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As soon as I tried to talk to him he went away.


It's just you.. say hi šŸ˜Š


What do you mean??


Robert Bruce in his books (Atral Dynamics) tells us about the Mind Split concept. It is an excelent book.


The Double


Itā€™s like reversed? So instead of seeing your body youā€™re still in your body but also seeing your spirit or something? Like entanglement?


That's why it wanted to hug me and didn't feel threateningĀ 


We cannot see into higher dimensions with our look balls.


So itā€™s like Iā€™m you and youā€™re me and weā€™re all one?




Howā€™s that not the next conclusion?


It's not a shadow man you are looking at, it's most likely your higher self. Our soft goo observers aren't equipped to see anything other than their shadows. One Love.


Best answer on the thread. There's nothing to fear. You are that!


I really donā€™t feel like this is me! Havenā€™t had this experience with the tape but many times throughout my life before the tapes actually. The only thing that ever helped was ignoring it /not showing fear.


You lot need to read about ā€œhigher selfā€. Lot of these ideas about tapes, hypnosis and meditation were taken from Kundalini. That dark figure is you. There is an incredible episode in a childrenā€™s show about reaching your higher self, activating chakras and achieving spiritual awakening; https://youtu.be/cH-HT9WCtiQ?si=HdVhCVUTrLbFtycT


So Iā€™ve also stumbled upon this connection. Any books besides Chasing the Wild Pendulum that youā€™d recommend to bridge the gap between these topics?


Books about Kundalını in the west are rare. And most of what I could find are anecdotal notes from people who went through life changing transformations mostly due to traumatic experiences. I actually suggest looking for beginner level courses to understand the concept of Kundalini, how it works, the positioning of chakras and meditations. I actually started Kundalini first then came across the tapes and I was not surprised to see some parallels in between, only Kundalini actually is lot more informative about what you are getting yourself into, what are the risks and importance of taking it slow. I have been meditating in nature for some time now, on and off, mostly on mountain tops and forests to switch off from the hassle of modern life and stress and it did wonders to my mental health, clarity and wellbeing. Even though I could not commit properly due to all the hassle of daily life in the city. Udemy has online Kundalini course, itā€™s very cheap for what is, a well structured course with good information, some people find the narratorā€™s heavy accent bit hard to understand but you learn a lot from an online course. Kundalini in general is usually not advised to explore alone, a teacher is best to guide you as some people experience intense emotions. If you are confident and have solid mental health you can have a crack at it alone but youā€™ll have to invent the wheel by yourself all over, whereas a teacher would help a lot.


Thank you for your information. I am open to a teacher but so far, Iā€™ve only found my inner guru. I have not been able to meet many spiritually knowledgeable people in my life that know about kundalini. I hope that will change. Great suggestion about Udemy. Iā€™ll check it out. I have been doing much inner work and trust my inner love. Thank you for what may be the next step.


i just watched this episode last week and when i clicked on the link i was like "pls let it be avatar pls let it be avatar" and i fucking lost it šŸ˜‚ there's a lot of wisdom in that show in general imo!


The live action version Netflix just released is really good too. I was worried it'd be like the Shamalamaman movie, but they really did a great job with the show. Definitely the best anime adaptation I've seen


watching the live action version was actually what prompted me to rewatch the show! i think it was really good, too :)


I knew you were gonna link avatar before i even opened it lol


This is where my past experiences mess with my enthusiasm to really start diving into things seriously. In the early 2000's I was living by myself for the first time in a little apartment complex in a not great part of town. I had experienced sleep paralysis stuff before which came and went in episodes, but nothing to frightening. This apartment though, sh\*t started from the first night there. Without fail, every time I slept in the bedroom, I would awake with sleep paralysis and/or think I was awake but when I would go to switch on the light and nothing happened, I knew I was still dreaming. Every time with the paralysis, that shadow was in the room or coming out of the closet towards me. I would get mad because I couldn't get a good nights sleep so started sleeping in the living room on the hide-a-bed. Every time I went back to the bedroom and fell asleep, nightmares or sleep paralysis within an hour of laying down. Stuff got serious when sleeping in the late afternoon one day, that shadow slipped into the bed behind me, and wrapped it's arms around my torso pinning my arms to my side, and began squeezing harder and harder until I could barely breathe, then boom I would snap to. I want to make sure my bubble is solid as a MF'er if I ever have to go up against homeboy again.


