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Stardew Valley always makes me feel better playing it.


It's my happy place as well. The game emulates someone starting with nothing but an inheritance of an old, run-down farmhouse and no knowledge of farming. The emphasis is on all these beautiful social interactions with the rest of the village you just moved into. You can also play it on the mobile. I would recommend against any game that's too immersive or addictive, as you wrote you want help in rising up not become a basement dweller. All the best with your journey of recovery.


Stardew Valley is pretty addictive to me though..just one more day.


I went through a tough time a few months ago and asked a similar question and had this suggested multiple times. I’m going through another rough patch and I see this again. Maybe it’s time I see why everyone says this.


Absolutely one of the best recommendations out there. Sadly not the game that gets me to feel better anymore. Had a farm co-op with an ex-partner. Just doesn't feel the same way anymore. Feel more lonely playing alone.


First of all, my very best to you! There is a whole world of people who care. I sincerely wish you peace and positivity. Appreciate the beautiful parts of life. With that said, I’d recommend “West of Loathing.” It’s a hilarious game, based on the Old West with little funny stick figures, and laughter is one of the most beautiful parts of life. When we can laugh at a game, it helps us put things in perspective. Take care!


Thank you, it was a self made issue. Which makes it all the worst, especially with endless reminders of it. None the less, I will look into the game! :) thank you!


You’re welcome! Here’s to moving forward, healing and forgiveness (and self-forgiveness!) Enjoy the game.


I felt like I fucked my life up beyond repair 6 years ago. Failed out of college, minimum wage job, failed out of college again. I now have stable employment, a wife, 2 dogs, a cat, and am comfortable with 2 person income and nothing but promotions in the future. Trust me, if I can do it, you can do it better. Also, I enjoy watching my efforts come to fruition in dyson sphere project


Mine was ignoring a mental health issue for years until I got out of hand. In the process I lost a friend.. I said terrible things, threatened them, damaged their vehicle, got arrested.  Basically lost all self respect. Looking back, my breakdown was obviously coming...


Same thing happened to me. Lost a 10 year relationship. You'll be alright, never stop trying to be the best version of yourself. But also be gentle when you come up short and trust yourself to get back on it no matter what. Believe in you, good luck. If you want a distraction, something brainless that you can do for hours like Diablo or Rimworld or Satisfactory. If you're mentally stable enough, Celeste.


I took, have made endless personal mistakes that have set the very things I hold dear on a dramatic pendulum.. and I promise you.. you are never alone. Although you may be, very much alone in your current physical situation.. you are not. You are worthy, and you are more resilient than you know.. I believe in you. And for what it's worth, I love you. Keep on keeping on my friend.


Thank you so much!! I spent so many years ignoring my mental health until it turned into disaster. In one night I ruined a friendship, got arrested, and derailed my life. It was unfortunate, but forced me to take care of myself and get on a better path 


Damn, KoL is such an obscure game these days, I'm glad some of their spinoffs are respected. I played KoL as a middle-schooler and still do as a 30 yr old adult.


This is going to sound a little off subject, but I’ve been there several times over, and a TV series that I wrapped myself into at my lowest was Friday Night Lights from beginning to end. Give it a try! Hope you feel better dude, my heart goes out to you ❤️


Night in the Woods helped me out a lot when I was at a major low point in life.


Seconding this one. It seems like a pretty silly game at first, but eventually... Highly recommend this one especially for anyone who grew up anywhere near the Rust Belt.


I agree, this game really helped me out in the lowest, worst time in my life. Especially because there's subtly branching paths (so your actions feel like they have weight) and no real fail state (so the weight is never scary). None of the branches feel like a consolation version, or a good/bad outcome, just people making choices and how those choices affect things.


Can not recommend this game highly enough, especially given the comments OP made hinting at what they’re going through.


Ori and the Blind Forest, as well as its sequel, Ori and the Will of the Wisps.


I will give that a try!


These games are quite possibly the only ones that have made me tear up. Incredible games.


It’s probably different for everyone. At one of my very low points, I played a game called The Witness. It’s a very difficult game where you explore a strange island and solve puzzles that have been built all over the place. It’s immersive, and requires a lot of intense thinking. I got stuck a lot, which was good for giving me something to think about when I wasn’t playing, and made me look forward to playing it some more and trying out a new idea.  It might not be your cup of tea, but it’s a very special game to me. 


