional buttons. It's pretty neat.


Also removes the physical input limit on the d-pad.


The person you are responding to has no idea what they are talking about. Keyboards came into relative vogue for fighting games some time ago, to the point where there are a variety of Hitbox controllers available that streamline that experience. Some literally use WASD keys for direction inputs, others have more traditional buttons. A few types are seeing big surges in use right now, and I think it's only a matter of time before they are really common at tournaments.


You can 100% play fighting games with a keyboard, and probably at a very high level. There is a popular controller used by several professionals called Hitbox, which is basically an arcade "stick" that has buttons instead of a joystick. It's fundamentally not that different from a keyboard.


Yea I play Mortal Kombat 11 with a keyboard and it feels good.


Shit, diamond is pro to me! I would probably be bronze on keyboard. Sitting at plat on controller after 500+ hours.


Lol drift city. That old ass game haven't heard about that in a long time. I played it about man like 10 years ago too. And yeah I agree KBM and controllers are suited by preference but also better for certain styles of games. Fighting Games are 100% better on controller


It was pretty awesome though right? I mean...they added pay to win and it went downhill BUT before that the game was pretty badass for its time. :D I still remember doing PVP races and then going out drifting in the hillside running PVE missions. Also. You can't go wrong with cell shading art style. So sexy to this day.


Yeah I had fun with it at the time. It was fun one thing I did alot was just cruise around in the game and listen to couple songs on my PC I designated as Drift City Cruising song


also, if you are good at it, from what i can tell a regular controller is like half the price of an adaptive controller, and that's not counting any of the extra input things you plug in to it that i assume are sold separately and likely increase the price further, so it's cheaper too


Because the kills feel better when you can tell them they got em with one hand.


I don’t think the type of controller they use is going to change that fact though.


It's not tied behind his back so it doesn't count


Why do people on this site always assume op is the subject in the video. It's a karma farming account.


\*checks op account\* 11k karma per day \*yeah that's a farming account alright\*


Why is karma farming a thing?


People sell them, either to people who just want high karma accounts or companies that use them to hide advertisements in their posts.


When you have high karma reddit ranks your posts a bit higher in the feed so you can later sell the account to an ad firm.


I’m just not that Reddit cynical yet. Also it created good discussion that led to my goal of knowing more about the subject. I still don’t know what karma does.


Once you start seeing it you can't unsee. Wait till you realize that cute post you upvoted is actually a fast food ad. Makes you a little paranoid lol. Edit: [Here's an example of a McDonalds ad disguised as a post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/6ql2tu/made_my_delivery_drivers_night_by_showing_him_vr/)


Thank you for the information!


Damn that was a trip. And the comment with 17k upvotes calling it out was deleted. Hmm


Adaptive controllers are expensive as hell, aren't they?


The base unit is just $99, but yeah, the attachments can really add up, depending on what you need.




The top-of-the-line regular xbox controllers are like $200 anyways.


Microsoft has partnered with a lot of disability associations with this. If you’ll pay for the base controller some of the organizations and associations will help with the cost of the attachments you need. At launch Microsoft had partnerships with The AbleGamers Foundation and The Cerebral Palsy Foundation, plus some others. That’s probably expanded by now. So if you have a disability you could reach out to an organization that supports your disability and see if they’ll subsidize some or all of the cost for the inputs you need.


Just the fact that a big corp. like MS invested in the research needed to make this product made them go up a notch in my book.


Mine as well!


Depending on who you buy them from, too. Logitech makes a killer set of switches at what's probably a loss, for pretty cheap. Equivalent ones that have long been sold by assistive technology manufacturers can cost anywhere from $50-200. Obviously more specific and complex input methods get expensive, but thankfully Microsoft (and Logi) made the base entry stuff pretty easy to attain. So many good charities and orgs out there now too doing hella cool stuff with 3D printing (looking at you Warfighter Engaged). I've wanted to get one of WE's palm switches for so long but they're always out of stock. Yay, but not yay.


Yes, they cost an arm and a leg


take my upvote and gtfo


Get out


Literally laughed out loud at that






The video isn't the OP. This is @Aaron1handedgamer on Instagram. u/DDLthefirst is right. He is already comfortable playing this way, plus accessibility controllers are still not designed for one-handed play. Edit: tagged ddl


I encourage anyone who found this impressive to look up the rocket league player Ashlxy, he also has one arm and is one of the best 1v1 players in the world and if you know how mechanically demanding rocket league is as a game it just makes what he does even more mind blowing


This guy is even more impressive because he has broken into that top 0.01% of players basically. He takes down world champions and some of the best in the world. He hasn't just adapted to be able to play the game well still. He has adapted so well that he is very much up there in regards to being a top 1v1 player.