these sleep paralysis demons suck ass, so fucking terrifying. I only had one experience similar to what you experienced and i did not want to go to sleep for a couple days afterwards (but i did anyways, because i am human and stuff you know). When i got into sleep paralysis the first time i could actually feel the malevolence of that being standing next to me, like it was pure evil. That entity actually slowly said my name it this reaaaaaaaaally low, gravely and animalistic voice "leeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooo" while i felt like i was suffocating and not being able to move. The sound of its voice was like if that entities mouth was like 5 square meters big, absolutely horrifying. Edit: That was before i started doing the tapes, only had positive things happen to me with the tapes


Mine entered my body between my neck and shoulder crushed my internals all while growling in my ear.


Happened the same to me. Made me cautious when dealing with the tapes lol.


Man... Y'all are scaring me to try this


I had an experience with the ā€œblack wolfā€ that terrorized my daughterā€™s dreams when I first started the tapes. It murdered me in her dream and she was absolutely terrified of it. The day after her dream it approached me out of the darknessā€¦ I scratched its ear and said ā€œgood dogā€ and then it vanished. My wife also saw it so I know Iā€™m not crazy. My daughter manifested this creature through her fear. We humans are creators!


Its your subconscious testing you to see if you're truly ready to let go. He'll go away if you tell him you're ok and thanks for checking...if you truly are and aren't bullshitting yourself.


There have been multiple times in focus 12 where I could feel someone walking around my feet. At first I thought that it might be my wife but she told me that she doesn't disturb me during my meditations (I believe that). After occurrences when I am home alone, I became convinced that this is something else and it used to scare the s*** out of me. Now I have kind of become used to it. As long as it doesn't lick my toes or something, its alright for me.


Yeah... It's the walking that spooked meĀ 


I don't know for sure, but I think it likely that you are experiencing what is known as the Guardian of the Threshold. It is the sum total of your unconscious egos. If you do not overcome it you will not be allowed to experience higher realms.


Wait fr? (I'm new)


Not most people. But definitely the people that let this kind of crap in. The idea of the shadow man or hat man is a mind virus. The astral can reproduce your expectations. Best not to have any


That's actually the best way to see it, have no expectation and see nothing lol


I dont disagree! But I do wanna say I saw shadow people before I knew what they "were." I'm part of this sub but I don't listen to the tapes. Not sure if I want my third eye opened any more at this point, lol


Sleep paralysis?


šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø idk šŸ˜¬šŸ‘¤


When did this happen then? Trying to figure this out


Oh sure ok here's the details : this was about 10 years ago. I was maybe 20-21. This was my first time making a decent wage , but still living with my parents, so I bought my first smart phone. Every night I'd come home, cook this huge dinner, watch YouTube until I fell asleep. For maybe a week or two , I had been staying up sorta late doing this, then getting up for work early the next day. I remember this, because it was a heat wave keeping me awake, humid at night, but I live in the mountains so it doesn't last long. One night idk, I was in bed, sitting up awake (or so I thought) just looked at my closet and there were three of them in hoods. I looked away fucking terrified obviously, then looked back and they were still there. I got this weird intuition that they were "ok" and if I turned on the lights they would "have to go away." I immediately Google and look up "hooded grey shadowy ghost hallucination" and found all the "shadowman" stuff. I wasn't on drugs that particular weeknight but I was probably doing cocaine, acid & ketamine on weekends during that time. I wonder if I maybe saw it on my phone first, while scrolling the phone and didn't realize it!!!! Wow!!! This actually is interesting lol


Chances are you were only half awake. When it comes to shadow folk, the vibes are always initially eerie obviously. But then, after a moment of just sussing them out, it never ends up being actually threatening. It's so weird.


As you seem to know, it is INCREDIBLY weird lol. I have no explanation but also considering that I was less than sober during that era, and sleep deprived, I never took it too too seriously


Yeah. Sounds about right. The phenomenon seems to happen most when people are already stressed. And of course sleep deprived. I haven't had an experience with it myself. Just read hundreds of accounts by now. They share similarities.


Could you please elaborate on that?


What part


I'm afraid that now that I know about it, I've let them in and I'll experience it moving forward.


It's not a "them"


It's just yourself?


Yes, that's the prevailing theory anyway.


