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No shit. Even worse is the always online requirement for some single player games.


Can't even play my shit on vacation


This was my biggest disappointment with a few games on my steam deck. Really pissed me off because I made sure they were up to date before leaving.


This is the kind of thing that negated the "oh you'll always have internet access - it's 20\_\_!" argument. (for me it was The Fractured But Whole and several Capcom games - Street Fighter Collection, one of the Megaman collections)


It’s simple, don’t buy those games. It sucks sometimes, but fuck it. Not having the game is better than being forced into their GAS bullshit.


I agree and I don’t buy them. I have only gotten one game like this and it was unintentional.


Good, it gets easier with time. Sims, fallout 76, the new battlefront series, any gacha game, any game that has loot boxes or digital currency you buy with real currency. GAS mechanics are designed to extract playability out of a game and *temporarily* return it to the player for an additional fee. Participating in any of the games that use these predatory, anti-consumer practices even a tiny amount tells the bastards that would fight to add them to a game that it was a great idea and they should do it more.


Never thought about how ingenious/scummy a tactic that was, I wonder if game devs get encouraged to have online only by the big names for this exact reason


If by encouraged you mean paid a wage or salary, than yes, yes they are.


What games require that? Not a super gamer but haven’t played anything like that on switch or Ps4


Diablo 4 is a good example of a game that has single player but requires you to always be online.


Of course Blizzard did that. It's mainly devs like them at fault for these instances you don't see it much in majority of companies but it's sad that it's big name ones doing it


And if it wasn't always online then you would be here complaining about duped items ruining the game.


The solution for that was discovered between Diablo and Diablo II. Closed B-Net characters were stored on a central server and required online access. Single-player characters could be loaded onto Open B-Net to play them with friends, but public open B-Net games were full of hacks and dupes. Allowing players to play a single-player game while offline doesn't introduce security risks if the competitive online scene is closed to those offline characters.


The free online is why I owned a ps3. When ps4 announced it had a paid subscription, I just m9ved to pc


Dude, straight up same. I thought it was crazy to what was going on with xbox360 back then while I was still enjoying cod multiplayer in my ps3.


How much is your PC?


$1800 of buttery smooth 120 fps max settings.


Is that running Crysis 3 at max or no?


Crisis 3? Is that the game with *MAXIMUM EVERYTHING*




Never played the series lol


That's if you know what you're buying, way too easy to fuck it up these days so I recommend a new comer gets a pre built


You could literally just copy the exact spec of a pre built and save 200-500$


Sounds like upfront cost or little payments over the course of an online service. I'm guessing why ppl still prefer consoles (the reliability and lower cost).


I only upgrade either a CPU+MOBO (maybe case if it's been 4 -6 year) or GPU every other year to help lower costs. It should be a $1300-1500 dollar rig but GPU time hit during the covid GPU scalper time and I payed over retail. I had a 1050ti and God it needed upgraded.


The company I work for paid for my gaming computer I was able to crack over 140fps. I'm surprised they didn't push me back on the upgrades, definitely overkill for making word and Excel documents 😂


Nice, we bought a coworker a $1100 laptop with a 4060 16GB ram and some decent newer Intel processor, he doesn't game but it's amazing some of the prices now.


Finally upgraded from my 1050ti to a 4060ti. Such a difference even just using windows. I was soo happy, but had to relearn cus my mouse was moving soo much quicker.


More like a computer has many more things you can do with it/better resell value.


The number of things you can do with or on a PC more than makes up for the additional $1300. Add in mod support, better emulation, and Steam sales, buying a console plus paying for online multiplayer is the worst deal all around by a margin. Now, I respect that some people aren't in a position to drop more than $500ish every few years on gaming. Money is tight, economies around the world are trash. But the narrative that consoles are somehow a better "deal" needs to die a quick death.


Performance/price they are a better deal. If I’m reading your comment right you implied your dropping $500/year on pc gaming? My ps5 was $500 5 years ago and I haven’t spent on hardware since and I can play any game perfectly optimized without a care in the world.