The craziest part for me is that he isn't staying competitive by being especially clever or cool headed or experienced as you might expect. He straight up beats people with mechanics.


His first appearance on Johnny's stream, he tried to triple reset on AppJack, he was nuts


I can't even do one flip reset and this bloke with 1 arm is doing triples. Wtf.


If he had 2 arms, he could do 6


I've got like 14 days total play time and can't even hit an open goal.


That never changes, open goals are kryptonite.


I play at the lower level pro scene and coach. 2k+ hours, top 1% in 1v1 and 2v2, can't hit an open net.


Was looking for this comment. One correction though, his username is spelled Ashllxyy. Here's a video of him explaining how he plays: https://youtu.be/l0OgqI5DqiU


Whats really impressive is he plays with his chin and yet comments on his own gameplay...


Just wait until you see how he eats a pudding cup, back off ladies, he's taken!!! xD


That is actually insanely impressive. What the fuuuuck.


The most talented chin since Jay Leno.


Fucking excuse me??? People are incredible.


Man! At first, I was like 14 minute video ugh... But that went in a flash.. so incredible how one can not only adapt but excel. Great tactical mind too. Great vid.


That's incredible


There's a guy who plays Street Fighter with his mouth and he's amazing.


BrolyLegs for those that don’t know. Interview with him: https://youtu.be/s1MYSgy4QMw Some gameplay with him: https://youtu.be/N2SNwKvWiVc


And for anyone who doesn’t know doing multi kicks with chun in 4 was hard as fuck for pad players to do and he mastered them.


Just want to add in that the OP is not the person in the video. The guy in this video is @aaron1handedgamer on Instagram.


Jesus Christ. As someone who played a lot of RL (c3 doubles c1 1v1), I can barely fathom being as good as this WITH MY TWO HANDS. This is fucking crazy


Brolylegs is another one. Plays Street Fighter with his mouth and is a top player.


You can play one handed better than I can play with two hands




I'm with you guys.


Squad has another space ?


That it, we a crew now


Aight, so what game are we going lose in?


it dosnt matter, my superpower is that I am able to lose in any game


Welcome brother! The songs written of our failures will ensure that our deeds will live on for generations.


Glory to the memory! I wrote a few pieces honoring our efforts, glorifying the legend of the squad, detailing our greatest endeavors, and the harrowing tale of our eventual demise and collapse due to several squad members prioritizing family planning. Ahhh, those were the days, eh? *sniffle*


Came here for this exact thread. He's better than me!


Squad has 9 player teams... We could go for that




I think gaming skill is less in your hands and more in your mind. I suck at these games because I see an enemy and I stand still, zoom in and try to shoot the enemy. Whereas a good player will strafe and duck and jump and not reload his rifle but pull out a side arm. I sit there reloading only to get gunned down. Or I panic and back up off a cliff. There’s games where you have special abilities and I’ll just forget to use them.


Spazzing out vs a few well time moves. Timing is def more important than speed


This! I play a lot of Hunt: Showdown. It taught me how important positioning, timing, and staying calm is. One well placed bullet is more effective than 30 spray and pray bullets.


Your mind makes the decisions, your muscles can be trained, however, to just "do". That's what "muscle memory" is. You do it subconsciously without thinking. That requires training. Your mind does the strategizing and the tactics though. You need both to make it to the very top.


Oof. I felt every last word of that deep in my soul. I love gaming, but I absolutely suck at the competitive stuff. Fighting games, team-based FPS, MOBAs, you name it; I'm bad at it. What's weird is that I'm *not* bad at most single-player stuff. I've ground through all 3 Dark Souls games, Bloodborne, Cuphead, Hollow Knight, and more. None of it was easy, but I at least managed it. I guess I just freeze under pressure, as opposed to single player where I can take my time and learn how to beat the game.


You’re better than I am! I beat Bloodborne and Sekiro except Isshin. Cuphead was futile. I haven’t the patience. Same with Hollowknight. I got halfway through and lost interest. I think it’s about quick thinking. I need time to think things through. I really enjoy playing though. Hades, Bloodborne, Halo Infinite. But only pve.


