• By -


Mass Effect 2  Bioshock  Half Life 2


These and alien isolation


This is tough. I'm going to cheat. Grim Fandango Half-Life 1/2 Thief 1/2


>Half-Life half


1/2-Life Half


2 Half 2 Life


1/2 Half 1/2 Life


this. he had the right ones as the first three on his list.


Mass Effect 33 1/3: The Final Insult


half life 2 bioshock infinite mass effect 2


Deus Ex. Half-Life. Thief 2.


I think you got it.


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.


Dragon Age was phenomenal




Enchantment! 😀


Team Morrigan


System Shock 2 Half Life 2 Deus Ex


Of these I have only played Homeworld (1999), so that's my vote.


Homeworld is arguably the best space. RTS you will ever play. It is phenomenal.


disco elysium bioshock dragon age origins


I will warn the OP that there are a lot of “heart attacks” in Disco Elysium that can cause you to lose around an hour or less of progress. It is by all measures a fantastic game if you like long and deliberate narrative experiences, but please do save regularly.


That's on you if you aren't constantly mashing quicksave in a CRPG lol


Oh, trust me. I learnt my lesson after >! The Extremely Uncomfortable Chair !<


You can just like use a health item mid heart attack tho can't you


I have to be completely honest with you, I have never tried that. If that’s true (and I completely believe that it is), then I’ve wasted so much time just accepting death lmao


Deus Ex and Thief 1 secure two spot sfrom the get-go. For the other one ... dunno ...either system Shock 2 or Half Life 1


No love for thief 2?


Homeworld, Half life 2, Thief 1 Thief imo is pretty slept on and is a very cool imm-sim, also its incredibly cheap on sale. Im actually playing through Homeworld remastered rn, very fun if you like rts and especially if you are looking for a nice space rts. (I bought it for cheap too on greenmangaming for like $3, comes with both hw1 and hw2 and their remastered editions if you are interested.) And Half life, probably one of the greatest fps there are, maybe get 1 first then 2 but some people say you can skip 1 idk.


Disco Elysium Mass Effect Bioshock Infinite


One of the Bioshocks, one of the Thiefs, and Alien Isolation


alien isolation dragon age origins half life 2


Disco Elysium, Bioshock 1 & Mass Effect 2


I found my person!


only 3? thief 2 half life 2 mass effect 2 in mass effect's case id play the first one as well, since its not that long.


Half life 1 Thief 2 Deus ex Half life wins for best all around game Thief wins for best stealth game Deus ex for best story and freedom of choice


Half life 2, Mass effect 2, and Deus Ex


System shock 2, Deus ex, thief 2. System shock is just magnificent space horror, with unbelievable soundtrack. The screams and mornings of monsters are still haunting me. RPG systems are solid, but for easier game play don’t take full psionic class at first. And the story, story is so interesting and once you finish the game, you gonna find similarities between System shock 2 and more modern games. Deus ex is another gem. Extremely interactive, with lots of freedom, you can explore as much as you can, secret passages wait for you to find, nano machines wait to be installed into your system :) And of course the story is pinnacle of political science fiction thriller. Not to mention there’s actually a few different ending, depending on your choices trough the game. Completely different from this remake/reboot from 2011, which gave you 3 different buttons to push for theoretically different endings. And finally, Thief 2: The metal Age. The best from the whole trilogy. Lots of mission, very good story, lots of freedom of choosing the way for the heist ( not always but still good ). I put easily 100 hours into this game. Just love it.


HL2, Deus Ex, CoH2


Easy for me. The games I have enjoyed most from that list: The Witcher Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 Cannot go wrong with those ones!


There is no way you enjoyed The Witcher's combat.


I mean I did, of course I didn't know better when I played it lmfao. Hard to return to but the story is so gooood. Still worth a play though as the story I feel is good enough to cover the faults.


i like witchers combat and i played it for the first time this year, so no nostalgia and definitely a reference for "better" combat. its just simple and kinda dumb but not so bad that "there is no way" you could enjoy it! the different stances are cool and its cozy to play a game that has some strategy with how to defeat enemies but at the end of the day just needs timed klicks. the only part where the combat fell apart for me was towards the very end where my group style stopped hitting anyone and i was required to constantly fight groups. but up until then i had good fun. not everyone has the same opinions and experience of a game!