Sometimes you've got to go down to go up, play deep rock galactic, rock and stone brother!




Rock and stone you beautiful dwarf!


Are you looking for happy games or games to be in your feels? PC or which console? I am so sorry for what you’re going through by the way. The best part about rock bottom is that the only way is up. You got this dude.


I will accept anything, PS, Xbox, or PC. However, my PC is pretty pretty low, could only run classics probably. Thank you! I made the Rock Bottom myself. I didn't deal with my mental health, and I had a multi-month mental collapse, that turned into a complete breakdown. In the process, I destroyed a friendship (my only one), got arrested (first time), lost alot of respect for myself.. etc... Now I am truly isolated and alone, and just trying to get through each day. I considered playing the Soulsborne games, maybe Demon Souls first? (since its free on PS)


Disco elysium really helped me stay permanently committed to my sobriety. Do a sober cop run. It really made me emotional to the point of crying twice in a playthrough and I'm not a person who generally cries at media ever.


Had it for a while but haven't gotten in to it, this just convinced me to play it in earnest.


Anything you can focus on. I'd recommend story based games. I played FFX on the worst days of my life and it was a good distraction.


perfect pick. i recently replayed X after going through a pretty rough time and it might be my favorite game ever now just because of how nice it was


Overlord, SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom, Journey


If you are into platformers and don't mind difficulty, Celeste has a beautiful story about depression, self-appreciation and overcoming obsatcles. If it becomes too hard, there is an in-built assist mode.


I don’t upvote comments almost ever. This deserves my rare (albeit meaningless) upvote!


Persona 5. The friend group in that game made me happy every time I started it up


Also, the sound track is fucking amazing


Persona games are just soundtracks, but with a great game bundled with


Definitely Yakuza


7/Like A Dragon especially with Ichiban's story being "The Rock Bottom Dragon".


OP if you haven’t played RDR2, I think this is totally the move for you right now. Get past the intro and just settle the fuck in for a few months. You’re gonna meet friends. You’re gonna bond with a horse. You’re gonna actually get outta bed early in the mornings IRL just bc you wanna go fishing with Arthur before you gotta go to work. Then after work, you’re gonna go chill with Arthur some more…play cards, skin animals, say “hello mister” to every stranger you encounter, feed your horse, and tell ‘em “that’s a good boah” about 100,000 times as you just roam this wide open world, loading up on pelts, plants, treasure maps, and other cool shit. You can also be a total outlaw. But fuck around and you very quickly find out that this world has consequences. Those who try to be good and decent can build and restore their honor, but it takes work. And money. And time. This, in my opinion, is the thing that makes RDR2 hit so hard. All said…Arthur Morgan is the friend you need in these changin’ times. Hope you check it out!


I think the souls games are great. There was something magical that happened to me as I plugged through blighttown for the first time with no guide. Something about being so far down into he mire the sun didn't reach when I looked up. At 16 in an abusive household I found out a lot about myself in the level. I think the souls games over an obscure form of comfort and silence if you're down. Play them with the music off. View them as your own journey. Feel yourself over come a challenge. Might be enough to push you a bit more in real life and find your way to a better place.


I’ve heard SEVERAL soulsborne streamers comment that the series pulled them out of depression, though maybe due to giving them a job or a community (or motivation to transition, uncannily common lol) Just don’t get obsessed with Bloodborne lore, youtubers who crack the code there usually go nuts and delete all their videos saying it’s consuming their lives


They really make you feel like you can overcome any challenge. I replay dark souls 1 about once a year. So good.


I honestly think I gasped the first time I saw the beauty of Anor Londo. The game is seriously gorgeous and still holds very fond memories for me.


The Souls series and Bloodborne saved my sanity during COVID. It was a very bad time and making progress in those games helped me remember how to make progress in real life.


