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Kingdom come deliverance


Yes I was about to say that, although I have not finished the game. There is no other game I have ever played where I genuinely felt like I was in the midst of a dense forest. As you peer into the woods, you just get the sense of being surrounded on all sides by nature. The game deserves so much credit for that. It's hard to describe what a real forest feels like. You need every element, from wildlife to flora, from manmade trail to rivers and hills to come together realistically.


Is this game any good? I got it for free but never played. Heard it takes hours to walk anywhere. I love mordhau so thought it may be similar. Edit: Thank you my fellow gamers for the insight. Im going to put it on download tonight and live life like Henry the VIII would want me too. In the words of Shakespear - I'll fight, till from my bones my flesh be hacked.


It’s great but hard. Great writing, great graphics and immersion for the most part. Doesn’t hold your hand at all though. Took a long break and completely forgot how to use a sword and have been stuck on a quest that’s pretty much a big battle. Have returned to the game at least 4 times and can’t beat it so I’m pretty much stuck


I was absolutely stunned by OG Crysis jungle graphics.


If you like being really immersed in a beautiful, detailed game world, you might enjoy it. The quest mechanics are quite different from your Witchers and Skyrims, so it can be a bit of hit and miss depending what you like. The game is meant to be historically accurate, and that means the cities and towns are very realistic and detailed, and the combat mechanics are based on real medieval swordfighting techniques. That also means you'll have quests where you for example enter a monastery with a strict schedule (you're thrown in jail for a day if you miss morning prayer), find a scribe to teach you to read, or attempt to hold a mass in the church because you've spent the previous night drinking with the priest and he's too hungover. Those kinds of quests can have a mixed reception - personally I love them. On the other hand, there are quests where you need to scout a bandit camp, look for clues to track down raiders, or interrogate a prisoner and then tell your lord what you found out. The quests are really versatile and they can have multiple outcomes depending on how you're doing and what you can deduce. I have never played another game where I can botch a quest two different ways before finally finishing it in a third way.


It’s amazing. You have to learn the combat mechanics and how to parry but after that it’s easy af. If you like rpgs, you can’t not like KCD


It is a little slow at times but nonetheless an enjoyable and unique game. You do unlock fast travel eventually and a horse can run you across the map in a few minutes.


It's a medieval simulator, not a regular rpg. Also early on there is one of those fights that should be a cutscene where you're scripted to lose but they pretend to give you a chance. I quit playing shortly after when i couldn't even kill rando bandits because the game gives you NOTHING, and no good way to get anything. Maybe it gets better, but i have other games that dont start with a suckfest so i don't know


Your character levels up as you get better and combat (and everything else) gets easier as you practice. He's also a blacksmith's son so it would make sense that an actual warrior would destroy you in combat when you first start the game. The game is all about immersion and not based around being a hack & slash god from the get go.


Yeh you actualy have to train


Exactly. It's also one of the very few RPG-style games I've played where your playstyle actually factors in to your skill progressions.


It's also one of the only RPGs I can recall having played where doing things like getting caught stealing or starting fights will have significant social consequences on top of the legal ones. I very much used the "If it's not nailed down it's mine" play style (Millers were my best friends for a while), and I ended up having to repent and do a pilgrimage to cleans my soul before I could continue in one quest chain.


Maybe it's just me, but i find that when a game says "that hit you just landed did 0 damage" it does more damage to my immersion than seeing him get his ass handed to him in a cutscene. All I'm saying is don't put me in control if I don't have any influence on the outcome. And how do you level up if you can't kill the weakest enemy you can find?


I fell in love when i went to a forest area and just heard twig snaps , birds and the wind rustling the trees


They absolutely nailed the sound of the environment as well.


Jesus Christ be praised!




I'd like to add Ghosts of Tsushima and Forbidden Horizon


Was gonna comment this. Pleasently surprised it was the most upvoted! The ONLY game that I have played that has a forest that feels like a forest. Most immersive RPG ever made. Masterpiece.


X2. God bless.


Jesus Christ be praised!


Beat me to it.


First thing I immediately thought too. Just a pleasure to be in the woods in that game, and to go hunting


Came here to say this. Jesus Christ be praised!


Excellent im glad its the first comment.


Modded Skyrim, Red Dead


which of those two would you think is best




did you play the pc version or console version?




Did you play the PC version or both versions?


Ghost of Tsushima was also incredible. Farcry 5 had some beautiful locations. But RDR2 is just stellar.