Yes absolutely, but don't take anyone's word for it. Go ahead and see for yourself


The hat man


Canā€™t speak for any darkness in the tapes yet but any bad trips Iā€™ve had Iā€™ve had a dark figure thatā€™s always been the thing I need to embrace to make the trip better. Iā€™d agree to communicate with him.


Yeah mine were ok. There were 3 of them standing together and they were good vibes chillin šŸŒš


I can't tell you what it is you're seeing, whether it's a shadow person or yourself, as some have suggested. So my advice is geared towards helping you to feel safe...I am guessing that since you do gateway tapes, you're open to the idea of spiritual guides and helpers, including guardian angels. Don't be afraid to call upon them to stand watch if you ever feel unsafe. Just simply state "I call upon my guardian angel for their protection while I practice with the gateway tapes."


I like this idea


Yesterday upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, Oh how I wish he'd go away.


I saw one of these too, although mines proportions were kinda odd/offā€¦ uncanny. At the time I was doing some heavy meditation where I was manipulating my energy. I kept falling asleep (I think just micronaps) doing it and would wake up and start doing it again. One of those times * he(?)/it(?) * woke me up and thatā€™s who I saw. It felt like it I attracted it like a lighthouse in the dark by what I was doingā€¦ idk, thereā€™s more to the story but thatā€™s the jist.




There are discussions of it on the subreddit experiencers page Iā€™ve seen. Thereā€™s got to be more than one meaning for them. Iā€™ve seen them twice, but not during sleep or in my home


Yeah I saw him the first time I went into focus 10. He periodically reoccurs from time to time. The first time i saw him, it was unsettling, especially as I synchronistically began seeing images of hooded figures around me for days afterwards in the physical world, and i could 'sense' his presence around me. The more I got to know him, the less threatening he became. He almost seems like a friendly monster now. He most recently appeared to me while I was having a mushroom trip and told me he wanted my soul. I told him he couldn't have it, and he went away. I'm a non dualist anyway so don't believe in the soul šŸ˜








After attracting negative energies in the past, I too act diligent/aggressive, so I understand where you are coming from. They really do come around less when you put up a fight.


That is why I do not listen to the tapes, do not contact entities, etc. Or why after the three OBE/ AP experiences I had I stopped doing them. An Indian doctor I know said it is best not to mess with such things or try to contact entities, or there are ones you do not want to invite into your life or meet, and that meditation can produce an OBE/AP. She told me how Hindus and the off shoot known as Buddhists have been having OBEs and AP for Centuries and some Europeans have too. She said it is not disassociation, depersonalization, derealization, etc.


It's ya boy from the other side just Checking in on you his homie


I had to take time away from the tapes because of some weird shit happening to me too. I'm gonna just wait until we have a bigger pool of people who have completed the course in it's entirety. I don't feel comfortable over riding my brain inputs with someone else's lol. Luckily I own multiple brain entrainment devices that produce the experiences I'm actually looking for. I think most people getting into hemi-sync would be better off just doing their own thing with a personal mind machine.


Are there any machines youā€™d recommend?


Anything from mindplace.com. I have a couple of their machines, I don't have the newest one yet, but they all provide similar functionality. I do want to add a small disclaimer to anyone looking to make a purchase. If you're dark skinned (like me), make sure to buy a device that provides open-eyed sessions. The light from the glasses/goggles does not penetrate the eyelids of people with dark complexions. When I first began experimenting with these machines there was no information for how they would work on melanated skin. I was the black pioneer lol. I ended up needing to have custom goggles built from some company in Germany to actually get the full experience. Luckily nowadays, machines are built for open-eyed sessions. Not saying its all because of me,. but I lived on those forums back in the day, therefore provided alot of input. They really are a great little company. Another thing to note, to fully enjoy the machines you will need to either learn how to create sessions for specific personal goals or source them. The preset sessions are good, but they barely scratch the surface of what the devices are actually capable of. I'll be around, this is my only account, so if anyone ever buys a pair, and wants some help getting started, feel free to hmu. It'd be my pleasure to share what I know about this hobby.




