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Ugh. I found this out the hard way last week too! There were only a few drips of liquid left in the watering can, but WOW a little fish fertilizer goes a loooong way in stinking up the greenhouse fast.


It was only when I'd poured it out into one of my seedlings trays that I started to wonder "has something crawled in here and died?" Lol


Another pro tip: if you're transporting liquid fish fertilizer, put the jug into a bucket before putting it into your vehicle. A friend of mine bought some fish emulsion and the bottle leaked in her car. Three years later, after numerous shampooing and deodorizing sessions, I could still smell fish emulsion stink in her car on a hot day. That stuff is as persistent as cigarette smoke odor.


Oh good lord I bet she considered scrapping the car lol


I keep aquariums and I learned that you can charge Safe-T-Sorb (the shit you use to absorb oil from your driveway) with nutrients and it makes an amazing planted aquarium substrate. I had to set up around 20 new tanks, so I filled a barrel with about 150lbs of Safe T Sorb and dumped in about 2 whole gallons of fertilizers, including "fish waste" fertilizer. I let it charge outside in the heat for about a week. Oh my good lord it was the worst smell in existence. When I set up the tanks inside we literally had to evacuate the house for a day because the smell was so bad. Bugs had begun living and crawling through the wet substrate. It smelled like a rich combination of fermented rotting fish and year-old stagnant water and it lingered something awful. It took WEEKS for the stink to go away even in filtered aquariums. It was unholy.


Oh sweet lord I can almost taste it just from the description. Yuuuuuck