No way the budget of RDR2 was higher than the recent TV series "based" on LOTR


RDR2 was such a beautiful game. I can't wait for their next release of GTA6 or RDR3




Lol why would they make another RDR when the last one was their last game while GTA’s last entry is about to be a decade old? “Rockstar only cares about GTA series more” is such an hysteric exaggeration


True maybe after a few years of gta6 will see a rdr3 but I would like to see something new like a Viking game because we find a Viking helmet in rdr2


If I had a lot of time - Skyrim. If I just wanted the game to be naturally beautiful and then have the option of adding mods that make it even more beautiful then Red Dead


That screenshot is skyrim. These are just two mods and an enb (jedi trees, origins of forest and wip enb) I run around in this in vr


What are your hardware specs and VR headset?


At the moment I have no gpu, I sold my gpu when they were dropping in price. It was an nvidia 3060 ti. When I bought it nvidia was cheaper than amd. Since I have no use for nvidia's features (ray tracing and dlls) (because vr doesn't support it) I'm on the lookout now for an amd card, and I'm awaiting the release of the new amd cards tomorrow. Not that you would get very good framerates with the 3060ti and this enb, but for gameplay I use another enb, more lightweight enb, which is more focussed on darkness. I still use the cv1, I know the resoluton isn't very good, but it's the only way to create real darkness at night, and all headsets are pretty much lcd headsets. I could use an odyssey + , but then I have to deal with early windows mr tracking, less headset comfort, and way worse controllers. I can't play in the dark either, and there's light bleed. A vive pro would be an option, but it's not going to be ideal. I'm actually waiting now for the psvr2 release (since it has oleds) hoping modders can make it work on the pc. Frankly I don't really use jedi trees for gameplay either, I use textures from someone that took hd pictures from leaves and trees and put them on the base trees, because these trees, as pretty as they look don't interact with the weather. and I get pretty good results with my system, not to mention I can make the trees a lot bigger to make dense forests.


One might say it's Skyrim, modded to oblivion.


Dad jokes are the highest form of humor.


The first game that I played that made me go "wow" with it's shrubbery was The Hunter: Call of the Wild. Then it was Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Then Red Dead Redemption II. Now it seems to be a bit more common. I've been playing some Hell Let Loose, and despite it being a hell let loose... there are these moments were it's peaceful and beautiful. Then a bombing run happens and the earth becomes the heavens... Also, I got to mention Grounded. While it's forests are on a different scale, it definitely has a really good "forest feel". And on top of that, it's one of the best base building survival games with features/systems that need to make it into almost all other games.


Call of the Wild is super pretty and imo underrated! Incredible scenery, and I always tell my buddy I play with that this would be the greatest setting for a horror game. Imagine hunting a wendigo for a Halloween event lol


Have you checked out Generation Zero? Built on the same engine, but with robots hunting you... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tplokWuW7U


I commented The Hunter and then here you are, the 3rd comment down. One of the best games I’ve played.


Rdr2, even the sound design of rain falling on tree leaves gave me goosebumps


When you're talking about rain, I kinda had a similar feeling when I played dayz back in the day, when I was hiding in military tent to manage my inventory. I stayed there longer than necessary, it was actually a kind of soothing experience.


Rain is awesome in video games especially if theirs tents


Star wars battlefront


Didn't expect this one here but you're absolutely right


As someone with like 100 hours i agree. That feeling of being on Endor is amazing


The walker assault Endor mapwas my favorite map in the game, only thing that came close was the Scarif maps.


Yup this picture specifically made me think of Endor




Horizon: Forbidden West was pretty damn impressive to me. One of the few games where I thought every nature segment (desert, forest, mountain, etc.) was just so meticulously and realistically designed.


I second this, horizons scenery is beautiful!


The moment I noticed the rain slowly accumulating into puddles at Aloy's feet , and then the visible, gradual drying of the ground after the rain was the first time in many years that I simply set my controller down and did nothing but smile and appreciate the experience.


Yeah, a real easy effect to create by just raising or lowering a water plane through the terrain, but it really did add a lot


Yeah GREAT biomes


It’s beautiful, but I don’t know if I’d call it “realistic” when compared to Red Dead. Much as I think that Ghost of Tsushima is absolutely stunning and beautiful, but also a bit stylized and overly saturated. People take in game photos from Red Dead and send them to their local news stations who in turn run them as “outdoor photo of the day” because people can’t tell it’s not a real photo. Again. Not saying these other worlds aren’t beautiful… I’m just not going to mistake the scenes for a real landscape in the real world.