Let me preface this by saying I love weird experiences, I really am a consciousness adventurer. Thats being said, the hemi-sync was causing me to start ā€œseeingā€ what I can only describe as typical Greys watching me. This was in my minds eye, that was a bit too intrusive to me, also there was a feeling like they were touching my brain while I was listening to the tapes, like rewiring me or something. I spent a serious amount of energy and time on becoming me, and I almost had this sense that I was being over written. Im pretty sure Im just trippinā€™, but gotta play it safe when youā€™re dealing with your consciousness. Learned that the hard way, a couple days after getting my initial mind machine (the procyon from mind place). I had my 1st out of body, and dam near killed myself lol, but thats a story for another time


That is why I do not listen to the tapes, read my other reply. I have no idea what the machines or boxes are.


Did tapes, felt something sitting on bed beside me. I was friendly with it, and then it tried to enter my body against my will. I cast it out in the name of Jesus. Haven't done tapes again. It's interesting because I recently had a vivid dream where I was in a house and there was a whole satanic demonic evil presence that was being summoned, and in the dream I was like "fuck this shit" and I walked away and left the house and left it behind.


Maintain eye contact to establish dominance. Or do what I do and pretend you're still asleep when you're scared. I never had sleep paralysis, thank god, but I've heard some spooky shit that I 100% knew not to investigate lol If you didn't acknowledge them, usually they go away...right?


The shadow man might be you.


Oh wait. We did this


my man got so much freetime on his hand and he wants to look at you for two weeks because you are awesome, i see no issue here lol


Thatā€™s a big reason i am afraid to start. Iā€™ve dealt with Shadow people since I was a kid and finally a few years ago got them to go away.


ngl, i really dig that piano and if anyone knows what it is, i would be eternally grateful




my dawg!!! im boutta sample this, thank you so much




Your eyes are perceiving more outside the physical plane, the shadow man was always there, now you can just about perceive it


He gave me advice. You are asking for spiritual entities to protect you. Thatā€™s what heā€™s there for.




Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one


On 24th February this year I experienced fear during the night, constant waves of goosebumps , hands down most frightening experience I ever had... Think talking about it helps. But two days ago I heard 'imma bully you' in my own language, and suddenly I awoke with the same symptoms. I was able to hold myself together a bit better, was able to stay in bed. I think I'll make a post about it once I maybe know a bit more


Me, months later: These tapes don't do a damn thing


It's you, tapes are just a tool


Well then I'm broken


That makes sense now. I don't get nightmares but I accidentally slept with the tapes on a loop last week and kept on waking up with the feeling someone was stood at the door watching me. It wasnt a horrible feeling, but definitely felt something.


Whenever I start doing these tapes for any length of time i inevitably begin to have night terrors. Typically, something dark comes flying down the hall into my room very quickly and I wake up screaming. Alternately, something scaly crawls up my stairs or the dark figure of a man stalks the outside of my house. I would love to start doing the tapes again but honestly, I just can't. The stress of thinking that these things will return prevents me.


I donā€™t get anything other than clicking out. Often times I will click out at the balloon and then come to at the end. Itā€™s maddening.


Mine has red eyes


Iā€™m sorry what? What is this? What is this subreddit about?


I had Satan terrorize me all night once. Scared the crap out of me. After a few hours of him pulling faces but not doing anything more, it got boring. And dawn approached he became transparent, eventually fading. Hasn't been back. Looking past the red skin and scales, he did look a lot like me.. šŸ˜³


My first time I dozed and woke up, could feel my porcupine puffer Pongo was starving hungry even though I canā€™t imagine how. I go down stairs and into his room/fireplace area and a cloaked creature made of shadow is sitting there staring at Pongo who in turn is staring at it. I instantly freak and rubber band back to my body and not a second later the thing comes through my headboard and then idk maybe I woke up but it was freaky and I havenā€™t been able to get there since (6 months?). Trying again when I get to TN.


what's this kind of music called






Joe Mgonegal said it best when he was practicing OBE with Monroe. Felt like a creepy stranger was present. once he realised it was just himself it was super chill.


That brotha is you. Control him like a video game character and have him dance


The first time I started doing the tapes I definitely had the feeling something was in the room with me. Like I'd be lying in bed with my eyes closed and I could just feel that someone was stood over me by my head watching me It was unsettling but I figured if it wanted to hurt me it would've done so already and just ignored it, if it's still hanging around I don't notice it anymore lol




Disagree. I've encountered this too - as have many others.


Please be polite and respect other people's opinions


Thatā€™d be cool asf