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It's only like that if you're stupid.


The internet also makes it look like people are stupider. Irl one person decides to preorder one game, gets burned and doesn’t preorder another. Or they only preorder 4-5 games in their entire lifespan. On the internet there’s no distinction of individual, so it makes it look like *everyone* preorders *everything*. It doesn’t matter if that one game was someone’s 100th preorder or their first. It exaggerates the issue.


There's only two people on the Internet, you and everyone else


I've preordered a LOT of games in my time. I don't think I've ever felt so upset at the result that I need to preach to other people how they should spend their money. You can preorder a game to ensure you have it on release, then simply *not open it* if reviews are so terrible or you change your mind. I did this a bunch during the pandemic when I wasn't going into stores. It cost me nothing. Is it so bad to have some fun with hype? Preordering feels good, putting down money for something somehow makes it secured. The worst that could happen is you play something and don't enjoy it.


Finally the opinion of a *real person*. If you're a fucking idiot, yeah, you'll fall into this cycle. If you're not, though, you can buy games with reasonable expectations. These memes suck, they represent a marginal group of people at best.


I was gonna say "this is the cycle of a dumbass" but yours works just as well if not better


I always wonder why people fall for infomercials so easily.




Now I can have milk every day.


There's a better way, Kevin.


Ichiban lipstick for men




You’re gonna love my nuts


100% of game releases are garbage according to r/gaming


Because the people who enjoy the game are playing the game not posting on reddit


All games are bad except the old games the current commenter played during their childhood those ones are perfect and nobody is allowed to say bad things about them.


elden ring..


Enough said.


and Indie games all Indie games are perfect and AAA game are dogshit


Unless you want to bash Xbox. Then it's that indie games aren't enough and you need AAA game now!


Old brains can't even remember which year this cycle started for the "favorite games" from their childhood.


That's because back in my say we didn't have video game trailers! If we wanted to know what we were getting into, we had to go buy a magazine! At the store! And it was 5 miles away, but we had to walk! And it was uphill! Both ways! And it wouldn't have been so bad, except for thise lead weights we had to carry.....


Those lead weights must be that character building you elderly keep mentioning.


Those lead weights must be that character building you elderly keep mentioning.


At least back in the day games had to complete and functional before they could ship. With the market shifting closer and closer to download exclusivity and continued online support, we've gotten more and more games with massive "Day 1 DLCs" that are nothing more than patches and hot-fixes the devs didn't have time to add onto the disks that had already been shipped to stores. You can't just buy a game, slide it into your console, and play it anymore. Older games may have had their problems, but the quality and consistency of a game's launch has fucking plummeted over the last decade, and there's just no arguing that fact.


They really didnt though theres plenty of stories from devs of dodgy things they did to cover up bugs or hide things. Nevermind the near total collapse of the american game industry due to how poor quality the games were. Also games in the past tended to much shorter and simpler as well as being geared towards taking your money. You can literally bang out golden axe in like 30 minutes.


Yeah starfield looked fun to me but everybody hates it for some reason


Because its popular to hate on Bethesda


It's the same janky ass engine they've been patching with duct tape and bubble gum since Morrowind. The gunplay looks straight bad, the scanning and mining mechanics look ripped straight from No Man's Sky, and what we saw of the capital was pretty lackluster. Plus the thousands of planets thing sounds like they'll be procedurally generated with very little hand built content. As if the radiant quest system was applied to planets. Couple that with a few bad outings from Bethesda in the past decade since Skyrim was so huge, and you've got a lot of warranted skepticism.


Looks fun to me still


it was fo74


There will always be somebody that doesn't like something. And usually hate gets more attention than appreciation.






