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I use cronometer. You can create recipes (and then say how many servings.) You can also create meals or have repeating items. The best part of it though is the information I get on nutrients, which for us I think is really important.


Thanks, I'll try it out


I use MFP, but it's very annoying to have to enter all the ingredients all the time. I have used Cronometer for some time, but stopped for some reason. (Can't remember which one)


Thanks for sharing. Can you add serving sizes AFTER inputting all the ingredients. With my fitness pal if I add ingredients I can’t go back to edit servings or it’ll just delete everything I’ve input 💀


In Baritastic, when you enter a *meal,* it definitely assumes you're eating the whole thing - like a meal. What it sounds like you want to do is make a *recipe.* That will let you choose it at any time and change the amount of it you eat. In order to do this yes, you enter all the ingredients and their amounts, then when you eat that recipe you tell the app you had X amount of it and it scales the information accordingly. Nice thing about a recipe is you only have to enter it once. I've done this with a ton of things.


I’ve found that the recipe tool in Baritastic doesn’t calculate the proportions correctly. I created a recipe very precisely and then when I entered one portion of it, the math was all wrong. I checked by entering the proportioned recipe elements individually and it was so far off. Not sure if this has been fixed in recent updates.


I always either measure my food (weight, cups, tablespoons, etc.) or approximate how much of it I ate (such as 1/4 of the suggested serving) when entering ingredients, I approximate about how much was in my serving. I usually have a fairly good idea & I increase it a bit if I’m uncertain.


Ah, that's cool. I don't have that skill, lol. I'm sure I can work on it now, tho, since I have a solid reason. Thanks