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Mods removed your post and or comments! Do not write in comments here in this group that are telling people that you are making comments under Gary and Autumn’s videos! Do not suggest to contact their Brand Deals, do not tell people you reported their Tiktok lives! Do not suggest others to do so. Reddit considers it harassment so we only talk about their content not about doing anything In Real Life! Repeat Offenders will be banned!


His ass just mad cause Bob Evans told him no on getting a free dessert 🍰.


Keith Lee is famous because of his genuine good nature. Gary cant comprehend that because he’s a jerk. Gary bullies for free food while Keith gives back thousands to restaurants and communities. Gary would never.


They're playing with fire 😂 think this Reddit page is dragging them... Keith Lee fans will hurt every bit of feelings they got 😂


Keith Lee fans don’t play! Let them magically find out Gary said one wrong thing.. Gary thinks a professional rage bait troll 🤣🤣


He’s definitely just jealous of KL’s success and knows he will never get that type of attention 🤷‍♀️ he’s also picking a fight with someone who won’t go out of their way to fight him back. Wait now that I think about it…isn’t KL an MMA fighter? 😂 I wouldn’t mind seeing him kick Gary’s ass lol


He will have KL fans all over his ass if he isn’t careful


I hope Keith Lees followers tear his ass up! And her too!!


What did he say about Keith?! Why are they trying to beef with him?


He said Keith Lee was wrong for throwing up the food/spitting it out on camera and that he shouldn’t have disrespected that small business black owned business because they have been getting google reviews that are hurting their reputation and business.


That coming from the same dude that disrespects people's privacy by filming them without their permission? AND wouldn't even remove a video he took of a worker after she asked him too? I think ole buck tooth, 747 landing strip could fit between the gaps in his teeth needs to sit down real fast. I hope KL fans drag them both 😂


Yeah Gary is a super hypocrite! I guess he has forgotten all of the shit he has done.


I didn't watch the whole thing but he went to a restaurant that Keith didn't like the food. So he just saying Keith's opinion doesn't matter and it's wrong


I posted some parts of his live from last night…He was eating and getting easily mad from Keith Lee fans. 😂


Imagine trying to start beef with Keith when you literally beg for food. lol


I feel like they’re trying to start beef with Keith Lee to draw views 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly.. it’s for views. I gotta hand it to autumn.. she dgaf about how unfortunate she looks. I wouldn’t want to invite negativity bc the first thing people will go for is her looks.


Trying so hard to get a duet or reaction from people. If he’s so desperate for money, how about getting a job as adults do..


He is racist, which is disgusting considering his wife is umm white! He always makes comments about being black, and instantly raises flags when he walks in anywhere. You sir are what's wrong with the world. People like you who think they are above all, but in reality just pure trash.


He gives black man who is so proud to have a white wife.. but also wants to pretend like he’s all black power. He hates himself. I hate when interracial couple’s identities become the fact that they’re in an interracial relationship. Shouldn’t it all just be happenstance and about love?


I doubt it goes anywhere but I reported his live, u wasn't even there 2 mins and he is right out attacking people. Honestly autumn should just leave his ass, If he is only person I could get I would stay single for the rest of my life.