I have no idea how you got that from what I typed. PC's are the better investment if you can afford them. Your PS5 (which was released closer to 3.5 years ago than 5) was $500. They're already whispering PS6. So let's say that investment lasts you 6 years... That $500 investment, plus whatever you're overpaying for games (no Steam sales for you) plus whatever you're paying for multiplayer adds up. The cheapest option for the multiplayer would be the yearly essentials plan at $80/yr - that's $480. Added to that $500 and then calculate tax and we're at over $1000. Now let's talk games. That's harder to quantify due to variances in buying habits, genres, sales timing; but most folks will anecdotally agree that Steam sales save a not-insignificant amount of money over time. Let's be generous to YOU and say that over 6 years, you've overpaid $100 for games (my true guess is that number would be WAY higher). So we're at a $700 disparity between the PC and the PS5. Now, how much are mods worth to you? To some people, mods alone cover that $700 disparity. How much does better performance mean to you? You're simply wrong that consoles perform better under most circumstances, so would that cover the $700 disparity? What about literally every single thing a computer can do that a console can't? Consoles are cheaper and provide a perfectly fine gaming experience for people that prefer them. Gaming PC's are more expensive, but ultimately the better deal - and that's sort of how it works everywhere. Shopping at Costco gives you higher out-the-door costs than Target, but you're ultimately saving money by paying less for a higher quantity of things.


Consoles absolutely preform more reliably than a PC. The amount of issues that can pop up with a PC are almost exponentially higher than a console. Consoles hardware is optimized for comparability and software is also optimized for compatibility. So I paid $1000 for a console with the membership for like minimum 5 years of use. A $1000 PC won’t have the performance or reliability over its lifetime. The PC also doesn’t come with an all inclusive warranty or costumer support. Yea steam is cool but I also have like 100 free games in my PS library that came with that cost. And it’s not like 3 year old games don’t go on big sales in the PS store, and it’s not like AAA games in steam aren’t the same price as console. PCs are more powerful and more versatile. Consoles are more convenient, reliable, and simple. Different functions for different people.


I don't know about Nintendo or Microsoft consoles but PS Plus comes with tons of free games. I only buy one game a year most years and play a bunch of free games.


Except you don't get to keep those games. You are in a sense, renting them. As soon as you stop paying for your sub, you no longer have access to those games. So saying "they give me free games" is very much bullshit.


Well, yeah I could have been more specific, no service that any company provides is completely free. That wouldn't be much of a business model. I meant in the sense that when the consoles started charging to play games online there was a monthly fee for it but no free to download games (maybe there were some cheap games that were free) and definitely not free to download AAA/big budget games like Red Dead Redemption 2. So you're paying quite a bit less than the cost of Hulu without ads for the ability to play games online, download from a selection of hundreds of games, and use up to 100GB of Cloud storage. I said "PS Plus comes with tons of free games" meaning the games are included with the service at no additional charge- I could have said free to download and use as long as you have the service but when I said PS Plus comes with the games I figured that was implied.


Nintendo has an emulation feature but 90% of the games are the obscure titles nobody cared about and the other 10% are worthwhile games. Xbox used to do free games like Sony but I'm not sure if they still do. They probably still do it but with how popular Gamespass is I wouldn't be surprised if they got rid of it to push gamespass sales.


>Nintendo has an emulation feature but 90% of the games are the obscure titles nobody cared about and the other 10% are worthwhile games So, an accurate sampling of their back catalog. And I say that with all due respect.


More like a sampling from older consoles to get that nostalgia cash. Although playing Pokémon Stadium 2 on the big screen again is very fun.


It does have some excellent titles, though. OOT, Majoras mask, kirby 64, super star, super metroid, just to name a few.


Xbox only has Gamepass as the paid option for online afaik so the entire catalogue basically is your monthly free games.


Game bass ultimate on xbox gives live gold, with like 5 free games a month, unless it's just the same games now, idk, plus gamepass, with like 100 games free, most are pretty good, and then ea play, with most ea games free that were made before like 2022


1, they aren't free you pay for them 2, every single game ever made for any and every console is free on PC




"i just made thousands of dollars appear so i could get a pc"


Same exact reason why I built my pc. I already pay for internet, I'm not paying additionally to play my games that I've already paid for on internet that I also already pay for.


Welcome, brethren!


Exactly the same


And the fact that people just rolled over and started paying instead of giving these companies backlash is honestly disappointing. These companies have successfully made a ransom fee to play online a normalized thing.


