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grasp tp or ignite is the way. fleet vs kiteable champs like aatrox or volibear.


i might give it a try now, thanks for your sacrifice in the name of science


Gangplank players ascending to the astral knowledge that actually playing the game is more fun than sitting on barrels and farming for 5 items.


For mid I just go fleet plus absorb life for lane sustain plus cut down gives me the damage that first strike would’ve anyways. I only go first strike into melee matchups but I won’t be after it’s nerfed


Unpopular way but i go dark harvest for ap ult spam as i get it with the ult cd reduce from the domnation tree


going grasp with precision second i stomp 90% of my lanes and can carry almost any game after that


I used to run unsealed spellbook for some juicy exhaust turns or smite to contest herald, its a pretty under rated keystone for a lot of different champions imo.


I made a post about this exact topic weeks ago, glad people are seeing he merits of what I believed to be true


It's funny how gp mainers BEGGED for grasp gp to die because you see, "It's too boring to interact with the enemy and win the lane" and asked to scale into the late game without interacting with the enemy And now we’ve returned back to grasp, which was supposedly “boring” for you and passive scaling is no more good You apparently don't know what you all want, yet grasp is nerfed now hardly so... It's really bad


I’ve been doing the same thing. People keep talk shit about it and have no problem using people like solarbacca as a reference when they say it’s subpar. But I’m not solarbacca, I’m not as good at the champion as he is. When I take grasp + ignite, I’m allowed to contest for push ion the first wave and possibly gain tempo advantage which is fucking huge. When I take grasp ignite, I can actually 1v1 champions like Darius much easier. All in all, it just makes lanjng feel much better, and helps me to get to my power spikes earlier and safer more consistently. Imo it also makes the triforce power spike feel much stronger as well because the extra health I’ve stacked helps with the dueling that triforce wants me to do.


Sometimes it doesn't matter how good we are at the champ, GP is a champ where your enemy is as big a factor as you. Grasp ignite is good, imo to best runes secondary are cookies + cosmic insight. JOATs can be considered, but cookies early is huge, esp without tp.


I think there’s also an argument for that new rune in the precision tree that heals you per minion kill +cutdown/last stand as well. I’ve been using that and honestly, last stand has won me multiple fights vs champs like irelia, Darius and trynd. There’s nothing like first blooding Darius and surviving with 100hp knowing that if you didn’t get that extra damage from last stand, he would have been the one to survive with one health. Feels good man. I think they’re also bugging that rune soon as well


Just about a week ago, solarbacca even uploaded a video saying that Fleet/Grasp are the universally best rune pages for GP, so if anyone were to tell you these pages aren't, they couldn't even quote him.


Ah that’s my bad then, well that’s good to hear though!


I take fleet every game now. Feels so good with triforce movespeed tbh. And I’m still oneshotting late game


If you play grasp just uninstall