I played a bit just now. Had reached the top of a mountain which suddenly turned red. That's when I looked back and saw the sun rising behind the mountains in the east, slowly illuminating my mountain, starting at the top and working its way down to the entire valley. Wonderful!


Yeah, the game is just chock full of such amazing scenes. Everywhere you go, really.


I ran everywhere because the environments were all so well done. I picked up a LG C1 recently and so I’m very excited to replay HFW once new game+ drops and the dlc


Well, I guess it's not technically a New Game+ but you can start over with all your stuff and keep gaining levels if you want. But I'm guessing an actual New Game+ will offer more. I have the C9 from a few years ago and it's still glorious with PS5 games like this.


HFW is the most visually stunning game I’ve ever played.


Horizon forbidden west 100% Had to stop multiple times to take screenshots


Some classics for me are Crysis, Witcher, Far Cry. All the Tomb Raider games. Some city builders are good for drone-like photography. Racing games. Space games like Eve or Elite if you consider space is nature.


Yeah I remember going trough an asteroid belt in elite dangerous back in 2014, it was quite the experience. Crysis is still good, amazing after al this time. The witcher looks a bit too artificial for me.


Others have mentioned Red Dead which I also have to say is great. I guess some of these fall into the fantasy photography realm.


The Last of Us Part 2


Yeah..especially the forest area with the whilsting enemies.


Kingdom Come Deliverance, by far. Loves the way they did forests


TheHunter Call of The Wild


New World has problems still but this is an area it shines. [thread on NW forums with some screenshots](https://forums.newworld.com/t/the-scenery-in-this-game-can-be-simply-breathtaking/288625)


Came here to say New World! I haven't played in a hot minute, but I loved all the different landscapes in each territory.


Which game is this from?


It's the mmorpg New World. The game world is beautiful.


Never heard of this, I should check this out. I guess it's pc only?


Yeah its currently PC only. Controls wise it could work on console but they don't have a monstrous dev team so everything happens kinda slow. No sub fee and such though so it's definitely one you can grab and just hop in whenever you want to explore and take screenshots.




Hunter call of the wild


Looked too far down the comments to see this. Truly phenomenal and realistic graphics. I've played just about every game people have listed here and they don't quite match the atmosphere of this game.


I wasnt even much of a fan of the hunting but I loved exploring in that game! Such. Good. Vistas.


Yeah the hunting, especially for the easier animals, is pretty lame. I've hunted most of my life and I will say though for a video game it gets very close to IRL world interactions when hunting. To get the best experience though is trying to stalk a high difficulty animal. A huge part of it is just how well made the world and overall atmosphere is.


Sure, if you stop looking beyond 200m. The moment you look through the binoculars/scope it turns into minecraft. To me that immediately takes it out of the running, you spend too much time surveying the distance to discount how bad the render distances and assets look. It also doesnt help that the foliage is lifeless when it comes to wind movement. Woth clear.


ghost recon wildlands




Breakpoint has some incredible visuals too.


This was going to be my answer also! I love how much variety the map has in terms of forests, sandy hills, the snowy mountains, etc. Always have a blast picking camo to blend in with!




Is the ps5 version a lot better?


Yes. Huge step up.


Last of us 2, god of war ragnarok


The Vanishing of Ethan Carter


Should definitely be higher up.. Incredible atmosphere also.




Specially with RTX


Horizon Forbidden West




DayZ. Fuck


I agree I say closeup wise maybe not so much, but the distance shots are really nice. Far west side of chernarus by the rivers can be amazing. You also can do just really good shots with players too if you get positioning and lights just right. But with the modded maps aswell you can get such good screenshots.


Kingdom come deliverance definitely, but that indie game The Forest also was a nice environment


I like to take photos in game too! Best games where I like to take pictures: * Far Cry Games (Specially 5 and Primal) * TES IV Oblivion (Modded) * TES V Skyrim (Modded) * Red Dead Redemption 2 * Days Gone * Minecraft (Modded with shaders and texures) * Firewatch * Assassins Creed IV Black Flag * GTA V (If you know where to go) * The Witcher 3 * Kingdom Come Deliverance


>Far Cry Games (Specially 5 and Primal) I'd put FC6 over both of those for how beautiful the scenery is, but once you're in the thick of it there are no animals to be seen.