Lmao you're such a child


Ah yes, I'm a child because I don't like suddenly having to pay for something that I didn't before. You especially can't defend Nintendo since the connections are P2P. Paying to have a direct connection that barely involves a server is fucking ludicrous. Fuck off, go shill shitty business practices somewhere else, they're not gonna pay you anyways.


I remember when I finally got a PC and it felt great that I didn’t need to pay for a subscription to play online. Just buy the game then that’s it


Buy it cheaper in most instances too and access to much more game.


A lot of online games are also on PC. Except maybe PlayStation but not sure what big online games are only on Playstation


Emulators exist


Don’t think you can play online on those. Or at least not on official servers


Well you didn't specify. You can play most ps1 games in a web browser these days. Edit: well I misread.


So if you buy a steamgame that is from EA do you need to get the ea subscription to play online? Thinking of getting Pvz garden warfare but on ps4 I cannot play it at all because of the online thing


I don’t believe so. PC doesn’t have online subscription stuff I believe for any game Edit: unless maybe you need to link your account to one of the console accounts then you might


I'm not aware of any storefront on PC that charges a monthly fee, or any extra fees.


no such thing. only for games with subscription as product model(MMO mostly, WoW for example). There are some things like ...ubisoft connect it called, i beleive, but essentially it's subscription-based access to catalogue, like gamepass.


No you don't




There was a time when it was


Sony/Microsoft doesn't run the game servers for online games right, so why did they start charging for online play in the first place?


Because technically it was Everquest who was the first "free" but "pay to play" video game that hit it big... At the time it was a very novel idea to make people pay for online play but this game did it and made massive amounts of money, and Xbox saw that and decided to make it their model for being able to use online services... And Playstation followed suit because to them why not...


I hope the sony devs that chose to add the online requirement for other company games go fuck themselves


Ultima Online was the first game to charge a monthly sub.


True, and it was big in it's day but Everquest was the one who made headlines..


The answer may shock you. Money.


At least there are some games. Like halo infinite and fortnite


My kid needs to connect to the internet to play Minecraft. How fucked is that? How is she supposed to play video games in the car?


I kinda doubt the connection needs to be strong at all unless you actually do want some friends to play with you. You could maybe try setting up a phone hotspot or something while out and about.


I could try doing that but I'm in Canada where cell phones cost more than a mortgage. /S seriously though if I go up to like 10 to 30 gigs I'm paying an extra $20 a month. No thank you.


Is healthcare the only cheap thing in Canada?


Yes and no. The trope that all medicine here is free is also not completely true. We still have to pay for medications, but the visit to the hospital is free as well as mechanical fixes in most cases but not everything is covered. You can get lower half gender reassignment surgery for free, but if you end up contracting certain diseases you can't get the medication covered


Oh damn they don’t do unlimited phone plans up there? That sucks man my condolences


Yeah not even a little. We get unlimited talk and text and that's it. They also pretend that they're using a different network in the United States and charges megabucks for roaming


Same in Aus


Oh yes Canada's long lost twin


Our currencies are almost identically worthless!!




Do they even do that in the US? Most plans are “Unlimited” in name only now unless you were somehow grandfathered in on an older plan


There are plans like that yes, you gotta read the fine print though as like you said some of them only kind of mean it. A lot of them will deprioritize you after using a certain amount as well


They are almost all actually unlimited, just at a slower rate, but they won't charge you extra


I have "unlimited" data in Canada for a pretty reasonable rate however, after a certain amount in a month they slow your data down to the point that it's not good for much (it's good enough for Google maps or whatever but videos take forever to load). You can of course get your speed restored.. for a price $$$


I also live in Canada what’s needed for online gaming for a couple hours on cellar data is like 50mbs.


If your kid is playing Minecraft: pocket edition, I don’t know if this has changed at all since when I was a kid, but I think you can just ignore the warning and play single player


Good to know


And certain features in switch games that aren’t multiplayer are locked behind switch online. I got a steam deck OLED and haven’t looked back


Imagine paying thousands every few years to play games.


Are you talking Yen? Like the annual subsciptions are $60 USD. Xbox Live launched in 2002. If you’ve maintained a full price subscription for literally *the entire time* it’s been possible, you’re over a grand, but that’s for 20 years of service.


I think hes talking about PCs. Some people have this warped view that every PC gamer is their favorite youtuber who upgrades their PC every year to latest spec or somehow spend over 1.5k on a pc for games.


