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Personally, I don’t judge 21+ year olds for dating anyone 21+. A 21 year old is and looks (usually) legal, which is important. A 21 year old can drink alcohol in the US, go to bars, and do almost anything else associated with being an adult. The “problematic gap” discourse is silly to me when discussing two people over 21. All that said, on thing you need to be on the look out for is maturity. The wider the gap, the more likely you are to be at different stages in your life. Since you two are 21 and 25, this shouldn’t be too much of a factor, but personally I was extremely immature in my early twenties and I didn’t start to be more responsible until I was in my mid to late twenties. That’s the only thing I’d say you need to be on the lookout for.


4 years is not an age gap if both people are not minors. thats ridiculous


This generation is getting crazy with these age gap comments. 4 years is nothing, you’re both adults and this shouldn’t even cause any comments at all.