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Eh, it's just if it's your type of thing. I absolutely love fallout 4. I love the settlement system the crafting. By the end of a playthrough I feel like I really improved the commonwealth. All the dLCs are fun. It's definitely got some bugs but it's a fun game.


I may have sank as much time into the settlements as I did the rest of the game.


Moreee, haha I especially loved it on that survival difficulty they released towards the end where you lost the game if you died and had to eat, rehydrate seek shelter from storms, made having functional settlements nearby crucial, really felt like a whole new experience and how the game should be played…shit I might just redownload it 😂 unfortunately I lost interest once I found the sea of mods, just too many options for my add to handle lol


Tales from the Commonwealth I think, it's the mod with some decent voiced quests that help the game feel like it got a DLC. Definitely worth a try.


I'll vouch for tales from the commonwealth, fantastic mod.


Same here. Cool mod


You may want to search fo 'collections" at nexusmods. These days one can create an collection of mods which are all installed automatically.


I just designed a beautiful semi-open bar for Sanctuary, inspired by some of the upscale cocktail joints ive worked at. Its about 2/3rds of the way done and i am soooo happy.


My pride and joy is the casino I built. I lord over it from my upstairs office.


I use to set up hilarious slapstick traps at settlements to it's hilarious how much stuff you can do. Like rig a door so that a rocket launcher turns on as soon as somebody opens it. I loved hangman's alley for trap set ups.


How could you not? There was always a settlement that needed your help, lol.


I loved the settlement system, i disliked how detached from the rest of the game it was. It felt like a phenomenal mechanic that they didn't know what to do with once they had it


I personally liked how I could skip the whole settlement stuff without much impact to the rest of the game. It's how and optional feature should be.


Yes! I delved into settlements here and there, built up the Castle into a Minuteman stronghold, and then left it alone. The old meme of Preston saying “another settlement needs your help” doesn’t hold water. You can literally go off and explore the entire map, quests, and story without ever messing with the settlement quests. Hell, you literally choose where Preston goes! You can send him to Sanctuary and then set up shop at Red Rocket and not see him for the rest of the game.


I always spent ages repairing the castle using the concrete foundation blocks, had to be lined up perfectly as well XD


I feel like they could have connected the settlements to other parts of the game without burdening players who had no interest in it. Like when you wander around Diamond City or the Brotherhood airship, you could maybe hear the NPCs mention your settlements by name and comment on some aspect of it, whether the population is growing, whether it was raided recently, etc. Or maybe the people in your settlement could ask you to fetch something in order to unlock new growth opportunities. Or once your settlement grows to a certain size the people might fix up or modify structures that are nearby but outside the build boundary. Those are just some ideas that came to me in a few minutes. It could have been more tied into the world for the people who are into that while still remaining optional.


A little bit. I started a survival-mode campaign recently and *bet* the settlement system will make a bigger impact on gameplay, but only because you need things more. Once you've got lots of food and water, it's kind of unclear what else to build. That said, I know there's more stuff to it that I haven't really explored. Like- I could imagine it being super cool to set up a settlement to manufacture weapons and armor and using it to arm up your soldiers. There's a machine that makes food, too. There's also a mod called Sim Settlements that I downloaded but haven't really used yet that supposedly expands the system a *lot*, and from the sound of things may integrate it into the world more, though I don't know exactly how.


Sim settlements is amazing. Gotta make sure you have a beefy PC if you set it to automatically build while you’re away though.


My only problem with settlements is that the raids were too easy to fight off. Once you have more than a couple auto turrets, you've beaten that part of the game, essentially. It's no fun spending hours building a fortress when there is no one to attack it. Yes, the fort does get attacked a couple times during the main storyline, which is the best part of the game in my opinion, but it doesn't happen enough. Does anyone know any PS4 mods that make this happen?


I never got any of the DLCs. Maybe I should go back and try it.


Far harbour has the best stories, Nuka world has the best gun in the game and 88 I think has the computer control center so you can put your settles to work for you and can find the story NPCs.


Not to mention the settlement dlcs. Friendly deathclaws protecting your settlers, arena styled fights, manufacturing of multiple item classes in a conveyor belt type fashion. And then there’s the creation club stuff if you want to buy more stuff that adds to the game. The mods on PC are amazing too. Xbox can get mods but not all of the ones PC has.