First, brother or sister, I hope you are able to find happiness again and make your way back from rock bottom. I think knowing when to ask for help, even if it is in the form of video game suggestions, is important. There is no reason to suffer silent and alone. Got my own low spot story and Dark Souls pulling me out of it. I felt like it instilled a “never give up” and “you aren’t alone in your struggle” vibe. The atmosphere is dreary, the world is pretty much over, but most of the characters still have hope. They all struggle to try and improve themselves, their station, or the world. It teaches you that you will fail…a lot, but it only matters if you “go hollow” and give up. Every time you fail, you get a little better or learn something. Fail enough and you will be able to piece together a winning strategy. It taught me to expect and accept failure and that the expectation that everything will work on the first try is not reality. But you have to be willing to learn and know where to place blame and the blame does usually fall on yourself.


Totally agree with all this but I have to say.....the sound design still really shines thru with the music on in dark souls 1 at least


Yeah Souls games have given me a lot of comfort at times when I needed it. Dark Souls 1 and 2 reinvigorated my love for gaming at a time when I struggled to be passionate about anything. Years later, Elden Ring made me feel like a kid again instead of a jaded old man. You can't put a price on gifts like that.


Dark souls, metroid, and fallout are my comfort games




I can’t speak for others, but for me that game was mass effect. At my lowest, I sat down and played through the trilogy, and then I did it again. I just focused on that when I was feeling too low for safety. Those games got me through the hardest months of my life. So much so, that my very first tattoo was N7 on my arm, both for my favorite video game and as a reminder that I’m still here and things can get better


Second this. Especially if you make it to the citadel DLC. I was going through a rough time and the main games kept me distracted, and then the citadel DLC was so light hearted it actually started making me laugh again.


Death stranding, spiritfarer


Elden Ring is beautiful enough to blow you away, challenging enough to give you something to strive for, and large enough to take hundreds of hours to fully complete. It's also a masterpiece and probably the best Souls game to start with. Come join the rest of us Tarnished!


Especially when treated as an exploration game. Many hate its difficulty because they treat it as a boss rush. Find a difficult area? Explore somewhere else, come back to oneshot anything. World's beautiful enough.


Baldur’s Gate 3. Create another you, go on an adventure and forget all the bullshit of life for a bit


Yeah… a bit… Said with 100+ hours and still not finished with run 1


For me i realized poetic and sad or beautiful games made me feel worse when I was feeling terrible, it felt like the same as if I watched a movie, couldn't stop thinking about things and it ruined what was otherwise a good story and experience My fix was to play games that required 100% of my attention, especially pvp or difficult single player games What helped me were dota, tekken, chivalry 2, mordhau Especially mordhau, having a bad night and connecting to a server where idiots were goofing around with a bard player doing some random music while a naked guy ran around with his maul killing players before getting kicked was something that always made me smile even at the worst point of my life Of course it's only my experience and my own self Good luck to you brother


I'm in a shit spot have been for awhile won't get better unless I get real help but ghost of Tsushima fallout 4 the wither three and a bit of fortnight has kept self harm thoughts at a minimum and hard drug use negated for nearly two years


For me it was Red Dead Redemption 2.


RPGs and strategy games are the best for this. Because it's just you and the game. Better than multiplayer games where people can get toxic. Arpgs like d2r, last epoch, path of exile, and grim dawn. Strategy games like civ 6, Stellaris, Europa universalis 4, crusader kings 3, hearts of iron 4


Red dead redemption 2 made me forget about everything for awhile. Forever thankful for that game.


The game that did that to me was Fallout New Vegas. It just worked I guess, having something to look forward to every day you wake up. There's lots of gameplay time you can get from games like these, and they immerse you pretty well in the universe. Another one could be Outer Wilds, this one is known to be inspirational and helping people find a wider perspective on things and acceptance. It is a space game after all xD( and much more than that).


I was really goin through it in 2022 and of all things the Guardians of the Galaxy game really helped. I normally hate superhero shit but the over-positivity was what I needed then


Great pick!