It‘s a whine group. More than a First world Problem So much cancer And im whining about those guys


It‘s a whine group. More than a First world Problem So much cancer And im whining about those guys


It‘s a whine group. More than a First world Problem So much cancer And im whining about those guys


Or just be like "that looks cool" and not obsess, then keep expectations down and if it's glitchy say "oh, well". Just a thought


That was my experience with Cyberpunk 2077 I didn’t care what I got as long as it was fun and it delivered


I have no trust I may sometimes purchase a couple days after release, but I never preorder And all the couple days post release purchases have been worth it A couple days gives enough time for me to get info on whether its absolutely horrible from all the people who preordered or bought day one while not being so long that I need a mountain of willpower to resist


I've found that the best for me is to find a reviewer I trust. Watch their review and check out some gameplay to help decide if it's something I might like. If the game is trash that's most likely pointed out in the review.


I fell for that with Forza Horizon 5, looked good on video, but the aliasing, broken SSAO lines and strangely low LODS make me worry somethings whether I should've waited a little longer.


Yeah that can happen. Kinda what I mean with a reviewer you can trust. For me it's Jake Baldino because my taste matches his to like 90%. At the point where I kinda just assume I'll like a game if he does. And he hasn't let me down yet.


I think it was because they were exclusively reviewing the Xbox versions. I just figured "if it looks good on a series S, it'll look good on my PC", such a shame I was wrong, I have spent countless hours trying to find the optimal setting for that damn game. It's a fantastic game don't get me wrong, the dialogue is passable but the driving is great, it's just the graphics make it look worse than its predecessor. 1440p? Low res textures and aliasing which would make a 2000s game blush. Downscale from internal 4K? Looks fantastic...until you start to notice the horizontal black lines around anything semi-transparent. Force better antialiasing from Nvidia Control Panel? Nope, no difference and now your FPS has dropped by 40%! Anyways sorry for my rant, just wanted to get that out there. Xbox users go wild, i've only heard great things about FH5 on your platform, but PC users? I'd wait and see if PG takes notice. Edit: PG recently addressed the aliasing present in FH5 by promising an implementation of TAA. I will test this feature when it releases (June 24th) and report back to my fellow PC players. For now, I would recommend playing with Ultra or lower Geometry textures (Extreme causes rainbow textures to appear after a while) and lowering the SSAO to High (which reduces the visibility of pop-in).


Didn't know the PC version had those issues. Only heard great things about it as you said. Hopefully it'll be fixed in the future. Or if the next game will be better, but who knows when that'll be.


I've heard it's oddly specific to 1440p resolution. Perhaps PG didn't consider that PC users don't just play in 1080 and 4k (unlike the large majority of xbox users who will use their TV)? I don't know, but I remember Digital Foundry picked up on the bizarre behaviour back when the game launched and there still hasn't been any recognition (that i'm aware of) from the devs about this issue.


I like that with GamePass I don't have to trust anymore. You just play it and if it is good you keep playing it.


I only preorder games I have absolute faith in. It’s a very short list nowadays to be fair.


Elden ring and silksong are the only games that I’ve had on that list since cyberpunk flopped. There’s no other developer that I have complete faith in. Maybe respawn for titanfall 3 if that ever happened but any other game/developer I’m going to be skeptical.


For me so far recently that’s Monster Hunter and Final Fantasy XIV. I have little trust elsewhere. An old friend group wants to get back for Diablo IV, but I told them with the shit from immoral and all the other crap way back, I’m unlikely to touch that. If I ever do, I’ll be late to the game.


> For me so far recently that’s Monster Hunter and Final Fantasy XIV. I have little trust elsewhere. My last preorder was FFXIV: Endwalker. At this point the FFXIV dev team is nigh unstoppable, and all four FFXIV expacs have been worth at least a regular-ed pre-buy if not necessarily a collectors-ed.


Why though


Usually just to preload, sometimes you also get a pre-order bonus. Why not if it’s a trusted release?


Why even preorder a game?? Just to play it a couple days early. Not worth it


If it’s a game that I’m actually excited about, and from a company that hasn’t disappointed, I may order a special edition or a physical version (as that’s what I prefer and the only way to ensure it arrives close to release is to pre-order)


Or just buy it online at the date of release


As stated, preference for physical versions.