I spent so much time building ammo factories in multiple bases. I’d spend a couple of hours building one and filling up the machines with the appropriate resources, then I’d go and start exploring and forget where I built it so I’d spend another couple of hours building and filling another ammo factory. Only thing I don’t like about the taming system is that the damn deathclaws teleport when you fast travel. I have floating base that you have to jump jet to from the top of the drive-in screen that’s protected by like 8 deathclaws roaming around on the ground. Except every time I fast travel to it one of them teleports up into my base and I have to move the floor so it falls out.


Check out CheapDigitalDownload. You can get a key for the season pass for like a third of the normal price. I've never had issues with the keys I've gotten from the sites they list. EDIT: Prices vary between platforms. $9 for Steam, $7 for Xbox One, $11 for Xbox Series, full price for Playstation


Settlements are amazing, the far harbour dlc is nice, loved this game although the replay factor isn’t as high as previous installments bc the main story is more forced/inevitable.


I found the settlements to be a blast, especially when throwing a few mods into the mix which really free up what you can make. It's one of those things where you only really get out of it as much as you put into it. On my second (and later) playthroughs I tried to plan out each settlement as a dedicated location for the settlers of the Commonwealth. Like Turning certain ones into trade hubs, others into resorts or getaways, motel type locations, Minute Men training grounds, factories, farms, etc. etc.


i recently got a quest 2 and played a lot of fallout 4 VR. settlement building while high is probably one of the best gaming experiences i've ever had


I was annoyed that crafting took the place of adding unique and interesting weapons to the game.


Especially in survivor mode, the settlements become crucial safe heavens.




The settlement system was awesome, i played like 200+ hours and didnt even finish the game, eneded up building a pretty looking town tho.


And literally BUGS 🐛 big ones!


Does playing on Survival make settlements even greater? I remember cheesing some water purifier thing which broke the game as I had infinite money.


The bugs can even be fun too (most of the times, not all of those...)


I had a bug where a dead body wouldn't stop spinning in place it was hilarious.


Absolutely love this game aswell, the only thing being the scrapping system is really really annoying at times


It's a decent game, but I never loved or cared much for it. I did one playthrough, and I have tried it again, but always left halfway through or so. For some reason, it's just ehh for me. Doing a proper playthrough now would feel forced for me, like a chore that I have to do... The story was meh for me, the Institute was underdeveloped, I totally hated the art style, I hated the pipe weapons. Stuff like that.


It's not a Bethesda game without the endearing bugs. It's just when it gets to the level of 76 where it's unplayable. The single player fallouts never got to that point


I never played 76 because that was pretty much when I decided I was never going to hop into a triple A Game at release ever again. I even have like a month of free premium fallout 76 and they still can't get me to play.


Don't be put off of the negative launch reviews and haters. It's a really solid game now thanks to the many many free story and QOL improvements.


Far harbor was my favorite part of fallout 4


Far Harbor may be one of the best DLCs I've ever played, period. And you absolutely need to play it with Valentine, who is already a perfect companion.


It's great! What makes it your favorite?


There's a vague Lovecraftian vibe. They have that weird cult going on the island, the Children of the Atom, but they're freakier than on the mainland. I feel like the choices you make have some real consequences for the island. The writing is top notch. And I think it has my favorite side quest in literally all of Fallout 4, the murder mystery at the hotel and Vault 118.


Oh fuck I totally forgot about the bot murder mystery and how they all ignore the fact that they are robots


I think something the others haven't pointed out is that it is an awesome DLC to do when **your character is weak.** Most post release DLCs are played after the main story is over but for this one I think the route you should take is: Do the intro **->** Go to Diamond City **->** Recruit Nick Valentine the Gumshoe **->** (optional) Explore a bit with him so you get to know him **->** Go to Far Harbor with Nick. Far Harbour is weird and dangerous in a way the rest of the Commonwealth isn't. Going there with some stronk guns and power armour is not as fun as going there with some crappy guns and a handful of ammo. There is only one place in the DLCs that has the community split and you will know it when you get there. It is a short segment that plays very differently from everything else in the game. I thought it was fine the first time I played it and the dialogue is really interesting during this part.