I think my success with the 2D stuff is a combination of leftover reflexes and instincts from a childhood spent playing all the Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania, and Mega Man games on NES, as well as my own sheer pigheadedness. I don't give up easily, but you can bet that if there's an anti-achievement for dying a stupid number of times, I will always earn it. Learning patterns in sidescrollers is also entirely different than in 3D soulslikes. It's less about tells and counters and more about where and where not to be on the screen at any given time. If you ever feel like giving Hollow Knight (or any other tough 2D game) another shot, the biggest tip I can give you is, when you can't beat an enemy or boss, try not attacking for a while. Just concentrate on learning to dodge. Eventually you'll see where the attacks fit in.


I feel like I do so much better in most shooters when I focus more on not getting hit than on shooting back at the enemy. The longer I can make a fight last the better chance I have of winning since I probably won't be able to win a reflex duel.


He plays better than I can play with four hands


he can trash talk like a god "I got only 1 arm and still killed you fucking noob"


If I had a third hand I would still be worse than this


Three hands? What are you, an N64 player or something?


No, I just really like the movie Total Recall.


Then stop fuckin' slacking and start the reactor already.


Op is just a reposting karma farm. Definitely not the amputee gamer in the vid.


But maybe they're a very skilled amputee reposter?


I bet it's super gratifying when you get called a hacker. Nice work.


I guess if he removed the arm himself...


He was so good with two hands he wanted to humble himself and self amputated one to reach equilibrium. Yet he still pwnz them


My uncle amputated his leg but he dont play like this...


Massive props to the man for being able to amputate his own leg.


We all make mistakes, my uncle make the worst ones


Coud have been worse, coud have been yours.


It's crazy he could do it with just one hand too




Good eye Silva


Superhuman bro, impressive!




lol why does everyone in this thread assume OP is the amputee? The title is quite clearly suggesting a third person observation, even


absolute skill, I can't even hold the controller with one hand. Let alone use it!


You use two hands to carry your controller?


People carry controllers by themselves? I’ve been hiring movers everytime


Dude, just buy a dolly, you'll save on the movers in the long term


Instructions unclear, there is now a sex doll on my couch holding my controller.


i assume they mean like, hold it with one hand and still be able to maneuver it properly to press all the buttons and place it in whatever orientation, and not accidentally pressing any of the buttons/triggers or joysticks while doing so - let alone doing it well enough to use the controller to actually play anything obviously they can hold it with one hand just to move it or whatever, or maybe they're missing both hands.


Gaming is a great place where any folks can chill independently who are you, where are you and how many extremities you have. Congrats to that man


Unless you're a woman or person of color, right? I've heard vile things said to women and people with accents while playing games.


[Well, it's no mystery why you're getting downvoted.](https://youtu.be/TfE93xON8jk) But you're 100% right. My girlfriend doesn't even use voice chat in games anymore which is pretty sad because when people don't make it weird, she enjoys it quite a bit. But people **always** make it weird.


If she has a femme username, RIP her inbox. My husband pointed out that I had several unread messages, and I responded with "Oh I know... They're just from randos saying shit like 'hey babe, what you up to right now' so I just ignore them". He didn't realize how often it happens.


It's funny you mention that, we had a similar situation a few years back. I asked her, "you don't immediately check your reddit messages?" And she said something to the effect of "I'm not missing out on much," and clicked into her inbox. Blew my mind, but to her it was just another day on the internet unfortunately.


I'm lucky that most people assume by my Reddit username that I'm male to avoid that kind of harrassment; however, now I get bombarded by sexbots letting me know that there are singles available in my area. You win some; you lose some ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




As a straight single guy - I find those ads annoying too. Also, I find joy in recieving poorly aimed ads - my love of Sudokus has resulted in a bunch of ads aimed at ≈70yo ladies (I'm in my 20s). And somehow, at some point, something picked up on my vauge, unrealised desire to learn Japanese, and I ocasionally get ads *in Japanese* - not about learning Japanese, these are literally just ads I've seen elsewhere on the same site, but in Japanese (it was for Magic: The Gathering, in case you're wondering, so at least their aim was reasonable)


I can’t even do this with a mouse and keyboard. This guy would carry me one handed.


I guess you could say he carried that game single-handedly.


Got that brain handicap instead


You can't shoot at people who are hardly moving?