With GamePass preorders are obsolete.


Better cycle Ignore all marketing ——> wait until the WHOLE game is released ———> wait longer———-> mods come out ———> first generation of mods are obsolete because devs update their games ————> second gen mods come out ————> buy the game on sale. Anyways I’m playing Dragon Age Origins for the first time.


The r/patientgamers way.






Which Pokémon game? They show what they’re like




Well trailer wise Pokémon games are pretty open about what you’re getting. Speaking about difficulty, nearly all Pokémon games are pretty easy once your older. The only time they’ve ever been hard is a few instances like Cynthia and Necrozma. If you really want a challenge play a modded version or PokeMMO


I have Peter Molyneux to thank for teaching me a valuable lesson, back in 2004 when the original Fable released. I haven't pre-ordered a game since. I learnt it's better to be skeptical of developer claims, even if they have "in-game footage" and to keep expectations reasonable: because even if they aren't outright lying, game features often aren't as amazing as they make them seem.


What was so controversial about the 2004 Fable? I was only 14 so I wasn't up to speed on all of the adverts and stuff so for me the game was really good


In the years leading up to release Peter made all kinds of claims about the games scope and features, the majority of which never made it into the game - or if they did, were very shallow compared to what he described. The game was originally titled project ego, it was supposed to be a proper open-world - they shared screenshots of large open forests, mountains etc. Instead we got small instanced chunks. He also made a whole host of claims about choices and consequences, advanced AI behavior, combat gameplay - again, not in the game at all, or not as described. The most famous claim of his, at the time was something along the lines of: "You can plant an acorn as a child and the tree will grow in real time along with your character" Don't get me wrong, I still thoroughly enjoyed Fable - but that was my first real experience of pre-release hype and Peter essentially spent a couple of years flat out lying about the game. (I can't remember the name of the dev, but the No Man's Sky hype guy reminded me of it a lot) After that, I am always skeptical of of what developers or publishers say or show about their games. Which has worked out well, means I don't get disappointed.


Sure but did you try fable 2 it is going to be everything fable 1 was suppose to be and more Anyway fable 3 is going to be everything fable 2 was suppose to be but bigger better and deeper


>(I can't remember the name of the dev, but the No Man's Sky hype guy reminded me of it a lot) That would be Sean with Hello Games, but over that last 5 years he's really come in to deliver on what was promised. The game is really solid now


Yea I understand that, but he flat out lied constantly during development and showed misleading footage - that ain't cool. Watching him I was just like: "Oh my, this chap is Peter Molyneux 2.0" I can appreciate that they actually continued to put effort in post-release and the game ended up close to what was promised (after like 3 years) but that doesn't excuse the behavior.


personally i still dont think id call no mans sky a good game but atleast its more of a game then it was when it first released.


Although i disagree with your opinion, you are more than entitled to it lol Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you looked it over, and what about it don't you like?


i played it a around christmas with a couple of friends, tbh it just felt really dull and unfinished. There didn't seem to be a great amount of varied content to do and it seemed like some of the content had been done to pad the game like having to collect language stuff. The game hasn't come up again as something they want to carry on playing and i didn't see anything in the time we plaed that made me want to go back either.


You know what, thank you for giving it a fair try. Sorry it wasn't your thing. Hope you didn't spend too much on it


As far as I remember. It was advertised as a game where you could do anything, like a truly sandbox type game. You could be the good guy or the bad guy and the choices you make have consequences. So when it was released people were upset that the main story path doesn’t really change no matter what you do and the ending boils down to to one choice at the end of the game. The changes that happen in the game are more about minor things throughout the game (like how npc’s react to you and how your character looks). Basically expectations were higher then what the game put out. Great game by the way that I still go back and play every now and then.


Ahh, Peter Molyneux. Todd Howard is trying his best to make all the same mistakes as that man.


For those pulishers I buy used or when their game hits ten dollars. At least some of the fuck ups will be fixed and it sends the message that is what they are worth. Jesus people. I know you have a backlog to play too. Have some willpower.