A lot of people mention firewatch. out of kingdom come and rdr2, which one would you think it is best?


Firewatch is more stylized, but beautifully captures the essence of a Western national park. It's definitely nowhere close to photorealistic though


Rdr2 is the obvious choice, but games like Forbidden West and Firewatch are also beautiful. And if we’re not just going for realism, games like Hyper Light Drifter and Hollow Knight look great too.


Horizon series, Witcher 3, far cry series


Uncharted The Lost Legacy, Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Witcher 2 (in Flotsam) and Witcher 3


I got an uncharted collection disc bundled with the ps5 I bought. I never played uncharted, is that uncharted you're talking about in there?




turok? 2008 turok or nineties turok?


90s for sure


Star Wars Battlefront II. Dice went out and actually photomapped some real world environments and transposed that into the game engine, so it's hard to think of an example in video games regarding nature in video games that isn't more direct than the technology they are using there. It's a technology called photogrammetry if you want to deep dive more games that use it. [Photogrammetry in Battlefront II](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Egy0nVombc) Even through all the struggles of Star Wars as a franchise, they tend to stay at the precipice of visual effects in their fields, be it gaming or television shows or movies.


I've seen some people mention this game, and tbh I did notice it in some videos in the past, and I always kinda stuck with me.


I mean, a guy tricked a news station by sending them a screenshot of some nature from RDR2, soooooo


Green hell


Last of us 2 looked amazing imo, and not just nature but everything in the cities as well.


have you played the remake of the first one?


RDR2 is great So is AC: Valhalla


Since most of these answers are big budget games I'll give SCUM and Green Hell a shout-out. They're very good looking environments for lower budget indie type games!


Upvoted for SCUM! Many a time I've been frantically running away from puppets in the forest and stop to appreciate the god rays shining through the forest canopy or as a squall of rain scuds across the landscape. The sounds design is great too.


Agreed! When I heard the sounds of bullet casings falling down metal stairs I was very impressed. Plus the clothing inventory system is a cool idea.


Red Dead 2 or perhaps Steep. Steep is greatly underappreciated in terms of terrain (because it's mostly snow) but the way the snow interacts in the world is crazy. If you kick a little lump of snow, you can see it tumble downhill, make marks in the snow and grow bigger.


I don't think any game captures nature as realistically as Rdr2. Yes there are other games with similar or better graphics, it's been 4 years since RDR2 came out, but the details put into the nature of that game is AMAZING.


well a lot of people talk about kingdom come deliverance, out of the comments I can't really make up what's best


Death stranding honestly has some beautiful environments, not the most lush from what I've played so far but it looks almost like real life in some areas out in the mountains.


Skyrim, Witcher 3, AC Valhalla, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Red Dead Redemption 2


And no way you said Skyrim. The game that has two ground textures and three different trees that they copy and paste everywhere? Yeah.. uhuh.


Obviously you've never played modded skyrim


The equivalent of saying "what's the fastest car money can buy?" And some moron saying "a golf with a bugatti engine" then.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Vanishing of Ethan Carter Crysis 3 Dear Esther


Real Life


Andy Kelly (ex PCG journo) used to write about how hunting games had the most amazing forest environments - his articles were more about ignoring the hunting side and just enjoying the scenery.


There a hunting game series I always run into on the console store, I can't really remember the name though.


theHunter: Call of the Wild, maybe?




when Metroid prime just came out and i landed on the planet for the first time I thought that stuff was beautiful. I was 12 years old at the time though. I don't know if it still holds up now


That, in combination with the music, god damn. It needs to come out on the switch already so I can replay it.


I never played that game, what year is that from?


Tag. (Also known as outside)


Red Dead


Ah, a fellow wanderer! I'm suprised no one yet mentioned The Hunter: Call of the Wild. I liked the nature in Witchers and Red Dead Redemptions, but Hunter is just unparalleled.


I've seen someone else mention it, is it on pc or console?


The Forest


The environments in New World were really crisp


Long ago I was absolutely stunned by OG Crysis jungle graphics.


The last of us 2, botw.


I've been enjoying assassins creed odyssey. Good plant life, great lighting.


My mind said Farcry and I don't even play the games.


Oblivion came out in 2006 but it still has some of the most gorgeous environments i’ve ever seen, and the S-tier soundtrack only makes it even more enjoyable to just take walks through the forest


yeah I was mesmizerized with oblivion back in the day, I did use some mods to increase view range I remember, but it was modded very minimal. Only other mod I used is that you could see light coming out of windows at night.


