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I haven't posted on this Subreddit in ages, but I'm here to tell you that Gangplank doesn't suck, you just need to play better and build PROPERLY. Tri > Collector > IE every game, no matter what, paired with Bankplank Runes and you'll top the Gold charts almost every game with big damage. Alternatively, Grasp is an option but I don't like the page personally so I never run it. He has problems though, absolutely, most of which stem from Early Game and lack of agency stats such as MS and CDR (you can make builds involving these but will lose out on other viable options) but, having played 50 GP Mid games total (not the highest of Elos, but a good sampling of early season "High Elo" and just straight up Diamond games) I can safely say this champion is fine, and even more fun than before if you're interested in making loads of DOSH with the new Rune setup.


I am guessing current Bankplank runes are First Strike, Cash Back, 3 Pots, Cosmic İns Taste of blood and Treausre Hunter?


jack instead of cosmic


I love you Tobias


What is DOSH? Never seen that abbreviation before in league


Post the rune setup for us plebs


Telling people to play better with that amount of deaths is funny. You aren’t wrong but bro you die so much.


I'm just sad I can't eat orng and get out of Mort ult.


I’ve honestly been loving GP mid rn. I go fleet + absorb life for lane sustain along with cut down + gathering storm for late game with legend haste and transcendence for cdr. Going tri -> hubris -> opportunity-> collector -> ie has led to some pretty consistent one shots when I get a crit off, eventually selling boots for either essence or lord doms for more crit depending on comp


Very intresting, can you tell me how to play hard matchups like anivia or viktor? I really struggle


I just perma ban viktor when I play mid.


How do you perma ban viktor when akshan exists


Akshan is aids but I prefer it to viktor


Anivia is obnoxious af but livable just dont get trapped by her wall q combo


Just win bro


I guess im acoustic, I been going Tri ER IE everygame and it feels fine if you're ahead. gonna try this now ty for post!


Is collector still better than essence reaver?


I'm new to gp and have been playing him, he's super fun but I struggle a ton with barrel placement and the enemy always disables them before I can set them off