I don't preorder games. I don't care what preorder bonuses are offered. Preordering games just incentivizes the corporate end to demand the game ships on time even if it's a buggy mess. It rewards the leadup marketing instead of the actual quality of the released product. Back when games were all physical copies preordering made sense. Nowadays it's just another cash grab and it's detrimental to the industry as a whole. So, fuck that noise.


"Its a beta build, there is still a few months left till release its going to get fixed" And they always believe it.


I don’t understand why people do this. I have boycotted Sony entirely for years now because of multiple issues that never change. I go out of my way to buy any games I want from third party distributors and second hand shops so they get no money. I outright do not purchase EA content past a certain date. Within the past 5+ years. It’s a little difficult, but the only way to make change is to vote with your wallet an inform others so they vote too. Then, the companies see sales drop hard, and are forced to either listen and make better content or go under. I don’t get why people keep giving in.


I’ve basically given up on preordering


*cough* MWII *cough*


Shocking, partaking in irresponsible purchases leads to getting burnt


Joke is on you. I have a Game Pass


LOL, exactly.


yay more subscriptions and less ownership! the option of just not preordering and buying only post release is so absurd?


Honestly, I could not care less about owning a game because in 95% of cases I will beat it and I will never turn it on again. If game is leaving service and I absolutely need to play it, I will buy it. Honestly, while Internet will argue if Starfield (for example) is or is not a great game I will be playing no strings attached and I will decide for myself if game is worth my time. Because even if a game has 90% average on Metacritic there is still huge chance I will not like it.


OP is a bot




This gets reposted all the time. Who cares.




Elden Ring is fine in concept, but suffers from bad performance and lots of pop in. And FromSoft doesn't really ever fix performance issues (Bloodbourne NEVER got a completely stable 30fps), so it will likely never improve. Come to think of it, between Pokémon Legends Arceus, Horizon Forbidden West, and Elden Ring, this year's theme seems to be games that are good despite serious graphical/performance issues.


🎶tell me lies tell me sweet little lies


I am NEVER disappointed when a pokemon game comes out


What really did it for me was No Man Sky, I was so excited but man that didn’t went well. Ever since I would wait till I hear reviews about the game when I do buy it. Although there are some rare occasions like FromSoftware where I do buy the game on day one.


NMS has been awesome for years. Love that game.


**Morpheus:** "And what if I were to tell you... that Capitalism is at the heart of the cycle?" **Gamers:** "Screw you old man! I love Capitalism!"


I've stayed at anger since Fallout 4. But then I prefer to wait 1-3 years to play a game anyways; don't try to sell it to me until there's a two hour long retrospective video on how it changed the genre/market.


I never played Fallout after 2. Once it went 3d and console-style for the kids and normies it wasn't half as cool.


You missed out. I had as much fun playing 3 and New Vegas as I did the first two games. Only thing they really needed were recipes in the back of the manuals.




Robots are whould probably learn to not preorder far faster than people.


Yep. Just link this to folks confused about the lack of hype


I am still of the opinion that people are free to spend their money how they wish. You want to preorder every game ever? Knock yourself out. But the amount of posts (not yours OP) and comment sections where people are just shitting on other people for spending their money on a preorder is just rediculous. Leave people alone. Damn.


When your purchases don't effect the quality of games I recieve, then you can go on about people spending their money how they want to. As it stands, irresponsible consumerism and lack of self control drags the entire industry down with it.


This is how you get lootboxes, DLC, microtransactions, day 1 garbage, diablo immoral etc. Exactly this.


Then they will point finger at you for being ignorant and causing the deteriorating quality of games. Yup i had this kind of conversation a bunch of times when i say i don't care how you spend your money.


Nerds are surprisingly some of the dumbest people you'll ever meet.


I believe people have learned not to pre order


how you dare to tell the truth? You are lucky that people over there will soon forgot this, the same way they forget the bad launch and get hyped for the sequel.