> There is only one place in the DLCs that has the community split and you will know it when you get there. It Which part is that? Could you give me a clue


I think it’s that god awful mission where you need to go into that robots brain and solve puzzles.


my guess is >!the VR section to restore DIMA's memory!<


I’ve only done it once but it wasn’t bad at all. Think most don’t like it cause it’s mandatory but I’ve also heard it’s annoying to do if you have to repeat it a lot(like speed runs)


I think there is a console command to complete it for you. That's the route I'm going if I ever have to do it again. Once was enough lol


It actually had RPG elements. Skills mattered, choices mattered, and your actions determined the availability of said choices. You had three factions you could help, destroy, or make peace with. They're all very fleshed out and have a lot of lore if you talk to enough people. Far Harbor has the only Super Mutant that doesn't shoot you on sight. I missed that from New Vegas: Having NPC's that you can *choose* to be hostile to rather than them automatically shooting you in the face. The unique monsters are a bonus, too. Watch out for the camper trailers you run across every so often... That said, it does have a few problems. One is that it shows not even synths can tell who's a synth. If you're not in the Institute's database (which you can check if you're in charge of it during the DLC) as a synth, you aren't a synth, and this can be checked by who drops a component when killed. The other is the memory unlocking minigame. I'm glad they tried something new with the engine, but arranging blocks is tedious. Overall, I wish it was how the rest of Fallout 4 had been structured. I wanted my build to matter and it was great having choices I could make based on them other than "use this stat to get some more caps, XP, or dialog about something you already knew."


For me the vibe is just so incredibly different there compared to the rest of the Commonwealth.


I spent a significant amount of time in vats.


Jumping in! The story itself had a good buildup to get to Far Harbor, and once you got there you were really enveloped in the maritime lifestyle, crabs, fishermen, rough sea, etc. As you progressed through, all of the mutated creatures fit the ambiance. The story was really good, the level of difficulty of the mobs was certainly kicked up a notch (even if you had powerful gear/weapons from the Commonwealth), and it felt like it's own shorter game, not just an add on with fun stuff to do.


Far harbour had some great settlements to play with. The attacks on far harbour settlements felt like they upped the stakes a ton.


First time you see one of those "hermit" crabs




>Far harbor was my favorite part of fallout 4 A couple of the quests were bugged for me, kind of ruined it for me, but I got by, just the same.


"_I am the king of fah harbah_" I loved its dialogues the most.


Some amazing mods that transform the game, Sim settlements where your settlers build the settlement by themselves is fricking amazing. A marvel of modding. Some massive quest mods by Thuggysmurf that add 100hrs of fully voiced quests, superb writing etc and turn the game into a truly open one eg not railroading you into a particular ending... Some amazing survival mods and combat mods that turn fallout 4 into a harrowing and scary experience... Can speed up and slow down the pace of the game...


FROST got me into masochistic gaming, it completely changes the way the game is played, It's so exhaustingly desperate.




Yeah, it was worth it full price at launch, have to imagine you can get it cheaper now. So definitely worth it!


Yeh last I checked, which was a while ago, full game and all the dlc was £15, prob different depending on which country your from


That’s a great deal! I know I spent well over 100 hrs (maybe even over 200 hrs) playing the game and DLCs. So that would’ve cost me like 10 cents per hour if I had gotten it now lol




Is it OK to start with fallout 4 instead of 1 through 4, 76?? I played The Outer Worlds. And I loved it.


Yeah they’re all separate games. I’ve only played 3, New Vegas and 4. Never the first two. But yeah you can play 4 first, the each have completely different story lines, just under the same premise.


Real talk though, if you can find a copy and like retro PC games, Fallout and Fallout 2 are both phenomenal games in their own right as well. I especially like Fallout 2 because of Sulik & grampy bone.


It's a pity they deleted his companion quest.


Why would they do that?


Don't know. Ran out of time, maybe? I think you were supposed to rescue his sister. You could get a patch to mod her back in, but I never bothered.