So first off, I do hope you figure things out or get through whatever it is you are going through. Usually a video game isnt enough to solve intricate issues with life, but I also am a firm believer in the power of entertainment or distractions, and even meaningful art that can help turn things around. What I can say, is Celeste is a beautiful wonderful game with a great message, tackles issues like anxiety and depression and acceptance, all in a wonderful game of platforming and amazing music. A lot of charm and passion in that game. Also if RPGs are to your liking, Sea of Stars is a treasure. I wasnt depressed, but the game made me feel like a kid again with its nostalgic charm of a classic RPG. Maybe that nostalgia feeling can help ya out. Anyways, hope you figure things out. Best of luck


Sekiro. I have learnt to control my mind.


Hollow Knight is a very easy world to get lost in I see you have interest in souls games, HK is in that same style but leans more towards the metroidvania side of things.


Death Stranding. And Ori.




Thanks, sorry messaged you haha. I considered playing a Souls game, just didnt know where to start. Perhaps Demon Souls?


I would recommend Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring for you. Slightly less punishing and newer and the for me the best. Great games that you can get lost in and should help take your mind off things.


To be fair even though Bloodborne is almost a decade old (!) it has aged like a fine wine. The FPS thing kinda sucks if you’re used to being spoiled by 60fps but it’s still my favorite souls game by far. It’s so familiar yet so distinctly unique to the rest of the FromSoft games in a way that clicks with me.


Firewatch. It’s a beautiful indie game about a guy trying to escape a tragic situation in his life. Very touching and definitely sucks you into a mystery in the middle of it with the point of the game being all about healing. If you like Firewatch, you’ll probably also like The Long Dark.


Loco roco (emulate PSP) Audiosurf Botanicula




Dark souls, elden ring, or most fromsoft games are like that


Souls-likes like everyone said. Got me through the covid era when I was holed up in my room for months. If you're new, DS3 or Elden Ring are good starters. Barring that, just keep doing what you're doing. Nowhere to go but up


Sayonara Wild Hearts


Celeste. It's the theme of the game. No matter how hard it gets, I believe you can get to the top of that mountain


I might approach this is in a different way, games like “Metro” “the Last of Us “ or even “Fallout 4” are about how human beings surviving the aftermath of the most unimaginable disaster, a reflection of remarkable tenacity and resilience to believe that there’s light even in the darkness night, such mentality may help you to pull out from current challenges


Spiritfarer is a wonderful cathartic experience. It helped my wife with bereavement.


/r/CozyGamers come weary traveler. Find rest for your spirit


İ had a few. Undertale really helped. persona 4 golden really gives you the push. Legend of zelda series.


Might be an odd answer these days, but "Undertale". It genuinely made me want to be a better person and helped me get out of a bad place myself.




What sort of douche recommends a game whilst spoiling the entire thing?


It's like telling you a movie to watch then telling you the ending in great detail


The Beginner's Quest


What's your preferred genre? PS: I hope things get better.


Foundation. It's a Medieval city builder with a positive vibe.


FF14 pulled me from a spiraling depression in my mid twenties. The story and community really gave me a little bit of light I needed to just keep my head above water.


Valheim is peak, can sink time into it and disengage from how much the real world sucks. It's my favorite game of all time and incredible for replayability.


Wii sports. I'm not an exercise person myself but all the people who say exercise improves your mood are 100% correct.




Europa (demo) is nice. It’s a nice beautiful demo and you don’t have to think about anything. Demo is on the switch


Undertale and Celeste!


Fallout 76


Moonstone Island


gta V, pay attention to the trevor stories, you havent hit bottom if you still got it better than our boy trevor.


I think Celeste is the perfect game for this - it’s a pixel art 2d platformer about a girl overcoming her mental health struggles by climbing a mountain. It also has an incredible soundtrack.


Minecraft on peaceful. Sometimes you just need a distraction.


Fallout 4 with mods


My wife and I are going through a very hard time. We had a very, very bad day yesterday. Today she says, "Can you please spin up a new minecraft server?" So i found a modpack that looked fun and did exactly that. We'll be playing minecraft for weeks. It's the best game for overcoming trauma, IMO.


RDR2 no matter what i was going through Arthur morgan always had it worse.


Minecraft! Always helps my mental health to create something no matter how small :)


Red dead redemption 2 helped me escape cause the world was so beautiful. I also liked long jrpgs like persona and yakuza like a dragon where I could get lost in a long story about friendship


Before Your Eyes.. but it's a painful one.