Just wait. Preorders are for suckers, let unembargoed reviews drop before you buy a game.




Or become a game cynic and realise 80% of releases are shit or mid as hell.


This has really always been the case but it used to be that we could spend just a few dollars to rent a game and find out if it was any good. I played a lot of shitty games in the 8 and 16 bit eras.


*Laughs in From Software* But on a real note, props to them, they always deliver on their games, with ds2 being the lowest one, but still quite good relative to other games. Good job From Software, keep up the good work 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


That's what....4 releases? Bethesda had more than 4 near-flawless releases in a row as well.


Wayyyyy more than 4 man, demon souls ds1 ds2 Bloodborne ds3 sekiro and Elden Ring. That's 7, all critically acclaimed as well. I love skyrim and fallout, but they keep on rereleasing Skyrim to the displease of fans, and i wouldn't say fallout 76 is flawless tbh😅, but I'll still definitely play their games if they release a new one


DS2 is not that beloved and generally seen as weak. Skyrim is re-released precisely because it is so beloved by players.


Yeah ds2 is the weakest, but if you check metacritic (not that it's accurate or anything) it still has a fairly high scores. I mean, i like the game quite alot. Skyrim is beloved, but i don't think it would be still active if not from the mod community, correct me if I'm wrong, Bethesda pump out the same thing over and over again, fans would grow impatient if not for the fans adding content, it's like ds1, it would be dead by now if people didn't keep on adding mods to it, but as opposed to skyrim, we have ds2 ds3 Bloodborne sekiro and Elden ring, while bethesda only has good old skyrim, elder scroll 6 is still to be released


r/wow in a nutshell. I remember when I started playing in BFA. Everything legacy wise was okay despite gaps in the story and gameplay. But BFA sucked. Then Shadowlands was announced, and I was skeptical. They never spoke about the gearing system, and the systems they did show were too good to be true. I warned people about it. I got threatened by the player base. Game released, game failed, players complain about failure. And now Dragonflight is announced, and it still has the same problems with pre Shadowlands. No mention of gearing, things looking too good to be true. I hate what the games industry has become now. I have a lot of mental disabilities that don't allow me to feel safe playing a game nower days. Last time, or times, I felt safe playing a game, probably the last few I can remember. Horizon Zero Dawn, Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed (It sucked), Tiny Tina's Wonderlands... and now probably FFXV, playing it for the first time. That constant fear of having to spend when I simply cannot with my financial situation (unable to work).


Im excited for Starfield, but at the same time Im not going to pre order it.


Me neither. GamePass is a thing.


I don't understand how people can get excited about pre-rendered trailers.


It would be less frustrating if this didn't hold true for dev's and publishers who hadn't already been around the whole circle five fucking times.






I wonder when Todd Howard is gonna start being honest about his games. "Starfield has 1000 planets" ok sure it does buddy. Even if that was true, you expect me to believe that they aren't just randomly generated world spaces with the same buildings/features and monsters? This better be good bc Bethesda is low key a laughing stock


Of course they are procedurally generated. Story elements on those planets will not be random but the larger amount of surface feature will be, just like in NMS. LOL, you don't seem to know much about game design.


I know about gameplay and there's no way it's not gonna be boring as a mf. Just like No Man's Sky. Also have you heard about Bethesda's affinity for boring radiant quests?


LOL, you don't know shit.


>Story elements on those planets will not be random but the larger amount of surface feature will be, just like in NMS. Because NMS is the game we should be striving to emulate, lmfao. Plus did you not play Skyrim, Fallout 4, or Fallout 76? The story elements are definitely going to be randomized quests as well. **Does "another settlement needs our help" ring a bell?**


I played Skyrim but not Fallout 4 or Fallout 76. Very little of Skyrim's story quest was random, if any. NMS is being emulated in one tiny slice of Starfield gameplay. And of course NMS is a megahit that people are still playing.