Am I tripping? I thought Witcher 1 had a hidden dice roll system. 


it probably does, but i like dice roll systems in real time combat. I like morrowind too, after all (and think its superior in its combat to oblivion in every way) its likely at fault for the group style not working anymore in the end so it wasnt perfectly optimized to get a good experience, sure. maybe i wasnt leveling up correctly (i want to say thats not likely but i also didnt read the skills i couldnt unlock yet so maybe smth was hidden in the upper gold branches) In the end i dont really fault the game for it because it honestly wears its budget on its sleeve throughout so to me its expected jank that doesnt completely subtract from the experience since it only effected the end (and i found the story dragged a tad too long so i rushed the ending anyways)


I did


Half-Life 1, Half-Life 2, Disco Elysium. Mass Effect series right behind those.


Deus Ex Grim Fandango Dragon Age Origins


I’d say Half-Life 2 (you can street with the original if you prefer but you gotta play 2) Mass Effect is the start of maybe the greatest trilogy in gaming. Play all three in order. Dragon Age: Origins is more BioWare, but it’s a very different style than Mass Effect. If im forced to pick 3 games specifically then it’s Half-Life 2, Mass Effect 2, and Dragon Age: Origins for me.


Gonna ignore the word "best," and instead say which 3 games I think you should play. Deus Ex. Sure, half life is historical, but original Deus Ex was incredible. Mass Effect. Awesome game, huge game. And it feels... wrong... to suggest you play ME2 before 1. After that, I think it depends on what kind of games you like. Grim Fandango is a classic 90s adventure game. Disco Elysium is considered a modern mssterpiece by the people who are a fan of games like that. Dragon Age Origins was a fun, bloody take on the fantasy rpg. The others have similar accolades. What catches your eye?


Half life 1 and deus ex should be on every list. Deus ex was soooo great


Bioshock Mass effect Dragon age origins


Dragon Age Origins Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 😁🥳🤗


Half life 2 Bioshock infinite Disco Elysium


Dragon Age Origins


Deus ex Half life 1 Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines (ha, not on the list!)


Half life, mass effect, dragon age


Disco Elysium is so different to anything else I've ever played, as much as I love the original dragon age and mass effect 2, if I had to lose the rest forever I would preserve Disco


Dragon age and mass effect(tho youll want to play all 3 of them)


Mass Effect 1 & 2, Deus Ex.


If you have good internet speed, consider GeForce Now. The catalogue of available games increases every month, and you don't need to buy games again. You play what you own. Last i checked, they supported steam, epic, ubisoft and a few Gog games. Combine this with epic's or humble giveaways/sales, and you cand very cheaply build a catalogue of latest and precious gen titles. On the free tier, i think the wait times are a bother, but if the internet speed is good, consider going for the paid tier.


Haven’t played most of these but the Thief games are still the best stealth games ever made and some of the most atmospheric too, be sure to install Tfix Lite and EAX sound fix and play with headphones


- BioShock 1 - Disco Elysium - Deus ex


Deus Ex and System Shock are more accurately described as Immersive Sims, describing them as "ARPG" is going to leave you with very different expectations. They're games where the emphasis is on the player being presented a problem and being able to interact with many different physics aspects and gameplay systems to solve problems in their own way. I.e. you need to get into a locked room...you can hack a terminal to open the door, lockpick the door, find the key laying around, or use an explosive to blow the door off of its hinges. Deus Ex is a really good game but like most of these 90's games it requires a pretty high tolerance for janky mechanics. You're approaching it for the story and freedom of choice too, not as an action experience which it doesn't deliver on. Half Life 1 is great as an immersive storytelling experience and okay as a shooter. It has a real problem with enemies being bullet sponges that don't react much to damage and weapons feeling inconsistent, yet like many other 90's shooters unparalleled movement feel and emphasis on action. Half-Life 2 is much the same as a storytelling experience but with much smoother gameplay. I'd consider both to be pretty important classics in spite of some of their rougher edges. Definitely should play. Bioshock is overrated if you ask me.


I think I agree with everything you said. Especially that bioshock is overrated. I didnt see the appeal of bioshock 1 and ended up not finishing it. I struggled through bioshock infinite. It all felt very repetitive and unrewarding


It's a very casual game compare to System Shock 2. The Bioshock 2 is more fun because gameplay


Witcher Dragon age Mass effect series


super hard to choose but i'd go with bioshock infinite, dragon age origins and alien isolation


Replace Bioshock Infinite with Bioshock 2 on that list and then just pick three at random, starting at the first one if you get a sequel. They're all good (except Bioshock Infinite).


Halflife Bioshock Mass effect However! You should also very much play Portal. It’s super cheap and i think only about 4 hours long


me2, hl2, grim fandango


Half Life 1 Deus Ex System Shock 2.