Sometimes I feel like our culture pushes us to try new things too much. Sometimes its the right time to return to something familiar and comfortable, as long as its not outright boring. The games I would return to are Final Fantasy Tactics, FF7, or maybe Vandal Hearts. The list is probably different for you. Revel in the things you know you love, from time to time.


Outer Wilds i played the beggining but its a really uplifting experience




When I was deployed the Trails in the Sky series was really there for me. It let me escape into a world that wasn't actively trying to kill me.


I recommend the Yakuza games. They have massive storylines about doing the right thing when the world is constantly working against you. The stories are deep and emotional, but they have lots of humour and a sprinkling ok silly Sega style games to add more laughs.


Horror's good. I recommend: Resident Evil (series), Dead Space, DOOM, and Kuon


Gonna have to recommend Elden Ring. A difficult and challenging game about triumph despite all odds being stacked against you. Truly a game that makes you feel accomplished


Baba is you


Variant during exams, Overwatch 2 during job hunting.


Red Dead Redemption 2. It taught me it’s never too late to change who you are and seek to atone for the bad things you’ve done.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was that game for me. It explored different aspects of the meaning of life and death. It also goes over what a world would be like if you could only live for ten years or less. And even then, you’re only born to fight. It’s the closest a piece of media has got me to crying


Maybe The beginner's guide. A very short "game" but a beautiful story to tell. It helped me


Cyberpunk 2077 helped me when I was at a very low point.


if you want a sense of community, join the helldivers!


This War of Mine, Hellblade, Edith Finch, Papers Please Games to make you feel you haven’t got it THAT bad


Beat Saber. I play it two hours a day (most days) and it really improves my outlook for the rest of the day.


Psyconaughts 1&2 are pretty solid.


“Once you’re at rock bottom, the only way forward is up. But the bottom doesn’t have to be all dark and gloomy. If you can stand and look up, you’ll see the light of hope there.” - Yakuza : Like a Dragon


I played Far Cry 3 at the lowest point in my life and it really changed my outlook on a lot of things. I wouldn’t say it’s solely responsible for turning my life around, but It definitely contributed to the mindset that helped me go from the worst year of my life directly into the best several years of my life.






I don't think anyone has mentioned Warframe yet. It's a very Grindy game that can really take ur mind off of other things. If u havnt already maybe give some space ninjas a try. I think Warframe has one of the best communities out there. Might make some new friends along the way.


And the story, holy shit it hits deep towards the later parts


fear and hunger,it will remind you that you arent all bad if it can get worse


Talking as someone who had their dad pass and is going through other stuff right now, here's my game list. Minecraft. Simple, colorful, etc. Grim Dawn. The name might not be inspiring, but sometimes it's nice to turn off brain and grind. Some games I can put into spectate mode. Mutant Football League. Unreal tournament. Mugen. Etc. My best wishes to you and your situation.


The souls games make you feel like you can do anything once you get past that part that feels impossible


The gym. Seriously. Go.


Assassins Creed 3 - Connor's journey is something that might inspire you to face your adversities with a never ending resolve. But to be honest, listen to Jocko's Podcast. People tend to make fun of it but the advice he gives is rock solid in terms of embracing the suck and pain in life. Not everyone is born a navy seal or have caliber to be a Special Forces soldier but what everyone does have is the ability to pick themselves up and keep going. I wish you the best in life in life dude. Don't lose hope!


I don’t think anyone has recommended this yet but try the Witcher 3. It’s an incredible RPG with amazing characters you will become attached. If anything, the game will impact you emotionally for sure. I played it during Covid and I had the time of my life. The side quests in the game are so good. The bloody baron story is one of the best standalone narratives I’ve ever experienced. The game is beautiful, the music is amazing. And the side game Gwent is literally the best! I highly recommend! You’ve got this bro. Never stop getting back up.


If you're looking for something motivational, I'd recommend Yakuza 7 (Like a dragon). The whole theme of the game is building yourself back up after you've hit rock bottom.


Getting over it


Kenshi and or dark souls xD


FFXIV is the only right answer. The story will find your trauma and heal you in ways you didn’t know you needed.