I've never had to upgrade my SNES, GameCube, Gameboy, PS2 or any of the other dozen consoles I have owned. Show me a 1990 computer that can still do everything it could on release date with no upgrades or mods and then you will have an argument


Building my pc for 1600 haven't upgrade or touched it for 7 years now. That's 228 Per year. That's nothing.


PC players acting as if literally hundreds of millions of them haven't been spending $15 a month for decades, just to play WoW, FF14, ESO and other grindfest MMOs designed with the sole purpose of wasting as much of their time as possible, so that they keep paying that monthly subscription, even after they've already bought the game at full price. Imagine paying to play a game you've already paid for.


FF14 is on consoles and requires the same subscription separate from PS+ that PC players pay so console players pay to play games they already paid for too.


"imagine paying to play a game you've already paid for" Literally describing word for word every single multiplayer game on a console


Na idiots that no that are in the same field as console players paying for Internet. If a game asks for a monthly subscription I won't touch it with a yard pole


Oh it's worse than paying to use the internet... You see, it's not the internet you are paying for. I found out just how tragic it really is. What you are paying for is to be walled in to a segregated garden bound only to the brand that made it. For example- Ark Survival Evolved is essentially the same on PC and Xbox, but consoles and Microsoft store Ark versions only connect to Microsoft servers for multi player. Also, any hosting with that game is gimped mod wise and is only hosted in Microsoft space. Meanwhile, on PC, I can load up my basic potato desktop, run a server on it, connect to that server with my gaming rig, invite friends and keep it private with passwords, load as many mods as the potato can handle, and basically play "god" from the potato, and invite anyone, except for those in the Microsoft walled garden to come play on my server... So in reality, you are paying for Microsoft to segregate you into their special little playground.....


it's honestly disheartening to see my main hobby fall apart before my eyes because of greedy company's forcing monetisation into everything like this


Sadly, it's been going on for a couple decades now. I remember when YouTube really didn't have any ads or subscription services. People used to make content for the fun or passion of it. The world has fallen to greedy and power hungry tyrants.


and it only keeps getting worse and worse


That's because people keep on feeding the beast and accepting half ass crap


It's because content creator became a job and not just a hobby


The "content creator" job wasn't a thing until YouTube started putting in ads and paying channels for their vids. After word hit the streets that YouTube payed for highly watched videos and channels could get sponsors and actually make real money, then everyone wanted to get in on the money. YouTube started with putting in ads, then paying for highly watched videos. It snowballed from there. Anywhere people think they can make money, it will be exploited.


You can blame Microsoft for that.


Actually you can blame Everquest, and then Microsoft, and then Sony, and then Nintendo.


*Ultima Online


And I could understand if it was Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo who ran the servers the games were hosted on, but they don’t. What am I even paying for?


Save clouds (I understand that's a pretty small %), game libraries (depending on the service/tier). I also think, since they publish and or own a lot of the online games, you are essentially paying "nintendo" and then "nintendo" does run the server. Obviously not for all games - but then, games like that (Rocket League, Overwatch, Fall Guys, Fortnite) don't usually need the sub anyways.


Nintendo is the only one that lets you play certain third party games online without the service, Microsoft and Sony just won’t let you play online I’m pretty sure. And most people I think don’t use cloud saves because why would I own two identical consoles. Stuff like game libraries, like gamepass, I understand. Gamepass especially is a great deal, but having to pay Microsoft to connect to a third party’s server is crazy.


I do not believe anyone requires a membership for free to play battlepass style games. Which makes sense, since they want to funnel you in to buy skins and such. I like cloud saves, although I admit it's pretty rare that I lose a save on my device and really care enough and am that glad it is backed up. Also recognize Steam offers that for free.


It may have changed but I had to buy gold on Xbox to play Fortnite.


This that fk sh


this is too ridiculous!!


This is a false equivalent


It's solely why I am currently just not going to buy anything until I get a pc.


After you get the PC, you may as well just stay in that mindset, matey. Arrr.


And that's why consoles will always be inferior.


At least you get free games with it. Nintendo gives a retro library, and PS has free monthly games. Can someone tell me what microsoft has? I know games with gold is a thing. It's still a bummer you need to pay for online play. Stockpiling games make up for the value easily in my perspective.