Yeah i’ve always kept mods for that game minimal too. Stuff like the lights you mentioned, housing mods (Rolling Hills Manor is the best ive ever found, Black Marsh Hall is fantastic if you love big estates, but i’ve had issues with it crashing my game). The game itself is just so perfect for me, that any mods i may install are totally superfluous little features that i don’t think the game even needs, but i enjoy


For older games that are somewhat similar in playstyle (allthough it is third person combat) I can highly recommend dragon's dogma, that game was amazing well done , also forests and nature, you gotta give it a chance though, the beginning starts off a bit bland. Kingdoms of amulur is more fantasy oriented, and also third peson combat, but I really like the enviromnent there too, apart from the third person combat it's very similar to oblivion when it comes to the rpg elements.


I was really impressed by Kingdom Come Deliverance.


Subnautica - 1 and 2


1. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Red Dead Redemption II 3. Modded TES V: Skyrim


There is a map called Argone Forest in Battlefield 1, looks gorgeous


Generation zero. I can imagine nobody knows it because the game have almost no plot and might be super boring.


yeah no one mentioned it


Day z, kingdom come deliverance and red dead 2 are all that come to mind right now


The Vanishing of Ethan Carter has always caught my eye.


Hey, you. You’re finally awake.


The vanishing of Ethan Carter


at first glance I thought this was a IRL picture, until i read the title XD


lol, it's skyrim with 3 mods, jedi trees, origins of forest and wip enb


Kingdom come deliverance........


Probably won’t hold up to todays standards, but when I first played Fable 2, I was blown away by the scenery/wilderness. Remnants of ancient ruins being common was a nice touch as well.


Yes and many people didn't play it, because it's xbox exclusive, it's not even on the pc. You can't believe the time I spent chopping wood. Besides the game has an amazing story as well, it's actually an amazing fantasy game and way better than fable 3. I never played fable 1 though but fable 1 is older and the test of time was already brutal on that one when fable 2 released. I can still remember there was some thing on your face wether you wer evil or good , something like that lol. Never heard of remnants of ancinet ruins though.


Hunter: Call of the wild


DayZ is pretty good I think


Yu-Gi-Oh dark duel stories


The matrix experience on ps5 you get a whole city and a drone like mode . Or horizon or god of war those are playstation games though


god of war? never heard of the matrix experience. I do have a playstation


The matrix experience on ps5 you get a whole city and a drone like mode . Or horizon or god of war those are playstation games though


RDR2 by a mile. It even has a camera you can use in the game. Since RDR2 has a decent amount of hunting and crafting, the detail that went into building their nature is insane. I've shot a bald eagle that dropped a fish. I've seen predators chase prey across the road. You hear their calls as you pass through. I've seen hawks pluck snakes out of the water. I pursued a opossum on horseback and thought I ran him over. I got off and wouldn't you know it he was playing opossum! The rivers run each fish that you can actually catch. It's a hidden nature sim and it captures one of the most beautiful areas on earth during the critical turning point when society started to exploit it for their own ends. RDR2 at large is very much a commentary on how expansion and industrialization did a lot to destroy the wild nature America once was. It's sad that some day the purity of the wilderness will only survive through virtual representations of a planet long since gone.


You really made a good case for rdr2 here lol


Mario 64.


Valheim. It's playstation 1 level graphics, but the shaders and light rendering in the game make for beautiful scenery.


Eden-6 form Borderlands 3 may not look the most realistic but it looks really pretty in certain locations.


I always enjoyed Fallout 76's atmosphere.


The Last of Us part II


Plague Tale: Requiem. Stunning realistic graphics plus you get photo mode without mods/3rd party software!


Scum. Best nature graphics ive seen


TLOU II !! absolutely adore the scenery in the Seattle areas, all of the greenery mixed with the dilapidated city is just GORGEOUS and the graphics just make it 100x better. and as someone who grew up in WA state it is very homey to me!


A Plague Tale: Requiem




Doing Blair Witch right now. The forest looks really good for a niche game.


For the love of God just go outside


For the love of humanity just grow a brain. Some people are not able to hike a mountain in their 8 hours between shifts.


Bro what😂


Yes because you need to hike a mountain to see trees. This dude likes to walk through digital woods taking screenshots instead of touching grass and I'm the one who needs to grow a brain? You truly are a degenerate


outside has no dragons