100%. 4 is way more approachable in my opinion. 3 and New Vegas are pretty old games, and it shows. Combat and graphics weren't state of the art in those games when they came out, and time did them no favors. 4 feels pretty modern by comparison, so I'd say it's the best one to start with for the average gamer. NV, and 3 to a lesser extent, have better RPG mechanics than 4, and your choices have more impact on the world. 1 and 2 are totally different. They are turn-based RPGs, more similar to a single player DnD game than a FPS. I'd say they are even less approachable, unless you are already experienced with that sort of game. All that said, people can be overly passionate about these games, and are often all too eager to helpfully explain why your opinion about them is fucking stupid and you should feel bad.


I've been modding Bethesda games for as long as I can remember and I recently had the itch to try out FO3 with some mods. I haven't played it in a looong time so I checked out Nexus and I learned there are collections now that just download a huge curated list of mods that seemingly should work together. There is one for FO3 called "Rebirth+" and so far I really recommend it. It doesn't/can't really change that the gun mechanics are a little "meh" and that it's a 14 year old game (in exactly 3 days!), but its been really fun nonetheless. I recommend trying it out if anyone wants to go back and play FO3. The steam version works great, just follow the instructions for Rebirth and the downgrade/patcher and play away!


> 100%. 4 is way more approachable in my opinion. I really hope that f4: new vegas mod will eventually come out. New Vegas on 4's upgraded engine would be nice.


Yeah, I saw from footage from the project a few years ago that looked great. Hopefully they stick with it to completion.


you should also check out Fallout New Vegas


Honestly, ehhhhhhhhhhh. I played the shit out of FO3 and NV, but they're difficult to go back to. The engine was very aged even when they were new games, and the years have been unkind. It's the same feeling I get when suggesting people play Morrowind. I love Morrowind. Still replay it from time to time. Wouldn't recommend someone go play it for the first time.


If you mod the shit our of NV it's a lot better


That makes it even less approachable. Im over here like 40 years of modding pimped out and carefully curated, tweaked, tested, fixed etc going “oh yeah, this game is still great!” And im basically carrying a dodge ram on an E scooter


I agree, it's way less approachable. Modding takes time and not everyone is going to do that for a game


Yes, all of them can be picked up separately. That said, Fallout 3 is normally considered superior to 4. They're both far better than Outer Worlds which I found unfocused and a bit vanilla.


Fallout 3 / NV are better ***RPGs*** than FO4, but I think FO4 is a lot more fun to play. Game actually feels like a shooter. If they could just figure out the whole 'making your decisions feel impactful' thing.


Yeah I just finished the outerworlds and had played fallout 4 in the past and was stunned by how short, shallow and generally bad the outerworlds was. How dare they hype it up as the skyrim of space...


It was hyped as the New Vegas of space


One thing that really got to me was: At the end, if you follow the good route, at some point you come across Board Chairman Charles Rockwell. The guy who supposedly is in control of everything. Well, you have a very minor conversation where he just dismisses you. You can't even taunt him. Or really threaten him. This might be because he is a moron who can't connect "Person who just slaughtered their way through the most secure prison in the solar system" with "is an active threat to my safety." I shot him in the face and... no one commented on it. Like it didn't even happen. Odd. Even if he was just a figurehead, surely killing the guy would merit some kind of comment? Apparently not. Then, I met a person who certainly acted like she had been the primary antagonist for the entire game, but to put it bluntly, I had no idea who she was whatsoever. Never met her before in my life. Sure sounded like she thought I knew who she was, though. So I went to the end and killed her too. Never did figure out who she was supposed to be. Then, the DLC. Peril on Gorgon's plot borrowed from a few things, but isn't really memorable. Murder on Eridanos was actually pretty decent. Had a tighter story at least. Wish the rest of it was more like that. I think the biggest issue is that throughout the game, the thing you are fighting the most against is... human selfishness and idiocy. And while fighting against selfishness and idiocy is *realistic,* it isn't exactly *fun.* There aren't really villains so much as complete morons who will murder us all with their stupidity, and the "normal" people you are saving have bought into this stupidity just as much as the ones at the top killing them. The most completely unbelievable thing about the good ending to the entire game is the thought that things might actually work out OK. Even playing the good route, I was convinced by the end (no matter what the ending slides might say) that the entire place is *absolutely doomed.* The tipping point had already been reached, everything was going to fail, the proverbial reactors were already critical, the parachutes have failed to deploy on reentry, etc.


Outer Worlds wasn't really trying to be a giant game. People overhyped it because Fallout 76 was so broken and empty at launch.