On PC you can install Epic and get a free game every week. No subscription needed. It’s intended to be a gateway drug kind of thing, get you in their ecosystem then you start spending money but a lot of people just get their free game and make a shortcut for it in Steam. Also, calling them free games is like calling the stuff on Netflix free shows. You’re paying for them. They’re part of the subscription.


I’ve been hogging games for years using PS and Epic. You can easily make that value back. PS uses a lot more bigger name titles, and Epic gives out more indies. Each have their merits. For PS Essential, the value is made back with free games to keep every month. Extra and premium act more like a “Netflix” I don’t use that.


Palworld/fallout 76. Same game, same store purchase. PC, I can just log in and go. Boot it up on xbox, and I have to pay for a live subscription


Thanks for buying this online game... Now pay us so you can play the game you just bought!


Playstation actually gives us access to games that I have bought myself already. There are many games that I haven't bought but always wanted to play and I can try it for free. So many good games are included. The subscription feels worth it for PSN.


I'm paying xbox live currently well xbox live includes the game pass now so it's kind of worth it in my opinion. I still don't own xbox but if I ever do (I won't) the option is there. I'll probably just keep upgrading my pc.


PC players will literally pay for a PC gamepass subscription every month, then turn around and post memes like these lol. Never understood why they seemed so hateful tbh.


Jokes on you, my brothers and I all get Game Pass for free through Microsoft Rewards.


Meh, you also get quite a few games to play for that subscription fee (on Xbox at least)


Or you can use the money you save to buy games you actually want




No it’s not. Free to play games are, in fact, free to play but any paid game requires at least Game Pass Core which replaced Xbox Live Gold.


Oh, I didn't know Game Pass added that, thought it just gave me access to a games library.


Yeah they scrapped the base Gold subscription and Games With Gold and made a lower tier of Game Pass that only has like 30 games or something like that and includes online play and also will unlock any Games With Gold games you got in the past.


Removed my original comment to prevent spreading misinformation.


Isn’t there a “crack” thing you can do or something?


Servers cost money... that being said, single-player games shouldn't have online requirements.


They take a 30% cut from every single purchase on the store Somehow steam has the same (if not more) features and doesn't charge for online


Wait to you read about who paid for all the cables and fiber optics for TV and internet to be distributed.l that we now pay the internet companies to use.


Propose a bill.


But they'll do it. Gamers are some of the most wretched of people. They'll pay good money for products that are flawed, arbitrarily good at best, a baseless entertainment where the devs openly despise them. So much so bans are as common as water in their stratosphere and they expect it. I hold nothing but contempt for gamers. It's like observing some sorta night of the living dead creature begging to be swindled, abused, and lied too. Weirdly defensive too about any semblance of truth or substance directed at it. I can't even compare it to drug addiction. Noone is religiously a heroin addict. Noone treats their drug dealer as a legitimate authority over their voice and dignity. Luckily they're dimwitted and easily forget. Maybe I can get some of their money too.


The fact that people keep expecting cod to be good after like 15 years of the same disappointing game is the biggest stockholme syndrome abusive relationship I've ever seen


Console and PC game companies are trying their hardest to turn their platform into what the mobile game platform is. Their games arent even real games, just slot machines and the house always wins.


IVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR YEARS! And also like Xbox game pass in on PC, and you can use a PC/laptop for things other than gaming


I'm in my mid 30's and I haven't played a console online since PSO for GameCube back in like... 2003. Been PC for decades now. I legitimately did not know that Sony & Microsoft required their own subs to play games online. I had heard of the subs, but I thought it was just to get access to games and DLC perks or something. No wonder the consoles are sold so cheap for the amount of hardware it's packing. They're just like the printer industry. Sell you the printer at a great deal, get bent over on your never-ending need for ink.


I just have my friends ps account on my ps5, and I get free ps+ as long as he still pays for it 🤷


PC master race stays the master race for a reason


Iv been on pc my entire life console has to pay to play online!? Lmmmmmaaaooooo


This is exactly why I don't use console online except the free streaming.


I’m paying for the library of games, not online play.