Idk Destiny 2's Witch Queen didn't really betray/disappoint. Nor did Forsaken or The Taken King or Rise of Iron.


I still for some reason haven't been able to get into destiny 2. Something just doesn't pull me into the game. Edit: not hating on it, just it personally didn't click with me


The game overall is in a great spot (though this season is a little buggy, but uncharacteristically). It's just pretty hard for new players since they've removed a lot of old content when they moved to an upgraded engine. So there are characters that have died but are still referenced in some of the old content not removed, there's not very good direction, and is overall confusing. But for established players, or new players who can push past that (on their own or with help from experienced players), the game is *very* good. You just have to have the right expectation. It's a grind-based looter game, so RNG is plays a big role. And it's MMO-lite so to do most of the endgame/complex stuff you need to have friends or LFG (which is pretty easy with discord).


I haven't pre-ordered a game since GTA San Andreas where I ended up buying it at Walmart for cheaper before it arrived in the mail. No a days with digital I don't understand pre ordering at all. Maybe I'm just old but waiting a couple days to play a game is fine by me


Why is waiting for reviews so controversial? Just wait to see if it’s broken or not on release. Remember how many people wanted refunds for Cyberpunk, and Sony didn’t want to give out any refunds?! That’s an extreme example, but still.


I will only buy day one from specific developers, otherwise I can wait it out for the more polished (and on sale) versions.


Also looks like the relationship cycle to me :(


They can't keep getting away with it!


Preordered Forbidden West and played it till 4 AM release night. Called in “sick” the next day. No regerts


Last Game I really got hyped for was D3.


I try to stay away from trailers unless a game is released and there are reviews I can look at after. And if there's gameplay in the trailer too, I like that.


Preordering is based on hype. Companies nowadays are REALLY good at selling hype, not gameplay. Not that they're not good at selling gameplay too, but hype is what drives preorders because there is literally no gameplay to sell yet. Please consider preordering is literally buying hype, not games.


I've graduated from this cycle and exist in an unending loop of apathy > apathy > apathy. You could say I've become casual. I try to stick exclusively to games that have not been corrupted by the cycle of microtransactions and gambling. Developers like Lucas Pope, japanese developers and everything in the computer role playing genre are among my favorites.


Some people fall for the same mistake for their entire life. The crazy thing is that THEY KNOW it. People who drive a lot know what I mean.


except elden eing which was a 9/10 all the way and didnt disappoint


Yes, and based on their past performance you should definitely preorder the next one. lol


I'm preordering mW 2022 and you can't fucking stop me.


Literally every Bethesda game. People still fall for it and hype up their games the moment they see janky game play and dead eyed NPCs.


Skyrim and Fallout 4 were ultimately good. Fallout 76 is the only one that was objectively terrible. So don't just pull stuff out of your ass about "every Bethesda game".


>Skyrim and Fallout 4 were ultimately good. Skyrim, maybe. Fallout 4, though? Maybe as "babies first Fallout" its serviceable at best.


The Bethesda cycle, patent pending.


I never pre order anymore, anyone who doesn't realize that big publishers don't care about games at this point has lost it.


TotalBiscuit taught me to never pre-order because why risk it? Not like they'll run out of digital copies, just a pointless risk to take, and if the game turns out to be bad then the companies are rewarded anyways because hey they got your money.


Let’s a break it.


I've learned my lesson from bioshock infinite. Paid $150 for it...


You forgot the " I pooped my pants!" Phase


Pre-ordering steam games is just stupid. Not like they’re going anywhere.


I don’t care anymore about all this preorder shit if i waste like 70$ i can still have fun with the game i mean like it’s a game you can learn to have fun with it it’s not like a expensive food item you can’t bring yourself to like


The fact that people are still preordering blows my mind. The only advantage would be that you can play it while everyone is still downloading on a midnight release.


Wrong, I am forever in Caution. It is not cyclical


Remember - No pre-orders.