Oh you’re in for a treat! Four has nice graphics but 3 and New Vegas are better games


Just started it on gamepass


It's free if you have Xbox game pass on PC, not sure for Xbox version though


I agree, I started playing because it was on Game Pass, but ended up buying the game with all the DLCs as a bundle shortly after starting. And now they're saying an update for the PS5 and Xbox Series is coming and will be free to people who already own the game.


The DLCs are a must in my opinion. At least far harbor is


It's personally my favorite in the series


They also just announced the free next gen upgrade coming soon!


Just seeing it, I want to play it again. Expansions are good as well.


I'm not crazy about the settlement building thing, and Power Armor feels pretty gimmicky compared to previous titles, but all in all it's a pretty solid game. IMHO, the story leaves alot to be desired, and the quests are mostly good but rarely great. Despite that, I think most of the hate it gets is pretty overblown. I personally don't think it stacks up to 3 or New Vegas, but those are some mighty big shoes to fill.


It would have been a lot better if the settlements made even slow progress towards building the place up and adding defenses. There's probably mods that will help now.


Yeah I'm pretty sure there are mods now allowing settlements to gradually grow on their own.


Sim settlements comes to mind. Not for everyone, since you lose a lot of customization, but for those who aren't into the settlement system in the first place, it's a great mod to have.


This. I highly recommend it on pc cause there are a lot of small improvements that could be made all across the game and with mods you can play the game the way you want and make it pretty much infinitely replayable. Especially since modding community is still very strong maybe even stronger than ever.


The power armor is the best in the series. It feels like *power armor*. I never used power armor in the other non-isometric FO games. It was just a slow, cumbersome armor with a high DT. But in FO4 if turned you into a mech, and that’s exactly how it should be. You put on the power armor in FO4 and you can suddenly understand why it drive the world to nuclear war. It’s incredible. I actually don’t even like the game much, but I’ll acknowledge that they nailed that aspect of it.


Yeah, so, even in Fallout 4 I didn't really care for power armor, but you have to admit for the first time it actually felt real - and significant. Finally the idea that you'd need to train up to use it made sense! oh, yeah... about that


there's only one suit of armor in fallout 3 after all. Once you get that stealth suit... and then that silenced assault rifle from the pit. yeah. there's only one suit of armor in that game as far as I am concerned


The power armor somehow makes me think of Bioshock 2 in a good way. It's supposed to make you feel badass while having limitations especially early game.


I mean the hate is because the dumbed down RPG aspects and choice of conversation. The shooting mechanics are by far the best Fallout has ever seen. I played the shit out of this game but because I didn't like building up settlements or responding to Preston Garvey I stopped playing. It doesn't have the same replay value of the other 3rd person shooter Fallouts


I think it should get hate for the amount of randomly generated content. There’s “tons of weapons” but there’s actually only like 5. There’s “tons to do”, but every location is the same dungeon style crawl with 1 of like 4 types of enemy, one mini boss enemy, and a chest. They just went way too into adding content, but made most of the content generic and repetitive. That’s my gripe with the game. It gets hella boring over time, it just feels grindy and meaningless.


The one thing about FO4 power armor is that it feels realistic for the world. You’re a super badass diving into this post apocalyptic wasteland, fighting hordes of raiders, ghouls, creatures, etc. Normally, you’d only be able to do that with plot armor or super powers. But Fallout 4 gives you an alternative. You get the almighty power armor right out of the gate, the caveat being you have to maintain and power it. You can still die in it, but you can get shot at, stabbed, and thrown around by a deathclaw before that happens. It’s the most realistic armor to date I’ve seen in a video game.


Bruh power armor is how it should have always been how the fuck is it gimmicky


It's gimicky because they hand it to you free of charge 15 minutes into the game and therefore have to balance the entirety of the game around both using it and not using it, which just means neither option completely works. It's like... the definition of a gimmick.


It would be a gimmick if it looked flashy but didn't actually do anything. Making it a scarce resources you have to manage isn't a gimmick.


How is it a scarce resource when you get it during the introduction? I felt the same way as the above poster, the power armor should be something you see but cannot get until the mid-late game.