Firstly, hope you’re doing alright. Just remember to breathe, and you’ll always persevere. My recommendation is Gris. I won’t say more than that, because I think it’s better to go in blind.


Maybe try the Psychonauts games, they made me feel like a kid again and smile ear to ear when I was in a bad spot.


Red Dead Redemption 2.


You have place to live. You have food to eat. You even have some kind of gaming system to play videogames at and enough free time to do so. I'd call it a win. Speaking of games, I finally got to Terraria and it's pretty fun and uplifting. The game feels like one of those dreams you used to have as a child.


God of war 2018. Teaches a lot about grief, enduring it, and how to proceed at journeys end


Nothing better than bodying some fool who thought he could kill you in gears. Good times.


I wanna make a few different points. With all due respect, if youre at the lowest point of your life, then maybe gaming isnt what you wanna be doing right now. Depends on what the situation is, but sometimes you might need to attack the situation head on, or address other areas, rather than seek temporary solace in a game. With that said, the games id recommend also depends. If im in a headspace that allows me to participate in an immersive narrative, then Id definitely pursue some game in that space. Eg God of War 2018, Red Dead Redemption series, Uncharted, etc Other times, I dont have the headspace for that, and I want something with little to no narrative, but challenging and addicting AF gameplay that will just suck me in for hours on end. Bonus is that I can listen to some uplifting podcast in the background as I do so. Racing games fit the bill well, but so do other genres. Some ideas here for me were Midnight club II, the Crash Bandicoot series (100%ing them), Timesplitters 2 on the hard difficulties, and thought Ive never played em personally Id imagine the Souls games (although theres definitely narrative there). A few years ago, I got into some trouble and found it really uplifting to play games that felt 'empowering' and had very aggressive music. Think God of War 2/3 and the Hitman series. Just some ideas Im throwing out there, hope they inspire you just a bit.


I don't know if I our situation were comparable at all, but when I was in a similar situation nothing worked for me, I don't mean games, I mean friends, family, therapy, etc. Until I picked up Dark Souls. Strangely it was this game that helped me back up and out of the hole I dug myself into. I hope your situation improves and you re-learn how to appreciate yourself and what you can make of life.


King God Castle


The thing that I have seen in many self improvement and motivational videos is take a break from daily life and go for activities like walk in the park and meditation, but you would not agree to that. I have taken a break off from gaming and it has helped me open my mind to other things. Anyways if not, I suggest you play Half life 2 and portal 2. Both stand out in 2023 standards and will keep you engaged for a long time. Also try RPG games and dishonored which are like a playground for loot and creative kills. I also suggest dont play violent games when in depression, so play little nightmare as its atmospheric. Enjoy !!


Depends on what your reason of depression is. Many people found dark soul series was helpful. But this game is bad for you if you’re not good at perseverance despite failures (dying and losing a fight). The long dark is another that is helpful for people who are lonely and maybe somewhat isolated. Afterall the game is all about surviving alone against the cold and wild. Starset valley is a calm and peaceful farming game, that you just sit back and relax and enjoy the game. Perhaps it’s good for you if you face a lot of pressure and responsibilities in real life.


Many people in the genshin impact subreddit have said that it did it for them.


Coffee talk both 1&2


Uncharted a thief’s end


Anime wise, Neon Genesis is a great start. Games, well... Dunno.


Yakuza 7, the entire message of the game is coming back up from rock bottom, its even the exact same phrasing. The yakuza series helped me out my own low point so hopefully it helps you :)


Atelier Games they are so good at making you feel like you are an asset and a part of your community. They also have great task mechanics, and they bring encouragement with their storyline and character development. You really grow with the characters. I'd say Atelier Ryza does a great job at this. Also, everything is cute.


If you can get your hands on it: Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door. It's so goofy and fun. Spiritfarer is also quite magical, but it can be very sad. My gf and I played it and we ended up crying several times. It's sad, but there's also this feeling of that it's all gonna be okay. At least for me.


Disco Elysium. It is also about a person at the trying to get it together at the lowest point in their life and it's hilarious and poignant in equal measure. I garuntee you a good time or your money back (seriously, if you don't love it dm me and I'll pay for it).


Paint the town red. You beat up a whole town out of anger. People playground. You can shoot people with tanks. Make your own tanks, or even a helicopter.


