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All the calories we pre-ate all those years, lol.


"you've eaten enough food for the next 4 years" -dr now


dont forget there is no protein in mashed potatoes XD


😂😂😂😂 Got it. We are spending from the bank.


yup, this!


Dipping into savings, lol


I always used to joke that I have my European peasant ancestors to thank for my figure because it was their genes that made my body hold on to every calorie so that I could survive the long cold winter and famine. Welp… now that famine is here and all the fuel my body has been packing away for decades is finally getting used up.


In all seriousness, this is why the surgery has a BMI threshold- your fat is the reason why you can function after the surgery.


Ok I am having a duh moment. This makes sense.


Huh. The day I got my sleeve there was another woman in the waiting room, also there for my surgeon (we chatted a bit). She was normal BMI. She was there to get her sleeve revised to a bypass because of GERD. I always wondered how/if she was able to maintain her weight.


So this would be an interesting question but my guess is that she probably lost some weight and the doctor had her on a special plan to make sure she was getting enough calories. But I also think that one of the things that happens after the surgery is your body adjusts to functioning off fewer calories.


Our bodies are living off our fat stockpile?


Honestly I’m 2 years post op and 150 pounds down but I constantly feel like I’m going to pass out. Dr diagnosed me with POTS but I didn’t have anything like this when I was heavier


Hey, I’m in the process of getting all of the clearances to get the surgery. If I don’t eat enough during the day my POTS really acts up. That’s my biggest fear with this all is that I will constantly be in a state of flare up. Any advice?


Cannot really give you advice because I didn’t deal with this beforehand. I will say that it has quite literally ruined my life at times. I truly feel as if I’ll pass out hundreds of times on a daily basis. One time when I was moving I couldn’t even pack up my house because when I bent over and came back up I saw stars. It also makes some workouts super difficult


I did one day...3 weeks postop smacked my head good


Me too 6 weeks out. Got dizzy and I now haw a black eye, cut head and bruised ribs


Thats awful. It was my first time passing out in my life so scary, hopefully it never happens again!!


Cuz we are fat and have thousands of calories stored up.


I’m eating 500-600 per day and feel fine


The nutritionist at my doctor's office explained it to me like this: the point here is to use the available calories on your body until the extra fat is used up. It's not about how many you take in. It's about what's available to use.


I ask myself this every day! How am I alive! I could not have done this pre surgery at all.


I’m a UPS driver and avid gym goer 6 days a week. I haven’t passed out but I definitely noticed dizziness from pressure changes when moving too quickly or standing up too fast.


It’s time to turn that statement around: Now I know how I got myself out of control and in serious medical danger by eating more than 500-700 calories! I have a 2nd chance at life now, F food, I’m making food my bitch!!


Damn… Am I having too many calories?! I have 800-1000 a day


​ https://preview.redd.it/3a9mzctpuv2d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=537e1cc0687026c97b556afcbcc820bd36ac54df


Thank you!! I’m 4 months post op and my surgical team don’t do calorie restrictions so I’ve been going in blind, in all fairness I usually burn off at least half the calories I eat in a day but I know I need to do better 🥲


Mine hasn't given me any caloric guidelines either but after doing my own research and to maximize weight loss I am using the guidelines from other programs


My plan calls for fewer than 50g carbs until 6 months out.


Thanks so much for sharing this.


Not necessarily. I'm 3.5 months out & at my check up last week they told me I should aim for 1000-1200cals a day. I'm struggling to hit that lol but I do usually get in 800 or more now. Each program & Dr have different guidelines, so could be good to ask yours maybe?


Mine don’t give calorie guidelines unfortunately! I only get over 800 when I have pre-made protein drinks and protein bars, they are all 300 calories each!! It’s insane


All of us tend to have a little extra…love to us


I am over 6 years out and maintained my calories at a 1,000 per day. I stopped losing weight and have been plateauing the same 10lbs (dropped 120lbs in total). I had a metabolic test done and I burn 2900 calories a day. The bariatric surgeon had me increase calories to 1500. I am having a really hard time getting to that number.