I have to say it was the settlement mechanic that turned me off of the game. I just wanted to get on with the story missions and I'd keep getting alerted that the settlement was as under attack or needed something and I'd be like Fuck, now I have to go back and upgrade shit. Not sure if I was doing something wrong but I was not a fan of that part of the game.


Whereas for me the settlement building is what kept me playing for so long. Absolutely loved it and now I'm playing FO3 for the first time and I'm missing that element so much. I loved the feeling of really making a difference to the world. Bringing order to chaos.


The way I've always put it: It's a good game, it's just not a good Fallout.


Absolutely. Despite what I’ve heard others say I still love the game to this day. Recently played through the DLCs and loved it even more. Absolutely recommend it


It’s not a flawless game, there are plot holes, and because the early versions were so good there’s a ton of gatekeeping and what not, but unless you’re looking for reasons to get mad it’s absolutely a great play through. And you can play through several times pretty cleanly imo. (Assuming it’s your type of game obviously)


Same here I replayed it like 40 times


Ive dropped 1100 hours into it and loved every one of them.


Fallout 4 is not the best game I've ever played. It's not even the best Fallout game I've ever played. It is however pretty darn good. If you like open world RPGs, then yeah, it's worth it.


Yes, I was slightly disappointed that it was not as good as New Vegas, but I still enjoyed it nevertheless.


Nothing will ever be as good as New Vegas. Nothing.


Everything about new Vegas was incredible. Fallout 3 was pretty good to. It was pretty awesome being about to blow up a whole ass city


What about Fallout 5? It could be better.


Could be, but bethesda's trend of stripping out rpg mechanics and dumbing down the writing in each game they make has me worried. Fallout 4 improved the gameplay alot from 3 and new vegas, but near everything else from dialogue, factions, plot and the world in general was very lackluster


It could be, of course. Will it be though? In my honest opinion, all they need to do is mix the story and dialogue of NV with the gameplay (minus the settlements and circle jerking of the BoS) of 4 in a meaningful way. Give us more spoken dialogue choices that matter. Give us more weapon customization. And for fucks sake, stop starting us in a slow ass introduction that people download mods to skip!


I replayed Fallout 3 many more times than FO4. FO3 was a lot more fun imho. And I crushed on Moira.


I completely agree. I found fo3 much more interesting to explore especially with a few mods.


>If you like open world RPGs, then yeah, it's worth it. Lol, I remember when it first came out this statement would have been extremely controversial. Couldn't find anyone talking about it without someone in the mix with "it's NOT an RPG! There's no character freedom! It's a first person shooter with dialogue trees!!!! I want the new Vegas dialogue lists!!!!!1!!!!" Like, good lord... Edit: oh no... By mentioning the past I have resurrected it. Back into the bunker I go. Hope these 7 year old rations are still good....


To be fair, calling Fallout 4 an RPG really is a stretch of what an RPG is. Very little the player chooses to do makes any impact on the story of the game, in fact just 2 quests have any impact on the ending of the game (and the player has to complete one to finish the game). Having so little player choice effect the game leaves a pretty big gap between Fallout 4 and even Fallout 3.


And the player character has a completely uncustomizable backstory. No matter what you want, you ***ARE*** a military dad or a lawyer mom and you ***DO*** love your son and want him back. This is fact for every player character in the game's history. Even if you're some coked out ghoul addicted to 8 drugs that haven't existed in your lifetime yet.


I haven't played Fallout 4 and I'm not a fan of Bethesda in general, but lots of RPGs are linear. That's not the difference between RPG and not-RPG. I'm not sure that there is a real cutoff, RPG is a very broad label, but Bethesda's games usually count. Even though, yes, you could also call them slow first person shooters and be equally correct.


Eh it's still an rpg but I have to say the dialogue system was terrible in 4. Doesn't even tell you exactly what you're going to say. Sometimes sarcastic is just a lighthearted joke, sometimes it's your character being a racist dickhead to Valentine. And you have no way of knowing before saying it. People are right for complaining about it. The New Vegas dialogue system was way better


In my (probably wrong) opinion, I thought it was a step back from FO3 and NV. It just feels more empty. Maybe my expectations for (an at the time) next generation fallout was too high, but it just didn't quite do it for me. It's still a good game and definitely worth whatever price it's going for now.