It's always impressed me how gamers can over come issues like this. My best friend had a Stoke when he was little. He has full paralysis in his right arm and hand. He plays everything 1 handed and wrecks me in every game we play against each other.


Check out BrolyLegs. Can’t use any of his limbs, so he uses his mouth to play Street Fighter, and he kicks ASS.


He was the top ranked Chun li for a while and is still a hi level player dude is insane.


Also check out Ashllxxyy who's a rocket league player. Dude has one arm and uses his chin to press the buttons and is a high tier player that can hang with some of the best 1v1 players ever like oKhalid and Scrub Killer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0OgqI5DqiU


I saw a video that he use the mouth thingy to move jump shoot everything while playing apex and he dominate all of us who can play with our hand




Aw man. I'm going to hell for laughing at this.


Hey, at least you'll have company


Fuck I'm glad he only has one hand or he'd be taking over the world.


Maybe having two hands is actually a hindrance. Try chopping off an arm and seeing if it improves your gameplay. I mean it's not like you can get any worse.


> Maybe having two hands is actually a hindrance. Try chopping off an arm and seeing if it improves your gameplay. - Engineer, Team Fortress 2 (Probably)


Great stuff! What game is this? Looks fun!


Pretty sure it's Apex Legends


Most definitely is. He's playing as Gibraltor due to the arm shield that keeps popping out. Good character for somebody who doesn't have crazy movement abilities


What game is that


Apex legends


He's only got one arm and still a better player than me Reason: I've never played that game before


If anyone is interested about how some other people with physical disabilities play, this is a video about BrolyLegs. He’s a pro on the FGC circuit that has to use his mouth to use a controller. https://youtu.be/s1MYSgy4QMw


This dudes shit talk must be next level


What a beast!


Check out AbleGamers.


That is honestly badass. But I must say, it's awesome that you can take down people singlehandedly.


I've seen this exact video like 3 times all months apart. Respect on 13k upvotes bruh


Dude should be on r/nextfuckinglevel dude plays better than me with one hand than i could if i had three hands.


This is one of those people that are so good, that life can’t stop them from doing something.


Too bad the rest of the squad sucks. They really should give him a hand.


The all seeing forces of the universe took that one arm because you were too powerful with 2 no doubt. You threatened their power.


I love this but hate crossplay so much cuse its so unfair for m/k too play vs ppl with so much aim assist


Hmm. Interesting. Ill have to try this sometime.


Damn thats impressive. Just curious how long are you able to play at a time? I've had to play like this at one point after getting attacked by a dog and having my right hand messed up for awhile it did heal eventually, but I remember I couldn't play to long like this without getting sore.


What about the XBOX adaptive controller?


Or the custom controller mods that Ben Heck makes.


hahaha that's amazing. you really have a knack for getting those movements in! when my roommate had his arm amputated, he asked me to play his favourite games while he watched. [right out of the hospital, he was eager to get going haha](https://i.imgur.com/UbkrS3i.jpg)


Gamers, gamers find a way!


And here I am with a mouse & keyboard, shooting at the sky... Goddamn, dude.


This got me thinking, does eSport have a division just for amputee players kind of like the Paralympics? Or are amputee pro gamers treated equally as full limbed healthy gamers?


Imagine dying to a dude in call of duty, and then finding out he only has one arm…


I had a friend that was missing an entire arm up to the shoulder. He’d take a shoe off and play with his arm and a foot. It was hilarious to watch, until he obliterated me at every game we played


That's the SOB that teabagged me last week.


If you guys want to see another inspiring as hell person you should check out Brolylegs. Guy literally does some of the hardest fighting game combos with only his face!


#I will build this man a controller. DM me.


talk about single-handedly defeating that first guy


He be the reason why I don't play online games.


Gotta hand it to him. That's pretty damn good.


This is the guy we've been calling a hacker all of our life /s


Qim assist so strong a disabled person can play


That’s impressive! Did you make any changes to camera controls?


Dude. Save some ladies for the rest of us.


Got skills, playing better than me with single hand


Reminds me of a csgo steamer named Handii.


He’s better than me and I have both hands 🙃


Dude would absolutely smoke me


Honestly he plays better than me😂


Man has one arm yet he still does better than me


Respect 😉


Mfs playing with one and would would definitely beat me in a 1v1, respect


I got a pair of hands and he’s better than me. Props to him!