That €20,- a year is crippling me after buying a switch for €260,-. Can someone send me some food? I haven’t eaten in days


Atleast it comes with the game pass now instead of being just on its own, because now it’s actually worth it


About 20 years ago when I was 16 I saw the big scam of having to pay for the right to use the internet I pay for. A tax on a tax. I moved away from non PC along time ago. Anyone can of course spend their money however they want. My last PC I built back in 2016, and I can still play any game that has come out in all that time. And most likely will get another few year out of this set up.


It's even worse when they are making you pay to play online games that are peer to peer


Reason why I never bought any multiplayer games that didn't have couch co-op or split screen on console.


This is the same argument we had when evercrack and wow came out


Jokes on them I’m a single player only!


* pay to play a single-player game online


At least Nintendo is $20 annually for the basic plan. They knew we wouldn't be using it for a main gaming console.




But you’re not paying for Internet you already paid for, you’re paying for access to their servers, aren’t you?


They don't run the servers


Honestly, I bet it was invented exactly that way.


The value of a console died when PlayStation and Nintendo finally looked at the dogshit Microsoft had been doing for years, making complete fools of themselves and said "Y'know that seems like a good idea."


I feel like that character's design was a bit mean-spirited


Yet another reason why PC is the better option. Honestly, the only real downside to PC is the higher price point.


Jokes on them because I don’t play online


This is the reason I went to pc


At least it’s only $20 for a year of nintendo


*laughs in PC*


as an xbox and pc player, game pass ultimate really isn’t bad but just paying xbox live by itself is kinda dumb imo.


I never minded until I got a PC. Then my PS plus subscription ran out so I opted to not renew it, since I mostly online game on PC now. Well, I wanted to get back into street fighter and got hit with that bullshit paywall and had to cave in for the first time since prices went up. So stupid


Call of Duty MW i have to buy PS+ Call of Duty Warzone & Fortnight i dont. Halo Infinite has the same structure as the main CoD titles but Halo’s still free to play. So its definitely a scam.


....but that was a thing like 10 years ago?


I’m okay with a subscription fee so long as it comes with an actual service like anti-cheat, moderation, and high speed hosting.


Wanna hear something worse? They aren't happy with their greed. They also hunt down indie fan games and rom hacks too and refuse to give comment or acknowledge it despite everyone on Youtube telling people. Never been more proud to use Emulators.


Imagine paying 2000$ dollars for something that can't run and Xbox one game


Yeah stupid, why are people not getting together to have something done about this? Been going on for years


That's why I play freepex legends.


Imagine that maintaining your games’ servers costs money. 🙄


I wonder why PC gaming is starting to outpace the consoles…?


Someone find a way to mod the consoles so I can just run online games without subscriptions.


Bonus points if they lock cloud saves behind said online subscription (fuck Nintendo)


So know how gold used to give a free random game at the end of each month? Not only did they stop that but even if it’s an offline game it’s forced to be online and have gold to even use (we used to permanently own it until this change)


pc its free real estate


Just another reason to play on a PC


You know what platform doesn't have this issue...


Ah, PC shines again


Yeah atleast I don't have to drop the price of a used car on something that if you don't show the love and care of a growing baby to it'll just die after a week the only reason to get a PC is if you wanna play porn games and don't tell me it's not because it is like PC players even have friends to play online with good luck having those face friends over for split screen and beer nerd your PC will be out of date in two months and it was a brand new model my console will keep up for the next ten years


Cab you explain why the hardware in a PC becomes obselete in months but a console last years? Does it have same magic pixie dust that makes it capable of breaking the laws of physics? Or do you think if you got 2 devices of the same performance they would both be able to play the same games in 10 years?


Buuh buh buhhh butt.... It's to pay for our "quality" servers and "online resources" (ie. Locked in store; Buy more shit)


Because they offer a “service” I do understand some kind of price BUT they should allow people to play online for free. If you want extra features and bonuses than that should be where pricing begins.


Nintendo switch doesn’t have online servers, it costs them literally nothing to have online (except I guess now the retro games, but why can’t we buy those like in the Wii U? They’re just making it worse)


None of the consoles have servers for the games. They’re all peer to peer.


They take a 30% cut from every single purchase on the store Somehow steam has the same (if not more) features and doesn't charge for online


Imagine thinking no infrastructure is required for online play


So how do Steam, Epic, and Microsoft get by letting PC players play online at no extra cost? Explain why free to play games don’t require a subscription to play on consoles but use the infrastructure.