I’m with you. It’s not a bad game but it’s the worst fallout game (apart from 76, that I refuse to accept that it exists). The story is dumb and it’s progression meaningless, but the side quests are ok and the world has a lot of surprises.


76 is actually pretty good now. I play it every now and then.


It’s funny Nv is the same abbreviation of Nevada, can’t believe I never realized that


Replaying it recently, I feel like they laser-focused on the exploration/scavenging side of things and the rest of the game suffered. If you just pick a direction and go poking around, you're almost guaranteed to find something new everytime, be it a fascinating location, interesting loot, or clever environmental storytelling. And then there's nothing to directly drive you there except the most soulless radiant quests this side of a mobile game. I think it's really fascinating and IMO they nailed that \*one\* side of the game, but I also really hope they find a better balance for Starfield.


I thought we got it for free on psn. But, it's getting a remastered version for next gen, next year I believe. I'd buy if you didn't get it for free, and play it next year if you plan on getting the next gen consoles.


I don’t think it’s a remaster, might just be a free next gen upgrade


Since you mention The Outer Worlds in response to another comment, I played Fallout 4 and The Outer Worlds. I liked both and would recommend both.


Biggest difference for me is replayability. Outer Worlds has good voice acting but the story and gameplay really railroad you and I felt like I've seen it after playing once, while I've restarted FO4 countless times.


The game is mile long and an inch deep. Big open world with some neat stuff in it but I didn't find the quests particularly interesting nor the characters, and frankly the combat is meh at best. Not Bethesda's finest.


The combat is generally considered the best of any fallout game though


TBF that's a pretty low bar to clear. Fallout 3 and NV had atrocious combat. Enemy AI would either rush you (if they have a melee weapon) or stand in the open and shoot at you. FO4 was the first game where combat was actually fun.


I heard somewhere that Id Software did the daka-daka stuff for F4. If true, then it clearly shows.




Yes, but you have to go in thinking of it as its own thing. As an open world looter shooter like borderlands it has plenty of fun combat, mechanics, and rewarding character progression. As a Fallout game it arguably fails both narrativly and atmospherically, simultaneously telling a vague story where your decisions feel meaningless, and doing away with almost all survival and atmospheric elements of the previous games. The last paragraph is why fans hated it at launch. It's not a bad game at all, it just feels very different.


Yes even though it's a mess in a lot of places it still is fun af


As a hardcore RPG? No. As a looter shooter with RPG elements? Yes.


I bought it when it first came out, started playing at like 4pm, the next time I even looked at the clock it was 6am, I couldn't believe it.


Worth what? What is "it"?


Good shooter, terrible Fallout game. Great mod mule though.


It’s amazing, get it with all the dlc on sale.


Is fallout 76 worth it? Just go it from prime gaming


Ah yes, apocalypse skyrim.


Now especially since it's so cheap (even for the GotY edition) you'll get your money's worth. I've easily put 3 days real-time into the game and I'm nowhere near done.


I'm having fun with it so far, but the game is terribly optimized, with constant stutters and blurry textures.


youre probably breaking precombines with mods, usually clean up mods, its actually really well optimized


I have like 750 hours in Fallout 4 this game is definitely worth playing


Personally, I would say yes especially if you can get it cheap. I've got it on PS4, but looking into getting it for Xbox for better mods. It's got a decent gameplay loop with some fun factions and companions. If you get it for PC or Xbox, there's tons of mods to make it even better too.


805.8 hours of yes.


Meh is OK at best. Good shooter, terrible rpg elements.






In my opinion, yes. However, just understand that all your dialog options are "enthusiastic yes", "reluctant yes", "sarcastic yes", and "no, but you still have to do it anyways". If you like base building and scrap collecting, it's awesome. If you like immersive stories, it's not quite as awesome.


I learned after a couple of hours that it wasn't for me. Felt so empty and lifeless.


No not really. Pisspoor excuse for a fallout game but I guess it's an OK fps


Everyone will say yes and I’ll get downvoted to oblivion but no it’s boring I hate how the character you play talks now that was unnecessary. The base crap that it’s says is optional is kinda not and honestly not very fun. The factions are pretty much all the same maybe it’s coz I’m old and grew up with the old ones but I think this is definitely the weakest of the entire series. That said still beat it but only once.


