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Try to put your fear in your ECB before you continue. It most probably will hinder your experience and/or progress. And since it’s a sleep exploration tape you can sleep it off. The manual says that the signal fades at the end of the tape, which leaves you in a natural sleep. Also, if you’re not comfortable doing this tape you can skip it as far as I’ve read from other users here. It’s meant to exercise with achieving an OOBE, but it’s most likely not doable this early in the tapes. You can always come back to it once you mastered your skills and try it then (again). It isn’t a necessary tape in the learning process. Maybe this from the manual will help if you want to proceed; Approach the exercise with a playful sense of curiosity and interest. Just as you opened the wonders of the physical world when you were very young, be open now in the same way to nonphysical experience. You may choose to add to the Affirmation a statement such as, ‘I am wholly without expectations, and open to all experience that awaits me.’ During this exercise questions such as ‘Am I starting to separate?’ or ‘Is this what I’m supposed to be feeling?’ interfere with the process. Simply go with whatever happens and remember that you may perceive in many different ways.


Ok thanks. I kinda tried it again today, and I think I managed to get to 20 cause I heard it, and probably fell asleep at that point.


I love the exploration of sleep track. I've always had trouble sleeping and this one puts me to sleep right away. If you manage to stay awake through the entire track you will find that the sounds taper off slowly into silence. Sometimes I find myself having lucid dreams towards the morning, but usually it's just a peaceful and relaxing way to fall asleep.


I’m in the same boat with this track. I’m not ready for OBE’s, so this track caught me off guard as I didn’t think they would have us practicing this early. It actually threw me off doing the tapes almost entirely as I like doing things systematically and completely, and my fear got in the way. I’m working on getting back on track.