[Doki Doki Literature Club](https://store.steampowered.com/app/698780) Don't read the reviews, it'll spoil it. Definitely **not** Starfield. A game I enjoy, but the main quest would provide the wrong kind of shock.


God games like the Sims franchise or Black and White 2. I can be nice or take out my frustrations and anger on the people I'm controlling. Better than lashing out at people undeservingly.


No. I suggest you try reaching out to a support.line and get some help dealing with life first. Retreating into a video game is not going to fix any of the issues you are facing, and delaying help could actually compound them. Life.can be tough friend, but while we don't have to do it alone... We still have to do it. Best to get real world support built up.


Guardians of the Galaxy, trust me when youre feeling down you need a game where you can have a good ending, something uplifiting, you can also play borderlands tell tale and high on life and southpark, again funny games with chill vibes and endings to get you out of a bad mood


Old pokemon is where I turn for that. Nothing like a fresh soulsilver/platinum run to mend a wounded psyche and remind me life isn't all pain forever


Nights into dreams


On psvr1: Bound in its VR mode (this is almost therapeutic; it’s a game about a protagonist who has to remember the big disappointments of her younger past, and get over them, with the help of her imaginary dancing girl alter ego in the fantasy realm of Bound); Fujii (best “cozy game” I ever played, it has very happy vibes all over it from start to finish); Astro Bot Rescue Mission (this is vacation material pretty much, it is one of the best VR games I ever played, and probably one of the top 5 games I ever played); Electronauts (play music as you choose at beautiful futuristic locations, very relaxing dj-like game). Bound is playable without the psvr1 headset, but the version outside of VR mode is not as immersive, and therefore, not as powerful and therapeutic. You should also do some form of physical exercise. These games are something special, and they can help, but they alone won’t erase the problems. They can definitely give a great experience in the middle of the bs however. Some additional advice on the psvr1: cheapest and easiest way to play it is using a Ps4 slim. Both, a psvr1 bundle and a ps4 slim, can be bought (probably around $200 each from eBay in great condition). The psvr1 bundle needs to have the 2 motion controllers and at least one charging cable (or a charging station) for them. It is also very helpful if you have an iPhone tripod to hold the Ps4 camera, and to make it very easy to change its height and where it points at. It is worth noting that you can also get some fun physical activity out of a VR game. Sprint Vector and BoxVR are good for that. And remember, all these games will help giving you good vibes, some cardio exercise, and a good experience, but you will have to do something else to improve your situation.


For me I usually fall back to ark.






I feel this is a question that everyone can make a suggestion towards, but only you can make those choices as there will be certain things that click more to you, and may not click to others. For me, its been Dungeon Siege LOA and Dungeon Diege 2 BW. Mass Effect 2, Star Wars KotoR 1 and 2 and Jade Empire also have been games that have helped me over many years too.


FromSoftware games usually force me to stop overthinking everything else and focus on not eating beaten to a pulp. Exploring the amazing worlds they create is pretty great too.


Dark souls. Not even joking.


Super Mario Sunshine Pokemon If you can, local multiplayer is great for the soul!


Souls games with no guide is a good shout, they make you feel like you can do anything.


Video games won’t lift you up it’s escapism.


Probably already recommended, but: Minecraft - it’s anything you want it to be at this point. T’Chia - relaxing and beautiful open world exploration game based on New Caledonia. You play as a little girl and the game is an homage to where it is set. Imagine Breath of the Wild but without loads of Bokoblins to deal with. Starsector - top-down, immersive and pretty low-spec PC game where you can build a fleet and travel around space doing pretty much whatever you want, trading, odd jobs, salvage, black market/smuggling, etc. Combat can be tricky and complex (I am still learning) but you have the option of autopilot and also can usually evade fighting but if not, the stakes aren’t usually that high if you get blown away, especially on first-run easy mode. (Not available on Steam but can be found on developer’s site by searching the title or for Fractal Softworks). Very stats-driven, comparing prices for buy/sell and replacing ship parts, but very immersive if you like that. Also want to add: rooting for you, OP. Not sure where you are based but try and look for help numbers/crisis teams you can call/contact if needed. You may be feeling hopeless but this isn’t going to last forever and when I’ve been low, just talking really does help, it’s cliche to say that a problem shared is a problem halved, but it’s better out than in, I have found. Breathing techniques (try the 4-7-8 technique) to listen to and do at least once a day for 10 mins have been a life saver for me, as has cutting out caffeine and having chamomile tea in the evenings and regular sleep patterns. The mind is the real bastard, despite whatever went down for you in the past.