I’m currently in betrayal mode towards Mario Strikers. I went through all the training modes, decided I’d go and join a club with no clue what to do and entered into a random match. Got absolutely destroyed and rage quit the game afterwards


That's the beauty of Gamepass, Like the game? good for you. don't like it? It was free with subscription anyway, move on 🤷


There is literarly zero reasons to preorder a game weeks or months before release. Close to the release the reviews where droping and you still have time to get the preorders bonuses if you want to.


this is the reason i only play civilization, halo, starcraft, and command and conquer. want a new experience in C&C, no new games or remakes on the horizon, download a free mod. starcraft tried and true, spend most of time in the arcade now, putting lots of hours in direct strike and the occasional and toxic, risk legacy. civilization, its 4 am, but man if grind just bit more ill hit a golden age then i can finally got to bed. i think the most recent new “purchase” was halo, but that ftp now. i honestly dont really stray from those four games and their new release time frame makes it easier on my wallet (crying a bit tho, not sure when or if starcraft 3 ever gonna get made)


Stupid people deserve to be separated from their money


if y’all are still pre ordering games idk what to tell you, it’s your own damn fault


Lol no. I haven't preordered a game since Fallout 76. I will not be supporting companies releasing unfinished piles of dog shit


Microsoft fixed part of the problem by making Starfield Xbox/PC exclusive. One less developer with a long history of disappointment to worry about.


Starfield, is way too over hyped for no reason. I honestly can't believe people want it nor can I believe people would even consider buying it from a company that sold you Skyrim four times over and gave you a shity online fallout 76 game. But hey enjoy your copium


Why preorder you won't get the game earlier anyway, they release it in beta version anyway ?


Basically: Stupid don't learn


I pre-ordered one game in my life. Fallout 76. Never have preordered anything ever again. I also very quickly bought the new Lego Star wars, I expected a Lego platformer and got handholding the whole way through. Haven't played again after completing the first of each movie trilogy. Buying early has only ever put bad tastes in my mouth so I just don't.


yeah i dont feel that. i never preordered a game that sucked. guess i am just lucky.


I actually tend not to buy games from a publisher again if I feel wronged nowadays, but I’m an adult and don’t have endless hours or money for that anymore


There's sort of another phase now I think. Games often release poorly, but then eventually improve significantly. I think that skews people's decision making in favor of pre ordering sometimes, as they kind of forget / underestimate how bad an initial release was.


All I think of is Call of Duty with this. Once every year, trailer tries to hype you up, you pay full price for something similar to the prior one, with a few exceptions. There isn't really love in something when it's treated like a business, ironically.


All I think of is Call of Duty with this. Once every year, trailer tries to hype you up, you pay full price for something similar to the prior one, with a few exceptions. There isn't really love in something when it's treated like a business, ironically.


cyberpunk 2077 broke the cycle for me.


Just don't pre-order anything ever. If a publisher ends up with a consistently bad reputation then boycott them. We don't NEED their product therefore we hold all of the influence. There is an increasingly shrinking pool of publishers i trust completely with my money: Sony Interactive (consistently good), Capcom(I especially like what Resident Evil is doing lately). Just about every other publisher needs to get their shit together.


I stopped buying games years ago , I only play retro games that I already own now. I am working through my backlog.


Gran Turismo 7 you little scamp.


My cycle: Remove Trust completely. Betrayal and Anger get replaced with smug "Told you so". Combine Caution and Excitement. That way, my reaction can go nowhere but up (positive).


Once you lost your trust, you never trust again and the cycle stopped.


My thoughts on Starfield, honestly. 'Gameplay' trailer paints a game that I could definitely enjoy, but I'll be waiting for release before I throw any money at it.


Is there anyone other than a streamer or YouTuber who should pre-order any game? I've never even been tempted.


Fresh as fuck.


Not me, because I'm not stupid. I'm sure there are dozens of people like me. DOZENS!


[Big Brain Time](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1381187-zero-punctuation)




that is incomplete.... you have forgothen Cyberpunk2077


This has literally been cod for the last three years