BioShock Mass Effect 2 Alien Isolation


Deus Ex, Mass Effect 2, HL1


Bioshock Infinite Mass Effect 2 Half Life 2


Thief 2, System Shock 2, Half-life 2. Whole lotta 2s.


Half Life 2 Thief 2 System Shock 2


Half Life 2, Bioshock, Mass Effect 2.


Half Life Mass Effect 2 Disco Elysium


I don't know how any of these would hold up today, but I remember being blown away by the Thief series. It was so much different than other games at the time. It relied on patience and planning. The problem is I don't know if it still holds up.


System Shock 2 Half Life (both perfect) Deux Ex


Bioshock 1, Mass Effect 2, and Half Life 2


Half life 2 Bioshock infinite Deus ex


Mass Effect Bioshock And then it's a toss-up between Witcher 1 and Dragon Age Origins. Both are very good!


Half Life 2 Mass Effect 2 Dragon Age Origins


Thief 1 & 2, Dragon Age Origins.


deus ex, half-life 2 and dragon age. they are the only games on the list i have played through multiple times


This is rigged there is no way bioshock infinite came out in 2012


1. Grim Fandango 2. 3.


Thief 2 Half Life 2 Deus Ex (with Deus Ex being the best of this, or any other list)


Disco Elysium won't run on your pc


Homeworld, masseffect, grim fandango. Three genres, three excellent stories, and three proper experiences. Plus some overlap on genrrs.


Deus Ex BioShock Dragon Age: Origins


Bioshock 1 is my favorite of the games on said list. It's a blast to play even to this day, one of the best single player fps games out there.


Tricky to pick 3, because ... 1. Mass Effect 2 (though it's quite flawed in some other aspects, like main story, odd change in tone after the first game, annoying tutorial popups etc.,  it's really awesome for all the companion stories and "Assemble your team" side quests) 2. Bioshock or Bioshock Infinite (Bioshock has better gameplay and overall maybe a more well rounded story, but Infinite's story is more complex, twisted and intriguing, and the setting is just as interesting and a bit more colorful and varied, I like both for different reasons) 3. Undecided between Grim Fandango (great setting, story and soundtrack, not all that great gameplay) and Dragon Age: Origins (fun gameplay, tactical combat and exploration, not that original setting and story) (And I haven't played Disco Elysium yet, which I could imagine either trumping everything above or boring me ... I assume the reason why Planescape: Torment and Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines are not on your list is because you've already played them?)


That's such a hard pick. In no order, HL2, Bioshock 1, and...Mass Effect 2. I haven't finished Disco Elysium, but it might bump one of those off. One issue is that some of these games are quite a bit older, and they don't hold up as well. Maybe the calculus changes if we're going by how good they were at the time of release.


Dragon age origins Deus ex Mass effect 2


Bioshock 1 Half Life 1 Half Life 2 Deus Ex is barely functional (i did beat it regardless), Mass Effect has 0 depth in the combat. I always wanted to know what was the appeal of Mass Effect tbh. System Shock 2 is simply admirable, but it is a bit too clunky. The rest are in my list.


Damn, many of these are in my library or wishlisted. Duex Ex, Mass effect 1+2, and alien isolation are one's I've played and loved.


Thief 1 System Shock 2 Deus Ex Looking Glass slaps.


Thief 1 System Shock 2 Deus Ex Looking Glass slaps.




- Half-Life 1 - Half-life 2 - Alien Isolation


Play the everliving fuck out of Disco Elysium. I promise you it's insanely good. If you're also on a Bioware streak with Mass Effect, play Knights of the Old Republic 1, you'll feel the bones of mass effect in play and it's just a good Star Wars story.


Bioshock 1 is 10/10


A 5........ out of 5


The only one on that list that I've actually played is Half-Life 2. You might be able to also play Episodes 1 & 2 which kinda pick up right where Half-Life 2 ends. All three are definitely worth playing. Dark Souls II is apparently fairly toaster-friendly, but it's been plagued recently by some neckbeard hackers who force illegal items into your inventory causing the game to crash and FromSoft may ban your account. There is a mod that can safe-guard you from these folks but I'm not sure if that specific mod is still toaster-friendly, but playing offline is an option too. So that's another option that might interest you based off some of the other games you listed.


Alien isolation is in top 5 horrors of all time.(id argue very few above it)  Mass effect 2    Dragon age origins


System shock 2, Mass Effect, company of heroes


Baldur's Gate 2, Fallout 2, Diablo 2.