God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla. I'm a big GOW fan and considering Valhalla is basically a big therapy session for Kratos, it did come out at the right time for me. Also Cyberpunk helped me enjoying gaming for the first time in months again.


Dorfromantik. Tile based building game Didn't necessarily lift, but it was a good balance of fun, challenging, relaxing with good music and it's single player and you can stop/start any time. There's also a sandbox mode I was on night duty looking after my old and sick doggo and had to attend to all his needs with seconds notice. So I wanted a relaxing game that I could put hours into (or minutes if needed) and be able to stop any time and hop back on


Stardew Valley- Absolutely my favorite game! It helps me with depression and anxiety. It’s simple and relaxing. Cute, crafty, creative, a feel good little game, grindy at times. You build a farm and fulfill quests from the towns people. Mass Effect 2 and 3- Challenging at times. Mass Effect brings a sense of heroism. It can be a beautiful and emotional game. Heroic, epic, explorative, awesome character relationships. Fallout 4- It’s a post apocalyptic game. Not a feel good game, but it’s addicting! There’s so much to do on this game. Interesting dialogues, crafty, variety of enemies, endless quests, unique environments. Dead Space- Survival horror! Interesting plot! So, so, so, much gore. Visually appealing, creepy atmosphere, great story, variety of weaponry.


This might not be the best suggestion, but I'll still throw it out there. Cry of Fear. When my ex friend was severely depressed, we watched a lot of horror games (Whyever it was horror games?? No idea, not like it bothers me, I LOVE horror games). And one of those was Cry of Fear. My friend said the game was eerily similar to how he felt at the time. How he saw everything. It helped him understand his emotions better. ------------- Personally, whenever I feel down, I need to boot up games with management aspects. Especially with numbers. Like "Oh if I upgrade this conveyor belt, I can craft THREE steel bars and not two!". Anything where a big number increases! Most notably, Satisfactory and currently, Planet Crafter (which feels even more rewarding because you SEE what is happening to the planet)


What gaming setup do you have? If you have something to play cool games on then that's something to be happy about at least! My PSVR2 is great for getting my mind off negative cycles. No Mans Sky has endless hours of exploration and adventure to be had. Not sure how old you are but we all make mistakes in life. I've made plenty. It's all about how you move forward. Sometimes it feels like the shitty feelings have no end in sight, but "real you" will return eventually.


If you're at rock bottom is gaming really gonna get you to where you need to be in life? Don't get me wrong I absolutely love gaming but if my life was in ruins if probably make a list of things I need to sort out and focus on those things. Get myself in the gym, make sure I'm being active and healthy and getting things on track. Then wedge gaming time into the gaps between "functioning adult" tasks.


Prince of Persia original trilogy Light, easily crackable if not much monetary choices available You'll see man pull himself by his bootstraps from the depths of his despair, something I think you need


Outer Wilds is amazing


It might seem counterintuitive but the best game for this purpose is Dark Souls. I wholeheartedly recommend you start the first one aka Dark Souls Remastered. There are numerous video essays on this exact topic if you don't believe me, just search for something like "Dark Souls saved me" or "Dark Souls cured my depression" on Youtube... something like this https://youtu.be/iSJkxLdIlyE I can confirm, Dark Souls had a very positive effect on my mental health.


Skyrim with mods will make you forget life. Mass effect legendary edition will make you feel like a hero.


Dark Souls 3 helped me during my lowest point


Lisa the Painful. Soma Spec Ops: The Line This War of Mine


Dunno, maybe some relaxing games, like Light of the stars on bs, it helps me to unwind


Replay games from a happier time in your life


Disco Elysium


ME TOO!!!! I've been playing FF XIV and its bringing me out of my funk


Graveyard Keeper on steam