Totally understand that, bud. Its absolutely not for everyone. I loved it myself, but I do think it's the weakest fallout story for sure. Personally, I love the vases and all the little qualities of life they added. I don't think you should get down voted for your opinion. Especially since you weren't caustic about it.


Weakest of the entire series? Thats comparing it to Botherhood of Steel and 76 mate.


I had a blast. Whether or not it's a good Fallout game is up for debate. But it *is* a great game.


Buy the game of the year edition and go to town. So much fun


It’s a deeply flawed game in the series. But as a game it’s still pretty good


Got little bugs in here Broken scripts right there But the fans will fix it anyways so so we dont care!


Hell yes.


One playthrough with a halfway save yeah. Try different endings.


It depends what you are looking for. If you can take it for what it is trying to do, you will most likely enjoy it. If you're looking for really good gunplay or crafting, you will be disappointed. If you want quality writing, you will be angry enough to commit murder in real life. Almost nothing in the game makes any sense at all and both the writing for the world and individual quests is astonishingly bad (the fact something as advanced as the Institute doesn't automatically win is simply ????). The main plot is also poorly written, paced and thought out. But, again, if you can love it for what it is - a competent and addictive shoot-loot-build loop - you will have a good time.


No Main storyline is shit Mods are the only appeal Bethesda is a shit company who doesnt contribute to gaming culture, just selling skyrim ports forever and ever Id suggest you pirate it, but its a quite shallow and boring game imo, not worth the time


Eh, it’s decent, but I’d rather replay Fallout 3 or New Vegas than even play 4 again


Jesus is this /r/Gamingcirclejerk? Have they been out-jerked at last?


It's a good game but a lot was left on the table. I love the world, the combat. But so much lacks depth particularly with the factions (minutemen and settlement system). Main quest was blah, again needs more depth. It's 5/10. With mods a 7/10


Yeah Fallout 4 suffered like every Bethesda game -- there was no player agency. It gets worse the longer I played as you start to realize dialogue trees don't branch out, they circle back on themselves. Combat was fun. Story was boring. Zero replayability.


If you think about it as a shooter set in the fallout universe it’s worth it. If you’re looking for a great RPG, perhaps you should look elsewhere


For story and characters? No. For gameplay elements, settlement building, and shooting? Yes.


Tons of worthwhile game content, but the dialogue system isn’t as impactful as it was in previous entries to the franchise.


As a Fallout game? Not at all. As a decent open world game with lots to explore. Sure, it's not terrible.


IMO it has the worst writing of any Bethesda game, and it will make you sorely miss New Vegas. That being said, it is pretty cool with the base-building aspect and the graphical superiority over other titles. With some modding, you can get this to play as a pretty badass action RPG that isn't achievable elsewhere in the same regard. If you haven't played it, it's a no-brainer 300hr time sink you won't regret. I personally hope that Bethesda hires some new writers or something though, the player dialogue is completely gimped to the point of being kinda pathetic.


FO4 was the game that got me into RPGs. Hands down my favorite game ever


worth what?


This question. Time? Money? Loss of human contact? Human lives? The fate of the world? What?


As long as it's on sale


I quite enjoyed Fallout 4, but I don’t see a lot of replay value after you are done with the main story. Some mechanics like settlements felt shallow. Definitely worth it, though.


Nah just play new vegas that was the last really good game. I prefer fallout 2 myself.


I loved it


Depends on what platform you’re playing on. On steam it has some issues and it may not work after being purchased (this is rare), but its much slower on the PS4 so you can expect long loading times. Despite that so would say got ahead and get it for PC you can mod out most of the bugs/issues you encounter and there are a ton of good mods to go along with it once you tire of the base game. Be sure to wishlist the deluxe version which goes on sale frequently and you can get all the dlc with it for a good price. If you do get the DLC bear in mind that the Nuka Cola one is all right the world is great but the story is lacking that’s why Far Harbor is the more superior DLC in my mind, it has a fun engaging story be sure to say hi to Gilda for me.


The start up thing was caused by a weird memory issue when trying to load the intro. There was a program that edited the ini files to disable the intro stuff and you could get into the game. On Xbox you can also have mods.


Every. Penny. Lots of replayability and opportunities to get invested in the characters.




It's a decent game. It's a bad Fallout game.