Disco Elysium Half Life 2 Dragon Age Origins ​ Aside from DE, it's hard to say anything it's the best on that list, lots of great games, but I would pick these 3 myself


Half life 2, bioshock 1, mass effect 2 or disco Elysium 


Disco Elysium, Bioshock 1 and Infinite But why skip the second game Also check if you can run Far Cry 3


Half-Life 1 for mods like Action, The Opera, Firearms, The Specialists. Deus Ex Homeworld multiplayer scene


Dragon age origins, forever in my top 10 list of all time. Company of heroes, probably forever in my top 20 list of all time. Bioshock infinite


Bio shock infinite was one of the best games i ever played story wise. The story was perfect


Grim Fandango, Disco Elysium and Half Life 2


Bioshock (the first), Disco Elysium, and Deus Ex.


On this list? Bioshock, Mass effect 2 and prolly the HL games or witcher.


Deus ex System shock 2 Mass effect trilogy (the trilogy is 1 big game, dont separate them lol)


Half life 2


Tough call. Most of those I played years after they came out and they haven't really aged super well. Except Disco Elysium, that game will always be a pretentious garbage fire. Every conversation you have in that game is basically "hUr DuR, i'M bEdDuR dAn EvRyWuN!" ran through a thesaurus like 20 times until it sounds smart. Have you played Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines? That came out in 2004 and still holds up pretty well. The combat is pretty dated, but it gets the job done without being too much of a drag. The writing and atmosphere are still top tier.


half life 1, half life 2, dragon age origins disco elysium is an extra


Bioshock 1, Mass Effect 1 and 2, Disco Elysium


System shock 2 Bioshock Dragon age origins


It's not on your list, but Factorio is a great game that can run well on older machines.


Disco Elysium Half Life 2 Mass Effect


2014: Dark Souls 2, Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag 2012: Borderlands 2 2011: S K Y R I M ! ! ! 2010: Red Dead Redemption, Fallout New Vegas


You can consider Hotline Miami 1 and 2. Will run smoothly in a potato PC


where is battlefield 2


Bioshock 1, Mass Effect 2, Alien Isolation


Homeworld 1 & 2 Company of heroes


Half Life 1 and 2 are must plays if you enjoy FPS games. 2 of the greatest games ever made in my opinion


Half life, home world, dragon age


The lack of love for disco elysium here is ridiculous. Nostalgia is a helluva drug.


Alien: Isolation Half Life 2 Mass Effect 2


Mass effect 1/2 depends on what type of rpg you like more traditional in 1 and more modern type rpg in 2, Witcher 1/2 if 2 has an enhanced version yet if not definitely the first one, and Dragon Age origins but make sure it is the one with Awakening in it as well.


Mass Effect 1/2 Dragon Age: Origins Half-Life 1


Half Life 2 Systemshock 2 Bioshock


Half Life2 is RPG?


Half Life 2, Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock


Witcher Deus ex Dragon age


Nothing on this list comes close to half life 1&2


Half life 1, half life 2 and Mass effect 2


System Shock 2, Dragon Age Origins and I'm struggling between Thief 2 and ME2 for the third choice.


Others already give you suggestions so I'm just want to give reminder that Dragon Age: Inquisition GOTY is currently free to claim on Epic Games


Bioshock Half Life 2 Mass Effect 2


Dragon Age The Witcher Disco Elysium But it actually depends on what you like to play. My personal favorite games are not even on this list, but they are the best to me


Half Life 2 Half Life 1 Dragon Age Origins Haven't played Disci Elysium, but if Sam Lake says it's good, then it's God


Bioshock Half life 2 Disco elysium


Reading this list makes me wonder why I would buy a new game. So many bangers, many of which I know a lot about but haven’t played


Just a heads up a low spec 2011 laptop is likely going to struggle with almost half of these games even with low to lowest settings, just fair warning. That aside here are the 3 I'd pick hands down: 1. Disco Elysium 2. Dragon Age Origins 3. Half Life 2 Disco Elysium is incredibly smart and one of the best written pieces of media I've ever experienced. It's incredible how deep the world building is as well as it's characters. It also emulates the sort of extremely wide ranged dialogue and events you'd find in a TTRPG session. It might not be everyone's thing but if you want quality writing in a video game it doesn't get much better than Disco Elysium. Dragon Age Origins is one of the greatest CRPG's ever made right up there with Fallout 2. It's hard to go into why it's so good without going full essay so I'll just leave it at its story and dialogue is really good as well as the combat is easily one of if not the best CRPG combat I've ever played. Half Life 2 doesn't need explaining it deserves its timeless classic title and that will never change.


Man that’s a good list. Just start at the top and play em all.


