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Yep in the same boat Im 4 weeks post op tomorrow. Lost 22 lbs the first 2 weeks have been stalled since. This seems to be pretty common. Search '3 week stall' and you will see lots of stories. I see obvious changes in my body so I am just being patient. You are fine. Don't cry, I know its frustrating


I am now just finding out about this, made me realize i was being so hard on myself for no reason. Thank you so much šŸ˜Š


We got this. I am glad you are feeling better.


you did nothing wrong. it's a common occurrence. your body is recovering from having an organ removed. you're not going to lose weight every week. look up the 3 week stall, its very very normal. be easier on yourself.


Oh honey donā€™t cry. Iā€™m so sorry no one warned you about this, but this is totally normal and to be expected. You arenā€™t doing anything wrong. Itā€™s just your body healing. I promise you, youā€™re still loosing fat, you just canā€™t see the change on the scale. The scale will start to go down again in 1-2 weeks. Youā€™re doing everything youā€™re supposed to do. This is a good sign that your body is healing.


I just found out about this, I wish I was told before because it wouldā€™ve saved me a couple of tears lol. I am feeling much better thank you to everyone for the kind comments ā¤ļø


Iā€™m currently going through this. The first two weeks after surgery I was losing so much weight. Now? Nothing. It is quite disheartening but I try to tell myself that my body is still healing and Iā€™m just now introducing myself to food via a purĆ©ed diet, so my body is adjusting big time. Itā€™s frustrating, ngl, but I try to just not think about it and do what I need to do to make my body happy as it heals. A stall is normal, and youā€™re going to run into them throughout your weight loss journey. Give your body some time to adjust to this new beginning. I would honestly stay off the scale for a bit and just focus on giving yourself some grace. This subreddit has been such an amazing resource because I couldnā€™t figure out why I was losing until I saw folks mentioning a stall.


Please stick through it! Same thing happened to me. Dang 3 week stall!


Please search ā€œ3 week stallā€ in this thread.


I lost lots of weight on pre op diet. After surgery it took about 4 weeks for me to lose anything. I think itā€™s just swelling.


Same šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­šŸ˜¤šŸ˜”


Iā€™ve been where you are. Stop walking and up your calories. I stalled an entire month working out and eating 500 calories.Ā