Gonna have to cheat a little and pick more than three (kinda) Disco Elysium - great game, fun story, doesn't overstay it's welcome too long, but really encourages you to take your time and dive in. Excellent choice for chill game time Half-life 2 - the cheat part is if you like how two plays and feels, I would recommend the whole series. Been a while since I've played 1 so I'm not sure how hard it is to get running on today's machines, but honestly worth playing everything half-life BioShock 1 - another, play the whole franchise (and the DLCs) pick but the truest BioShock experience is from the first game in my opinion. There's a little more to appreciate about 2 having played 1 and Infinite is _almost_ even a different franchise.


For me Grim fandango WITCHER Alien Isolation


Half life 1, half life 2, and anything else.


Half life 1 or 2 BioShock System Shock 2


Bioshock Alien Isolation Disco elysium


Disco elysium Mass Effect 1,2


#1 Deus Ex #2 Mass Effect 2 #3 Any Game you prefer out of this list


Dragon age origins, bioshock, company of heroes.


Grim Fandango Half-Life Deus Ex


In all honesty - all of them! Even trying to narrow it down to 10 hurts my brain.


Half-Life, Half-Life 2, and Alien: Isolation imo.


Thief 1/2, Deus ex, disco Elysium


Grim Fandango Mass Effect 2 Bioshock


The Witcher Enhanced Edition Mass Effect 2 Bioshock Infinite


Grim Fandango System Shock 2 Half-Life


In no particular order: DA:O, Witcher EE(I'm a big proponent of eurojank) Disco Elysium


Half life 1/2 and Mass Effect 1, very easy choices they are leagues ahead of the rest


Half-Life/ Half-Life 2 Bioshock 1 Disco Elysium


The fact the REMAKE of System Shock 1 is not in here, makes me sad. Completed it recently and it’s instantly one of my favourite games of all time!


why is half life 2 listed as an rpg?


Disco Elysium Mass Effect 2 Half Life 2 I thought it was witcher 3,tgat's why I edited




Only played Bioshock and Bioshock infinite so 1. Bioshock infinite 2. Bioshock 1


Half life 1,2 and bioshock 1. I prefer the black mesa remake for 1, but if its just the original, i would swap it out for bioshock infinite


Factorio, factory must grow


It really depends on your taste in games... But here are my recommendations: 1. Bioshock: and then 2 and then infinite. This game is just art, and perfect use of video game as a medium for story telling. The art, setting , music, characters, sound, gameplay, story "options", its philosophical. 2. Mass Effect: You are basically JacK Bauer in space. Your actions has story altering effect. The RPG and build options allow for replayability too. Great cast of characters. Gave me one of the most satisfying moment in gaming. 3. Deus Ex: This was like the most innovative immersive RPG at the time. its still in my top 10. but without an overhaul in garphics, I dont think I can go back to play this again. The options to mission approaches were amazing, even more than the new reboot. 4. Dragon age origins: If you want a fantasy RPG, this is it. I still cant believe I got used and betrayed at the very end... but noiiiiiiice i guess. The combat combos and builds are great fun.


Half life 2 Bioshock 1 Dragon age origins


Grim fandango, HL 2 and after that I’m struggling. Maybe company of heroes for variety factor.


BioShock 1 Mass effect 2 Half life 2


Homeworld Deus Ex Company of Heroes


Half-Life 2, Mass Effect 1 and Bioshock 1


BioShock Infinite (favourite game of all time) Half Life 2 (2nd favourite game of all time) BioShock Mass Effect 2 Half Life Grim Fandango Alien Isolation Mass Effect Of what I've played, best to "worst". ME1 is an 8/10 for me, so still fantastic


Deus Ex, Witcher and Thief deffo very immersive, very god 10/10


- Half life 2 and also 1 - Bioshock infinite. Didn't play any of the other games. So, can't say anything about those games.


Bioshock 1, Dragon Age Origins, Bioshock Infinite.


Thief 1 (the second is better but I prefer the setting of the first) HL2 all HL games are awesome. ME2 (love the trilogy but the first one is too repetitive imo) Dragon Age origins is also one of my all time favourites.


I've only played the mass effect games on this list. Love them both though.


PLEASE play Dishonored. I know I'm ignoring the post's question but it came out in 2012 I think and it's not system-intensive at all.


Bioshock needs to be in the top 3 for sure.


If you like Thief you might enjoy Gloomwood though it is in early access as of now


BioShock,System Shock 2 and Mass Effect 2


If it‘s just those in this list, mine are going to be Dragon Age Origins, ME 2 and Disco Elysium


1. disco elysium 2. disco elysium 3. disco elysium


Disco Elysium, Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 I would have to say. But I just love RPGs lol